Source code

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 * Copyright 2013 John Sirach <>.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.pidome.misc.utils;

import com.luckycatlabs.sunrisesunset.SunriseSunsetCalculator;
import com.luckycatlabs.sunrisesunset.dto.Location;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.Duration;
import org.joda.time.LocalTime;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import org.pidome.server.connector.shareddata.SharedDataStatusSetter;
import org.pidome.server.system.config.ConfigPropertiesException;
import org.pidome.server.system.config.SystemConfig;

 * Utility class for some date and time functions
 * @author John Sirach
public final class TimeUtils {

    private static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean currentTime = new ObjectPropertyBindingBean();
    private static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean currentTimeAsInt = new ObjectPropertyBindingBean();
    private static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean currentShortDayName = new ObjectPropertyBindingBean();
    private static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean weekDayType = new ObjectPropertyBindingBean();
    private static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean sunrise = new ObjectPropertyBindingBean();
    private static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean sunset = new ObjectPropertyBindingBean();

    private static Long sunriseTime = 0L;
    private static Long sunsetTime = 0L;

    private static boolean sunIsSet = false;

    private static String internalCurDate = "";
    private static final Map<String, String> eventTimeHelper = new HashMap<>();
    private static final DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm");
    private static final DateTimeFormatter fullDateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm");
    private static final DateTimeFormatter shortDateStringRepresentation = DateTimeFormat
            .forPattern("E, d MMM yyyy");
    private static final DateTimeFormatter shortDayOfWeekName = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("E");
    private static final DateTimeFormatter dayOfWeekName = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("EEEE");
    private static final DateTimeFormatter monthOfYearName = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("MMMM");

    private static final GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getDefault());

    private static String currentTimeZone = "Europe/Amsterdam";
    private static String currentLatitude = "51.950000";
    private static String currentLongitude = "4.449999";

    private static Thread timeUpdater;

    private static DateTime dt;

    private static org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(TimeUtils.class);

    private static List<MinuteListener> minuteListeners = new ArrayList();

    private static TimeUtils self;

    public TimeUtils() {
        self = this;

     * Returns the current military time property.
     * @return 
    public static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean getCurrentTimeProperty() {
        return currentTime;

     * Returns the current military time as int property.
     * @return 
    public static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean getCurrentTimeAsIntProperty() {
        return currentTimeAsInt;

     * Returns the current military time property.
     * @return 
    public static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean getCurrentSunriseProperty() {
        return sunrise;

     * Returns the current military time property.
     * @return 
    public static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean getCurrentSunsetProperty() {
        return sunset;

     * Returns the current short day name.
     * @return 
    public static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean getCurrentShortDayNameProperty() {
        return currentShortDayName;

     * Returns weekday type property.
     * @return 
    public static final ObjectPropertyBindingBean getWeekDayTypeProperty() {
        return weekDayType;

    public static TimeUtils getInstance() {
        return self;

     * Date time string
     * @return 
    public static String getCurrentTimeDate() {
        return dt.toString(fullDateTimeFormatter);

     * Returns the current time in military time.
     * @return 
    public static String getCurrentMilitaryTime() {
        return dt.toString(dateTimeFormatter);

     * Returns current time in long.
     * @return 
    public final long getTime() {
        return dt.getMillis();

     * Returns the internally class used date.
     * @return String
    public String getDDMMYYYYdate() {
        return internalCurDate;

     * A short date representation.
     * @return 
    public final String getShortDateTextRepresentation() {
        return dt.toString(shortDateStringRepresentation);

     * Get current day of month.
     * @return 
    public final int getDayOfMonth() {
        return dt.getDayOfMonth();

     * Get current week day name.
     * @return 
    public final String getDayName() {
        return dt.toString(dayOfWeekName);

     * Get the current month number
     * @return 
    public final int getMonth() {
        return dt.getMonthOfYear();

     * Returns the current month's name.
     * @return 
    public final String getMonthName() {
        return dt.toString(monthOfYearName);

     * Returns the four digit year.
     * @return 
    public final int getYear() {
        return dt.getYear();

     * Returns the current day name.
     * @return 
    public String getCurrentDayName() {
        return dt.dayOfWeek().getAsShortText().toUpperCase();

     * Returns time in military format
     * @return String
    public String get24HoursTime() {
        return compose24Hours(dt.getHourOfDay(), dt.getMinuteOfHour());

     * Returns time in military format with seconds
     * @return String
    public String getFull24HoursTime() {
        return compose24Hours(dt.getHourOfDay(), dt.getMinuteOfHour()) + ":"
                + MiscImpl.setZeroLeading(String.valueOf(dt.getSecondOfMinute()), 2);

     * Returns date.
     * @return String YYY-MM-DD
    public String getYYYYMMDDDate() {
        return dt.getYear() + "-" + MiscImpl.setZeroLeading(String.valueOf(dt.getMonthOfYear()), 2) + "-"
                + MiscImpl.setZeroLeading(String.valueOf(dt.getDayOfMonth()), 2);

     * Creates military time from hours and minutes from strings.
     * @param sHour
     * @param sMinute
     * @return String military time
    public static String compose24Hours(String sHour, String sMinute) {
        return MiscImpl.setZeroLeading(sHour, 2) + ":" + MiscImpl.setZeroLeading(sMinute, 2);

     * Creates military time from hours and minutes from ints.
     * @param sHour
     * @param sMinute
     * @return String military time.
    public static String compose24Hours(int sHour, int sMinute) {
        return MiscImpl.setZeroLeading(String.valueOf(sHour), 2) + ":"
                + MiscImpl.setZeroLeading(String.valueOf(sMinute), 2);

     * Creates dd-mm-YYYY
     * @param day
     * @param month
     * @param year
     * @return String as formatted dd-mm-yyyy
    public static String composeDDMMYYYYDate(int day, int month, int year) {
        return MiscImpl.setZeroLeading(String.valueOf(day), 2) + "-"
                + MiscImpl.setZeroLeading(String.valueOf(month), 2) + "-"
                + MiscImpl.setZeroLeading(String.valueOf(year), 2);

     * The amount of seconds in the current minute.
     * @return int
    public int getSecondOfMinute() {
        return dt.getSecondOfMinute();

     * Returns the current day of the week.
     * @return 
    public int getDayOfWeek() {
        return dt.getDayOfWeek();

     * Sets localized time settings.
    private static void setNewLocalizedValues() {
        try {
            currentTimeZone = SystemConfig.getProperty("system", "server.timezone");
            currentLatitude = SystemConfig.getProperty("system", "server.latitude");
            currentLongitude = SystemConfig.getProperty("system", "server.longitude");
        } catch (ConfigPropertiesException ex) {
            LOG.debug("Could not set timezone data");
        }"Setting timezone data: {}, {}, {}", currentTimeZone, currentLatitude, currentLongitude);
        SharedDataStatusSetter.setNewLatLonStatus(currentLatitude, currentLongitude);
        Location location = new Location(currentLatitude, currentLongitude);
        SunriseSunsetCalculator calculator = new SunriseSunsetCalculator(location, currentTimeZone);
        String officialSunrise = calculator.getOfficialSunriseForDate(cal);
        String officialSunset = calculator.getOfficialSunsetForDate(cal);

        sunsetTime = calculator.getOfficialSunsetCalendarForDate(cal).getTime().getTime();
        sunriseTime = calculator.getOfficialSunriseCalendarForDate(cal).getTime().getTime();

        SharedDataStatusSetter.setSunRiseSet(sunriseTime, sunsetTime);

        eventTimeHelper.put("SUNRISE", officialSunrise);
        eventTimeHelper.put("SUNSET", officialSunset);



        switch ((String) currentShortDayName.getValue()) {
        case "SAT":
        case "SUN":

     * Sets the new time zone settings
     * @param timeZone
     * @param latitude
     * @param longitude 
    public static void setNewLocalizedTimeZoneData(String timeZone, String latitude, String longitude) {
        SystemConfig.setProperty("system", "server.timezone", timeZone);
        SystemConfig.setProperty("system", "server.latitude", latitude);
        SystemConfig.setProperty("system", "server.longitude", longitude);
        try {
  "system", null);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            LOG.error("Could not store new timezone settings");
        currentTimeZone = timeZone;
        currentLatitude = latitude;
        currentLongitude = longitude;

     * Returns the current timezone
     * @return 
    public static String getCurrentTimeZone() {
        return currentTimeZone;

     * Returns the current latitude
     * @return 
    public static float getCurrentLatitude() {
        return Float.parseFloat(currentLatitude);

     * Returns the current longitude
     * @return 
    public static float getCurrentLongitude() {
        return Float.parseFloat(currentLongitude);

     * Sunrise
     * @return string sunrise military 
    public static String getSunrise() {
        if (eventTimeHelper.containsKey("SUNRISE")) {
            return eventTimeHelper.get("SUNRISE");
        } else {
            return "00:00";

     * Returns sunset military
     * @return 
    public static String getSunset() {
        if (eventTimeHelper.containsKey("SUNSET")) {
            return eventTimeHelper.get("SUNSET");
        } else {
            return "00:00";

     * Calculates time difference base on minutes or hours.
     * Given a military time string with -10m or +10h it will return the time corresponding to this calculation
     * @param origTime The original time military format
     * @param differ This only takes whole military time notation including + or - signs: +00:10,+10:00,-01:26,-01:00
     * @return 
    public static String calcTimeDiff(String origTime, String differ) {
        LocalTime time = dateTimeFormatter.parseLocalTime(origTime);
        LocalTime differTime = dateTimeFormatter.parseLocalTime(differ.substring(1));
        LocalTime differStartTime = dateTimeFormatter.parseLocalTime("00:00");
        Long duration = new Duration(differStartTime.getMillisOfDay(), differTime.getMillisOfDay())
        if (differ.startsWith("-")) {
            return time.minusMinutes(duration.intValue()).toString(DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm"));
        } else if (differ.startsWith("+")) {
            return time.plusMinutes(duration.intValue()).toString(DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm"));
        return origTime;

     * Sets new date and time
    private static void setDateTime() {
        dt = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault()));
        String realCurDate = composeDDMMYYYYDate(dt.getDayOfMonth(), dt.getMonthOfYear(), dt.getYear());
        if (!internalCurDate.equals(realCurDate)) {
            internalCurDate = realCurDate;

     * Add listeners for changed time.
     * @param l 
    public static synchronized void addMinuteListener(MinuteListener l) {
        if (!minuteListeners.contains(l))

     * Removes listeners for changed time.
     * @param l 
    public static synchronized void removeMinuteListener(MinuteListener l) {
        if (minuteListeners.contains(l))

     * Thread for dispatching every minute.
    public final synchronized void startTimeThread() {
        if (timeUpdater == null) {
            timeUpdater = new Thread() {
                public final void run() {
                    while (true) {
                        Integer nextrun = 60 - getSecondOfMinute();
                        Runnable notifier = () -> {
                            cal.setTime(new Date());
                        try {
                            Thread.sleep(nextrun * 1000L);
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {


    private static void notifyTimeUpdate() {
        currentTimeAsInt.setValue(Integer.parseInt(getCurrentMilitaryTime().replace(":", "")));
        try {
            Iterator listeners = minuteListeners.iterator();
            while (listeners.hasNext()) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            /// in case other code fails
