Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


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package org.pidome.client.userdetection.faces;

import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.awt.image.RasterFormatException;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.fxml.FXML;
import javafx.scene.control.Button;
import javafx.scene.control.CheckBox;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.image.ImageView;
import javafx.scene.image.PixelWriter;
import javafx.scene.image.WritableImage;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import org.opencv.core.Core;
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfByte;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfRect;
import org.opencv.core.Point;
import org.opencv.core.Rect;
import org.opencv.core.Scalar;
import org.opencv.core.Size;
import org.opencv.highgui.Highgui;
import org.opencv.highgui.VideoCapture;
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;
import org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier;
import org.opencv.objdetect.Objdetect;

 * @author John
public class FD_Controller {

    // FXML buttons
    private Button cameraButton;
    // the FXML area for showing the current frame
    private Button saveImageButton;
    private TextField userImageName;
    private ImageView originalFrame;
    private ImageView faceFrame;

    private CheckBox haarClassifier;
    // checkbox for selecting the LBP Classifier
    private CheckBox lbpClassifier;
    private Button convertAndLearn;

    private String faceName = "";

    private boolean saveImage = false;
    private boolean savingImage = false;

    private static final int FACE_WIDTH = 125;
    private static final int FACE_HEIGHT = 150;
    private static final String FACE_DIR = "savedFaces";

    // a timer for acquiring the video stream
    private Timer timer;
    // the OpenCV object that performs the video capture
    private VideoCapture capture;
    // a flag to change the button behavior
    private boolean cameraActive;
    // the face cascade classifier object
    private CascadeClassifier faceCascade;
    // minimum face size
    private int absoluteFaceSize;
    private Image CamStream;

    // holds the coordinates of the highlighted face
    private Rectangle faceRect;

    FaceRecognition faceRecog;

    TextField foundName;

    boolean startDetection = false;

     * Init the controller variables
    public final void init() {
        this.capture = new VideoCapture();
        this.faceCascade = new CascadeClassifier();
        this.absoluteFaceSize = 0;

     * The action triggered by pushing the button on the GUI
    protected void startCamera() {
        if (!this.cameraActive) {
            // disable setting checkboxes

            // start the video capture
            this.capture.set(Highgui.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320);
            this.capture.set(Highgui.CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240);

            // is the video stream available?
            if (this.capture.isOpened()) {
                this.cameraActive = true;

                // grab a frame every 333 ms (+/- 3 frames/sec)
                TimerTask frameGrabber = new TimerTask() {
                    public void run() {
                        if (!savingImage) {
                            CamStream = grabFrame();
                            Platform.runLater(new Runnable() {
                                public void run() {
                                    // show the original frames
                                    // set fixed width
                                    // preserve image ratio

                this.timer = new Timer();
                this.timer.schedule(frameGrabber, 0, 1000);

                // update the button content
                this.cameraButton.setText("Stop Camera");
            } else {
                // log the error
                System.err.println("Failed to open the camera connection...");
        } else {
            // the camera is not active at this point
            this.cameraActive = false;
            // update again the button content
            this.cameraButton.setText("Start Camera");
            // enable setting checkboxes

            // stop the timer
            if (this.timer != null) {
                this.timer = null;
            // release the camera
            // clean the image area

     * Get a frame from the opened video stream (if any)
     * @return the {@link Image} to show
    private Image grabFrame() {
        // init everything
        Image imageToShow = null;
        Mat frame = new Mat();

        // check if the capture is open
        if (this.capture.isOpened()) {
            try {
                // read the current frame

                // if the frame is not empty, process it
                if (!frame.empty()) {
                    // face detection
                    // convert the Mat object (OpenCV) to Image (JavaFX)
                    imageToShow = mat2Image(frame);
                    if (startDetection) {
                        matchClip(ImgTools.fromFXImage(imageToShow, null));
                    if (saveImage) {
                        savingImage = true;
                        saveImage = false;
                    faceRect = null;

            } catch (Exception e) {
                // log the (full) error

        return imageToShow;

     * Perform face detection and show a rectangle around the detected face.
     * @param frame the current frame
    private void detectAndDisplay(Mat frame) {
        // init
        MatOfRect faces = new MatOfRect();
        Mat grayFrame = new Mat();

        // convert the frame in gray scale
        Imgproc.cvtColor(frame, grayFrame, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
        // equalize the frame histogram to improve the result
        Imgproc.equalizeHist(grayFrame, grayFrame);

        // compute minimum face size (20% of the frame height)
        if (this.absoluteFaceSize == 0) {
            int height = grayFrame.rows();
            if (Math.round(height * 0.2f) > 0) {
                this.absoluteFaceSize = Math.round(height * 0.2f);

        // detect faces
        this.faceCascade.detectMultiScale(grayFrame, faces, 1.1, 2,
                Objdetect.CASCADE_SCALE_IMAGE | Objdetect.CASCADE_DO_ROUGH_SEARCH
                        | Objdetect.CASCADE_FIND_BIGGEST_OBJECT,
                new Size(this.absoluteFaceSize, this.absoluteFaceSize), new Size());

        // each rectangle in faces is a face
        Rect[] facesArray = faces.toArray();

        if (facesArray.length == 1) {
            Point loc = facesArray[0].tl();
            Size size = facesArray[0].size();
            faceRect = new Rectangle();
            synchronized (faceRect) {
                faceRect.setRect(loc.x, loc.y, size.width, size.height);
            Core.rectangle(frame, loc, facesArray[0].br(), new Scalar(0, 255, 0, 255), 2);

     * When the Haar checkbox is selected, deselect the other one and load the
     * proper XML classifier
    protected void haarSelected() {
        // check whether the lpb checkbox is selected and deselect it
        if (this.lbpClassifier.isSelected()) {
        this.faceCascade = new CascadeClassifier();

     * When the LBP checkbox is selected, deselect the other one and load the
     * proper XML classifier
    protected void lbpSelected() {
        // check whether the haar checkbox is selected and deselect it
        if (this.haarClassifier.isSelected()) {



    protected void startSavingImage() {
        this.saveImage = true;

     * Common operation for both checkbox selections
     * @param classifierPath the absolute path where the XML file representing a
     * training set for a classifier is present
    private void checkboxSelection(String... classifierPath) {
        // load the classifier(s)
        for (String xmlClassifier : classifierPath) {

        // now the capture can start

     * Convert a Mat object (OpenCV) in the corresponding Image for JavaFX
     * @param frame the {@link Mat} representing the current frame
     * @return the {@link Image} to show
    private Image mat2Image(Mat frame) {
        // create a temporary buffer
        MatOfByte buffer = new MatOfByte();
        // encode the frame in the buffer, according to the PNG format
        Highgui.imencode(".png", frame, buffer);
        // build and return an Image created from the image encoded in the
        // buffer
        return new Image(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toArray()));

    private void clipSaveFace(Image img) /* clip the image using the current face rectangle, and save it into fnm
                                         The use of faceRect is in a synchronized block since it may be being
                                         updated or used for drawing at the same time in other threads.
                                         */ {
        BufferedImage clipIm = null;
        synchronized (faceRect) {
            if (faceRect.width == 0) {
                System.out.println("No face selected");
            BufferedImage im = ImgTools.fromFXImage(img, null);

            try {
                clipIm = im.getSubimage(faceRect.x, faceRect.y, faceRect.width, faceRect.height);
            } catch (RasterFormatException e) {
                System.out.println("Could not clip the image");
        if (clipIm != null) {
        } else {
            System.out.println("Nothing to save");
        savingImage = false;
    } // end of clipSaveFace()

    private void saveClip(BufferedImage clipIm) /* resizes to at least a standard size, converts to grayscale, 
                                                clips to an exact size, then saves in a standard location */ {
        try {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            System.out.println("Saving clip for " + userImageName.getText() + " ...");
            BufferedImage grayIm = resizeImage(clipIm);
            BufferedImage faceIm = clipToFace(grayIm);
            File theDir = new File(FACE_DIR + "/" + userImageName.getText());
                    "Going to output to: " + theDir.getAbsolutePath() + ". Dir exists: " + theDir.exists());
            if (!theDir.exists()) {
                System.out.println("Creating dir");
                System.out.println("Dir exists: " + theDir.exists());
                    FACE_DIR + "/" + userImageName.getText() + "/" + (theDir.listFiles().length + 1) + ".png");
            System.out.println("  Save time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms");
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            System.out.println("Something went wrong: " + ex.getMessage());
    } // end of saveClip()

    private void saveImage(BufferedImage im, String fnm) // save image in fnm
        try {
            ImageIO.write(im, "png", new File(fnm));
            System.out.println("Saved image to " + fnm);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.out.println("Could not save image to " + fnm);
    } // end of saveImage()

    private BufferedImage resizeImage(BufferedImage im) // resize to at least a standard size, then convert to grayscale 
        // resize the image so *at least* FACE_WIDTH*FACE_HEIGHT size
        int imWidth = im.getWidth();
        int imHeight = im.getHeight();
        System.out.println("Original (w,h): (" + imWidth + ", " + imHeight + ")");

        double widthScale = FACE_WIDTH / ((double) imWidth);
        double heightScale = FACE_HEIGHT / ((double) imHeight);
        double scale = (widthScale > heightScale) ? widthScale : heightScale;

        int nWidth = (int) Math.round(imWidth * scale);
        int nHeight = (int) Math.round(imHeight * scale);

        // convert to grayscale while resizing
        BufferedImage grayIm = new BufferedImage(nWidth, nHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
        Graphics2D g2 = grayIm.createGraphics();
        g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BILINEAR);
        g2.drawImage(im, 0, 0, nWidth, nHeight, 0, 0, imWidth, imHeight, null);
        System.out.println("Scaled gray (w,h): (" + nWidth + ", " + nHeight + ")");
        return grayIm;
    } // end of resizeImage()

    private BufferedImage clipToFace(BufferedImage im) // clip image to FACE_WIDTH*FACE_HEIGHT size
    // I assume the input image is face size or bigger
        int xOffset = (im.getWidth() - FACE_WIDTH) / 2;
        int yOffset = (im.getHeight() - FACE_HEIGHT) / 2;
        BufferedImage faceIm = null;
        try {
            faceIm = im.getSubimage(xOffset, yOffset, FACE_WIDTH, FACE_HEIGHT);
            System.out.println("Clipped image to face dimensions: (" + FACE_WIDTH + ", " + FACE_HEIGHT + ")");
        } catch (RasterFormatException e) {
            System.out.println("Could not clip the image");
            faceIm = im;
        return faceIm;
    } // end of clipToFace()

    protected void convertAndLearnImages() throws FaceRecognitionException {;
        faceRecog = new FaceRecognition(3);
        startDetection = true;

    private BufferedImage clipThisStuff(BufferedImage img) {
        BufferedImage clipIm = null;
        synchronized (faceRect) {
            if (faceRect.width == 0) {
                System.out.println("No face selected");
                return null;
            try {
                clipIm = img.getSubimage(faceRect.x, faceRect.y, faceRect.width, faceRect.height);
            } catch (RasterFormatException e) {
                System.out.println("Could not clip the image");
        return clipIm;

    private Image toJavaFXImage(BufferedImage bf) {
        WritableImage wr = null;
        if (bf != null) {
            wr = new WritableImage(bf.getWidth(), bf.getHeight());
            PixelWriter pw = wr.getPixelWriter();
            for (int x = 0; x < bf.getWidth(); x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < bf.getHeight(); y++) {
                    pw.setArgb(x, y, bf.getRGB(x, y));
        return wr;

    ////// Recognizing
    private void matchClip(BufferedImage clipIm) throws FaceRecognitionException // resize, convert to grayscale, clip to FACE_WIDTH*FACE_HEIGHT, recognize
        if (faceRect != null) {
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

            System.out.println("Matching clip...");
            BufferedImage faceIm = clipToFace(resizeImage(clipThisStuff(clipIm)));
            MatchResult result = faceRecog.match(faceIm);
            if (result == null) {
                System.out.println("No match found");
                Platform.runLater(() -> {
            } else if (result.getMatchDistance() > 0) {
                faceName = result.getName();
                String distStr = String.format("%.4f", result.getMatchDistance());
                System.out.println("  Matches " + result.getMatchFileName() + "; distance = " + distStr);
                System.out.println("  Matched name: " + faceName);
                Platform.runLater(() -> {
                    foundName.setText(faceName + " (" + distStr + ")");
            } else {
                Platform.runLater(() -> {
                    foundName.setText("Come closer!");
            System.out.println("Match time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms");
        } else {
            Platform.runLater(() -> {
                foundName.setText("No Match");
    } // end of matchClip()
