Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2006 Harri Kaimio This file is part of Photovault. Photovault is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Photovault is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Photovault; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ package org.photovault.imginfo; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import*; import java.util.*; import java.sql.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.photovault.command.CommandException; import org.photovault.command.CommandHandler; import org.photovault.command.PhotovaultCommandHandler; import org.photovault.common.PhotovaultException; import org.photovault.dcraw.RawConversionSettings; import org.photovault.persistence.DAOFactory; import org.photovault.persistence.HibernateDAOFactory; import org.photovault.persistence.HibernateUtil; import org.photovault.replication.HibernateDtoResolverFactory; import org.photovault.replication.VersionedObjectEditor; import org.photovault.test.PhotovaultTestCase; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static org.testng.AssertJUnit.*; public class Test_PhotoInfo extends PhotovaultTestCase { static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Test_PhotoInfo.class.getName()); File testImgDir = new File(System.getProperty("basedir"), "testfiles"); String nonExistingDir = "/tmp/_dirThatDoNotExist"; Session session = null; Transaction tx = null; DAOFactory daoFactory; PhotoInfoDAO photoDAO; /** * Default constructor to set up OJB environment */ public Test_PhotoInfo() { super(); } /** Sets ut the test environment */ @BeforeMethod public void setUp() { session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); HibernateDAOFactory hdf = (HibernateDAOFactory) DAOFactory.instance(HibernateDAOFactory.class); hdf.setSession(session); daoFactory = hdf; photoDAO = daoFactory.getPhotoInfoDAO(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); } /** Tears down the testing environment */ @AfterMethod public void tearDown() { tx.commit(); session.close(); } // File testRefImageDir = new File( "c:\\java\\photovault\\tests\\images\\photovault\\imginfo" ); File testRefImageDir = new File("tests/images/photovault/imginfo"); /** Test case that verifies that an existing photo infor record can be loaded successfully */ @Test public void testRetrievalSuccess() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { UUID photoId = UUID.fromString("f5d73748-0fb4-40ab-bd05-d3740fb30783"); HibernateDtoResolverFactory rf = new HibernateDtoResolverFactory(session); VersionedObjectEditor<PhotoInfo> pe = new VersionedObjectEditor(PhotoInfo.class, photoId, rf); photoDAO.makePersistent(pe.getTarget()); session.flush(); session.clear(); PhotoInfo photo = null; photo = photoDAO.findByUUID(photoId); assertNotNull(photo); PhotoInfo photo2 = photoDAO.findByUUID(UUID.randomUUID()); assertNull(photo2); } /** Test updating object to DB */ @Test public void testUpdate() { UUID photoId = UUID.fromString("f5d73748-0fb4-40ab-bd05-d3740fb30783"); PhotoInfo photo = null; photo = photoDAO.findByUUID(photoId); assertTrue(photo != null); // Update the photo String shootingPlace = photo.getShootingPlace(); String newShootingPlace = "Testipaikka"; photo.setShootingPlace(newShootingPlace); photoDAO.flush(); assertMatchesDb(photo); } /** Test updating object to DB when shooting date has not been specified */ @Test public void testNullShootDateUpdate() { UUID photoId = UUID.fromString("f5d73748-0fb4-40ab-bd05-d3740fb30783"); PhotoInfo photo = null; photo = photoDAO.findByUUID(photoId); assertTrue(photo != null); java.util.Date origTime = photo.getShootTime(); // Update the photo photo.setShootTime(null); tx.commit(); session.clear(); // retrieve the updated photo from DB and chech that the // modification has been done tx = session.beginTransaction(); photo = photoDAO.findByUUID(photoId); assertNull("Shooting time was supposedly set to null", photo.getShootTime()); // restore the shooting place photo.setShootTime(origTime); } /** Test normal creation of a persistent PhotoInfo object */ @Test public void testPhotoCreation() { PhotoInfo photo = PhotoInfo.create(); try {; } catch (Throwable t) { fail(t.getMessage()); } assertNotNull(photo); photo.setPhotographer("TESTIKUVAAJA"); photo.setShootingPlace("TESTPLACE"); photo.setShootTime(new java.util.Date()); photo.setFStop(5.6); photo.setShutterSpeed(0.04); photo.setFocalLength(50); photo.setCamera("Canon FTb"); photo.setFilm("Tri-X"); photo.setFilmSpeed(400); photo.setLens("Canon FD 50mm/F1.4"); photo.setCropBounds(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7)); photo.setDescription( "This is a long test description that tries to verify that the description mechanism really works"); // photo.updateDB(); tx.commit(); session.clear(); tx = session.beginTransaction(); PhotoInfo photo2 = null; photo2 = photoDAO.findByUUID(photo.getUuid()); assertEquals(photo.getPhotographer(), photo2.getPhotographer()); assertEquals(photo.getShootingPlace(), photo2.getShootingPlace()); // assertEquals( photo.getShootTime(), photo2.getShootTime() ); assertEquals(photo.getDescription(), photo2.getDescription()); assertEquals(photo.getCamera(), photo2.getCamera()); assertEquals(photo.getLens(), photo2.getLens()); assertEquals(photo.getFilm(), photo2.getFilm()); assertTrue(photo.getShutterSpeed() == photo2.getShutterSpeed()); assertTrue(photo.getFilmSpeed() == photo2.getFilmSpeed()); assertTrue(photo.getFocalLength() == photo2.getFocalLength()); assertTrue(photo.getFStop() == photo2.getFStop()); assertTrue(photo.getUuid().equals(photo2.getUuid())); assertTrue(photo.getCropBounds().equals(photo2.getCropBounds())); // assertTrue( photo.equals( photo2 )); } /** Test normal creation of a persistent PhotoInfo object */ @Test public void testChangeCommand() { PhotovaultCommandHandler cmdHandler = new PhotovaultCommandHandler(null); ChangePhotoInfoCommand photoCreateCmd = new ChangePhotoInfoCommand(); try { cmdHandler.executeCommand(photoCreateCmd); } catch (CommandException ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } Set<PhotoInfo> photos = photoCreateCmd.getChangedPhotos(); assertEquals(1, photos.size()); PhotoInfo photo = photos.toArray(new PhotoInfo[1])[0]; photo = (PhotoInfo) session.merge(photo); assertNotNull(photo); ChangePhotoInfoCommand photoChangeCmd = new ChangePhotoInfoCommand(photo.getUuid()); // photoChangeCmd.setUUID( UUID.randomUUID() ); photoChangeCmd.setPhotographer("TESTIKUVAAJA"); photoChangeCmd.setShootingPlace("TESTPLACE"); // TODO: debug this!!! // photoChangeCmd.setShootTime( new java.util.Date() ); photoChangeCmd.setFStop(5.6); photoChangeCmd.setShutterSpeed(0.04); photoChangeCmd.setFocalLength(50); photoChangeCmd.setCamera("Canon FTb"); photoChangeCmd.setFilm("Tri-X"); photoChangeCmd.setFilmSpeed(400); photoChangeCmd.setLens("Canon FD 50mm/F1.4"); photoChangeCmd.setCropBounds(new Rectangle2D.Double(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.7)); photoChangeCmd.setDescription( "This is a long test description that tries to verify that the description mechanism really works"); try { cmdHandler.executeCommand(photoChangeCmd); } catch (CommandException ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } photos = photoChangeCmd.getChangedPhotos(); assertEquals(1, photos.size()); photo = photos.toArray(new PhotoInfo[1])[0]; photo = (PhotoInfo) session.merge(photo); session.clear(); PhotoInfo photo2 = null; photo2 = photoDAO.findByUUID(photo.getUuid()); assertEquals(photo.getPhotographer(), photo2.getPhotographer()); assertEquals(photo.getShootingPlace(), photo2.getShootingPlace()); // assertEquals( photo.getShootTime(), photo2.getShootTime() ); assertEquals(photo.getDescription(), photo2.getDescription()); assertEquals(photo.getCamera(), photo2.getCamera()); assertEquals(photo.getLens(), photo2.getLens()); assertEquals(photo.getFilm(), photo2.getFilm()); assertTrue(photo.getShutterSpeed() == photo2.getShutterSpeed()); assertTrue(photo.getFilmSpeed() == photo2.getFilmSpeed()); assertTrue(photo.getFocalLength() == photo2.getFocalLength()); assertTrue(photo.getFStop() == photo2.getFStop()); // assertTrue( photo.getUid() == photo2.getUid() ); assertTrue(photo.getUuid().equals(photo2.getUuid())); assertTrue(photo.getCropBounds().equals(photo2.getCropBounds())); // assertTrue( photo.equals( photo2 )); } @Test public void testPhotoDeletion() { PhotoInfo photo = new PhotoInfo();; session.flush(); // Check that the photo can be retrieved from DB Connection conn = session.connection(); String sql = "SELECT * FROM photos WHERE photo_uuid = '" + photo.getUuid() + "'"; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); if (! { fail("Matching DB record not found"); } } catch (SQLException e) { fail("DB error:; " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } session.delete(photo); session.flush(); // Check that the photo is deleted from the database try { stmt = conn.createStatement(); rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql); if ( { fail("Found matching DB record after delete"); } } catch (SQLException e) { fail("DB error:; " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } if (stmt != null) { try { stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } @Test public void testCreationFromImage() { String fname = "test1.jpg"; File f = new File(testImgDir, fname); PhotoInfo photo = createPhoto(f); assertNotNull(photo); OriginalImageDescriptor orig = photo.getOriginal(); assertNotNull(orig); assertNull(orig.getFile().findAvailableCopy()); ImageFile ifile = orig.getFile();; photo.setOriginal(null); session.delete(photo); } /** Test that an exception is generated when trying to add nonexisting file to DB */ @Test public void testfailedCreation() { String fname = "test1.jpg"; File f = new File(nonExistingDir, fname); try { PhotoInfo photo = createPhoto(f); // Execution should never proceed this far since addToDB // should produce exception fail("Image file should have been nonexistent"); } catch (Throwable e) { // This is what we except } } /** Test that creating a new thumbnail using createThumbnail works */ @Test public void testThumbnailCreate() { String fname = "test1.jpg"; File f = new File(testImgDir, fname); PhotoInfo photo = createPhoto(f); assertNotNull(photo); int copyCount = photo.getOriginal().getCopies().size(); photo.createThumbnail(); assertEquals("InstanceNum should be 1 greater after adding thumbnail", copyCount + 1, photo.getOriginal().getCopies().size()); // Try to find the new thumbnail boolean foundThumbnail = false; CopyImageDescriptor thumbnail = (CopyImageDescriptor) photo.getPreferredImage( EnumSet.allOf(ImageOperations.class), EnumSet.allOf(ImageOperations.class), 0, 0, 100, 100); assertNotNull("Could not find the created thumbnail", thumbnail); assertEquals("Thumbnail width should be 100", 100, thumbnail.getWidth()); File thumbnailFile = thumbnail.getFile().findAvailableCopy(); assertTrue("Image file does not exist", thumbnailFile.exists()); // Test the getThumbnail method Thumbnail thumb = photo.getThumbnail(); assertNotNull(thumb); assertFalse("Thumbnail exists, should not return default thumbnail", thumb == Thumbnail.getDefaultThumbnail()); session.flush(); assertMatchesDb(photo); photo.delete(); assertFalse("Image file does exist after delete", thumbnailFile.exists()); } /** Tests thumbnail creation when there are no photo instances. */ @Test public void testThumbnailCreateNoInstances() throws Exception { PhotoInfo photo = PhotoInfo.create(); try { photo.createThumbnail(); /* TODO: Rewrite so that there is an original without any available locations assertEquals( "Should not create a thumbnail instance when there are no original", 0, photo.getNumInstances() ); */ } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } finally { photo.delete(); } } /** Tests thumbnail creation when the database is corrupted & files that photo instances refer to do not exist. */ @Test public void testThumbnailCreateCorruptInstances() throws Exception { String fname = "test1.jpg"; File f = new File(testImgDir, fname); PhotoInfo photo = createPhoto(f); // Corrupt the database by deleting the actual image files // that instances refer to for (FileLocation ifile : photo.getOriginal().getFile().getLocations()) { File file = ifile.getFile(); file.delete(); } // Create the thumbnail photo.createThumbnail(); try { Thumbnail thumb = photo.getThumbnail(); assertNotNull(thumb); assertTrue("Database is corrupt, should return error thumbnail", thumb == Thumbnail.getErrorThumbnail()); assertEquals("Database is corrupt, getThumbnail should not create a new instance", 1, photo.getOriginal().getCopies().size()); } finally { // Clean up in any case photo.delete(); } } /** Test that creating a new thumbnail using getThumbnail works */ @Test public void testGetThumbnail() { String fname = "test1.jpg"; File f = new File(testImgDir, fname); PhotoInfo photo = createPhoto(f); assertNotNull(photo); Thumbnail thumb = photo.getThumbnail(); assertNotNull(thumb); assertFalse("Thumbnail exists, should not return default thumbnail", thumb == Thumbnail.getDefaultThumbnail()); // Try to find the new thumbnailTest_PhotoInfoChange boolean foundThumbnail = false; OriginalImageDescriptor orig = photo.getOriginal(); CopyImageDescriptor thumbnail = null; for (CopyImageDescriptor copy : orig.getCopies()) { if (copy.getWidth() <= 100 && copy.getHeight() <= 100 && copy.getFile().findAvailableCopy() != null) { foundThumbnail = true; thumbnail = copy; break; } } assertTrue("Could not find the created thumbnail", foundThumbnail); assertEquals("Thumbnail width should be 100", 100, thumbnail.getWidth()); File thumbnailFile = thumbnail.getFile().findAvailableCopy(); assertTrue("Image file does not exist", thumbnailFile.exists()); photo.delete(); assertFalse("Image file does exist after delete", thumbnailFile.exists()); } /** Test getThumbnail in situation where there is no image instances for the PhotoInfo */ @Test public void testThumbWithNoInstances() { PhotoInfo photo = PhotoInfo.create(); Thumbnail thumb = photo.getThumbnail(); // TODO: Should getThumbnail really return defaultThumbnail in this situation? assertTrue("getThumbnail should return error thumbnail", thumb == Thumbnail.getErrorThumbnail()); // assertEquals( "No new instances should have been created", 0, photo.getNumInstances() ); // Create a new instance and check that a valid thumbnail is returned after this File testFile = new File(testImgDir, "test1.jpg"); if (!testFile.exists()) { fail("could not find test file " + testFile); } File instanceFile = VolumeBase.getDefaultVolume().getFilingFname(testFile); try { FileUtils.copyFile(testFile, instanceFile); } catch (IOException e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } /* photo.addInstance( VolumeBase.getDefaultVolume(), instanceFile, ImageInstance.INSTANCE_TYPE_ORIGINAL ); */ Thumbnail thumb2 = photo.getThumbnail(); assertFalse("After instance addition, getThumbnail should not return default thumbnail", thumb == thumb2); assertEquals("There should be 1 copy", 1, photo.getOriginal().getCopies().size()); photo.delete(); } /** Test that thumbnail is rotated if prefRotation is nonzero */ @Test public void testThumbnailRotation() { String fname = "test1.jpg"; File f = new File(testImgDir, fname); PhotoInfo photo = createPhoto(f); photo.setPrefRotation(-45); Thumbnail thumb = photo.getThumbnail(); // Compare thumbnail to the one saved File testFile = new File(testRefImageDir, "thumbnailRotation1.png"); assertTrue("Thumbnail with 45 deg rotation does not match", org.photovault.test.ImgTestUtils.compareImgToFile(thumb.getImage(), testFile)); photo.setPrefRotation(-90); thumb = photo.getThumbnail(); testFile = new File(testRefImageDir, "thumbnailRotation2.png"); assertTrue("Thumbnail with 90 deg rotation does not match", org.photovault.test.ImgTestUtils.compareImgToFile(thumb.getImage(), testFile)); photo.delete(); } /** PhotoInfoListener used for test cases */ class TestListener implements PhotoInfoChangeListener { public boolean isNotified = false; public void photoInfoChanged(PhotoInfoChangeEvent e) { isNotified = true; } } /** Tests that the listener is working correctly */ @Test public void testListener() { PhotoInfo photo = PhotoInfo.create(); TestListener l1 = new TestListener(); TestListener l2 = new TestListener(); photo.addChangeListener(l1); photo.addChangeListener(l2); // Test that the listeners are notified photo.setPhotographer("TEST"); assertTrue("l1 was not notified", l1.isNotified); assertTrue("l2 was not notified", l2.isNotified); // Test that the listeners are removed correctly photo.removeChangeListener(l2); l1.isNotified = false; l2.isNotified = false; photo.setPhotographer("TEST2"); assertTrue("l1 was not notified", l1.isNotified); assertFalse("l2 was not supposed to be notified", l2.isNotified); // Test all object fields, one by one l1.isNotified = false; photo.setShootingPlace("TEST"); assertTrue("no notification when changing shootingPlace", l1.isNotified); l1.isNotified = false; photo.setFStop(12); assertTrue("no notification when changing f-stop", l1.isNotified); l1.isNotified = false; photo.setFocalLength(10); assertTrue("no notification when changing focalLength", l1.isNotified); l1.isNotified = false; photo.setShootTime(new java.util.Date()); assertTrue("no notification when changing shooting time", l1.isNotified); l1.isNotified = false; photo.setShutterSpeed(1.0); assertTrue("no notification when changing shutter speed", l1.isNotified); l1.isNotified = false; photo.setCamera("Leica"); assertTrue("no notification when changing camera", l1.isNotified); l1.isNotified = false; photo.setLens("TESTLENS"); assertTrue("no notification when changing lens", l1.isNotified); l1.isNotified = false; photo.setFilm("Pan-X"); assertTrue("no notification when changing film", l1.isNotified); l1.isNotified = false; photo.setFilmSpeed(160); assertTrue("no notification when changing film speed", l1.isNotified); l1.isNotified = false; photo.setPrefRotation(107); assertTrue("no notification when changing preferred rotation", l1.isNotified); l1.isNotified = false; photo.setDescription("Test with lots of characters"); assertTrue("no notification when changing description", l1.isNotified); photo.delete(); } /** Test exporting an image to a file name that cannot be created */ /* public void testExportWriteNotAllowed() { fail ("Test case not implemented" ); } */ @Test public void testRawSettings() { PhotoInfo p = PhotoInfo.create(); p = photoDAO.makePersistent(p); double chanMul[] = { 1., .7, .5, .7 }; double daylightMul[] = { .3, .5, .7 }; RawConversionSettings rs = RawConversionSettings.create(chanMul, daylightMul, 16000, 0, -.5, 0., RawConversionSettings.WB_MANUAL, false); p.setRawSettings(rs); RawConversionSettings rs2 = p.getRawSettings(); assertTrue(rs.equals(rs2)); assertEquals(16000, rs2.getWhite()); session.flush(); assertMatchesDb(p); // List l = session.createQuery( "from RawConversionSettings where rawSettingId = :id" ). // setInteger( "id", p.getRawSettings().getRawSettingId() ).list(); // assertEquals( 1, l.size() ); } @Test public void testPreferredImageSelection() throws CommandException { File f = new File(testImgDir, "test1.jpg"); PhotoInfo photo = createPhoto(f); VolumeDAO volDAO = daoFactory.getVolumeDAO(); File instanceFile = volDAO.getDefaultVolume().getFilingFname(f); try { FileUtils.copyFile(f, instanceFile); } catch (IOException e) { fail(e.getMessage()); } ModifyImageFileCommand fileCmd = new ModifyImageFileCommand(photo.getOriginal().getFile()); Volume vol = volDAO.getDefaultVolume(); fileCmd.addLocation(vol.getFileLocation(instanceFile)); cmdHandler.executeCommand(fileCmd); // Create a copy CreateCopyImageCommand copyCmd = new CreateCopyImageCommand(photo, vol, 200, 200); CreateCopyImageCommand copy2Cmd = new CreateCopyImageCommand(photo, vol, 100, 100); CreateCopyImageCommand copy3Cmd = new CreateCopyImageCommand(photo, vol, 300, 300); copy3Cmd.setOperationsToApply(EnumSet.of(ImageOperations.COLOR_MAP)); cmdHandler.executeCommand(copyCmd); cmdHandler.executeCommand(copy2Cmd); cmdHandler.executeCommand(copy3Cmd); ImageDescriptorBase img = photo.getPreferredImage(EnumSet.allOf(ImageOperations.class), EnumSet.allOf(ImageOperations.class), 0, 0, 100, 100); assertEquals(100, img.getWidth()); img = photo.getPreferredImage(EnumSet.allOf(ImageOperations.class), EnumSet.allOf(ImageOperations.class), 150, 150, 300, 300); assertEquals(200, img.getWidth()); photo.setPrefRotation(90); img = photo.getPreferredImage(EnumSet.allOf(ImageOperations.class), EnumSet.allOf(ImageOperations.class), 150, 150, 300, 300); assertNull(img); img = photo.getPreferredImage(EnumSet.noneOf(ImageOperations.class), EnumSet.allOf(ImageOperations.class), 201, 201, 300, 300); assertEquals(300, img.getWidth()); } @Test public void testTagging() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { UUID photoId = UUID.randomUUID(); HibernateDtoResolverFactory rf = new HibernateDtoResolverFactory(session); VersionedObjectEditor<PhotoInfo> pe = new VersionedObjectEditor(PhotoInfo.class, photoId, rf); photoDAO.makePersistent(pe.getTarget()); session.flush(); session.clear(); PhotoInfo photo = null; photo = photoDAO.findByUUID(photoId); assertNotNull(photo); pe = new VersionedObjectEditor<PhotoInfo>(photo, rf); pe.addToSet("tags", new Tag("test1")); pe.addToSet("tags", new Tag("animals", "giraffe")); pe.apply(); session.flush(); session.clear(); photo = photoDAO.findByUUID(photoId); assertNotNull(photo); assertEquals(2, photo.getTags().size()); pe = new VersionedObjectEditor<PhotoInfo>(photo, rf); pe.removeFromSet("tags", new Tag("test1")); pe.apply(); assertEquals(1, photo.getTags().size()); } CommandHandler cmdHandler = new PhotovaultCommandHandler(null); PhotoInfo createPhoto(File f) { ModifyImageFileCommand cmd = new ModifyImageFileCommand(f); try { cmdHandler.executeCommand(cmd); } catch (CommandException ex) { fail(ex.getMessage()); } return (PhotoInfo) session.merge(cmd.getCreatedPhotos().iterator().next()); } /** Utility to check that the object in memory matches the DB */ void assertMatchesDb(PhotoInfo p) { assertMatchesDb(p, session); } }