Java tutorial
/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: */ package org.phenotips.remote.common.internal.api; import org.phenotips.remote.api.tojson.PatientToJSONConverter; import; import; import; import; import; import org.phenotips.ontology.internal.solr.SolrOntologyTerm; import; import org.phenotips.remote.api.ApiConfiguration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; public class DefaultPatientToJSONConverter implements PatientToJSONConverter { private final static String PATIENTMATCHING_JSON_FEATUREMATCHES = "featureMatches"; private final static String PATIENTMATCHING_JSON_CATEGORY = "category"; private final static String PATIENTMATCHING_JSON_CATEGORY_ID = "id"; private final static String PATIENTMATCHING_JSON_MATCH = "match"; //private final static String ERROR_MESSAGE_UNSUPPORTED_JSON_FORMAT = "Unsupported JSON representation of matched features"; private Logger logger; private final String apiVersion; public DefaultPatientToJSONConverter(String apiVersion, Logger logger) { this.apiVersion = apiVersion; this.logger = logger; } public JSONObject convert(Patient patient, boolean removePrivateData) { return this.convert(patient, removePrivateData, 0); } public JSONObject convert(Patient patient, boolean removePrivateData, int includedTopGenes) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put(ApiConfiguration.JSON_GENDER, DefaultPatientToJSONConverter.gender(patient)); json.putAll(DefaultPatientToJSONConverter.globalQualifiers(patient)); } catch (Exception ex) { // Do nothing. These are optional. } JSONArray disorders = DefaultPatientToJSONConverter.disorders(patient); if (!disorders.isEmpty()) { json.put(ApiConfiguration.JSON_DISORDERS, disorders); } if (removePrivateData) { json.put(ApiConfiguration.JSON_FEATURES, DefaultPatientToJSONConverter.nonPersonalFeatures(patient)); } else { json.put(ApiConfiguration.JSON_FEATURES, DefaultPatientToJSONConverter.features(patient)); } JSONArray genes = DefaultPatientToJSONConverter.genes(patient, includedTopGenes, logger); if (!genes.isEmpty()) { json.put(ApiConfiguration.JSON_GENES, genes); } return json; } private static JSONArray features(Patient patient) { JSONArray features = new JSONArray(); for (Feature patientFeature : patient.getFeatures()) { Map<String, ? extends FeatureMetadatum> metadata = patientFeature.getMetadata(); FeatureMetadatum ageOfOnset = metadata.get(ApiConfiguration.FEATURE_AGE_OF_ONSET); JSONObject featureJson = new JSONObject(); featureJson.put(ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_ID, patientFeature.getId()); featureJson.put(ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_OBSERVED, observedStatusToJSONString(patientFeature)); if (ageOfOnset != null) { featureJson.put(ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_AGE_OF_ONSET, ageOfOnset.getId()); } features.add(featureJson); } return features; } private static String observedStatusToJSONString(Feature feature) { if (feature.isPresent()) { return ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_OBSERVED_YES; } return ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_OBSERVED_NO; } private static JSONArray nonPersonalFeatures(Patient patient) { /* Example of a expected reply which should be parsed for features: * * QUERY: "features": [ {"id": "HP:0000316", "observed": "yes"}, * {"id": "HP:0004325", "observed": "yes"}, * {"id": "HP:0001999", "observed": "yes"} ] * * REPLY: * 1) "matchabe" patient with the same set of symptoms {"HP:0000316", "HP:0004325", "HP:0001999"} * and two other unmatched feature: * * "features": [{"score":0.46,"category":{"id":"HP:0100886",...},"reference":["HP:0000316"],"match":[""]}, * {"score":0.44,"category":{"id":"HP:0004323",...},"reference":["HP:0004325"],"match":[""]}, * {"score":0.40,"category":{"id":"HP:0000271",...},"reference":["HP:0001999"],"match":[""]}, * {"score":0,"category":{"id":"","name":"Unmatched"},"match":["",""]}] * * 2) "public" patient with {"HP:0004325", "HP:0001999", "HP:0000479"} and two other unmatched features: * * "features": [{"score":0.44,"category":{"id":"HP:0004325",...},"reference":["HP:0004325"],"match":["HP:0004325"]}, * {"score":0.40,"category":{"id":"HP:0001999",...},"reference":["HP:0001999"],"match":["HP:0001999"]}, * {"score":0.22,"category":{"id":"HP:0000478",...},"reference":["HP:0000316"],"match":["HP:0000479"]}, * {"score":0,"category":{"id":"","name":"Unmatched"},"match":["HP:0011276","HP:0000505"]}] * * For now feature info returned by the patient-network component will be used, in order * not to reinvent the "privacy" wheel. All non-matched features will be returned as * HP:0000118 ("Phenotypic abnormality"), and (given how patient-netowrk component works) * all non-observed features will be ignored. */ Map<String, Integer> featureCounts = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); Set<String> obfuscatedFeatures = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> notMatchedFeatures = new HashSet<String>(); JSONArray similarityFeaturesJson = patient.toJSON().getJSONArray(PATIENTMATCHING_JSON_FEATUREMATCHES); for (Object featureMatchUC : similarityFeaturesJson) { JSONObject featureMatch = (JSONObject) featureMatchUC; JSONObject featureCategory = featureMatch.optJSONObject(PATIENTMATCHING_JSON_CATEGORY); if (featureCategory == null) { //FIXME: throw new Exception(ERROR_MESSAGE_UNSUPPORTED_JSON_FORMAT); continue; } String catId = featureCategory.optString(PATIENTMATCHING_JSON_CATEGORY_ID, ""); // an unmatched feature JSONArray featureMatches = featureMatch.optJSONArray(PATIENTMATCHING_JSON_MATCH); if (featureMatches == null) { // FIXME: need to throw to indicate unsuported format:throw new Exception(ERROR_MESSAGE_UNSUPPORTED_JSON_FORMAT); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < featureMatches.size(); i++) { String matchFeature = featureMatches.getString(i); // if feature id is obfuscated use category Id instead as the best available substitute String featureId = matchFeature.isEmpty() ? catId : matchFeature; // replace empty features by the most generic generic term, // and (possibly) re-format feature ID to the expected output format featureId = processFeatureID(featureId); if (catId.isEmpty()) { notMatchedFeatures.add(featureId); } if (matchFeature.isEmpty()) { obfuscatedFeatures.add(featureId); } Integer count = featureCounts.containsKey(featureId) ? featureCounts.get(featureId) : 0; featureCounts.put(featureId, count + 1); } } // convert featuresWithCounts to features // note: for now only observed features are supported, so "observed" is hardcoded to "yes" for now JSONArray features = new JSONArray(); for (String featureId : featureCounts.keySet()) { JSONObject featureJson = new JSONObject(); featureJson.put(ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_ID, featureId); featureJson.put(ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_OBSERVED, ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_OBSERVED_YES); featureJson.put(ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_MATCHED, !notMatchedFeatures.contains(featureId)); featureJson.put(ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_OBFUSCATED, obfuscatedFeatures.contains(featureId)); int count = featureCounts.get(featureId); if (count > 1) { featureJson.put(ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_COUNT, count); } features.add(featureJson); } return features; } private static String processFeatureID(String featureIdFromMatching) { if (featureIdFromMatching.isEmpty()) { return ApiConfiguration.REPLY_JSON_FEATURE_HPO_MOST_GENERIC_TERM; } return featureIdFromMatching; } private static JSONArray disorders(Patient patient) { JSONArray disorders = new JSONArray(); for (Disorder disease : patient.getDisorders()) { disorders.add(disease.getId()); } return disorders; } private static JSONArray genes(Patient patient, int includedTopGenes, Logger logger) { PatientGenotype genotype = new PatientGenotype(patient); JSONArray genes = new JSONArray(); try { Collection<String> candidateGeneNames; //Collection<String> candidateGeneNames = getPatientCandidateGeneNames(patient); if (includedTopGenes <= 0) { candidateGeneNames = genotype.getCandidateGenes(); } else { final Map<String, Double> genesWithScore = new HashMap<String, Double>(); Collection<String> allGenes = genotype.getGenes(); for (String gene : allGenes) { genesWithScore.put(gene, genotype.getGeneScore(gene)); } Set<String> set = genesWithScore.keySet(); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>(set); Collections.sort(keys, new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String s1, String s2) { // Sort by score, descending return, genesWithScore.get(s1)); } }); List<String> topGenes = keys.subList(0, Math.min(keys.size(), includedTopGenes)); candidateGeneNames = new HashSet<String>(); for (String topGene : topGenes) { candidateGeneNames.add(topGene); } } for (String geneName : candidateGeneNames) { JSONObject nextGene = new JSONObject(); nextGene.put(ApiConfiguration.JSON_GENES_GENENAME, geneName); nextGene.put(ApiConfiguration.JSON_GENES_ASSEMBLY, "GRCh37"); // TODO: pull from candidate genes/patient/vcf? genes.add(nextGene); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger.error("Error getting candidate genes for patient [{}]: [{}]", patient.getId(), ex); return new JSONArray(); } return genes; } private static String gender(Patient patient) { return patient.<ImmutablePair<String, String>>getData("sex").get(0).getRight(); } private static Map<String, String> globalQualifiers(Patient patient) { Map<String, String> globalQualifiers = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> remappedGlobalQualifierStrings = new HashMap<String, String>(); remappedGlobalQualifierStrings.put("global_age_of_onset", "age_of_onset"); remappedGlobalQualifierStrings.put("global_mode_of_inheritance", "mode_of_inheritance"); // These are the actual qualifiers, that are remapped to have the keys compliant with the remote JSON standard. PatientData<ImmutablePair<String, SolrOntologyTerm>> existingQualifiers = patient .<ImmutablePair<String, SolrOntologyTerm>>getData("global-qualifiers"); if (globalQualifiers != null) { for (ImmutablePair<String, SolrOntologyTerm> qualifierPair : existingQualifiers) { for (String key : remappedGlobalQualifierStrings.keySet()) { // Could do contains, but is it safe? if (StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(qualifierPair.getLeft(), key)) { globalQualifiers.put(remappedGlobalQualifierStrings.get(key), qualifierPair.getRight().getId()); break; } } } } return globalQualifiers; } }