Java tutorial
/* * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional * information regarding copyright ownership. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.phenotips.vocabulary.VocabularyManager; import org.phenotips.vocabulary.VocabularyTerm; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import net.sf.json.JSONArray; /** * Implementation of {@link} that uses a mutual information metric * to score similar patients. * * @version $Id: b5f58d8f14bc09640de8126c08eed11be0629dc7 $ * @since 1.0M1 */ public class DefaultPatientSimilarityView extends AbstractPatientSimilarityView { /** The overall root of the HPO. */ private static final String HP_ROOT = "HP:0000001"; /** The root of the phenotypic abnormality portion of HPO. */ private static final String PHENOTYPE_ROOT = "HP:0000118"; /** Pre-computed term information content (-logp), for each node t (i.e. t.inf). */ private static Map<VocabularyTerm, Double> termICs; /** The largest IC found, for normalizing. */ private static Double maxIC; /** Provides access to the term vocabulary. */ private static VocabularyManager vocabularyManager; /** Memoized match score. */ private Double score; /** Links disorder values from this patient to the reference. */ private Set<DisorderSimilarityView> matchedDisorders; /** Memoized genotype match, retrieved through getGenotypeSimilarity. */ private PatientGenotypeSimilarityView matchedGenes; /** * Simple constructor passing both {@link #match the patient} and the {@link #reference reference patient}. * * @param match the matched patient to represent, must not be {@code null} * @param reference the reference patient against which to compare, must not be {@code null} * @param access the access level the current user has on the matched patient * @throws IllegalArgumentException if one of the patients is {@code null} * @throws NullPointerException if the class was not statically initialized with {#initializeStaticData(Map, Map, * VocabularyManager, Logger)} before use */ public DefaultPatientSimilarityView(Patient match, Patient reference, AccessType access) throws IllegalArgumentException { super(match, reference, access); if (!isInitialized()) { String error = "Static data of MutualInformationPatientSimilarityView was not initilized before instantiation"; throw new NullPointerException(error); } } /** * Return whether the class has been initialized with static data. * * @return true iff the class has been initialized with static data */ public static boolean isInitialized() { return termICs != null && vocabularyManager != null; } /** * Set the static information for the class. Must be run before creating instances of this class. * * @param termICs the information content of each term * @param vocabularyManager the vocabulary manager */ public static void initializeStaticData(Map<VocabularyTerm, Double> termICs, VocabularyManager vocabularyManager) { DefaultPatientSimilarityView.termICs = termICs; DefaultPatientSimilarityView.vocabularyManager = vocabularyManager; DefaultPatientSimilarityView.maxIC = Collections.max(termICs.values()); } /** * Create an instance of the FeatureClusterView for this PatientSimilarityView. * * @param match the features in the matched patient * @param reference the features in the reference patient * @param access the access level of the match * @param root the root/shared ancestor for the cluster * @param score the score of the feature matching */ protected FeatureClusterView createFeatureClusterView(Collection<Feature> match, Collection<Feature> reference, AccessType access, VocabularyTerm root, double score) { return new DefaultFeatureClusterView(match, reference, access, root, score); } /** * Create an instance of the DisorderSimilarityView for this PatientSimilarityView. * * @param match the disorder in the match patient * @param reference the disorder in the reference patient * @param access the access level * @return the DisorderSimilarityView for the pair of disorders */ protected DisorderSimilarityView createDisorderSimilarityView(Disorder match, Disorder reference, AccessType access) { return new DefaultDisorderSimilarityView(match, reference); } /** * Searches for a similar disorder in the reference patient, matching one of the matched patient's disorders, or * vice-versa. * * @param toMatch the disorder to match * @param lookIn the list of disorders to look in, either the reference patient or the matched patient diseases * @return one of the disorders from the list, if it matches the target disorder, or {@code null} otherwise */ protected Disorder findMatchingDisorder(Disorder toMatch, Set<? extends Disorder> lookIn) { for (Disorder candidate : lookIn) { if (StringUtils.equals(candidate.getId(), toMatch.getId())) { return candidate; } } return null; } /** * Return the displayable set of matched disorders, retrieved from {@link #getMatchedDisorders()}. {@inheritDoc} * * @see */ @Override public Set<? extends Disorder> getDisorders() { Set<Disorder> result = new HashSet<Disorder>(); for (DisorderSimilarityView disorder : getMatchedDisorders()) { if (disorder.getId() != null) { result.add(disorder); } } return result; } /** * Get pairs of matching disorders, one from the current patient and one from the reference patient. Unmatched * values from either side are paired with a {@code null} value. * * @return an unmodifiable set of matched disorders. */ protected Set<DisorderSimilarityView> getMatchedDisorders() { if (this.matchedDisorders == null) { Set<DisorderSimilarityView> result = new HashSet<DisorderSimilarityView>(); for (Disorder disorder : this.match.getDisorders()) { result.add(createDisorderSimilarityView(disorder, findMatchingDisorder(disorder, this.reference.getDisorders()), this.access)); } for (Disorder disorder : this.reference.getDisorders()) { if (this.match == null || findMatchingDisorder(disorder, this.match.getDisorders()) == null) { result.add(createDisorderSimilarityView(null, disorder, this.access)); } } this.matchedDisorders = Collections.unmodifiableSet(result); } return this.matchedDisorders; } /** * Return a (potentially empty) collection of terms present in the patient. * * @param patient * @return a collection of terms present in the patient */ private Collection<VocabularyTerm> getPresentPatientTerms(Patient patient) { Set<VocabularyTerm> terms = new HashSet<VocabularyTerm>(); for (Feature feature : patient.getFeatures()) { if (!feature.isPresent()) { continue; } VocabularyTerm term = vocabularyManager.resolveTerm(feature.getId()); if (term != null) { // Only add resolvable terms terms.add(term); } } return terms; } /** * Return a (potentially empty) mapping from VocabularyTerm IDs back to features in the patient. Un-mappable * features are not included. * * @param patient * @return a mapping from term IDs to features in the patient */ private Map<String, Feature> getTermLookup(Patient patient) { Map<String, Feature> lookup = new HashMap<String, Feature>(); for (Feature feature : patient.getFeatures()) { String id = feature.getId(); if (!id.isEmpty()) { lookup.put(id, feature); } } return lookup; } /** * Return the set of terms implied by a collection of features in the vocabulary. * * @param terms a collection of terms * @return all provided VocabularyTerm terms and their ancestors */ private Set<VocabularyTerm> getAncestors(Collection<VocabularyTerm> terms) { Set<VocabularyTerm> ancestors = new HashSet<VocabularyTerm>(terms); for (VocabularyTerm term : terms) { // Add all ancestors ancestors.addAll(term.getAncestorsAndSelf()); } return ancestors; } /** * Return the total IC across a collection of terms. * * @param terms (should include implied ancestors) that are present in the patient * @return the total IC for all the terms */ private double getTermICs(Collection<VocabularyTerm> terms) { double cost = 0; for (VocabularyTerm term : terms) { Double ic = termICs.get(term); if (ic == null) { ic = 0.0; } cost += ic; } return cost; } /** * Get the phenotypic similarity score for this patient match. * * @return the similarity score, between 0 (a poor match) and 1 (a good match) */ public double getPhenotypeScore() { if (this.match == null || this.reference == null) { return 0.0; } else { // Get ancestors for both patients Set<VocabularyTerm> refAncestors = getAncestors(getPresentPatientTerms(this.reference)); Set<VocabularyTerm> matchAncestors = getAncestors(getPresentPatientTerms(this.match)); if (refAncestors.isEmpty() || matchAncestors.isEmpty()) { return 0.0; } else { // Score overlapping ancestors Set<VocabularyTerm> commonAncestors = new HashSet<VocabularyTerm>(); commonAncestors.addAll(refAncestors); commonAncestors.retainAll(matchAncestors); Set<VocabularyTerm> allAncestors = new HashSet<VocabularyTerm>(); allAncestors.addAll(refAncestors); allAncestors.addAll(matchAncestors); return getTermICs(commonAncestors) / getTermICs(allAncestors); } } } /** * Adjust the similarity score by taking into account common disorders. Matching disorders will boost the base score * given by the phenotypic similarity, while unmatched disorders don't affect the score at all. * * @param baseScore the score given by features alone, a number between {@code 0} and {@code 1} * @return the adjusted similarity score, boosted closer to {@code 1} if there are common disorders between this * patient and the reference patient, or the unmodified base score otherwise; the score is never lowered, * and never goes above {@code 1} * @see #getScore() */ private double adjustScoreWithDisordersScore(double baseScore) { Set<DisorderSimilarityView> disorders = getMatchedDisorders(); if (disorders.isEmpty()) { return baseScore; } double adjustedScore = baseScore; double bias = 3; for (DisorderSimilarityView disorder : disorders) { if (disorder.isMatchingPair()) { // For each disorder match, reduce the distance between the current score to 1 by 1/3 adjustedScore = adjustedScore + (1 - adjustedScore) / bias; } } return adjustedScore; } @Override public double getScore() { // Memoize the score if (this.score == null) { double phenotypeScore = getPhenotypeScore(); phenotypeScore = adjustScoreWithDisordersScore(phenotypeScore); // Factor in overlap between candidate genes PatientGenotypeSimilarityView genotypeSimilarity = getGenotypeSimilarity(); Collection<String> sharedGenes = new HashSet<String>(); sharedGenes = genotypeSimilarity.getCandidateGenes(); double geneBoost = 0.0; if (!sharedGenes.isEmpty()) { geneBoost = 0.7; } // Return boosted score return Math.pow(phenotypeScore, 1.0 - geneBoost); } return this.score; } /** * Get the genotype similarity view for this pair of patients, lazily evaluated and memoized. * * @return the genotype similarity view for this pair of patients */ private PatientGenotypeSimilarityView getGenotypeSimilarity() { if (this.matchedGenes == null) { this.matchedGenes = new RestrictedPatientGenotypeSimilarityView(this.match, this.reference, this.access); } return this.matchedGenes; } @Override public JSONArray getGenesJSON() { return getGenotypeSimilarity().toJSON(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} Return the features present in the match patient. If the features in the match are not visible at * the current access level, an empty set will be returned. * * @see */ @Override public Set<? extends Feature> getFeatures() { return this.match.getFeatures(); } @Override protected JSONArray getFeaturesJSON() { // Just return a simple array of the features in the match patient JSONArray featuresJSON = new JSONArray(); for (Feature f : getFeatures()) { if (f.isPresent()) { featuresJSON.add(f.toJSON()); } } return featuresJSON; } @Override protected JSONArray getDisordersJSON() { JSONArray disordersJSON = new JSONArray(); for (Disorder disorder : getDisorders()) { disordersJSON.add(disorder.toJSON()); } return disordersJSON; } /** * Find, remove, and return all terms with given ancestor. * * @param terms the terms, modified by removing terms with given ancestor * @param ancestor the ancestor to search for * @return the terms with the given ancestor (removed from given terms) */ private Collection<VocabularyTerm> popTermsWithAncestor(Collection<VocabularyTerm> terms, VocabularyTerm ancestor) { Collection<VocabularyTerm> matched = new HashSet<VocabularyTerm>(); for (VocabularyTerm term : terms) { if (term.getAncestorsAndSelf().contains(ancestor)) { matched.add(term); } } terms.removeAll(matched); return matched; } /** * Finds the best term match, removes these terms, and return the JSON for that match. * * @param refTerms the terms in the reference * @param matchTerms the terms in the match * @param matchFeatureLookup a mapping from VocabularyTerm IDs back to the original Features in the match patient * @param refFeatureLookup a mapping from VocabularyTerm IDs back to the original Features in the reference patient * @return the FeatureClusterView of the best-matching features from refTerms and matchTerms (removes the matched * terms from the passed lists) or null if the terms are not a good match (the term collections are then * unchanged) */ private FeatureClusterView popBestFeatureCluster(Collection<VocabularyTerm> matchTerms, Collection<VocabularyTerm> refTerms, Map<String, Feature> matchFeatureLookup, Map<String, Feature> refFeatureLookup) { Collection<VocabularyTerm> sharedAncestors = getAncestors(refTerms); sharedAncestors.retainAll(getAncestors(matchTerms)); // Find ancestor with highest (normalized) information content VocabularyTerm ancestor = null; double ancestorScore = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (VocabularyTerm term : sharedAncestors) { Double termIC = termICs.get(term); if (termIC == null) { termIC = 0.0; } double termScore = termIC / maxIC; if (termScore > ancestorScore) { ancestorScore = termScore; ancestor = term; } } // If the top-scoring ancestor is the root (or phenotype root), report everything remaining as unmatched if (ancestor == null || HP_ROOT.equals(ancestor.getId()) || PHENOTYPE_ROOT.equals(ancestor.getId())) { return null; } // Find, remove, and return all ref and match terms under the selected ancestor Collection<VocabularyTerm> matchMatched = popTermsWithAncestor(matchTerms, ancestor); Collection<VocabularyTerm> refMatched = popTermsWithAncestor(refTerms, ancestor); // Return match json from matched terms FeatureClusterView cluster = createFeatureClusterView(termsToFeatures(matchMatched, matchFeatureLookup), termsToFeatures(refMatched, refFeatureLookup), this.access, ancestor, ancestorScore); return cluster; } private Collection<FeatureClusterView> getMatchedFeatures() { Collection<FeatureClusterView> clusters = new LinkedList<FeatureClusterView>(); // Get term -> feature lookups for creating cluster views Map<String, Feature> matchFeatureLookup = getTermLookup(this.match); Map<String, Feature> refFeatureLookup = getTermLookup(this.reference); // Get the present vocabulary terms Collection<VocabularyTerm> matchTerms = getPresentPatientTerms(this.match); Collection<VocabularyTerm> refTerms = getPresentPatientTerms(this.reference); // Keep removing most-related sets of terms until none match lower than HP roots while (!refTerms.isEmpty() && !matchTerms.isEmpty()) { FeatureClusterView cluster = popBestFeatureCluster(matchTerms, refTerms, matchFeatureLookup, refFeatureLookup); if (cluster == null) { break; } clusters.add(cluster); } // Add any unmatched terms if (!refTerms.isEmpty() || !matchTerms.isEmpty()) { FeatureClusterView cluster = createFeatureClusterView(termsToFeatures(matchTerms, matchFeatureLookup), termsToFeatures(refTerms, refFeatureLookup), this.access, null, 0.0); clusters.add(cluster); } return clusters; } /** * Return the original patient features for a set of VocabularyTerms. * * @param terms the terms to look up features for * @param termLookup a mapping from term IDs to features in the patient * @return a Collection of features in the patients corresponding to the given terms */ private Collection<Feature> termsToFeatures(Collection<VocabularyTerm> terms, Map<String, Feature> termLookup) { Collection<Feature> features = new ArrayList<Feature>(); for (VocabularyTerm term : terms) { String id = term.getId(); if (id != null) { Feature feature = termLookup.get(id); if (feature != null) { features.add(feature); } } } return features; } @Override protected JSONArray getFeatureMatchesJSON() { // Get list of clusters and convert to JSON JSONArray matchesJSON = new JSONArray(); Collection<FeatureClusterView> clusters = getMatchedFeatures(); for (FeatureClusterView cluster : clusters) { matchesJSON.add(cluster.toJSON()); } return matchesJSON; } }