Source code

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Here is the source code for


JEM, the BEE - Job Entry Manager, the Batch Execution Environment
Copyright (C) 2012-2015   Alessandro Zambrini
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package org.pepstock.jem.notify.engine;


import org.pepstock.jem.log.LogAppl;
import org.pepstock.jem.notify.JemEmail;
import org.pepstock.jem.notify.NotifyMessage;
import org.pepstock.jem.notify.exception.EmailConfigurationException;

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;

 * <code>EmailTemplateReader</code> receives (in the constructor) the path of
 * the <code>xml</code> file that describes the email to send, (an email
 * template, for example <code>config/emailTemplate.xml</code>). <br>
 * It reads the file, builds a {@link JemEmail} and saves it in the field
 * {@link #emailTemplate}. <br>
 * <code>XStream</code> library is used. <br>
 * <code>EmailTemplateReader</code> uses also the
 * <code></code> library to check automatically if
 * the file is changed: in this case <code>EmailTemplateReader</code> reloads it
 * and build a new {@link JemEmail}. <br>
 * The interval between each check is {@link #CHECK_INTERVAL} milliseconds. <br>
 * It extends {@link FileAlterationListenerAdaptor} to listen the file changes.
 * @see XStream
 * @see FileAlterationObserver
 * @see FileAlterationListener
 * @see FileAlterationListenerAdaptor
 * @author Alessandro Zambrini
public class EmailTemplateReader extends FileAlterationListenerAdaptor {

     * The interval in millisecond between each file modification automatic
     * control. <br>
     * <b>60</b> seconds.
    private static final long CHECK_INTERVAL = 60000;

     * Root tag in the email template <code>xml</code> file.
     * @see XStream
    private static final String EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ROOT_TAG = "email-template";

     * Mapping of the Root tag in the email template <code>xml</code> file.
     * @see JemEmail
     * @see XStream
    private static final Class<JemEmail> EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ROOT_ALIAS = JemEmail.class;

     * The <code>File</code> that maps the template <code>xml</code> file that
     * describes the email to send.
     * @see File
    private File emailTemplateFile;

     * This field contains the {@link JemEmail} produced reading the template
     * <code>xml</code> file that describes the email to send.
    private JemEmail emailTemplate;

     * <code>Xstream</code> field used to read <code>xml</code>.
     * @see XStream
    private XStream xstream;

     * Field that indicates whether the automatic file modifications control is
     * started: the value is <code>true</code> if the control is started
     * correctly, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    private boolean automaticControlStarted = false;

     * <code>Enumeration</code> containing the mapping alias for
     * <code>xml</code> template file. <br>
     * It is possible to write the email template file using, for example: <br>
     * <dd> <code>from-user-name</code> or <code>fromUserName</code> <br> <dd>
     * <code>from-user-email-address</code> or <code>fromUserEmailAddress</code>
     * <br>
     * The <code>Class</code> used for alias mapping is the implicit
     * {@link JemEmail} class.
    private static enum FieldAlias {

         * Constant that defines the <code>xml</code> alias value tag
         * (from-user-name) for the <code>JemEmail</code> field
         * <code>fromUserName</code>.
        FROM_USER_NAME_ALIAS("from-user-name", "fromUserName"),

         * Constant that defines the <code>xml</code> alias value tag
         * (from-user-email-address) for the <code>JemEmail</code> field
         * <code>fromUserEmailAddress</code>.
        FROM_USER_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ALIAS("from-user-email-address", "fromUserEmailAddress");

         * Field that contains the alias <code>xml</code> tag.
        private String aliasXmlTag;

         * Field that contains the <code>JemMail</code> field name corresponding
         * to the alias <code>xml</code> tag.
        private String fieldName;

         * Constructor. It build an <code>FieldAlias</code> using the alias
         * <code>xml</code> tag and the corresponding field name inside class
         * {@link JemEmail}.
         * @param aliasXmlTag the value of the alias tag in the <code>xml</code>
         *            template.
         * @param fieldName the corresponding name of the field inside the class
         *            <code>JemMail</code>.
        private FieldAlias(String aliasXmlTag, String fieldName) {
            this.aliasXmlTag = aliasXmlTag;
            this.fieldName = fieldName;

         * Return the value of the alias <code>xml</code> tag for the
         * <code>FieldAlias</code>.
         * @return alias <code>xml</code> tag value for the
         *         <code>FieldAlias</code>.
        public String getAliasXmlTag() {
            return this.aliasXmlTag;

         * Return the value of the original name of the <code>JemMail</code>
         * field corresponding to the <code>FieldAlias</code>.
         * @return the value of the original name of the <code>JemMail</code>
         *         field for the <code>FieldAlias</code>.
        public String getFieldName() {
            return this.fieldName;

     * Constructor. It receives the path of the <code>xml</code> file that
     * describes the email to send (email template).
     * @see XStream
     * @param emailTemplateFile the email template file path.
     * @throws EmailConfigurationException if the email template file directory
     *             does not exist, or is not a directory, or is the File System
     *             root directory.
    public EmailTemplateReader(String emailTemplateFile) throws EmailConfigurationException {
        // Sets the email template xml File field
        this.emailTemplateFile = new File(emailTemplateFile);
        if (null == this.emailTemplateFile.getParentFile() || !this.emailTemplateFile.getParentFile().exists()
                || !this.emailTemplateFile.getParentFile().isDirectory()
                || this.emailTemplateFile.getParentFile().toString().equalsIgnoreCase(File.separator)) {
            LogAppl.getInstance().emit(NotifyMessage.JEMN006E, this.emailTemplateFile.getParentFile());
            throw new EmailConfigurationException(
        if (!this.emailTemplateFile.exists()) {
                    new Object[] { this.emailTemplateFile, this.emailTemplateFile.getParentFile() });

     * This method initializes the <code>EmailTemplateReader</code> <br>
     * It sets the alias, for the <code>xml</code> email template file root and
     * for the the user name and user email address. <br>
     * It initializes the field <code>xstream</code> using {@link XStream}. <br>
     * Reads and loads the <code>xml</code> email template file <br>
     * It initializes the components to check if someone modifies the email
     * template <code>xml</code> file: <br>
     * <dd>- Initializes the field <code>emailTemplateFileObserver</code> with a
     * new {@link FileAlterationObserver} using the directory in which is placed
     * the email template file (the field <code>emailTemplateFile</code>). <dd>-
     * Add <code>this EmailTemplateReader</code> as a
     * {@link FileAlterationListener} that listens the file changes. <dd>-
     * Creates a <code>FileAlterationMonitor</code> that checks the template
     * <code>xml</code> file changes every {@link #CHECK_INTERVAL} milliseconds.
     * If the automatic file modifications control doesn't start correctly, the
     * field <code>automaticControlStarted</code> is set to <code>false</code>.
     * @see FileAlterationObserver
     * @see FileAlterationListener
     * @see FileAlterationMonitor
    public void initialize() {
        // Initializes a XStream object
        this.xstream = new XStream(new DomDriver());
        // Sets alias for the root xml tag
        // Sets alias for the other tags
        FieldAlias[] aliases = FieldAlias.values();
        for (int i = 0; i < aliases.length; i++) {
            xstream.aliasField(aliases[i].getAliasXmlTag(), JemEmail.class, aliases[i].getFieldName());

        // This field is a FileAlterationObserver. It checks every change of
        // the template xml file that describes the Email. 
        // It's important because if someone modifies the file,
        // EmailTemplateReader reloads it.
        // Initializes the field this.emailTemplateFileObserver with a
        // new new FileAlterationObserver using the email template xml file
        // directory
        FileAlterationObserver emailTemplateFileObserver = new FileAlterationObserver(
        // Add a listener (this) that listens the file changes
        // Creates a FileAlterationMonitor that every CHECK_INTERVAL
        // milliseconds
        // checks the template xml file
        FileAlterationMonitor fileMonitor = new FileAlterationMonitor(CHECK_INTERVAL);
        try {
        } catch (EmailConfigurationException ex) {
            LogAppl.getInstance().emit(NotifyMessage.JEMN008E, ex);
        try {
            this.automaticControlStarted = true;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LogAppl.getInstance().emit(NotifyMessage.JEMN009E, ex, this.emailTemplateFile);

     * This method returns the email template created reading the email template
     * <code>xml</code> file. <br>
     * If in the initialization phase occurred problems starting automatic
     * control, this method read the file, because it could be changed. <br>
     * If the automatic control is started but always occurred problems reading
     * the file, return a {@link EmailConfigurationException} and the field
     * {@link #emailTemplate} is <code>null</code>.
     * @return The email template created reading the email template
     *         <code>xml</code> file.
     * @see JemEmail
     * @throws EmailConfigurationException throwed if a reading exception
     *             occurred.
    public JemEmail getEmailTemplate() throws EmailConfigurationException {
        if (!this.automaticControlStarted) {
        if (null == this.emailTemplate) {
            LogAppl.getInstance().emit(NotifyMessage.JEMN010E, this.emailTemplateFile);
            throw new EmailConfigurationException(
        return this.emailTemplate;

     * Method that reads the email template file, and creates a
     * <code>JemMail</code> object. It saves this <code>JemMail</code> in the
     * field {@link #emailTemplate}. <br>
     * It checks that the email template file has a from user email.
     * @see JemEmail
     * @throws EmailConfigurationException throwed if a reading exception
     *             occurred or if the email template file has no from user
     *             email.
    private void readEmailTemplate() throws EmailConfigurationException {
        FileInputStream fis = null;
        try {
            fis = new FileInputStream(emailTemplateFile);
            JemEmail currEmailTemplate = (JemEmail) this.xstream.fromXML(fis);
            this.emailTemplate = currEmailTemplate;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            LogAppl.getInstance().emit(NotifyMessage.JEMN010E, ex, this.emailTemplateFile);
            throw new EmailConfigurationException(
                    NotifyMessage.JEMN010E.toMessage().getFormattedMessage(this.emailTemplateFile), ex);
        } finally {
            if (fis != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    LogAppl.getInstance().ignore(e.getMessage(), e);
        if (null != this.emailTemplate && !this.emailTemplate.hasFromUserEmailAddress()) {
            throw new EmailConfigurationException(NotifyMessage.JEMN012E.toMessage()

     * Called if the parameter file <code>file</code> is changed. <br>
     * If the file changed is the email template file, reloads the email
     * template file.
     * @param file the <code>File</code> changed.
     * @see FileAlterationListener#onFileChange(File)
     * @override
    public void onFileChange(File file) {
        if (file.equals(this.emailTemplateFile)) {
            try {
            } catch (EmailConfigurationException ex) {
                LogAppl.getInstance().emit(NotifyMessage.JEMN008E, ex);

     * Called if the parameter file <code>file</code> is created. <br>
     * If the file created is the email template file, reloads the email
     * template file.
     * @param file the <code>File</code> created.
     * @see FileAlterationListener#onFileCreate(File)
     * @override
    public void onFileCreate(File file) {
        if (file.equals(this.emailTemplateFile)) {
            try {
            } catch (EmailConfigurationException ex) {
                LogAppl.getInstance().emit(NotifyMessage.JEMN008E, ex);

     * Called if the parameter file <code>file</code> is deleated. <br>
     * If the file deleted is the email template file, this method warns the
     * deletion.
     * @param file the <code>File</code> deleted.
     * @see FileAlterationListener#onFileDelete(File)
     * @override
    public void onFileDelete(File file) {
        if (file.equals(this.emailTemplateFile)) {
                    new Object[] { this.emailTemplateFile, this.emailTemplateFile.getParentFile() });