Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


JEM, the BEE - Job Entry Manager, the Batch Execution Environment
Copyright (C) 2012-2015   Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package org.pepstock.jem.jppf;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;

import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NameClassPair;
import javax.naming.NamingEnumeration;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.naming.StringRefAddr;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.CharUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.jppf.JPPFException;
import org.jppf.client.JPPFClient;
import org.jppf.client.JPPFJob;
import org.jppf.server.protocol.JPPFTask;
import org.jppf.utils.JPPFConfiguration;
import org.pepstock.catalog.DataDescriptionImpl;
import org.pepstock.jem.log.LogAppl;
import org.pepstock.jem.node.tasks.jndi.ContextUtils;
import org.pepstock.jem.node.tasks.jndi.DataStreamReference;
import org.pepstock.jem.node.tasks.jndi.StringRefAddrKeys;

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;

 * Is able to submit a job in JPPF grid and take the result.
 * @author Andrea "Stock" Stocchero
 * @version 1.4
public class ExecuteManager {

    private static JPPFClient JPPF_CLIENT = null;

    private static final List<File> TEMPORARY_FILES = new LinkedList<File>();

     * To avoid any instantiation 
    private ExecuteManager() {


     * Submits a new job on JPPF grid
     * @param initialContext XML string serialization format of JNDI initialContext for JEM resources
     * @throws JPPFMessageException if any exception occurs
     * @throws JPPFException 
    public static synchronized void submit(String initialContext) throws JPPFMessageException {
        // clear temporary files loaded previously
        // due to is a static reference
        try {
            JPPF_CLIENT = new JPPFClient();
            // Create a job
            JPPFJob job = createJob(initialContext);
            // execute a blocking job
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ030E, e);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ031E, e);
        } catch (JPPFException e) {
            throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ030E, e);
        } finally {
            if (JPPF_CLIENT != null) {

     * Create a JPPF job that can be submitted for execution.
     * @param runnable Class name of Runnable or JPPFTask to execute
     * @param parallelTaskNumber Number of parallel task to submit
     * @param xmlContext InitialContext, serialized in XML string
     * @return an instance of the {@link org.jppf.client.JPPFJob JPPFJob} class.
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws IOException 
     * @throws JPPFException 
     * @throws JPFFException
     *             if an error occurs while creating the job or adding tasks.
    private static JPPFJob createJob(String xmlContext)
            throws JPPFMessageException, NamingException, IOException, JPPFException {
        XStream xstream = new XStream();
        // reads all properties
        String jobName = JPPFConfiguration.getProperties().getProperty(Keys.JEM_JOB_NAME);
        String taskName = JPPFConfiguration.getProperties().getProperty(Keys.JEM_TASK_NAME);
        String runnable = JPPFConfiguration.getProperties().getProperty(Keys.JEM_RUNNABLE);
        int parallelTaskNumber = JPPFConfiguration.getProperties().getInt(Keys.JEM_TASK_NUMBER);

        // creates a data provider to pass initial context and number of parallel task
        MemoryMapDataProvider provider = new MemoryMapDataProvider();
        provider.setValue(Keys.JEM_CONTEXT, xmlContext);
        provider.setValue(Keys.JEM_TASK_NUMBER, String.valueOf(parallelTaskNumber));

        // checks if CHUNK is set
        if (JPPFConfiguration.getProperties().containsKey(Keys.JEM_CHUNKABLE_DATA_DESCRIPTION)) {
            // gets data description
            String dataDescription = JPPFConfiguration.getProperties()
            File file = null;
            InitialContext ic = ContextUtils.getContext();

            // lookup for JNDI reference
            // needs file name because chunk is based on RandomFileAccess
            // that wants a FILE and not inputstream
            // so gets data description implementation object
            // to get REAL FILE
            NamingEnumeration<NameClassPair> list = ic.list(dataDescription);
            while (list.hasMore()) {
                NameClassPair pair =;
                // checks if is datastream
                // only datastreams are searched            
                if (pair.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(dataDescription) && pair instanceof DataStreamNameClassPair) {
                    DataStreamNameClassPair dsPair = (DataStreamNameClassPair) pair;
                    DataStreamReference prevReference = (DataStreamReference) dsPair.getObject();
                    // gets data description XML definition
                    StringRefAddr sra = (StringRefAddr) prevReference.get(StringRefAddrKeys.DATASTREAMS_KEY);
                    // creates datadescription implementatio to get file 
                    DataDescriptionImpl ddImpl = (DataDescriptionImpl) xstream.fromXML(sra.getContent().toString());
                    file = ddImpl.getDatasets().iterator().next().getRealFile();
                    // leaves while
            // if file is null
            // data description is not found
            if (file == null) {
                throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ019E, dataDescription);
            // calculated buffersize
            long bufferSize = file.length() / parallelTaskNumber;

            // using delimiter, creates chunk list
            List<ChunkDefinition> chunks = null;
            String delimiter = JPPFConfiguration.getProperties().getProperty(Keys.JEM_DELIMITER);
            String delimiterString = JPPFConfiguration.getProperties().getProperty(Keys.JEM_DELIMITER_STRING);

            if (delimiter != null) {
                // delimiter default LF
                char splitter = CharUtils.LF;
                // if delimiter is defined in BYTE mode
                // calculate char
                if (delimiter.toLowerCase().startsWith("0x")) {
                    delimiter = StringUtils.substringAfter(delimiter.toLowerCase(), "0x");
                    splitter = (char) Integer.parseInt(delimiter, 16);
                } else {
                    // if uses a escape java char
                    splitter = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(delimiter).charAt(0);
                String displayDelimiter = Integer.toHexString((byte) splitter) + "(" + splitter + ")";
                LogAppl.getInstance().emit(JPPFMessage.JEMJ020I, displayDelimiter);

                // calculates chunks
                chunks = ChunksFactory.getChunksByDelimiter(file, bufferSize, splitter);
                provider.setValue(Keys.JEM_DELIMITER, splitter);
            } else if (delimiterString != null) {
                LogAppl.getInstance().emit(JPPFMessage.JEMJ020I, delimiterString);
                // calculates chunks
                chunks = ChunksFactory.getChunksByDelimiter(file, bufferSize, delimiterString);
                provider.setValue(Keys.JEM_DELIMITER, delimiterString);
            } else {
                // if delimiter and delimiterString are missing, uses default delimiter (System.getProperty("line.separator")
                chunks = ChunksFactory.getChunksByDelimiter(file, bufferSize);
            // changes parallel task
            // because chunk calculation tries to maintain the same 
            // number of task but usually there are less after
            // chunk list creation
            parallelTaskNumber = chunks.size();

            LogAppl.getInstance().emit(JPPFMessage.JEMJ021I, chunks);

            // serializes and saves on data provider all necessary data 
            provider.setValue(Keys.JEM_TASK_NUMBER, String.valueOf(parallelTaskNumber));
            provider.setValue(Keys.JEM_CHUNKABLE_DATA_DESCRIPTION, dataDescription);
            provider.setValue(Keys.JEM_CHUNKS, xstream.toXML(chunks));

        LogAppl.getInstance().emit(JPPFMessage.JEMJ023I, parallelTaskNumber);

        // checks if merged data decritpion is an argument
        if (JPPFConfiguration.getProperties().containsKey(Keys.JEM_MERGED_DATA_DESCRIPTION)) {
            // loads a list with all temporary files for tasks
            // to use to write partial output
            for (int i = 0; i < parallelTaskNumber; i++) {
                File temp = File.createTempFile("task[" + i + "]-merge", ".jemjppf");
                LogAppl.getInstance().emit(JPPFMessage.JEMJ022I, temp.getAbsolutePath(), i);
            // sets data provider
            provider.setValue(Keys.JEM_TEMPORARY_FILES, xstream.toXML(TEMPORARY_FILES));

        // create a JPPF job
        JPPFJob job = new JPPFJob(provider);

        // give this job a readable unique id that we can use to monitor and
        // manage it.
        job.setName(jobName + "." + taskName);

        // Checks what instance has been past to distribute on grid
        try {
            Object clazz = Class.forName(runnable).newInstance();
            if (clazz instanceof JPPFTask) {
                for (int i = 0; i < parallelTaskNumber; i++) {
                    JPPFTask t = new WrapperJPPFTask((JPPFTask) clazz);
                    // add a task to the job.
            } else if (clazz instanceof Runnable) {
                for (int i = 0; i < parallelTaskNumber; i++) {
                    JPPFTask t = new RunnableTask((Runnable) clazz);
                    // add a task to the job.
            } else {
                throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ002E, runnable, Runnable.class.getName(),
        } catch (InstantiationException e) {
            throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ002E, e, runnable, Runnable.class.getName(),
        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
            throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ002E, e, runnable, Runnable.class.getName(),
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ002E, e, runnable, Runnable.class.getName(),

        // there is no guarantee on the order of execution of the tasks,
        // however the results are guaranteed to be returned in the same order
        // as the tasks.
        return job;

     * Execute a job in blocking mode. The application will be blocked until the
     * job execution is complete.
     * @param job
     *            the JPPF job to execute.
     * @throws Exception
     *             if an error occurs while executing the job.
    private static void executeBlockingJob(final JPPFJob job) throws JPPFMessageException {
        // set the job in blocking mode.

        LogAppl.getInstance().emit(JPPFMessage.JEMJ003I, job.getName());

        // Submit the job and wait until the results are returned.
        // The results are returned as a list of JPPFTask instances,
        // in the same order as the one in which the tasks where initially added
        // the job.
        List<JPPFTask> results;
        try {
            results = JPPF_CLIENT.submit(job);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ028E, e);

        // if merging is asked for, it does
        if (JPPFConfiguration.getProperties().containsKey(Keys.JEM_MERGED_DATA_DESCRIPTION)) {
            // merges the results
            try {
            } catch (NamingException e) {
                throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ029E, e, e.getMessage());
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ029E, e, e.getMessage());
        } else {
            // process the results

     * Process the execution results of each submitted task.
     * @param results
     *            the tasks results after execution on the grid.
    private static void processExecutionResults(final List<JPPFTask> results) throws JPPFMessageException {
        JPPFMessageException resultException = null;

        // process the results
        for (JPPFTask task : results) {
            // if the task execution resulted in an exception
            if (task.getException() != null) {
                LogAppl.getInstance().emit(JPPFMessage.JEMJ005E, task.getId(), task.getException().getMessage());
                resultException = new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ005E, task.getException(), task.getId(),
            } else {
                if (task.getResult() != null) {
                    LogAppl.getInstance().emit(JPPFMessage.JEMJ006I, task.getId(), task.getResult());
                } else {
                    LogAppl.getInstance().emit(JPPFMessage.JEMJ007I, task.getId());
        // if we have an exception
        // it will be thrown
        if (resultException != null) {
            throw resultException;

     * Merges the output results of all task, only if all tasks ended correctly
     * @param results list of tasks ended
     * @throws NamingException 
     * @throws IOException 
     * @throws Exception if any exception occurs
    private static void mergeExecutionResults(final List<JPPFTask> results)
            throws JPPFMessageException, NamingException, IOException {
        // sorts to be sure
        // task are ordered by position
        Collections.sort(results, new Comparator<JPPFTask>() {
            public int compare(JPPFTask o1, JPPFTask o2) {
                return o1.getPosition() - o2.getPosition();
        // process the results. If there is any exception, throws it
        for (JPPFTask task : results) {
            // if the task execution resulted in an exception
            if (task.getException() != null) {
                LogAppl.getInstance().emit(JPPFMessage.JEMJ005E, task.getId(), task.getException().getMessage());
                throw new JPPFMessageException(JPPFMessage.JEMJ005E, task.getException(), task.getId(),


        // gets merge data description
        String mergedDataDescription = JPPFConfiguration.getProperties()
        InitialContext ic = ContextUtils.getContext();
        // gets outputstream by JNDI
        Object object = ic.lookup(mergedDataDescription);
        OutputStream os = (OutputStream) object;
        BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(os);
        try {
            // scans for merging
            for (JPPFTask task : results) {
                // gets temporary file written by task
                File file = TEMPORARY_FILES.get(task.getPosition());
                // reads and writes data
                ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                FileUtils.copyFile(file, baos);

                LogAppl.getInstance().emit(JPPFMessage.JEMJ025I, file.getAbsolutePath(), baos.size());
        } finally {
            // close
            if (bos != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    LogAppl.getInstance().ignore(e.getMessage(), e);
