Java tutorial
/** JEM, the BEE - Job Entry Manager, the Batch Execution Environment Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Andrea "Stock" Stocchero This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package org.pepstock.jem.gwt.client.panels.administration; import org.pepstock.jem.gwt.client.ResizeCapable; import org.pepstock.jem.gwt.client.Sizes; import org.pepstock.jem.gwt.client.commons.Images; import org.pepstock.jem.gwt.client.commons.Loading; import org.pepstock.jem.gwt.client.commons.ServiceAsyncCallback; import org.pepstock.jem.gwt.client.commons.Styles; import org.pepstock.jem.gwt.client.commons.Toast; import org.pepstock.jem.gwt.client.commons.Tooltip; import; import org.pepstock.jem.log.MessageLevel; import org.pepstock.jem.node.resources.CryptedValueAndHash; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Nodes table container for nodes * * @author Andrea "Stock" Stocchero * */ public class SecretUtilityPanel extends VerticalPanel implements ResizeCapable { private PasswordTextBox secretBox = new PasswordTextBox(); private PasswordTextBox secretBox2 = new PasswordTextBox(); private Label encrypt = new Label("N/A"); private Label hash = new Label("N/A"); private Button execButton = null; private ScrollPanel scrollPanel = null; /** * Creates the UI by the argument (the table) * * @param nodes table of nodes */ public SecretUtilityPanel() { VerticalPanel container = new VerticalPanel(); setSize(Sizes.HUNDRED_PERCENT, Sizes.HUNDRED_PERCENT); secretBox.addKeyUpHandler(new KeyUpHandler() { @Override public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) { if ((secretBox.getText().length() > 0) && (secretBox2.getText().length() > 0) && secretBox.getText().equals(secretBox2.getText())) { execButton.setEnabled(true); } else { execButton.setEnabled(false); } } }); secretBox2.addKeyUpHandler(new KeyUpHandler() { @Override public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) { if ((secretBox.getText().length() > 0) && (secretBox2.getText().length() > 0) && secretBox.getText().equals(secretBox2.getText())) { execButton.setEnabled(true); } else { execButton.setEnabled(false); } } }); execButton = new Button("Crypt", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { getEncryptedSecret(secretBox.getText()); } }); execButton.setEnabled(false); execButton.addStyleName(Styles.INSTANCE.common().bigButtonPadding()); new Tooltip(execButton, "Encrypt your secret text"); // this size! container.setSpacing(10); // title container.add(new HTML("<h2>Secret utility</h2>")); // image and description HorizontalPanel imageAndDescription = new HorizontalPanel(); imageAndDescription.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); Image image = new Image(Images.INSTANCE.keys()); HTML description = new HTML( "This utility allows you to have got an encrypted secret text (password and others) that you could use in your JCL.<br>" + "This function must be use when you define a Common Resource and you want to hide the password value.<br>" + "Calulate the value and copy & paste in your JCL.</p>"); imageAndDescription.add(image); imageAndDescription.add(description); imageAndDescription.setCellWidth(description, Sizes.HUNDRED_PERCENT); container.add(imageAndDescription); FlexTable form = new FlexTable(); form.setCellPadding(10); // Add some standard form options form.setHTML(0, 0, "Secret"); form.setWidget(0, 1, secretBox); form.setHTML(1, 0, "Secret (twice to check)"); form.setWidget(1, 1, secretBox2); form.setHTML(2, 0, ""); form.setWidget(2, 1, execButton); form.setHTML(3, 0, "Encrypted secret"); form.setWidget(3, 1, encrypt); form.setHTML(4, 0, "Hash secret"); form.setWidget(4, 1, hash); container.add(form); scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(container); add(scrollPanel); } /** * * @param secret to encrypted */ public void getEncryptedSecret(final String secret) { execButton.setEnabled(false); Loading.startProcessing(); Scheduler scheduler = Scheduler.get(); scheduler.scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { Services.COMMON_RESOURCES_MANAGER.getEncryptedSecret(secret, new GetEncryptedSecretAsyncCallback()); } }); } private class GetEncryptedSecretAsyncCallback extends ServiceAsyncCallback<CryptedValueAndHash> { @Override public void onJemSuccess(CryptedValueAndHash result) { encrypt.setText(result.getCryptedValue()); hash.setText(result.getHash()); } @Override public void onJemFailure(Throwable caught) { new Toast(MessageLevel.ERROR, caught.getMessage(), "Encrypt secret error!").show(); } @Override public void onJemExecuted() { Loading.stopProcessing(); execButton.setEnabled(true); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.pepstock.jem.gwt.client.ResizeCapable#onResize(int, int) */ @Override public void onResize(int availableWidth, int availableHeight) { scrollPanel.setSize(Sizes.toString(availableWidth), Sizes.toString(availableHeight)); } }