Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
 * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
 * program; if not, you can obtain a copy at
 * or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Pentaho Corporation..  All rights reserved.


package org.pentaho.ui.xul.impl;

import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.dom4j.Attribute;
import org.dom4j.Namespace;
import org.dom4j.QName;
import org.pentaho.ui.xul.XulComponent;
import org.pentaho.ui.xul.XulContainer;
import org.pentaho.ui.xul.XulDomContainer;
import org.pentaho.ui.xul.XulException;
import org.pentaho.ui.xul.containers.XulRoot;
import org.pentaho.ui.xul.containers.XulWindow;
import org.pentaho.ui.xul.dom.Document;
import org.pentaho.ui.xul.dom.DocumentFactory;
import org.pentaho.ui.xul.dom.Element;
import org.pentaho.ui.xul.util.XulUtil;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author nbaker
public class XulParser {
    Document xulDocument;
    private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(XulParser.class);

    public Map<String, Object> handlers = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    private Map<String, Constructor<?>> constructorCache = new HashMap<String, Constructor<?>>();

    private XulDomContainer xulDomContainer;

    private List<ClassLoader> classloaders = new ArrayList<ClassLoader>();

    public XulParser() throws XulException {
        try {
            xulDocument = DocumentFactory.createDocument();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new XulException("Error getting Document instance", e);

    public void setContainer(XulDomContainer xulDomContainer) {
        this.xulDomContainer = xulDomContainer;

    public Document parseDocument(org.dom4j.Element rootSrc) throws XulException {

        XulContainer parent = null;
        if (!rootSrc.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("window") && (!rootSrc.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("dialog"))) {
            parent = getPlaceHolderRoot();
        XulComponent root = parse(rootSrc, parent);

        // give root reference to runner for service calls and attach root to document
        if (root instanceof XulRoot) {
            ((XulRoot) root).setXulDomContainer(this.xulDomContainer);
        } else { // fragment parsing, wire up dummy
            ((XulRoot) parent).setXulDomContainer(this.xulDomContainer);

        // descend back down firing notification that everything is on the tree.
        // do not do this for overlays as they will get the notification when added
        // to the real document.
        if (rootSrc.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("window") || rootSrc.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("dialog")) {

        return xulDocument;

    private void notifyDomReady(XulComponent node) {
        for (XulComponent c : node.getChildNodes()) {

    private Constructor<?> getContructor(String className) throws XulException {
        Constructor<?> con = constructorCache.get(className);

        if (con != null) {
            return con;

        Class<?> c = null;
        Throwable lastException = null;
        for (ClassLoader loader : classloaders) {
            try {
                c = loader.loadClass(className);
                if (c != null) {
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                lastException = e;
        if (c == null && lastException != null) {
            throw new XulException(lastException);

        try {
            Constructor<?> constructor = c.getConstructor(
                    new Class[] { Element.class, XulComponent.class, XulDomContainer.class, String.class });
            constructorCache.put(className, constructor);
            return constructor;
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException e1) {
            throw new XulException(e1);


    public XulContainer getPlaceHolderRoot() throws XulException {
        try {
            Object handlerClassName = handlers.get("WINDOW");
            if (handlerClassName == null) {
                throw new XulException("Could not find a tag handler for window");
            XulWindow ele = (XulWindow) getContructor(handlerClassName.toString()).newInstance(null, null,
                    xulDomContainer, "window");
            return ele;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new XulException(e);

    public XulComponent parse(org.dom4j.Element rootSrc, XulContainer parent) throws XulException {
        // parse element
        XulComponent root = getElement(rootSrc, parent);

        if (root == null) {
            return null;
        // descend down a level and parse children (root would be a container in the case)
        for (Object child : rootSrc.elements()) {
            XulComponent childElement = parse((org.dom4j.Element) child, (XulContainer) root);

            // TODO: remove once exception handling in place
            if (childElement == null) {

            // Add to the XML DOM tree ...

        if (root != null) {
            // should layout be part of the public API?
            // is this the appropriate place for layout?
            if (root instanceof AbstractXulComponent) {
                ((AbstractXulComponent) root).layout();

        return root;

    protected XulComponent getElement(org.dom4j.Element srcEle, XulContainer parent) throws XulException {

        String handlerName = srcEle.getName().toUpperCase();
        Attribute att = srcEle
                .attribute(new QName("customclass", new Namespace("pen", "")));

        // If the custom handler is registered, use it; otherwise, fall back to the original element handler...
        if (att != null) {
            String potentialHandlerName = att.getValue().toUpperCase();
            if (handlers.get(potentialHandlerName) != null) {
                handlerName = potentialHandlerName;

        Object handler = handlers.get(handlerName);

        if (handler == null) {
            logger.error("handler not found: " + handlerName);
            return null;
            // throw new XulException(String.format("No handler available for input: %s", srcEle.getName()));

        String tagName = srcEle.getName();
        try {

            Constructor<?> constructor = getContructor((String) handler);

            // create a generic element representation of the current Dom4J node
            Element domEle = DocumentFactory.createElement(srcEle.getName().toLowerCase());
            List<Attribute> attrs = srcEle.attributes();
            for (Attribute attr : attrs) {
                domEle.setAttribute(attr.getName(), attr.getValue());

            XulComponent ele = (XulComponent) constructor.newInstance(domEle, parent, xulDomContainer, tagName);

            // preserve atributes in new Generic Dom node
            for (Attribute attr : attrs) {
                ele.setAttribute(attr.getName(), attr.getValue());

            Map<String, String> attributesMap = XulUtil.AttributesToMap(srcEle.attributes());
            BeanUtils.populate(ele, attributesMap);
            return ele;

        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new XulException(e);


    public XulComponent getElement(String name) throws XulException {
        return getElement(name, null);

    public XulComponent getElement(String name, XulComponent defaultParent) throws XulException {
        Object handler = handlers.get(name.toUpperCase());

        if (handler == null) {
            logger.error("tag handler not found: " + name);
            throw new XulException(String.format("No handler available for input: %s", name));
        try {

            Constructor<?> constructor = getContructor((String) handler);

            XulComponent ele = (XulComponent) constructor.newInstance(null, defaultParent, xulDomContainer, name);
            return ele;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new XulException(e);

    public void registerHandler(String type, String handler) {

        handlers.put(type.toUpperCase(), handler);


    public Document getDocumentRoot() {
        return this.xulDocument;

     * @throws XulException
     *           Resets the state of the parser.
    public void reset() throws XulException {
        try {
            xulDocument = DocumentFactory.createDocument();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new XulException("Error getting Document instance", e);

    public void setClassLoaders(List<ClassLoader> loaders) {
        this.classloaders = loaders;
