Java tutorial
/*! * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * program; if not, you can obtain a copy at * or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Pentaho Corporation.. All rights reserved. */ package org.pentaho.ui.xul.binding; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.pentaho.ui.xul.XulComponent; import org.pentaho.ui.xul.XulEventSource; import org.pentaho.ui.xul.XulException; import org.pentaho.ui.xul.binding.BindingConvertor.Direction; import org.pentaho.ui.xul.dom.Document; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.lang.ref.Reference; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Stack; public class DefaultBinding implements Binding { protected Reference source; protected Reference target; protected String sourceAttr; protected String targetAttr; protected boolean negateBooleanAssignment = false; protected boolean reverseConversion = false; protected BindingConvertor conversion; protected PropertyChangeListener forwardListener, reverseListener; protected Stack<Method> getterMethods = new Stack<Method>(); protected Method sourceGetterMethod, targetGetterMethod; protected BindingContext context; protected static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultBinding.class); protected boolean destroyed = false; protected Type bindingStrategy = Type.BI_DIRECTIONAL; private BindingExceptionHandler exceptionHandler; public DefaultBinding() { } @Deprecated public DefaultBinding(Document document, String sourceId, String sourceAttr, String targetId, String targetAttr) { this.source = new WeakReference<XulComponent>(document.getElementById(sourceId)); setSourceAttr(sourceAttr); = new WeakReference<XulComponent>(document.getElementById(targetId)); setTargetAttr(targetAttr); } @Deprecated public DefaultBinding(Document document, Object source, String sourceAttr, String targetId, String targetAttr) { this.source = new WeakReference<Object>(source); setSourceAttr(sourceAttr); = new WeakReference<XulComponent>(document.getElementById(targetId)); setTargetAttr(targetAttr); } @Deprecated public DefaultBinding(Document document, String sourceId, String sourceAttr, Object target, String targetAttr) { this.source = new WeakReference<XulComponent>(document.getElementById(sourceId)); setSourceAttr(sourceAttr); = new WeakReference<Object>(target); setTargetAttr(targetAttr); } public DefaultBinding(Object source, String sourceAttr, Object target, String targetAttr) { this.source = new WeakReference<Object>(source); setSourceAttr(sourceAttr); = new WeakReference<Object>(target); setTargetAttr(targetAttr); } public void setBindingType(Type t) { this.bindingStrategy = t; } public Type getBindingType() { return bindingStrategy; } public void initialize() { bindForward(); if (getBindingType() == Binding.Type.BI_DIRECTIONAL) { bindReverse(); } } public Reference getSource() { return source; } public void setSource(Object source) { this.source = new WeakReference(source); } public Reference getTarget() { return target; } public void setTarget(Object target) { = new WeakReference(target); } public String getSourceAttr() { return sourceAttr; } public void setSourceAttr(String sourceAttr) { if (sourceAttr.charAt(0) == '!') { // Negation of Boolean negateBooleanAssignment = !negateBooleanAssignment; // two negations will cancel sourceAttr = sourceAttr.substring(1); } this.sourceAttr = sourceAttr; } public String getTargetAttr() { return targetAttr; } public void setTargetAttr(String targetAttr) { if (targetAttr.charAt(0) == '!') { // Negation of Boolean negateBooleanAssignment = !negateBooleanAssignment; // two negations will cancel targetAttr = targetAttr.substring(1); } this.targetAttr = targetAttr; } public Object evaluateExpressions(Object val) { if (negateBooleanAssignment && val instanceof Boolean) { return !((Boolean) val); } return val; } public Object doConversions(Object val, Direction dir) { if (conversion != null) { return (dir == Direction.FORWARD) ? conversion.sourceToTarget(val) : conversion.targetToSource(val); } return val; } public BindingConvertor getConversion() { return conversion; } public void setConversion(BindingConvertor conversion) { this.conversion = conversion; } public boolean isReverseConversion() { return reverseConversion; } public void setReverseConversion(boolean reverseConversion) { this.reverseConversion = reverseConversion; } public void fireSourceChanged() throws IllegalArgumentException, XulException, InvocationTargetException { try { Object getRetVal = sourceGetterMethod.invoke(getSource().get()); forwardListener.propertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(getSource(), getSourceAttr(), null, getRetVal)); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // TODO: re-implement IllegalAccessException. // cannot be in interface due to GWT incompatibility. handleException(new BindingException(e)); } } public void bindForward() { setForwardListener( setupBinding(getSource(), getSourceAttr(), getTarget(), getTargetAttr(), Direction.FORWARD)); sourceGetterMethod = getterMethods.pop(); logger.debug("Forward binding established: " + source.get() + "." + sourceAttr + " ==> " + target.get() + "." + targetAttr); } public void bindReverse() { setReverseListener( setupBinding(getTarget(), getTargetAttr(), getSource(), getSourceAttr(), Direction.BACK)); targetGetterMethod = getterMethods.pop(); logger.debug("Reverse binding established: " + source.get() + "." + sourceAttr + " <== " + target.get() + "." + targetAttr); } protected PropertyChangeListener setupBinding(final Reference a, final String va, final Reference b, final String vb, final Direction dir) { if (a.get() == null || va == null) { handleException(new BindingException("source bean or property is null")); } if (!(a.get() instanceof XulEventSource)) { handleException(new BindingException( "Binding error, source object " + a.get() + " not a XulEventSource instance")); } if (b.get() == null || vb == null) { handleException(new BindingException("target bean or property is null")); } Method sourceGetMethod = BindingUtil.findGetMethod(a.get(), va); Class getterClazz = BindingUtil.getMethodReturnType(sourceGetMethod, a.get()); getterMethods.push(sourceGetMethod); // find set method final Method targetSetMethod = BindingUtil.findSetMethod(b.get(), vb, getterClazz); // setup prop change listener to handle binding PropertyChangeListener listener = new PropertyChangeListener() { public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) { final PropertyChangeListener cThis = this; if (evt.getPropertyName().equalsIgnoreCase(va)) { try { Object targetObject = b.get(); if (targetObject == null) { logger.debug("Binding target was Garbage Collected, removing propListener"); DefaultBinding.this.destroyBindings(); return; } Object value = doConversions(evt.getNewValue(), dir); final Object finalVal = evaluateExpressions(value); logger.debug("Setting val: " + finalVal + " on: " + targetObject); targetSetMethod.invoke(targetObject, finalVal); } catch (Exception e) { logger.debug(e); handleException(new BindingException("Error invoking setter method [" + targetSetMethod.getName() + "] on target: " + target.get(), e)); } } } }; ((XulEventSource) a.get()).addPropertyChangeListener(listener); return listener; } protected void handleException(BindingException exception) { if (exceptionHandler != null) { exceptionHandler.handleException(exception); } else { throw exception; } } public void destroyBindings() { if (destroyed) { // circular catch from context.remove() return; } Object sourceObj = getSource().get(); Object targetObj = getTarget().get(); if (forwardListener != null && sourceObj != null && sourceObj instanceof XulEventSource) { ((XulEventSource) sourceObj).removePropertyChangeListener(forwardListener); logger.debug("Removing forward binding on " + sourceObj); } if (reverseListener != null && targetObj != null && targetObj instanceof XulEventSource) { ((XulEventSource) targetObj).removePropertyChangeListener(reverseListener); logger.debug("Removing reverse binding on " + targetObj); } setDestroyed(true); if (context != null) { context.remove(this); } } protected void setDestroyed(boolean flag) { this.destroyed = flag; } public PropertyChangeListener getForwardListener() { return forwardListener; } public void setForwardListener(PropertyChangeListener forwardListener) { this.forwardListener = forwardListener; } public PropertyChangeListener getReverseListener() { return reverseListener; } public void setReverseListener(PropertyChangeListener reverseListener) { this.reverseListener = reverseListener; } public List<PropertyChangeListener> getListeneners() { List<PropertyChangeListener> l = new ArrayList<PropertyChangeListener>(); if (forwardListener != null) { l.add(forwardListener); } if (reverseListener != null) { l.add(reverseListener); } return l; } public BindingContext getContext() { return context; } public void setContext(BindingContext context) { this.context = context; } public void setExceptionHandler(BindingExceptionHandler handler) { this.exceptionHandler = handler; } }