Java tutorial
/*! * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * program; if not, you can obtain a copy at * or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2017 Hitachi Vantara.. All rights reserved. */ package org.pentaho.plugin.jfreereport.reportcharts; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisLocation; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateTickUnit; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis3D; import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.DatasetRenderingOrder; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.CategoryItemRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.LineAndShapeRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.LineRenderer3D; import; import; import org.pentaho.plugin.jfreereport.reportcharts.backport.FastNumberTickUnit; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.ClassicEngineBoot; import org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.function.Expression; import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.formatting.FastDecimalFormat; import java.awt.*; import java.text.DateFormatSymbols; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public class BarLineChartExpression extends BarChartExpression implements MultiPlotChartExpression { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7082583397390897215L; private String linesDataSource; private String secondValueAxisLabel; //$NON-NLS-1$ private ArrayList<String> lineSeriesColor; private String linesLabelFont; //$NON-NLS-1$ @Deprecated private String linesTickLabelFont; //$NON-NLS-1$ private String lineTicksLabelFormat; //$NON-NLS-1$ private String lineStyle; //$NON-NLS-1$ private float lineWidth; private boolean markersVisible; private boolean sharedRangeAxis; private double linePeriodCount; private Class lineTimePeriod; private Font lineTitleFont; private Font lineTickFont; private double lineRangeMinimum; private double lineRangeMaximum; private boolean lineAxisAutoRange; private boolean lineAxisIncludesZero; private boolean lineAxisStickyZero; //constructor public BarLineChartExpression() { lineSeriesColor = new ArrayList<String>(); secondValueAxisLabel = ""; linesLabelFont = "SansSerif--8"; linesTickLabelFont = "SansSerif--8"; lineWidth = 1.0f; markersVisible = false; linePeriodCount = 0; lineRangeMinimum = 0; lineRangeMaximum = 1; lineAxisAutoRange = true; lineAxisIncludesZero = true; lineAxisStickyZero = true; } public boolean isLineAxisIncludesZero() { return lineAxisIncludesZero; } public void setLineAxisIncludesZero(final boolean lineAxisIncludesZero) { this.lineAxisIncludesZero = lineAxisIncludesZero; } public boolean isLineAxisStickyZero() { return lineAxisStickyZero; } public void setLineAxisStickyZero(final boolean lineAxisStickyZero) { this.lineAxisStickyZero = lineAxisStickyZero; } public Font getLineTitleFont() { return lineTitleFont; } public void setLineTitleFont(final Font lineTitleFont) { this.lineTitleFont = lineTitleFont; } public Font getLineTickFont() { return lineTickFont; } public void setLineTickFont(final Font lineTickFont) { this.lineTickFont = lineTickFont; } public double getLineRangeMinimum() { return lineRangeMinimum; } public void setLineRangeMinimum(final double lineRangeMinimum) { this.lineRangeMinimum = lineRangeMinimum; } public double getLineRangeMaximum() { return lineRangeMaximum; } public void setLineRangeMaximum(final double lineRangeMaximum) { this.lineRangeMaximum = lineRangeMaximum; } public double getLinePeriodCount() { return linePeriodCount; } public void setLinePeriodCount(final double linePeriodCount) { this.linePeriodCount = linePeriodCount; } public Class getLineTimePeriod() { return lineTimePeriod; } public void setLineTimePeriod(final Class lineTimePeriod) { this.lineTimePeriod = lineTimePeriod; } public boolean isSharedRangeAxis() { return sharedRangeAxis; } public void setSharedRangeAxis(final boolean sharedRangeAxis) { this.sharedRangeAxis = sharedRangeAxis; } /** * Return a completly separated copy of this function. The copy does no longer share any changeable objects with the * original function. * * @return a copy of this function. */ public Expression getInstance() { final BarLineChartExpression chartExpression = (BarLineChartExpression) super.getInstance(); chartExpression.lineSeriesColor = (ArrayList<String>) lineSeriesColor.clone(); return chartExpression; } public String getLinesDataSource() { return linesDataSource; } public void setLinesDataSource(final String linesDataSource) { this.linesDataSource = linesDataSource; } public String getSecondaryDataSet() { return getLinesDataSource(); } public void setSecondaryDataSet(final String dataset) { setLinesDataSource(dataset); } public String getLinesLabelFont() { return linesLabelFont; } public void setLinesLabelFont(final String linesLabelFont) { this.linesLabelFont = linesLabelFont; } @Deprecated public String getLinesTickLabelFont() { return linesTickLabelFont; } @Deprecated public void setLinesTickLabelFont(final String linesTickLabelFont) { this.linesTickLabelFont = linesTickLabelFont; } public String getSecondValueAxisLabel() { return secondValueAxisLabel; } public void setSecondValueAxisLabel(final String secondValueAxisLabel) { this.secondValueAxisLabel = secondValueAxisLabel; } public String getLineTicksLabelFormat() { return lineTicksLabelFormat; } public void setLineTicksLabelFormat(final String lineTicksLabelFormat) { this.lineTicksLabelFormat = lineTicksLabelFormat; } public void setLineSeriesColor(final int index, final String field) { if (lineSeriesColor.size() == index) { lineSeriesColor.add(field); } else { lineSeriesColor.set(index, field); } } public String getLineSeriesColor(final int index) { return (String) this.lineSeriesColor.get(index); } public int getLineSeriesColorCount() { return this.lineSeriesColor.size(); } public String[] getLineSeriesColor() { final Object[] toArray = this.lineSeriesColor.toArray(new String[this.lineSeriesColor.size()]); return (String[]) toArray; } public void setLineSeriesColor(final String[] fields) { this.lineSeriesColor.clear(); this.lineSeriesColor.addAll(Arrays.asList(fields)); } /** * @return returns the style set for the lines */ public String getLineStyle() { return lineStyle; } /** * @param value set the style for all line series */ public void setLineStyle(final String value) { lineStyle = value; } /** * @return the width of all line series Valid values are float numbers zero or greater */ public float getLineWidth() { return lineWidth; } /** * @param value set the width of all line series Valid values are float numbers zero or greater */ public void setLineWidth(final float value) { lineWidth = value; } /** * @return boolean whether the markers (data points) for all series are displayed */ public boolean isMarkersVisible() { return markersVisible; } /** * @param markersVisible set whether the markers (data points) for all series should be displayed */ public void setMarkersVisible(final boolean markersVisible) { this.markersVisible = markersVisible; } /** * @deprecated */ public String getBarsTickLabelFont() { return convertFontToString(getRangeTickFont()); } /** * @deprecated */ public void setBarsTickLabelFont(final String barsTickLabelFont) { setRangeTickFont(Font.decode(barsTickLabelFont)); } /** * @deprecated */ public String getCategoryTickLabelFont() { return getLabelFont(); } /** * @deprecated */ public void setCategoryTickLabelFont(final String categoryTickLabelFont) { this.setLabelFont(categoryTickLabelFont); } /** * @return * @deprecated duplicate property. */ public String getBarTicksLabelFormat() { return getRangeTickFormatString(); } /** * @param lineTicksLabelDateFormat * @deprecated duplicate property. */ public void setBarTicksLabelFormat(final String lineTicksLabelDateFormat) { setRangeTickFormatString(lineTicksLabelDateFormat); } /** * @deprecated */ public String getBarsLabelFont() { return convertFontToString(getRangeTitleFont()); } /** * @deprecated */ public void setBarsLabelFont(final String barsLabelFont) { setRangeTitleFont(Font.decode(barsLabelFont)); } public boolean isLineAxisAutoRange() { return lineAxisAutoRange; } public void setLineAxisAutoRange(final boolean lineAxisAutoRange) { this.lineAxisAutoRange = lineAxisAutoRange; } public JFreeChart computeCategoryChart(final CategoryDataset barsDataset) { final JFreeChart chart = super.computeCategoryChart(barsDataset); final CategoryDataset linesDataset = createLinesDataset(); //Create the renderer with the barchart, use a different bar renderer depending //if 3D chart or not final CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot(); final CategoryItemRenderer lineRenderer; if (isThreeD()) { lineRenderer = new LineRenderer3D(); } else { lineRenderer = new LineAndShapeRenderer(); } //add lines dataset and axis to plot if (linesDataset != null) { //Create Axis Objects final ValueAxis linesAxis; if (isSharedRangeAxis()) { linesAxis = plot.getRangeAxis(); } else if (isThreeD()) { linesAxis = new NumberAxis3D(getSecondValueAxisLabel()); } else { linesAxis = new NumberAxis(getSecondValueAxisLabel()); } plot.setRenderer(1, lineRenderer); plot.setDataset(1, linesDataset); plot.setRangeAxis(1, linesAxis); //map lines to second axis plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(1, 1); //set location of second axis plot.setRangeAxisLocation(1, AxisLocation.BOTTOM_OR_RIGHT); } //set rendering order plot.setDatasetRenderingOrder(DatasetRenderingOrder.FORWARD); return chart; } private CategoryDataset createLinesDataset() { final Object maybeCollector = getDataRow().get(getLinesDataSource()); final Dataset dataset; if (maybeCollector instanceof ICollectorFunction) { final ICollectorFunction collector = (ICollectorFunction) maybeCollector; dataset = (Dataset) collector.getDatasourceValue(); } else if (maybeCollector instanceof CollectorFunctionResult) { final CollectorFunctionResult collector = (CollectorFunctionResult) maybeCollector; dataset = collector.getDataSet(); } else { dataset = null; } final CategoryDataset linesDataset; if (dataset instanceof CategoryDataset) { linesDataset = (CategoryDataset) dataset; } else { linesDataset = null; } return linesDataset; } protected void configureChart(final JFreeChart chart) { super.configureChart(chart); final CategoryPlot plot = chart.getCategoryPlot(); if (isSharedRangeAxis() == false) { final ValueAxis linesAxis = plot.getRangeAxis(1); if (linesAxis instanceof NumberAxis) { final NumberAxis numberAxis = (NumberAxis) linesAxis; numberAxis.setAutoRangeIncludesZero(isLineAxisIncludesZero()); numberAxis.setAutoRangeStickyZero(isLineAxisStickyZero()); if (getLinePeriodCount() > 0) { if (getLineTicksLabelFormat() != null) { final FastDecimalFormat formatter = new FastDecimalFormat(getLineTicksLabelFormat(), getResourceBundleFactory().getLocale()); numberAxis.setTickUnit(new FastNumberTickUnit(getLinePeriodCount(), formatter)); } else { numberAxis.setTickUnit(new FastNumberTickUnit(getLinePeriodCount())); } } else { if (getLineTicksLabelFormat() != null) { final DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(getLineTicksLabelFormat(), new DecimalFormatSymbols(getResourceBundleFactory().getLocale())); numberAxis.setNumberFormatOverride(formatter); } } } else if (linesAxis instanceof DateAxis) { final DateAxis numberAxis = (DateAxis) linesAxis; if (getLinePeriodCount() > 0 && getLineTimePeriod() != null) { if (getLineTicksLabelFormat() != null) { final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(getLineTicksLabelFormat(), new DateFormatSymbols(getResourceBundleFactory().getLocale())); numberAxis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(getDateUnitAsInt(getLineTimePeriod()), (int) getLinePeriodCount(), formatter)); } else { numberAxis.setTickUnit(new DateTickUnit(getDateUnitAsInt(getLineTimePeriod()), (int) getLinePeriodCount())); } } else if (getRangeTickFormatString() != null) { final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(getRangeTickFormatString(), new DateFormatSymbols(getResourceBundleFactory().getLocale())); numberAxis.setDateFormatOverride(formatter); } } if (linesAxis != null) { final Font labelFont = Font.decode(getLabelFont()); linesAxis.setLabelFont(labelFont); linesAxis.setTickLabelFont(labelFont); if (getLineTitleFont() != null) { linesAxis.setLabelFont(getLineTitleFont()); } if (getLineTickFont() != null) { linesAxis.setTickLabelFont(getLineTickFont()); } final int level = getRuntime().getProcessingContext().getCompatibilityLevel(); if (ClassicEngineBoot.isEnforceCompatibilityFor(level, 3, 8)) { if (getRangeMinimum() != 0) { linesAxis.setLowerBound(getLineRangeMinimum()); } if (getRangeMaximum() != 1) { linesAxis.setUpperBound(getLineRangeMaximum()); } if (getLineRangeMinimum() == 0 && getLineRangeMaximum() == 1) { linesAxis.setLowerBound(0); linesAxis.setUpperBound(1); linesAxis.setAutoRange(true); } } else { linesAxis.setLowerBound(getLineRangeMinimum()); linesAxis.setUpperBound(getLineRangeMaximum()); linesAxis.setAutoRange(isLineAxisAutoRange()); } } } final LineAndShapeRenderer linesRenderer = (LineAndShapeRenderer) plot.getRenderer(1); if (linesRenderer != null) { //set stroke with line width linesRenderer.setStroke(translateLineStyle(lineWidth, lineStyle)); //hide shapes on line linesRenderer.setShapesVisible(isMarkersVisible()); linesRenderer.setBaseShapesFilled(isMarkersVisible()); //set colors for each line for (int i = 0; i < lineSeriesColor.size(); i++) { final String s = (String) lineSeriesColor.get(i); linesRenderer.setSeriesPaint(i, parseColorFromString(s)); } } } private String convertFontToString(final Font font) { if (font == null) { return null; } final String fontName = font.getFamily(); final int fontSize = font.getSize(); final int fontStyle = font.getStyle(); final String fontStyleText; if ((fontStyle & (Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC)) == (Font.BOLD | Font.ITALIC)) { fontStyleText = "BOLDITALIC"; } else if ((fontStyle & Font.BOLD) == Font.BOLD) { fontStyleText = "BOLD"; } else if ((fontStyle & Font.ITALIC) == Font.ITALIC) { fontStyleText = "ITALIC"; } else { fontStyleText = "PLAIN"; } return (fontName + "-" + fontStyleText + "-" + fontSize); } public void reconfigureForCompatibility(final int versionTag) { super.reconfigureForCompatibility(versionTag); if (ClassicEngineBoot.isEnforceCompatibilityFor(versionTag, 3, 8)) { setLineAxisAutoRange(getLineRangeMinimum() == 0 && getLineRangeMaximum() == 1); } } }