Java tutorial
/*! * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this * program; if not, you can obtain a copy at * or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * * Copyright (c) 2002-2018 Hitachi Vantara. All rights reserved. * */ package org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.chart; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dom4j.Node; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryLabelPositions; import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge; import org.pentaho.commons.connection.IPentahoDataTypes; import org.pentaho.commons.connection.IPentahoResultSet; import org.pentaho.commons.connection.PentahoDataTransmuter; import org.pentaho.platform.api.engine.IPentahoSession; import org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system.PentahoSystem; import org.pentaho.platform.uifoundation.messages.Messages; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Paint; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; // ESCA-JAVA0136: // ESCA-JAVA0100: public class CategoryDatasetChartDefinition extends DefaultCategoryDataset implements ChartDefinition { private static final String STACKED_NODE_NAME = "is-stacked"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String ORIENTATION_NODE_NAME = "orientation"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String DOMAIN_TITLE_NODE_NAME = "domain-title"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String DOMAIN_TITLE_FONT_NODE_NAME = "domain-title-font"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String DOMAIN_TICK_FONT_NODE_NAME = "domain-tick-font"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String RANGE_TITLE_NODE_NAME = "range-title"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String RANGE_TITLE_FONT_NODE_NAME = "range-title-font"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String RANGE_TICK_FORMAT_NODE_NAME = "range-tick-format"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String RANGE_TICK_FONT_NODE_NAME = "range-tick-font"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String RANGE_MINIMUM_NODE_NAME = "range-minimum"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String RANGE_MAXIMUM_NODE_NAME = "range-maximum"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String RANGE_TICK_UNITS_NODE_NAME = "range-tick-units"; private static final String DOMAIN_LABEL_ROTATION_ANGLE_NODE_NAME = "domain-label-rotation"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String DOMAIN_LABEL_ROTATION_DIRECTION_NODE_NAME = "domain-label-rotation-dir"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String MAX_BAR_WIDTH_NODE_NAME = "max-bar-width"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String INCLUDE_NULL_CATEGORIES_NODE_NAME = "include-null-categories"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private int chartType = JFreeChartEngine.UNDEFINED_CHART_TYPE; private static final int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 200; private static final int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 200; // JFreeChart Customizations private String title = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ protected String noDataMessage = null; private RectangleEdge titlePosition = RectangleEdge.TOP; private RectangleEdge legendPosition = RectangleEdge.BOTTOM; private Font titleFont = TextTitle.DEFAULT_FONT; private final List subTitles = new ArrayList(); private Paint chartBackgroundPaint = Color.WHITE; private Image chartBackgroundImage = null; private boolean borderVisible = false; private Paint borderPaint = Color.BLACK; private int width = DEFAULT_WIDTH; private int height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT; // Plot Customizations private PlotOrientation orientation = PlotOrientation.VERTICAL; private Paint plotBackgroundPaint = Color.WHITE; private Image plotBackgroundImage = null; private boolean legendIncluded = true; private Font legendFont = null; private boolean legendBorderVisible = true; private boolean includeNullCategories = true; private boolean threeD = false; private boolean stacked = false; private Paint[] paintSequence = null; private CategoryLabelPositions domainLabelPositions = new CategoryLabelPositions(); private String domainTitle = null; private Font domainTitleFont = TextTitle.DEFAULT_FONT; private Font domainTickFont = null; private String rangeTitle = null; private Font rangeTitleFont = TextTitle.DEFAULT_FONT; private NumberFormat rangeTickFormat = null; private Font rangeTickFont = null; private double rangeMinimum = ValueAxis.DEFAULT_LOWER_BOUND; private double rangeMaximum = ValueAxis.DEFAULT_UPPER_BOUND; private Double rangeTickUnits = null; // ADDED private Float backgroundAlpha; private Float foregroundAlpha; // line attributes are duplicated in 3 classes: // // // // This is a tactical implementation, to get additional // critical attributes of the chart exposed. The architecture // for managing these attributes needs to be addressed // strategically at some point in the future. private String lineStyle = ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_SOLID_STR; private float lineWidth = 1.0f; private boolean markersVisible = false; private Double maxBarWidth; private IPentahoSession session; /** * version info */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1717509132920946530L; public CategoryDatasetChartDefinition(final IPentahoSession session) { super(); this.session = session; } public CategoryDatasetChartDefinition(final IPentahoSession session, final Node chartAttributes) { super(); this.session = session; setChartAttributes(chartAttributes); } public CategoryDatasetChartDefinition(final int chartType, final IPentahoResultSet data, final boolean byRow, final IPentahoSession session) { this(session); this.chartType = chartType; if (byRow) { setDataByRow(data); } else { setDataByColumn(data); } } public CategoryDatasetChartDefinition(final IPentahoResultSet data, final boolean byRow, final Node chartAttributes, final IPentahoSession session) { this(JFreeChartEngine.UNDEFINED_CHART_TYPE, data, byRow, session); setChartAttributes(chartAttributes); } public static Log getLogger() { return LogFactory.getLog(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.class); } private void setChartAttributes(final Node chartAttributes) { if (chartAttributes == null) { return; } // set the alfa layers Node backgroundAlphaNode = chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.BACKGROUND_ALPHA_NODE_NAME); Node foregroundAlphaNode = chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.FOREGROUND_ALPHA_NODE_NAME); if (backgroundAlphaNode != null) { setBackgroundAlpha(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.BACKGROUND_ALPHA_NODE_NAME)); } if (foregroundAlphaNode != null) { setForegroundAlpha(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.FOREGROUND_ALPHA_NODE_NAME)); } // get the chart type from the chart node -- this overrides the current // chart type setChartType(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.TYPE_NODE_NAME)); // set the chart background setChartBackground(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.CHART_BACKGROUND_NODE_NAME)); // set the plot background setPlotBackground(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.PLOT_BACKGROUND_NODE_NAME)); // set the orientation setOrientation(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.ORIENTATION_NODE_NAME)); // do we want a legend setLegendIncluded(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.INCLUDE_LEGEND_NODE_NAME)); // get the chart title setTitle(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.TITLE_NODE_NAME)); // get the chart subtitles // A list of <subtitle> nodes should not be allowed to exist as a child of the main XML element (for XML schema // to // be well constructed and validate the XML . // We have deprecated <subtitle> as a child of the main node , and now require a <subtitles> parent node // under which <subtitle> can exist. List subTitleNodes = chartAttributes.selectNodes(ChartDefinition.SUBTITLE_NODE_NAME); if ((subTitleNodes == null) || (subTitleNodes.isEmpty())) { Node subTitlesNode = chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.SUBTITLES_NODE_NAME); if (subTitlesNode != null) { subTitleNodes = subTitlesNode.selectNodes(ChartDefinition.SUBTITLE_NODE_NAME); } } else { // log a deprecation warning for this property... CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.getLogger() .warn(Messages.getInstance().getString("CHART.WARN_DEPRECATED_CHILD", //$NON-NLS-1$ ChartDefinition.SUBTITLE_NODE_NAME, ChartDefinition.SUBTITLES_NODE_NAME)); CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.getLogger().warn(Messages.getInstance() .getString("CHART.WARN_PROPERTY_WILL_NOT_VALIDATE", ChartDefinition.SUBTITLE_NODE_NAME)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (subTitleNodes != null) { addSubTitles(subTitleNodes); } // get the paint sequence setPaintSequence(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.PALETTE_NODE_NAME)); // get the stacked value setStacked(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.STACKED_NODE_NAME)); // get the 3D value setThreeD(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.THREED_NODE_NAME)); // set the width setWidth(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.WIDTH_NODE_NAME)); // set the height setHeight(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.HEIGHT_NODE_NAME)); // set category rotation direction setCategoryLabelRotation( chartAttributes .selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.DOMAIN_LABEL_ROTATION_DIRECTION_NODE_NAME), chartAttributes .selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.DOMAIN_LABEL_ROTATION_ANGLE_NODE_NAME)); // set the border on or off setBorderVisible(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.CHART_BORDER_VISIBLE_NODE_NAME)); // set the border Paint setBorderPaint(JFreeChartEngine .getPaint(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.CHART_BORDER_PAINT_NODE_NAME))); // set the title location setTitlePosition(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.TITLE_POSITION_NODE_NAME)); // set the legend position setLegendPosition(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.LEGEND_POSITION_NODE_NAME)); // set the title font setTitleFont(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.TITLE_FONT_NODE_NAME)); // set the domain title setDomainTitle(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.DOMAIN_TITLE_NODE_NAME)); // set the domain font setDomainTitleFont( chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.DOMAIN_TITLE_FONT_NODE_NAME)); // set the range minimum setRangeMinimum(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.RANGE_MINIMUM_NODE_NAME)); // set the range minimum setRangeMaximum(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.RANGE_MAXIMUM_NODE_NAME)); // set the range tick units setRangeTickUnits( chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.RANGE_TICK_UNITS_NODE_NAME)); // the the range tick label number format setDomainTickFont( chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.DOMAIN_TICK_FONT_NODE_NAME)); // set the range title setRangeTitle(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.RANGE_TITLE_NODE_NAME)); // the the range font setRangeTitleFont( chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.RANGE_TITLE_FONT_NODE_NAME)); // the the range tick label number format setRangeTickFormat( chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.RANGE_TICK_FORMAT_NODE_NAME)); // the the range ticklabel font setRangeTickFont( chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.RANGE_TICK_FONT_NODE_NAME)); // set the line style setLineStyle(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_NODE_NAME)); // set the line width setLineWidth(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.LINE_WIDTH_NODE_NAME)); // set the marker visibility setMarkersVisible(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.MARKER_VISIBLE_NODE_NAME)); // set the marker visibility setMaxBarWidth(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.MAX_BAR_WIDTH_NODE_NAME)); // set legend font setLegendFont(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.LEGEND_FONT_NODE_NAME)); // set legend border visible setLegendBorderVisible(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.DISPLAY_LEGEND_BORDER_NODE_NAME)); // first see if Hitachi Vantara System sets this property String defaultIncludeNullCategories = PentahoSystem .getSystemSetting("Charting/" + INCLUDE_NULL_CATEGORIES_NODE_NAME, "true"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ setIncludeNullCategories("true".equals(defaultIncludeNullCategories)); //$NON-NLS-1$ // set whether to include null categories setIncludeNullCategories(chartAttributes.selectSingleNode(INCLUDE_NULL_CATEGORIES_NODE_NAME)); } private void setDataByColumn(final IPentahoResultSet data) { setDataByRow(PentahoDataTransmuter.pivot(data)); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private void setDataByRow(IPentahoResultSet data) { if (data == null) { noDataMessage = Messages.getInstance().getString("CHART.USER_NO_DATA_AVAILABLE"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return; // No data so we've got nothing to set // TODO come up with some sort of error strategy here. } boolean hasRowHeaders = data.getMetaData().getRowHeaders() != null; boolean hasColumnHeaders = data.getMetaData().getColumnHeaders() != null; if (!hasRowHeaders || !hasColumnHeaders) { data = PentahoDataTransmuter.transmute(data, false); } String[] rowHeaders = null; String[] columnHeaders = null; try { rowHeaders = PentahoDataTransmuter.getCollapsedHeaders(IPentahoDataTypes.AXIS_ROW, data, '|'); columnHeaders = PentahoDataTransmuter.getCollapsedHeaders(IPentahoDataTypes.AXIS_COLUMN, data, '|'); } catch (Exception e) { // should really NEVER get here CategoryDatasetChartDefinition.getLogger().error(null, e); } int row = 0; Object[] rowData =; while (rowData != null) { for (int column = 0; column < rowData.length; column++) { if (rowData[column] instanceof Number) { Number currentNumber = null; try { // If value has been set then we get it if (rowHeaders != null && row < rowHeaders.length && columnHeaders != null && column < columnHeaders.length) { currentNumber = getValue(rowHeaders[row], columnHeaders[column]); } } catch (UnknownKeyException uke) { // else we just set it // to zero currentNumber = new Double(0.0); } if (currentNumber == null) { currentNumber = new Double(0.0); } double currentValue = currentNumber.doubleValue(); double newValue = ((Number) rowData[column]).doubleValue(); if (rowHeaders != null && row < rowHeaders.length && columnHeaders != null && column < columnHeaders.length) { setValue(new Double(currentValue + newValue), rowHeaders[row], columnHeaders[column]); } } else if (includeNullCategories && rowData[column] == null) { Number currentNumber = null; try { // If value has been set then we get it if (rowHeaders != null && row < rowHeaders.length && columnHeaders != null && column < columnHeaders.length) { currentNumber = getValue(rowHeaders[row], columnHeaders[column]); } } catch (UnknownKeyException uke) { // else we just set it currentNumber = null; } if (rowHeaders != null && row < rowHeaders.length && columnHeaders != null && column < columnHeaders.length) { setValue(currentNumber, rowHeaders[row], columnHeaders[column]); } } } row++; rowData =; } if ((data.getRowCount() > 0) && (this.getRowCount() <= 0)) { noDataMessage = Messages.getInstance().getString("CHART.USER_INCORRECT_DATA_FORMAT"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } /** * @param chartBackgroundPaint * The backgroundPaint to set. */ public void setChartBackgroundPaint(final Paint chartBackgroundPaint) { if (chartBackgroundPaint != null) { this.chartBackgroundPaint = chartBackgroundPaint; } } /** * Return the java.awt.Font to be used to display the dial title * * @return Font The Font for the title of this Pie */ public Font getTitleFont() { return titleFont; } public void setTitleFont(final Font titleFont) { this.titleFont = titleFont; } public void setTitleFont(final Node titleFontNode) { Font font = JFreeChartEngine.getFont(titleFontNode); if (font != null) { setTitleFont(font); } } /** * @return Returns the backgroundPaint. */ public Paint getChartBackgroundPaint() { return chartBackgroundPaint; } /** * @return Returns the chartType. */ public int getChartType() { return chartType; } /** * @deprecated use JFreeChartEngine.getChartType(typeStr), which has all of the chart name options for * conversion. * * @param typeStr * @return */ @Deprecated public static int getChartType(final String typeStr) { if (typeStr != null) { if (ChartDefinition.PIE_CHART_STR.equalsIgnoreCase(typeStr)) { return JFreeChartEngine.PIE_CHART_TYPE; } else if (ChartDefinition.PIE_GRID_CHART_STR.equalsIgnoreCase(typeStr)) { return JFreeChartEngine.PIE_GRID_CHART_TYPE; } else if (ChartDefinition.BAR_CHART_STR.equalsIgnoreCase(typeStr)) { return JFreeChartEngine.BAR_CHART_TYPE; } else if (ChartDefinition.LINE_CHART_STR.equalsIgnoreCase(typeStr)) { return JFreeChartEngine.LINE_CHART_TYPE; } else if (ChartDefinition.AREA_CHART_STR.equalsIgnoreCase(typeStr)) { return JFreeChartEngine.AREA_CHART_TYPE; } else if (ChartDefinition.BAR_LINE_CHART_STR.equalsIgnoreCase(typeStr)) { return JFreeChartEngine.BAR_LINE_CHART_TYPE; } } return JFreeChartEngine.UNDEFINED_CHART_TYPE; } public void setChartType(final Node chartTypeNode) { if (chartTypeNode != null) { String typeStr = chartTypeNode.getText(); setChartType(JFreeChartEngine.getChartType(typeStr)); } } /** * @param chartType * The chartType to set. */ public void setChartType(final int chartType) { this.chartType = chartType; } /** * @return Returns the threeD. */ public boolean isThreeD() { return threeD; } public void setThreeD(final Node threeDNode) { if (threeDNode != null) { String boolStr = threeDNode.getText(); setThreeD(Boolean.parseBoolean(boolStr)); } } /** * @param threeD * The threeD to set. */ public void setThreeD(final boolean threeD) { this.threeD = threeD; } /** * @return Returns the stacked. */ public boolean isStacked() { return stacked; } public void setStacked(final Node stackedNode) { if (stackedNode != null) { String boolStr = stackedNode.getText(); setStacked(Boolean.parseBoolean(boolStr)); } } /** * @param stacked * The stacked to set. */ public void setStacked(final boolean stacked) { this.stacked = stacked; } /** * @return Returns the height. */ public int getHeight() { return height; } public void setHeight(final Node heightNode) { if (heightNode != null) { setHeight(Integer.parseInt(heightNode.getText())); } } /** * @param height * The height to set. */ public void setHeight(final int height) { this.height = height; } /** * @return Returns the width. */ public int getWidth() { return width; } public void setWidth(final Node widthNode) { if (widthNode != null) { setWidth(Integer.parseInt(widthNode.getText())); } } /** * @param width * The width to set. */ public void setWidth(final int width) { this.width = width; } /** * @return Returns the title. */ public String getTitle() { return title; } public void setTitle(final Node chartTitleNode) { if (chartTitleNode != null) { setTitle(chartTitleNode.getText()); } } /** * @param title * The title to set. */ public void setTitle(final String title) { this.title = title; } /** * @return Returns the paintSequence. */ public Paint[] getPaintSequence() { return paintSequence; } public void setPaintSequence(final Node paletteNode) { if (paletteNode != null) { List colorNodes = paletteNode.selectNodes(ChartDefinition.COLOR_NODE_NAME); Paint[] paints = new Paint[colorNodes.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < colorNodes.size(); i++) { paints[i] = JFreeChartEngine.getPaint((Node) colorNodes.get(i)); } setPaintSequence(paints); } } /** * @param paintSequence * The paintSequence to set. */ public void setPaintSequence(final Paint[] paintSequence) { this.paintSequence = paintSequence; } /** * @return Returns the subTitles. */ public List getSubtitles() { return subTitles; } public void addSubTitles(final List subTitleNodes) { if (subTitleNodes != null) { Iterator iter = subTitleNodes.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { addSubTitle(((Node); } } } public void addSubTitle(final String subTitle) { subTitles.add(subTitle); } /** * @return Returns the chartBackgroundImage. */ public Image getChartBackgroundImage() { return chartBackgroundImage; } public void setChartBackgroundImage(final Node chartBackgroundImageNode) { setChartBackgroundImage(JFreeChartEngine.getImage(chartBackgroundImageNode, getSession())); } /** * @param chartBackgroundImage * The chartBackgroundImage to set. */ public void setChartBackgroundImage(final Image chartBackgroundImage) { this.chartBackgroundImage = chartBackgroundImage; } /** * @return Returns the legendIncluded. */ public boolean isLegendIncluded() { return legendIncluded; } public void setLegendIncluded(final Node legendNode) { if (legendNode != null) { String boolStr = legendNode.getText(); Boolean booleanValue = new Boolean(boolStr); setLegendIncluded(booleanValue.booleanValue()); } } /** * @param legendIncluded * The legendIncluded to set. */ public void setLegendIncluded(final boolean legendIncluded) { this.legendIncluded = legendIncluded; } public void setPlotBackgroundPaint(final Paint plotBackgroundPaint) { if (plotBackgroundPaint != null) { this.plotBackgroundPaint = plotBackgroundPaint; } } public Paint getPlotBackgroundPaint() { return plotBackgroundPaint; } /** * @return Returns the plotBackgroundImage. */ public Image getPlotBackgroundImage() { return plotBackgroundImage; } public void setPlotBackgroundImage(final Node plotBackgroundImageNode) { setPlotBackgroundImage(JFreeChartEngine.getImage(plotBackgroundImageNode, getSession())); } /** * @param plotBackgroundImage * The plotBackgroundImage to set. */ public void setPlotBackgroundImage(final Image plotBackgroundImage) { this.plotBackgroundImage = plotBackgroundImage; } /** * @return Returns the orientation. */ public PlotOrientation getOrientation() { return orientation; } public void setOrientation(final Node orientationNode) { if (orientationNode != null) { String orientationStr = orientationNode.getText(); if (ChartDefinition.VERTICAL_ORIENTATION.equalsIgnoreCase(orientationStr)) { setOrientation(PlotOrientation.VERTICAL); } else if (ChartDefinition.HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION.equalsIgnoreCase(orientationStr)) { setOrientation(PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL); } } } /** * @param orientation * The orientation to set. */ public void setOrientation(final PlotOrientation orientation) { this.orientation = orientation; } public CategoryLabelPositions getCategoryLabelPositions() { return domainLabelPositions; } public void setCategoryLabelRotation(final Node rotationDirection, final Node rotationAngle) { // down is the default String direction = "down"; //$NON-NLS-1$ if (rotationDirection != null) { direction = rotationDirection.getText(); } if (rotationAngle != null) { if ("up".equalsIgnoreCase(direction)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ setCategoryLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions .createUpRotationLabelPositions(Double.parseDouble(rotationAngle.getText()))); } else { setCategoryLabelPositions(CategoryLabelPositions .createDownRotationLabelPositions(Double.parseDouble(rotationAngle.getText()))); } } } /** * @param categoryLabelPositions * The categoryLabelPositions to set. */ public void setCategoryLabelPositions(final CategoryLabelPositions categoryLabelPositions) { this.domainLabelPositions = categoryLabelPositions; } /** * @return Returns the borderVisible. */ public boolean isBorderVisible() { return borderVisible; } public void setBorderVisible(final Node borderVisibleNode) { if (borderVisibleNode != null) { String boolStr = borderVisibleNode.getText(); Boolean booleanValue = new Boolean(boolStr); setBorderVisible(booleanValue.booleanValue()); } } /** * @param borderVisible * The borderVisible to set. */ public void setBorderVisible(final boolean borderVisible) { this.borderVisible = borderVisible; } /** * @return Returns the borderPaint. */ public Paint getBorderPaint() { return borderPaint; } /** * @param borderPaint * The borderPaint to set. */ public void setBorderPaint(final Paint borderPaint) { if (borderPaint != null) { this.borderPaint = borderPaint; } } public void setTitlePosition(final Node titlePositionNode) { RectangleEdge position = getPosition(titlePositionNode); if (position != null) { setTitlePosition(position); } } public void setLegendPosition(final Node legendPositionNode) { RectangleEdge position = getPosition(legendPositionNode); if (position != null) { setLegendPosition(position); } } private RectangleEdge getPosition(final Node positionNode) { if (positionNode != null) { String positionStr = positionNode.getText(); if ("top".equalsIgnoreCase(positionStr)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return RectangleEdge.TOP; } else if ("left".equalsIgnoreCase(positionStr)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return RectangleEdge.LEFT; } else if ("bottom".equalsIgnoreCase(positionStr)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return RectangleEdge.BOTTOM; } else if ("right".equalsIgnoreCase(positionStr)) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return RectangleEdge.RIGHT; } } return null; } /** * @return Returns the titlePosition. */ public RectangleEdge getTitlePosition() { return titlePosition; } /** * @param titlePosition * The titlePosition to set. */ public void setTitlePosition(final RectangleEdge titlePosition) { this.titlePosition = titlePosition; } public RectangleEdge getLegendPosition() { return legendPosition; } public void setLegendPosition(RectangleEdge legendPosition) { this.legendPosition = legendPosition; } public void setChartBackground(final Node chartBackgroundNode) { if (chartBackgroundNode != null) { Node backgroundTypeNode = chartBackgroundNode .selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.BACKGROUND_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (backgroundTypeNode != null) { String backgroundTypeStr = backgroundTypeNode.getText(); if (ChartDefinition.COLOR_TYPE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(backgroundTypeStr)) { setChartBackgroundPaint(JFreeChartEngine.getPaint(chartBackgroundNode)); setChartBackgroundImage((Image) null); } else if (ChartDefinition.IMAGE_TYPE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(backgroundTypeStr)) { setChartBackgroundImage(chartBackgroundNode); setChartBackgroundPaint(null); } else if (ChartDefinition.TEXTURE_TYPE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(backgroundTypeStr)) { setChartBackgroundPaint(JFreeChartEngine.getTexturePaint(chartBackgroundNode, getWidth(), getHeight(), getSession())); setChartBackgroundImage((Image) null); } else if (ChartDefinition.GRADIENT_TYPE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(backgroundTypeStr)) { setChartBackgroundPaint( JFreeChartEngine.getGradientPaint(chartBackgroundNode, getWidth(), getHeight())); setChartBackgroundImage((Image) null); } } } } public void setPlotBackground(final Node plotBackgroundNode) { if (plotBackgroundNode != null) { Node backgroundTypeNode = plotBackgroundNode .selectSingleNode(ChartDefinition.BACKGROUND_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (backgroundTypeNode != null) { String backgroundTypeStr = backgroundTypeNode.getText(); if (ChartDefinition.COLOR_TYPE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(backgroundTypeStr)) { setPlotBackgroundPaint(JFreeChartEngine.getPaint(plotBackgroundNode)); setPlotBackgroundImage((Image) null); } else if (ChartDefinition.IMAGE_TYPE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(backgroundTypeStr)) { setPlotBackgroundImage(plotBackgroundNode); setPlotBackgroundPaint(null); } else if (ChartDefinition.TEXTURE_TYPE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(backgroundTypeStr)) { setPlotBackgroundPaint(JFreeChartEngine.getTexturePaint(plotBackgroundNode, getWidth(), getHeight(), getSession())); setPlotBackgroundImage((Image) null); } else if (ChartDefinition.GRADIENT_TYPE_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(backgroundTypeStr)) { setPlotBackgroundPaint( JFreeChartEngine.getGradientPaint(plotBackgroundNode, getWidth(), getHeight())); setPlotBackgroundImage((Image) null); } } } } public void setDomainTitle(final Node titleNode) { if (titleNode != null) { setDomainTitle(titleNode.getText()); } } /** * @return Returns the domainTitle. */ public String getDomainTitle() { return domainTitle; } /** * @param domainTitle * The domainTitle to set. */ public void setDomainTitle(final String domainTitle) { this.domainTitle = domainTitle; } public void setRangeTitle(final Node titleNode) { if (titleNode != null) { setRangeTitle(titleNode.getText()); } } /** * @return Returns the rangeTitle. */ public String getRangeTitle() { return rangeTitle; } /** * @param rangeTitle * The rangeTitle to set. */ public void setRangeTitle(final String rangeTitle) { this.rangeTitle = rangeTitle; } public void setDomainTitleFont(final Node titleFontNode) { Font font = JFreeChartEngine.getFont(titleFontNode); if (font != null) { setDomainTitleFont(font); } } /** * @return Returns the domainTitleFont. */ public Font getDomainTitleFont() { return domainTitleFont; } /** * @param domainTitleFont * The domainTitleFont to set. */ public void setDomainTitleFont(final Font domainTitleFont) { this.domainTitleFont = domainTitleFont; } /** * Return the java.awt.Font to be used to display the range axis tick labels * * @return Font The Font for the range axis tick labels */ public Font getDomainTickFont() { return domainTickFont; } public void setDomainTickFont(final Font domainTickFont) { this.domainTickFont = domainTickFont; } public void setDomainTickFont(final Node rangeTickFontNode) { Font font = JFreeChartEngine.getFont(rangeTickFontNode); if (font != null) { setDomainTickFont(font); } } public void setRangeTitleFont(final Node titleFontNode) { Font font = JFreeChartEngine.getFont(titleFontNode); if (font != null) { setRangeTitleFont(font); } } /** * @return Returns the rangeTitleFont. */ public Font getRangeTitleFont() { return rangeTitleFont; } /** * @param rangeTitleFont * The rangeTitleFont to set. */ public void setRangeTitleFont(final Font rangeTitleFont) { this.rangeTitleFont = rangeTitleFont; } /** * @return Returns the rangeTickFormat. */ public NumberFormat getRangeTickFormat() { return rangeTickFormat; } /** * @param rangeTickFormat * The range tick number format to set. */ public void setRangeTickFormat(final NumberFormat rangeTickFormat) { this.rangeTickFormat = rangeTickFormat; } public void setRangeTickFormat(final Node tickFormatFontNode) { if (tickFormatFontNode != null) { NumberFormat format = new DecimalFormat(tickFormatFontNode.getText()); if (format != null) { setRangeTickFormat(format); } } } /** * Return the java.awt.Font to be used to display the range axis tick labels * * @return Font The Font for the range axis tick labels */ public Font getRangeTickFont() { return rangeTickFont; } public void setRangeTickFont(final Font rangeTickFont) { this.rangeTickFont = rangeTickFont; } public void setRangeTickFont(final Node rangeTickFontNode) { Font font = JFreeChartEngine.getFont(rangeTickFontNode); if (font != null) { setRangeTickFont(font); } } public boolean isDisplayLabels() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return false; } public IPentahoSession getSession() { return session; } public void setSession(final IPentahoSession session) { this.session = session; } /** * * @return returns the style set for the lines * @see ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_SOLID_STR * @see ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_DASH_STR * @see ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_DOT_STR * @see ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_DASHDOT_STR * @see ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_DASHDOTDOT_STR */ public String getLineStyle() { return lineStyle; } /** * * @param lineStyle * set the style for all line series * @see ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_SOLID_STR * @see ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_DASH_STR * @see ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_DOT_STR * @see ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_DASHDOT_STR * @see ChartDefinition.LINE_STYLE_DASHDOTDOT_STR */ public void setLineStyle(final String lineStyle) { this.lineStyle = lineStyle; } /** * * @param lineStyleNode * set the style from an XML node */ public void setLineStyle(final Node lineStyleNode) { if (lineStyleNode != null) { setLineStyle(lineStyleNode.getText()); } } /** * * @return the width of all line series Valid values are float numbers zero or greater */ public float getLineWidth() { return lineWidth; } /** * * @param lineWidth * set the width of all line series Valid values are float numbers zero or greater */ public void setLineWidth(final float lineWidth) { this.lineWidth = lineWidth; } /** * * @param lineWidthNode * set the line width from an XML node */ public void setLineWidth(final Node lineWidthNode) { if (lineWidthNode != null) { setLineWidth(Float.parseFloat(lineWidthNode.getText())); } } /** * * @return boolean whether the markers (data points) for all series are displayed */ public boolean isMarkersVisible() { return markersVisible; } /** * * @param markersVisible * set whether the markers (data points) for all series should be displayed */ public void setMarkersVisible(final boolean markersVisible) { this.markersVisible = markersVisible; } /** * * @param markersVisibleNode * set the markers visibility from an XML node */ public void setMarkersVisible(final Node markersVisibleNode) { if (markersVisibleNode != null) { String boolStr = markersVisibleNode.getText(); Boolean booleanValue = new Boolean(boolStr); setMarkersVisible(booleanValue.booleanValue()); } } /** * * @return the max width of all bar series Valid values are double numbers zero or greater */ public Double getMaxBarWidth() { return maxBarWidth; } /** * * @param maxBarWidth * set the width of all bar series Valid values are double numbers zero or greater */ public void setMaxBarWidth(final Double maxBarWidth) { this.maxBarWidth = maxBarWidth; } /** * * @param maxBarWidthNode * set the maxBarWidth width from an XML node */ public void setMaxBarWidth(final Node maxBarWidthNode) { if (maxBarWidthNode != null) { setMaxBarWidth(new Double(maxBarWidthNode.getText())); } } /** * Return the java.awt.Font to be used to display the legend items * * @return Font The font for the legend items */ public Font getLegendFont() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return legendFont; } /** * Set java.awt.Font to be used to display the legend items * * @param Font * The java.awt.Font for the legend items */ public void setLegendFont(final Font legendFont) { this.legendFont = legendFont; } public void setLegendFont(final Node legendFontNode) { Font font = JFreeChartEngine.getFont(legendFontNode); if (font != null) { setLegendFont(font); } } public void setLegendBorderVisible(final Node legendBorderVisibleNode) { if (legendBorderVisibleNode != null) { boolean legBorderVisible = (new Boolean(legendBorderVisibleNode.getText())).booleanValue(); setLegendBorderVisible(legBorderVisible); } } /** * @param boolean legendBorderVisible Set the visibility of the legend border. */ public void setLegendBorderVisible(final boolean legendBorderVisible) { this.legendBorderVisible = legendBorderVisible; } public void setIncludeNullCategories(final Node includeNullCategoriesNode) { if (includeNullCategoriesNode != null) { boolean locIncludeNullCategories = (new Boolean(includeNullCategoriesNode.getText())).booleanValue(); setIncludeNullCategories(locIncludeNullCategories); } } /** * Return the boolen that states if null categories should be included * * @return boolean Is the legend border visible */ public boolean isIncludeNullCategories() { return includeNullCategories; } /** * @param boolean includeNullCategories Set whether the dataset should include null categories */ public void setIncludeNullCategories(final boolean includeNullCategories) { this.includeNullCategories = includeNullCategories; } /** * Return the boolen that states if the legend border is visible * * @return boolean Is the legend border visible */ public boolean isLegendBorderVisible() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return legendBorderVisible; } /** * Return the range axis' minimum value * * @return double Range axis' minimum value */ public double getRangeMinimum() { return rangeMinimum; } public void setRangeMinimum(final Node rangeMinimumNode) { if (rangeMinimumNode != null) { setRangeMinimum(Double.parseDouble(rangeMinimumNode.getText())); } } /** * @param double rangeMinimum Set the minimum value of the range axis. */ public void setRangeMinimum(final double rangeMinimum) { this.rangeMinimum = rangeMinimum; } /** * Return the range axis' minimum value * * @return double Range axis' minimum value */ public double getRangeMaximum() { return rangeMaximum; } public void setRangeMaximum(final Node rangeMaximumNode) { if (rangeMaximumNode != null) { setRangeMaximum(Double.parseDouble(rangeMaximumNode.getText())); } } /** * @param double rangeMinimum Set the minimum value of the range axis. */ public void setRangeMaximum(final double rangeMaximum) { this.rangeMaximum = rangeMaximum; } public void setRangeTickUnits(final Node rangeTickUnitsNode) { if (rangeTickUnitsNode != null) { String rangeTickVal = rangeTickUnitsNode.getText(); String dotLess = rangeTickVal.replace(".", ""); if (Integer.parseInt(dotLess) > 0) { setRangeTickUnits(Double.parseDouble(rangeTickVal)); } } } public void setRangeTickUnits(final double rangeTickUnits) { this.rangeTickUnits = rangeTickUnits; } public Double getRangeTickUnits() { return this.rangeTickUnits; } public String getNoDataMessage() { return noDataMessage; } // ADDED public Float getBackgroundAlpha() { return backgroundAlpha; } public void setBackgroundAlpha(Node backgroundAlphaNode) { if (backgroundAlphaNode != null) { Float backgroundAlphaValue = new Float(backgroundAlphaNode.getText()); this.backgroundAlpha = backgroundAlphaValue; } } public Float getForegroundAlpha() { return foregroundAlpha; } public void setForegroundAlpha(Node foregroundAlphaNode) { if (foregroundAlphaNode != null) { Float foregroundAlphaValue = new Float(foregroundAlphaNode.getText()); this.foregroundAlpha = foregroundAlphaValue; } } }