Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2009 Tom Barber * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ package org.pentaho.pat.client.ui.widgets; import java.util.List; import org.pentaho.pat.client.Pat; import org.pentaho.pat.client.listeners.ILabelListener; import org.pentaho.pat.client.ui.popups.MeasureLabelSelectionModeMenu; import org.pentaho.pat.client.util.dnd.impl.SimplePanelDragControllerImpl; import org.pentaho.pat.client.util.factory.EventFactory; import org.pentaho.pat.rpc.dto.enums.ObjectType; import org.pentaho.pat.rpc.dto.enums.SelectionType; import org.pentaho.pat.rpc.dto.query.IAxis; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The measure label widget. * @author tom(at) * */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class MeasureLabel extends FocusPanel implements ILabelListener { private boolean isUniqueName; private final static String TABLE_DRAG_WIDGET = "dragDimension"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private SimplePanelDragControllerImpl dragController; private Label text = new Label(); private ObjectType type; private String actualname; private String caption; private IAxis axis; private boolean draggable; private List<String> currentSelection; private SelectionType selectionType; private FastTreeItem parentNode; private Image image; public MeasureLabel(final String uniquename, final String caption, final ObjectType lType, FastTreeItem parentNode, boolean isuniquename) { super(); this.setParentNode(parentNode); if (isuniquename) { text.setText(uniquename); } else { text.setText(caption); } this.setIsUniqueName(isuniquename); HorizontalPanel container = new HorizontalPanel(); container.add(text); final MeasureLabelSelectionModeMenu selectionMenu = new MeasureLabelSelectionModeMenu(this.getType()); image = Pat.IMAGES.downbutton().createImage(); image.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { selectionMenu.showContextMenu(MeasureLabel.this); final int left = sender.getAbsoluteLeft() + 10; final int top = sender.getAbsoluteTop() + 10; selectionMenu.setPopupPositionAndShow(new PositionCallback() { public void setPosition(final int offsetWidth, final int offsetHeight) { selectionMenu.setPopupPosition(left, top); } }); } }); image.setVisible(false); container.add(image); this.add(container); this.setActualName(uniquename); this.setCaption(caption); setStylePrimaryName(TABLE_DRAG_WIDGET); this.setType(lType); EventFactory.getLabelInstance().addLabelListener(MeasureLabel.this); } public void setIsUniqueName(boolean isuniquename) { this.isUniqueName = isuniquename; } public boolean isUniqueName() { return isUniqueName; } public void setActualName(String name) { actualname = name; } public String getActualName() { return actualname; } public String getDimensionName() { String name = this.getActualName(); String[] split = name.split("[*.?]"); char c = split[0].charAt(0); String s1 = Character.toString(c); if (s1.equals("[")) { split[0] = split[0].substring(1); } // split[0] = split[0].replaceAll("[", ""); split[0] = split[0].replaceAll("]", ""); return split[0]; } public void setCaption(String name) { caption = name; } public String getCaption() { return caption; } /** * Return the drag controller. * * @return the dragController */ public SimplePanelDragControllerImpl getDragController() { return dragController; } /** * Return the labels text. * @return */ public String getText() { return text.getText(); } /** * Return the labels type. * @return */ public ObjectType getType() { return type; } /** * Make the widget draggable. */ public void makeDraggable() { if (draggable == false) { this.draggable = true; dragController.makeDraggable(text); } } /** * Make the widget non draggable. */ public void makeNotDraggable() { if (draggable == true) { this.draggable = false; dragController.makeNotDraggable(text); } } public boolean isDraggable() { return draggable; } /** * * Set the drag contoller. * * @param dragController * the dragController to set */ public void setDragController(final SimplePanelDragControllerImpl dragController) { this.dragController = dragController; } /** * Set the type. * @param type */ public void setType(final ObjectType type) { this.type = type; } public void setDownButtonVisible(boolean isVisible) { if (!type.equals(ObjectType.MEASURE) && !type.equals(ObjectType.MEMBER)) { this.image.setVisible(isVisible); } } public void setAxis(IAxis axis) { this.axis = axis; } public IAxis getAxis() { return axis; } public void setCurrentSelection(List<String> arg0) { this.currentSelection = arg0; } public void setSelectionType(SelectionType string) { this.selectionType = string; } public List<String> getCurrentSelection() { return this.currentSelection; } public SelectionType getSelectionType() { return this.selectionType; } public void setParentNode(FastTreeItem parentNode) { this.parentNode = parentNode; } public FastTreeItem getParentNode() { return parentNode; } public void onUniqueNameChange(Widget sender, boolean uniqueName) { if (uniqueName) { text.setText(actualname); } else { text.setText(caption); } this.setIsUniqueName(uniqueName); } }