Java tutorial
/*! ****************************************************************************** * * Pentaho Data Integration * * Copyright (C) 2002-2019 by Hitachi Vantara : * ******************************************************************************* * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ package org.pentaho.metaverse.api.analyzer.kettle; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject; import org.pentaho.di.base.AbstractMeta; import org.pentaho.di.core.Const; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleFileException; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleMissingPluginsException; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException; import org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface; import org.pentaho.di.core.vfs.KettleVFS; import org.pentaho.di.job.JobMeta; import org.pentaho.di.repository.Repository; import org.pentaho.di.repository.RepositoryDirectoryInterface; import org.pentaho.di.trans.ISubTransAwareMeta; import org.pentaho.di.trans.TransMeta; import org.pentaho.di.trans.step.BaseStepMeta; import org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.file.BaseFileInputMeta; import org.pentaho.di.trans.steps.file.BaseFileInputStep; import org.pentaho.dictionary.DictionaryConst; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.AnalysisContext; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.IComponentDescriptor; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.IDocument; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.IMetaverseBuilder; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.IMetaverseConfig; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.IMetaverseNode; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.INamespace; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.MetaverseAnalyzerException; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.MetaverseComponentDescriptor; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.MetaverseException; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.analyzer.kettle.step.StepAnalyzer; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.messages.Messages; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.model.ExternalResourceInfoFactory; import org.pentaho.metaverse.api.model.IExternalResourceInfo; import org.pentaho.platform.engine.core.system.PentahoSystem; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; public class KettleAnalyzerUtil { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KettleAnalyzerUtil.class); private static final ExternalResourceCache rowResourceCache = ExternalResourceCache.getInstance(); /** * Utility method for normalizing file paths used in Metaverse Id generation. It will convert a valid path into a * consistent path regardless of URI notation or filesystem absolute path. * * @param filePath full path to normalize * @return the normalized path */ public static String normalizeFilePath(String filePath) throws MetaverseException { try { String path = filePath; FileObject fo = KettleVFS.getFileObject(filePath); try { path = fo.getURL().getPath(); } catch (Throwable t) { // Something went wrong with VFS, just try the filePath } File f = new File(path); return f.getAbsolutePath(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MetaverseException(e); } } /** * Normalizes the {@code filePath} safely, ignoring exceptions and returning the original string, if there is a * problem with the normalization. */ public static String normalizeFilePathSafely(String filePath) { try { return normalizeFilePath(filePath); } catch (final MetaverseException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } return filePath; } public static Collection<IExternalResourceInfo> getResourcesFromMeta(final BaseStepMeta meta, final String[] filePaths) { ExternalResourceCache.Resources resources = rowResourceCache.get(null, meta); if (resources == null) { resources = rowResourceCache.newExternalResourceValues(); } if (meta != null && meta.getParentStepMeta() != null && filePaths != null && filePaths.length > 0) { for (final String path : filePaths) { if (!Const.isEmpty(path)) { try { final IExternalResourceInfo resource = ExternalResourceInfoFactory .createFileResource(KettleVFS.getFileObject(path), true); if (resource != null) { resources.add(resource); } else { throw new KettleFileException("Error getting file resource!"); } } catch (KettleFileException kfe) { // TODO throw or ignore? } } } } return resources.getInternal(); } public static Collection<IExternalResourceInfo> getResourcesFromRow(BaseFileInputStep step, RowMetaInterface rowMeta, Object[] row) { // For some reason the step doesn't return the StepMetaInterface directly, so go around it BaseFileInputMeta meta = (BaseFileInputMeta) step.getStepMetaInterface(); if (meta == null) { meta = (BaseFileInputMeta) step.getStepMeta().getStepMetaInterface(); } ExternalResourceCache.ExternalResourceValues resources = (ExternalResourceCache.ExternalResourceValues) rowResourceCache .get(step.getTrans(), meta); if (resources == null) { resources = rowResourceCache.newExternalResourceValues(); rowResourceCache.cache(step.getTrans(), meta, resources); } try { String filename = meta == null ? null : step.environmentSubstitute(rowMeta.getString(row, meta.getAcceptingField(), null)); if (!Const.isEmpty(filename)) { FileObject fileObject = KettleVFS.getFileObject(filename, step); resources.add(ExternalResourceInfoFactory.createFileResource(fileObject, true)); } } catch (KettleException kve) { // TODO throw exception or ignore? } return resources.getInternal(); } public static TransMeta getSubTransMeta(final ISubTransAwareMeta meta) throws MetaverseAnalyzerException { final TransMeta parentTransMeta = meta.getParentStepMeta().getParentTransMeta(); final Repository repo = parentTransMeta.getRepository(); TransMeta subTransMeta = null; switch (meta.getSpecificationMethod()) { case FILENAME: subTransMeta = getSubTransByFilename(meta, parentTransMeta, repo, subTransMeta); break; case REPOSITORY_BY_NAME: if (repo != null) { subTransMeta = getTransMetaFromRepo(meta, parentTransMeta, repo); } else { throw new MetaverseAnalyzerException( Messages.getString("ERROR.MissingConnectionForTransSubTrans", parentTransMeta.toString())); } break; case REPOSITORY_BY_REFERENCE: if (repo != null) { try { subTransMeta = repo.loadTransformation(meta.getTransObjectId(), null); } catch (KettleException e) { throw new MetaverseAnalyzerException(Messages.getString("ERROR.SubTransNotFoundInParentTrans", (meta.getTransObjectId() == null ? "N/A" : meta.getTransObjectId().toString()), parentTransMeta.toString()), e); } } else { throw new MetaverseAnalyzerException( Messages.getString("ERROR.MissingConnectionForTransSubTrans", parentTransMeta.toString())); } break; } subTransMeta.setFilename(KettleAnalyzerUtil.getSubTransMetaPath(meta, subTransMeta)); return subTransMeta; } private static TransMeta getSubTransByFilename(ISubTransAwareMeta meta, TransMeta parentTransMeta, Repository repo, TransMeta subTransMeta) throws MetaverseAnalyzerException { String transPath = KettleAnalyzerUtil .normalizeFilePathSafely(parentTransMeta.environmentSubstitute(meta.getFileName())); // if repository is not null, try it first if (repo != null) { String dir = transPath.substring(0, transPath.lastIndexOf('/')); String file = transPath.substring(transPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); subTransMeta = getFileFromRepo(parentTransMeta, repo, dir, file); } // couldn't find in repo or no repo present, look in file system if (null == subTransMeta) { try { subTransMeta = getSubTransMeta(transPath); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MetaverseAnalyzerException(Messages.getString("ERROR.SubTransNotFoundInParentTrans", transPath, parentTransMeta.toString()), e); } } return subTransMeta; } private static TransMeta getFileFromRepo(TransMeta parentTransMeta, Repository repo, String dir, String file) throws MetaverseAnalyzerException { TransMeta subTransMeta; try { RepositoryDirectoryInterface rdi = repo.findDirectory(dir); subTransMeta = repo.loadTransformation(file, rdi, null, true, null); } catch (KettleException e) { throw new MetaverseAnalyzerException( Messages.getString("ERROR.SubTransNotFoundInParentTrans", file, parentTransMeta.toString()), e); } return subTransMeta; } private static TransMeta getTransMetaFromRepo(ISubTransAwareMeta meta, TransMeta parentTransMeta, Repository repo) throws MetaverseAnalyzerException { String dir = parentTransMeta.environmentSubstitute(meta.getDirectoryPath()); String file = parentTransMeta.environmentSubstitute(meta.getTransName()); return getFileFromRepo(parentTransMeta, repo, dir, file); } /** * Returns the meta path based on the specification method. */ public static String getSubTransMetaPath(final ISubTransAwareMeta meta, final TransMeta subTransMeta) throws MetaverseAnalyzerException { String transPath = meta == null ? null : meta.getFileName(); if (meta != null && meta.getSpecificationMethod() != null) { switch (meta.getSpecificationMethod()) { case FILENAME: transPath = meta.getFileName(); break; case REPOSITORY_BY_NAME: case REPOSITORY_BY_REFERENCE: if (subTransMeta != null && subTransMeta.getPathAndName() != null) { transPath = subTransMeta.getPathAndName() + (subTransMeta.getDefaultExtension() == null ? "" : "." + subTransMeta.getDefaultExtension()); } break; } } final TransMeta parentTransMeta = meta == null || meta.getParentStepMeta() == null ? null : meta.getParentStepMeta().getParentTransMeta(); transPath = normalizeFilePathSafely(parentTransMeta == null || transPath == null ? transPath : parentTransMeta.environmentSubstitute(transPath)); return transPath; } public static TransMeta getSubTransMeta(final String filePath) throws FileNotFoundException, KettleXMLException, KettleMissingPluginsException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(filePath); return new TransMeta(fis, null, true, null, null); } /** * Builds a {@link IDocument} given the provided details. * * @param builder the {@link IMetaverseBuilder} * @param meta the {@link AbstractMeta} (trans or job) * @param id the meta id (filename) * @param namespace the {@link INamespace} * @return a new {@link IDocument} */ public static IDocument buildDocument(final IMetaverseBuilder builder, final AbstractMeta meta, final String id, final INamespace namespace) { if (builder == null || builder.getMetaverseObjectFactory() == null) { log.warn(Messages.getString("WARN.UnableToBuildDocument")); return null; } final IDocument metaverseDocument = builder.getMetaverseObjectFactory().createDocumentObject(); if (metaverseDocument == null) { log.warn(Messages.getString("WARN.UnableToBuildDocument")); return null; } metaverseDocument.setNamespace(namespace); metaverseDocument.setContent(meta); metaverseDocument.setStringID(id); metaverseDocument.setName(meta.getName()); metaverseDocument.setExtension(meta.getDefaultExtension()); metaverseDocument.setMimeType(URLConnection.getFileNameMap() .getContentTypeFor(meta instanceof TransMeta ? "trans.ktr" : "job.kjb")); metaverseDocument.setContext(new AnalysisContext(DictionaryConst.CONTEXT_RUNTIME)); String normalizedPath = KettleAnalyzerUtil.normalizeFilePathSafely(id); metaverseDocument.setProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAME, meta.getName()); metaverseDocument.setProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_PATH, normalizedPath); metaverseDocument.setProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAMESPACE, namespace.getNamespaceId()); return metaverseDocument; } /** * Returns the {@link TransMeta} file name. * * @param transMeta the {@link TransMeta} whose file name is being returnes * @return the {@link TransMeta} file name */ public static String getFilename(TransMeta transMeta) { if (transMeta != null) { String filename = transMeta.getFilename(); if (filename == null) { filename = transMeta.getPathAndName(); if (transMeta.getDefaultExtension() != null) { filename = filename + "." + transMeta.getDefaultExtension(); } } return filename; } return null; } public static String getFilename(JobMeta jobMeta) { if (jobMeta != null) { String filename = jobMeta.getFilename(); if (filename == null) { filename = jobMeta.getName(); if (jobMeta.getDefaultExtension() != null) { filename = filename + "." + jobMeta.getDefaultExtension(); } } return filename; } return null; } /** * Analyzes in {@link StepAnalyzer} that is sub-transformation aware} * * @param analyzer the {@link StepAnalyzer} * @param transMeta the step's parent {@link TransMeta} * @param meta the step {@link ISubTransAwareMeta} * @param rootNode the {@link IMetaverseNode} * @return the {@link IMetaverseNode} representing the sub-transformation * @throws MetaverseAnalyzerException */ public static IMetaverseNode analyze(final StepAnalyzer analyzer, final TransMeta transMeta, final ISubTransAwareMeta meta, final IMetaverseNode rootNode) throws MetaverseAnalyzerException { final TransMeta subTransMeta = getSubTransMeta(meta); subTransMeta.copyVariablesFrom(transMeta); final String subTransMetaPath = getSubTransMetaPath(meta, subTransMeta); subTransMeta.setFilename(subTransMetaPath); rootNode.setProperty("subTransformation", subTransMetaPath); rootNode.setProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_PATH, subTransMetaPath); final IMetaverseNode subTransNode = analyzer.getNode(subTransMeta.getName(), DictionaryConst.NODE_TYPE_TRANS, analyzer.getDocumentDescriptor().getNamespace(), null, null); subTransNode.setProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_NAMESPACE, analyzer.getDocumentDescriptor().getNamespace().getNamespaceId()); subTransNode.setProperty(DictionaryConst.PROPERTY_PATH, subTransMetaPath); subTransNode.setLogicalIdGenerator(DictionaryConst.LOGICAL_ID_GENERATOR_DOCUMENT); analyzer.getMetaverseBuilder().addLink(rootNode, DictionaryConst.LINK_EXECUTES, subTransNode); // pull in the sub-job lineage only if the consolidateSubGraphs flag is set to true if (consolidateSubGraphs()) { final IDocument subTransDocument = buildDocument(analyzer.getMetaverseBuilder(), subTransMeta, subTransMetaPath, analyzer.getDocumentDescriptor().getNamespace()); if (subTransDocument != null) { final IComponentDescriptor subtransDocumentDescriptor = new MetaverseComponentDescriptor( subTransDocument.getStringID(), DictionaryConst.NODE_TYPE_TRANS, analyzer.getDocumentDescriptor().getNamespace(), analyzer.getDescriptor().getContext()); // analyze the sub-transformation return analyzer.getDocumentAnalyzer().analyze(subtransDocumentDescriptor, subTransMeta, subTransNode, subTransMetaPath); } } return null; } public static boolean consolidateSubGraphs() { final IMetaverseConfig config = PentahoSystem.get(IMetaverseConfig.class); // return true by default (if config is null) return config == null || config.getConsolidateSubGraphs(); } }