Java tutorial
/*! * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * program; if not, you can obtain a copy at * or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2017 Pentaho Corporation.. All rights reserved. */ package org.pentaho.gwt.widgets.client.wizards; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.pentaho.gwt.widgets.client.dialogs.DialogBox; import org.pentaho.gwt.widgets.client.messages.Messages; /** * @author wseyler * * Framework for creating Wizards */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public abstract class AbstractWizardDialog extends DialogBox implements IWizardPanelListener { private static final int STEPS_COUNT = 15; // Defines the height of the steps ListBox private static final String WIZARD_DECK_PANEL = "pentaho-wizard-deck-panel"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final String WIZARD_BUTTON_PANEL = "pentaho-wizard-button-panel"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String PENTAHO_BUTTON = "pentaho-button"; public enum ScheduleDialogType { SCHEDULER, BLOCKOUT } protected ScheduleDialogType dialogType; // gui elements protected Button backButton = new Button(Messages.getString("dialog.button.back")); protected Button nextButton = new Button(Messages.getString("")); protected Button cancelButton = new Button(Messages.getString("dialog.button.cancel")); protected Button finishButton = new Button(Messages.getString("dialog.button.finish")); ListBox steps = new ListBox(); protected DeckPanel wizardDeckPanel = new DeckPanel(); VerticalPanel stepsList = new VerticalPanel(); private IWizardPanel[] wizardPanels; private boolean canceled = false; public AbstractWizardDialog(ScheduleDialogType type, String title, IWizardPanel[] panels, boolean autohide, boolean modal) { super(autohide, modal); dialogType = type; setText(title); init(); layout(); setWizardPanels(panels); show(); } public ScheduleDialogType getDialogType() { return dialogType; } /** * Init() * * Initialize the GUI Elements by setting up the required listeners and state NOTE: This method can be overridden to * provided new/additional functionality but should NEVER be called more than once during the lifecycle of the object */ protected void init() { backButton.getElement().setId("wizard-back-button"); nextButton.getElement().setId("wizard-next-button"); cancelButton.getElement().setId("wizard-cancel-button"); finishButton.getElement().setId("wizard-finish-button"); backButton.setStyleName(PENTAHO_BUTTON); nextButton.setStyleName(PENTAHO_BUTTON); cancelButton.setStyleName(PENTAHO_BUTTON); finishButton.setStyleName(PENTAHO_BUTTON); nextButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(Widget sender) { nextClicked(); } }); backButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(Widget sender) { backClicked(); } }); cancelButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(Widget sender) { cancelClicked(); } }); finishButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(Widget sender) { finishClicked(); } }); steps.setEnabled(false); } protected boolean enableNext(int index) { return ((IWizardPanel) wizardDeckPanel.getWidget(index)).canContinue() && index < wizardDeckPanel.getWidgetCount() - 1; } protected boolean enableFinish(int index) { return ((IWizardPanel) wizardDeckPanel.getWidget(index)).canFinish(); } protected boolean enableBack(int index) { return index > 0; } protected boolean showNext(int index) { return wizardDeckPanel.getWidgetCount() > 1; } protected boolean showBack(int index) { return wizardDeckPanel.getWidgetCount() > 1; } protected boolean showFinish(int index) { return true; } protected int getIndex() { return wizardDeckPanel.getVisibleWidget(); } protected void nextClicked() { int oldIndex = steps.getSelectedIndex(); // The panel currently being displayed int newIndex = oldIndex + 1; // The panel that is going to be displayed // Get the actors (next and previous panels) IWizardPanel nextPanel = (IWizardPanel) wizardDeckPanel.getWidget(newIndex); IWizardPanel previousPanel = (IWizardPanel) wizardDeckPanel.getWidget(oldIndex); if (!onNext(nextPanel, previousPanel)) { return; } // Update the Listeners previousPanel.removeWizardPanelListener(AbstractWizardDialog.this); nextPanel.addWizardPanelListener(AbstractWizardDialog.this); // Update the GUI with the current widget index; updateGUI(newIndex); } protected void backClicked() { int oldIndex = getIndex(); int newIndex = oldIndex - 1; // The panel that is going to be displayed // Get the actors (next and previous panels) IWizardPanel previousPanel = (IWizardPanel) wizardDeckPanel.getWidget(newIndex); IWizardPanel currentPanel = (IWizardPanel) wizardDeckPanel.getWidget(oldIndex); if (!onPrevious(previousPanel, currentPanel)) { return; } // Update the Listeners currentPanel.removeWizardPanelListener(AbstractWizardDialog.this); previousPanel.addWizardPanelListener(AbstractWizardDialog.this); // Update the GUI with the current widget index; updateGUI(newIndex); } protected void finishClicked() { if (onFinish()) { AbstractWizardDialog.this.hide(); } } protected void cancelClicked() { canceled = true; AbstractWizardDialog.this.hide(); } /** * @param index * of the widget that will be shown. * * updateGUI(int index) sets up the panels and buttons based on the state of the widget (IWizardPanel) that * will be shown (index). */ protected void updateGUI(int index) { stepsList.setVisible(wizardDeckPanel.getWidgetCount() > 1); finishButton.setVisible(showFinish(index)); backButton.setVisible(showBack(index)); nextButton.setVisible(showNext(index)); // Updates the selected step steps.setSelectedIndex(index); // Shows the current IWizardPanel wizardDeckPanel.showWidget(index); // Enables the next button if the current IWizardPanel can continue and we're not at the last IWizardPanel nextButton.setEnabled(enableNext(index)); // Back button always enabled unless we're on the first IWizardPanel backButton.setEnabled(enableBack(index)); // Current IWizardPanel can finish at any step. finishButton.setEnabled(enableFinish(index)); } /** * layout() * * Lays out the GUI elements. Should only be called ONCE during the objects lifecycle */ protected void layout() { // Create the overall container to be displayed in the dialog SimplePanel deckWrapper = new SimplePanel(); deckWrapper.setHeight("100%"); deckWrapper.setWidth("100%"); deckWrapper.setStyleName("dialog-content"); DockPanel content = new DockPanel(); // Create the Steps and add it to the content stepsList = new VerticalPanel(); stepsList.add(new Label(Messages.getString("dialog.steps"))); steps.setVisibleItemCount(STEPS_COUNT); stepsList.add(steps); // steps.setSize("30%", "100%"); content.add(stepsList, DockPanel.WEST); // Add the wizardPanels to the Deck and add the deck to the content // wizardDeckPanel.setSize("70%", "100%"); deckWrapper.setWidget(wizardDeckPanel); content.add(deckWrapper, DockPanel.CENTER); wizardDeckPanel.addStyleName(WIZARD_DECK_PANEL); // Add the control buttons HorizontalPanel wizardButtonPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); wizardButtonPanel.setSpacing(2); // If we have only one button then we dont need to show the back and next button. wizardButtonPanel.add(backButton); wizardButtonPanel.add(nextButton); wizardButtonPanel.add(finishButton); wizardButtonPanel.add(cancelButton); wizardButtonPanel.addStyleName(WIZARD_BUTTON_PANEL); HorizontalPanel wizardButtonPanelWrapper = new HorizontalPanel(); wizardButtonPanelWrapper.setWidth("100%"); //$NON-NLS-1$ wizardButtonPanelWrapper.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); wizardButtonPanelWrapper.setVerticalAlignment(HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM); wizardButtonPanelWrapper.add(wizardButtonPanel); content.add(wizardButtonPanelWrapper, DockPanel.SOUTH); content.setCellVerticalAlignment(wizardButtonPanelWrapper, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_BOTTOM); // Add the content to the dialog add(content); content.setWidth("100%"); //$NON-NLS-1$ content.setHeight("100%"); //$NON-NLS-1$ content.setCellHeight(deckWrapper, "98%"); } /** * @param wizardPanels * - IWizardPanel[] * * Creates a wizardDeckPanel with the contents of wizardPanels respecting the order. Creates a step panel * populated with the step names from the wizardPanels and then sets the current wizard panel to the first * panel in the list and updates the GUI. */ public void setWizardPanels(IWizardPanel[] wizardPanels) { this.wizardPanels = wizardPanels; steps.clear(); wizardDeckPanel.clear(); if (wizardPanels != null && wizardPanels.length > 0) { // Add new wizardPanels for (IWizardPanel panel : wizardPanels) { steps.addItem(panel.getName()); wizardDeckPanel.add((Widget) panel); } ((IWizardPanel) wizardDeckPanel.getWidget(0)).addWizardPanelListener(this); if (wizardPanels.length == 1) { // We only have one item so change the Finish button to ok. finishButton.setText(Messages.getString("dialog.button.finish")); } updateGUI(0); } } /** * @return the current list if IWizardPanel in an array. */ public IWizardPanel[] getWizardPanels() { return wizardPanels; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.pentaho.gwt.widgets.client.wizards.IWizardPanelListener#panelChanged(org.pentaho.gwt.widgets.client.wizards * .IWizardPanel) */ @Override public void panelUpdated(IWizardPanel wizardPanel) { int index = getIndex(); nextButton.setEnabled(enableNext(index)); finishButton.setEnabled(enableFinish(index)); } public boolean wasCancelled() { return canceled; } /** * abstract onFinish() * * Override for action to take when user presses the finish button. Return true if the wizard dialog should close * after the finish() method completes. */ protected abstract boolean onFinish(); /** * @param nextPanel * @param previousPanel * @return boolean if the "Next" operation should complete. * * Users should return true if the Wizard should proceed to the next panel. This would be a good spot to * retrieve/update state information between the two panels. This method is call before the next method * executes (ie. next panel is displayed). If nothing needs to be done simply return true */ protected abstract boolean onNext(IWizardPanel nextPanel, IWizardPanel previousPanel); /** * @param previousPanel * @param currentPanel * @return boolean if the "Back" operation should complete * * Users should return true if the Wizard should proceed to the next panel. This would be a good spot to * retrieve/update state information between the two panels. This method is call before the back method * executes (ie. previous panel is displayed). If nothing needs to be done simply return true; */ protected abstract boolean onPrevious(IWizardPanel previousPanel, IWizardPanel currentPanel); }