Java tutorial
/*! ****************************************************************************** * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ package org.pentaho.di.www; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.pentaho.database.model.DatabaseConnection; import org.pentaho.database.model.IDatabaseConnection; import org.pentaho.di.cluster.SlaveServer; import org.pentaho.di.core.Const; import org.pentaho.di.core.database.util.DataSourceLocator; import org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LogChannelInterface; import org.pentaho.di.core.util.EnvUtil; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import; import java.util.*; /** * This class is responsible for communicating with master node, BA server in this case. * It helps to re-register slave or re-import data sources as required(i.e. master restarted). * * @author Zhichun Wu */ final class MasterDetector implements Runnable { static final class MasterServerStatus { boolean alive = false; boolean restarted = false; long uptime = 0L; String dslist = EMPTY_STRING; } final static String PROP_INITIAL_DELAY = "KETTLE_MASTER_DETECTOR_INITIAL_DELAY"; final static String PROP_REFRESH_INTERVAL = "KETTLE_MASTER_DETECTOR_REFRESH_INTERVAL"; final static long DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY = 1 * 1000L; // 1 seconds final static long DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 10 * 1000L; // 10 seconds final static String PATH_QUERY_STATUS = "/kettle/status?xml=Y"; final static String PATH_QUERY_SLAVES = "/kettle/getSlaves?xml=Y"; // this is not build-in API like above in Kettle but comes from BA server final static String PATH_QUERY_DS = "/plugin/data-access/api/datasource/jdbc/connection"; final static String TAG_UPTIME_BEGIN = "<uptime>"; final static String TAG_UPTIME_END = "</uptime>"; final static String TAG_HOST_BEGIN = "<hostname>"; final static String TAG_HOST_END = "</hostname>"; final static String TAG_PORT_BEGIN = "<port>"; final static String TAG_PORT_END = "</port>"; final static String EMPTY_STRING = ""; final static MasterDetector instance = new MasterDetector(); private final long initialDelay; private final long refreshInterval; private final JAXBContext jaxbContext; private final Map<String, MasterServerStatus> masterStatus = Collections .synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, MasterServerStatus>(3)); private MasterDetector() { JAXBContext context = null; try { context = JAXBContext.newInstance(JaxbList.class, DatabaseConnection.class); } catch (JAXBException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { jaxbContext = context; } this.initialDelay = Const.toLong(EnvUtil.getSystemProperty(PROP_INITIAL_DELAY), DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY); this.refreshInterval = Const.toLong(EnvUtil.getSystemProperty(PROP_REFRESH_INTERVAL), DEFAULT_REFRESH_INTERVAL); } private void checkConfig() { Carte carte = CarteSingleton.getCarte(); SlaveServerConfig config = carte == null ? null : carte.getConfig(); List<SlaveServer> masters = config == null ? null : config.getMasters(); if (config == null || masters == null || masters.size() == 0) { throw new NullPointerException("At least one master is required for the cluster"); } if (!config.isReportingToMasters()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Only slave server can register on master nodes"); } } private void checkMasterRegistrion() { checkConfig(); SlaveServerConfig config = CarteSingleton.getCarte().getConfig(); SlaveServer slaveServer = config.getSlaveServer(); LogChannelInterface log = CarteSingleton.getInstance().getLog(); for (final SlaveServer master : config.getMasters()) { String name = master.getName(); MasterServerStatus status = masterStatus.get(name); if (status == null || !status.alive) { // this should never happen log.logError(new StringBuilder().append("Skip master ").append(name).append(" as it seems dead") .toString()); continue; } String tag = new StringBuilder().append(TAG_HOST_BEGIN).append(slaveServer.getHostname()) .append(TAG_HOST_END).append(TAG_PORT_BEGIN).append(slaveServer.getPort()).append(TAG_PORT_END) .toString(); try { String xml = master.sendXML(EMPTY_STRING, PATH_QUERY_SLAVES); if (xml != null && (status.restarted || xml.indexOf(tag) < 0)) { registerOnMasters(master); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.logError("Failed to check slaves of master " + name + ": " + t.getMessage()); status.alive = false; continue; } // now check data sources Map<String, String> headerValues = new HashMap<String, String>(1); headerValues.put("Accept", "application/xml"); String dslist = EMPTY_STRING; try { // no retry dslist = master.execService(PATH_QUERY_DS, headerValues); if (dslist != null && (!status.dslist.equals(dslist) || status.restarted)) { Unmarshaller jaxbUnmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); JaxbList<String> list = (JaxbList<String>) jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(new StringReader(dslist)); Map<String, IDatabaseConnection> mapping = new HashMap<String, IDatabaseConnection>( list.getList().size()); for (String s : list.getList()) { String ds = master.execService( new StringBuilder().append(PATH_QUERY_DS).append('/').append(s).toString(), headerValues); mapping.put(s, (IDatabaseConnection) jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(new StringReader(ds))); } log.logBasic(new StringBuilder().append(DataSourceLocator.updateDataSourceMappings(mapping)) .append(" of ").append(mapping.size()).append(" data sources imported from master ") .append(master.getName()).toString()); status.dslist = dslist; } // log.logBasic(xml); } catch (Throwable t) { log.logError("Failed to check data sources of master " + name + ": " + t.getMessage()); // status.alive = false; } } } private void checkMasterStatus() { checkConfig(); SlaveServerConfig config = CarteSingleton.getCarte().getConfig(); LogChannelInterface log = CarteSingleton.getInstance().getLog(); for (final SlaveServer master : config.getMasters()) { String name = master.getName(); MasterServerStatus status = masterStatus.get(name); if (status == null) { status = new MasterServerStatus(); masterStatus.put(name, status); } int startIndex = 0; long uptime = 0L; try { String xml = master.sendXML(EMPTY_STRING, PATH_QUERY_STATUS); startIndex = xml == null ? -1 : xml.indexOf(TAG_UPTIME_BEGIN); if (startIndex > 0) { startIndex = startIndex + TAG_UPTIME_BEGIN.length(); int endIndex = xml.indexOf(TAG_UPTIME_END, startIndex); if (endIndex > startIndex) { uptime = Long.parseLong(xml.substring(startIndex, endIndex)); } } log.logDebug(new StringBuilder().append(name).append(':').append(uptime).append('(') .append(uptime > status.uptime).append(')').toString()); } catch (Throwable t) { log.logError("Failed to get status of master " + name + ": " + t.getMessage()); } finally { status.alive = startIndex > 0; status.restarted = uptime > 0L && status.uptime > 0L && uptime < status.uptime; if (uptime > 0L) { status.uptime = uptime; } } } } long getInitialDelay() { return this.initialDelay; } long getRefreshInterval() { return this.refreshInterval; } boolean registerOnMasters(SlaveServer... masters) { checkConfig(); boolean allOK = true; SlaveServerConfig config = CarteSingleton.getCarte().getConfig(); SlaveServer slaveServer = config.getSlaveServer(); masters = masters == null || masters.length == 0 ? config.getMasters().toArray(new SlaveServer[config.getMasters().size()]) : masters; LogChannelInterface log = CarteSingleton.getInstance().getLog(); Properties masterProperties = null; String propertiesMaster = slaveServer.getPropertiesMasterName(); for (final SlaveServer master : masters) { // Here we use the username/password specified in the slave server section of the configuration. // This doesn't have to be the same pair as the one used on the master! // try { SlaveServerDetection slaveServerDetection = new SlaveServerDetection(slaveServer.getClient()); master.sendXML(slaveServerDetection.getXML(), RegisterSlaveServlet.CONTEXT_PATH + "/"); log.logBasic("Registered this slave server to master slave server [" + master.toString() + "] on address [" + master.getServerAndPort() + "]"); } catch (Exception e) { log.logError("Unable to register to master slave server [" + master.toString() + "] on address [" + master.getServerAndPort() + "]"); allOK = false; } try { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(propertiesMaster) && propertiesMaster.equalsIgnoreCase(master.getName())) { if (masterProperties != null) { log.logError("More than one primary master server. Master name is " + propertiesMaster); } else { masterProperties = master.getKettleProperties(); log.logBasic("Got properties from master server [" + master.toString() + "], address [" + master.getServerAndPort() + "]"); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.logError("Unable to get properties from master server [" + master.toString() + "], address [" + master.getServerAndPort() + "]"); allOK = false; } } if (masterProperties != null) { EnvUtil.applyKettleProperties(masterProperties, slaveServer.isOverrideExistingProperties()); } return allOK; } @Override public void run() { try { // first check if the masters are alive(and their uptime) - yes, we may have more than one master checkMasterStatus(); // and then check if this slave has been registered in all these masters // in case it's not(ex: master restarted), register the salve again // lastly, re-import data sources if there's any change checkMasterRegistrion(); } catch (Exception e) { // do NOT throw exception here or the scheduled task will stop running } } }