Java tutorial
/*! ****************************************************************************** * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ package org.pentaho.di.resource; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.vfs2.FileObject; import org.pentaho.di.base.AbstractMeta; import org.pentaho.di.core.Const; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleFileException; import org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LogChannelInterface; import org.pentaho.di.core.util.EnvUtil; import org.pentaho.di.core.util.Utils; import org.pentaho.di.core.variables.VariableSpace; import org.pentaho.di.core.vfs.KettleVFS; import org.pentaho.di.i18n.BaseMessages; import org.pentaho.di.job.JobMeta; import org.pentaho.di.repository.*; import org.pentaho.di.trans.TransMeta; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Utility class for loading job and transformation meta data. * * @author Zhichun Wu */ public final class ResourceDefinitionHelper { private final static Class<?> PKG = JobMeta.class; // for i18n purposes, needed by Translator2!! // FIXME this assumes has been loaded, which might not always true... private static final boolean KEEP_EXPORTED_FILE = "Y" .equalsIgnoreCase(EnvUtil.getSystemProperty("KETTLE_KEEP_EXPORTED_FILE", "N")); private final static String VARIABLE_PREFIX = "${"; private final static String VARIABLE_SUFFIX = "}"; private final static String CLASS_SIMPLE_REPOSITORY_FILE_DATA = ""; private final static String METHOD_GET_DATA = "getDataForRead"; private final static String METHOD_GET_ENCODING = "getEncoding"; private final static String METHOD_GET_FILE = "getFile"; private final static String METHOD_GET_ID = "getId"; private final static String METHOD_GET_INPUTSTREAM = "getInputStream"; private final static String METHOD_GET_NAME = "getName"; private final static String METHOD_GET_PUR = "getPur"; private final static String FS_PROTOCOL = "file://"; private final static String WARN_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FILE = "Failed to get file content from Pentaho Repository: "; public static class SimpleFileMeta { private final String fileName; private final boolean isText; private final String textContent; private final byte[] binaryContent; private final boolean available; public SimpleFileMeta(String fileName, boolean isText, String textContent, byte[] binaryContent, boolean available) { this.fileName = fileName; this.isText = isText; this.textContent = textContent; this.binaryContent = binaryContent; this.available = available; } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } public boolean isText() { return isText; } public boolean isBinary() { return !isText; } public String getTextContent() { return textContent; } public byte[] getBinaryContent() { return binaryContent; } public InputStream getBinaryInputStream() { return new ByteArrayInputStream(binaryContent); } public boolean isAvailable() { return available; } } public static class TransMetaCollection extends TransMeta { private final List<TransMeta> attachedMeta = new ArrayList<>(); public void attachTransMeta(TransMeta transMeta) { attachedMeta.add(transMeta); } public List<TransMeta> getAttachedMeta() { return attachedMeta; } } public static class JobMetaCollection extends JobMeta { private final List<JobMeta> attachedMeta = new ArrayList<>(); public void attachJobMeta(JobMeta jobMeta) { attachedMeta.add(jobMeta); } public List<JobMeta> getAttachedMeta() { return attachedMeta; } } public static void purge(FileObject tempFile) { if (!KEEP_EXPORTED_FILE && tempFile != null) { try { tempFile.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { // pretend nothing happened } } } public static boolean containsVariable(String name) { boolean hasVar = false; if (name != null) { int index = name.indexOf(VARIABLE_PREFIX); // variable name should at least contain one character index = index >= 0 ? name.indexOf(VARIABLE_SUFFIX, index + VARIABLE_PREFIX.length() + 1) : -1; hasVar = index > 0; } return hasVar; } public static boolean containsResource(Repository repository, Map<String, ResourceDefinition> definitions, VariableSpace space, ResourceNamingInterface namingInterface, AbstractMeta meta) throws KettleException { if (definitions == null || space == null || namingInterface == null || meta == null) { return false; } String extension = meta instanceof TransMeta ? Const.STRING_TRANS_DEFAULT_EXT : Const.STRING_JOB_DEFAULT_EXT; String fullname; try { RepositoryDirectoryInterface directory = meta.getRepositoryDirectory(); if (Utils.isEmpty(meta.getFilename())) { // Assume repository... // fullname = directory.getPath() + (directory.getPath().endsWith(RepositoryDirectory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) ? "" : RepositoryDirectory.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) + meta.getName() + "." + extension; // } else { // Assume file // FileObject fileObject = KettleVFS.getFileObject(space.environmentSubstitute(meta.getFilename()), space); fullname = fileObject.getName().getPath(); } } catch (KettleFileException e) { throw new KettleException( BaseMessages.getString(PKG, "JobMeta.Exception.AnErrorOccuredReadingJob", meta.getFilename()), e); } // if (repository != null) { // repository.getLog().logError("=====> Checking [" + fullname + "] in " + definitions + " result=" + definitions.containsKey(fullname)); // } return definitions.containsKey(fullname) || meta.equals(space); } private static void loadTransformationRecursively(Repository rep, TransMetaCollection tmc, RepositoryDirectoryInterface dir) throws KettleException { if (rep == null || tmc == null || dir == null) { return; } for (RepositoryElementMetaInterface element : dir.getRepositoryObjects()) { if (element.getObjectType() != RepositoryObjectType.TRANSFORMATION) { continue; } tmc.attachTransMeta(rep.loadTransformation(element.getName(), dir, null, true, null)); } // now sub-directories for (RepositoryDirectoryInterface d : dir.getChildren()) { loadTransformationRecursively(rep, tmc, d); } } public static TransMeta loadTransformation(Repository rep, RepositoryDirectoryInterface dir, String realFileName) throws KettleException { TransMeta transMeta = null; if (rep == null || dir == null || realFileName == null) { return transMeta; } // rep.getLog().logError("=====> Loading Trans[" + realFileName + "], contains variable=" + containsVariable(realFileName)); if (containsVariable(realFileName)) { TransMetaCollection tmc = new TransMetaCollection(); transMeta = tmc; transMeta.setFilename(realFileName); loadTransformationRecursively(rep, tmc, dir); } else { transMeta = rep.loadTransformation(realFileName, dir, null, true, null); } return transMeta; } private static void loadJobRecursively(Repository rep, JobMetaCollection jmc, RepositoryDirectoryInterface dir) throws KettleException { if (rep == null || jmc == null || dir == null) { return; } for (RepositoryElementMetaInterface element : dir.getRepositoryObjects()) { if (element.getObjectType() != RepositoryObjectType.JOB) { continue; } jmc.attachJobMeta(rep.loadJob(element.getName(), dir, null, null)); } // now sub-directories for (RepositoryDirectoryInterface d : dir.getChildren()) { loadJobRecursively(rep, jmc, d); } } public static JobMeta loadJob(Repository rep, RepositoryDirectoryInterface dir, String realFileName) throws KettleException { JobMeta jobMeta = null; if (rep == null || dir == null || realFileName == null) { return jobMeta; } // rep.getLog().logError("=====> Loading Job[" + realFileName + "], contains variable=" + containsVariable(realFileName)); if (containsVariable(realFileName)) { JobMetaCollection jmc = new JobMetaCollection(); jobMeta = jmc; jobMeta.setFilename(realFileName); loadJobRecursively(rep, jmc, dir); } else { jobMeta = rep.loadJob(realFileName, dir, null, null); } return jobMeta; } public static boolean isPentahoRepository(Repository repository) { boolean isPur = false; if (repository != null) { try { Class repositoryClass = repository.getClass(); isPur = repositoryClass.getMethod(METHOD_GET_PUR) != null; } catch (Exception e) { // ignore errors } } return isPur; } /** * Try to get content of given file(text or binary) from Pentaho Repository. * * @param repository repository instance * @param fileName substituted file name * @param isTextFile true if it's a text file; false otherwise * @param logger logger interface * @return an object contains name, type and content of the file */ public static SimpleFileMeta loadFileFromPurRepository(Repository repository, String fileName, boolean isTextFile, LogChannelInterface logger) { String simpleName = FilenameUtils.normalize(fileName); String textContent = ""; byte[] binaryContent = new byte[0]; InputStream is = null; boolean success = false; try { Class repositoryClass = repository.getClass(); Object unifiedRepository = repositoryClass.getMethod(METHOD_GET_PUR).invoke(repository); Class unifiedRepositoryClass = unifiedRepository.getClass(); Object repositoryFile = unifiedRepositoryClass.getMethod(METHOD_GET_FILE, String.class) .invoke(unifiedRepository, simpleName); Class repositoryFileClass = repositoryFile.getClass(); Object fileId = repositoryFileClass.getMethod(METHOD_GET_ID).invoke(repositoryFile); simpleName = (String) repositoryFileClass.getMethod(METHOD_GET_NAME).invoke(repositoryFile); Object fileData = unifiedRepositoryClass.getMethod(METHOD_GET_DATA, Serializable.class, Class.class) .invoke(unifiedRepository, fileId, unifiedRepositoryClass.getClassLoader().loadClass(CLASS_SIMPLE_REPOSITORY_FILE_DATA)); Class fileDataClass = fileData.getClass(); is = (InputStream) fileDataClass.getMethod(METHOD_GET_INPUTSTREAM).invoke(fileData); if (isTextFile) { String encoding = null; // just try to get file encoding if we could try { encoding = (String) repositoryFileClass.getMethod(METHOD_GET_ENCODING).invoke(repositoryFile); } catch (Exception ex) { } textContent = IOUtils.toString(is, encoding); } else { // FIXME this could be a problem, let's hope the binary file is not that large... binaryContent = IOUtils.toByteArray(is); } success = true; } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | NullPointerException e) { if (logger != null && logger.isDebug()) { logger.logDebug(WARN_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FILE + fileName, e); } } catch (Exception e) { if (logger != null && logger.isError()) { logger.logError(WARN_FAILED_TO_LOAD_FILE + fileName, e); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } return new SimpleFileMeta(simpleName, isTextFile, textContent, binaryContent, success); } /** * Try to get content of given text file from Pentaho Repository. * * @param repository repository instance * @param fileName substituted file name * @param logger logger interface * @return text file content */ public static String getTextFileContent(Repository repository, String fileName, LogChannelInterface logger) { return loadFileFromPurRepository(repository, fileName, true, logger).getTextContent(); } public static String normalizeFileName(String fileName, VariableSpace space) { if (space != null) { fileName = space.environmentSubstitute(fileName); } return normalizeFileName(fileName); } public static String normalizeFileName(String fileName) { String normalizedFileName = FilenameUtils.normalize(fileName); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(normalizedFileName)) { fileName = normalizedFileName; } return fileName; } public static String extractDirectory(String fileName) { if (fileName == null) { return fileName; } // FIXME still possible that fileName does not contain any variable int varIdx = fileName.indexOf(VARIABLE_PREFIX); int pathIdx = fileName.lastIndexOf('/'); if (varIdx > 0) { for (int i = varIdx - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (fileName.charAt(i) == '/') { pathIdx = i; break; } } } return pathIdx > 0 ? fileName.substring(0, pathIdx) : "/"; } public static String extractFileName(String fileName, boolean underRoot) { fileName = FilenameUtils.getName(fileName); return underRoot ? new StringBuilder().append('/').append(fileName).toString() : fileName; } public static String extractExtension(String fileName) { return extractExtension(fileName, false); } public static String extractExtension(String fileName, boolean withDot) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10); if (withDot) { sb.append('.'); } if (fileName != null) { sb.append(FilenameUtils.getExtension(fileName)); } return sb.toString(); } public static String normalizeJobResourceName(String resourceName) { return resourceName.replace(FS_PROTOCOL, new StringBuilder(20).append(VARIABLE_PREFIX) .append(Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_JOB_FILENAME_DIRECTORY).append(VARIABLE_SUFFIX).toString()); } public static String normalizeTransformationResourceName(String resourceName) { return resourceName.replace(FS_PROTOCOL, new StringBuilder(20).append(VARIABLE_PREFIX) .append(Const.INTERNAL_VARIABLE_TRANSFORMATION_FILENAME_DIRECTORY).append(VARIABLE_SUFFIX) .toString()); } public static String generateNewFileNameForOutput(String fileName, boolean fromPur) { if (fileName == null) { return fileName; } if (fromPur) { fileName = extractFileName(fileName, false); } String slash = "/"; int index = fileName.indexOf('!'); if (index > 0) { // remove duplicated '/' String pattern = slash + "+"; fileName = fileName.substring(index + 1).replaceAll(pattern, slash); if (fileName.startsWith(slash)) { fileName = fileName.substring(1); } fromPur = true; } if (fromPur) { String tmpDir = FilenameUtils.normalize(System.getProperty("")).replace('\\', '/'); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(tmpDir); if (sb.length() == 0 || sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != slash.charAt(0)) { sb.append(slash); } sb.append(fileName); fileName = sb.toString(); } return fileName; } private ResourceDefinitionHelper() { } }