Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2007 Pentaho Corporation. All rights reserved. * This software was developed by Pentaho Corporation and is provided under the terms * of the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1. You may not use * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license, * please go to The Original Code is Pentaho * Data Integration. The Initial Developer is Pentaho Corporation. * * Software distributed under the GNU Lesser Public License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Please refer to * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations.*/ package org.pentaho.di.repository; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.pentaho.di.cluster.ClusterSchema; import org.pentaho.di.cluster.SlaveServer; import org.pentaho.di.core.Condition; import org.pentaho.di.core.Const; import org.pentaho.di.core.Counter; import org.pentaho.di.core.Counters; import org.pentaho.di.core.ProgressMonitorListener; import org.pentaho.di.core.RowMetaAndData; import org.pentaho.di.core.database.Database; import org.pentaho.di.core.database.DatabaseMeta; import org.pentaho.di.core.encryption.Encr; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDatabaseException; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleDependencyException; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException; import org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleValueException; import org.pentaho.di.core.logging.LogWriter; import org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMeta; import org.pentaho.di.core.row.RowMetaInterface; import org.pentaho.di.core.row.ValueMeta; import org.pentaho.di.core.row.ValueMetaAndData; import org.pentaho.di.core.row.ValueMetaInterface; import org.pentaho.di.core.vfs.KettleVFS; import org.pentaho.di.core.xml.XMLHandler; import org.pentaho.di.job.JobMeta; import org.pentaho.di.job.entry.JobEntryBase; import org.pentaho.di.partition.PartitionSchema; import org.pentaho.di.trans.TransMeta; /** * * This class handles interactions with a Kettle repository. * * @author Matt * Created on 31-mrt-2004 * */ public class Repository { public static final String TABLE_R_VERSION = "R_VERSION"; public static final String FIELD_VERSION_ID_VERSION = "ID_VERSION"; public static final String FIELD_VERSION_MAJOR_VERSION = "MAJOR_VERSION"; public static final String FIELD_VERSION_MINOR_VERSION = "MINOR_VERSION"; public static final String FIELD_VERSION_IS_UPGRADE = "IS_UPGRADE"; public static final String FIELD_VERSION_UPGRADE_DATE = "UPGRADE_DATE"; public static final String TABLE_R_REPOSITORY_LOG = "R_REPOSITORY_LOG"; public static final String FIELD_REPOSITORY_LOG_ID_REPOSITORY_LOG = "ID_REPOSITORY_LOG"; public static final String FIELD_REPOSITORY_LOG_REP_VERSION = "REP_VERSION"; public static final String FIELD_REPOSITORY_LOG_LOG_DATE = "LOG_DATE"; public static final String FIELD_REPOSITORY_LOG_LOG_USER = "LOG_USER"; public static final String FIELD_REPOSITORY_LOG_OPERATION_DESC = "OPERATION_DESC"; public static final String TABLE_R_DATABASE_TYPE = "R_DATABASE_TYPE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_TYPE_ID_DATABASE_TYPE = "ID_DATABASE_TYPE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_TYPE_CODE = "CODE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String TABLE_R_DATABASE_CONTYPE = "R_DATABASE_CONTYPE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_CONTYPE_ID_DATABASE_CONTYPE = "ID_DATABASE_CONTYPE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_CONTYPE_CODE = "CODE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_CONTYPE_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String TABLE_R_DATABASE = "R_DATABASE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE = "ID_DATABASE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE_TYPE = "ID_DATABASE_TYPE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE_CONTYPE = "ID_DATABASE_CONTYPE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_HOST_NAME = "HOST_NAME"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_DATABASE_NAME = "DATABASE_NAME"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_PORT = "PORT"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_USERNAME = "USERNAME"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_DATA_TBS = "DATA_TBS"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_PASSWORD = "PASSWORD"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_SERVERNAME = "SERVERNAME"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_INDEX_TBS = "INDEX_TBS"; public static final String TABLE_R_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE = "R_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE = "ID_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE = "ID_DATABASE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_CODE = "CODE"; public static final String FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR = "VALUE_STR"; public static final String TABLE_R_NOTE = "R_NOTE"; public static final String FIELD_NOTE_ID_NOTE = "ID_NOTE"; public static final String FIELD_NOTE_VALUE_STR = "VALUE_STR"; public static final String FIELD_NOTE_GUI_LOCATION_X = "GUI_LOCATION_X"; public static final String FIELD_NOTE_GUI_LOCATION_Y = "GUI_LOCATION_Y"; public static final String FIELD_NOTE_GUI_LOCATION_WIDTH = "GUI_LOCATION_WIDTH"; public static final String FIELD_NOTE_GUI_LOCATION_HEIGHT = "GUI_LOCATION_HEIGHT"; public static final String TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION = "R_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DIRECTORY = "ID_DIRECTORY"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION = "EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_TRANS_VERSION = "TRANS_VERSION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_TRANS_STATUS = "TRANS_STATUS"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_STEP_READ = "ID_STEP_READ"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_STEP_WRITE = "ID_STEP_WRITE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_STEP_INPUT = "ID_STEP_INPUT"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_STEP_OUTPUT = "ID_STEP_OUTPUT"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_STEP_UPDATE = "ID_STEP_UPDATE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DATABASE_LOG = "ID_DATABASE_LOG"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_TABLE_NAME_LOG = "TABLE_NAME_LOG"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_USE_BATCHID = "USE_BATCHID"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_USE_LOGFIELD = "USE_LOGFIELD"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DATABASE_MAXDATE = "ID_DATABASE_MAXDATE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_TABLE_NAME_MAXDATE = "TABLE_NAME_MAXDATE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_FIELD_NAME_MAXDATE = "FIELD_NAME_MAXDATE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_OFFSET_MAXDATE = "OFFSET_MAXDATE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_DIFF_MAXDATE = "DIFF_MAXDATE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_CREATED_USER = "CREATED_USER"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_CREATED_DATE = "CREATED_DATE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_MODIFIED_USER = "MODIFIED_USER"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_MODIFIED_DATE = "MODIFIED_DATE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_SIZE_ROWSET = "SIZE_ROWSET"; public static final String TABLE_R_DIRECTORY = "R_DIRECTORY"; public static final String FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY = "ID_DIRECTORY"; public static final String FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY_PARENT = "ID_DIRECTORY_PARENT"; public static final String FIELD_DIRECTORY_DIRECTORY_NAME = "DIRECTORY_NAME"; public static final String TABLE_R_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE = "R_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE = "ID_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_NR = "NR"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_CODE = "CODE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM = "VALUE_NUM"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR = "VALUE_STR"; public static final String TABLE_R_JOB_ATTRIBUTE = "R_JOB_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB_ATTRIBUTE = "ID_JOB_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB = "ID_JOB"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_NR = "NR"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_CODE = "CODE"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM = "VALUE_NUM"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR = "VALUE_STR"; public static final String TABLE_R_DEPENDENCY = "R_DEPENDENCY"; public static final String FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_DEPENDENCY = "ID_DEPENDENCY"; public static final String FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_DATABASE = "ID_DATABASE"; public static final String FIELD_DEPENDENCY_TABLE_NAME = "TABLE_NAME"; public static final String FIELD_DEPENDENCY_FIELD_NAME = "FIELD_NAME"; public static final String TABLE_R_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION = "R_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION_ID_STEP = "ID_STEP"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION = "ID_CONDITION"; public static final String TABLE_R_CONDITION = "R_CONDITION"; public static final String FIELD_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION = "ID_CONDITION"; public static final String FIELD_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION_PARENT = "ID_CONDITION_PARENT"; public static final String FIELD_CONDITION_NEGATED = "NEGATED"; public static final String FIELD_CONDITION_OPERATOR = "OPERATOR"; public static final String FIELD_CONDITION_LEFT_NAME = "LEFT_NAME"; public static final String FIELD_CONDITION_CONDITION_FUNCTION = "CONDITION_FUNCTION"; public static final String FIELD_CONDITION_RIGHT_NAME = "RIGHT_NAME"; public static final String FIELD_CONDITION_ID_VALUE_RIGHT = "ID_VALUE_RIGHT"; public static final String TABLE_R_VALUE = "R_VALUE"; public static final String FIELD_VALUE_ID_VALUE = "ID_VALUE"; public static final String FIELD_VALUE_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_VALUE_VALUE_TYPE = "VALUE_TYPE"; public static final String FIELD_VALUE_VALUE_STR = "VALUE_STR"; public static final String FIELD_VALUE_IS_NULL = "IS_NULL"; public static final String TABLE_R_TRANS_HOP = "R_TRANS_HOP"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANS_HOP = "ID_TRANS_HOP"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_STEP_FROM = "ID_STEP_FROM"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_STEP_TO = "ID_STEP_TO"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ENABLED = "ENABLED"; public static final String TABLE_R_STEP_TYPE = "R_STEP_TYPE"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_TYPE_ID_STEP_TYPE = "ID_STEP_TYPE"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_TYPE_CODE = "CODE"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_TYPE_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_TYPE_HELPTEXT = "HELPTEXT"; public static final String TABLE_R_STEP = "R_STEP"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_ID_STEP = "ID_STEP"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_ID_STEP_TYPE = "ID_STEP_TYPE"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_DISTRIBUTE = "DISTRIBUTE"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_COPIES = "COPIES"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_GUI_LOCATION_X = "GUI_LOCATION_X"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_GUI_LOCATION_Y = "GUI_LOCATION_Y"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_GUI_DRAW = "GUI_DRAW"; public static final String TABLE_R_STEP_ATTRIBUTE = "R_STEP_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP_ATTRIBUTE = "ID_STEP_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP = "ID_STEP"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_CODE = "CODE"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_NR = "NR"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM = "VALUE_NUM"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR = "VALUE_STR"; public static final String TABLE_R_TRANS_NOTE = "R_TRANS_NOTE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_NOTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_NOTE_ID_NOTE = "ID_NOTE"; public static final String TABLE_R_JOB = "R_JOB"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_ID_JOB = "ID_JOB"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_ID_DIRECTORY = "ID_DIRECTORY"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION = "EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_JOB_VERSION = "JOB_VERSION"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_JOB_STATUS = "JOB_STATUS"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_ID_DATABASE_LOG = "ID_DATABASE_LOG"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_TABLE_NAME_LOG = "TABLE_NAME_LOG"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_CREATED_USER = "CREATED_USER"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_CREATED_DATE = "CREATED_DATE"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_MODIFIED_USER = "MODIFIED_USER"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_MODIFIED_DATE = "MODIFIED_DATE"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_USE_BATCH_ID = "USE_BATCH_ID"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_PASS_BATCH_ID = "PASS_BATCH_ID"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_USE_LOGFIELD = "USE_LOGFIELD"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_SHARED_FILE = "SHARED_FILE"; public static final String TABLE_R_LOGLEVEL = "R_LOGLEVEL"; public static final String FIELD_LOGLEVEL_ID_LOGLEVEL = "ID_LOGLEVEL"; public static final String FIELD_LOGLEVEL_CODE = "CODE"; public static final String FIELD_LOGLEVEL_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String TABLE_R_LOG = "R_LOG"; public static final String FIELD_LOG_ID_LOG = "ID_LOG"; public static final String FIELD_LOG_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_LOG_ID_LOGLEVEL = "ID_LOGLEVEL"; public static final String FIELD_LOG_LOGTYPE = "LOGTYPE"; public static final String FIELD_LOG_FILENAME = "FILENAME"; public static final String FIELD_LOG_FILEEXTENTION = "FILEEXTENTION"; public static final String FIELD_LOG_ADD_DATE = "ADD_DATE"; public static final String FIELD_LOG_ADD_TIME = "ADD_TIME"; public static final String FIELD_LOG_ID_DATABASE_LOG = "ID_DATABASE_LOG"; public static final String FIELD_LOG_TABLE_NAME_LOG = "TABLE_NAME_LOG"; public static final String TABLE_R_JOBENTRY = "R_JOBENTRY"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOBENTRY = "ID_JOBENTRY"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOB = "ID_JOB"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOBENTRY_TYPE = "ID_JOBENTRY_TYPE"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_COPY = "R_JOBENTRY_COPY"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY = "ID_JOBENTRY_COPY"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY = "ID_JOBENTRY"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOB = "ID_JOB"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY_TYPE = "ID_JOBENTRY_TYPE"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_NR = "NR"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_GUI_LOCATION_X = "GUI_LOCATION_X"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_GUI_LOCATION_Y = "GUI_LOCATION_Y"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_GUI_DRAW = "GUI_DRAW"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_PARALLEL = "PARALLEL"; public static final String TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_TYPE = "R_JOBENTRY_TYPE"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_TYPE_ID_JOBENTRY_TYPE = "ID_JOBENTRY_TYPE"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_TYPE_CODE = "CODE"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_TYPE_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE = "R_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE = "ID_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB = "ID_JOB"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOBENTRY = "ID_JOBENTRY"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_NR = "NR"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_CODE = "CODE"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM = "VALUE_NUM"; public static final String FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR = "VALUE_STR"; public static final String TABLE_R_JOB_HOP = "R_JOB_HOP"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB_HOP = "ID_JOB_HOP"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB = "ID_JOB"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY_FROM = "ID_JOBENTRY_COPY_FROM"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY_TO = "ID_JOBENTRY_COPY_TO"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_HOP_ENABLED = "ENABLED"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_HOP_EVALUATION = "EVALUATION"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_HOP_UNCONDITIONAL = "UNCONDITIONAL"; public static final String TABLE_R_JOB_NOTE = "R_JOB_NOTE"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_NOTE_ID_JOB = "ID_JOB"; public static final String FIELD_JOB_NOTE_ID_NOTE = "ID_NOTE"; public static final String TABLE_R_PROFILE = "R_PROFILE"; public static final String FIELD_PROFILE_ID_PROFILE = "ID_PROFILE"; public static final String FIELD_PROFILE_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_PROFILE_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String TABLE_R_USER = "R_USER"; public static final String FIELD_USER_ID_USER = "ID_USER"; public static final String FIELD_USER_ID_PROFILE = "ID_PROFILE"; public static final String FIELD_USER_LOGIN = "LOGIN"; public static final String FIELD_USER_PASSWORD = "PASSWORD"; public static final String FIELD_USER_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_USER_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String FIELD_USER_ENABLED = "ENABLED"; public static final String TABLE_R_PERMISSION = "R_PERMISSION"; public static final String FIELD_PERMISSION_ID_PERMISSION = "ID_PERMISSION"; public static final String FIELD_PERMISSION_CODE = "CODE"; public static final String FIELD_PERMISSION_DESCRIPTION = "DESCRIPTION"; public static final String TABLE_R_PROFILE_PERMISSION = "R_PROFILE_PERMISSION"; public static final String FIELD_PROFILE_PERMISSION_ID_PROFILE = "ID_PROFILE"; public static final String FIELD_PROFILE_PERMISSION_ID_PERMISSION = "ID_PERMISSION"; public static final String TABLE_R_STEP_DATABASE = "R_STEP_DATABASE"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_STEP = "ID_STEP"; public static final String FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE = "ID_DATABASE"; public static final String TABLE_R_PARTITION_SCHEMA = "R_PARTITION_SCHEMA"; public static final String FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA = "ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA"; public static final String FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_DYNAMIC_DEFINITION = "DYNAMIC_DEFINITION"; public static final String FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_PARTITIONS_PER_SLAVE = "PARTITIONS_PER_SLAVE"; public static final String TABLE_R_PARTITION = "R_PARTITION"; public static final String FIELD_PARTITION_ID_PARTITION = "ID_PARTITION"; public static final String FIELD_PARTITION_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA = "ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA"; public static final String FIELD_PARTITION_PARTITION_ID = "PARTITION_ID"; public static final String TABLE_R_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA = "R_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA = "ID_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA = "ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA"; public static final String TABLE_R_CLUSTER = "R_CLUSTER"; public static final String FIELD_CLUSTER_ID_CLUSTER = "ID_CLUSTER"; public static final String FIELD_CLUSTER_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_CLUSTER_BASE_PORT = "BASE_PORT"; public static final String FIELD_CLUSTER_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE = "SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE"; public static final String FIELD_CLUSTER_SOCKETS_FLUSH_INTERVAL = "SOCKETS_FLUSH_INTERVAL"; public static final String FIELD_CLUSTER_SOCKETS_COMPRESSED = "SOCKETS_COMPRESSED"; public static final String FIELD_CLUSTER_DYNAMIC = "DYNAMIC_CLUSTER"; public static final String TABLE_R_SLAVE = "R_SLAVE"; public static final String FIELD_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE = "ID_SLAVE"; public static final String FIELD_SLAVE_NAME = "NAME"; public static final String FIELD_SLAVE_HOST_NAME = "HOST_NAME"; public static final String FIELD_SLAVE_PORT = "PORT"; public static final String FIELD_SLAVE_USERNAME = "USERNAME"; public static final String FIELD_SLAVE_PASSWORD = "PASSWORD"; public static final String FIELD_SLAVE_PROXY_HOST_NAME = "PROXY_HOST_NAME"; public static final String FIELD_SLAVE_PROXY_PORT = "PROXY_PORT"; public static final String FIELD_SLAVE_NON_PROXY_HOSTS = "NON_PROXY_HOSTS"; public static final String FIELD_SLAVE_MASTER = "MASTER"; public static final String TABLE_R_CLUSTER_SLAVE = "R_CLUSTER_SLAVE"; public static final String FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_CLUSTER_SLAVE = "ID_CLUSTER_SLAVE"; public static final String FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_CLUSTER = "ID_CLUSTER"; public static final String FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE = "ID_SLAVE"; public static final String TABLE_R_TRANS_CLUSTER = "R_TRANS_CLUSTER"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_CLUSTER_ID_TRANS_CLUSTER = "ID_TRANS_CLUSTER"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_CLUSTER_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_CLUSTER_ID_CLUSTER = "ID_CLUSTER"; public static final String TABLE_R_TRANS_SLAVE = "R_TRANS_SLAVE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_SLAVE_ID_TRANS_SLAVE = "ID_TRANS_SLAVE"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_SLAVE_ID_TRANSFORMATION = "ID_TRANSFORMATION"; public static final String FIELD_TRANS_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE = "ID_SLAVE"; public static final String repositoryTableNames[] = new String[] { TABLE_R_CLUSTER, TABLE_R_CLUSTER_SLAVE, TABLE_R_CONDITION, TABLE_R_DATABASE, TABLE_R_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE, TABLE_R_DATABASE_CONTYPE, TABLE_R_DATABASE_TYPE, TABLE_R_DEPENDENCY, TABLE_R_DIRECTORY, TABLE_R_JOB, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_COPY, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_TYPE, TABLE_R_JOB_HOP, TABLE_R_JOB_NOTE, TABLE_R_LOG, TABLE_R_LOGLEVEL, TABLE_R_NOTE, TABLE_R_PARTITION, TABLE_R_PARTITION_SCHEMA, TABLE_R_PERMISSION, TABLE_R_PROFILE, TABLE_R_PROFILE_PERMISSION, TABLE_R_REPOSITORY_LOG, TABLE_R_SLAVE, TABLE_R_STEP, TABLE_R_STEP_ATTRIBUTE, TABLE_R_STEP_DATABASE, TABLE_R_STEP_TYPE, TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION, TABLE_R_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE, TABLE_R_JOB_ATTRIBUTE, TABLE_R_TRANS_CLUSTER, TABLE_R_TRANS_HOP, TABLE_R_TRANS_NOTE, TABLE_R_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA, TABLE_R_TRANS_SLAVE, TABLE_R_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION, TABLE_R_USER, TABLE_R_VALUE, TABLE_R_VERSION }; private final static int[] KEY_POSITIONS = new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }; public static final int REQUIRED_MAJOR_VERSION = 3; public static final int REQUIRED_MINOR_VERSION = 2; private RepositoryMeta repinfo; public UserInfo userinfo; private RepositoryDirectory directoryTree; private RepositoryDirectory importBaseDirectory; private Database database; public LogWriter log; private String locksource; private PreparedStatement psStepAttributesLookup; private PreparedStatement psStepAttributesInsert; private PreparedStatement psTransAttributesLookup; private PreparedStatement psTransAttributesInsert; private PreparedStatement psJobAttributesLookup; private PreparedStatement psJobAttributesInsert; private List<Object[]> stepAttributesBuffer; private RowMetaInterface stepAttributesRowMeta; private PreparedStatement pstmt_entry_attributes; private int majorVersion; private int minorVersion; private DatabaseMeta databaseMeta; private boolean useBatchProcessing; /** The maximum length of a text field in a Kettle repository : 2.000.000 is enough for everyone ;-) */ public static final int REP_STRING_LENGTH = 2000000; public static final int REP_STRING_CODE_LENGTH = 255; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP_REJECTED = "ID_STEP_REJECTED"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE_CONNECTIONS = "UNIQUE_CONNECTIONS"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_FEEDBACK_SHOWN = "FEEDBACK_SHOWN"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_FEEDBACK_SIZE = "FEEDBACK_SIZE"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_USING_THREAD_PRIORITIES = "USING_THREAD_PRIORITIES"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED_FILE = "SHARED_FILE"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_CAPTURE_STEP_PERFORMANCE = "CAPTURE_STEP_PERFORMANCE"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_STEP_PERFORMANCE_CAPTURING_DELAY = "STEP_PERFORMANCE_CAPTURING_DELAY"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_STEP_PERFORMANCE_LOG_TABLE = "STEP_PERFORMANCE_LOG_TABLE"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT = "LOG_SIZE_LIMIT"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_KEY = "PARAM_KEY"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DEFAULT = "PARAM_DEFAULT"; public static final String TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DESCRIPTION = "PARAM_DESC"; public static final String JOB_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_KEY = "PARAM_KEY"; public static final String JOB_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DEFAULT = "PARAM_DEFAULT"; public static final String JOB_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DESCRIPTION = "PARAM_DESC"; public static final String JOB_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT = "LOG_SIZE_LIMIT"; private static Repository currentRepository; private RepositoryCreationHelper creationHelper; public Repository(LogWriter log, RepositoryMeta repinfo, UserInfo userinfo) { this.repinfo = repinfo; this.log = log; this.userinfo = userinfo; useBatchProcessing = true; // defaults to true; database = new Database(repinfo.getConnection()); databaseMeta = database.getDatabaseMeta(); psStepAttributesLookup = null; psStepAttributesInsert = null; psTransAttributesLookup = null; pstmt_entry_attributes = null; this.majorVersion = REQUIRED_MAJOR_VERSION; this.minorVersion = REQUIRED_MINOR_VERSION; directoryTree = null; creationHelper = new RepositoryCreationHelper(this); } public RepositoryMeta getRepositoryInfo() { return repinfo; } public UserInfo getUserInfo() { return userinfo; } public String getName() { if (repinfo == null) return null; return repinfo.getName(); } /** * Return the major repository version. * @return the major repository version. */ public int getMajorVersion() { return majorVersion; } /** * Return the minor repository version. * @return the minor repository version. */ public int getMinorVersion() { return minorVersion; } /** * Get the repository version. * @return The repository version as major version + "." + minor version */ public String getVersion() { return majorVersion + "." + minorVersion; } /** * Get the required repository version for this version of Kettle. * @return the required repository version for this version of Kettle. */ public static final String getRequiredVersion() { return REQUIRED_MAJOR_VERSION + "." + REQUIRED_MINOR_VERSION; } /** * @return The source specified at connect() time. */ public String getLocksource() { return locksource; } /** * Connect to the repository * @param locksource * @return true if the connection went well, false if we couldn't connect. */ public synchronized boolean connect(String locksource) throws KettleException { return connect(false, true, locksource, false); } public synchronized boolean connect(boolean no_lookup, boolean readDirectory, String locksource) throws KettleException { return connect(no_lookup, readDirectory, locksource, false); } public synchronized boolean connect(boolean no_lookup, boolean readDirectory, String locksource, boolean ignoreVersion) throws KettleException { if (repinfo.isLocked()) { log.logError(toString(), "Repository is locked by class " + locksource); return false; } boolean retval = true; try { database.initializeVariablesFrom(null); database.connect(); if (!ignoreVersion) verifyVersion(); setAutoCommit(false); repinfo.setLock(true); this.locksource = locksource; if (!no_lookup) { try { setLookupStepAttribute(); setLookupTransAttribute(); setLookupJobEntryAttribute(); } catch (KettleException dbe) { log.logError(toString(), "Error setting lookup prep.statements: " + dbe.getMessage()); } } // Load the directory tree. if (readDirectory) { try { refreshRepositoryDirectoryTree(); } catch (KettleException e) { log.logError(toString(), e.toString()); } } else { directoryTree = new RepositoryDirectory(); } // OK, the repository is available currentRepository = this; } catch (KettleException e) { retval = false; log.logError(toString(), "Error connecting to the repository!" + e.getMessage()); throw new KettleException(e); } return retval; } private void verifyVersion() throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData lastUpgrade = null; String versionTable = databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_VERSION); try { lastUpgrade = database.getOneRow("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_VERSION_MAJOR_VERSION) + ", " + quote(FIELD_VERSION_MINOR_VERSION) + ", " + quote(FIELD_VERSION_UPGRADE_DATE) + " FROM " + versionTable + " ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_VERSION_UPGRADE_DATE) + " DESC"); } catch (Exception e) { try { // See if the repository exists at all. For this we verify table R_USER. // String userTable = databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_USER); database.getOneRow("SELECT * FROM " + userTable); // Still here? That means we have a repository... // // If we can't retrieve the last available upgrade date: // this means the R_VERSION table doesn't exist. // This table was introduced in version 2.3.0 // if (log.isBasic()) { log.logBasic(toString(), Messages.getString("Repository.Error.GettingInfoVersionTable", versionTable)); log.logBasic(toString(), Messages.getString("Repository.Error.NewTable")); log.logBasic(toString(), "Stack trace: " + Const.getStackTracker(e)); } majorVersion = 2; minorVersion = 2; lastUpgrade = null; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new KettleException(Messages.getString("Repository.NoRepositoryExists.Messages")); } } if (lastUpgrade != null) { majorVersion = (int) lastUpgrade.getInteger(FIELD_VERSION_MAJOR_VERSION, -1); minorVersion = (int) lastUpgrade.getInteger(FIELD_VERSION_MINOR_VERSION, -1); } if (majorVersion < REQUIRED_MAJOR_VERSION || (majorVersion == REQUIRED_MAJOR_VERSION && minorVersion < REQUIRED_MINOR_VERSION)) { throw new KettleException( Messages.getString("Repository.UpgradeRequired.Message", getVersion(), getRequiredVersion())); } if (majorVersion == 3 && minorVersion == 0) { // The exception: someone upgraded the repository to version 3.0.0 // In that version, one column got named incorrectly. // Another upgrade to 3.0.1 or later will fix that. // However, since we don't have point versions in here, we'll have to look at the column in question... // String tableName = databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA); String errorColumn = "TRANSFORMATION"; RowMetaInterface tableFields = database.getTableFields(tableName); if (tableFields.indexOfValue(errorColumn) >= 0) { throw new KettleException(Messages.getString("Repository.FixFor300Required.Message")); } } } public synchronized void refreshRepositoryDirectoryTree() throws KettleException { try { directoryTree = new RepositoryDirectory(this); } catch (KettleException e) { directoryTree = new RepositoryDirectory(); throw new KettleException("Unable to read the directory tree from the repository!", e); } } public synchronized void disconnect() { try { currentRepository = null; closeStepAttributeLookupPreparedStatement(); closeTransAttributeLookupPreparedStatement(); closeLookupJobEntryAttribute(); if (!database.isAutoCommit()) commit(); repinfo.setLock(false); } catch (KettleException dbe) { log.logError(toString(), "Error disconnecting from database : " + dbe.getMessage()); } finally { database.disconnect(); } } public synchronized void setAutoCommit(boolean autocommit) { if (!autocommit) database.setCommit(99999999); else database.setCommit(0); } public synchronized void commit() throws KettleException { try { if (!database.isAutoCommit()) database.commit(); // Also, clear the counters, reducing the risk of collisions! // Counters.getInstance().clear(); } catch (KettleException dbe) { throw new KettleException("Unable to commit repository connection", dbe); } } public synchronized void rollback() { try { database.rollback(); // Also, clear the counters, reducing the risk of collisions! // Counters.getInstance().clear(); } catch (KettleException dbe) { log.logError(toString(), "Error rolling back repository."); } } /** * @return Returns the stepAttributesBuffer. */ public List<Object[]> getStepAttributesBuffer() { return stepAttributesBuffer; } /** * @param stepAttributesBuffer The stepAttributesBuffer to set. */ public void setStepAttributesBuffer(List<Object[]> stepAttributesBuffer) { this.stepAttributesBuffer = stepAttributesBuffer; } public synchronized void fillStepAttributesBuffer(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP) + ", " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + ", " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_NR) + ", " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM) + ", " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR) + " " + "FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_ATTRIBUTE) + " " + "WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation + " " + "ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP) + ", " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + ", " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_NR); stepAttributesBuffer = database.getRows(sql, -1); stepAttributesRowMeta = database.getReturnRowMeta(); // must use java-based sort to ensure compatibility with binary search // database ordering may or may not be case-insensitive // Collections.sort(stepAttributesBuffer, new StepAttributeComparator()); // in case db sort does not match our sort } private synchronized RowMetaAndData searchStepAttributeInBuffer(long id_step, String code, long nr) throws KettleValueException { int index = searchStepAttributeIndexInBuffer(id_step, code, nr); if (index < 0) return null; // Get the row // Object[] r = stepAttributesBuffer.get(index); // and remove it from the list... // stepAttributesBuffer.remove(index); return new RowMetaAndData(stepAttributesRowMeta, r); } private class StepAttributeComparator implements Comparator<Object[]> { public int compare(Object[] r1, Object[] r2) { try { return, r2, KEY_POSITIONS); } catch (KettleValueException e) { return 0; // conversion errors } } } private synchronized int searchStepAttributeIndexInBuffer(long id_step, String code, long nr) throws KettleValueException { Object[] key = new Object[] { new Long(id_step), // ID_STEP code, // CODE new Long(nr), // NR }; int index = Collections.binarySearch(stepAttributesBuffer, key, new StepAttributeComparator()); if (index >= stepAttributesBuffer.size() || index < 0) return -1; // // Check this... If it is not in there, we didn't find it! // returns 0 when there are conversion issues // so the binarySearch could have 'found' a match when there really isn't one // Object[] look = stepAttributesBuffer.get(index); if (, key, KEY_POSITIONS) == 0) { return index; } return -1; } private synchronized int searchNrStepAttributes(long id_step, String code) throws KettleValueException { // Search the index of the first step attribute with the specified code... // int idx = searchStepAttributeIndexInBuffer(id_step, code, 0L); if (idx < 0) return 0; int nr = 1; int offset = 1; if (idx + offset >= stepAttributesBuffer.size()) { // Only 1, the last of the attributes buffer. // return 1; } Object[] look = (Object[]) stepAttributesBuffer.get(idx + offset); RowMetaInterface rowMeta = stepAttributesRowMeta; long lookID = rowMeta.getInteger(look, 0); String lookCode = rowMeta.getString(look, 1); while (lookID == id_step && code.equalsIgnoreCase(lookCode)) { // Find the maximum // nr = rowMeta.getInteger(look, 2).intValue() + 1; offset++; if (idx + offset < stepAttributesBuffer.size()) { look = (Object[]) stepAttributesBuffer.get(idx + offset); lookID = rowMeta.getInteger(look, 0); lookCode = rowMeta.getString(look, 1); } else { return nr; } } return nr; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LOOKUP ID ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public synchronized long getJobID(String name, long id_directory) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB), quote(FIELD_JOB_ID_JOB), quote(FIELD_JOB_NAME), name, quote(FIELD_JOB_ID_DIRECTORY), id_directory); } public synchronized long getTransformationID(String name, long id_directory) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION), quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_TRANSFORMATION), quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_NAME), name, quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DIRECTORY), id_directory); } public synchronized long getNoteID(String note) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_NOTE), quote(FIELD_NOTE_ID_NOTE), quote(FIELD_NOTE_VALUE_STR), note); } public synchronized long getDatabaseID(String name) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_NAME), name); } public synchronized long getPartitionSchemaID(String name) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PARTITION_SCHEMA), quote(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA), quote(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_NAME), name); } public synchronized long getSlaveID(String name) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_SLAVE), quote(FIELD_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE), quote(FIELD_SLAVE_NAME), name); } public synchronized long getClusterID(String name) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CLUSTER), quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_ID_CLUSTER), quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_NAME), name); } public synchronized long getDatabaseTypeID(String code) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_TYPE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_TYPE_ID_DATABASE_TYPE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_TYPE_CODE), code); } public synchronized long getDatabaseConTypeID(String code) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_CONTYPE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_CONTYPE_ID_DATABASE_CONTYPE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_CONTYPE_CODE), code); } public synchronized long getStepTypeID(String code) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_TYPE), quote(FIELD_STEP_TYPE_ID_STEP_TYPE), quote(FIELD_STEP_TYPE_CODE), code); } public synchronized long getJobEntryID(String name, long id_job) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY), quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOBENTRY), quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_NAME), name, quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOB), id_job); } public synchronized long getJobEntryTypeID(String code) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_TYPE), quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_TYPE_ID_JOBENTRY_TYPE), quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_TYPE_CODE), code); } public synchronized long getStepID(String name, long id_transformation) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP), quote(FIELD_STEP_ID_STEP), quote(FIELD_STEP_NAME), name, quote(FIELD_STEP_ID_TRANSFORMATION), id_transformation); } public synchronized long getUserID(String login) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_USER), quote(FIELD_USER_ID_USER), quote(FIELD_USER_LOGIN), login); } public synchronized long getProfileID(String profilename) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PROFILE), quote(FIELD_PROFILE_ID_PROFILE), quote(FIELD_PROFILE_NAME), profilename); } public synchronized long getPermissionID(String code) throws KettleException { return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PERMISSION), quote(FIELD_PERMISSION_ID_PERMISSION), quote(FIELD_PERMISSION_CODE), code); } public synchronized long getTransHopID(long id_transformation, long id_step_from, long id_step_to) throws KettleException { String lookupkey[] = new String[] { quote(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANSFORMATION), quote(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_STEP_FROM), quote(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_STEP_TO), }; long key[] = new long[] { id_transformation, id_step_from, id_step_to }; return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_HOP), quote(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANS_HOP), lookupkey, key); } public synchronized long getJobHopID(long id_job, long id_jobentry_copy_from, long id_jobentry_copy_to) throws KettleException { String lookupkey[] = new String[] { quote(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB), quote(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY_FROM), quote(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY_TO), }; long key[] = new long[] { id_job, id_jobentry_copy_from, id_jobentry_copy_to }; return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_HOP), quote(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB_HOP), lookupkey, key); } public synchronized long getDependencyID(long id_transformation, long id_database, String tablename) throws KettleException { String lookupkey[] = new String[] { quote(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_TRANSFORMATION), quote(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_DATABASE), }; long key[] = new long[] { id_transformation, id_database }; return getIDWithValue(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DEPENDENCY), quote(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_DEPENDENCY), quote(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_TABLE_NAME), tablename, lookupkey, key); } public synchronized long getRootDirectoryID() throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData result = database.getOneRow("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DIRECTORY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY_PARENT) + " = 0"); if (result != null && result.isNumeric(0)) return result.getInteger(0, -1); return -1; } public synchronized int getNrSubDirectories(long id_directory) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DIRECTORY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY_PARENT) + " = " + id_directory; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0); } return retval; } public synchronized long[] getSubDirectoryIDs(long id_directory) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DIRECTORY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY_PARENT) + " = " + id_directory + " ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_DIRECTORY_NAME)); } private synchronized long getIDWithValue(String tablename, String idfield, String lookupfield, String value) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData par = new RowMetaAndData(); par.addValue(new ValueMeta("value", ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), value); RowMetaAndData result = database.getOneRow( "SELECT " + idfield + " FROM " + tablename + " WHERE " + lookupfield + " = ?", par.getRowMeta(), par.getData()); if (result != null && result.getRowMeta() != null && result.getData() != null && result.isNumeric(0)) return result.getInteger(0, 0); return -1; } private synchronized long getIDWithValue(String tablename, String idfield, String lookupfield, String value, String lookupkey, long key) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData par = new RowMetaAndData(); par.addValue(new ValueMeta("value", ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), value); par.addValue(new ValueMeta("key", ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(key)); RowMetaAndData result = database.getOneRow("SELECT " + idfield + " FROM " + tablename + " WHERE " + lookupfield + " = ? AND " + lookupkey + " = ?", par.getRowMeta(), par.getData()); if (result != null && result.getRowMeta() != null && result.getData() != null && result.isNumeric(0)) return result.getInteger(0, 0); return -1; } private synchronized long getIDWithValue(String tablename, String idfield, String lookupkey[], long key[]) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData par = new RowMetaAndData(); String sql = "SELECT " + idfield + " FROM " + tablename + " "; for (int i = 0; i < lookupkey.length; i++) { if (i == 0) sql += "WHERE "; else sql += "AND "; par.addValue(new ValueMeta(lookupkey[i], ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(key[i])); sql += lookupkey[i] + " = ? "; } RowMetaAndData result = database.getOneRow(sql, par.getRowMeta(), par.getData()); if (result != null && result.getRowMeta() != null && result.getData() != null && result.isNumeric(0)) return result.getInteger(0, 0); return -1; } private synchronized long getIDWithValue(String tablename, String idfield, String lookupfield, String value, String lookupkey[], long key[]) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData par = new RowMetaAndData(); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(lookupfield, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), value); String sql = "SELECT " + idfield + " FROM " + tablename + " WHERE " + lookupfield + " = ? "; for (int i = 0; i < lookupkey.length; i++) { par.addValue(new ValueMeta(lookupkey[i], ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), new Long(key[i])); sql += "AND " + lookupkey[i] + " = ? "; } RowMetaAndData result = database.getOneRow(sql, par.getRowMeta(), par.getData()); if (result != null && result.getRowMeta() != null && result.getData() != null && result.isNumeric(0)) return result.getInteger(0, 0); return -1; } public synchronized String getDatabaseTypeCode(long id_database_type) throws KettleException { return getStringWithID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_TYPE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_TYPE_ID_DATABASE_TYPE), id_database_type, quote(FIELD_DATABASE_TYPE_CODE)); } public synchronized String getDatabaseConTypeCode(long id_database_contype) throws KettleException { return getStringWithID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_CONTYPE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_CONTYPE_ID_DATABASE_CONTYPE), id_database_contype, quote(FIELD_DATABASE_CONTYPE_CODE)); } public synchronized String getStepTypeCode(long id_database_type) throws KettleException { return getStringWithID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_TYPE), quote(FIELD_STEP_TYPE_ID_STEP_TYPE), id_database_type, quote(FIELD_STEP_TYPE_CODE)); } private synchronized String getStringWithID(String tablename, String keyfield, long id, String fieldname) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT " + fieldname + " FROM " + tablename + " WHERE " + keyfield + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData par = new RowMetaAndData(); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(keyfield, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); RowMetaAndData result = database.getOneRow(sql, par.getRowMeta(), par.getData()); if (result != null && result.getData() != null) { return result.getString(0, null); } return null; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DIRECTORIES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public synchronized void moveTransformation(String transname, long id_directory_from, long id_directory_to) throws KettleException { String nameField = quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_NAME); String sql = "UPDATE " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION) + " SET " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DIRECTORY) + " = ? WHERE " + nameField + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DIRECTORY) + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData par = new RowMetaAndData(); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DIRECTORY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_directory_to)); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), transname); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DIRECTORY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_directory_from)); database.execStatement(sql, par.getRowMeta(), par.getData()); } public synchronized void moveJob(String jobname, long id_directory_from, long id_directory_to) throws KettleException { String sql = "UPDATE " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB) + " SET " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ID_DIRECTORY) + " = ? WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_NAME) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ID_DIRECTORY) + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData par = new RowMetaAndData(); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ID_DIRECTORY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_directory_to)); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), jobname); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ID_DIRECTORY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_directory_from)); database.execStatement(sql, par.getRowMeta(), par.getData()); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // GET NEW IDS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public synchronized long getNextTransformationID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION), quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_TRANSFORMATION)); } public synchronized long getNextJobID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB), quote(FIELD_JOB_ID_JOB)); } public synchronized long getNextNoteID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_NOTE), quote(FIELD_NOTE_ID_NOTE)); } public synchronized long getNextLogID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_REPOSITORY_LOG), quote(FIELD_REPOSITORY_LOG_ID_REPOSITORY_LOG)); } public synchronized long getNextDatabaseID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE)); } public synchronized long getNextDatabaseTypeID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_TYPE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_TYPE_ID_DATABASE_TYPE)); } public synchronized long getNextDatabaseConnectionTypeID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_CONTYPE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_CONTYPE_ID_DATABASE_CONTYPE)); } public synchronized long getNextLoglevelID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_LOGLEVEL), quote(FIELD_LOGLEVEL_ID_LOGLEVEL)); } public synchronized long getNextStepTypeID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_TYPE), quote(FIELD_STEP_TYPE_ID_STEP_TYPE)); } public synchronized long getNextStepID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP), quote(FIELD_STEP_ID_STEP)); } public synchronized long getNextJobEntryID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY), quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOBENTRY)); } public synchronized long getNextJobEntryTypeID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_TYPE), quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_TYPE_ID_JOBENTRY_TYPE)); } public synchronized long getNextJobEntryCopyID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_COPY), quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY)); } public synchronized long getNextStepAttributeID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_ATTRIBUTE), quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP_ATTRIBUTE)); } public synchronized long getNextTransAttributeID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE), quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE)); } public synchronized long getNextJobAttributeID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_ATTRIBUTE), quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB_ATTRIBUTE)); } public synchronized long getNextDatabaseAttributeID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE)); } public synchronized long getNextTransHopID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_HOP), quote(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANS_HOP)); } public synchronized long getNextJobHopID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_HOP), quote(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB_HOP)); } public synchronized long getNextDepencencyID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DEPENDENCY), quote(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_DEPENDENCY)); } public synchronized long getNextPartitionSchemaID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PARTITION_SCHEMA), quote(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA)); } public synchronized long getNextPartitionID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PARTITION), quote(FIELD_PARTITION_ID_PARTITION)); } public synchronized long getNextTransformationPartitionSchemaID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA), quote(FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA)); } public synchronized long getNextClusterID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CLUSTER), quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_ID_CLUSTER)); } public synchronized long getNextSlaveServerID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_SLAVE), quote(FIELD_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE)); } public synchronized long getNextClusterSlaveID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CLUSTER_SLAVE), quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_CLUSTER_SLAVE)); } public synchronized long getNextTransformationSlaveID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_SLAVE), quote(FIELD_TRANS_SLAVE_ID_TRANS_SLAVE)); } public synchronized long getNextTransformationClusterID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_CLUSTER), quote(FIELD_TRANS_CLUSTER_ID_TRANS_CLUSTER)); } public synchronized long getNextConditionID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CONDITION), quote(FIELD_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION)); } public synchronized long getNextValueID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_VALUE), quote(FIELD_VALUE_ID_VALUE)); } public synchronized long getNextUserID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_USER), quote(FIELD_USER_ID_USER)); } public synchronized long getNextProfileID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PROFILE), quote(FIELD_PROFILE_ID_PROFILE)); } public synchronized long getNextPermissionID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PERMISSION), quote(FIELD_PERMISSION_ID_PERMISSION)); } public synchronized long getNextJobEntryAttributeID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE), quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE)); } public synchronized long getNextID(String tableName, String fieldName) throws KettleException { String counterName = tableName + "." + fieldName; Counter counter = Counters.getInstance().getCounter(counterName); if (counter == null) { long id = getNextTableID(tableName, fieldName); counter = new Counter(id); Counters.getInstance().setCounter(counterName, counter); return; } else { return; } } public synchronized void clearNextIDCounters() { Counters.getInstance().clear(); } public synchronized long getNextDirectoryID() throws KettleException { return getNextID(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DIRECTORY), quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY)); } private synchronized long getNextTableID(String tablename, String idfield) throws KettleException { long retval = -1; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow("SELECT MAX(" + idfield + ") FROM " + tablename); if (r != null) { Long id = r.getInteger(0); if (id == null) { if (log.isDebug()) log.logDebug(toString(), "no max(" + idfield + ") found in table " + tablename); retval = 1; } else { if (log.isDebug()) log.logDebug(toString(), "max(" + idfield + ") found in table " + tablename + " --> " + idfield + " number: " + id); retval = id.longValue() + 1L; } } return retval; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INSERT VALUES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public synchronized void insertTransformation(TransMeta transMeta) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(transMeta.getId())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), transMeta.getName()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_DESCRIPTION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), transMeta.getDescription()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), transMeta.getExtendedDescription()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_TRANS_VERSION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), transMeta.getTransversion()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_TRANS_STATUS, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(transMeta.getTransstatus() < 0 ? -1L : transMeta.getTransstatus())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_STEP_READ, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(transMeta.getReadStep() == null ? -1L : transMeta.getReadStep().getID())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_STEP_WRITE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(transMeta.getWriteStep() == null ? -1L : transMeta.getWriteStep().getID())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_STEP_INPUT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(transMeta.getInputStep() == null ? -1L : transMeta.getInputStep().getID())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_STEP_OUTPUT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(transMeta.getOutputStep() == null ? -1L : transMeta.getOutputStep().getID())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_STEP_UPDATE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(transMeta.getUpdateStep() == null ? -1L : transMeta.getUpdateStep().getID())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DATABASE_LOG, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(transMeta.getLogConnection() == null ? -1L : transMeta.getLogConnection().getID())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_TABLE_NAME_LOG, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), transMeta.getLogTable()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_USE_BATCHID, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(transMeta.isBatchIdUsed())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_USE_LOGFIELD, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(transMeta.isLogfieldUsed())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DATABASE_MAXDATE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long( transMeta.getMaxDateConnection() == null ? -1L : transMeta.getMaxDateConnection().getID())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_TABLE_NAME_MAXDATE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), transMeta.getMaxDateTable()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_FIELD_NAME_MAXDATE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), transMeta.getMaxDateField()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_OFFSET_MAXDATE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NUMBER), new Double(transMeta.getMaxDateOffset())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_DIFF_MAXDATE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NUMBER), new Double(transMeta.getMaxDateDifference())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_CREATED_USER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), transMeta.getCreatedUser()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_CREATED_DATE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE), transMeta.getCreatedDate()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_MODIFIED_USER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), transMeta.getModifiedUser()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_MODIFIED_DATE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE), transMeta.getModifiedDate()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_SIZE_ROWSET, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(transMeta.getSizeRowset())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DIRECTORY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(transMeta.getDirectory().getID())); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); if (transMeta.getRejectedStep() != null) { insertTransAttribute(transMeta.getId(), 0, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP_REJECTED, transMeta.getRejectedStep().getID(), null); } insertTransAttribute(transMeta.getId(), 0, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_UNIQUE_CONNECTIONS, 0, transMeta.isUsingUniqueConnections() ? "Y" : "N"); insertTransAttribute(transMeta.getId(), 0, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_FEEDBACK_SHOWN, 0, transMeta.isFeedbackShown() ? "Y" : "N"); insertTransAttribute(transMeta.getId(), 0, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_FEEDBACK_SIZE, transMeta.getFeedbackSize(), ""); insertTransAttribute(transMeta.getId(), 0, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_USING_THREAD_PRIORITIES, 0, transMeta.isUsingThreadPriorityManagment() ? "Y" : "N"); insertTransAttribute(transMeta.getId(), 0, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_SHARED_FILE, 0, transMeta.getSharedObjectsFile()); insertTransAttribute(transMeta.getId(), 0, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_CAPTURE_STEP_PERFORMANCE, 0, transMeta.isCapturingStepPerformanceSnapShots() ? "Y" : "N"); insertTransAttribute(transMeta.getId(), 0, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_STEP_PERFORMANCE_CAPTURING_DELAY, transMeta.getStepPerformanceCapturingDelay(), ""); insertTransAttribute(transMeta.getId(), 0, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_STEP_PERFORMANCE_LOG_TABLE, 0, transMeta.getStepPerformanceLogTable()); insertTransAttribute(transMeta.getId(), 0, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT, 0, transMeta.getLogSizeLimit()); // Save the logging connection link... if (transMeta.getLogConnection() != null) insertStepDatabase(transMeta.getId(), -1L, transMeta.getLogConnection().getID()); // Save the maxdate connection link... if (transMeta.getMaxDateConnection() != null) insertStepDatabase(transMeta.getId(), -1L, transMeta.getMaxDateConnection().getID()); } public synchronized void insertJob(JobMeta jobMeta) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ID_JOB, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), jobMeta.getID()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ID_DIRECTORY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), jobMeta.getDirectory().getID()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), jobMeta.getName()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_DESCRIPTION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), jobMeta.getDescription()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_EXTENDED_DESCRIPTION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), jobMeta.getExtendedDescription()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_JOB_VERSION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), jobMeta.getJobversion()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_JOB_STATUS, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(jobMeta.getJobstatus() < 0 ? -1L : jobMeta.getJobstatus())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ID_DATABASE_LOG, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), jobMeta.getLogConnection() != null ? jobMeta.getLogConnection().getID() : -1L); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_TABLE_NAME_LOG, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), jobMeta.getLogTable()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_CREATED_USER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), jobMeta.getCreatedUser()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_CREATED_DATE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE), jobMeta.getCreatedDate()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_MODIFIED_USER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), jobMeta.getModifiedUser()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_MODIFIED_DATE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE), jobMeta.getModifiedDate()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_USE_BATCH_ID, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), jobMeta.isBatchIdUsed()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_PASS_BATCH_ID, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), jobMeta.isBatchIdPassed()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_USE_LOGFIELD, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), jobMeta.isLogfieldUsed()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_SHARED_FILE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), jobMeta.getSharedObjectsFile()); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_JOB); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); if (log.isDebug()) log.logDebug(toString(), "Inserted new record into table " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB) + " with data : " + table); database.closeInsert(); insertJobAttribute(jobMeta.getID(), 0, JOB_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_SIZE_LIMIT, 0, jobMeta.getLogSizeLimit()); } public synchronized long insertNote(String note, long gui_location_x, long gui_location_y, long gui_location_width, long gui_location_height) throws KettleException { long id = getNextNoteID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_NOTE_ID_NOTE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_NOTE_VALUE_STR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), note); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_NOTE_GUI_LOCATION_X, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(gui_location_x)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_NOTE_GUI_LOCATION_Y, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(gui_location_y)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_NOTE_GUI_LOCATION_WIDTH, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(gui_location_width)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_NOTE_GUI_LOCATION_HEIGHT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(gui_location_height)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_NOTE); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertLogEntry(String description) throws KettleException { long id = getNextLogID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_REPOSITORY_LOG_ID_REPOSITORY_LOG, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_REPOSITORY_LOG_REP_VERSION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), getVersion()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_REPOSITORY_LOG_LOG_DATE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE), new Date()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_REPOSITORY_LOG_LOG_USER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), userinfo != null ? userinfo.getLogin() : "admin"); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_REPOSITORY_LOG_OPERATION_DESC, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), description); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_REPOSITORY_LOG); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized void insertTransNote(long id_transformation, long id_note) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_NOTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_NOTE_ID_NOTE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_note)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_TRANS_NOTE); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); } public synchronized void insertJobNote(long id_job, long id_note) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_NOTE_ID_JOB, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_job)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_NOTE_ID_NOTE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_note)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_JOB_NOTE); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); } public synchronized long insertDatabase(String name, String type, String access, String host, String dbname, String port, String user, String pass, String servername, String data_tablespace, String index_tablespace) throws KettleException { long id = getNextDatabaseID(); long id_database_type = getDatabaseTypeID(type); if (id_database_type < 0) // New support database type: add it! { id_database_type = getNextDatabaseTypeID(); String tablename = TABLE_R_DATABASE_TYPE; RowMetaInterface tableMeta = new RowMeta(); tableMeta.addValueMeta( new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_TYPE_ID_DATABASE_TYPE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER, 5, 0)); tableMeta.addValueMeta(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_TYPE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, REP_STRING_CODE_LENGTH, 0)); tableMeta.addValueMeta(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING, REP_STRING_LENGTH, 0)); database.prepareInsert(tableMeta, tablename); Object[] tableData = new Object[3]; int tableIndex = 0; tableData[tableIndex++] = new Long(id_database_type); tableData[tableIndex++] = type; tableData[tableIndex++] = type; database.setValuesInsert(tableMeta, tableData); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); } long id_database_contype = getDatabaseConTypeID(access); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), name); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE_TYPE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_database_type)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE_CONTYPE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_database_contype)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_HOST_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), host); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_DATABASE_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), dbname); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_PORT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(Const.toInt(port, -1))); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_USERNAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), user); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_PASSWORD, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), Encr.encryptPasswordIfNotUsingVariables(pass)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_SERVERNAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), servername); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_DATA_TBS, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), data_tablespace); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_INDEX_TBS, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), index_tablespace); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_DATABASE); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertStep(long id_transformation, String name, String description, String steptype, boolean distribute, long copies, long gui_location_x, long gui_location_y, boolean gui_draw) throws KettleException { long id = getNextStepID(); long id_step_type = getStepTypeID(steptype); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ID_STEP, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), name); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_DESCRIPTION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), description); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ID_STEP_TYPE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_step_type)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_DISTRIBUTE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(distribute)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_COPIES, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(copies)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_GUI_LOCATION_X, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(gui_location_x)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_GUI_LOCATION_Y, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(gui_location_y)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_GUI_DRAW, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(gui_draw)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_STEP); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertStepAttribute(long id_transformation, long id_step, long nr, String code, double value_num, String value_str) throws KettleException { long id = getNextStepAttributeID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP_ATTRIBUTE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_step)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_NR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(nr)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NUMBER), new Double(value_num)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), value_str); /* If we have prepared the insert, we don't do it again. * We asume that all the step insert statements come one after the other. */ if (psStepAttributesInsert == null) { String sql = database.getInsertStatement(TABLE_R_STEP_ATTRIBUTE, table.getRowMeta()); psStepAttributesInsert = database.prepareSQL(sql); } database.setValues(table, psStepAttributesInsert); database.insertRow(psStepAttributesInsert, useBatchProcessing); if (log.isDebug()) log.logDebug(toString(), "saved attribute [" + code + "]"); return id; } public synchronized long insertTransAttribute(long id_transformation, long nr, String code, long value_num, String value_str) throws KettleException { long id = getNextTransAttributeID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_NR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(nr)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(value_num)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), value_str); /* If we have prepared the insert, we don't do it again. * We asume that all the step insert statements come one after the other. */ if (psTransAttributesInsert == null) { String sql = database.getInsertStatement(TABLE_R_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE, table.getRowMeta()); psTransAttributesInsert = database.prepareSQL(sql); } database.setValues(table, psTransAttributesInsert); database.insertRow(psTransAttributesInsert, useBatchProcessing); if (log.isDebug()) log.logDebug(toString(), "saved transformation attribute [" + code + "]"); return id; } public synchronized long insertJobAttribute(long id_job, long nr, String code, long value_num, String value_str) throws KettleException { long id = getNextJobAttributeID(); System.out .println("Insert job attribute : id_job=" + id_job + ", code=" + code + ", value_str=" + value_str); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB_ATTRIBUTE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_job)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_NR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(nr)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(value_num)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), value_str); /* If we have prepared the insert, we don't do it again. * We asume that all the step insert statements come one after the other. */ if (psJobAttributesInsert == null) { String sql = database.getInsertStatement(TABLE_R_JOB_ATTRIBUTE, table.getRowMeta()); psJobAttributesInsert = database.prepareSQL(sql); } database.setValues(table, psJobAttributesInsert); database.insertRow(psJobAttributesInsert, useBatchProcessing); if (log.isDebug()) log.logDebug(toString(), "saved job attribute [" + code + "]"); return id; } public synchronized void insertStepDatabase(long id_transformation, long id_step, long id_database) throws KettleException { // First check if the relationship is already there. // There is no need to store it twice! RowMetaAndData check = getStepDatabase(id_step); if (check == null) { RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_STEP, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_step)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_database)); database.insertRow(TABLE_R_STEP_DATABASE, table.getRowMeta(), table.getData()); } } public synchronized long insertDatabaseAttribute(long id_database, String code, String value_str) throws KettleException { long id = getNextDatabaseAttributeID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue( new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_database)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), value_str); /* If we have prepared the insert, we don't do it again. * We asume that all the step insert statements come one after the other. */ database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); if (log.isDebug()) log.logDebug(toString(), "saved database attribute [" + code + "]"); return id; } public synchronized long insertJobEntryAttribute(long id_job, long id_jobentry, long nr, String code, double value_num, String value_str) throws KettleException { long id = getNextJobEntryAttributeID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue( new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_job)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOBENTRY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_jobentry)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_NR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(nr)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NUMBER), new Double(value_num)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), value_str); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertTransHop(long id_transformation, long id_step_from, long id_step_to, boolean enabled) throws KettleException { long id = getNextTransHopID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANS_HOP, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_STEP_FROM, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id_step_from)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_STEP_TO, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id_step_to)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ENABLED, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(enabled)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_TRANS_HOP); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertJobHop(long id_job, long id_jobentry_copy_from, long id_jobentry_copy_to, boolean enabled, boolean evaluation, boolean unconditional) throws KettleException { long id = getNextJobHopID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB_HOP, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id_job)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY_FROM, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id_jobentry_copy_from)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY_TO, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id_jobentry_copy_to)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ENABLED, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(enabled)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_HOP_EVALUATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(evaluation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_HOP_UNCONDITIONAL, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(unconditional)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_JOB_HOP); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertDependency(long id_transformation, long id_database, String tablename, String fieldname) throws KettleException { long id = getNextDepencencyID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_DEPENDENCY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_DATABASE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_database)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_TABLE_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), tablename); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_FIELD_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), fieldname); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_DEPENDENCY); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertPartitionSchema(PartitionSchema partitionSchema) throws KettleException { long id = getNextPartitionSchemaID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), partitionSchema.getName()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_DYNAMIC_DEFINITION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), partitionSchema.isDynamicallyDefined()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_PARTITIONS_PER_SLAVE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), partitionSchema.getNumberOfPartitionsPerSlave()); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_PARTITION_SCHEMA); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized void updatePartitionSchema(PartitionSchema partitionSchema) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), partitionSchema.getName()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_DYNAMIC_DEFINITION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), partitionSchema.isDynamicallyDefined()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_PARTITIONS_PER_SLAVE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), partitionSchema.getNumberOfPartitionsPerSlave()); updateTableRow(TABLE_R_PARTITION_SCHEMA, FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA, table, partitionSchema.getId()); } public synchronized long insertPartition(long id_partition_schema, String partition_id) throws KettleException { long id = getNextPartitionID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PARTITION_ID_PARTITION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PARTITION_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_partition_schema)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PARTITION_PARTITION_ID, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), partition_id); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_PARTITION); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertTransformationPartitionSchema(long id_transformation, long id_partition_schema) throws KettleException { long id = getNextTransformationPartitionSchemaID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue( new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue( new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_partition_schema)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertCluster(ClusterSchema clusterSchema) throws KettleException { long id = getNextClusterID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CLUSTER_ID_CLUSTER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CLUSTER_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), clusterSchema.getName()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CLUSTER_BASE_PORT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), clusterSchema.getBasePort()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CLUSTER_SOCKETS_BUFFER_SIZE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), clusterSchema.getSocketsBufferSize()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CLUSTER_SOCKETS_FLUSH_INTERVAL, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), clusterSchema.getSocketsFlushInterval()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CLUSTER_SOCKETS_COMPRESSED, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(clusterSchema.isSocketsCompressed())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CLUSTER_DYNAMIC, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(clusterSchema.isDynamic())); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_CLUSTER); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertSlave(SlaveServer slaveServer) throws KettleException { long id = getNextSlaveServerID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getName()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_HOST_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getHostname()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_PORT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getPort()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_USERNAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getUsername()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_PASSWORD, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getPassword()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_PROXY_HOST_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getProxyHostname()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_PROXY_PORT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getProxyPort()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_NON_PROXY_HOSTS, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getNonProxyHosts()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_MASTER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(slaveServer.isMaster())); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_SLAVE); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized void updateSlave(SlaveServer slaveServer) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getName()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_HOST_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getHostname()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_PORT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getPort()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_USERNAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getUsername()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_PASSWORD, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getPassword()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_PROXY_HOST_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getProxyHostname()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_PROXY_PORT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getProxyPort()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_NON_PROXY_HOSTS, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), slaveServer.getNonProxyHosts()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_SLAVE_MASTER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(slaveServer.isMaster())); updateTableRow(TABLE_R_SLAVE, FIELD_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE, table, slaveServer.getId()); } public synchronized long insertClusterSlave(ClusterSchema clusterSchema, SlaveServer slaveServer) throws KettleException { long id = getNextClusterSlaveID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_CLUSTER_SLAVE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_CLUSTER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(clusterSchema.getId())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(slaveServer.getId())); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_CLUSTER_SLAVE); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertTransformationCluster(long id_transformation, long id_cluster) throws KettleException { long id = getNextTransformationClusterID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_CLUSTER_ID_TRANS_CLUSTER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_CLUSTER_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_CLUSTER_ID_CLUSTER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_cluster)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_TRANS_CLUSTER); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertTransformationSlave(long id_transformation, long id_slave) throws KettleException { long id = getNextTransformationSlaveID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_SLAVE_ID_TRANS_SLAVE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_SLAVE_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_slave)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_TRANS_SLAVE); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertCondition(long id_condition_parent, Condition condition) throws KettleException { long id = getNextConditionID(); String tablename = TABLE_R_CONDITION; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION_PARENT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id_condition_parent)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CONDITION_NEGATED, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(condition.isNegated())); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CONDITION_OPERATOR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), condition.getOperatorDesc()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CONDITION_LEFT_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), condition.getLeftValuename()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CONDITION_CONDITION_FUNCTION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), condition.getFunctionDesc()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CONDITION_RIGHT_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), condition.getRightValuename()); long id_value = -1L; ValueMetaAndData v = condition.getRightExact(); if (v != null) { // We have to make sure that all data is saved irrespective of locale differences. // Here is where we force that // ValueMetaInterface valueMeta = v.getValueMeta(); valueMeta.setDecimalSymbol(ValueMetaAndData.VALUE_REPOSITORY_DECIMAL_SYMBOL); valueMeta.setGroupingSymbol(ValueMetaAndData.VALUE_REPOSITORY_GROUPING_SYMBOL); switch (valueMeta.getType()) { case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_NUMBER: valueMeta.setConversionMask(ValueMetaAndData.VALUE_REPOSITORY_NUMBER_CONVERSION_MASK); break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER: valueMeta.setConversionMask(ValueMetaAndData.VALUE_REPOSITORY_INTEGER_CONVERSION_MASK); break; case ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_DATE: valueMeta.setConversionMask(ValueMetaAndData.VALUE_REPOSITORY_DATE_CONVERSION_MASK); break; default: break; } String stringValue = valueMeta.getString(v.getValueData()); id_value = insertValue(valueMeta.getName(), valueMeta.getTypeDesc(), stringValue, valueMeta.isNull(v.getValueData()), condition.getRightExactID()); condition.setRightExactID(id_value); } table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_CONDITION_ID_VALUE_RIGHT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_value)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), tablename); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized void insertTransStepCondition(long id_transformation, long id_step, long id_condition) throws KettleException { String tablename = TABLE_R_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION_ID_STEP, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_step)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_condition)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), tablename); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); } public synchronized long insertDirectory(long id_directory_parent, RepositoryDirectory dir) throws KettleException { long id = getNextDirectoryID(); String tablename = TABLE_R_DIRECTORY; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY_PARENT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_directory_parent)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DIRECTORY_DIRECTORY_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), dir.getDirectoryName()); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), tablename); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized void deleteDirectory(long id_directory) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DIRECTORY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY) + " = " + id_directory; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void renameDirectory(long id_directory, String name) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = new RowMetaAndData(); r.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DIRECTORY_DIRECTORY_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), name); String sql = "UPDATE " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DIRECTORY) + " SET " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_DIRECTORY_NAME) + " = ? WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY) + " = " + id_directory; log.logBasic(toString(), "sql = [" + sql + "]"); log.logBasic(toString(), "row = [" + r + "]"); database.execStatement(sql, r.getRowMeta(), r.getData()); } public synchronized long lookupValue(String name, String type, String value_str, boolean isnull) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_VALUE_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), name); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_VALUE_VALUE_TYPE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), type); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_VALUE_VALUE_STR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), value_str); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_VALUE_IS_NULL, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(isnull)); String sql = "SELECT " + quote(FIELD_VALUE_ID_VALUE) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_VALUE) + " "; sql += "WHERE " + quote(FIELD_VALUE_NAME) + " = ? "; sql += "AND " + quote(FIELD_VALUE_VALUE_TYPE) + " = ? "; sql += "AND " + quote(FIELD_VALUE_VALUE_STR) + " = ? "; sql += "AND " + quote(FIELD_VALUE_IS_NULL) + " = ? "; RowMetaAndData result = database.getOneRow(sql, table.getRowMeta(), table.getData()); if (result != null && result.getData() != null && result.isNumeric(0)) return result.getInteger(0, 0L); else return -1; } public synchronized long insertValue(String name, String type, String value_str, boolean isnull, long id_value_prev) throws KettleException { long id_value = lookupValue(name, type, value_str, isnull); // if it didn't exist yet: insert it!! if (id_value < 0) { id_value = getNextValueID(); // Let's see if the same value is not yet available? String tablename = TABLE_R_VALUE; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_VALUE_ID_VALUE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), Long.valueOf(id_value)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_VALUE_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), name); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_VALUE_VALUE_TYPE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), type); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_VALUE_VALUE_STR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), value_str); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_VALUE_IS_NULL, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(isnull)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), tablename); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); } return id_value; } public synchronized long insertJobEntry(long id_job, JobEntryBase jobEntryBase) throws KettleException { long id = getNextJobEntryID(); long id_jobentry_type = getJobEntryTypeID(jobEntryBase.getTypeCode()); log.logDebug(toString(), "ID_JobEntry_type = " + id_jobentry_type + " for type = [" + jobEntryBase.getTypeCode() + "]"); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOBENTRY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOB, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_job)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOBENTRY_TYPE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_jobentry_type)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), jobEntryBase.getName()); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_DESCRIPTION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), jobEntryBase.getDescription()); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_JOBENTRY); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized long insertJobEntryCopy(long id_job, long id_jobentry, long id_jobentry_type, int nr, long gui_location_x, long gui_location_y, boolean gui_draw, boolean parallel) throws KettleException { long id = getNextJobEntryCopyID(); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_jobentry)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOB, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_job)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY_TYPE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_jobentry_type)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_NR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(nr)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_GUI_LOCATION_X, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(gui_location_x)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_GUI_LOCATION_Y, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(gui_location_y)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_GUI_DRAW, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(gui_draw)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_PARALLEL, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_BOOLEAN), Boolean.valueOf(parallel)); database.prepareInsert(table.getRowMeta(), TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_COPY); database.setValuesInsert(table); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); return id; } public synchronized void insertTableRow(String tablename, RowMetaAndData values) throws KettleException { database.prepareInsert(values.getRowMeta(), tablename); database.setValuesInsert(values); database.insertRow(); database.closeInsert(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // UPDATE VALUES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public synchronized void updateDatabase(long id_database, String name, String type, String access, String host, String dbname, String port, String user, String pass, String servername, String data_tablespace, String index_tablespace) throws KettleException { long id_database_type = getDatabaseTypeID(type); long id_database_contype = getDatabaseConTypeID(access); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), name); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE_TYPE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_database_type)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE_CONTYPE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_database_contype)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_HOST_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), host); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_DATABASE_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), dbname); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_PORT, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(Const.toInt(port, -1))); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_USERNAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), user); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_PASSWORD, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), Encr.encryptPasswordIfNotUsingVariables(pass)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_SERVERNAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), servername); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_DATA_TBS, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), data_tablespace); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_INDEX_TBS, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), index_tablespace); updateTableRow(TABLE_R_DATABASE, FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE, table, id_database); } public synchronized void updateTableRow(String tablename, String idfield, RowMetaAndData values, long id) throws KettleException { String sets[] = new String[values.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) sets[i] = values.getValueMeta(i).getName(); String codes[] = new String[] { idfield }; String condition[] = new String[] { "=" }; database.prepareUpdate(tablename, codes, condition, sets); values.addValue(new ValueMeta(idfield, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); database.setValuesUpdate(values.getRowMeta(), values.getData()); database.updateRow(); database.closeUpdate(); } public synchronized void updateTableRow(String tablename, String idfield, RowMetaAndData values) throws KettleException { long id = values.getInteger(idfield, 0L); values.removeValue(idfield); String sets[] = new String[values.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) sets[i] = values.getValueMeta(i).getName(); String codes[] = new String[] { idfield }; String condition[] = new String[] { "=" }; database.prepareUpdate(tablename, codes, condition, sets); values.addValue(new ValueMeta(idfield, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id)); database.setValuesUpdate(values.getRowMeta(), values.getData()); database.updateRow(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // READ DATA FROM REPOSITORY ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public synchronized int getNrJobs() throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB); RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrTransformations(long id_directory) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DIRECTORY) + " = " + id_directory; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrJobs(long id_directory) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ID_DIRECTORY) + " = " + id_directory; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrDirectories(long id_directory) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DIRECTORY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY_PARENT) + " = " + id_directory; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrConditions(long id_transforamtion) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transforamtion; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrDatabases(long id_transforamtion) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_DATABASE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transforamtion; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrSubConditions(long id_condition) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CONDITION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION_PARENT) + " = " + id_condition; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrTransNotes(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_NOTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_NOTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrJobNotes(long id_job) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_NOTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrDatabases() throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE); RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrDatabaseAttributes(long id_database) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE) + " = " + id_database; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrSteps(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrStepDatabases(long id_database) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_DATABASE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE) + " = " + id_database; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrStepAttributes(long id_step) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP) + " = " + id_step; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrTransHops(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_HOP) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrJobHops(long id_job) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_HOP) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrTransDependencies(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DEPENDENCY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrJobEntries(long id_job) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrJobEntryCopies(long id_job, long id_jobentry) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_COPY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job + " AND " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY) + " = " + id_jobentry; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrJobEntryCopies(long id_job) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_COPY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrUsers() throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_USER); RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrPermissions(long id_profile) throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PROFILE_PERMISSION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_PROFILE_PERMISSION_ID_PROFILE) + " = " + id_profile; RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized int getNrProfiles() throws KettleException { int retval = 0; String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PROFILE); RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql); if (r != null) { retval = (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } return retval; } public synchronized String[] getTransformationNames(long id_directory) throws KettleException { return getStrings("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_NAME) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DIRECTORY) + " = " + id_directory + " ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_NAME)); } public List<RepositoryObject> getJobObjects(long id_directory) throws KettleException { return getRepositoryObjects(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB), RepositoryObject.STRING_OBJECT_TYPE_JOB, id_directory); } public List<RepositoryObject> getTransformationObjects(long id_directory) throws KettleException { return getRepositoryObjects(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION), RepositoryObject.STRING_OBJECT_TYPE_TRANSFORMATION, id_directory); } /** * @param id_directory * @return A list of RepositoryObjects * * @throws KettleException */ private synchronized List<RepositoryObject> getRepositoryObjects(String tableName, String objectType, long id_directory) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_NAME) + ", " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_MODIFIED_USER) + ", " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_MODIFIED_DATE) + ", " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_DESCRIPTION) + " " + "FROM " + tableName + " " + "WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DIRECTORY) + " = " + id_directory + " "; List<RepositoryObject> repositoryObjects = new ArrayList<RepositoryObject>(); ResultSet rs = database.openQuery(sql); if (rs != null) { try { Object[] r = database.getRow(rs); while (r != null) { RowMetaInterface rowMeta = database.getReturnRowMeta(); repositoryObjects.add(new RepositoryObject(rowMeta.getString(r, 0), rowMeta.getString(r, 1), rowMeta.getDate(r, 2), objectType, rowMeta.getString(r, 3))); r = database.getRow(rs); } } finally { if (rs != null) { database.closeQuery(rs); } } } return repositoryObjects; } public synchronized String[] getJobNames(long id_directory) throws KettleException { return getStrings("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_JOB_NAME) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ID_DIRECTORY) + " = " + id_directory + " ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_JOB_NAME)); } public synchronized String[] getDirectoryNames(long id_directory) throws KettleException { return getStrings("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_DIRECTORY_NAME) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DIRECTORY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY_PARENT) + " = " + id_directory + " ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_DIRECTORY_NAME)); } public synchronized String[] getJobNames() throws KettleException { return getStrings("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_JOB_NAME) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB) + " ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_JOB_NAME)); } public long[] getSubConditionIDs(long id_condition) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CONDITION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION_PARENT) + " = " + id_condition); } public long[] getTransNoteIDs(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_NOTE_ID_NOTE) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_NOTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_NOTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation); } public long[] getConditionIDs(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation); } public long[] getDatabaseIDs(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_DATABASE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation); } public long[] getJobNoteIDs(long id_job) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_JOB_NOTE_ID_NOTE) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_NOTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_NOTE_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job); } public long[] getDatabaseIDs() throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE) + " ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE)); } public long[] getDatabaseAttributeIDs(long id_database) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE) + " = " + id_database); } public long[] getPartitionSchemaIDs() throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_NAME)); } public long[] getPartitionIDs(long id_partition_schema) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_PARTITION_ID_PARTITION) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PARTITION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_PARTITION_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " = " + id_partition_schema); } public long[] getTransformationPartitionSchemaIDs(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation); } public long[] getTransformationClusterSchemaIDs(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT ID_TRANS_CLUSTER FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_CLUSTER) + " WHERE ID_TRANSFORMATION = " + id_transformation); } public long[] getClusterIDs() throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_ID_CLUSTER) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CLUSTER) + " ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_NAME)); } public long[] getSlaveIDs() throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_SLAVE)); } public long[] getSlaveIDs(long id_cluster_schema) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CLUSTER_SLAVE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_CLUSTER) + " = " + id_cluster_schema); } private long[] getIDs(String sql) throws KettleException { List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); ResultSet rs = database.openQuery(sql); try { Object[] r = database.getRow(rs); while (r != null) { RowMetaInterface rowMeta = database.getReturnRowMeta(); Long id = rowMeta.getInteger(r, 0); if (id == null) id = new Long(0); ids.add(id); r = database.getRow(rs); } } finally { if (rs != null) { database.closeQuery(rs); } } return convertLongList(ids); } private String[] getStrings(String sql) throws KettleException { List<String> ids = new ArrayList<String>(); ResultSet rs = database.openQuery(sql); try { Object[] r = database.getRow(rs); while (r != null) { RowMetaInterface rowMeta = database.getReturnRowMeta(); ids.add(rowMeta.getString(r, 0)); r = database.getRow(rs); } } finally { if (rs != null) { database.closeQuery(rs); } } return (String[]) ids.toArray(new String[ids.size()]); } private long[] convertLongList(List<Long> list) { long[] ids = new long[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) ids[i] = list.get(i); return ids; } public synchronized String[] getDatabaseNames() throws KettleException { String nameField = quote(FIELD_DATABASE_NAME); return getStrings("SELECT " + nameField + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE) + " ORDER BY " + nameField); } public synchronized String[] getPartitionSchemaNames() throws KettleException { String nameField = quote(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_NAME); return getStrings("SELECT " + nameField + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " ORDER BY " + nameField); } public synchronized String[] getSlaveNames() throws KettleException { String nameField = quote(FIELD_SLAVE_NAME); return getStrings("SELECT " + nameField + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_SLAVE) + " ORDER BY " + nameField); } public synchronized String[] getClusterNames() throws KettleException { String nameField = quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_NAME); return getStrings("SELECT " + nameField + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CLUSTER) + " ORDER BY " + nameField); } public long[] getStepIDs(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ID_STEP) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation); } public synchronized String[] getTransformationsUsingDatabase(long id_database) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + quote(FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_DATABASE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE) + " = " + id_database; return getTransformationsWithIDList(database.getRows(sql, 100), database.getReturnRowMeta()); } public synchronized String[] getClustersUsingSlave(long id_slave) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_CLUSTER) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CLUSTER_SLAVE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE) + " = " + id_slave; List<Object[]> list = database.getRows(sql, 100); RowMetaInterface rowMeta = database.getReturnRowMeta(); List<String> clusterList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { long id_cluster_schema = rowMeta.getInteger(list.get(i), quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_CLUSTER), -1L); if (id_cluster_schema > 0) { RowMetaAndData transRow = getClusterSchema(id_cluster_schema); if (transRow != null) { String clusterName = transRow.getString(quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_NAME), "<name not found>"); if (clusterName != null) clusterList.add(clusterName); } } } return (String[]) clusterList.toArray(new String[clusterList.size()]); } public synchronized String[] getTransformationsUsingSlave(long id_slave) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_SLAVE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_SLAVE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE) + " = " + id_slave; return getTransformationsWithIDList(database.getRows(sql, 100), database.getReturnRowMeta()); } public synchronized String[] getTransformationsUsingPartitionSchema(long id_partition_schema) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " = " + id_partition_schema; return getTransformationsWithIDList(database.getRows(sql, 100), database.getReturnRowMeta()); } public synchronized String[] getTransformationsUsingCluster(long id_cluster) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_CLUSTER_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_CLUSTER) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_CLUSTER_ID_CLUSTER) + " = " + id_cluster; return getTransformationsWithIDList(database.getRows(sql, 100), database.getReturnRowMeta()); } private String[] getTransformationsWithIDList(List<Object[]> list, RowMetaInterface rowMeta) throws KettleException { String[] transList = new String[list.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { long id_transformation = rowMeta.getInteger(list.get(i), quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_TRANSFORMATION), -1L); if (id_transformation > 0) { RowMetaAndData transRow = getTransformation(id_transformation); if (transRow != null) { String transName = transRow.getString(quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_NAME), "<name not found>"); long id_directory = transRow.getInteger(quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_DIRECTORY), -1L); RepositoryDirectory dir = directoryTree.findDirectory(id_directory); transList[i] = dir.getPathObjectCombination(transName); } } } return transList; } public long[] getTransHopIDs(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANS_HOP) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_HOP) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation); } public long[] getJobHopIDs(long id_job) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB_HOP) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_HOP) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job); } public long[] getTransDependencyIDs(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_DEPENDENCY) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DEPENDENCY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation); } public long[] getUserIDs() throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_USER_ID_USER) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_USER)); } public synchronized String[] getUserLogins() throws KettleException { String loginField = quote(FIELD_USER_LOGIN); return getStrings("SELECT " + loginField + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_USER) + " ORDER BY " + loginField); } public long[] getPermissionIDs(long id_profile) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_PROFILE_PERMISSION_ID_PERMISSION) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PROFILE_PERMISSION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_PROFILE_PERMISSION_ID_PROFILE) + " = " + id_profile); } public long[] getJobEntryIDs(long id_job) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOBENTRY) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job); } public long[] getJobEntryCopyIDs(long id_job) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_COPY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job); } public long[] getJobEntryCopyIDs(long id_job, long id_jobentry) throws KettleException { return getIDs("SELECT " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_COPY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job + " AND " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY) + " = " + id_jobentry); } public synchronized String[] getProfiles() throws KettleException { String nameField = quote(FIELD_PROFILE_NAME); return getStrings("SELECT " + nameField + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PROFILE) + " ORDER BY " + nameField); } public RowMetaAndData getNote(long id_note) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_NOTE), quote(FIELD_NOTE_ID_NOTE), id_note); } public RowMetaAndData getDatabase(long id_database) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE), id_database); } public RowMetaAndData getDatabaseAttribute(long id_database_attribute) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE), quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE), id_database_attribute); } public Collection<RowMetaAndData> getDatabaseAttributes() throws KettleDatabaseException, KettleValueException { List<RowMetaAndData> attrs = new ArrayList<RowMetaAndData>(); List<Object[]> rows = database.getRows( "SELECT * FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE), 0); for (Object[] row : rows) { RowMetaAndData rowWithMeta = new RowMetaAndData(database.getReturnRowMeta(), row); long id = rowWithMeta.getInteger(quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE), 0); if (id > 0) { attrs.add(rowWithMeta); } } return attrs; } public Collection<RowMetaAndData> getDatabaseAttributes(long id_database) throws KettleDatabaseException, KettleValueException { List<RowMetaAndData> attrs = new ArrayList<RowMetaAndData>(); List<Object[]> rows = database.getRows( "SELECT * FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE) + " = " + id_database, 0); for (Object[] row : rows) { RowMetaAndData rowWithMeta = new RowMetaAndData(database.getReturnRowMeta(), row); long id = rowWithMeta.getInteger(quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE), 0); if (id > 0) { attrs.add(rowWithMeta); } } return attrs; } public RowMetaAndData getCondition(long id_condition) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CONDITION), quote(FIELD_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION), id_condition); } public RowMetaAndData getValue(long id_value) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_VALUE), quote(FIELD_VALUE_ID_VALUE), id_value); } public RowMetaAndData getStep(long id_step) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP), quote(FIELD_STEP_ID_STEP), id_step); } public RowMetaAndData getStepType(long id_step_type) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_TYPE), quote(FIELD_STEP_TYPE_ID_STEP_TYPE), id_step_type); } public RowMetaAndData getStepAttribute(long id_step_attribute) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_ATTRIBUTE), quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP_ATTRIBUTE), id_step_attribute); } public RowMetaAndData getStepDatabase(long id_step) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_DATABASE), quote(FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_STEP), id_step); } public RowMetaAndData getTransHop(long id_trans_hop) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_HOP), quote(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANS_HOP), id_trans_hop); } public RowMetaAndData getJobHop(long id_job_hop) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_HOP), quote(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB_HOP), id_job_hop); } public RowMetaAndData getTransDependency(long id_dependency) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DEPENDENCY), quote(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_DEPENDENCY), id_dependency); } public RowMetaAndData getTransformation(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION), quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_TRANSFORMATION), id_transformation); } public RowMetaAndData getUser(long id_user) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_USER), quote(FIELD_USER_ID_USER), id_user); } public RowMetaAndData getProfile(long id_profile) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PROFILE), quote(FIELD_PROFILE_ID_PROFILE), id_profile); } public RowMetaAndData getPermission(long id_permission) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PERMISSION), quote(FIELD_PERMISSION_ID_PERMISSION), id_permission); } public RowMetaAndData getJob(long id_job) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB), quote(FIELD_JOB_ID_JOB), id_job); } public RowMetaAndData getJobEntry(long id_jobentry) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY), quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOBENTRY), id_jobentry); } public RowMetaAndData getJobEntryCopy(long id_jobentry_copy) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_COPY), quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOBENTRY_COPY), id_jobentry_copy); } public RowMetaAndData getJobEntryType(long id_jobentry_type) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_TYPE), quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOBENTRY_TYPE), id_jobentry_type); } public RowMetaAndData getDirectory(long id_directory) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DIRECTORY), quote(FIELD_DIRECTORY_ID_DIRECTORY), id_directory); } public RowMetaAndData getPartitionSchema(long id_partition_schema) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PARTITION_SCHEMA), quote(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA), id_partition_schema); } public RowMetaAndData getPartition(long id_partition) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PARTITION), quote(FIELD_PARTITION_ID_PARTITION), id_partition); } public RowMetaAndData getClusterSchema(long id_cluster_schema) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CLUSTER), quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_ID_CLUSTER), id_cluster_schema); } public RowMetaAndData getSlaveServer(long id_slave) throws KettleException { return getOneRow(databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_SLAVE), quote(FIELD_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE), id_slave); } private RowMetaAndData getOneRow(String tablename, String keyfield, long id) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + tablename + " WHERE " + keyfield + " = " + id; return database.getOneRow(sql); } // STEP ATTRIBUTES: SAVE public synchronized long saveStepAttribute(long id_transformation, long id_step, String code, String value) throws KettleException { return saveStepAttribute(code, 0, id_transformation, id_step, 0.0, value); } public synchronized long saveStepAttribute(long id_transformation, long id_step, String code, double value) throws KettleException { return saveStepAttribute(code, 0, id_transformation, id_step, value, null); } public synchronized long saveStepAttribute(long id_transformation, long id_step, String code, boolean value) throws KettleException { return saveStepAttribute(code, 0, id_transformation, id_step, 0.0, value ? "Y" : "N"); } public synchronized long saveStepAttribute(long id_transformation, long id_step, long nr, String code, String value) throws KettleException { return saveStepAttribute(code, nr, id_transformation, id_step, 0.0, value); } public synchronized long saveStepAttribute(long id_transformation, long id_step, long nr, String code, double value) throws KettleException { return saveStepAttribute(code, nr, id_transformation, id_step, value, null); } public synchronized long saveStepAttribute(long id_transformation, long id_step, long nr, String code, boolean value) throws KettleException { return saveStepAttribute(code, nr, id_transformation, id_step, 0.0, value ? "Y" : "N"); } private long saveStepAttribute(String code, long nr, long id_transformation, long id_step, double value_num, String value_str) throws KettleException { return insertStepAttribute(id_transformation, id_step, nr, code, value_num, value_str); } /** * GZips and then base64 encodes an array of bytes to a String * * @param val the array of bytes to convert to a string * @return the base64 encoded string * @throws IOException in the case there is a Base64 or GZip encoding problem */ public static final String byteArrayToString(byte[] val) throws IOException { String string; if (val == null) { string = null; } else { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); GZIPOutputStream gzos = new GZIPOutputStream(baos); BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(gzos); bos.write(val); bos.flush(); bos.close(); string = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(baos.toByteArray())); } return string; } // STEP ATTRIBUTES: GET public synchronized void setLookupStepAttribute() throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR) + ", " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_NR) + " = ? "; psStepAttributesLookup = database.prepareSQL(sql); } public synchronized void setLookupTransAttribute() throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR) + ", " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + " = ? AND " + FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_NR + " = ? "; psTransAttributesLookup = database.prepareSQL(sql); } public synchronized void closeTransAttributeLookupPreparedStatement() throws KettleException { database.closePreparedStatement(psTransAttributesLookup); psTransAttributesLookup = null; } public synchronized void setLookupJobAttribute() throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR) + ", " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + " = ? AND " + FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_NR + " = ? "; psJobAttributesLookup = database.prepareSQL(sql); } public synchronized void closeJobAttributeLookupPreparedStatement() throws KettleException { database.closePreparedStatement(psTransAttributesLookup); psJobAttributesLookup = null; } public synchronized void closeStepAttributeLookupPreparedStatement() throws KettleException { database.closePreparedStatement(psStepAttributesLookup); psStepAttributesLookup = null; } public synchronized void closeStepAttributeInsertPreparedStatement() throws KettleException { if (psStepAttributesInsert != null) { database.emptyAndCommit(psStepAttributesInsert, useBatchProcessing, 1); // batch mode! psStepAttributesInsert = null; } } public synchronized void closeTransAttributeInsertPreparedStatement() throws KettleException { if (psTransAttributesInsert != null) { database.emptyAndCommit(psTransAttributesInsert, useBatchProcessing, 1); // batch mode! psTransAttributesInsert = null; } } private RowMetaAndData getStepAttributeRow(long id_step, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData par = new RowMetaAndData(); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_step)); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_NR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(nr)); database.setValues(par.getRowMeta(), par.getData(), psStepAttributesLookup); Object[] rowData = database.getLookup(psStepAttributesLookup); return new RowMetaAndData(database.getReturnRowMeta(), rowData); } public RowMetaAndData getTransAttributeRow(long id_transformation, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData par = new RowMetaAndData(); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_NR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(nr)); database.setValues(par, psTransAttributesLookup); Object[] r = database.getLookup(psTransAttributesLookup); if (r == null) return null; return new RowMetaAndData(database.getReturnRowMeta(), r); } public RowMetaAndData getJobAttributeRow(long id_job, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData par = new RowMetaAndData(); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_job)); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_NR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(nr)); database.setValues(par, psJobAttributesLookup); Object[] r = database.getLookup(psJobAttributesLookup); if (r == null) return null; return new RowMetaAndData(database.getReturnRowMeta(), r); } public synchronized long getStepAttributeInteger(long id_step, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; if (stepAttributesBuffer != null) r = searchStepAttributeInBuffer(id_step, code, (long) nr); else r = getStepAttributeRow(id_step, nr, code); if (r == null) return 0; return r.getInteger(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM, 0L); } public synchronized long findStepAttributeID(long id_step, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; if (stepAttributesBuffer != null) r = searchStepAttributeInBuffer(id_step, code, (long) nr); else r = getStepAttributeRow(id_step, nr, code); if (r == null) return -1L; return r.getInteger(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP, -1L); } public synchronized String getStepAttributeString(long id_step, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; if (stepAttributesBuffer != null) r = searchStepAttributeInBuffer(id_step, code, (long) nr); else r = getStepAttributeRow(id_step, nr, code); if (r == null) return null; return r.getString(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, null); } public boolean getStepAttributeBoolean(long id_step, int nr, String code, boolean def) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; if (stepAttributesBuffer != null) r = searchStepAttributeInBuffer(id_step, code, (long) nr); else r = getStepAttributeRow(id_step, nr, code); if (r == null) return def; String v = r.getString(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, null); if (v == null || Const.isEmpty(v)) return def; return ValueMeta.convertStringToBoolean(v).booleanValue(); } public boolean getStepAttributeBoolean(long id_step, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; if (stepAttributesBuffer != null) r = searchStepAttributeInBuffer(id_step, code, (long) nr); else r = getStepAttributeRow(id_step, nr, code); if (r == null) return false; return ValueMeta.convertStringToBoolean(r.getString(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, null)).booleanValue(); } public synchronized long getStepAttributeInteger(long id_step, String code) throws KettleException { return getStepAttributeInteger(id_step, 0, code); } public synchronized String getStepAttributeString(long id_step, String code) throws KettleException { return getStepAttributeString(id_step, 0, code); } public boolean getStepAttributeBoolean(long id_step, String code) throws KettleException { return getStepAttributeBoolean(id_step, 0, code); } public synchronized int countNrStepAttributes(long id_step, String code) throws KettleException { if (stepAttributesBuffer != null) // see if we can do this in memory... { int nr = searchNrStepAttributes(id_step, code); return nr; } else { String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_STEP, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_step)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql, table.getRowMeta(), table.getData()); if (r == null || r.getData() == null) return 0; return (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } } // TRANS ATTRIBUTES: get public synchronized String getTransAttributeString(long id_transformation, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; r = getTransAttributeRow(id_transformation, nr, code); if (r == null) return null; return r.getString(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, null); } public synchronized boolean getTransAttributeBoolean(long id_transformation, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; r = getTransAttributeRow(id_transformation, nr, code); if (r == null) return false; return r.getBoolean(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, false); } public synchronized double getTransAttributeNumber(long id_transformation, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; r = getTransAttributeRow(id_transformation, nr, code); if (r == null) return 0.0; return r.getNumber(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM, 0.0); } public synchronized long getTransAttributeInteger(long id_transformation, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; r = getTransAttributeRow(id_transformation, nr, code); if (r == null) return 0L; return r.getInteger(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM, 0L); } public synchronized int countNrTransAttributes(long id_transformation, String code) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql, table.getRowMeta(), table.getData()); if (r == null || r.getData() == null) return 0; return (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } public synchronized List<Object[]> getTransAttributes(long id_transformation, String code, long nr) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT *" + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_NR) + " = ?" + " ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_NR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(nr)); return database.getRows(sql, 0); } // JOB ATTRIBUTES: get public synchronized String getJobAttributeString(long id_job, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; r = getTransAttributeRow(id_job, nr, code); if (r == null) return null; return r.getString(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, null); } public synchronized boolean getJobAttributeBoolean(long id_job, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; r = getTransAttributeRow(id_job, nr, code); if (r == null) return false; return r.getBoolean(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, false); } public synchronized double getJobAttributeNumber(long id_job, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; r = getJobAttributeRow(id_job, nr, code); if (r == null) return 0.0; return r.getNumber(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM, 0.0); } public synchronized long getJobAttributeInteger(long id_job, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = null; r = getJobAttributeRow(id_job, nr, code); if (r == null) return 0L; return r.getInteger(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM, 0L); } public synchronized int countNrJobAttributes(long id_job, String code) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_job)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql, table.getRowMeta(), table.getData()); if (r == null || r.getData() == null) return 0; return (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } public synchronized List<Object[]> getJobAttributes(long id_job, String code, long nr) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT *" + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_NR) + " = ?" + " ORDER BY " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM); RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_job)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_NR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(nr)); return database.getRows(sql, 0); } // JOBENTRY ATTRIBUTES: SAVE // WANTED: throw extra exceptions to locate storage problems (strings too long etc) // public synchronized long saveJobEntryAttribute(long id_job, long id_jobentry, String code, String value) throws KettleException { return saveJobEntryAttribute(code, 0, id_job, id_jobentry, 0.0, value); } public synchronized long saveJobEntryAttribute(long id_job, long id_jobentry, String code, double value) throws KettleException { return saveJobEntryAttribute(code, 0, id_job, id_jobentry, value, null); } public synchronized long saveJobEntryAttribute(long id_job, long id_jobentry, String code, boolean value) throws KettleException { return saveJobEntryAttribute(code, 0, id_job, id_jobentry, 0.0, value ? "Y" : "N"); } public synchronized long saveJobEntryAttribute(long id_job, long id_jobentry, long nr, String code, String value) throws KettleException { return saveJobEntryAttribute(code, nr, id_job, id_jobentry, 0.0, value); } public synchronized long saveJobEntryAttribute(long id_job, long id_jobentry, long nr, String code, double value) throws KettleException { return saveJobEntryAttribute(code, nr, id_job, id_jobentry, value, null); } public synchronized long saveJobEntryAttribute(long id_job, long id_jobentry, long nr, String code, boolean value) throws KettleException { return saveJobEntryAttribute(code, nr, id_job, id_jobentry, 0.0, value ? "Y" : "N"); } private long saveJobEntryAttribute(String code, long nr, long id_job, long id_jobentry, double value_num, String value_str) throws KettleException { return insertJobEntryAttribute(id_job, id_jobentry, nr, code, value_num, value_str); } // JOBENTRY ATTRIBUTES: GET public synchronized void setLookupJobEntryAttribute() throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR) + ", " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM) + " FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOBENTRY) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_NR) + " = ? "; pstmt_entry_attributes = database.prepareSQL(sql); } public synchronized void closeLookupJobEntryAttribute() throws KettleException { database.closePreparedStatement(pstmt_entry_attributes); pstmt_entry_attributes = null; } private RowMetaAndData getJobEntryAttributeRow(long id_jobentry, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData par = new RowMetaAndData(); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOBENTRY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_jobentry)); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); par.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_NR, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(nr)); database.setValues(par.getRowMeta(), par.getData(), pstmt_entry_attributes); Object[] rowData = database.getLookup(pstmt_entry_attributes); return new RowMetaAndData(database.getReturnRowMeta(), rowData); } public synchronized long getJobEntryAttributeInteger(long id_jobentry, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = getJobEntryAttributeRow(id_jobentry, nr, code); if (r == null) return 0; return r.getInteger(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM, 0L); } public double getJobEntryAttributeNumber(long id_jobentry, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = getJobEntryAttributeRow(id_jobentry, nr, code); if (r == null) return 0.0; return r.getNumber(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_NUM, 0.0); } public synchronized String getJobEntryAttributeString(long id_jobentry, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = getJobEntryAttributeRow(id_jobentry, nr, code); if (r == null) return null; return r.getString(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, null); } public boolean getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(long id_jobentry, int nr, String code) throws KettleException { return getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, nr, code, false); } public boolean getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(long id_jobentry, int nr, String code, boolean def) throws KettleException { RowMetaAndData r = getJobEntryAttributeRow(id_jobentry, nr, code); if (r == null) return def; String v = r.getString(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_STR, null); if (v == null || Const.isEmpty(v)) return def; return ValueMeta.convertStringToBoolean(v).booleanValue(); } public double getJobEntryAttributeNumber(long id_jobentry, String code) throws KettleException { return getJobEntryAttributeNumber(id_jobentry, 0, code); } public synchronized long getJobEntryAttributeInteger(long id_jobentry, String code) throws KettleException { return getJobEntryAttributeInteger(id_jobentry, 0, code); } public synchronized String getJobEntryAttributeString(long id_jobentry, String code) throws KettleException { return getJobEntryAttributeString(id_jobentry, 0, code); } public boolean getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(long id_jobentry, String code) throws KettleException { return getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, 0, code, false); } public boolean getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(long id_jobentry, String code, boolean def) throws KettleException { return getJobEntryAttributeBoolean(id_jobentry, 0, code, def); } public synchronized int countNrJobEntryAttributes(long id_jobentry, String code) throws KettleException { String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOBENTRY) + " = ? AND " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_CODE) + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOBENTRY, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_jobentry)); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_CODE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), code); RowMetaAndData r = database.getOneRow(sql, table.getRowMeta(), table.getData()); if (r == null || r.getData() == null) return 0; return (int) r.getInteger(0, 0L); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DELETE DATA IN REPOSITORY ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public synchronized void delSteps(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delCondition(long id_condition) throws KettleException { boolean ok = true; long ids[] = getSubConditionIDs(id_condition); if (ids.length > 0) { // Delete the sub-conditions... for (int i = 0; i < ids.length && ok; i++) { delCondition(ids[i]); } // Then delete the main condition delCondition(id_condition); } else { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CONDITION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_CONDITION_ID_CONDITION) + " = " + id_condition; database.execStatement(sql); } } public synchronized void delStepConditions(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { long ids[] = getConditionIDs(id_transformation); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { delCondition(ids[i]); } String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } /** * Delete the relationships between the transformation/steps and the databases. * @param id_transformation the transformation for which we want to delete the databases. * @throws KettleException in case something unexpected happens. */ public synchronized void delStepDatabases(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_DATABASE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_DATABASE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delJobEntries(long id_job) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delJobEntryCopies(long id_job) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_COPY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_COPY_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delDependencies(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DEPENDENCY) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DEPENDENCY_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delStepAttributes(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_STEP_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_STEP_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delTransAttributes(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delJobAttributes(long id_job) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delPartitionSchemas(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delPartitions(long id_partition_schema) throws KettleException { // First see if the partition is used by a step, transformation etc. // database.execStatement( "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PARTITION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_PARTITION_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " = " + id_partition_schema); } public synchronized void delClusterSlaves(long id_cluster) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CLUSTER_SLAVE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_SLAVE_ID_CLUSTER) + " = " + id_cluster; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delTransformationClusters(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_CLUSTER) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_CLUSTER_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delTransformationSlaves(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_SLAVE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_SLAVE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delJobEntryAttributes(long id_job) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOBENTRY_ATTRIBUTE_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delTransHops(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_HOP) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_HOP_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delJobHops(long id_job) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_HOP) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_HOP_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delTransNotes(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { long ids[] = getTransNoteIDs(id_transformation); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_NOTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_NOTE_ID_NOTE) + " = " + ids[i]; database.execStatement(sql); } String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_NOTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_NOTE_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delJobNotes(long id_job) throws KettleException { long ids[] = getJobNoteIDs(id_job); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_NOTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_NOTE_ID_NOTE) + " = " + ids[i]; database.execStatement(sql); } String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB_NOTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_NOTE_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delTrans(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delJob(long id_job) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ID_JOB) + " = " + id_job; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delDatabase(long id_database) throws KettleException { // First, see if the database connection is still used by other connections... // If so, generate an error!! // We look in table R_STEP_DATABASE to see if there are any steps using this database. // String[] transList = getTransformationsUsingDatabase(id_database); // TODO: add check for jobs too. // TODO: add R_JOBENTRY_DATABASE table & lookups. if (transList.length == 0) { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE) + " = " + id_database; database.execStatement(sql); } else { String message = "Database used by the following transformations:" + Const.CR; for (int i = 0; i < transList.length; i++) { message += " " + transList[i] + Const.CR; } KettleDependencyException e = new KettleDependencyException(message); throw new KettleDependencyException("This database is still in use by one or more transformations (" + transList.length + " references)", e); } } public synchronized void delDatabaseAttributes(long id_database) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ATTRIBUTE_ID_DATABASE) + " = " + id_database; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delTransStepCondition(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_STEP_CONDITION_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = " + id_transformation; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delValue(long id_value) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_VALUE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_VALUE_ID_VALUE) + " = " + id_value; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delUser(long id_user) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_USER) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_USER_ID_USER) + " = " + id_user; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delProfile(long id_profile) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PROFILE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_PROFILE_ID_PROFILE) + " = " + id_profile; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delProfilePermissions(long id_profile) throws KettleException { String sql = "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PROFILE_PERMISSION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_PROFILE_PERMISSION_ID_PROFILE) + " = " + id_profile; database.execStatement(sql); } public synchronized void delSlave(long id_slave) throws KettleException { // First, see if the slave is still used by other objects... // If so, generate an error!! // We look in table R_TRANS_SLAVE to see if there are any transformations using this slave. // We obviously also look in table R_CLUSTER_SLAVE to see if there are any clusters that use this slave. // String[] transList = getTransformationsUsingSlave(id_slave); String[] clustList = getClustersUsingSlave(id_slave); if (transList.length == 0 && clustList.length == 0) { database.execStatement( "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_SLAVE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE) + " = " + id_slave); database.execStatement( "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANS_SLAVE) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANS_SLAVE_ID_SLAVE) + " = " + id_slave); } else { StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); if (transList.length > 0) { message.append("Slave used by the following transformations:").append(Const.CR); for (int i = 0; i < transList.length; i++) { message.append(" ").append(transList[i]).append(Const.CR); } message.append(Const.CR); } if (clustList.length > 0) { message.append("Slave used by the following cluster schemas:").append(Const.CR); for (int i = 0; i < clustList.length; i++) { message.append(" ").append(clustList[i]).append(Const.CR); } } KettleDependencyException e = new KettleDependencyException(message.toString()); throw new KettleDependencyException("This slave server is still in use by one or more transformations (" + transList.length + ") or cluster schemas (" + clustList.length + ") :", e); } } public synchronized void delPartitionSchema(long id_partition_schema) throws KettleException { // First, see if the schema is still used by other objects... // If so, generate an error!! // // We look in table R_TRANS_PARTITION_SCHEMA to see if there are any transformations using this schema. String[] transList = getTransformationsUsingPartitionSchema(id_partition_schema); if (transList.length == 0) { database.execStatement( "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PARTITION) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_PARTITION_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " = " + id_partition_schema); database.execStatement("DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_PARTITION_SCHEMA_ID_PARTITION_SCHEMA) + " = " + id_partition_schema); } else { StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); message.append("The partition schema is used by the following transformations:").append(Const.CR); for (int i = 0; i < transList.length; i++) { message.append(" ").append(transList[i]).append(Const.CR); } message.append(Const.CR); KettleDependencyException e = new KettleDependencyException(message.toString()); throw new KettleDependencyException( "This partition schema is still in use by one or more transformations (" + transList.length + ") :", e); } } public synchronized void delClusterSchema(long id_cluster) throws KettleException { // First, see if the schema is still used by other objects... // If so, generate an error!! // // We look in table R_TRANS_CLUSTER to see if there are any transformations using this schema. String[] transList = getTransformationsUsingCluster(id_cluster); if (transList.length == 0) { database.execStatement( "DELETE FROM " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_CLUSTER) + " WHERE " + quote(FIELD_CLUSTER_ID_CLUSTER) + " = " + id_cluster); } else { StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer(); message.append("The cluster schema is used by the following transformations:").append(Const.CR); for (int i = 0; i < transList.length; i++) { message.append(" ").append(transList[i]).append(Const.CR); } message.append(Const.CR); KettleDependencyException e = new KettleDependencyException(message.toString()); throw new KettleDependencyException( "This cluster schema is still in use by one or more transformations (" + transList.length + ") :", e); } } public synchronized void delAllFromTrans(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { delTransNotes(id_transformation); delStepAttributes(id_transformation); delSteps(id_transformation); delStepConditions(id_transformation); delStepDatabases(id_transformation); delTransHops(id_transformation); delDependencies(id_transformation); delTransAttributes(id_transformation); delPartitionSchemas(id_transformation); delTransformationClusters(id_transformation); delTransformationSlaves(id_transformation); delTrans(id_transformation); } public synchronized void renameTransformation(long id_transformation, String newname) throws KettleException { String sql = "UPDATE " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_TRANSFORMATION) + " SET " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_NAME) + " = ? WHERE " + quote(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_TRANSFORMATION) + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), newname); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_TRANSFORMATION_ID_TRANSFORMATION, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_transformation)); database.execStatement(sql, table.getRowMeta(), table.getData()); } public synchronized void renameUser(long id_user, String newname) throws KettleException { String sql = "UPDATE " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_USER) + " SET " + quote(FIELD_USER_NAME) + " = ? WHERE " + quote(FIELD_USER_ID_USER) + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_USER_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), newname); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_USER_ID_USER, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_user)); database.execStatement(sql, table.getRowMeta(), table.getData()); } public synchronized void renameProfile(long id_profile, String newname) throws KettleException { String sql = "UPDATE " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_PROFILE) + " SET " + quote(FIELD_PROFILE_NAME) + " = ? WHERE " + quote(FIELD_PROFILE_ID_PROFILE) + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PROFILE_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), newname); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_PROFILE_ID_PROFILE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_profile)); database.execStatement(sql, table.getRowMeta(), table.getData()); } public synchronized void renameDatabase(long id_database, String newname) throws KettleException { String sql = "UPDATE " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_DATABASE) + " SET " + quote(FIELD_DATABASE_NAME) + " = ? WHERE " + quote(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE) + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), newname); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_DATABASE_ID_DATABASE, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_database)); database.execStatement(sql, table.getRowMeta(), table.getData()); } public synchronized void delAllFromJob(long id_job) throws KettleException { // log.logBasic(toString(), "Deleting info in repository on ID_JOB: "+id_job); delJobNotes(id_job); delJobAttributes(id_job); delJobEntryAttributes(id_job); delJobEntries(id_job); delJobEntryCopies(id_job); delJobHops(id_job); delJob(id_job); // log.logBasic(toString(), "All deleted on job with ID_JOB: "+id_job); } public synchronized void renameJob(long id_job, String newname) throws KettleException { String sql = "UPDATE " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, TABLE_R_JOB) + " SET " + quote(FIELD_JOB_NAME) + " = ? WHERE " + quote(FIELD_JOB_ID_JOB) + " = ?"; RowMetaAndData table = new RowMetaAndData(); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_NAME, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_STRING), newname); table.addValue(new ValueMeta(FIELD_JOB_ID_JOB, ValueMetaInterface.TYPE_INTEGER), new Long(id_job)); database.execStatement(sql, table.getRowMeta(), table.getData()); } public boolean dropRepositorySchema() throws KettleException { // Make sure we close shop before dropping everything. // Some DB's can't handle the drop otherwise. // closeStepAttributeInsertPreparedStatement(); closeLookupJobEntryAttribute(); for (int i = 0; i < repositoryTableNames.length; i++) { try { database.execStatement("DROP TABLE " + databaseMeta.getQuotedSchemaTableCombination(null, repositoryTableNames[i])); if (log.isDetailed()) log.logDetailed(toString(), "dropped table " + repositoryTableNames[i]); } catch (KettleException dbe) { if (log.isDetailed()) log.logDetailed(toString(), "Unable to drop table: " + repositoryTableNames[i]); } } log.logBasic(toString(), "Dropped all " + repositoryTableNames.length + " repository tables."); // perform commit, for some DB's drop is not auto commit. if (!database.isAutoCommit()) database.commit(); return true; } /** * Update the list in R_STEP_TYPE using the StepLoader StepPlugin entries * * @return the SQL statements executed * @throws KettleException if the update didn't go as planned. */ public void updateStepTypes() throws KettleException { creationHelper.updateStepTypes(new ArrayList<String>(), false, false); } /** * Update the list in R_JOBENTRY_TYPE * * @exception KettleException if something went wrong during the update. */ public void updateJobEntryTypes() throws KettleException { creationHelper.updateJobEntryTypes(new ArrayList<String>(), false, false); } public synchronized String toString() { if (repinfo == null) return getClass().getName(); return repinfo.getName(); } /** * @return Returns the database. */ public Database getDatabase() { return database; } /** * @param database The database to set. */ public void setDatabase(Database database) { this.database = database; this.databaseMeta = database.getDatabaseMeta(); } /** * @return Returns the directoryTree. */ public RepositoryDirectory getDirectoryTree() { return directoryTree; } /** * @param directoryTree The directoryTree to set. */ public synchronized void setDirectoryTree(RepositoryDirectory directoryTree) { this.directoryTree = directoryTree; } public synchronized void lockRepository() throws KettleException { if (database.getDatabaseMeta().needsToLockAllTables()) { database.lockTables(repositoryTableNames); } else { database.lockTables(new String[] { TABLE_R_REPOSITORY_LOG, }); } } public synchronized void unlockRepository() throws KettleException { if (database.getDatabaseMeta().needsToLockAllTables()) { database.unlockTables(repositoryTableNames); } else { database.unlockTables(new String[] { TABLE_R_REPOSITORY_LOG, }); } } public synchronized void exportAllObjects(ProgressMonitorListener monitor, String xmlFilename, RepositoryDirectory root, String exportType) throws KettleException { OutputStream os = null; OutputStreamWriter writer = null; try { os = new BufferedOutputStream(KettleVFS.getOutputStream(xmlFilename, false)); writer = new OutputStreamWriter(os, Const.XML_ENCODING); if (monitor != null) monitor.beginTask("Exporting the repository to XML...", 3); root = ((null == root) ? getDirectoryTree() : root); writer.write(XMLHandler.getXMLHeader()); writer.write("<repository>" + Const.CR + Const.CR); if (exportType.equals("all") || exportType.equals("trans")) { // Dump the transformations... writer.write("<transformations>" + Const.CR); exportTransformations(monitor, root, writer); writer.write("</transformations>" + Const.CR); } if (exportType.equals("all") || exportType.equals("jobs")) { // Now dump the jobs... writer.write("<jobs>" + Const.CR); exportJobs(monitor, root, writer); writer.write("</jobs>" + Const.CR); } writer.write("</repository>" + Const.CR + Const.CR); if (monitor != null) monitor.worked(1); if (monitor != null) monitor.subTask("Saving XML to file [" + xmlFilename + "]"); if (monitor != null) monitor.worked(1); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Couldn't create file [" + xmlFilename + "]"); } finally { try { if (writer != null) writer.close(); if (os != null) os.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception closing XML file writer to [" + xmlFilename + "]"); } } if (monitor != null) monitor.done(); } private void exportJobs(ProgressMonitorListener monitor, RepositoryDirectory dirTree, OutputStreamWriter writer) throws KettleException { try { // Loop over all the directory id's long dirids[] = dirTree.getDirectoryIDs(); System.out.println( "Going through " + dirids.length + " directories in directory [" + dirTree.getPath() + "]"); if (monitor != null) monitor.subTask("Exporting the jobs..."); for (int d = 0; d < dirids.length && (monitor == null || (monitor != null && !monitor.isCanceled())); d++) { RepositoryDirectory repdir = dirTree.findDirectory(dirids[d]); String jobs[] = getJobNames(dirids[d]); for (int i = 0; i < jobs.length && (monitor == null || (monitor != null && !monitor.isCanceled())); i++) { try { JobMeta ji = new JobMeta(log, this, jobs[i], repdir); System.out.println("Loading/Exporting job [" + repdir.getPath() + " : " + jobs[i] + "]"); if (monitor != null) monitor.subTask("Exporting job [" + jobs[i] + "]"); writer.write(ji.getXML() + Const.CR); } catch (KettleException ke) { log.logError(toString(), "An error occurred reading job [" + jobs[i] + "] from directory [" + repdir + "] : " + ke.getMessage()); log.logError(toString(), "Job [" + jobs[i] + "] from directory [" + repdir + "] was not exported because of a loading error!"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new KettleException("Error while exporting repository jobs", e); } } private void exportTransformations(ProgressMonitorListener monitor, RepositoryDirectory dirTree, OutputStreamWriter writer) throws KettleException { try { if (monitor != null) monitor.subTask("Exporting the transformations..."); // Loop over all the directory id's long dirids[] = dirTree.getDirectoryIDs(); System.out.println( "Going through " + dirids.length + " directories in directory [" + dirTree.getPath() + "]"); for (int d = 0; d < dirids.length && (monitor == null || (monitor != null && !monitor.isCanceled())); d++) { RepositoryDirectory repdir = dirTree.findDirectory(dirids[d]); System.out.println("Directory ID #" + d + " : " + dirids[d] + " : " + repdir); String trans[] = getTransformationNames(dirids[d]); for (int i = 0; i < trans.length && (monitor == null || (monitor != null && !monitor.isCanceled())); i++) { try { TransMeta ti = new TransMeta(this, trans[i], repdir); System.out.println("Loading/Exporting transformation [" + repdir.getPath() + " : " + trans[i] + "] (" + ti.getDirectory().getPath() + ")"); if (monitor != null) monitor.subTask("Exporting transformation [" + trans[i] + "]"); writer.write(ti.getXML() + Const.CR); } catch (KettleException ke) { log.logError(toString(), "An error occurred reading transformation [" + trans[i] + "] from directory [" + repdir + "] : " + ke.getMessage()); log.logError(toString(), "Transformation [" + trans[i] + "] from directory [" + repdir + "] was not exported because of a loading error!"); } } } if (monitor != null) monitor.worked(1); } catch (Exception e) { throw new KettleException("Error while exporting repository transformations", e); } } /** * @return the current repository * @deprecated this is not thread safe */ public synchronized static Repository getCurrentRepository() { return currentRepository; } /** * @param currentRepository the current repository * @deprecated this is not thread safe */ public synchronized static void setCurrentRepository(Repository currentRepository) { Repository.currentRepository = currentRepository; } /** * @return a list of all the databases in the repository. * @throws KettleException */ public List<DatabaseMeta> getDatabases() throws KettleException { List<DatabaseMeta> list = new ArrayList<DatabaseMeta>(); long[] databaseIDs = getDatabaseIDs(); for (int i = 0; i < databaseIDs.length; i++) { DatabaseMeta databaseMeta = RepositoryUtil.loadDatabaseMeta(this, databaseIDs[i]); list.add(databaseMeta); } return list; } /** * @return a list of all the slave servers in the repository. * @throws KettleException */ public List<SlaveServer> getSlaveServers() throws KettleException { List<SlaveServer> list = new ArrayList<SlaveServer>(); long[] slaveIDs = getSlaveIDs(); for (int i = 0; i < slaveIDs.length; i++) { SlaveServer slaveServer = new SlaveServer(this, slaveIDs[i]); list.add(slaveServer); } return list; } /** * @return the stepAttributesRowMeta */ public RowMetaInterface getStepAttributesRowMeta() { return stepAttributesRowMeta; } /** * @param stepAttributesRowMeta the stepAttributesRowMeta to set */ public void setStepAttributesRowMeta(RowMetaInterface stepAttributesRowMeta) { this.stepAttributesRowMeta = stepAttributesRowMeta; } public String quote(String identifier) { return databaseMeta.quoteField(identifier); } /** * @return the databaseMeta */ public DatabaseMeta getDatabaseMeta() { return databaseMeta; } /** * Read all the databases defined in the repository * @return a list of all the databases defined in the repository * @throws KettleException */ public List<DatabaseMeta> readDatabases() throws KettleException { List<DatabaseMeta> databases = new ArrayList<DatabaseMeta>(); long[] ids = getDatabaseIDs(); for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { DatabaseMeta databaseMeta = RepositoryUtil.loadDatabaseMeta(this, ids[i]); databases.add(databaseMeta); } return databases; } /** * @return the useBatchProcessing */ public boolean isUseBatchProcessing() { return useBatchProcessing; } /** * @param useBatchProcessing the useBatchProcessing to set */ public void setUseBatchProcessing(boolean useBatchProcessing) { this.useBatchProcessing = useBatchProcessing; } /** * Set this directory during import to signal that job entries like Trans and Job need to point to job entries relative to this directory. * * @param importBaseDirectory the base import directory, selected by the user */ public void setImportBaseDirectory(RepositoryDirectory importBaseDirectory) { this.importBaseDirectory = importBaseDirectory; } /** * The directory set during import to signal that job entries like Trans and Job need to point to job entries relative to this directory * * @return the base import directory, selected by the user */ public RepositoryDirectory getImportBaseDirectory() { return importBaseDirectory; } /** * @param userinfo the UserInfo object to set */ public void setUserInfo(UserInfo userinfo) { this.userinfo = userinfo; } /** * Create or upgrade repository tables & fields, populate lookup tables, ... * * @param monitor The progress monitor to use, or null if no monitor is present. * @param upgrade True if you want to upgrade the repository, false if you want to create it. * @param statements the list of statements to populate * @param dryrun true if we don't actually execute the statements * * @throws KettleException in case something goes wrong! */ public void createRepositorySchema(ProgressMonitorListener monitor, boolean upgrade, List<String> statements, boolean dryRun) throws KettleException { creationHelper.createRepositorySchema(monitor, upgrade, statements, dryRun); } /** * Count the number of parameters of a transaction. * * @param id_transformation transformation id * @return the number of transactions * * @throws KettleException Upon any error. */ public int countTransParameter(long id_transformation) throws KettleException { return countNrTransAttributes(id_transformation, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_KEY); } /** * Get a transformation parameter key. You can count the number of parameters up front. * * @param id_transformation transformation id * @param nr number of the parameter * @return they key/name of specified parameter * * @throws KettleException Upon any error. */ public String getTransParameterKey(long id_transformation, int nr) throws KettleException { return getTransAttributeString(id_transformation, nr, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_KEY); } /** * Get a transformation parameter default. You can count the number of parameters up front. * * @param id_transformation transformation id * @param nr number of the parameter * @return * * @throws KettleException Upon any error. */ public String getTransParameterDefault(long id_transformation, int nr) throws KettleException { return getTransAttributeString(id_transformation, nr, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DEFAULT); } /** * Get a transformation parameter description. You can count the number of parameters up front. * * @param id_transformation transformation id * @param nr number of the parameter * @return * * @throws KettleException Upon any error. */ public String getTransParameterDescription(long id_transformation, int nr) throws KettleException { return getTransAttributeString(id_transformation, nr, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DESCRIPTION); } /** * Insert a parameter for a transformation in the repository. * * @param id_transformation transformation id * @param nr number of the parameter to insert * @param key key to insert * @param defValue default value * @param description description to insert * * @throws KettleException Upon any error. */ public void insertTransParameter(long id_transformation, long nr, String key, String defValue, String description) throws KettleException { insertTransAttribute(id_transformation, nr, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_KEY, 0, key != null ? key : ""); insertTransAttribute(id_transformation, nr, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DEFAULT, 0, defValue != null ? defValue : ""); insertTransAttribute(id_transformation, nr, TRANS_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, 0, description != null ? description : ""); } /** * Count the number of parameters of a job. * * @param id_job job id * @return the number of transactions * * @throws KettleException Upon any error. */ public int countJobParameter(long id_job) throws KettleException { return countNrTransAttributes(id_job, JOB_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_KEY); } /** * Get a job parameter key. You can count the number of parameters up front. * * @param id_job job id * @param nr number of the parameter * @return they key/name of specified parameter * * @throws KettleException Upon any error. */ public String getJobParameterKey(long id_job, int nr) throws KettleException { return getJobAttributeString(id_job, nr, JOB_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_KEY); } /** * Get a job parameter default. You can count the number of parameters up front. * * @param id_job job id * @param nr number of the parameter * @return * * @throws KettleException Upon any error. */ public String getJobParameterDefault(long id_job, int nr) throws KettleException { return getTransAttributeString(id_job, nr, JOB_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DEFAULT); } /** * Get a job parameter description. You can count the number of parameters up front. * * @param id_job job id * @param nr number of the parameter * @return * * @throws KettleException Upon any error. */ public String getJobParameterDescription(long id_job, int nr) throws KettleException { return getTransAttributeString(id_job, nr, JOB_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DESCRIPTION); } /** * Insert a parameter for a job in the repository. * * @param id_job job id * @param nr number of the parameter to insert * @param key key to insert * @param defValue default value for key * @param description description to insert * * @throws KettleException Upon any error. */ public void insertJobParameter(long id_job, long nr, String key, String defValue, String description) throws KettleException { insertJobAttribute(id_job, nr, JOB_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_KEY, 0, key != null ? key : ""); insertJobAttribute(id_job, nr, JOB_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DEFAULT, 0, defValue != null ? defValue : ""); insertJobAttribute(id_job, nr, JOB_ATTRIBUTE_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, 0, description != null ? description : ""); } }