Java tutorial
/*! * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this * program; if not, you can obtain a copy at * or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * Copyright (c) 2002-2017 Hitachi Vantara.. All rights reserved. */ package org.pentaho.chart.plugin.openflashchart; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Paint; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import ofc4j.model.Chart; import ofc4j.model.Text; import ofc4j.model.Tooltip; import ofc4j.model.axis.XAxis; import ofc4j.model.axis.YAxis; import ofc4j.model.axis.Label.Rotation; import ofc4j.model.elements.AreaHollowChart; import ofc4j.model.elements.BarChart; import ofc4j.model.elements.HorizontalBarChart; import ofc4j.model.elements.LineChart; import ofc4j.model.elements.PieChart; import ofc4j.model.elements.ScatterChart; import ofc4j.model.elements.SketchBarChart; import ofc4j.model.elements.StackedBarChart; import ofc4j.model.elements.BarChart.Bar; import ofc4j.model.elements.BarChart.Style; import ofc4j.model.elements.LineChart.Dot; import ofc4j.model.elements.PieChart.Slice; import ofc4j.model.elements.StackedBarChart.Stack; import ofc4j.model.elements.StackedBarChart.StackKey; import ofc4j.model.elements.StackedBarChart.StackValue; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.pentaho.chart.ChartDocumentContext; import org.pentaho.chart.ChartUtils; import org.pentaho.chart.IChartLinkGenerator; import org.pentaho.chart.core.ChartDocument; import org.pentaho.chart.core.ChartElement; import org.pentaho.chart.css.keys.ChartStyleKeys; import org.pentaho.chart.css.styles.ChartOrientationStyle; import org.pentaho.chart.css.styles.ChartSeriesType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.pentaho.chart.model.AreaPlot; import org.pentaho.chart.model.BarPlot; import org.pentaho.chart.model.ChartModel; import org.pentaho.chart.model.Grid; import org.pentaho.chart.model.LinePlot; import org.pentaho.chart.model.NumericAxis; import org.pentaho.chart.model.Palette; import org.pentaho.chart.model.PiePlot; import org.pentaho.chart.model.Plot; import org.pentaho.chart.model.ScatterPlot; import org.pentaho.chart.model.StyledText; import org.pentaho.chart.model.TwoAxisPlot; import org.pentaho.chart.model.Axis.LabelOrientation; import org.pentaho.chart.model.BarPlot.BarPlotFlavor; import org.pentaho.chart.model.Plot.Orientation; import org.pentaho.chart.plugin.IChartPlugin; import org.pentaho.chart.plugin.api.ChartResult; import org.pentaho.chart.plugin.api.IOutput; import org.pentaho.chart.plugin.jfreechart.utils.ColorFactory; import org.pentaho.chart.plugin.openflashchart.outputs.OpenFlashChartOutput; import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.css.dom.LayoutStyle; import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.css.keys.border.BorderStyleKeys; import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.css.keys.color.ColorStyleKeys; import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.css.values.CSSConstant; import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.css.values.CSSNumericValue; import org.pentaho.reporting.libraries.css.values.CSSValue; import org.pentaho.util.messages.Messages; public class OpenFlashChartFactoryEngine implements Serializable { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(OpenFlashChartFactoryEngine.class); private static final long serialVersionUID = -1079376910255750394L; private static final int STACK_MIN_INDEX = 0; private static final int STACK_MAX_INDEX = 1; private class AxisConfiguration { private AxisConfiguration(int minValue, int maxValue, int stepSize) { this.maxValue = maxValue; this.minValue = minValue; this.stepSize = stepSize; } int minValue; int maxValue; int stepSize; } public OpenFlashChartFactoryEngine() { } public IOutput makeChart(ChartModel chartModel, IChartDataModel chartTableModel) { return makeChart(chartModel, chartTableModel, null); } public IOutput makeChart(ChartModel chartModel, IChartDataModel chartTableModel, IChartLinkGenerator chartLinkGenerator) { IOutput chartOutput = null; if (chartModel.getPlot() instanceof BarPlot) { chartOutput = new OpenFlashChartOutput( makeBarChart(chartModel, (MultiSeriesDataModel) chartTableModel, chartLinkGenerator)); } else if (chartModel.getPlot() instanceof LinePlot) { chartOutput = new OpenFlashChartOutput( makeLineChart(chartModel, (MultiSeriesDataModel) chartTableModel, chartLinkGenerator)); } else if (chartModel.getPlot() instanceof AreaPlot) { chartOutput = new OpenFlashChartOutput( makeAreaChart(chartModel, (MultiSeriesDataModel) chartTableModel, chartLinkGenerator)); } else if (chartModel.getPlot() instanceof ScatterPlot) { if (chartTableModel instanceof MultiSeriesXYDataModel) { chartOutput = new OpenFlashChartOutput( makeScatterChart(chartModel, (MultiSeriesXYDataModel) chartTableModel)); } else { chartOutput = new OpenFlashChartOutput(makeScatterChart(chartModel, (XYDataModel) chartTableModel)); } } else if (chartModel.getPlot() instanceof PiePlot) { chartOutput = new OpenFlashChartOutput( makePieChart(chartModel, (NamedValuesDataModel) chartTableModel, chartLinkGenerator)); } return chartOutput; } public Text getText(StyledText styledText) { Text text = null; if ((styledText != null) && (styledText.getText() != null) && (styledText.getText().trim().length() > 0)) { if (styledText.getStyle().getStyleString().length() > 0) { text = new Text(styledText.getText(), styledText.getStyle().getStyleString()); } else { text = new Text(styledText.getText()); } } return text; } private Chart createBasicGraphChart(ChartModel chartModel) { Chart chart = createBasicChart(chartModel); Text horizontalAxisLabel = getText(((TwoAxisPlot) chartModel.getPlot()).getHorizontalAxis().getLegend()); Text verticalAxisLabel = getText(((TwoAxisPlot) chartModel.getPlot()).getVerticalAxis().getLegend()); if (horizontalAxisLabel != null) { chart.setXLegend(horizontalAxisLabel); } if (verticalAxisLabel != null) { chart.setYLegend(verticalAxisLabel); } return chart; } private Chart createBasicChart(ChartModel chartModel) { Chart chart = null; if ((chartModel.getTitle() != null) && (chartModel.getTitle().getText() != null) && chartModel.getTitle().getText().trim().length() > 0) { String cssFontStyleString = chartModel.getTitle().getStyle().getStyleString(); if (cssFontStyleString.trim().length() > 0) { chart = new Chart(chartModel.getTitle().getText(), cssFontStyleString); } else { chart = new Chart(chartModel.getTitle().getText()); } } else { chart = new Chart(); } if (chartModel.getBackground() instanceof Integer) { chart.setBackgroundColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & (Integer) chartModel.getBackground())); } else { chart.setBackgroundColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & Color.WHITE.getRGB())); } if (chartModel.getPlot().getBackground() instanceof Integer) { chart.setInnerBackgroundColour( "#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & (Integer) chartModel.getPlot().getBackground())); } return chart; } private YAxis createYAxis(TwoAxisPlot twoAxisPlot, AxisConfiguration rangeDescription) { YAxis ya = createYAxis(twoAxisPlot); ya.setRange(rangeDescription.minValue, rangeDescription.maxValue, rangeDescription.stepSize); return ya; } private YAxis createYAxis(TwoAxisPlot twoAxisPlot, List<DomainData> categories) { YAxis ya = createYAxis(twoAxisPlot); ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DomainData category : categories) { labels.add(category.getDomainName()); } ya.setLabels(labels.toArray(new String[0])); // HACK: If you try to set the max size, OFC2 will add one to max; otherwise, allow // him to calculate the max, and the axis will render the appropriate steps. //ya.setMax(labels.size()); // The category labels set up aligned properly if offset = true. ya.setOffset(true); return ya; } private YAxis createYAxis(TwoAxisPlot twoAxisPlot) { YAxis ya = new YAxis(); Grid grid = twoAxisPlot.getGrid(); if (twoAxisPlot.getGrid().getHorizontalLinesVisible()) { Integer color = grid.getHorizontalLineColor(); if (color == null) { color = Grid.DEFAULT_GRID_COLOR; } ya.setGridColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & color)); } else if (twoAxisPlot.getBackground() instanceof Integer) { ya.setGridColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & (Integer) twoAxisPlot.getBackground())); } else { ya.setGridColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(Color.WHITE.getRGB())); } if (twoAxisPlot.getVerticalAxis().getColor() != null) { ya.setColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(twoAxisPlot.getVerticalAxis().getColor())); } return ya; } private XAxis createXAxis(TwoAxisPlot twoAxisPlot, AxisConfiguration rangeDescription) { XAxis xa = createXAxis(twoAxisPlot); xa.setRange(rangeDescription.minValue, rangeDescription.maxValue, rangeDescription.stepSize); xa.getLabels().setRotation(getLabelRotation(twoAxisPlot.getHorizontalAxis())); return xa; } private XAxis createXAxis(TwoAxisPlot twoAxisPlot, List<DomainData> categories) { XAxis xa = createXAxis(twoAxisPlot); List<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DomainData category : categories) { labels.add(category.getDomainName()); } xa.setLabels(labels); xa.getLabels().setRotation(getLabelRotation(twoAxisPlot.getHorizontalAxis())); return xa; } private Rotation getLabelRotation(org.pentaho.chart.model.Axis axis) { Rotation rotation = Rotation.HORIZONTAL; LabelOrientation labelOrientation = axis.getLabelOrientation(); if ((labelOrientation != null) && (labelOrientation != LabelOrientation.HORIZONTAL)) { switch (labelOrientation) { case DIAGONAL: rotation = Rotation.DIAGONAL; break; case VERTICAL: rotation = Rotation.VERTICAL; break; } } return rotation; } private XAxis createXAxis(TwoAxisPlot twoAxisPlot) { XAxis xa = new XAxis(); Grid grid = twoAxisPlot.getGrid(); if (grid.getVerticalLinesVisible()) { Integer color = grid.getVerticalLineColor(); if (color == null) { color = Grid.DEFAULT_GRID_COLOR; } xa.setGridColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & color)); } else if (twoAxisPlot.getBackground() instanceof Integer) { xa.setGridColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & (Integer) twoAxisPlot.getBackground())); } else { xa.setGridColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(Color.WHITE.getRGB())); } if (twoAxisPlot.getHorizontalAxis().getColor() != null) { xa.setColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(twoAxisPlot.getHorizontalAxis().getColor())); } return xa; } public Chart makeAreaChart(ChartModel chartModel, MultiSeriesDataModel chartTableModel, IChartLinkGenerator linkGenerator) { Chart chart = createBasicGraphChart(chartModel); AreaPlot areaPlot = (AreaPlot) chartModel.getPlot(); chart.setXAxis(createXAxis(areaPlot, chartTableModel.getDomainData())); Palette palette = getPalette(areaPlot); int idx = 0; for (SeriesData series : chartTableModel.getSeriesData()) { AreaHollowChart areaChart = new AreaHollowChart(); areaChart.setHaloSize(0); areaChart.setWidth(2); areaChart.setDotSize(4); if (areaPlot.getOpacity() != null) { areaChart.setAlpha(areaPlot.getOpacity()); } if ((chartModel.getLegend() != null) && chartModel.getLegend().getVisible()) { areaChart.setText(series.getSeriesName()); Integer legendSize = chartModel.getLegend().getFontSize(); if ((legendSize != null) && (legendSize > 0)) { areaChart.setFontSize(legendSize); } } areaChart.setTooltip("#val#"); if (palette.size() > idx) { String colorString = "#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & palette.get(idx)); areaChart.setFill(colorString); areaChart.setColour(colorString); } ArrayList<Dot> dots = new ArrayList<Dot>(); for (NamedValue namedValue : series) { Number value = namedValue.getValue(); if (value == null) { dots.add(null); } else { Dot dot = new Dot(scaleNumber(value, chartTableModel.getScalingFactor())); if (linkGenerator != null) { String dotLink = linkGenerator.generateLink(series.getSeriesName(), namedValue.getName(), namedValue.getValue()); if (dotLink != null) { dot.setOnClick(dotLink.replaceAll("javascript:", "")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } dots.add(dot); } } areaChart.addDots(dots); chart.addElements(areaChart); idx++; } AxisConfiguration rangeDescription = getAxisConfiguration(areaPlot, chartTableModel); if (rangeDescription != null) { chart.setYAxis(createYAxis(areaPlot, rangeDescription)); } return chart; } public Chart makePieChart(ChartModel chartModel, NamedValuesDataModel chartTableModel, IChartLinkGenerator chartLinkGenerator) { PieChart pieChart = new PieChart(); PiePlot piePlot = (PiePlot) chartModel.getPlot(); pieChart.setAnimate(piePlot.getAnimate()); pieChart.setBorder(2); if (piePlot.getLabels().getVisible() && (piePlot.getLabels().getFontSize() != null)) { pieChart.setFontSize(piePlot.getLabels().getFontSize()); } if (piePlot.getStartAngle() != null) { pieChart.setStartAngle(piePlot.getStartAngle()); } if (piePlot.getOpacity() != null) { pieChart.setAlpha(piePlot.getOpacity()); } ArrayList<Slice> slices = new ArrayList<Slice>(); for (NamedValue chartDataPoint : chartTableModel) { Number value = chartDataPoint.getValue(); if (value != null) { Slice slice = null; if (piePlot.getLabels().getVisible()) { slice = new Slice(scaleNumber(value, chartTableModel.getScalingFactor()), "", chartDataPoint.getName()); } else { slice = new Slice(scaleNumber(value, chartTableModel.getScalingFactor()), ""); slice.setTooltip(chartDataPoint.getName() + " - " + value.toString()); } if (chartLinkGenerator != null) { String sliceLink = chartLinkGenerator.generateLink(chartDataPoint.getName(), chartDataPoint.getName(), chartDataPoint.getValue()); if (sliceLink != null) { slice.setOnClick(sliceLink.replaceAll("javascript:", "")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } slices.add(slice); } } pieChart.addSlices(slices); Palette palette = getPalette(piePlot); ArrayList<String> strColors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Integer color : palette) { strColors.add("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & color)); } pieChart.setColours(strColors); Chart chart = createBasicChart(chartModel); chart.addElements(pieChart); return chart; } private Palette getPalette(Plot plot) { Palette palette = new Palette(); if (plot.getPalette() != null) { palette.addAll(plot.getPalette()); } ArrayList<Integer> defaultColors = new ArrayList<Integer>(Plot.DEFAULT_PALETTE); defaultColors.removeAll(palette); palette.addAll(defaultColors); return palette; } private AxisConfiguration getAxisConfiguration(NumericAxis axis, List<Number> axisValues) { Number minValue = axis.getMinValue(); Number maxValue = axis.getMaxValue(); boolean calculateMinValue = (minValue == null); boolean calculateMaxValue = (maxValue == null); boolean hasChartData = false; for (Number value : axisValues) { if (calculateMaxValue) { if (maxValue == null) { maxValue = value; } else if (value != null) { maxValue = Math.max(maxValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } } if (calculateMinValue) { if (minValue == null) { minValue = value; } else if (value != null) { minValue = Math.min(minValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } } hasChartData = hasChartData || (value != null); } AxisConfiguration rangeDescription = null; if (hasChartData) { if (calculateMinValue) { minValue = Math.min(0, minValue.doubleValue()); } minValue = Math.floor(minValue.doubleValue()); maxValue = Math.ceil(maxValue.doubleValue()); if (maxValue.equals(minValue)) { maxValue = maxValue.intValue() + 1; } Number spread = maxValue.doubleValue() - minValue.doubleValue(); int exponent = Integer.toString(Math.abs(spread.intValue())).length() - 1; int stepSize = (int) (((long) (spread.intValue() / Math.pow(10, exponent))) * Math.pow(10, exponent - 1)) * 2; if (stepSize < 1) { stepSize = 1; } if ((maxValue.doubleValue() % stepSize) != 0) { maxValue = (maxValue.doubleValue() - (maxValue.doubleValue() % stepSize)) + stepSize; } rangeDescription = new AxisConfiguration(minValue.intValue(), maxValue.intValue(), stepSize); } return rangeDescription; } private AxisConfiguration getAxisConfiguration(TwoAxisPlot twoAxisPlot, MultiSeriesDataModel chartTableModel) { Number minValue = twoAxisPlot.getRangeAxis().getMinValue(); Number maxValue = twoAxisPlot.getRangeAxis().getMaxValue(); boolean calculateMinValue = (minValue == null); boolean calculateMaxValue = (maxValue == null); boolean hasChartData = false; List<SeriesData> seriesList = chartTableModel.getSeriesData(); if ((twoAxisPlot instanceof BarPlot) && (((BarPlot) twoAxisPlot).getFlavor() == BarPlotFlavor.STACKED)) { int numCategories = chartTableModel.getDomainData().size(); Number[][] stackRanges = new Number[numCategories][]; for (SeriesData series : seriesList) { int index = 0; for (NamedValue namedValue : series) { Number value = namedValue.getValue(); hasChartData = hasChartData || (value != null); if (value != null) { value = scaleNumber(value, chartTableModel.getScalingFactor()); Number[] stackRange = stackRanges[index]; if (stackRange == null) { if (value.doubleValue() < 0) { stackRanges[index] = new Number[] { value, 0 }; } else { stackRanges[index] = new Number[] { 0, value }; } } else { if (value.doubleValue() < 0) { stackRange[STACK_MIN_INDEX] = stackRange[STACK_MIN_INDEX].doubleValue() + value.doubleValue(); } else { stackRange[STACK_MAX_INDEX] = stackRange[STACK_MAX_INDEX].doubleValue() + value.doubleValue(); } } } index++; } } if (hasChartData) { for (int column = 0; column < numCategories; column++) { Number[] stackRange = stackRanges[column]; if (calculateMaxValue) { if (maxValue == null) { maxValue = stackRange[STACK_MAX_INDEX]; } else if (stackRange[STACK_MAX_INDEX] != null) { maxValue = Math.max(maxValue.doubleValue(), stackRange[STACK_MAX_INDEX].doubleValue()); } } if (calculateMinValue) { if (minValue == null) { minValue = stackRange[STACK_MIN_INDEX]; } else if (stackRange[STACK_MIN_INDEX] != null) { minValue = Math.min(minValue.doubleValue(), stackRange[STACK_MIN_INDEX].doubleValue()); } } } } } else { for (SeriesData series : seriesList) { for (NamedValue namedValue : series) { Number value = namedValue.getValue(); hasChartData = hasChartData || (value != null); if (value != null) { value = scaleNumber(value, chartTableModel.getScalingFactor()); } if (calculateMaxValue) { if (maxValue == null) { maxValue = value; } else if (value != null) { maxValue = Math.max(maxValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } } if (calculateMinValue) { if (minValue == null) { minValue = value; } else if (value != null) { minValue = Math.min(minValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } } } } } AxisConfiguration rangeDescription = null; if (hasChartData) { if (calculateMinValue) { minValue = Math.min(0, minValue.doubleValue()); } minValue = Math.floor(minValue.doubleValue()); maxValue = Math.ceil(maxValue.doubleValue()); if (maxValue.equals(minValue)) { maxValue = maxValue.intValue() + 1; } Number spread = maxValue.doubleValue() - minValue.doubleValue(); int exponent = Integer.toString(Math.abs(spread.intValue())).length() - 1; int stepSize = (int) (((long) (spread.intValue() / Math.pow(10, exponent))) * Math.pow(10, exponent - 1)) * 2; if (stepSize < 1) { stepSize = 1; } if ((maxValue.doubleValue() % stepSize) != 0) { maxValue = (maxValue.doubleValue() - (maxValue.doubleValue() % stepSize)) + stepSize; } rangeDescription = new AxisConfiguration(minValue.intValue(), maxValue.intValue(), stepSize); } return rangeDescription; } private StackedBarChart makeStackedBarChart(ChartModel chartModel, MultiSeriesDataModel chartTableModel, IChartLinkGenerator chartLinkGenerator) { StackedBarChart stackedBarChart = new StackedBarChart(); BarPlot barPlot = (BarPlot) chartModel.getPlot(); Palette palette = getPalette(barPlot); if (barPlot.getOpacity() != null) { stackedBarChart.setAlpha(barPlot.getOpacity()); } boolean firstCategory = true; for (DomainData category : chartTableModel.getDomainData()) { Stack stack = stackedBarChart.newStack(); int index = 0; for (NamedValue namedValue : category) { String color = "#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & palette.get(index)); if (firstCategory && (chartModel.getLegend() != null) && chartModel.getLegend().getVisible()) { StackKey key = new StackKey(); key.setText(namedValue.getName()); key.setColour(color); Integer legendSize = chartModel.getLegend().getFontSize(); if ((legendSize != null) && (legendSize > 0)) { stackedBarChart.setFontSize(legendSize); } stackedBarChart.addKeys(key); } Number value = namedValue.getValue(); if ((value != null) && !value.equals(0)) { StackValue stackValue = new StackValue(scaleNumber(value, chartTableModel.getScalingFactor()), color); if (chartLinkGenerator != null) { String barLink = chartLinkGenerator.generateLink(namedValue.getName(), category.getDomainName(), namedValue.getValue()); if (barLink != null) { stackValue.setOnClick(barLink.replaceAll("javascript:", "")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } stack.addStackValues(stackValue); } index++; } firstCategory = false; } return stackedBarChart; } private Chart makeScatterChart(ChartModel chartModel, XYDataModel chartTableModel) { ScatterPlot scatterPlot = (ScatterPlot) chartModel.getPlot(); Chart chart = null; List<Number> axisValues = new ArrayList<Number>(); for (XYDataPoint xyDataPoint : chartTableModel) { axisValues.add(xyDataPoint.getX()); } AxisConfiguration xAxisConfiguration = getAxisConfiguration(scatterPlot.getXAxis(), axisValues); axisValues.clear(); for (XYDataPoint xyDataPoint : chartTableModel) { axisValues.add(xyDataPoint.getY()); } AxisConfiguration yAxisConfiguration = getAxisConfiguration(scatterPlot.getYAxis(), axisValues); if ((xAxisConfiguration != null) && (yAxisConfiguration != null)) { chart = createBasicGraphChart(chartModel); chart.setXAxis(createXAxis(scatterPlot, xAxisConfiguration)); chart.setYAxis(createYAxis(scatterPlot, yAxisConfiguration)); ScatterChart sc = new ScatterChart(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ String color = "#000000"; if (scatterPlot.getPalette().size() > 0) { color = "#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & scatterPlot.getPalette().get(0)); } sc.setColour(color); sc.setDotSize(3); if (scatterPlot.getOpacity() != null) { sc.setAlpha(scatterPlot.getOpacity()); } for (XYDataPoint xyDataPoint : chartTableModel) { sc.addPoint(xyDataPoint.getX(), xyDataPoint.getY()); } chart.addElements(sc); } return chart; } private Chart makeScatterChart(ChartModel chartModel, MultiSeriesXYDataModel chartTableModel) { ScatterPlot scatterPlot = (ScatterPlot) chartModel.getPlot(); Chart chart = null; List<Number> xAxisValues = new ArrayList<Number>(); List<Number> yAxisValues = new ArrayList<Number>(); for ( series : chartTableModel.getSeries()) { for (XYDataPoint xyDataPoint : series) { xAxisValues.add(xyDataPoint.getX()); yAxisValues.add(xyDataPoint.getY()); } } AxisConfiguration xAxisConfiguration = getAxisConfiguration(scatterPlot.getXAxis(), xAxisValues); AxisConfiguration yAxisConfiguration = getAxisConfiguration(scatterPlot.getXAxis(), yAxisValues); if ((xAxisConfiguration != null) && (yAxisConfiguration != null)) { chart = createBasicGraphChart(chartModel); int index = 0; for ( series : chartTableModel.getSeries()) { chart.setXAxis(createXAxis(scatterPlot, xAxisConfiguration)); chart.setYAxis(createYAxis(scatterPlot, yAxisConfiguration)); ScatterChart sc = new ScatterChart(series.getSeriesName()); //$NON-NLS-1$ sc.setText(series.getSeriesName()); String color = "#000000"; if (scatterPlot.getPalette().size() > index) { color = "#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & scatterPlot.getPalette().get(index)); } sc.setColour(color); sc.setDotSize(3); if (scatterPlot.getOpacity() != null) { sc.setAlpha(scatterPlot.getOpacity()); } for (XYDataPoint xyDataPoint : series) { sc.addPoint(xyDataPoint.getX(), xyDataPoint.getY()); } chart.addElements(sc); index++; } } return chart; } private HorizontalBarChart makeHorizontalBarChart(ChartModel chartModel, SeriesData dataSeries, int seriesIdx, Number scalingFactor, IChartLinkGenerator chartLinkGenerator) { HorizontalBarChart horizontalBarChart = new HorizontalBarChart(); if ((chartModel.getLegend() != null) && chartModel.getLegend().getVisible()) { horizontalBarChart.setText(dataSeries.getSeriesName()); Integer legendSize = chartModel.getLegend().getFontSize(); if ((legendSize != null) && (legendSize > 0)) { horizontalBarChart.setFontSize(legendSize); } } horizontalBarChart.setTooltip("#val#"); BarPlot barPlot = (BarPlot) chartModel.getPlot(); Palette palette = getPalette(barPlot); if (barPlot.getOpacity() != null) { horizontalBarChart.setAlpha(barPlot.getOpacity()); } if (palette.size() > seriesIdx) { horizontalBarChart.setColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & palette.get(seriesIdx))); } ArrayList<ofc4j.model.elements.HorizontalBarChart.Bar> bars = new ArrayList<ofc4j.model.elements.HorizontalBarChart.Bar>(); for (NamedValue namedValue : dataSeries) { Number value = namedValue.getValue(); ofc4j.model.elements.HorizontalBarChart.Bar bar = null; if (value == null) { bar = null; } else { bar = new ofc4j.model.elements.HorizontalBarChart.Bar((scaleNumber(value, scalingFactor))); if (chartLinkGenerator != null) { String barLink = chartLinkGenerator.generateLink(dataSeries.getSeriesName(), namedValue.getName(), namedValue.getValue()); if (barLink != null) { bar.setOnClick(barLink.replaceAll("javascript:", "")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } } bars.add(bar); } horizontalBarChart.addBars(bars); return horizontalBarChart; } private BarChart makeVerticalBarChart(ChartModel chartModel, SeriesData dataSeries, int seriesIdx, Number scalingFactor, IChartLinkGenerator chartLinkGenerator) { BarChart verticalBarChart = null; BarPlot barPlot = (BarPlot) chartModel.getPlot(); Palette palette = getPalette(barPlot); if (barPlot.getFlavor() != null) { switch (barPlot.getFlavor()) { case THREED: verticalBarChart = new BarChart(Style.THREED); break; case GLASS: verticalBarChart = new BarChart(Style.GLASS); break; case SKETCH: verticalBarChart = new SketchBarChart(); break; default: verticalBarChart = new BarChart(); break; } } else { verticalBarChart = new BarChart(); } if ((chartModel.getLegend() != null) && chartModel.getLegend().getVisible()) { verticalBarChart.setText(dataSeries.getSeriesName()); Integer legendSize = chartModel.getLegend().getFontSize(); if ((legendSize != null) && (legendSize > 0)) { verticalBarChart.setFontSize(legendSize); } } verticalBarChart.setTooltip("#val#"); if (barPlot.getOpacity() != null) { verticalBarChart.setAlpha(barPlot.getOpacity()); } if (palette.size() > seriesIdx) { verticalBarChart.setColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & palette.get(seriesIdx))); } ArrayList<Bar> bars = new ArrayList<Bar>(); for (NamedValue namedValue : dataSeries) { Bar bar = null; Number value = namedValue.getValue(); if (value == null) { bar = new Bar(null); } else { bar = new Bar(scaleNumber(value, scalingFactor)); if (chartLinkGenerator != null) { String barLink = chartLinkGenerator.generateLink(dataSeries.getSeriesName(), namedValue.getName(), namedValue.getValue()); if (barLink != null) { bar.setOnClick(barLink.replaceAll("javascript:", ""));//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } } bars.add(bar); } verticalBarChart.addBars(bars); return verticalBarChart; } public Chart makeBarChart(ChartModel chartModel, MultiSeriesDataModel dataModel, IChartLinkGenerator linkGenerator) { Chart chart = createBasicGraphChart(chartModel); BarPlot barPlot = (BarPlot) chartModel.getPlot(); if (Orientation.HORIZONTAL.equals(barPlot.getOrientation())) { int index = 0; // Fix for BISERVER-3027, incorrect hover tip placement on hbar chart.setTooltip(new Tooltip()); for (SeriesData series : dataModel.getSeriesData()) { chart.addElements(makeHorizontalBarChart(chartModel, series, index, dataModel.getScalingFactor(), linkGenerator)); index++; } List<DomainData> categories = dataModel.getDomainData(); // BISERVER-3075 hack for bug in OFC2 where categories are rendered backwards... Collections.reverse(categories); chart.setYAxis(createYAxis(barPlot, categories)); AxisConfiguration rangeDescription = getAxisConfiguration(barPlot, dataModel); if (rangeDescription != null) { chart.setXAxis(createXAxis(barPlot, rangeDescription)); } } else { if (barPlot.getFlavor() == BarPlotFlavor.STACKED) { chart.addElements(makeStackedBarChart(chartModel, dataModel, linkGenerator)); } else { int index = 0; for (SeriesData series : dataModel.getSeriesData()) { chart.addElements(makeVerticalBarChart(chartModel, series, index, dataModel.getScalingFactor(), linkGenerator)); index++; } } chart.setXAxis(createXAxis(barPlot, dataModel.getDomainData())); if (barPlot.getFlavor() == BarPlotFlavor.THREED) { chart.getXAxis().set3D(3); } AxisConfiguration rangeDescription = getAxisConfiguration(barPlot, dataModel); if (rangeDescription != null) { chart.setYAxis(createYAxis(barPlot, rangeDescription)); } } return chart; } public Chart makeLineChart(ChartModel chartModel, MultiSeriesDataModel chartTableModel, IChartLinkGenerator linkGenerator) { Chart chart = createBasicGraphChart(chartModel); LinePlot linePlot = (LinePlot) chartModel.getPlot(); chart.setXAxis(createXAxis(linePlot, chartTableModel.getDomainData())); Palette palette = getPalette(linePlot); int index = 0; for (SeriesData dataSeries : chartTableModel.getSeriesData()) { LineChart lineChart = new LineChart(LineChart.Style.DOT); lineChart.setHaloSize(0); Integer lineWidth = linePlot.getLineWidth(); lineChart.setWidth((lineWidth == null || lineWidth <= 0) ? 1 : lineWidth); lineChart.setDotSize(lineChart.getWidth() + 2); if (linePlot.getOpacity() != null) { lineChart.setAlpha(linePlot.getOpacity()); } if ((chartModel.getLegend() != null) && chartModel.getLegend().getVisible()) { lineChart.setText(dataSeries.getSeriesName()); Integer legendSize = chartModel.getLegend().getFontSize(); if ((legendSize != null) && (legendSize > 0)) { lineChart.setFontSize(legendSize); } } lineChart.setTooltip("#val#"); if (palette.size() > index) { lineChart.setColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & palette.get(index))); } ArrayList<Dot> dots = new ArrayList<Dot>(); for (NamedValue namedValue : dataSeries) { Number value = namedValue.getValue(); if (value == null) { dots.add(null); } else { Dot dot = new Dot(scaleNumber(value, chartTableModel.getScalingFactor())); if (linkGenerator != null) { String dotLink = linkGenerator.generateLink(dataSeries.getSeriesName(), namedValue.getName(), namedValue.getValue()); if (dotLink != null) { dot.setOnClick(dotLink.replaceAll("javascript:", "")); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } dots.add(dot); } } lineChart.addDots(dots); chart.addElements(lineChart); index++; } AxisConfiguration rangeDescription = getAxisConfiguration(linePlot, chartTableModel); if (rangeDescription != null) { chart.setYAxis(createYAxis(linePlot, rangeDescription)); } return chart; } /** * @deprecated */ public IOutput makeChart(ChartTableModel chartTableModel, ChartDocumentContext chartDocumentContext, ChartResult chartResult) { final CSSConstant currentChartType = determineChartType(chartDocumentContext.getChartDocument()); IOutput chartOutput = null; try { if (currentChartType == ChartSeriesType.BAR) { chartOutput = new OpenFlashChartOutput(makeBarChart(chartTableModel, chartDocumentContext)); } else if (currentChartType == ChartSeriesType.LINE) { chartOutput = new OpenFlashChartOutput(makeLineChart(chartTableModel, chartDocumentContext)); } else if (currentChartType == ChartSeriesType.AREA) { chartOutput = new OpenFlashChartOutput((makeAreaChart(chartTableModel, chartDocumentContext))); } else if (currentChartType == ChartSeriesType.PIE) { chartOutput = new OpenFlashChartOutput((makePieChart(chartTableModel, chartDocumentContext))); } else if (currentChartType == ChartSeriesType.DIAL) { chartOutput = new OpenFlashChartOutput((makeDialChart(chartTableModel, chartDocumentContext))); } else { chartResult.setErrorCode(IChartPlugin.ERROR_INDETERMINATE_CHART_TYPE); chartResult.setDescription( Messages.getErrorString("JFreeChartPlugin.ERROR_0001_CHART_TYPE_INDETERMINABLE")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } catch (Exception e) { chartResult.setErrorCode(IChartPlugin.RESULT_ERROR); chartResult.setDescription(e.getLocalizedMessage()); } return chartOutput; } /** * @deprecated */ public Chart makeAreaChart(final ChartTableModel chartTableModel, final ChartDocumentContext chartDocumentContext) { ChartDocument chartDocument = chartDocumentContext.getChartDocument(); Chart chart = createBasicGraphChart(chartDocument); boolean showLegend = showLegend(chartDocument); ArrayList<String> domainValues = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int column = 0; column < chartTableModel.getColumnCount(); column++) { domainValues.add(chartTableModel.getColumnName(column)); } if (domainValues.size() > 0) { XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels(domainValues); xa.setMax(domainValues.size() - 1); chart.setXAxis(xa); } final ChartElement[] seriesElements = chartDocument.getRootElement() .findChildrenByName(ChartElement.TAG_NAME_SERIES); CSSNumericValue opacity = (CSSNumericValue) chartDocument.getPlotElement().getLayoutStyle() .getValue(ColorStyleKeys.OPACITY); Number maxValue = null; Number minValue = null; for (int row = 0; row < chartTableModel.getRowCount(); row++) { AreaHollowChart areaChart = new AreaHollowChart(); areaChart.setHaloSize(0); areaChart.setWidth(2); areaChart.setDotSize(4); if (opacity != null) { areaChart.setAlpha((float) opacity.getValue()); } if (showLegend) { areaChart.setText(chartTableModel.getRowName(row)); } areaChart.setTooltip("#val#"); if ((seriesElements != null) && (seriesElements.length > row)) { LayoutStyle layoutStyle = seriesElements[row].getLayoutStyle(); Paint color = (layoutStyle != null ? (Paint) layoutStyle.getValue(ColorStyleKeys.COLOR) : null); if (color instanceof Color) { String colorString = "#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & ((Color) color).getRGB()); areaChart.setFill(colorString); areaChart.setColour(colorString); } } ArrayList<Dot> dots = new ArrayList<Dot>(); for (int column = 0; column < chartTableModel.getColumnCount(); column++) { Number value = (Number) chartTableModel.getValueAt(row, column); if (maxValue == null) { maxValue = value; } else if (value != null) { maxValue = Math.max(maxValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } if (minValue == null) { minValue = value; } else if (value != null) { minValue = Math.min(minValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } dots.add(new Dot(value == null ? 0 : value)); } areaChart.addDots(dots); chart.addElements(areaChart); } if ((maxValue != null) && (minValue != null)) { int exponent = Integer.toString(Math.abs(maxValue.intValue())).length() - 1; YAxis ya = new YAxis(); int stepSize = (int) (((long) (maxValue.intValue() / Math.pow(10, exponent))) * Math.pow(10, exponent - 1)); ya.setSteps(stepSize); ya.setMax((int) (maxValue.doubleValue() - (maxValue.doubleValue() % stepSize)) + stepSize); chart.setYAxis(ya); } return chart; } /** * @deprecated */ public Chart makePieChart(final ChartTableModel chartTableModel, final ChartDocumentContext chartDocumentContext) { ChartDocument chartDocument = chartDocumentContext.getChartDocument(); PieChart pieChart = new PieChart(); pieChart.setAnimate(getAnimate(chartDocument)); pieChart.setBorder(2); CSSNumericValue startAngle = (CSSNumericValue) chartDocument.getPlotElement().getLayoutStyle() .getValue(ChartStyleKeys.PIE_START_ANGLE); if (startAngle != null) { pieChart.setStartAngle((int) startAngle.getValue()); } CSSNumericValue opacity = (CSSNumericValue) chartDocument.getPlotElement().getLayoutStyle() .getValue(ColorStyleKeys.OPACITY); if (opacity != null) { pieChart.setAlpha((float) opacity.getValue()); } ArrayList<Slice> slices = new ArrayList<Slice>(); for (int row = 0; row < chartTableModel.getRowCount(); row++) { Number value = (Number) chartTableModel.getValueAt(row, 0); Slice slice = new Slice(value, "#val#", chartTableModel.getRowName(row)); slices.add(slice); } pieChart.addSlices(slices); ArrayList<String> colors = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ChartElement seriesElement : chartDocument.getRootElement() .findChildrenByName(ChartElement.TAG_NAME_SERIES)) { LayoutStyle layoutStyle = seriesElement.getLayoutStyle(); Paint color = (layoutStyle != null ? (Paint) layoutStyle.getValue(ColorStyleKeys.COLOR) : null); if (color instanceof Color) { colors.add("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & ((Color) color).getRGB())); } } pieChart.setColours(colors); Chart chart = createBasicChart(chartDocument); chart.addElements(pieChart); return chart; } /** * @deprecated */ public Chart makeDialChart(final ChartTableModel chartTableModel, final ChartDocumentContext chartDocumentContext) { Chart chartData = new Chart("The Title", "font-size: 14px; font-family: Verdana; text-align: center;"); return chartData; } /** * @deprecated */ private String createCssFontStyleString(ChartElement element) { StringBuffer cssStyleString = new StringBuffer(); String fontFamily = ChartUtils.getFontFamily(element); float fontSize = ChartUtils.getFontSize(element); CSSValue fontStyle = ChartUtils.getFontStyle(element); CSSValue fontWeight = ChartUtils.getFontWeight(element); if ((fontFamily != null) && (fontFamily.trim().length() > 0)) { cssStyleString.append("font-family: " + fontFamily + ";"); } if (fontSize > 0) { cssStyleString.append("font-size: " + fontSize + "px;"); } if (fontStyle != null) { cssStyleString.append("font-style: " + fontStyle.getCSSText() + ";"); } if (fontWeight != null) { cssStyleString.append("font-weight: " + fontWeight.getCSSText() + ";"); } LayoutStyle layoutStyle = element.getLayoutStyle(); Paint color = (layoutStyle != null ? (Paint) layoutStyle.getValue(ColorStyleKeys.COLOR) : null); if (color instanceof Color) { cssStyleString.append("color: #" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & ((Color) color).getRGB())); } return cssStyleString.length() > 0 ? cssStyleString.toString() : null; } /** * @deprecated */ private Chart createBasicGraphChart(ChartDocument chartDocument) { Chart chart = createBasicChart(chartDocument); Text rangeLabel = getText(chartDocument, ChartElement.TAG_NAME_RANGE_LABEL); Text domainLabel = getText(chartDocument, ChartElement.TAG_NAME_DOMAIN_LABEL); if (domainLabel != null) { chart.setXLegend(domainLabel); } if (rangeLabel != null) { chart.setYLegend(rangeLabel); } return chart; } /** * @deprecated */ private Chart createBasicChart(ChartDocument chartDocument) { String chartTitle = null; String cssFontStyleString = null; ChartElement rootElement = chartDocument.getRootElement(); ChartElement plot = chartDocument.getPlotElement(); final ChartElement[] children = rootElement.findChildrenByName(ChartElement.TAG_NAME_TITLE); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (children != null && children.length > 0) { chartTitle = children[0].getText(); cssFontStyleString = createCssFontStyleString(children[0]); } Chart chart = null; if ((chartTitle != null) && chartTitle.trim().length() > 0) { if (cssFontStyleString != null) { chart = new Chart(chartTitle, cssFontStyleString); } else { chart = new Chart(chartTitle); } } else { chart = new Chart(); } Color chartBackgroundPaint = ColorFactory.getInstance().getColor(rootElement, BorderStyleKeys.BACKGROUND_COLOR); if (chartBackgroundPaint == null) { chartBackgroundPaint = Color.white; } chart.setBackgroundColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & chartBackgroundPaint.getRGB())); Color plotBackgroundColor = ColorFactory.getInstance().getColor(plot, BorderStyleKeys.BACKGROUND_COLOR); if (plotBackgroundColor != null) { chart.setInnerBackgroundColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & plotBackgroundColor.getRGB())); } return chart; } /** * @deprecated */ private boolean showLegend(ChartDocument chartDocument) { ChartElement[] children = chartDocument.getRootElement().findChildrenByName(ChartElement.TAG_NAME_LEGEND); //$NON-NLS-1$ return (children != null) && (children.length > 0); } /** * @deprecated */ public Chart makeBarChart(final ChartTableModel chartTableModel, final ChartDocumentContext chartDocumentContext) throws Exception { ChartDocument chartDocument = chartDocumentContext.getChartDocument(); Chart chart = createBasicGraphChart(chartDocument); boolean showLegend = showLegend(chartDocument); CSSValue orientation = getPlotOrientation(chartDocumentContext.getChartDocument()); CSSNumericValue opacity = (CSSNumericValue) chartDocument.getPlotElement().getLayoutStyle() .getValue(ColorStyleKeys.OPACITY); final ChartElement[] seriesElements = chartDocument.getRootElement() .findChildrenByName(ChartElement.TAG_NAME_SERIES); BarPlotFlavor flavor = null; for (final ChartElement element : seriesElements) { CSSValue cssValue = element.getLayoutStyle().getValue(ChartStyleKeys.BAR_STYLE); if (cssValue != null) { String text = cssValue.getCSSText(); for (BarPlotFlavor barPlotFlavor : BarPlotFlavor.values()) { if (barPlotFlavor.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(text)) { flavor = barPlotFlavor; } } } } if (ChartOrientationStyle.HORIZONTAL.equals(orientation)) { ArrayList<String> categories = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < chartTableModel.getColumnCount(); i++) { categories.add(chartTableModel.getColumnName(i)); } if (categories.size() > 0 && (categories.size() > 1 || !categories.get(0).equals(""))) { YAxis ya = new YAxis(); ya.setLabels(categories.toArray(new String[0])); ya.setMax(categories.size()); chart.setYAxis(ya); } Number maxValue = null; Number minValue = null; for (int row = 0; row < chartTableModel.getRowCount(); row++) { HorizontalBarChart horizontalBarChart = new HorizontalBarChart(); if (showLegend) { horizontalBarChart.setText(chartTableModel.getRowName(row)); } horizontalBarChart.setTooltip("#val#"); if (opacity != null) { horizontalBarChart.setAlpha((float) opacity.getValue()); } if ((seriesElements != null) && (seriesElements.length > row)) { LayoutStyle layoutStyle = seriesElements[row].getLayoutStyle(); Paint color = (layoutStyle != null ? (Paint) layoutStyle.getValue(ColorStyleKeys.COLOR) : null); if (color instanceof Color) { horizontalBarChart .setColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & ((Color) color).getRGB())); } } ArrayList<Number> values = new ArrayList<Number>(); for (int column = 0; column < chartTableModel.getColumnCount(); column++) { Number value = (Number) chartTableModel.getValueAt(row, column); if (maxValue == null) { maxValue = value; } else if (value != null) { maxValue = Math.max(maxValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } if (minValue == null) { minValue = value; } else if (value != null) { minValue = Math.min(minValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } values.add(value == null ? 0 : value); } horizontalBarChart.addValues(values.toArray(new Number[0])); chart.addElements(horizontalBarChart); } if ((maxValue != null) && (minValue != null)) { int exponent = Integer.toString(Math.abs(maxValue.intValue())).length() - 1; XAxis xa = new XAxis(); int stepSize = (int) (((long) (maxValue.intValue() / Math.pow(10, exponent))) * Math.pow(10, exponent - 1)) * 2; xa.setSteps(stepSize); xa.setMax((int) (maxValue.doubleValue() - (maxValue.doubleValue() % stepSize)) + stepSize); chart.setXAxis(xa); } } else { ArrayList<String> categories = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < chartTableModel.getColumnCount(); i++) { categories.add(chartTableModel.getColumnName(i)); } if (categories.size() > 0 && (categories.size() > 1 || !categories.get(0).equals(""))) { XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels(categories); xa.setMax(categories.size()); chart.setXAxis(xa); } Number maxValue = null; Number minValue = null; for (int row = 0; row < chartTableModel.getRowCount(); row++) { BarChart verticalBarChart = null; if (flavor != null) { switch (flavor) { case THREED: verticalBarChart = new BarChart(Style.THREED); break; case GLASS: verticalBarChart = new BarChart(Style.GLASS); break; default: verticalBarChart = new BarChart(); break; } } else { verticalBarChart = new BarChart(); } if (showLegend) { verticalBarChart.setText(chartTableModel.getRowName(row)); } verticalBarChart.setTooltip("#val#"); if (opacity != null) { verticalBarChart.setAlpha((float) opacity.getValue()); } if ((seriesElements != null) && (seriesElements.length > row)) { LayoutStyle layoutStyle = seriesElements[row].getLayoutStyle(); Paint color = (layoutStyle != null ? (Paint) layoutStyle.getValue(ColorStyleKeys.COLOR) : null); if (color instanceof Color) { verticalBarChart .setColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & ((Color) color).getRGB())); } } ArrayList<Bar> bars = new ArrayList<Bar>(); for (int column = 0; column < chartTableModel.getColumnCount(); column++) { Number value = (Number) chartTableModel.getValueAt(row, column); if (maxValue == null) { maxValue = value; } else if (value != null) { maxValue = Math.max(maxValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } if (minValue == null) { minValue = value; } else if (value != null) { minValue = Math.min(minValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } bars.add(new Bar(value)); } verticalBarChart.addBars(bars); chart.addElements(verticalBarChart); } if ((maxValue != null) && (minValue != null)) { int exponent = Integer.toString(Math.abs(maxValue.intValue())).length() - 1; YAxis ya = new YAxis(); int stepSize = (int) (((long) (maxValue.intValue() / Math.pow(10, exponent))) * Math.pow(10, exponent - 1)); ya.setSteps(stepSize); ya.setMax((int) (maxValue.doubleValue() - (maxValue.doubleValue() % stepSize)) + stepSize); chart.setYAxis(ya); } } return chart; } /** * @deprecated */ public boolean getAnimate(ChartDocument chartDocument) { final ChartElement[] children = chartDocument.getRootElement().findChildrenByName("animate"); //$NON-NLS-1$ return children != null && (children.length > 0) && Boolean.valueOf(children[0].getText()); } /** * @deprecated */ private CSSValue getPlotOrientation(final ChartDocument chartDocument) { CSSValue plotOrient = null; final ChartElement plotElement = chartDocument.getPlotElement(); if (plotElement != null) { final LayoutStyle layoutStyle = plotElement.getLayoutStyle(); plotOrient = layoutStyle.getValue(ChartStyleKeys.ORIENTATION); } return plotOrient; } /** * @deprecated */ public Chart makeLineChart(final ChartTableModel chartTableModel, final ChartDocumentContext chartDocumentContext) { ChartDocument chartDocument = chartDocumentContext.getChartDocument(); boolean showLegend = showLegend(chartDocument); Chart chart = createBasicGraphChart(chartDocument); ArrayList<String> domainValues = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int column = 0; column < chartTableModel.getColumnCount(); column++) { domainValues.add(chartTableModel.getColumnName(column)); } if (domainValues.size() > 0) { XAxis xa = new XAxis(); xa.setLabels(domainValues); xa.setMax(domainValues.size()); chart.setXAxis(xa); } CSSNumericValue opacity = (CSSNumericValue) chartDocument.getPlotElement().getLayoutStyle() .getValue(ColorStyleKeys.OPACITY); final ChartElement[] seriesElements = chartDocument.getRootElement() .findChildrenByName(ChartElement.TAG_NAME_SERIES); Number maxValue = null; Number minValue = null; for (int row = 0; row < chartTableModel.getRowCount(); row++) { LineChart lineChart = new LineChart(LineChart.Style.DOT); lineChart.setHaloSize(0); lineChart.setWidth(2); lineChart.setDotSize(4); if (opacity != null) { lineChart.setAlpha((float) opacity.getValue()); } if (showLegend) { lineChart.setText(chartTableModel.getRowName(row)); } lineChart.setTooltip("#val#"); if ((seriesElements != null) && (seriesElements.length > row)) { LayoutStyle layoutStyle = seriesElements[row].getLayoutStyle(); Paint color = (layoutStyle != null ? (Paint) layoutStyle.getValue(ColorStyleKeys.COLOR) : null); if (color instanceof Color) { lineChart.setColour("#" + Integer.toHexString(0x00FFFFFF & ((Color) color).getRGB())); } } ArrayList<Dot> dots = new ArrayList<Dot>(); for (int column = 0; column < chartTableModel.getColumnCount(); column++) { Number value = (Number) chartTableModel.getValueAt(row, column); if (maxValue == null) { maxValue = value; } else if (value != null) { maxValue = Math.max(maxValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } if (minValue == null) { minValue = value; } else if (value != null) { minValue = Math.min(minValue.doubleValue(), value.doubleValue()); } dots.add(new Dot(value == null ? 0 : value)); } lineChart.addDots(dots); chart.addElements(lineChart); } if ((maxValue != null) && (minValue != null)) { int exponent = Integer.toString(Math.abs(maxValue.intValue())).length() - 1; YAxis ya = new YAxis(); int stepSize = (int) (((long) (maxValue.intValue() / Math.pow(10, exponent))) * Math.pow(10, exponent - 1)); ya.setSteps(stepSize); ya.setMax((int) (maxValue.doubleValue() - (maxValue.doubleValue() % stepSize)) + stepSize); chart.setYAxis(ya); } return chart; } /** * @deprecated */ public CSSConstant determineChartType(final ChartDocument chartDocument) { final ChartElement[] elements = chartDocument.getRootElement() .findChildrenByName(ChartElement.TAG_NAME_SERIES); for (final ChartElement element : elements) { final CSSValue value = element.getLayoutStyle().getValue(ChartStyleKeys.CHART_TYPE); if (value != null) { if (value.equals(ChartSeriesType.BAR)) { return ChartSeriesType.BAR; } else if (value.equals(ChartSeriesType.LINE)) { return ChartSeriesType.LINE; } else if (value.equals(ChartSeriesType.AREA)) { return ChartSeriesType.AREA; } else if (value.equals(ChartSeriesType.PIE)) { return ChartSeriesType.PIE; } else if (value.equals(ChartSeriesType.DIAL)) { return ChartSeriesType.DIAL; } } } return ChartSeriesType.UNDEFINED; } /** * @deprecated */ public Text getText(final ChartDocument chartDocument, String elementName) { Text text = null; ChartElement[] children = chartDocument.getRootElement().findChildrenByName(elementName); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (children != null && children.length > 0) { String label = children[0].getText().trim(); if (label.length() > 0) { String cssFontStyleString = createCssFontStyleString(children[0]); if (cssFontStyleString != null) { text = new Text(label, cssFontStyleString); } else { text = new Text(label); } } } return text; } protected Number scaleNumber(Number number, Number scale) { Number scaledNumber = number; if ((number != null) && (scale != null) && !scale.equals(1) && !scale.equals(0)) { int startingSignificantDigits = 0; if (!(number instanceof Integer)) { int indexOfDecimalPoint = number.toString().indexOf("."); if (indexOfDecimalPoint >= 0) { String fractionalPart = number.toString().substring(indexOfDecimalPoint + 1); if ((fractionalPart.length() > 1) || Integer.parseInt(fractionalPart) > 0) { startingSignificantDigits = fractionalPart.length(); } } } int preferredSignificantDigits = Math.max(2, Math.min(startingSignificantDigits, 6)); scaledNumber = number.doubleValue() / scale.doubleValue(); int scaledSignificantDigits = 0; int indexOfDecimalPoint = scaledNumber.toString().indexOf("."); String fractionalPart = scaledNumber.toString().substring(indexOfDecimalPoint + 1); if ((fractionalPart.length() > 1) || Integer.parseInt(fractionalPart) > 0) { scaledSignificantDigits = fractionalPart.length(); } if (scaledSignificantDigits > preferredSignificantDigits) { double multiplier = Math.pow(10, preferredSignificantDigits); scaledNumber = Math.round(scaledNumber.doubleValue() * multiplier) / multiplier; } } return scaledNumber; } }