Java tutorial
/*! * Copyright 2002 - 2017 Webdetails, a Hitachi Vantara company. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by Webdetails and is provided under the terms * of the Mozilla Public License, Version 2.0, or any later version. You may not use * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license, * please go to The Initial Developer is Webdetails. * * Software distributed under the Mozilla Public License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Please refer to * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations. */ package org.pentaho.cdf.packager; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.pentaho.cdf.CdfConstants; import org.pentaho.cdf.environment.packager.ICdfHeadersProvider; import pt.webdetails.cpf.PluginEnvironment; import pt.webdetails.cpf.context.api.IUrlProvider; import pt.webdetails.cpf.packager.DependenciesPackage; import pt.webdetails.cpf.packager.DependenciesPackage.PackageType; import pt.webdetails.cpf.packager.StringFilter; import pt.webdetails.cpf.packager.dependencies.Dependency; import pt.webdetails.cpf.packager.dependencies.FileDependency; import pt.webdetails.cpf.packager.origin.PathOrigin; import pt.webdetails.cpf.packager.origin.StaticSystemOrigin; import pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IContentAccessFactory; import pt.webdetails.cpf.repository.api.IReadAccess; /** * Provides includes needed for CDF Dashboards. */ public class CdfHeadersProvider implements ICdfHeadersProvider { // any static path will do private static final String BASE_DIR = ""; // base properties, can be overridden by 'resources.<dashboardType>.properties' private static final String BASE_DEPENDENCIES = ""; private static final String CDF_DASHBOARD_DEPENDENCIES = ""; private static final String SUFFIX_SCRIPT = ".script"; private static final String SUFFIX_STYLE = ".link"; private static final String SUFFIX_MAP = ".map"; // special case for conditional include private static final String SUFFIX_IE8_STYLE = ".ie8link"; private static final String SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT = ".ie8script"; private static final String SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT_AFTER_STYLE = ".ie8scriptAfterLink"; private static final String SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT_BEFORE_SCRIPT = ".ie8scriptBeforeScript"; // these are always loaded first private static final String BASE_SCRIPTS_PROPERTY = "script"; private static final String BASE_STYLES_PROPERTY = "link"; private static final String BASE_STYLEMAP_PROPERTY = "map"; private static final List<String> acceptedDashboardTypes = new ArrayList<String>(3); static { acceptedDashboardTypes.add(CdfConstants.BLUEPRINT); acceptedDashboardTypes.add(CdfConstants.MOBILE); acceptedDashboardTypes.add(CdfConstants.BOOTSTRAP); acceptedDashboardTypes.add(CdfConstants.CLEAN); } private static final String DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_TYPE = "blueprint"; // base properties cache private Properties baseProperties; private Properties extraProperties; // for cdf dashboards private List<? extends DependenciesPackage> extraIncludes; private Map<String, List<? extends DependenciesPackage>> dashboardIncludes = new HashMap<String, List<? extends DependenciesPackage>>(); public CdfHeadersProvider() { IReadAccess reader = getContentAccess().getPluginSystemReader(BASE_DIR); // base includes baseProperties = new Properties(); loadProperties(reader, BASE_DEPENDENCIES, baseProperties); // extra includes extraProperties = loadProperties(reader, CDF_DASHBOARD_DEPENDENCIES, new Properties()); PathSet pathSet = new PathSet(); addCustomDependencies(pathSet, extraProperties); extraIncludes = createDependenciesPackages("cdf-dashboard", pathSet); // dashboard types for (String dashboardType : acceptedDashboardTypes) { try { dashboardIncludes.put(dashboardType, createDependenciesPackages(dashboardType)); } catch (Exception e) { logError("Unable to load headers for " + dashboardType, e); } } } /** * Get header includes for CDF Dashboards. * * @param dashboardType * blueprint|mobile * @param isDebugMode * will concatenate/minify files if false * @param componentTypes * components used in the dashboard * @return html script/style includes */ @Override public String getHeaders(String dashboardType, boolean isDebugMode, List<String> componentTypes) { return getHeaders(dashboardType, isDebugMode, null, componentTypes); } /** * Get header includes for CDF Dashboards. * * @param dashboardType * blueprint|mobile * @param isDebugMode * will concatenate/minify files if false * @param absRoot * if you really need to add protocol+domain for some reason * @param componentTypes * components used in the dashboard * @return html script/style includes */ @Override public String getHeaders(String dashboardType, boolean isDebugMode, String absRoot, List<String> componentTypes) { if (!isAcceptedDashboardType(dashboardType)) { getLog().error( dashboardType + " is not a valid dashboard type. Defaulting to " + DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_TYPE); dashboardType = DEFAULT_DASHBOARD_TYPE; } StringBuilder deps = new StringBuilder(); for (DependenciesPackage pkg : getDependenciesPackages(dashboardType)) { deps.append(String.format("<!-- %s -->", pkg.getName())); try { appendDependencies(deps, pkg, !isDebugMode, absRoot); } catch (Exception e) { logError("Error with dependencies package '" + pkg.getName() + "'.", e); } } if (componentTypes != null && !componentTypes.isEmpty()) { for (DependenciesPackage pkg : extraIncludes) { deps.append(String.format("<!-- %s -->", pkg.getName())); ArrayList<String> filePaths = new ArrayList<String>(componentTypes.size()); String tmp; // build new List with dependencies to be included switch (pkg.getType()) { case JS: for (String name : componentTypes) { tmp = name.concat(SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT_BEFORE_SCRIPT); if (extraProperties.containsKey(tmp)) { String[] value = extraProperties.getProperty(tmp).split(","); filePaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(value)); } tmp = name.concat(SUFFIX_SCRIPT); if (extraProperties.containsKey(tmp)) { String[] value = extraProperties.getProperty(tmp).split(","); filePaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(value)); } tmp = name.concat(SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT); if (extraProperties.containsKey(tmp)) { String[] value = extraProperties.getProperty(tmp).split(","); filePaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(value)); } tmp = name.concat(SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT_AFTER_STYLE); if (extraProperties.containsKey(tmp)) { String[] value = extraProperties.getProperty(tmp).split(","); filePaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(value)); } } break; case CSS: for (String name : componentTypes) { tmp = name.concat(SUFFIX_STYLE); if (extraProperties.containsKey(tmp)) { String[] value = extraProperties.getProperty(tmp).split(","); filePaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(value)); } tmp = name.concat(SUFFIX_IE8_STYLE); if (extraProperties.containsKey(tmp)) { String[] value = extraProperties.getProperty(tmp).split(","); filePaths.addAll(Arrays.asList(value)); } } break; default: break; } if (!filePaths.isEmpty()) { // map component cannot be minified for now because of OpenLayers.js appendDependencies(deps, pkg, false, absRoot, filePaths); } } } return deps.toString(); } private class CdfDependencyInclusionFilter implements DependenciesPackage.IDependencyInclusionFilter { private List<String> filePaths; public CdfDependencyInclusionFilter(List<String> filePaths) { this.filePaths = filePaths; } @Override public boolean include(Dependency dependency) { if (filePaths == null) { return false; } for (String filePath : filePaths) { if (dependency.getClass().isAssignableFrom(FileDependency.class) && ((FileDependency) dependency).getUrlFilePath().endsWith(filePath)) { return true; } } return false; } } protected void appendDependencies(StringBuilder deps, DependenciesPackage pkg, boolean minify, String absRoot, final ArrayList<String> files) { if (absRoot != null) { StringFilter filter = new AbsolutizingStringFilter(absRoot, pkg.getDefaultFilter()); deps.append(pkg.getDependencies(filter, minify, new CdfDependencyInclusionFilter(files))); } else { deps.append(pkg.getDependencies(minify, new CdfDependencyInclusionFilter(files))); } } protected void appendDependencies(StringBuilder deps, DependenciesPackage pkg, boolean minify, String absRoot) { if (absRoot != null) { StringFilter filter = new AbsolutizingStringFilter(absRoot, pkg.getDefaultFilter()); deps.append(pkg.getDependencies(filter, minify)); } else { deps.append(pkg.getDependencies(minify)); } } private static List<String> getProperty(Properties properties, String propertyName) { return Arrays.asList(properties.getProperty(propertyName, "").split(",")); } private Properties loadProperties(IReadAccess reader, String filePath, Properties properties) { InputStream propertiesFile = null; try { if (!reader.fileExists(filePath)) { getLog().warn(String.format("Dependencies file %s not found.", filePath)); } else { propertiesFile = reader.getFileInputStream(filePath); properties.load(propertiesFile); } } catch (Exception e) { logError(String.format("Error reading resource definitions form file %s.", filePath), e); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(propertiesFile); } return properties; } private Iterable<? extends DependenciesPackage> getDependenciesPackages(String dashboardType) { if (!dashboardIncludes.containsKey(dashboardType)) { getLog().error("Dependencies for type " + dashboardType + " were not loaded correctly."); return Collections.emptyList(); } return dashboardIncludes.get(dashboardType); } private boolean isAcceptedDashboardType(String dashboardType) { return acceptedDashboardTypes.contains(dashboardType); } private List<StaticDependenciesPackage> createDependenciesPackages(String dashboardType) { IReadAccess reader = getContentAccess().getPluginSystemReader(BASE_DIR); String fileName = String.format("", dashboardType); Properties dtProperties = new Properties(getBaseProperties()); if (reader.fileExists(fileName)) { loadProperties(reader, fileName, dtProperties); } PathSet pathSet = new PathSet(); addBaseDependencies(pathSet, dtProperties); addCustomDependencies(pathSet, dtProperties); return createDependenciesPackages(dashboardType, pathSet); } private Properties getBaseProperties() { return baseProperties; } private void addBaseDependencies(PathSet pathSet, Properties properties) { pathSet.scripts.addAll(getProperty(properties, BASE_SCRIPTS_PROPERTY)); pathSet.styles.addAll(getProperty(properties, BASE_STYLES_PROPERTY)); pathSet.styleMaps.addAll(getProperty(properties, BASE_STYLEMAP_PROPERTY)); } private void addCustomDependencies(PathSet pathSet, Properties properties) { for (String name : properties.stringPropertyNames()) { if (name.endsWith(SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT_BEFORE_SCRIPT)) { pathSet.ie8ScriptsBeforeScripts.addAll(getProperty(properties, name)); } else if (name.endsWith(SUFFIX_SCRIPT)) { pathSet.scripts.addAll(getProperty(properties, name)); } else if (name.endsWith(SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT)) { pathSet.ie8Scripts.addAll(getProperty(properties, name)); } else if (name.endsWith(SUFFIX_STYLE)) { pathSet.styles.addAll(getProperty(properties, name)); } else if (name.endsWith(SUFFIX_MAP)) { pathSet.styleMaps.addAll(getProperty(properties, name)); } else if (name.endsWith(SUFFIX_IE8_STYLE)) { pathSet.ie8Styles.addAll(getProperty(properties, name)); } else if (name.endsWith(SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT_AFTER_STYLE)) { pathSet.ie8ScriptsAfterStyles.addAll(getProperty(properties, name)); } else if (!name.equals(BASE_SCRIPTS_PROPERTY) && !name.equals(BASE_STYLES_PROPERTY)) { // no default getLog().error(String.format( "Type of include property '%s' not recognized. Property name must end in one of ( '%s' )", name, StringUtils.join(new String[] { SUFFIX_SCRIPT, SUFFIX_STYLE, SUFFIX_IE8_STYLE, SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT, SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT_AFTER_STYLE, SUFFIX_IE8_SCRIPT_BEFORE_SCRIPT }, "', '"))); } } } private List<StaticDependenciesPackage> createDependenciesPackages(String pkgBaseName, PathSet pathSet) { List<StaticDependenciesPackage> dependencies = new ArrayList<StaticDependenciesPackage>(); PathOrigin origin = getDefaultOrigin(); final String PKG_NAME = "cdf-%s-%s-includes"; if (!pathSet.ie8ScriptsBeforeScripts.isEmpty()) { String name = String.format(PKG_NAME, pkgBaseName, "ie8scriptBeforeScript"); dependencies.add(new IE8Dependencies(name, PackageType.JS, getContentAccess(), getUrlProvider(), origin, pathSet.ie8ScriptsBeforeScripts)); } if (!pathSet.scripts.isEmpty()) { String name = String.format(PKG_NAME, pkgBaseName, "script"); dependencies.add(createDependencyPackage(name, PackageType.JS, origin, pathSet.scripts)); } if (!pathSet.ie8Scripts.isEmpty()) { String name = String.format(PKG_NAME, pkgBaseName, "ie8script"); dependencies.add(new IE8Dependencies(name, PackageType.JS, getContentAccess(), getUrlProvider(), origin, pathSet.ie8Scripts)); } if (!pathSet.styles.isEmpty()) { String name = String.format(PKG_NAME, pkgBaseName, "style"); dependencies.add(createDependencyPackage(name, PackageType.CSS, origin, pathSet.styles)); } if (!pathSet.styleMaps.isEmpty()) { for (String map : pathSet.styleMaps) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(map)) { dependencies.add(createStyleMap(map)); } } } if (!pathSet.ie8Styles.isEmpty()) { String name = String.format(PKG_NAME, pkgBaseName, "ie8style"); dependencies.add(new IE8Dependencies(name, PackageType.CSS, getContentAccess(), getUrlProvider(), origin, pathSet.ie8Styles)); } if (!pathSet.ie8ScriptsAfterStyles.isEmpty()) { String name = String.format(PKG_NAME, pkgBaseName, "ie8scriptAfterLink"); dependencies.add(new IE8Dependencies(name, PackageType.JS, getContentAccess(), getUrlProvider(), origin, pathSet.ie8ScriptsAfterStyles)); } return dependencies; } private StaticDependenciesPackage createStyleMap(String map) { return new StaticDependenciesPackage(FilenameUtils.getName(map), PackageType.MAP, getContentAccess(), getUrlProvider(), getDefaultOrigin(), new String[] { map }); } private PathOrigin getDefaultOrigin() { return new StaticSystemOrigin(BASE_DIR); } private StaticDependenciesPackage createDependencyPackage(String name, PackageType pkgType, PathOrigin origin, List<String> fileNames) { return new StaticDependenciesPackage(name, pkgType, getContentAccess(), getUrlProvider(), origin, fileNames.toArray(new String[fileNames.size()])); } protected IUrlProvider getUrlProvider() { return PluginEnvironment.env().getUrlProvider(); } protected IContentAccessFactory getContentAccess() { return PluginEnvironment.repository(); } protected Log getLog() { return LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); } protected void logError(String msg, Throwable error) { Log log = getLog(); if (log.isDebugEnabled() && error != null) { log.error(msg, error); } else { log.error(msg); } } private static class PathSet { public List<String> ie8ScriptsBeforeScripts = new ArrayList<String>(); public List<String> scripts = new ArrayList<String>(); public List<String> styles = new ArrayList<String>(); public List<String> styleMaps = new ArrayList<String>(); public List<String> ie8Styles = new ArrayList<String>(); public List<String> ie8Scripts = new ArrayList<String>(); public List<String> ie8ScriptsAfterStyles = new ArrayList<String>(); } private static class AbsolutizingStringFilter implements StringFilter { private StringFilter delegate; private String absRoot; public AbsolutizingStringFilter(String absRoot, StringFilter delegate) { assert delegate != null; this.delegate = delegate; this.absRoot = absRoot; } @Override public String filter(String input) { return delegate.filter(input, absRoot); } @Override public String filter(String input, String absRoot) { return delegate.filter(input, absRoot); } } private static class IE8Dependencies extends StaticDependenciesPackage { public IE8Dependencies(String name, PackageType type, IContentAccessFactory factory, IUrlProvider urlProvider, PathOrigin origin, List<String> fileList) { super(name, type, factory, urlProvider, origin, fileList.toArray(new String[fileList.size()])); } @Override public String getDependencies(StringFilter format, boolean isPackaged) { StringBuilder include = new StringBuilder(); include.append("<!--[if lte IE 8]>"); // no use packaging this one include.append(super.getDependencies(format, false)); include.append("<![endif]-->\n"); return include.toString(); } } }