Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2 as published by the Free Software * Foundation. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this * program; if not, you can obtain a copy at * or from the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * * Copyright 2006 - 2013 Pentaho Corporation. All rights reserved. */ package org.pentaho.aggdes.model.ssas; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.DocumentFactory; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Node; import; import org.pentaho.aggdes.AggDesignerException; /** * Converts SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS) dump to model expected by Pentaho Aggregation Designer. * * Note: ASSL is Analysis Services Scripting Language which makes up the bulk of a SSAS dump. * * TODO: Support Composite Keys (Not supported in Mondrian) * TODO: Investigate Attribute Datatype value * TODO: Support All Level enabled feature * TODO: Support Shared Dimensions? * TODO: Investigate Cube Internet Sales, Dimension Internet Sales Order Details, for degenerate status * TODO: Investigate unique names between attributes and hierarchies * * @author mlowery */ public class ConversionUtil { private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(ConversionUtil.class); private static class Column { String logicalName; String dbName; String expression; public Column(String logicalName, String dbName, String expression) { this.logicalName = logicalName; this.dbName = dbName; this.expression = expression; } public String toString() { return "[Column: logical=" + logicalName + "; dbName=" + dbName + "; expression=" + expression + "]"; } public void addToMondrian(Element parentElement, String attributeName, String expressionName) { if (expression == null) { parentElement.addAttribute(attributeName, dbName); } else { Element expressionElement = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement(expressionName); Element sql = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("SQL"); sql.addAttribute("dialect", "generic"); sql.add(DocumentFactory.getInstance().createCDATA(expression)); expressionElement.add(sql); parentElement.add(expressionElement); } } } private static class Key { List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); public Key() { } public Key(String column) { columns.add(column); } public String toString() { String str = "[Key:"; for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { str += ","; } str += columns.get(i); } str += "]"; return str; } } /** * This object is used to represent the ROLAP Star Schema Tables within * Analysis Services */ private static class Table { String logicalName; String dbName; String dbSchemaName; List<Key> uniqueKeys; String queryDefinition; boolean rootTable = false; List<Join> childJoins = new ArrayList<Join>(); Join parentJoin; List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Column> columnObjs = new ArrayList<Column>(); public Table(String logicalName, String dbName, String dbSchemaName, List<Key> uniqueKeys, String queryDefinition) { this.logicalName = logicalName; this.dbName = dbName; this.dbSchemaName = dbSchemaName; this.uniqueKeys = uniqueKeys; this.queryDefinition = queryDefinition; } public Column findColumn(String colName) { for (Column col : columnObjs) { if (col.logicalName.equals(colName)) { return col; } } logger.error("COLUMN " + colName + " NOT FOUND IN TABLE " + logicalName); return null; } public String toString() { String str = "[Table: logical=" + logicalName + "; dbName=" + dbName + "; uniqueKeys="; for (int i = 0; i < uniqueKeys.size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { str += ", "; } str += uniqueKeys.get(i); } str += "; queryDefinition=" + queryDefinition + "]"; return str; } public Table getJoinToFactTable(String factTable) { Table t = this; while (true) { if (t.parentJoin == null) { return null; } if (t.parentJoin.parentTable.logicalName.equals(factTable)) { return t; } t = t.parentJoin.parentTable; } } public boolean ancestorsHaveColumn(String column) { if (columns.contains(column)) { return true; } else { if (parentJoin != null) { return parentJoin.parentTable.ancestorsHaveColumn(column); } } return false; } public Key getFactForeignKey(Table factTable) { Table t = this; while (t.parentJoin != null) { if (t.parentJoin.parentTable == factTable) { return t.parentJoin.parentKeyObject; } t = t.parentJoin.parentTable; } return null; } public Table getRoot() { Table t = this; while (t.parentJoin != null) { t = t.parentJoin.parentTable; } return t; } public Table clone() { List<Key> uniqueKeyClone = new ArrayList<Key>(uniqueKeys); Table table = new Table(logicalName, dbName, dbSchemaName, uniqueKeyClone, queryDefinition); table.columns.addAll(this.columns); return table; } public Table cloneTree() { Table clonetable = clone(); for (Join join : childJoins) { Table childTable = join.childTable.cloneTree(); Join clonejoin = new Join(join.parentTable, join.parentKeyObject, childTable, join.childKeyObject); clonetable.childJoins.add(clonejoin); } return clonetable; } public List<Table> findTable(String name) { // traverse all child joins, return all contexts List<Join> joins = new ArrayList<Join>(childJoins); List<Table> found = new ArrayList<Table>(); while (joins.size() > 0) { Join join = joins.remove(0); if (join.childTable.logicalName.equals(name)) { found.add(join.childTable); } else { joins.addAll(join.childTable.childJoins); } } return found; } public Table findBranchWithTables(List<String> tableNames, String factTableName, String factForeignKey) { // return the deepest table in the list // for each table, find uses and see if they are the deepest // of the bunch for (String name : tableNames) { List<Table> tables = findTable(name); for (Table table : tables) { // march towards star, see if we found all the other tables if (table.parentJoin == null) { continue; } Table start = table.parentJoin.parentTable; boolean matchFound = true; for (String addlName : tableNames) { if (!addlName.equals(name)) { boolean found = false; while (start.parentJoin != null) { if (start.logicalName.equals(addlName)) { found = true; break; } else { start = start.parentJoin.parentTable; } } if (!found) { matchFound = false; break; } } } if (matchFound) { Table joinTable = table.getJoinToFactTable(factTableName); // verify that the join is the correct one if (joinTable.parentJoin.parentKeyObject.columns.get(0).equals(factForeignKey)) { return table; } } } } return null; } } /** * This object is used to represent the ROLAP Star Schema Joins within * Analysis Services */ private static class Join { // child Key childKeyObject; Table childTable; // parent Key parentKeyObject; Table parentTable; public Join(Table parentTable, Key parentKeyObject, Table childTable, Key childKeyObject) { this.parentTable = parentTable; this.parentKeyObject = parentKeyObject; this.childTable = childTable; this.childKeyObject = childKeyObject; } public String toString() { return "[Join: parent=" + parentTable.logicalName + ";pkey=" + parentKeyObject + "; child=" + childTable.logicalName + "; ckey=" + childKeyObject + "]"; } } /** * This is a utility function that locates the closest table to root table * in the table names list. * * @param table the leaf to start from * @param tableNames the list of tables to find * @return the closest to the root table */ private static Table findParentTable(Table table, List<String> tableNames) { List<String> tableNameList = new ArrayList<String>(tableNames); while (true) { if (tableNameList.contains(table.logicalName)) { tableNameList.remove(table.logicalName); if (tableNameList.size() == 0) { return table; } } table = table.parentJoin.parentTable; } } private static boolean containsIgnoreCase(List<String> list, String val) { for (String str : list) { if (str.equalsIgnoreCase(val)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * this finds and clones a tree of related tables for use with implicit stars * * @param tableNames the list of tables to find * @param allTables the list of all known tables * @param factForeignKey the fact foreign key to join on */ private static Table findFragmentWithTables(List<String> tableNames, List<Table> allTables, String factForeignKey) { for (String name : tableNames) { List<Table> tables = findTables(allTables, name); // this isn't a valid assumption... there may be an implicit table in the middle. if (tableNames.size() == 1 && containsIgnoreCase(tables.get(0).columns, factForeignKey)) { return tables.get(0).clone(); } // for each match for (Table table : tables) { // march towards star, see if we found all the other tables boolean matchFound = true; for (String addlName : tableNames) { Table start = table.parentJoin.parentTable; if (!addlName.equals(name)) { boolean found = false; while (start.parentJoin != null) { if (start.logicalName.equals(addlName)) { found = true; break; } else { start = start.parentJoin.parentTable; } } if (!found) { matchFound = false; break; } } } if (matchFound) { // the root may not be valid, we step down until we found the parent Table parent = findParentTable(table, tableNames); if (parent.ancestorsHaveColumn(factForeignKey)) { // clone the tree down to the ancestor level where the key appears Table toClone = table; Table toReturn = null; Join childJoin = null; Table childClone = null; boolean first = true; boolean reachedParent = false; do { Table clone = toClone.clone(); if (first) { toReturn = clone; first = false; } if (toClone == parent) { reachedParent = true; } if (childClone != null) { Join clonedJoin = new Join(clone, childJoin.parentKeyObject, childClone, childJoin.childKeyObject); childClone.parentJoin = clonedJoin; } childClone = clone; childJoin = toClone.parentJoin; toClone = toClone.parentJoin.parentTable; } while (!reachedParent || !containsIgnoreCase(childClone.columns, factForeignKey)); return toReturn; } } } } return null; } /** * this is a utility function that finds all the tables with a logical name * * @param allTables the list of all known tables * @param logicalTableName the name of the table to find * @return a list of tables that match the logical name */ private static List<Table> findTables(List<Table> allTables, String logicalTableName) { List<Table> list = new ArrayList<Table>(); for (Table table : allTables) { if (table.logicalName.equals(logicalTableName)) { list.add(table); } } return list; } /** * finds a single table with the logical table name * * @param allTables the list of all known tables * @param logicalTableName the name of the table to find * @return a single found table */ private static Table findTable(List<Table> allTables, String logicalTableName) { for (Table table : allTables) { if (table.logicalName.equals(logicalTableName)) { return table; } } return null; } /** * TODO: review this method for correctness. it may be spitting out duplicate tables * * this method parses SSAS's DataSourceView and generates a set of star schemas and * join fragments * * @param ssasDataSourceView dom4j model of SSAS's DataSourceView * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static List<Table> generateStarModels(Element ssasDataSourceView) { // find all fact tables, then go from there to generate stars List tables = ssasDataSourceView.selectNodes("xs:complexType/xs:choice/xs:element"); List<Table> starTables = new ArrayList<Table>(); for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) { Element table = (Element) tables.get(i); String name = table.attributeValue("name"); String dbname = table.attributeValue("DbTableName"); String dbSchemaName = table.attributeValue("DbSchemaName"); String queryDefinition = table.attributeValue("QueryDefinition"); List<Element> uniqueKeys = (List<Element>) ssasDataSourceView .selectNodes("xs:unique[xs:selector/@xpath='.//" + name + "']"); List<Key> uniqueKeyObjects = new ArrayList<Key>(); for (Element uniqueKey : uniqueKeys) { List<Element> columns = (List<Element>) uniqueKey.selectNodes("xs:field"); Key key = new Key(); for (Element column : columns) { key.columns.add(column.attributeValue("xpath")); } if (key.columns.size() > 1) { logger.debug("Compound Key for Table '" + name + "': " + key); } uniqueKeyObjects.add(key); } Table tableModel = new Table(name, dbname, dbSchemaName, uniqueKeyObjects, queryDefinition); // get columns List columns = table.selectNodes("xs:complexType/xs:sequence/xs:element"); for (int j = 0; j < columns.size(); j++) { Element column = (Element) columns.get(j); String colname = column.attributeValue("name"); String dbColumnName = column.attributeValue("DbColumnName"); if (dbColumnName == null) { dbColumnName = colname; } String computedColumnExpression = column.attributeValue("ComputedColumnExpression"); tableModel.columnObjs.add(new Column(colname, dbColumnName, computedColumnExpression)); tableModel.columns.add(column.attributeValue("name")); } starTables.add(tableModel); } List keyrefs = ssasDataSourceView.selectNodes("xs:keyref"); for (int i = 0; i < keyrefs.size(); i++) { Element keyref = (Element) keyrefs.get(i); String refer = keyref.attributeValue("refer"); String parentTable = ((Element) keyref.selectSingleNode("xs:selector")).attributeValue("xpath") .substring(3); Key parentKeyObject = new Key(); List<Element> parentKeys = (List<Element>) keyref.selectNodes("xs:field"); for (Element parentKey : parentKeys) { parentKeyObject.columns.add(parentKey.attributeValue("xpath")); } Element unique = (Element) ssasDataSourceView.selectSingleNode("xs:unique[@name='" + refer + "']"); String childTable = ((Element) unique.selectSingleNode("xs:selector")).attributeValue("xpath") .substring(3); Key childKeyObject = new Key(); List<Element> childKeys = (List<Element>) keyref.selectNodes("xs:field"); for (Element childKey : childKeys) { childKeyObject.columns.add(childKey.attributeValue("xpath")); } // keyref contains parent table // unique contains child table // bind the two. If child table already has a parent table, make a duplicate table and update both as future parents //for (Table childTableModel : starTables) { List<Table> origTables = new ArrayList<Table>(starTables); boolean found = false; for (int j = 0; j < origTables.size() && !found; j++) { Table childTableModel = origTables.get(j); if (childTableModel.logicalName.equals(childTable)) { //for (Table parentTableModel : starTables) { for (int k = 0; k < starTables.size() && !found; k++) { Table parentTableModel = starTables.get(k); if (parentTableModel.logicalName.equals(parentTable) && !parentTableModel.logicalName.equals(childTableModel.logicalName) // skip parent / child hierarchies ) { logger.debug("Adding Join: " + parentTable + "(" + parentKeyObject + ") to " + childTable + "(" + childKeyObject + ")"); // clone the child and its tree if it already has a parent if (childTableModel.parentJoin != null) { childTableModel = childTableModel.cloneTree(); starTables.add(childTableModel); } Join join = new Join(parentTableModel, parentKeyObject, childTableModel, childKeyObject); childTableModel.parentJoin = join; parentTableModel.childJoins.add(join); found = true; } } } } } List relationships = ssasDataSourceView.selectNodes("../xs:annotation/xs:appinfo/msdata:Relationship"); // <msdata:Relationship name="FK_FactSalesQuota_DimEmployee" msdata:parent="dbo_DimEmployee" // msdata:child="FactSalesQuota" msdata:parentkey="EmployeeKey" msdata:childkey="EmployeeKey"/> for (int i = 0; i < relationships.size(); i++) { // we used parent for fact and dimension for child, ssas uses the opposite Element relationship = (Element) relationships.get(i); String childTable = relationship.attributeValue("parent"); String childKey = relationship.attributeValue("parentkey"); Key childKeyObject = new Key(); String childKeyStrs[] = childKey.split(" "); for (String str : childKeyStrs) { childKeyObject.columns.add(str); } String parentTable = relationship.attributeValue("child"); String parentKey = relationship.attributeValue("childkey"); Key parentKeyObject = new Key(); String parentKeyStrs[] = parentKey.split(" "); for (String str : parentKeyStrs) { parentKeyObject.columns.add(str); } boolean found = false; List<Table> origTables = new ArrayList<Table>(starTables); for (int j = 0; j < origTables.size() && !found; j++) { Table childTableModel = origTables.get(j); if (childTableModel.logicalName.equals(childTable)) { //for (Table parentTableModel : starTables) { for (int k = 0; k < starTables.size() && !found; k++) { Table parentTableModel = starTables.get(k); if (parentTableModel.logicalName.equals(parentTable) && !parentTableModel.logicalName.equals(childTableModel.logicalName) // skip parent / child hierarchies ) { logger.debug("Adding Join: " + parentTable + "(" + parentKey + ") to " + childTable + "(" + childKey + ")"); // clone the child and its tree if it already has a parent if (childTableModel.parentJoin != null) { childTableModel = childTableModel.cloneTree(); starTables.add(childTableModel); } Join join = new Join(parentTableModel, parentKeyObject, childTableModel, childKeyObject); childTableModel.parentJoin = join; parentTableModel.childJoins.add(join); found = true; } } } } } return starTables; } public static List<Document> generateMondrianDocsFromSSASSchema(final InputStream input) throws DocumentException, IOException, AggDesignerException { Document ssasDocument = parseAssl(input); // issue: if we have multi-line text, there is a problem with identing names / etc // solution: clean up the dom before traversal List allElements = ssasDocument.selectNodes("//*"); for (int i = 0; i < allElements.size(); i++) { Element element = (Element) allElements.get(i); element.setText(element.getText().replaceAll("[\\s]+", " ").trim()); } List ssasDatabases = ssasDocument.selectNodes("//assl:Database"); List<Document> mondrianDocs = new ArrayList<Document>(ssasDatabases.size()); for (int i = 0; i < ssasDatabases.size(); i++) { Document mondrianDoc = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createDocument(); Element mondrianSchema = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Schema"); mondrianDoc.add(mondrianSchema); Element ssasDatabase = (Element) ssasDatabases.get(i); mondrianSchema.add(DocumentFactory.getInstance().createAttribute(mondrianSchema, "name", getXPathNodeText(ssasDatabase, "assl:Name"))); populateCubes(mondrianSchema, ssasDatabase); mondrianDocs.add(mondrianDoc); } return mondrianDocs; } private static boolean isVirtualMeasureGroup(Element measureGroup) { return measureGroup.selectSingleNode("assl:Source[@xsi:type='MeasureGroupBinding']") != null; } private static void populateCubes(Element mondrianSchema, Element ssasDatabase) throws AggDesignerException { List allMeasureGroups = ssasDatabase .selectNodes("assl:Cubes/assl:Cube/assl:MeasureGroups/assl:MeasureGroup"); Map<String, List<Table>> dataSourceViews = new HashMap<String, List<Table>>(); for (int i = 0; i < allMeasureGroups.size(); i++) { Element ssasMeasureGroup = (Element) allMeasureGroups.get(i); String measureGroupName = getXPathNodeText(ssasMeasureGroup, "assl:Name"); if (isVirtualMeasureGroup(ssasMeasureGroup)) { String cubeName = getXPathNodeText(ssasMeasureGroup, "../../assl:Name"); logger.debug("Skipping SSAS Virtual Cube, Measure Group " + cubeName + ", " + measureGroupName); } else { Element mondrianCube = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Cube"); mondrianCube.addAttribute("name", measureGroupName); String dataSourceViewID = getXPathNodeText(ssasMeasureGroup, "../../assl:Source/assl:DataSourceViewID").toLowerCase(); List<Table> allTables = dataSourceViews.get(dataSourceViewID); if (allTables == null) { Element ssasDataSourceView = (Element) ssasDatabase.selectSingleNode( "assl:DataSourceViews/assl:DataSourceView[translate(assl:ID, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')='" + dataSourceViewID + "']/assl:Schema/xs:schema/xs:element"); allTables = generateStarModels(ssasDataSourceView); dataSourceViews.put(dataSourceViewID, allTables); } // add fact table String factTableName = getXPathNodeText(ssasMeasureGroup, "assl:Measures/assl:Measure/assl:Source/assl:Source/assl:TableID"); Table factTable = findTable(allTables, factTableName); if (factTable == null) { logger.error("Failed to locate fact table: " + factTableName); } // view or table if (factTable.queryDefinition != null) { Element fact = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("View"); fact.addAttribute("alias", factTable.dbName); Element sql = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("SQL"); sql.addAttribute("dialect", "generic"); sql.add(DocumentFactory.getInstance().createCDATA(factTable.queryDefinition)); fact.add(sql); mondrianCube.add(fact); } else { Element fact = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Table"); if (factTable.dbSchemaName != null && factTable.dbSchemaName.trim().length() != 0) { fact.addAttribute("schema", factTable.dbSchemaName); } fact.addAttribute("name", factTable.dbName); mondrianCube.add(fact); } // add dimensions populateDimensions(mondrianCube, ssasDatabase, ssasMeasureGroup, factTable, allTables); // add measures populateCubeMeasures(mondrianCube, ssasMeasureGroup, factTable, measureGroupName); // add cube mondrianSchema.add(mondrianCube); } } } private static void populateDimensions(Element mondrianCube, Element ssasDatabase, Element ssasMeasureGroup, Table factTable, List<Table> allTables) throws AggDesignerException { // add dimensions List measureDimensions = ssasMeasureGroup.selectNodes("assl:Dimensions/assl:Dimension"); for (int j = 0; j < measureDimensions.size(); j++) { Element measureDimension = (Element) measureDimensions.get(j); String cubeDimensionId = getXPathNodeText(measureDimension, "assl:CubeDimensionID"); Element cubeDimension = (Element) ssasMeasureGroup .selectSingleNode("../../assl:Dimensions/assl:Dimension[assl:ID='" + cubeDimensionId + "']"); String databaseDimensionId = getXPathNodeText(cubeDimension, "assl:DimensionID"); Element databaseDimension = (Element) ssasDatabase .selectSingleNode("assl:Dimensions/assl:Dimension[assl:ID='" + databaseDimensionId + "']"); Element mondrianDimension = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Dimension"); String dimensionName = getXPathNodeText(cubeDimension, "assl:Name"); mondrianDimension.addAttribute("name", dimensionName); // locate the key attribute Element keyAttribute = (Element) databaseDimension .selectSingleNode("assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute[assl:Usage='Key']"); String keyAttributeID = getXPathNodeText(keyAttribute, "assl:ID"); String foreignKey = null; // first look in the dimension object within the measures List nodes = measureDimension.selectNodes("assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute[assl:AttributeID='" + keyAttributeID + "']/assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID"); if (nodes.size() > 1) { logger.warn("(1) Key Column foreign key contains more than one column in dimension " + dimensionName + ", SKIPPING DIMENSION"); continue; } Element keyTableObject = (Element) measureDimension .selectSingleNode("assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute[assl:AttributeID='" + keyAttributeID + "']/assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID"); if (keyTableObject == null) { keyTableObject = (Element) keyAttribute .selectSingleNode("assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID"); nodes = keyAttribute.selectNodes("assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID"); if (nodes.size() > 1) { logger.warn("(2) Key Column foreign key contains more than one column in dimension " + dimensionName + ", SKIPPING DIMENSION"); continue; } } if (keyTableObject != null) { String tableID = keyTableObject.getTextTrim(); List<Table> tables = findTables(allTables, tableID); for (Table table : tables) { if (table == factTable) { Element keyColumnObject = (Element) measureDimension.selectSingleNode( "assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute[assl:AttributeID='" + keyAttributeID + "']/assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); if (keyColumnObject == null) { keyColumnObject = (Element) keyAttribute .selectSingleNode("assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); } foreignKey = keyColumnObject.getTextTrim(); break; } Key foreignKeyObject = table.getFactForeignKey(factTable); if (foreignKeyObject != null) { if (foreignKeyObject.columns.size() > 1) { logger.warn("FOREIGN KEY " + foreignKeyObject + " CONTAINS MORE THAN ONE COLUMN IN DIMENSION " + dimensionName); } else { foreignKey = foreignKeyObject.columns.get(0); if (foreignKey != null) { break; } } } } } else { logger.warn("FAILED TO FIND FOREIGN KEY!"); } if (foreignKey == null) { logger.warn("FAILED TO FIND FOREIGN KEY. Excluding Dimension " + dimensionName); continue; } Column foreignKeyObject = factTable.findColumn(foreignKey); mondrianDimension.addAttribute("foreignKey", foreignKeyObject.dbName); // get hierarchies populateHierarchies(mondrianDimension, cubeDimension, databaseDimension, keyAttribute, factTable, allTables, foreignKey); mondrianCube.add(mondrianDimension); } } private static void populateHierarchies(Element mondrianDimension, Element ssasCubeDimension, Element ssasDatabaseDimension, Element ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, Table factTable, List<Table> allTables, String factForeignKey) throws AggDesignerException { // first do parent child hierarchies // for each attribute in cube dimension, see if it's database dimension attribute is USAGE PARENT // SSAS 2005 only supports one parent child hierarchy per dimension List cubeAttributes = ssasCubeDimension.selectNodes("assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute"); for (int i = 0; i < cubeAttributes.size(); i++) { Element cubeAttribute = (Element) cubeAttributes.get(i); // retrieve database attribute String attribID = getXPathNodeText(cubeAttribute, "assl:AttributeID"); Element databaseAttribute = (Element) ssasDatabaseDimension .selectSingleNode("assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute[assl:ID='" + attribID + "']"); Element usageElement = (Element) databaseAttribute.selectSingleNode("assl:Usage"); if (usageElement != null && "Parent".equals(usageElement.getTextTrim())) { populateParentChildHierarchy(mondrianDimension, databaseAttribute, ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, ssasDatabaseDimension, factTable, factForeignKey, allTables, attribID); } } // handle the traditional hierarchies List hierarchies = ssasCubeDimension.selectNodes("assl:Hierarchies/assl:Hierarchy"); for (int k = 0; k < hierarchies.size(); k++) { Element hierarchy = (Element) hierarchies.get(k); String databaseHierarchyID = getXPathNodeText(hierarchy, "assl:HierarchyID"); Element databaseHierarchy = (Element) ssasDatabaseDimension .selectSingleNode("assl:Hierarchies/assl:Hierarchy[assl:ID='" + databaseHierarchyID + "']"); if (databaseHierarchy == null) { throw new AggDesignerException("Failed to locate hierarchy " + databaseHierarchyID); } Element mondrianHierarchy = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Hierarchy"); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("name", getXPathNodeText(databaseHierarchy, "assl:Name")); String tableID = getXPathNodeText(ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID"); Table primaryKeyTable = findTable(allTables, tableID); String primaryKey = getXPathNodeText(ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); Column primaryKeyColumn = primaryKeyTable.findColumn(primaryKey); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("primaryKey", primaryKeyColumn.dbName); Element allMemberName = (Element) databaseHierarchy.selectSingleNode("assl:AllMemberName"); if (allMemberName != null && allMemberName.getTextTrim().length() != 0) { mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("allMemberName", allMemberName.getTextTrim()); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("hasAll", "true"); } else { mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("hasAll", "false"); } // determine if this hierarchy is a snow flake // we can tell this by looking at the levels // preprocess levels to determine snowflake-ness List ssasLevels = databaseHierarchy.selectNodes("assl:Levels/assl:Level"); List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int l = 0; l < ssasLevels.size(); l++) { Element level = (Element) ssasLevels.get(l); String sourceAttribID = getXPathNodeText(level, "assl:SourceAttributeID"); Element sourceAttribute = (Element) ssasDatabaseDimension .selectSingleNode("assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute[assl:ID='" + sourceAttribID + "']"); String levelTableID = getXPathNodeText(sourceAttribute, "assl:NameColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID"); if (!tables.contains(levelTableID)) { // insert the table in the correct order tables.add(0, levelTableID); } } // skip if degenerate dimension if (tables.size() != 1 || !tables.get(0).equals(factTable.logicalName)) { populateHierarchyRelation(mondrianHierarchy, tables, ssasDatabaseDimension, factTable, allTables, databaseHierarchyID, factForeignKey); } else { mondrianHierarchy.add(DocumentFactory.getInstance().createComment("Degenerate Hierarchy")); } // render levels populateHierarchyLevels(mondrianHierarchy, ssasLevels, ssasDatabaseDimension, allTables, tables.size() > 1); mondrianDimension.add(mondrianHierarchy); } // finally, do attribute hierarchies populateAttributeHierarchies(mondrianDimension, cubeAttributes, ssasDatabaseDimension, ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, factTable, factForeignKey, allTables); } /** * generates <Hierarchy> mondrian tags */ private static void populateHierarchyRelation(Element mondrianHierarchy, List<String> tables, Element ssasDatabaseDimension, Table factTable, List<Table> allTables, String ssasHierarchyID, String factForeignKey) throws AggDesignerException { // we should specify the foreign key here also Table currentTable = factTable.findBranchWithTables(tables, factTable.logicalName, factForeignKey); if (currentTable == null) { currentTable = findFragmentWithTables(tables, allTables, factForeignKey); if (currentTable == null) { throw new AggDesignerException("Error: " + ssasHierarchyID + " star schema branch not found. " + factTable.logicalName + "." + factForeignKey); } currentTable.getRoot().parentJoin = new Join(factTable, new Key(factForeignKey), currentTable, new Key(factForeignKey)); logger.debug("IMPLICIT STAR JOIN FOR " + currentTable.logicalName + "." + factForeignKey + " to " + factTable.logicalName + "." + factForeignKey); } Element currentHierarchyRelation = null; if (currentTable.queryDefinition != null) { currentHierarchyRelation = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("View"); currentHierarchyRelation.addAttribute("alias", currentTable.dbName); Element sql = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("SQL"); sql.addAttribute("dialect", "generic"); sql.add(DocumentFactory.getInstance().createCDATA(currentTable.queryDefinition)); currentHierarchyRelation.add(sql); } else { currentHierarchyRelation = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Table"); if (currentTable.dbSchemaName != null && currentTable.dbSchemaName.trim().length() != 0) { currentHierarchyRelation.addAttribute("schema", currentTable.dbSchemaName); } currentHierarchyRelation.addAttribute("name", currentTable.dbName); } // expand tables so that explicit naming of tables when rendering levels is known if (!tables.contains(currentTable.logicalName)) { tables.add(currentTable.logicalName); } while (!currentTable.parentJoin.parentTable.logicalName.equals(factTable.logicalName)) { Element hierarchyRelation = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Join"); Element tableRelation = null; if (currentTable.queryDefinition != null) { tableRelation = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("View"); tableRelation.addAttribute("alias", currentTable.dbName); Element sql = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("SQL"); sql.addAttribute("dialect", "generic"); sql.add(DocumentFactory.getInstance().createCDATA(currentTable.queryDefinition)); tableRelation.add(sql); } else { tableRelation = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Table"); if (currentTable.parentJoin.parentTable.dbSchemaName != null && currentTable.parentJoin.parentTable.dbSchemaName.trim().length() != 0) { tableRelation.addAttribute("schema", currentTable.parentJoin.parentTable.dbSchemaName); } tableRelation.addAttribute("name", currentTable.parentJoin.parentTable.dbName); } if (!tables.contains(currentTable.parentJoin.parentTable.logicalName)) { tables.add(currentTable.parentJoin.parentTable.logicalName); } hierarchyRelation.addAttribute("leftKey", currentTable.parentJoin.parentKeyObject.columns.get(0)); hierarchyRelation.addAttribute("rightKey", currentTable.parentJoin.childKeyObject.columns.get(0)); hierarchyRelation.add(tableRelation); hierarchyRelation.add(currentHierarchyRelation); currentHierarchyRelation = hierarchyRelation; currentTable = currentTable.parentJoin.parentTable; } if (currentHierarchyRelation.getName().equals("Join")) { mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("primaryKeyTable", currentTable.dbName); } mondrianHierarchy.add(currentHierarchyRelation); } /** * generates <Level> mondrian tags */ private static void populateHierarchyLevels(Element mondrianHierarchy, List ssasLevels, Element ssasDatabaseDimension, List<Table> allTables, boolean includeTableName) throws AggDesignerException { for (int l = 0; l < ssasLevels.size(); l++) { Element level = (Element) ssasLevels.get(l); Element mondrianLevel = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Level"); mondrianLevel.addAttribute("name", getXPathNodeText(level, "assl:Name")); String sourceAttribID = getXPathNodeText(level, "assl:SourceAttributeID"); Element sourceAttribute = (Element) ssasDatabaseDimension .selectSingleNode("assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute[assl:ID='" + sourceAttribID + "']"); Element keyUniquenessGuarantee = (Element) sourceAttribute .selectSingleNode("assl:KeyUniquenessGuarantee"); boolean keyUniqueness = false; if (keyUniquenessGuarantee != null) { keyUniqueness = "true".equals(keyUniquenessGuarantee.getTextTrim()); } mondrianLevel.addAttribute("uniqueMembers", "" + keyUniqueness); String levelTableID = getXPathNodeText(sourceAttribute, "assl:NameColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID"); Table levelTable = findTable(allTables, levelTableID); if (includeTableName) { mondrianLevel.addAttribute("table", levelTable.dbName); // tableName); } // don't assume single column for keys List<Element> nodes = (List<Element>) sourceAttribute .selectNodes("assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); // get the last key column in the list. String keyColumn = nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1).getTextTrim(); // String keyColumn = getXPathNodeText(sourceAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); String nameColumn = getXPathNodeText(sourceAttribute, "assl:NameColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); if (keyColumn == null || keyColumn.equals(nameColumn)) { Column nameColumnObj = levelTable.findColumn(nameColumn); nameColumnObj.addToMondrian(mondrianLevel, "column", "KeyExpression"); } else { Column keyColumnObj = levelTable.findColumn(keyColumn); keyColumnObj.addToMondrian(mondrianLevel, "column", "KeyExpression"); Column nameColumnObj = levelTable.findColumn(nameColumn); nameColumnObj.addToMondrian(mondrianLevel, "nameColumn", "NameExpression"); } String datatype = getXPathNodeText(sourceAttribute, "assl:NameColumn/assl:DataType"); // TODO: create example with numeric column, // this code is more stubbed then tested if (datatype.equals("Numeric")) { mondrianLevel.addAttribute("type", "Numeric"); } mondrianHierarchy.add(mondrianLevel); } } /** * generates parent child hierarchy */ private static void populateParentChildHierarchy(Element mondrianDimension, Element databaseAttribute, Element ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, Element ssasDatabaseDimension, Table factTable, String factForeignKey, List<Table> allTables, String attributeID) throws AggDesignerException { mondrianDimension.add(DocumentFactory.getInstance().createComment("Parent Child Hierarchy")); Element mondrianHierarchy = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Hierarchy"); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("name", getXPathNodeText(databaseAttribute, "assl:Name")); String tableID = getXPathNodeText(ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID"); String keyColumnID = getXPathNodeText(ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); Table table = findTable(allTables, tableID); Column keyColumnObject = table.findColumn(keyColumnID); if (keyColumnObject.expression != null) { logger.warn("Mondrian does not support primary key expressions"); } mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("primaryKey", keyColumnObject.dbName); // not certain on where to get the all member name for parent / child rels // ssas seems to use "All" for the default name // Element allMemberName = (Element)databaseHierarchy.selectSingleNode("assl:AllMemberName"); // if (allMemberName != null) { mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("allMemberName", "All"); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("hasAll", "true"); // } List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); tables.add(tableID); populateHierarchyRelation(mondrianHierarchy, tables, ssasDatabaseDimension, factTable, allTables, attributeID, factForeignKey); Element mondrianLevel = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Level"); // <Level name="Employee Id" type="Numeric" uniqueMembers="true" column="employee_id" // parentColumn="supervisor_id" nameColumn="full_name" nullParentValue="0"> // for now, use the hierarchy name for the level name mondrianLevel.addAttribute("name", getXPathNodeText(databaseAttribute, "assl:Name")); // mondrianLevel.addAttribute("type", "Numeric"); mondrianLevel.addAttribute("uniqueMembers", "true"); // NameColumn String parentID = getXPathNodeText(databaseAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); String columnID = getXPathNodeText(databaseAttribute, "assl:NameColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); keyColumnObject.addToMondrian(mondrianLevel, "column", "KeyExpression"); Column parentColumnObject = table.findColumn(parentID); parentColumnObject.addToMondrian(mondrianLevel, "parentColumn", "ParentExpression"); Column nameColumnObject = table.findColumn(columnID); nameColumnObject.addToMondrian(mondrianLevel, "nameColumn", "NameExpression"); // do we need ordinal col? // from // User Defined Hierarchies // By default, any member whose parent key equals its own member key, null, 0 (zero), // or a value absent from the column for member keys is assumed to be a member of the // top level (excluding the (All) level). mondrianLevel.addAttribute("nullParentValue", "0"); mondrianHierarchy.add(mondrianLevel); mondrianDimension.add(mondrianHierarchy); } /** * generates ssas attribute hierarchies */ private static void populateAttributeHierarchies(Element mondrianDimension, List cubeAttributes, Element ssasDatabaseDimension, Element ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, Table factTable, String factForeignKey, List<Table> allTables) throws AggDesignerException { mondrianDimension.add(DocumentFactory.getInstance().createComment("Attribute Hierarchies")); for (int i = 0; i < cubeAttributes.size(); i++) { Element cubeAttribute = (Element) cubeAttributes.get(i); // retrieve database attribute String attribID = getXPathNodeText(cubeAttribute, "assl:AttributeID"); Element databaseAttribute = (Element) ssasDatabaseDimension .selectSingleNode("assl:Attributes/assl:Attribute[assl:ID='" + attribID + "']"); // note: databaseAttribute also has an AttributeHierarchyEnabled flag // should we also check "visible"? if (cubeAttribute.selectSingleNode("assl:AttributeHierarchyEnabled") != null && "true".equals(getXPathNodeText(cubeAttribute, "assl:AttributeHierarchyEnabled"))) { Element usageElement = (Element) databaseAttribute.selectSingleNode("assl:Usage"); if (usageElement != null && "Parent".equals(usageElement.getTextTrim())) { // skip parent hierarchies continue; } Element mondrianHierarchy = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Hierarchy"); String attribName = getXPathNodeText(databaseAttribute, "assl:Name"); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("name", attribName); String tableID = getXPathNodeText(ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID"); Table table = findTable(allTables, tableID); String primaryKey = getXPathNodeText(ssasDimensionKeyAttribute, "assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); Column primaryKeyColumn = table.findColumn(primaryKey); List<Element> nodes = (List<Element>) ssasDimensionKeyAttribute .selectNodes("assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); if (nodes.size() > 1) { logger.warn("SKIPPING ATTRIBUTE HIERARCHY " + attribName + ", MORE THAN ONE FOREIGN KEY"); continue; } mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("primaryKey", primaryKeyColumn.dbName); // AttributeAllMemberName Element allMemberName = (Element) ssasDatabaseDimension .selectSingleNode("assl:AttributeAllMemberName"); if (allMemberName != null && allMemberName.getTextTrim().length() != 0) { mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("allMemberName", allMemberName.getTextTrim()); mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("hasAll", "true"); } else { mondrianHierarchy.addAttribute("hasAll", "false"); } String levelTableID = getXPathNodeText(databaseAttribute, "assl:NameColumn/assl:Source/assl:TableID"); List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); tables.add(tableID); if (levelTableID != null && !levelTableID.equals(tableID)) { tables.add(levelTableID); table = findTable(allTables, levelTableID); } // skip if degenerate dimension if (tables.size() != 1 || !tables.get(0).equals(factTable.logicalName)) { populateHierarchyRelation(mondrianHierarchy, tables, ssasDatabaseDimension, factTable, allTables, attribID, factForeignKey); } Element mondrianLevel = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Level"); mondrianLevel.addAttribute("name", attribName); Element keyUniquenessGuarantee = (Element) databaseAttribute .selectSingleNode("assl:KeyUniquenessGuarantee"); boolean keyUniqueness = false; if (keyUniquenessGuarantee != null) { keyUniqueness = "true".equals(keyUniquenessGuarantee.getTextTrim()); } mondrianLevel.addAttribute("uniqueMembers", "" + keyUniqueness); if (tables.size() > 1) { mondrianLevel.addAttribute("table", table.dbName); // tableName); } nodes = (List<Element>) databaseAttribute .selectNodes("assl:KeyColumns/assl:KeyColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); String keyColumn = nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1).getTextTrim(); String nameColumn = getXPathNodeText(databaseAttribute, "assl:NameColumn/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); if (keyColumn == null || keyColumn.equals(nameColumn)) { Column nameColumnObject = table.findColumn(nameColumn); nameColumnObject.addToMondrian(mondrianLevel, "column", "KeyExpression"); } else { Column keyColumnObject = table.findColumn(keyColumn); keyColumnObject.addToMondrian(mondrianLevel, "column", "KeyExpression"); Column nameColumnObject = table.findColumn(nameColumn); nameColumnObject.addToMondrian(mondrianLevel, "nameColumn", "NameExpression"); } String datatype = getXPathNodeText(databaseAttribute, "assl:NameColumn/assl:DataType"); // TODO: create example with numeric column, // this code is more stubbed then tested if (datatype.equals("Numeric")) { mondrianLevel.addAttribute("type", "Numeric"); } mondrianHierarchy.add(mondrianLevel); mondrianDimension.add(mondrianHierarchy); } } } /** * generates <Measure> mondrian tags */ private static void populateCubeMeasures(Element mondrianCube, Element ssasMeasureGroup, Table factTable, String cubeName) throws AggDesignerException { List allMeasures = ssasMeasureGroup.selectNodes("assl:Measures/assl:Measure"); for (int j = 0; j < allMeasures.size(); j++) { Element measure = (Element) allMeasures.get(j); // assert Source/Source xsi:type="ColumnBinding" if (measure.selectSingleNode("assl:Source/assl:Source[@xsi:type='ColumnBinding']") == null && measure.selectSingleNode("assl:Source/assl:Source[@xsi:type='RowBinding']") == null) { logger.warn("SKIPPING MEASURE, INVALID MEASURE IN CUBE " + cubeName + " : " + measure.asXML()); continue; } Element mondrianMeasure = DocumentFactory.getInstance().createElement("Measure"); String measureName = getXPathNodeText(measure, "assl:Name"); mondrianMeasure.addAttribute("name", measureName); logger.trace("MEASURE: " + measureName); String aggType = "sum"; Element aggFunction = (Element) measure.selectSingleNode("assl:AggregateFunction"); if (aggFunction != null) { aggType = aggFunction.getTextTrim().toLowerCase(); } if (aggType.equals("distinctcount")) { aggType = "distinct-count"; } mondrianMeasure.addAttribute("aggregator", aggType); if (measure.selectSingleNode("assl:Source/assl:Source[@xsi:type='ColumnBinding']") != null) { String column = getXPathNodeText(measure, "assl:Source/assl:Source/assl:ColumnID"); Column columnObj = factTable.findColumn(column); columnObj.addToMondrian(mondrianMeasure, "column", "MeasureExpression"); } else { // select the first fact column in the star mondrianMeasure.addAttribute("column", factTable.columns.get(0)); } mondrianCube.add(mondrianMeasure); } } /** * Returns document from file. * @param url path to SSAS dump * @return document * @throws DocumentException problem parsing document */ public static Document parseAssl(final URL url) throws DocumentException, IOException { return parseAssl(url.openStream()); } public static Document parseAssl(final InputStream input) throws DocumentException, IOException { Map<String, String> uris = new HashMap<String, String>(); uris.put("assl", ""); uris.put("xsi", ""); uris.put("xs", ""); uris.put("msprop", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msprop"); uris.put("msdata", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata"); DocumentFactory factory = new DocumentFactory(); factory.setXPathNamespaceURIs(uris); SAXReader reader = new SAXReader(); reader.setDocumentFactory(factory); // get bytes from InputStream and cache them so they can be read multiple times byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(input); ByteArrayInputStream byteInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); // try default encoding first, then fall back on iso-8859-1 Document document = null; try { logger.debug("attempting to parse assuming utf-8 encoding"); document =; } catch (DocumentException e) { // retry reader.setEncoding("iso-8859-1"); // exception will propagate if it fails to read with iso-8859-1 logger.debug("parse failed; attempting to parse assuming iso=8859-1 encoding"); // start over from the first byte by creating a new stream byteInput = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); document =; } return document; } public static String getXPathNodeText(Node parent, String xpath) throws AggDesignerException { Element element = (Element) parent.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (element == null) { throw new AggDesignerException("no element found for xpath '" + xpath + "'"); } return ((Element) parent.selectSingleNode(xpath)).getTextTrim(); } }