Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2002 - 2013 Pentaho Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This software was developed by Pentaho Corporation and is provided under the terms * of the Mozilla Public License, Version 1.1, or any later version. You may not use * this file except in compliance with the license. If you need a copy of the license, * please go to TThe Initial Developer is Pentaho Corporation. * * Software distributed under the Mozilla Public License is distributed on an "AS IS" * basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. Please refer to * the license for the specific language governing your rights and limitations. */ package org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.actions; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.tree.DefaultElement; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionControlStatement; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionIfStatement; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionInput; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionInputConstant; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionLoop; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionOutput; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionResource; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionSequenceDocument; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionSequenceInput; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ActionSequenceValidationError; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IAbstractIOElement; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionControlStatement; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionDefinition; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionInput; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionInputSource; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionInputVariable; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionOutput; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionResource; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionSequenceDocument; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionSequenceResource; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.IActionSequenceValidationError; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.ImplicitActionResource; import org.pentaho.actionsequence.dom.messages.Messages; /** * A wrapper for an action definition element within an action sequence. * * @author Angelo Rodriguez */ @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public class ActionDefinition implements IActionDefinition { private static final IActionSequenceValidationError[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new ActionSequenceValidationError[0]; Element actionDefElement; IActionParameterMgr actionParameterMgr; private static final String[] EXPECTED_INPUTS = new String[0]; private static final String[] EXPECTED_OUTPUTS = new String[0]; private static final String[] EXPECTED_RESOURCES = new String[0]; /** * @param actionDefElement * the wrapped action definition element */ public ActionDefinition() { this(Messages.getString("ActionDefinition.ENTER_CLASS_NAME")); //$NON-NLS-1$ setDescription(Messages.getString("ActionDefinition.CUSTOM_ACTION_TITLE")); //$NON-NLS-1$ } public ActionDefinition(Element actionDefElement, IActionParameterMgr actionParameterMgr) { super(); this.actionDefElement = actionDefElement; this.actionParameterMgr = actionParameterMgr; } protected ActionDefinition(String componentName) { int i = componentName.lastIndexOf("."); //$NON-NLS-1$ if ((i >= 0) && (i < (componentName.length() - 1))) { componentName = componentName.substring(i + 1); } actionDefElement = new DefaultElement(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_DEFINITION_NAME); actionDefElement.addElement(ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_NAME).setText(componentName); actionDefElement.addElement(ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_DEF_NAME); initNewActionDefinition(); } /** * Sets the URI and mime type of the specified resource. If the resource does not exist it is created. If the URI is * null the named resource is deleted. * * @param privateParamName * the name of the resource as it is known by the component processing this action definition. * @param URI * the resource URI. May be null if you wish to delete the resource. * @param mimeType * the resource mime type. Ignored if the resource URI is null. * @return the modified/created resource, or null if the resource is deleted. */ public IActionResource setResourceUri(String privateResourceName, URI uri, String mimeType) { IActionResource actionResource = getResource(privateResourceName); if (uri == null) { if (actionResource != null) { actionResource.setURI(null); } actionResource = null; } else { if (actionResource == null) { actionResource = addResource(privateResourceName); } actionResource.setURI(uri); actionResource.setMimeType(mimeType); } return actionResource; } protected void initNewActionDefinition() { }; /** * Compares the component name of the given action definition element with the given component name. It is the short * component names that are compared. The short name is the substring following the last "." in the name provided. If * there is no "." in the name the short name is the provided name. * * @param actionDefinitionElement * the action definition element whose component name is to be compared. * @param componentName * the component name to compare to. * @return true if the short component names are equal or false otherwise. */ protected static boolean hasComponentName(Element actionDefinitionElement, String componentName) { String elementComponentName = getComponentName(actionDefinitionElement); int index = elementComponentName.lastIndexOf("."); //$NON-NLS-1$ if ((index >= 0) && (index < elementComponentName.length() - 1)) { elementComponentName = elementComponentName.substring(index + 1); } index = componentName.lastIndexOf("."); //$NON-NLS-1$ if ((index >= 0) && (index < componentName.length() - 1)) { componentName = componentName.substring(index + 1); } return componentName.equals(elementComponentName); } /** * Determines whether this action definition is capable of processing the provided action definition element. * * @param actionDefinitionElement * the action definition element. * @return true if this action definition can process the element, or false otherwise. */ public static boolean accepts(Element actionDefinitionElement) { return actionDefinitionElement.getName().equals(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_DEFINITION_NAME); } /** * Returns the component name of the provided action definition element. * * @param actionDefinitionElement * the action definition element. * @return the element's component name. */ protected static String getComponentName(Element actionDefinitionElement) { Element componentClassElement = actionDefinitionElement.element(ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_NAME); return componentClassElement == null ? null : componentClassElement.getText(); } /** * Returns the component name of this action definition. * * @return the action definition's component name. */ public String getComponentName() { return getComponentName(actionDefElement); } /** * Sets the component name of this action definition. * * @param name * the component name. */ public void setComponentName(String name) { Element componentClassName = actionDefElement.element(ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_NAME); if (componentClassName == null) { componentClassName = actionDefElement.addElement(ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_NAME); componentClassName.setText(name); ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionRenamed(this); } else if (!componentClassName.getText().equals(name)) { componentClassName.setText(name); ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionRenamed(this); } } /** * Adds a new input parameter to this action definition. If the input already exists the type of the input is set to * the specified type. * * @param privateParamName * the name of the param as it is known by this action definition (the input element name). * @param inputType * the input type * @return the action input */ public ActionInput addInput(String privateParamName, String inputType) { ActionInput input = getInputParam(privateParamName); Element inputElement; if (input == null) { Element[] componentDefs = getComponentDefElements(privateParamName); for (int i = 0; i < componentDefs.length; i++) { componentDefs[i].detach(); } inputElement = DocumentHelper.makeElement(actionDefElement, ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_INPUTS_NAME + "/" + privateParamName); //$NON-NLS-1$ inputElement.addAttribute(IAbstractIOElement.TYPE_NAME, inputType); input = new ActionInput(inputElement, actionParameterMgr); ActionSequenceDocument.fireIoAdded(input); } else { input.setType(inputType); } return input; } public void setActionInputValue(String inputPrivateName, IActionInputSource value) { if ((value == null) || (value instanceof ActionInputConstant)) { setInputValue(inputPrivateName, value != null ? ((ActionInputConstant) value).getStringValue(false) : null); } else { setInputParam(inputPrivateName, (IActionInputVariable) value); } } public void setActionInputValue(String inputPrivateName, ActionInput actionInput) { setInputParam(inputPrivateName, actionInput.getReferencedVariableName(), actionInput.getType()); } /** * Sets the value of the named action input to the specified constant value. A child element of the component * definition section is created and assigned the provided name. The text of this child element is assigned the * provided value. If there is an input parameter of the same name in the action inputs section, the input parameter * is deleted. If the value is null, both the input parameter and the component definition child element are deleted. * * @param privateParamName * the name of the param as it is known by this action definition (the input element name). * @param value * the value to be assigned. May be null. */ public void setInputValue(String privateParamName, String value) { setInputValue(privateParamName, value, true); } /** * Creates or modifies the named input parameter to refer to the named variable. The referenced variable should be the * name of an input to the parent action sequence document or the name of an output from an action definition that * precedes this action definition in the document. If the component definition section of this action definition * contains a child element with the given private name, that element is removed from the component definition * section. If the referenced variable name is null, the named action input is deleted, and the component definition * section is left untouched. * * @param privateParamName * the name of the param as it is known by this action definition (the input element name). * @param value * the value to be assigned. May be null. */ public IActionInput setInputParam(String privateParamName, String referencedVariableName, String type) { ActionInput actionInput = null; if (referencedVariableName == null) { actionInput = getInputParam(privateParamName); if (actionInput != null) { actionInput.delete(); } } else { actionInput = addInput(privateParamName, type != null ? type : ActionSequenceDocument.STRING_TYPE); actionInput.setMapping(referencedVariableName); } return actionInput; } /** * Sets the value of the named action input to the specified constant value. A child element of the component * definition section is created and assigned the provided name. The text of this child element is assigned the * provided value. If there is an input parameter of the same name in the action inputs section, the input parameter * is deleted. If the value is null, both the input parameter and the component definition child element are deleted. * * @param privateParamName * the name of the param as it is known by this action definition (the input element name). * @param value * the value to be assigned. May be null. * @param useCData * indicates whether a CDATA node should be used to store the value. */ public void setInputValue(String privateParamName, String value, boolean useCData) { removeInput(privateParamName); if (value == null) { removeComponentDefinitions(privateParamName); } else { setComponentDefinition(privateParamName, value, useCData); } } public IActionInput getInput(String privateParamName) { IActionInput inputParam = IActionInput.NULL_INPUT; IActionInput[] allInputs = getInputs(); for (int i = 0; i < allInputs.length; i++) { if (allInputs[i].getName().equals(privateParamName)) { inputParam = allInputs[i]; break; } } return inputParam; } /** * Creates an input resource with the given name. No operation is performed if the resource already exists. * * @param privateResourceName * the name of the resource as it is known by this action definition (the element name). * @return the newly created or existing resource. */ public IActionResource addResource(String privateResourceName) { return addResource(privateResourceName, null); } /** * Creates an input resource with the given name. The resource will reference the specified action sequence resource. * No operation is performed if the resource already exists. * * @param privateResourceName * the name of the resource as it is known by this action definition (the element name). * @return the newly created or existing resource. */ public IActionResource addResource(String privateResourceName, String referencedActionSequenceResource) { IActionResource resource = getResource(privateResourceName); Element resourceElement; if (resource == null) { resourceElement = DocumentHelper.makeElement(actionDefElement, ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_RESOURCES_NAME + "/" + privateResourceName); //$NON-NLS-1$ resourceElement.addAttribute(IAbstractIOElement.TYPE_NAME, ActionSequenceDocument.RESOURCE_TYPE); resource = new ActionResource(resourceElement, actionParameterMgr); if ((referencedActionSequenceResource != null) && (referencedActionSequenceResource.trim().length() > 0)) { resource.setMapping(referencedActionSequenceResource); } ActionSequenceDocument.fireResourceAdded(resource); } return resource; } /** * @return the resources referenced by this action definition */ public IActionResource[] getResources() { List resourcesList = actionDefElement.selectNodes(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_RESOURCES_NAME + "/*"); //$NON-NLS-1$ ActionResource[] resources = new ActionResource[resourcesList.size()]; int index = 0; for (Iterator iter = resourcesList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { resources[index++] = new ActionResource((Element), actionParameterMgr); } return resources; } /** * Return the named resource of null if none exists. If the resource is not explicitly listed in the action resources * section of this action definition, an implicit resource is created if one exists. These implicit resources are * detected by looking at the action sequence resources listed at the top of the action sequence document with the * given name. If an action sequence resource is found an implicit reference is created and returned by this method. * section of this action definition will be returned * * @param privateResourceName * the resource name * @return the resource with the given name or null if none exists. */ public IActionResource getResource(String privateResourceName) { return getResource(privateResourceName, true); } /** * Return the named resource of null if none exists. If the resource is not explicitly listed in the action resources * section of this action definition, an implicit resource is created if one exists. These implicit resources are * detected by looking at the action sequence resources listed at the top of the action sequence document with the * given name. If an action sequence resource is found an implicit reference is created and returned by this method. * section of this action definition will be returned * * @param privateResourceName * the resource name * @param includeImplicitResource * whether to include implicit resource references. * @return the resource with the given name or null if none exists. */ public IActionResource getResource(String privateResourceName, boolean includeImplicitResource) { Element inputElement = (Element) actionDefElement .selectSingleNode(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_RESOURCES_NAME + "/" + privateResourceName); //$NON-NLS-1$ ActionResource actionResource = null; if (inputElement == null) { if (includeImplicitResource) { IActionSequenceDocument document = getDocument(); if (document != null) { IActionSequenceResource actionSequenceResource = getDocument().getResource(privateResourceName); if (actionSequenceResource != null) { actionResource = new ImplicitActionResource(this, privateResourceName, actionParameterMgr); } } } } else { actionResource = new ActionResource(inputElement, actionParameterMgr); } return actionResource; } /** * Returns all the inputs that are listed in the action inputs section of this action definition. Inputs that have * been assigned a constant value appear in the component definition section and will not be returned by this method. * * @return the inputs list in the action inputs section */ public IActionInput[] getVariableInputs() { List inputElements = actionDefElement.selectNodes(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_INPUTS_NAME + "/*"); //$NON-NLS-1$ IActionInput[] variableInputs = new ActionInput[inputElements.size()]; int index = 0; for (Iterator iter = inputElements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { variableInputs[index++] = new ActionInput((Element), actionParameterMgr); } return variableInputs; } protected ActionInputConstant[] getConstantInputs() { ArrayList constantInputs = new ArrayList(); List componentDefElements = actionDefElement.selectNodes(ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_DEF_NAME + "/*"); //$NON-NLS-1$ for (Iterator iter = componentDefElements.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Element componentDefElement = (Element); if (componentDefElement.elements().size() == 0) { constantInputs.add(new ActionInputConstant(componentDefElement, this.actionParameterMgr)); } } return (ActionInputConstant[]) constantInputs.toArray(new ActionInputConstant[0]); } public IActionInput[] getInputs() { return getInputs((IActionInputFilter) null); } public IActionInput[] getInputs(IActionInputFilter actionInputFilter) { ArrayList inputs = new ArrayList(); IActionInput[] variableInputs = getVariableInputs(); for (int i = 0; i < variableInputs.length; i++) { if ((actionInputFilter == null) || actionInputFilter.accepts(variableInputs[i])) { inputs.add(variableInputs[i]); } } ActionInputConstant[] constants = getConstantInputs(); for (int i = 0; i < constants.length; i++) { if ((actionInputFilter == null) || actionInputFilter.accepts(constants[i])) { inputs.add(constants[i]); } } return (IActionInput[]) inputs.toArray(new IActionInput[0]); } /** * Returns the input in the action inputs section of this action definition that the specified name. Inputs that have * been assigned a constant value appear in the component definition section and will not be returned by this method. * * @param privateParamName * the name of the param as it is known by this action definition (the input element name). * @return the input with the specified name or null if none exists. */ public ActionInput getInputParam(String privateInputName) { Element inputElement = (Element) actionDefElement .selectSingleNode(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_INPUTS_NAME + "/" + privateInputName); //$NON-NLS-1$ return inputElement == null ? null : new ActionInput(inputElement, actionParameterMgr); } public IActionOutput addOutput(String privateParamName, String outputType) { IActionOutput output = getOutput(privateParamName); Element outputElement; if (output == null) { outputElement = DocumentHelper.makeElement(actionDefElement, ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_OUTPUTS_NAME + "/" + privateParamName); //$NON-NLS-1$ outputElement.addAttribute(IAbstractIOElement.TYPE_NAME, outputType); output = new ActionOutput(outputElement, actionParameterMgr); ActionSequenceDocument.fireIoAdded(output); } else { output.setType(outputType); } return output; } /** * Returns all the outputs that are listed in the action outputs section of this action definition. * * @return the outputs list in the action input name */ public IActionOutput[] getOutputs() { List outputsList = actionDefElement.selectNodes(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_OUTPUTS_NAME + "/*"); //$NON-NLS-1$ ActionOutput[] outputs = new ActionOutput[outputsList.size()]; int index = 0; for (Iterator iter = outputsList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { outputs[index++] = new ActionOutput((Element), actionParameterMgr); } return outputs; } /** * Returns the output, with the specified name, listed in the action outputs section of this action definition. * * @param privateParamName * the name of the param as it is known by this action definition (the output element name). * @return the named output or null if none exists. */ public IActionOutput getOutput(String privateParamName) { Element outputElement = (Element) actionDefElement .selectSingleNode(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_OUTPUTS_NAME + "/" + privateParamName); //$NON-NLS-1$ return outputElement == null ? null : new ActionOutput(outputElement, actionParameterMgr); } /** * Returns all the outputs that are listed in the action outputs section of this action definition that have the * specified types. * * @param types * data types of the desired outputs. * @return the outputs listed in the action outputs section of the specified type */ public IActionOutput[] getOutputs(String[] types) { IActionOutput[] allOutputs = getOutputs(); List matchingOutputs = new ArrayList(); if (types == null) { matchingOutputs.addAll(Arrays.asList(allOutputs)); } else { for (int outIdx = 0; outIdx < allOutputs.length; outIdx++) { for (int typeIdx = 0; typeIdx < types.length; typeIdx++) { if (types[typeIdx].equals(allOutputs[outIdx].getType())) { matchingOutputs.add(allOutputs[outIdx]); break; } } } } return (ActionOutput[]) matchingOutputs.toArray(new ActionOutput[0]); } /** * Returns all the outputs that are listed in the action outputs section of this action definition that have the * specified type. * * @param type * data types of the desired outputs. * @return the outputs listed in the action outputs section of the specified type */ public IActionOutput[] getOutputs(String type) { return getOutputs(new String[] { type }); } /** * @return the action definition description */ public String getDescription() { Element descriptionElement = actionDefElement.element(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_TYPE_NAME); return descriptionElement != null ? descriptionElement.getText() : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Set the action definition description * * @param description * the description */ public void setDescription(String description) { if (description == null) { description = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ } Element descriptionElement = actionDefElement.element(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_TYPE_NAME); if (descriptionElement == null) { descriptionElement = actionDefElement.addElement(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_TYPE_NAME); descriptionElement.setText(description); ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionRenamed(this); } else if (!descriptionElement.getText().equals(description)) { descriptionElement.setText(description); ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionRenamed(this); } } public boolean equals(Object arg0) { boolean result = false; if (arg0 instanceof ActionDefinition) { ActionDefinition actionDef = (ActionDefinition) arg0; result = (actionDef.actionDefElement != null ? actionDef.actionDefElement.equals(this.actionDefElement) : (actionDef == this)); } return result; } /** * @return the action control statement (if or loop) that contains this action definition or null if there is no * parent control statement. */ public IActionControlStatement getParent() { ActionControlStatement controlStatement = null; if (actionDefElement != null) { Element ancestorElement = actionDefElement.getParent(); if ((ancestorElement != null) && ancestorElement.getName().equals(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTIONS_NAME) && !ancestorElement.getPath().equals(ActionSequenceDocument.DOC_ACTIONS_PATH)) { if (ancestorElement.element(ActionSequenceDocument.CONDITION_NAME) != null) { controlStatement = new ActionIfStatement(ancestorElement, actionParameterMgr); } else { controlStatement = new ActionLoop(ancestorElement, actionParameterMgr); } } } return controlStatement; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.pentaho.designstudio.dom.IActionSequenceElement#getElement() */ public Element getElement() { return actionDefElement; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.pentaho.designstudio.dom.IActionSequenceElement#delete() */ public void delete() { Document doc = actionDefElement.getDocument(); if (doc != null) { actionDefElement.detach(); ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionRemoved(new ActionSequenceDocument(doc, actionParameterMgr), this); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.pentaho.designstudio.dom.IActionSequenceElement#getDocument() */ public IActionSequenceDocument getDocument() { ActionSequenceDocument doc = null; if ((actionDefElement != null) && (actionDefElement.getDocument() != null)) { doc = new ActionSequenceDocument(actionDefElement.getDocument(), actionParameterMgr); } return doc; } /** * The value of the component definition element at the specified XPath * * @param compDefXpath * the XPath of the element relative to the component definition element. * @return the value of the element or null if the element does not exist */ public String getComponentDefinitionValue(String compDefXpath) { Element componentDef = getComponentDefElement(compDefXpath); return componentDef != null ? componentDef.getText() : null; } /** * The values of the component definition elements at the specified XPath * * @param compDefXpath * the XPath of the elements relative to the component definition element. * @return the values of the elements */ public String[] getComponentDefinitionValues(String compDefXpath) { Element[] componentDefs = getComponentDefElements(compDefXpath); String[] values = new String[componentDefs.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = componentDefs[i].getText(); } return values; } /** * The component definition elements at the specified XPath * * @param compDefXpath * the XPath of the elements relative to the component definition element. * @return the elements */ public Element[] getComponentDefElements(String compDefXpath) { return (Element[]) actionDefElement .selectNodes(ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_DEF_NAME + "/" + compDefXpath) //$NON-NLS-1$ .toArray(new Element[0]); } /** * The component definition element at the specified XPath * * @param compDefXpath * the XPath of the elements relative to the component definition element. * @return the element or null if the element does not exist. */ public Element getComponentDefElement(String compDefXpath) { return actionDefElement == null ? null : (Element) actionDefElement .selectSingleNode(ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_DEF_NAME + "/" + compDefXpath); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * The component definition element. * * @return the element or null if the element does not exist. */ public Element getComponentDefElement() { return (Element) actionDefElement.selectSingleNode(ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_DEF_NAME); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Sets the value of the component definition element at the specified XPath. * * @param compDefXpath * the XPath of the element relative to the component definition element. * @param value * the value to be assigned to the element */ public void setComponentDefinition(String compDefXpath, String value) { setComponentDefinition(compDefXpath, value, false); } /** * Sets the value of the component definition elements at the specified XPath. * * @param compDefXpath * the XPath of the element relative to the component definition element. * @param values * the value to be assigned to the elements */ public void setComponentDefinition(String compDefXpath, String[] values) { boolean changed = false; Element[] componentDefs = getComponentDefElements(compDefXpath); for (int i = 0; i < componentDefs.length; i++) { componentDefs[i].detach(); } if (componentDefs.length > 0) { changed = true; } if (values.length > 0) { Element componentDef = DocumentHelper.makeElement(actionDefElement, ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_DEF_NAME + "/" + compDefXpath); //$NON-NLS-1$ componentDef.setText(values[0]); Element parent = componentDef.getParent(); for (int i = 1; i < values.length; i++) { parent.addElement(componentDef.getName()).setText(values[i]); } changed = true; } if (changed) { ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionChanged(this); } } /** * Sets the attribute value of the component definition element at the specified XPath. * * @param compDefXpath * the XPath of the element relative to the component definition element. * @param attributeName * the attribute name * @param value * the value to be assigned to the attribute */ public void setComponentDefinitionAttribute(String compDefXpath, String attributeName, String value) { Element componentDef = getComponentDefElement(compDefXpath); if (componentDef == null) { if (value != null) { componentDef = DocumentHelper.makeElement(actionDefElement, ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_DEF_NAME + "/" + compDefXpath); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } if (componentDef != null) { componentDef.addAttribute(attributeName, value); ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionChanged(this); } } /** * Sets the value of the component definition element at the specified XPath. * * @param compDefXpath * the XPath of the element relative to the component definition element. * @param value * the value to be assigned to the element * @param useCData * whether a CDATA node should be used to save the value */ public void setComponentDefinition(String compDefXpath, String value, boolean useCData) { if (value == null) { Element[] componentDefs = getComponentDefElements(compDefXpath); for (int i = 0; i < componentDefs.length; i++) { componentDefs[i].detach(); } if (componentDefs.length > 0) { ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionChanged(this); } } else { Element componentDef = getComponentDefElement(compDefXpath); if (componentDef == null) { componentDef = DocumentHelper.makeElement(actionDefElement, ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_DEF_NAME + "/" + compDefXpath); //$NON-NLS-1$ } componentDef.clearContent(); if (useCData) { componentDef.addCDATA(value); } else { componentDef.setText(value); } ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionChanged(this); } } /** * Removes an output from this action definition * * @param privateParamName * the name of the output to be removed. */ public void removeOutput(String privateParamName) { IActionOutput actionOutput = getOutput(privateParamName); if (actionOutput != null) { actionOutput.delete(); } } /** * Removes an input from this action definition * * @param inputName * the name of the input to be removed. */ public void removeInput(String privateParamName) { ActionInput actionInput = getInputParam(privateParamName); if (actionInput != null) { actionInput.delete(); } } /** * Renames the named action input. No operation is performed if the input does not exist. Any inputs defined in the * component definition section that refer to the input using the {oldName} parameter reference are also modified to * refer to {newName}. * * @param oldName * the name of the input to be renamed. * @param newName * the new input name. */ public void renameInput(String oldName, String newName) { if (!oldName.equals(newName)) { ActionInput actionInput = getInputParam(oldName); if (actionInput != null) { Element componentDefElement = actionDefElement.element(ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_DEF_NAME); try { if (componentDefElement != null) { String xmlString = componentDefElement.asXML(); if (xmlString.indexOf("{" + oldName + "}") >= 0) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ xmlString = xmlString.replaceAll("\\{" + oldName + "\\}", "{" + newName + "}"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$ Document document = DocumentHelper.parseText(xmlString); actionDefElement.remove(componentDefElement); actionDefElement.add(document.getRootElement()); } } actionInput.setName(newName); } catch (DocumentException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * Removes a resource from this action definition * * @param privateResourceName * the name of the resource to be removed. */ public void removeResource(String privateResourceName) { IActionResource actionResource = getResource(privateResourceName); if (actionResource != null) { actionResource.delete(); } } /** * Removes all inputs from this action definition */ public void deleteAllInputs() { IActionInput[] actionInputs = getInputs(new VariableActionInputFilter()); for (int i = 0; i < actionInputs.length; i++) { ((ActionInput) actionInputs[i]).delete(); } } /** * Removes all output from this action definition */ public void deleteAllOutputs() { IActionOutput[] actionOutputs = getOutputs(); for (int i = 0; i < actionOutputs.length; i++) { actionOutputs[i].delete(); } } /** * Removes all resources from this action definition */ public void deleteAllResources() { IActionResource[] actionResources = getResources(); for (int i = 0; i < actionResources.length; i++) { actionResources[i].delete(); } } /** * Removes all component definition elements at the specified XPath * * @param compDefXpath * the XPath of the elements relative to the component definition element. */ public void removeComponentDefinitions(String compDefXpath) { Element[] componentDefs = getComponentDefElements(compDefXpath); for (int i = 0; i < componentDefs.length; i++) { componentDefs[i].detach(); } if (componentDefs.length > 0) { ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionChanged(this); } } /** * Removes all component definition child elements from this action definition. */ public void removeComponentDefinitions() { if (actionDefElement != null) { Element componentDefElement = actionDefElement.element(ActionSequenceDocument.COMPONENT_DEF_NAME); if (componentDefElement != null) { List elements = componentDefElement.elements(); if (elements.size() > 0) { elements.clear(); ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionChanged(this); } } } } /** * Moves the given input to the specified position in the action inputs list. * * @param actionInput * the input to be moved. * @param index * the new input position */ public void setInputIndex(ActionInput actionInput, int index) { if (this.equals(actionInput.getActionDefinition())) { Element inputsParent = actionDefElement.element(ActionSequenceDocument.ACTION_INPUTS_NAME); List inputs = inputsParent.elements(); int currentIndex = inputs.indexOf(actionInput.getElement()); if (currentIndex != index) { List elements = inputsParent.elements(); elements.remove(currentIndex); if (index > elements.size() - 1) { elements.add(actionInput.getElement()); } else { elements.add(index, actionInput.getElement()); } ActionSequenceDocument.fireActionChanged(this); } } } /** * Returns all the private input names that are reserved for use by this action definition. Inputs with these names * are used for a particular purpose by this action definition. * * @return the reserved input names */ public String[] getReservedInputNames() { return EXPECTED_INPUTS; } /** * Returns all the private outputs names that are reserved for use by this action definition. Outputs with these names * are used for a particular purpose by this action definition. * * @return the reserved output names */ public String[] getReservedOutputNames() { return EXPECTED_OUTPUTS; } /** * Returns all the private resource names that are reserved for use by this action definition. Resources with these * names are used for a particular purpose by this action definition. * * @return the reserved output names */ public String[] getReservedResourceNames() { return EXPECTED_RESOURCES; } /** * Creates or modifies the named input parameter to refer to the provided variable. The referenced variable should be * an action sequence input of the parent action sequence document or an action output from an action definition that * precedes this action definition in the document. If the component definition section of this action definition * contains a child element with the given private name, that element is removed from the component definition * section. If the referenced variable name is null, the named action input is deleted, and the component definition * section is left untouched. * * @param privateParamName * the name of the param as it is known by this action definition (the input element name). * @param referencedVariable * the variable to be referenced. May be null. */ private IActionInput setInputParam(String privateParamName, IActionInputVariable referencedVariable) { IActionInput actionInput = null; if (referencedVariable != null) { actionInput = setInputParam(privateParamName, referencedVariable.getVariableName(), referencedVariable.getType()); } else { removeInput(privateParamName); } return actionInput; } /** * Creates the named output parameter, and assigns the output parameter the specified public name and type. The public * name is the name used by succeeding action definitions to refer to this ouput. If the output already exists it is * given the specified public name. If the public name is null or zero length the output is deleted. * * @param privateParamName * the name of the param as it is known by this action definition (the output element name). * @param publicParamName * the public name of the output. May be null. * @param outputType * the output type. Ignored if the publicParamName is null. * @return the created/modified action output. */ protected IActionOutput setOutput(String privateParamName, String publicParamName, String outputType) { IActionOutput actionOutput = null; if ((publicParamName == null) || (publicParamName.trim().length() == 0)) { removeOutput(privateParamName); } else { actionOutput = addOutput(privateParamName, outputType); actionOutput.setMapping(publicParamName); } return actionOutput; } /** * Returns the public name of the output with the specified private name. * * @param privateName * the name of the param as it is known by this action definition (the output element name). * @param outputType * the output type. Ignored if the publicParamName is null. * @return the output public name or null if the output does not exist. */ protected String getPublicOutputName(String privateName) { String publicName = null; IActionOutput actionOutput = getOutput(privateName); if (actionOutput != null) { publicName = actionOutput.getPublicName(); } return publicName; } /** * Verifies that there is an action input or component definition defined for the specified parameter. If an action * input exists the method insures that is references a valid variable. * * @param privateParamName * the name of the param to be validated. * @return null if no errors are detected or the validation error otherwise. */ protected ActionSequenceValidationError validateInput(String privateParamName) { int errorCode = ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_OK; ActionInput actionInput = getInputParam(privateParamName); if (actionInput == null) { if (getComponentDefElement(privateParamName) == null) { errorCode = ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_MISSING; } } else { IActionInputVariable[] availableInputVariables = getDocument().getAvailInputVariables(this, actionInput.getType()); if (availableInputVariables.length == 0) { errorCode = ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_REFERENCES_UNKNOWN_VAR; } else { errorCode = ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_UNINITIALIZED; for (int i = 0; (i < availableInputVariables.length) && (errorCode == ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_UNINITIALIZED); i++) { if (availableInputVariables[i] instanceof ActionSequenceInput) { ActionSequenceInput actionSequenceInput = (ActionSequenceInput) availableInputVariables[i]; if (actionSequenceInput.getDefaultValue() != null) { errorCode = ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_OK; } } else if (availableInputVariables[i] instanceof ActionOutput) { errorCode = ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_OK; } } } } ActionSequenceValidationError validationError = null; if (errorCode != ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_OK) { validationError = new ActionSequenceValidationError(); validationError.actionDefinition = this; validationError.errorCode = errorCode; validationError.parameterName = privateParamName; switch (errorCode) { case ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_MISSING: validationError.errorMsg = "Missing input."; break; case ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_REFERENCES_UNKNOWN_VAR: validationError.errorMsg = "Input references unknown variable."; break; case ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_UNINITIALIZED: validationError.errorMsg = "Input is uninitialized."; break; } } return validationError; } /** * Verifies that there is an action input or action resource defined for the specified parameter. If so the method * verifies that the input/resource references a valid variable/action sequence resource. * * @param privateResourceName * the name of the param to be validated. * @return null if no errors are detected or the validation error otherwise. */ protected ActionSequenceValidationError validateResource(String privateResourceName) { ActionSequenceValidationError validationError = validateInput(privateResourceName); if (validationError != null) { validationError = null; int errorCode = ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_OK; IActionResource actionResource = getResource(privateResourceName); if (actionResource == null) { errorCode = ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_MISSING; } else { errorCode = ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_REFERENCES_UNKNOWN_VAR; } if (errorCode != ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_OK) { validationError = new ActionSequenceValidationError(); validationError.actionDefinition = this; validationError.errorCode = errorCode; validationError.parameterName = privateResourceName; switch (errorCode) { case ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_MISSING: validationError.errorMsg = "Missing input."; break; case ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_REFERENCES_UNKNOWN_VAR: validationError.errorMsg = "Input references unknown variable."; break; case ActionSequenceValidationError.INPUT_UNINITIALIZED: validationError.errorMsg = "Input is uninitialized."; break; } } } return validationError; } /** * This is the default implementation for validating an action definition. By default no errors are returned. * Subclasses of this class should override this method to validate the necessary inputs, outputs, and resources. * * @return the validation errors that were detected. */ public IActionSequenceValidationError[] validate() { return EMPTY_ARRAY; } /** * Verifies that there is an action output defined with the given name. * * @param privateParamName * the name of the param to be validated. * @return null if no errors are detected or the validation error otherwise. */ protected ActionSequenceValidationError validateOutput(String privateParamName) { ActionSequenceValidationError validationError = null; if (getOutput(privateParamName) == null) { validationError = new ActionSequenceValidationError(); validationError.actionDefinition = this; validationError.errorCode = ActionSequenceValidationError.OUTPUT_MISSING; validationError.parameterName = privateParamName; validationError.errorMsg = "Missing output."; } return validationError; } public IActionParameterMgr getActionParameterMgr() { return actionParameterMgr; } public void setActionParameterMgr(IActionParameterMgr actionParameterMgr) { this.actionParameterMgr = actionParameterMgr; } public int hashCode() { return actionDefElement != null ? actionDefElement.hashCode() : super.hashCode(); } }