Java tutorial
/* ==================================================================== * Copyright 2005 Jrmi Joslin. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ==================================================================== */ package org.pengyou.client.lib; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.util.URIUtil; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PutMethod; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.pengyou.client.lib.methods.PropFindMethod; import org.pengyou.client.lib.methods.DepthSupport; import org.pengyou.client.lib.methods.DeleteMethod; import org.pengyou.client.lib.methods.PropPatchMethod; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.DateFormat; public class DavResource extends DavSession { protected String path; protected int statusCode; protected boolean exist; protected byte[] contentBody; protected String displayName; protected long contentLength; protected int defaultDepth = DepthSupport.DEPTH_1; protected boolean propfindExecuted = false; protected boolean isNew = false; private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DavResource.class); /** * list of available export format */ protected List exportFormat = null; /** * An WebDAV property, contenttype. */ protected String contentType = ""; /** * An WebDAV property, resourcetype. */ protected ResourceTypeProperty resourceType; /** * An WebDAV property, getlastmodified. */ protected long lastModified; /** * An WebDAV property, creationdate. */ protected long creationDate; /** * An WebDAV property, getetag. */ protected String etag = ""; /** * Owner information for locking and unlocking. */ protected String owner = null; /** * An WebDAV property, ishidden. */ protected boolean isHidden; /** * An WebDAV property, iscollection. */ // protected boolean isCollection; /** * An WebDAV property, supportedlock. */ protected String supportedLock = ""; /** * An WebDAV property, lockdiscovery. */ protected LockDiscoveryProperty lockDiscovery; // -------------------------------------- Constants for WebDAV properties. /** * The displayname property. */ public static final String DISPLAYNAME = "displayname"; /** * The getcontentlanguage property. */ public static final String GETCONTENTLANGUAGE = "getcontentlanguage"; /** * The getcontentlength property. */ public static final String GETCONTENTLENGTH = "getcontentlength"; /** * The getlastmodifed property. */ public static final String GETLASTMODIFIED = "getlastmodified"; /** * The creationdate property. */ public static final String CREATIONDATE = "creationdate"; /** * The resourcetype property. */ public static final String RESOURCETYPE = "resourcetype"; /** * The source property. */ public static final String SOURCE = "source"; /** * The getcontenttype property. */ public static final String GETCONTENTTYPE = "getcontenttype"; /** * The getetag property. */ public static final String GETETAG = "getetag"; /** * The ishidden property. */ public static final String ISHIDDEN = "ishidden"; /** * The iscollection property. */ public static final String ISCOLLECTION = "iscollection"; /** * The supportedlock property. */ public static final String SUPPORTEDLOCK = "supportedlock"; /** * The lockdiscovery property. */ public static final String LOCKDISCOVERY = "lockdiscovery"; /** * The lockdiscovery property. */ public static final String PROPERTYEXPORTFORMAT = "exportformat"; /** * Date formats using for Date parsing. */ public static final SimpleDateFormat formats[] = { new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz", Locale.US), new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy", Locale.US), new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEEE, dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss zzz", Locale.US), new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMMM d HH:mm:ss yyyy", Locale.US), new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.US), new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.sss'Z'", Locale.US) }; /** * Table of the hrefs gotten in a collection. */ protected WebdavResources childResources = new WebdavResources(); private boolean followRedirects; public DavResource(String path, DavContext context) { setPath(path); this.context = context; } public InputStream getContentAsStream() throws IOException { return getContentAsStream(false); } public InputStream getContentAsStream(boolean forceReload) throws IOException { if ((contentBody != null && contentBody.length > 0 && !forceReload) || getMethods()) return new ByteArrayInputStream(contentBody); return null; } /** * write the content to an output Stream * @param oStream * @param forceReload * @throws IOException */ public void getContentAsStream(OutputStream oStream, boolean forceReload) throws IOException { if ((contentBody != null && contentBody.length > 0 && !forceReload) || getMethods()) oStream.write(contentBody); } /** * write the content to an output Stream * @param oStream * @throws IOException */ public void getContentAsStream(OutputStream oStream) throws IOException { getContentAsStream(oStream, false); } public void getExportContentAsStream(String fileExtension, OutputStream oStream) throws IOException { if (!getExportFormat().contains(fileExtension)) throw new WebdavException(fileExtension + " is not a known export format"); oStream.write(getMethods(fileExtension)); } public void setContent(InputStream iStream) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = new byte[iStream.available()];, 0, bytes.length); this.contentBody = bytes; } public boolean isCollection() throws IOException { return (getResourceType() != null ? getResourceType().isCollection() : null); } public ResourceTypeProperty getResourceType() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted) setAllProp(); return resourceType; } protected void setLockDiscovery(LockDiscoveryProperty lockDiscovery) { this.lockDiscovery = lockDiscovery; } public String getDisplayName() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted) setAllProp(); return displayName; } public String getPath() { try { return URIUtil.decode(path); } catch (URIException e) { return path; } } public int getStatusCode() { return statusCode; } public boolean isExist() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted && !this.isNew) setAllProp(); return exist; } public long getContentLength() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted && !this.isNew) setAllProp(); return contentLength; } public String getContentType() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted && !this.isNew) setAllProp(); return contentType; } public long getLastModified() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted && !this.isNew) setAllProp(); return lastModified; } public long getCreationDate() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted && !this.isNew) setAllProp(); return creationDate; } public String getEtag() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted && !this.isNew) setAllProp(); return etag; } public String getOwner() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted && !this.isNew) setAllProp(); return owner; } public boolean isHidden() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted && !this.isNew) setAllProp(); return isHidden; } public String getSupportedLock() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted && !this.isNew) setAllProp(); return supportedLock; } public String getFullUrl() throws URIException { return context.getHttpURL() + ":" + context.getPort() + context.getBaseUrl() + path; } public String getHashCode() throws IOException { return "R" + getDisplayName().hashCode() + "" + getCreationDate() + "" + getLastModified(); } public List getExportFormat() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted && !this.isNew) setAllProp(); return exportFormat; } public boolean isNew() throws IOException { if (!propfindExecuted && !this.isNew) setAllProp(); return isNew; } public void setNew(boolean value) { this.isNew = value; } protected void setExistence(boolean exists) { this.exist = exists; } public void setPath(String path) { path = ((path.length() > 0) && path.charAt(0) == '/' ? path.substring(1) : path); try { this.path = URIUtil.encodePath(path); } catch (URIException e) { this.path = path; log.warn("can't encode the path ", e); } } protected void setEncodedPath(String path) { try { setPath(URIUtil.decode(path)); } catch (URIException e) { this.path = path; log.warn("can't decode the path ", e); } } public void setContentType(String contentType) { this.contentType = contentType; } /** * Execute the DELETE method for the given path. * * @return true if the method is succeeded. * @exception HttpException * @exception IOException */ protected boolean deleteMethod() throws HttpException, IOException { HttpClient client = getSessionInstance(); DeleteMethod method = new DeleteMethod(context.getBaseUrl() + path); method.setDebug(debug); method.setFollowRedirects(this.followRedirects); generateIfHeader(method); generateTransactionHeader(method); int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); this.statusCode = statusCode; return (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300); } /** * Execute a get on the server and fill in the contentBody * @return * @throws IOException */ private boolean getMethods() throws IOException { try { this.contentBody = getMethods(null); return true; } catch (HttpException e) { return false; } } private byte[] getMethods(String fileExtension) throws IOException { HttpClient client; client = getSessionInstance(); GetMethod method = null; if (fileExtension == null) method = new GetMethod(context.getBaseUrl() + path); else method = new GetMethod(context.getBaseUrl() + path + "?OutputFormat=" + fileExtension); int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); this.statusCode = statusCode; // get the file only if status is any kind of OK if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) return method.getResponseBody(); else { HttpException e = new HttpException("can't get the resource"); e.setReasonCode(statusCode); throw e; } } private Enumeration propfindMethod(int depth) throws HttpException, IOException { HttpClient client = getSessionInstance(); // Change the depth for allprop PropFindMethod method = new PropFindMethod(context.getBaseUrl() + this.path, depth); method.setDebug(debug); // Default depth=infinity, type=allprop //generateTransactionHeader(method); int status = client.executeMethod(method); // Set status code. this.statusCode = status; // Also accept OK sent by buggy servers. if (status != HttpStatus.SC_MULTI_STATUS && status != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { HttpException ex = new HttpException(); ex.setReasonCode(status); throw ex; } //setWebdavProperties(method.getResponses()); return method.getResponses(); } /** * Execute PROPATCH method for the specified resource with the given * property. * * @param path the server relative path of the resource to act on * @param propertyName the property name string (in "DAV:" namespace) * @param propertyValue the property value string * If the proppatch action is being removed, the value is null or any. * @param action true if it's to be set, false if it's to be removed * @return true if the method is succeeded * @exception HttpException * @exception IOException */ public boolean proppatchMethod(String propertyName, String propertyValue, boolean action) throws HttpException, IOException { Hashtable property = new Hashtable(); property.put(propertyName, propertyValue); return proppatchMethod(property, action); } /** * Execute PROPATCH method for the specified resource with the given * properties. * * @param path the server relative path of the resource to act on * @param properties the name(= <code>String</code> or <code>PropertyName * </code> and value(= <code>String</code>) pairs for proppatch action * If the proppatch action is being removed, the value is null or any. * @param action true if it's being set, false if it's being removed * @return true if the method is succeeded. * @exception HttpException * @exception IOException */ public boolean proppatchMethod(Hashtable properties, boolean action) throws HttpException, IOException { HttpClient client = getSessionInstance(); PropPatchMethod method = new PropPatchMethod(context.getBaseUrl() + this.path); method.setDebug(debug); method.setFollowRedirects(this.followRedirects); generateIfHeader(method); Enumeration names = properties.keys(); boolean hasSomething = false; if (names.hasMoreElements()) { hasSomething = true; } while (names.hasMoreElements()) { Object item = names.nextElement(); if (item instanceof String) { String name = (String) item; String value = (String) properties.get(item); if (action) { method.addPropertyToSet(name, value); } else { method.addPropertyToRemove(name); } } else if (item instanceof PropertyName) { String name = ((PropertyName) item).getLocalName(); String namespaceURI = ((PropertyName) item).getNamespaceURI(); String value = (String) properties.get(item); if (action) { method.addPropertyToSet(name, value, null, namespaceURI); } else { method.addPropertyToRemove(name, null, namespaceURI); } } else { // unknown type, debug or ignore it } } if (hasSomething) { generateTransactionHeader(method); int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); // Possbile Status Codes => SC_OK // WebdavStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN, SC_CONFLICT, SC_LOCKED, 507 this.statusCode = statusCode; if (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) { return true; } } return false; } /** * save a file on the server * @return true if the save is Ok * @throws IOException * * TODO: generate an exception if the body is empty */ public boolean save() throws IOException { if (this.contentBody != null) return this.putMethod(); return false; } /** * Execute the PUT method for the given path. * * @param path the server relative path to put the data * @param is The input stream. * @return true if the method is succeeded. * @exception HttpException * @exception IOException */ protected boolean putMethod() throws HttpException, IOException { log.debug("putMethod"); InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(this.contentBody); HttpClient client = getSessionInstance(); PutMethod method = new PutMethod(context.getBaseUrl() + path); generateIfHeader(method); if (getContentType() != null && !getContentType().equals("")) method.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", getContentType()); method.setRequestContentLength(PutMethod.CONTENT_LENGTH_CHUNKED); method.setRequestBody(is); generateTransactionHeader(method); int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method); this.statusCode = statusCode; return (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) ? true : false; } /** * Generates and adds the "Transaction" header if this method is part of * an externally controlled transaction. */ protected void generateTransactionHeader(HttpMethod method) { if (this.client == null || method == null) return; WebdavState state = (WebdavState) this.client.getState(); String txHandle = state.getTransactionHandle(); if (txHandle != null) { method.setRequestHeader("Transaction", "<" + txHandle + ">"); } } /** * Generate and add the If header to the specified HTTP method. */ protected void generateIfHeader(HttpMethod method) { if (client == null) return; if (method == null) return; WebdavState state = (WebdavState) this.client.getState(); String[] lockTokens = state.getAllLocks(method.getPath()); if (lockTokens.length == 0) return; StringBuffer ifHeaderValue = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < lockTokens.length; i++) { ifHeaderValue.append("(<").append(lockTokens[i]).append(">) "); } method.setRequestHeader("If", ifHeaderValue.toString()); } /** * Set WebDAV properties following to the given http URL. * This method is fundamental for getting information of a collection. * * @param responses An enumeration over {@link ResponseEntity} items, one * for each resource for which information was returned via PROPFIND. * * @exception HttpException * @exception IOException The socket error with a server. */ protected void setWebdavProperties(Enumeration responses) throws HttpException, IOException { // Make the resources in the collection empty. childResources.removeAll(); while (responses.hasMoreElements()) { ResponseEntity response = (ResponseEntity) responses.nextElement(); boolean itself = false; String href = response.getHref(); if (!href.startsWith("/")) href = URIUtil.getPath(href); href = decodeMarks(href); /* * Decode URIs to common (unescaped) format for comparison * as HttpClient.URI.setPath() doesn't escape $ and : chars. */ //String httpURLPath = httpURL.getPath(); String httpURLPath = context.getBaseUrl() + getPath(); String escapedHref = URIUtil.decode(href); // Normalize them to both have trailing slashes if they differ by one in length. int lenDiff = escapedHref.length() - httpURLPath.length(); int compareLen = 0; if (lenDiff == -1 && !escapedHref.endsWith("/")) { compareLen = escapedHref.length(); lenDiff = 0; } else if (lenDiff == 1 && !httpURLPath.endsWith("/")) { compareLen = httpURLPath.length(); lenDiff = 0; } // if they are the same length then compare them. if (lenDiff == 0) { if ((compareLen == 0 && httpURLPath.equals(escapedHref)) || httpURLPath.regionMatches(0, escapedHref, 0, compareLen)) { // escaped href and http path are the same // Set the status code for this resource. if (response.getStatusCode() > 0) this.statusCode = response.getStatusCode(); this.exist = true; itself = true; } } // Get to know each resource. DavResource workingResource = null; if (itself) { workingResource = this; } else { workingResource = createWebdavResource(client); } // clear the current lock set workingResource.setLockDiscovery(null); // Process the resource's properties Enumeration properties = response.getProperties(); while (properties.hasMoreElements()) { Property property = (Property) properties.nextElement(); // ------------------------------ Checking WebDAV properties workingResource.processProperty(property); } String displayName = workingResource.displayName; if (displayName == null || displayName.trim().equals("")) { displayName = getName(href); } if (!itself) { String myPath = getPath(); String childPath = myPath + (myPath.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + DavResource.getName(href); //(myPath.endsWith("/") ? "" : "/") + URIUtil.getName(href); workingResource.setEncodedPath(childPath); workingResource.setExistence(true); } if (!itself) childResources.addResource(workingResource); } } /** * Get an array of pathnames and basic information denoting the WebDAV * resources in the denoted by this pathname. * * array 0: displayname * array 1: getcontentlength * array 2: iscollection or getcontentype * array 3: getlastmodifieddate * array 4: name * array 5: getcreationdate * array 6: getowner * * @return An array of pathnames and more denoting the resources. * @exception HttpException * @exception IOException */ public Vector listBasic() throws HttpException, IOException { if (defaultDepth != DepthSupport.DEPTH_1 || !propfindExecuted) setAllProp(DepthSupport.DEPTH_1); Enumeration hrefs = childResources.getResourceNames(); Vector hrefList = new Vector(); while (hrefs.hasMoreElements()) { try { String resourceName = (String) hrefs.nextElement(); DavResource currentResource = childResources.getResource(resourceName); String[] longFormat = new String[7]; // displayname. longFormat[0] = currentResource.getDisplayName(); long length = currentResource.getContentLength(); // getcontentlength longFormat[1] = new Long(length).toString(); // resourcetype ResourceTypeProperty resourceTypeProperty = currentResource.getResourceType(); // getcontenttype String getContentType = currentResource.getContentType(); longFormat[2] = resourceTypeProperty.isCollection() ? "COLLECTION" : getContentType; Date date = new Date(currentResource.getLastModified()); // getlastmodified // Save the dummy what if failed. longFormat[3] = (date == null) ? "-- -- ----" : // Print the local fancy date format. DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(date); hrefList.addElement(longFormat); // real name of componente longFormat[4] = currentResource.getName(); date = new Date(currentResource.getCreationDate()); // getlastmodified // Save the dummy what if failed. longFormat[5] = (date == null) ? "-- -- ----" : // Print the local fancy date format. DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(date); longFormat[6] = currentResource.getOwner(); } catch (Exception e) { // FIXME: After if's gotten an exception, any solution log.error(e, e); } } return hrefList; } public Vector list() throws HttpException, IOException { if (defaultDepth != DepthSupport.DEPTH_1 || !propfindExecuted) setAllProp(DepthSupport.DEPTH_1); Enumeration hrefs = childResources.getResourceNames(); Vector hrefList = new Vector(); while (hrefs.hasMoreElements()) { try { String resourceName = (String) hrefs.nextElement(); DavResource currentResource = childResources.getResource(resourceName); hrefList.add(currentResource); } catch (Exception e) { // FIXME: After if's gotten an exception, any solution log.error(e, e); } } return hrefList; } /** * Set all properties for this resource. * */ protected void setAllProp() throws HttpException, IOException { setAllProp(defaultDepth); } /** * Set all properties for this resource. * * @param depth The depth */ protected void setAllProp(int depth) throws HttpException, IOException { try { Enumeration responses = propfindMethod(depth); setWebdavProperties(responses); } catch (HttpException e) { if (e.getReasonCode() == 404) this.exist = false; else throw e; } this.propfindExecuted = true; } /** * Create a new WebdavResource object (as a seperate method so that it can * be overridden by subclasses. * * @param client HttpClient to be used by this webdavresource. * @return A new WebdavResource object. */ protected DavResource createWebdavResource(HttpClient client) { DavResource resource = new DavResource("", context); return resource; } /** * Process a property, setting various member variables depending * on what the property is. * * @param property The property to process. */ protected void processProperty(Property property) { if (property.getLocalName().equals(DISPLAYNAME)) { this.displayName = property.getPropertyAsString(); } else if (property.getLocalName().equals(GETCONTENTLENGTH)) { String getContentLength = property.getPropertyAsString(); this.contentLength = Long.parseLong(getContentLength); } else if (property.getLocalName().equals(RESOURCETYPE)) { ResourceTypeProperty resourceType = (ResourceTypeProperty) property; this.resourceType = resourceType; } else if (property.getLocalName().equals(GETCONTENTTYPE)) { this.contentType = property.getPropertyAsString(); } else if (property.getLocalName().equals(GETLASTMODIFIED)) { String getLastModified = property.getPropertyAsString(); setLastModified(getLastModified); } else if (property.getLocalName().equals(CREATIONDATE)) { String creationDate = property.getPropertyAsString(); setCreationDate(creationDate); } else if (property.getLocalName().equals(GETETAG)) { String getEtag = property.getPropertyAsString(); this.etag = getEtag; } else if (property.getLocalName().equals(ISHIDDEN)) { String isHidden = property.getPropertyAsString(); this.isHidden = new Boolean(isHidden).booleanValue(); } else if (property.getLocalName().equals(ISCOLLECTION)) { String isCollection = property.getPropertyAsString(); // this.isCollection = (new Boolean(isCollection)).booleanValue(); } else if (property.getLocalName().equals(SUPPORTEDLOCK)) { String supportedLock = property.getPropertyAsString(); this.supportedLock = supportedLock; } else if (property.getLocalName().equals(LOCKDISCOVERY)) { LockDiscoveryProperty lockDiscovery = (LockDiscoveryProperty) property; setLockDiscovery(lockDiscovery); } else if (property.getLocalName().equals(PROPERTYEXPORTFORMAT)) { ExportProperty exportProperty = (ExportProperty) property; this.exportFormat = exportProperty.getExportFormat(); } } /** * Set the value of DAV property, getlastmodified. * * @param getLastModified The getlastmodified value. */ protected void setLastModified(String getLastModified) { Date date = parseDate(getLastModified); if (date != null) this.lastModified = date.getTime(); } /** * Set the value of DAV property, creationdate. * * @param creationDate The creationdate string. */ protected void setCreationDate(String creationDate) { Date date = parseDate(creationDate); if (date != null) this.creationDate = date.getTime(); } /** * Parse the <code>java.util.Date</code> string for HTTP-date. * * @return The parsed date. */ protected Date parseDate(String dateValue) { // TODO: move to the common util package related to http. Date date = null; for (int i = 0; (date == null) && (i < formats.length); i++) { try { synchronized (formats[i]) { date = formats[i].parse(dateValue); } } catch (ParseException e) { } } return date; } private static String decodeMarks(String input) { char[] sequence = input.toCharArray(); StringBuffer decoded = new StringBuffer(sequence.length); for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length; i++) { if (sequence[i] == '%' && i < sequence.length - 2) { switch (sequence[i + 1]) { case '2': switch (sequence[i + 2]) { case 'd': case 'D': decoded.append('-'); i += 2; continue; case 'e': case 'E': decoded.append('.'); i += 2; continue; case '1': decoded.append('!'); i += 2; continue; case 'a': case 'A': decoded.append('*'); i += 2; continue; case '7': decoded.append('\''); i += 2; continue; case '8': decoded.append('('); i += 2; continue; case '9': decoded.append(')'); i += 2; continue; } break; case '5': switch (sequence[i + 2]) { case 'f': case 'F': decoded.append('_'); i += 2; continue; } break; case '7': switch (sequence[i + 2]) { case 'e': case 'E': decoded.append('~'); i += 2; continue; } break; } } decoded.append(sequence[i]); } return decoded.toString(); } private static String getName(String uri) { String escapedName = URIUtil.getName(uri.endsWith("/") ? uri.substring(0, uri.length() - 1) : uri); try { return URIUtil.decode(escapedName); } catch (URIException e) { return escapedName; } } public String getName() { return getPath(); } }