Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of PaxmlCore. * * PaxmlCore is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PaxmlCore is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with PaxmlCore. If not, see <>. */ package org.paxml.launch; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.paxml.core.FileSystemResource; import org.paxml.core.IEntity; import org.paxml.core.IEntityExecutionListener; import org.paxml.core.IExecutionListener; import org.paxml.core.ITagExecutionListener; import org.paxml.core.PaxmlParseException; import org.paxml.core.PaxmlResource; import org.paxml.core.PaxmlRuntimeException; import org.paxml.core.ResourceLocator; import org.paxml.tag.ITagLibrary; import org.paxml.tag.plan.PlanEntityFactory.Plan; import org.paxml.tag.plan.PlanTagLibrary; import org.paxml.util.AxiomUtils; import org.paxml.util.Elements; import org.paxml.util.PaxmlUtils; import org.paxml.util.ReflectUtils; import; /** * Build a launch model from xml. * * @author Xuetao Niu * */ public class LaunchModelBuilder { /** * The resource matcher with include patterns and exclude patterns. * * @author Xuetao Niu * */ private static final class ResourceMatcher { private final Set<String> include; private final Set<String> exclude; private ResourceMatcher(final Set<String> include, final Set<String> exclude) { super(); this.include = include; this.exclude = exclude; } } private static final String NAME = "name"; private Resource planFile; private LaunchModel model; /** * Build from spring resource that points to xml. * * @param res * the resource * @param props * the initial properties to execute the plan file with * @return the launch model, never null. */ public LaunchModel build(Resource res, Properties props) { OMElement root = null; InputStream in = null; try { model = new LaunchModel(); planFile = res; in = res.getInputStream(); model.setResource(res); root = AxiomUtils.getRootElement(in); // build the primitive parts buildLibraries(root, true); buildListeners(root, true); buildResources(root, true); model.setName(AxiomUtils.getAttribute(root, NAME)); model.setPlanEntity(processPlan(root, props)); return model; } catch (IOException e) { throw new PaxmlRuntimeException("Cannot open stream from resource: " + res, e); } finally { planFile = null; model = null; IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); if (root != null) { root.close(false); } } } private Plan processPlan(OMElement root, Properties props) { final long pid = LaunchModel.generateNextPid(); model.setPlanProcessId(pid); final Paxml paxml = new Paxml(pid, PaxmlUtils.getNextExecutionId()); paxml.addStaticConfig(model.getConfig()); // add the plan tag lib temporarily paxml.getParser().addTagLibrary(new PlanTagLibrary(), false); final PaxmlResource planFileResource; try { planFileResource = PaxmlResource.createFromPath(planFile.getURI().toString()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PaxmlRuntimeException(e); } // add resource for execution paxml.addResources(planFileResource); IEntity entity = paxml.getParser().parseXml(root, planFileResource, null); if (entity == null) { throw new PaxmlRuntimeException("Internal error: should not be null!"); } props.put(LaunchModel.class, model); paxml.execute(entity, System.getProperties(), props); Plan plan = (Plan) entity; return plan; } private void buildListeners(OMElement ele, boolean detach) { for (OMElement child : AxiomUtils.getElements(ele, "listener")) { String className = child.getText().trim(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(className)) { Class<?> clazz = ReflectUtils.loadClassStrict(className, null); if (ReflectUtils.isImplementingClass(clazz, IExecutionListener.class, true)) { model.getConfig().getExecutionListeners().add((Class<? extends IExecutionListener>) clazz); } else if (ReflectUtils.isImplementingClass(clazz, IEntityExecutionListener.class, true)) { model.getConfig().getEntityListeners().add((Class<? extends IEntityExecutionListener>) clazz); } else if (ReflectUtils.isImplementingClass(clazz, ITagExecutionListener.class, true)) { model.getConfig().getTagListeners().add((Class<? extends ITagExecutionListener>) clazz); } else { throw new PaxmlParseException("Unknown listener type: " + clazz.getName()); } } if (detach) { child.detach(); } } } private void buildLibraries(OMElement ele, boolean detach) { for (OMElement child : AxiomUtils.getElements(ele, "library")) { String className = child.getText().trim(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(className)) { Class<? extends ITagLibrary> clazz = (Class<? extends ITagLibrary>) ReflectUtils .loadClassStrict(className, null); model.getConfig().getTagLibs().add(clazz); } if (detach) { child.detach(); } } } public static Set<PaxmlResource> findResources(String base, Set<String> includes, Set<String> excludes) { if (includes == null) { includes = new HashSet<String>(1); includes.add("**/*.*"); } if (excludes == null) { excludes = Collections.EMPTY_SET; } if (base == null) { base = ""; // the current working dir } File f = new File(base); if (f.isDirectory()) { f = new File(f, "fake.file"); } Resource baseRes = new FileSystemResource(f).getSpringResource(); Set<PaxmlResource> include = new LinkedHashSet<PaxmlResource>(0); Set<PaxmlResource> exclude = new LinkedHashSet<PaxmlResource>(0); ResourceMatcher matcher = new ResourceMatcher(includes, excludes); for (String pattern : matcher.include) { include.addAll(ResourceLocator.findResources(pattern, baseRes)); } for (String pattern : matcher.exclude) { exclude.addAll(ResourceLocator.findResources(pattern, baseRes)); } include.removeAll(exclude); return include; } private void buildResources(OMElement root, boolean detach) { for (OMElement ele : AxiomUtils.getElements(root, "resource")) { ResourceMatcher matcher = parseIncludeAndExclude(ele); Set<PaxmlResource> include = new LinkedHashSet<PaxmlResource>(0); Set<PaxmlResource> exclude = new LinkedHashSet<PaxmlResource>(0); for (String pattern : matcher.include) { include.addAll(ResourceLocator.findResources(pattern, planFile)); } for (String pattern : matcher.exclude) { exclude.addAll(ResourceLocator.findResources(pattern, planFile)); } include.removeAll(exclude); final PaxmlResource planFileResource; try { planFileResource = PaxmlResource.createFromPath(planFile.getURI().toString()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PaxmlRuntimeException(e); } include.remove(planFileResource); model.getConfig().getResources().addAll(include); if (detach) { ele.detach(); } } } private ResourceMatcher parseIncludeAndExclude(OMElement ele) { Set<String> include = new LinkedHashSet<String>(0); Set<String> exclude = new LinkedHashSet<String>(0); for (OMElement res : new Elements(ele)) { final String tagName = res.getLocalName(); String pattern = res.getText().trim(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(pattern)) { pattern = pattern.replace('\\', '/'); if ("include".equals(tagName)) { include.add(pattern); } else if ("exclude".equals(tagName)) { exclude.add(pattern); } } } return new ResourceMatcher(include, exclude); } }