Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of the Paxle project. * Visit for more information. * Copyright 2007-2010 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the terms of the Common Public License 1.0 ("CPL 1.0"). * Any use, reproduction or distribution of this program constitutes the recipient's acceptance of this agreement. * The full license text is available under * or in the file LICENSE.txt in the root directory of the Paxle distribution. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, this software is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ package org.paxle.core.threading; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.paxle.core.doc.ICommand; import org.paxle.core.queue.ICommandFilterQueue; import org.paxle.core.queue.ICommandFilteringContext; import org.paxle.core.queue.IInputQueue; import org.paxle.core.queue.IOutputQueue; import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.OverrideMustInvoke; /** * An abstract class of a {@link IWorker worker-thread}. Components such as * <ul> * <li>Core-Crawler</li> * <li>Core-Parser</li> * <li>Indexer</li> * </ul> * extend this class and provide a component-specific implementation of the * {@link #execute(ICommand)} method. * * {@link ICommand commands} are assigned to this component by a {@link IMaster master}-thread. * */ public abstract class AWorker<Data> extends Thread implements IWorker<Data> { private Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass()); /** * The crawler thread pool */ private IPool<Data> myPool = null; /** * The output-queue where the modified command should * be enqueued. */ private IOutputQueue<Data> outQueue = null; /** * The input-queue where incoming commands are fetched * from. */ private IInputQueue<Data> inQueue = null; /** * The next {@link ICommand command} that must be processed by the worker */ private Data command = null; /** * if <code>true</code> the worker was destroyed using {@link IPool#invalidateWorker(IWorker)} */ public boolean destroyed = false; /** * if <code>true</code> the thread was already started with {@link Thread#start()} */ protected boolean running = false; /** * if <code>true</code> the thread was terminated with {@link IWorker#terminate()} */ protected boolean stopped = false; /** * if <code>true</code> the execution of the {@link #command current-command} has finished */ protected boolean done = false; /** * Setter methods to set the pool */ public void setPool(IPool<Data> pool) { this.myPool = pool; } /** * Setter method to set the output-queue */ public void setOutQueue(IOutputQueue<Data> outQueue) { this.outQueue = outQueue; } /** * @see IWorker#setInQueue(IInputQueue) */ public void setInQueue(IInputQueue<Data> inQueue) { this.inQueue = inQueue; } @Override public void run() { this.running = true; try { if (this.outQueue == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Output-Queue was not set properly."); // The thread keeps running. while (!this.stopped && !this.destroyed && !this.isInterrupted()) { if (this.done) { if (this.myPool != null && !this.myPool.closed()) { synchronized (this) { // return thread back into pool this.myPool.returnWorker(this); // We are waiting for a new task now. if (!this.stopped && !this.destroyed && !this.isInterrupted()) { this.wait(); } } } else { this.stopped = true; } } else { try { // if we are in trigger mode we fetch the next command on our own if (this.command == null && this.inQueue != null) { this.command = this.dequeue(); /* * If the command is null here, then it was rejected by one of the * input-queue filters during dequeueing. */ if (this.command == null) { this.logger.debug("Command was null. Maybe command was consumed by a queue filter"); continue; } } else { // set threadname this.setWorkerName(); } // executing the new Command this.execute(this.command); } finally { // write the modified command object to the out-queue if (this.command != null) this.outQueue.enqueue(this.command); // signal that we have finished execution this.done = true; // free memory this.reset(); // reset threadname this.setWorkerName(); } } } this.logger.debug("Worker thread stopped from outside."); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { this.logger.debug("Worker thread interrupted from outside."); } catch (Throwable ex) { this.logger.error(String.format("Unexpected '%s' while processing command '%s'.", ex.getClass().getName(), this.command), ex); } finally { if (this.myPool != null && !this.destroyed && !this.stopped) this.myPool.invalidateWorker(this); } } private Data dequeue() throws InterruptedException { if (this.inQueue instanceof ICommandFilterQueue) { ICommandFilteringContext<ICommand> filteringContext = null; try { // first step: getting the filtering context and pre-dequeue command filteringContext = ((ICommandFilterQueue<ICommand>) this.inQueue).getFilteringContext(); this.command = (Data) filteringContext.getPreFilteredCmd(); } finally { // notify the master that we have fetched the command synchronized (this) { this.notify(); } } // changing thread name this.setWorkerName(filteringContext.getLocation().toString()); // second step: do the real filtering process return (Data) filteringContext.dequeue(); } else { try { // fetch the next command return this.inQueue.dequeue(); } finally { // notify the master that we have fetched the command synchronized (this) { this.notify(); } } } } /** * @see IWorker#assign(ICommand) */ public void assign(Data cmd) { synchronized (this) { this.command = cmd; this.done = false; if (!this.running) { // if the thread is not running until yet, we need to start it now this.start(); } else { // inform the thread about the new command this.notifyAll(); } } } /** * @throws InterruptedException * @see IWorker#trigger() */ public void trigger() throws InterruptedException { if (this.inQueue == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No inputqueue set on this object."); } synchronized (this) { this.done = false; /* * Start or notify the thread */ if (!this.running) { // if the thread is not running until yet, we need to start it now this.start(); } else { // inform the thread about the new command this.notifyAll(); } // wait until the worker has dequeued the command this.wait(60000); } } /** * @see IWorker#getAssigned() */ public Data getAssigned() { return this.command; } protected void setWorkerName() { this.setWorkerName((this.command == null) ? "" : "_" + this.command); } protected void setWorkerName(String postFix) { String className = this.getClass().getSimpleName(); super.setName(String.format("%s_%s", className, postFix)); } /** * This method must be extended by a concrete worker class * to free all command specific data (if any) */ @OverrideMustInvoke protected void reset() { this.command = null; } /** * This method must be implemented by the concrete worker class * and contains all operations needed for command processing * @param cmd the command to execute */ protected abstract void execute(Data cmd); /** * @see IWorker#terminate() */ public void terminate() { if (this.stopped && !this.isAlive()) { // thread already stopped return; } // signal termination to the worker thread this.stopped = true; this.interrupt(); // wait for the thread to finish // XXX: should we use a timeout here? try { this.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* ignore this */} } /** * @see IWorker#destroy() */ @Override public void destroy() { this.destroyed = true; } }