Java tutorial
/* * PatientView * * Copyright (c) Worth Solutions Limited 2004-2013 * * This file is part of PatientView. * * PatientView is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * PatientView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even * the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PatientView in a file * titled COPYING. If not, see <>. * * @package PatientView * @link * @author PatientView <> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2004-2013, Worth Solutions Limited * @license The GNU General Public License V3.0 */ package org.patientview.radar.dao.impl; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.patientview.model.Centre; import org.patientview.radar.dao.UserDao; import org.patientview.radar.dao.UtilityDao; import org.patientview.radar.exception.UserCreationException; import org.patientview.radar.exception.UserMappingException; import org.patientview.radar.exception.UserRoleException; import org.patientview.radar.model.filter.PatientUserFilter; import org.patientview.radar.model.filter.ProfessionalUserFilter; import org.patientview.radar.model.user.AdminUser; import org.patientview.radar.model.user.PatientUser; import org.patientview.radar.model.user.ProfessionalUser; import org.patientview.radar.model.user.User; import org.patientview.radar.model.user.UserMapping; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.RowMapper; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.simple.SimpleJdbcInsert; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Date; public class UserDaoImpl extends BaseDaoImpl implements UserDao { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UserDaoImpl.class); // tables private static final String USER_TABLE_NAME = "user"; // main user table private static final String USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME = "rdr_user_mapping"; // maps user accounts to roles in radar private static final String PV_USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME = "usermapping"; // maps user accounts to units in pv private static final String PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_TABLE_NAME = "specialtyuserrole"; // maps user to a role in pv private static final String ADMIN_USER_TABLE_NAME = "tbl_adminusers"; // maps user accounts to roles in radar private static final String PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME = "tbl_users"; // rdr specific user private static final String PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME = "tbl_patient_users"; // rdr specific patient information // user mapping table fields private static final String ID_FIELD_NAME = "id"; private static final String USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME = "userId"; private static final String USER_MAPPING_ROLE_FIELD_NAME = "role"; private static final String USER_MAPPING_RADAR_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME = "radarUserId"; // pv user mapping table fields private static final String PV_ID_FIELD_NAME = "id"; private static final String PV_USER_MAPPING_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME = "username"; private static final String PV_USER_MAPPING_UNITCODE_FIELD_NAME = "unitcode"; private static final String PV_USER_MAPPING_NHSNO_FIELD_NAME = "nhsno"; private static final String PV_USER_MAPPING_SPECIALITY_ID_FIELD_NAME = "specialty_id"; // pv specialty user role table private static final String PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_ROLE_FIELD_NAME = "role"; private static final String PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_SPECIALTY_ID_FIELD_NAME = "specialty_id"; private static final String PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME = "user_id"; // user table fields private static final String USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME = "username"; private static final String USER_PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME = "password"; private static final String USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME = "email"; // private static final String USER_NAME_FIELD_NAME = "name"; private static final String USER_FIRST_NAME_FIELD_NAME = "firstName"; private static final String USER_LAST_NAME_FIELD_NAME = "lastName"; private static final String USER_DUMMY_PATIENT_FIELD_NAME = "dummypatient"; private static final String USER_IS_CLINICIAN_FIELD_NAME = "isClinician"; private static final String USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_FIELD_NAME = "accountlocked"; private static final String USER_CREATED_FIELD_NAME = "created"; private static final String USER_UPDATED_FIELD_NAME = "updated"; // admin user fields private static final String ADMIN_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME = "uID"; // patient table fields private static final String PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME = "pId"; private static final String PATIENT_USER_RADAR_NO_FIELD_NAME = "RADAR_NO"; private static final String PATIENT_USER_DOB_FIELD_NAME = "pDOB"; private static final String PATIENT_USER_DATE_OF_REGISTRATION_FIELD_NAME = "pDateReg"; // professional user table fields private static final String PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME = "uID"; private static final String PROFESSIONAL_USER_SURNAME_FIELD_NAME = "uSurname"; private static final String PROFESSIONAL_USER_FORENAME_FIELD_NAME = "uForename"; private static final String PROFESSIONAL_USER_TITLE_FIELD_NAME = "uTitle"; private static final String PROFESSIONAL_USER_PHONE_FIELD_NAME = "uPhone"; private static final String PROFESSIONAL_USER_DATE_JOINED_FIELD_NAME = "uDateJoin"; private static final String PROFESSIONAL_USER_GMC_FIELD_NAME = "uGMC"; private static final String PROFESSIONAL_USER_CENTRE_ID_FIELD_NAME = "uCentre"; private static final String PROFESSIONAL_USER_CENTRE_ROLE_FIELD_NAME = "uRole"; private SimpleJdbcInsert userInsert; private SimpleJdbcInsert userMappingInsert; private SimpleJdbcInsert pvUserMappingInsert; private SimpleJdbcInsert pvSpecialtyUserRoleInsert; private SimpleJdbcInsert adminUsersInsert; private SimpleJdbcInsert professionalUsersInsert; private SimpleJdbcInsert patientUsersInsert; private UtilityDao utilityDao; @Override public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { super.setDataSource(dataSource); userInsert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource).withTableName(USER_TABLE_NAME) .usingGeneratedKeyColumns(ID_FIELD_NAME).usingColumns(USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME, USER_PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME, USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_FIELD_NAME, USER_IS_CLINICIAN_FIELD_NAME, USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME, USER_FIRST_NAME_FIELD_NAME, USER_LAST_NAME_FIELD_NAME, USER_CREATED_FIELD_NAME, USER_DUMMY_PATIENT_FIELD_NAME); userMappingInsert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource).withTableName(USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME) .usingGeneratedKeyColumns(ID_FIELD_NAME).usingColumns(USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, USER_MAPPING_ROLE_FIELD_NAME, USER_MAPPING_RADAR_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME); pvUserMappingInsert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource).withTableName(PV_USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME) .usingGeneratedKeyColumns(PV_ID_FIELD_NAME).usingColumns(PV_USER_MAPPING_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME, PV_USER_MAPPING_UNITCODE_FIELD_NAME, PV_USER_MAPPING_NHSNO_FIELD_NAME, PV_USER_MAPPING_SPECIALITY_ID_FIELD_NAME); pvSpecialtyUserRoleInsert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource) .withTableName(PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_TABLE_NAME).usingGeneratedKeyColumns(PV_ID_FIELD_NAME) .usingColumns(PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_ROLE_FIELD_NAME, PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_SPECIALTY_ID_FIELD_NAME, PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME); adminUsersInsert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource).withTableName(ADMIN_USER_TABLE_NAME) .usingGeneratedKeyColumns(ADMIN_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME); professionalUsersInsert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource).withTableName(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME) .usingGeneratedKeyColumns(PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME) .usingColumns(PROFESSIONAL_USER_SURNAME_FIELD_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_FORENAME_FIELD_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_TITLE_FIELD_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_GMC_FIELD_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_CENTRE_ROLE_FIELD_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_PHONE_FIELD_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_CENTRE_ID_FIELD_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_DATE_JOINED_FIELD_NAME); patientUsersInsert = new SimpleJdbcInsert(dataSource).withTableName(PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME) .usingGeneratedKeyColumns(PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME).usingColumns(PATIENT_USER_RADAR_NO_FIELD_NAME, PATIENT_USER_DOB_FIELD_NAME, PATIENT_USER_DATE_OF_REGISTRATION_FIELD_NAME); } public <T extends User> T getUser(String email) { UserMapping userMapping = getUserMapping(email); if (userMapping != null) { if (userMapping.getRole().equals(User.ROLE_ADMIN)) { return (T) getAdminUser(userMapping.getRadarId()); } else if (userMapping.getRole().equals(User.ROLE_PROFESSIONAL) || userMapping.getRole().equals(User.ROLE_SUPER_USER)) { return (T) getProfessionalUser(userMapping.getRadarId()); } else if (userMapping.getRole().equals(User.ROLE_PATIENT)) { return (T) getPatientUser(userMapping.getRadarId()); } } return null; } public AdminUser getAdminUser(String email) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(ADMIN_USER_TABLE_NAME) + buildUserWhereEmailStatement( ADMIN_USER_TABLE_NAME, USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME, ADMIN_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, true), new Object[] { email, User.ROLE_ADMIN }, new AdminUserRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not admin user " + USER_TABLE_NAME + " with " + USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME + " {}", email); } return null; } public AdminUser getAdminUserWithUsername(String username) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(ADMIN_USER_TABLE_NAME) + buildUserWhereEmailStatement( ADMIN_USER_TABLE_NAME, USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME, ADMIN_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, true), new Object[] { username, User.ROLE_ADMIN }, new AdminUserRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not admin user " + USER_TABLE_NAME + " with " + USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME + " {}", username); } return null; } public AdminUser getAdminUser(Long id) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(ADMIN_USER_TABLE_NAME) + buildUserWhereIdStatement(ADMIN_USER_TABLE_NAME, ADMIN_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME), new Object[] { id, User.ROLE_ADMIN }, new AdminUserRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not admin user with " + ADMIN_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " {}", id); } return null; } public List<AdminUser> getAdminUsers() { String sql = buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(ADMIN_USER_TABLE_NAME) + " WHERE " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_ROLE_FIELD_NAME + " = '" + User.ROLE_ADMIN + "'" + " " + " AND " + ADMIN_USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + ADMIN_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_RADAR_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " AND " + USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + ID_FIELD_NAME + " = " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME; return jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new Object[] {}, new AdminUserRowMapper()); } public void saveAdminUser(final AdminUser adminUser) throws Exception { // save details of the user into the radar tables Map<String, Object> adminUserMap = new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put(ADMIN_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, adminUser.getId()); } }; // the only field in this table is id so only need to do new inserts if (!adminUser.hasValidId()) { Number id = adminUsersInsert.executeAndReturnKey(adminUserMap); adminUser.setId(id.longValue()); } // save main user login into the shared rpv table saveUser(adminUser); } public ProfessionalUser getProfessionalUser(Long id) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME) + buildUserWhereIdStatement( PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME), new Object[] { id, User.ROLE_PROFESSIONAL }, new ProfessionalUserRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not professional user with " + PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " {}", id); } return null; } public ProfessionalUser getProfessionalUserByUsername(String username) { try { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("SELECT prf.* "); query.append(", usr.* "); query.append("FROM rdr_user_mapping rmp "); query.append(", user usr "); query.append(", tbl_users prf "); query.append("WHERE rmp.userId = "); query.append("AND prf.uId = rmp.radarUserId "); query.append("AND usr.username = ?"); return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(query.toString(), new Object[] { username }, new ProfessionalUserRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not find professional user with username {}", username); } return null; } // TODO no idea why this is using email and getting passed a username but it's used in a few places public ProfessionalUser getProfessionalUser(String email) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME) + buildUserWhereEmailStatement(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME, USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, true), new Object[] { email, User.ROLE_PROFESSIONAL }, new ProfessionalUserRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not professional user with " + USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME + " {}", email); } return null; } public ProfessionalUser getProfessionalUserWithUsername(String username) { ProfessionalUser professionalUser = null; try { professionalUser = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME) + buildUserWhereEmailStatement(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME, USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, true), new Object[] { username, User.ROLE_PROFESSIONAL }, new ProfessionalUserRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not professional user with " + USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME + " {}", username); } if (professionalUser != null) { professionalUser.setGroupAdmin(utilityDao.isGroupAdmin(username)); } return professionalUser; } public User getSuperUserWithUsername(String username) { /** * This one is an odd one. * * Super admins are just professional users with a different role in the mapping table. * * There was some crazy getSecurityRole() method in ProfessionalUser that restricted super user roles to * certain ids. The SuperUserRowMapper changes this behaviour */ try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME) + buildUserWhereEmailStatement(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME, USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, true), new Object[] { username, User.ROLE_SUPER_USER }, new SuperUserRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not professional user with " + USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME + " {}", username); } return null; } public List<ProfessionalUser> getProfessionalUsers(ProfessionalUserFilter filter, int page, int numberPerPage) { if (filter == null) { filter = new ProfessionalUserFilter(); } List<String> sqlQueries = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); // normal sql query without any filter options sqlQueries.add(buildSelectFromStatement(USER_TABLE_NAME, USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME, "unit") + " WHERE " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_ROLE_FIELD_NAME + " = '" + User.ROLE_PROFESSIONAL + "'" + " " + " AND " + PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_RADAR_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " AND " + USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + ID_FIELD_NAME + " = " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " AND " + PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + PROFESSIONAL_USER_CENTRE_ID_FIELD_NAME + " ="); // if there are search queries then build the where if (filter.hasSearchCriteria()) { sqlQueries.add(" AND " + buildWhereQuery(false, filter.getSearchFields(), true, params)); } // if the filter has a sort then order by it if (filter.hasSortFilter()) { sqlQueries.add(buildOrderQuery(filter.getSortField(), filter.isReverse())); } // if a range has been set limit the results sqlQueries.add(buildLimitQuery(page, numberPerPage, params)); // combine the statement and return result return jdbcTemplate.query(StringUtils.join(sqlQueries.toArray(), " "), params.toArray(), new ProfessionalUserRowMapper()); } public void saveProfessionalUser(final ProfessionalUser professionalUser) throws Exception { // save details of the user into the radar tables Map<String, Object> professionalUserMap = new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_SURNAME_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getSurname()); put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_FORENAME_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getForename()); put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TITLE_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getTitle()); put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_GMC_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getGmc()); put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_CENTRE_ROLE_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getRole()); put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_PHONE_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getPhone()); put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_CENTRE_ID_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getCentre().getId()); put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_DATE_JOINED_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getDateRegistered()); put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getId()); } }; if (professionalUser.hasValidId()) { String updateSql = buildUpdateQuery(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME, PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, professionalUserMap); namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update(updateSql, professionalUserMap); } else { Number id = professionalUsersInsert.executeAndReturnKey(professionalUserMap); professionalUser.setId(id.longValue()); } // save main user login into the shared rpv table saveUser(professionalUser); // create a mapping and role so they can login to PV // make sure we have all the centre data as sometimes it just the id set Centre centre = utilityDao.getCentre(professionalUser.getCentre().getId()); createUserMappingAndRoleInPatientView(professionalUser.getUserId(), professionalUser.getUsername(), null, centre.getUnitCode(), "unitadmin"); } public void deleteProfessionalUser(ProfessionalUser professionalUser) throws Exception { // delete the main user login object deleteUser(professionalUser); // delete the radar specific user information for professional users Map<String, Object> professionalUserMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); professionalUserMap.put(PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, professionalUser.getId()); namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update("DELETE FROM " + PROFESSIONAL_USER_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = :" + PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, professionalUserMap); // remove mappings and roles in PV deleteUserMappingInPatientView(professionalUser.getUsername()); deleteRoleInPatientView(professionalUser.getUserId()); } public PatientUser getPatientUser(Long id) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME) + buildUserWhereIdStatement(PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME, PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME), new Object[] { id, User.ROLE_PATIENT }, new PatientUserRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not patient user with " + ID_FIELD_NAME + " {}", id); } return null; } public PatientUser getPatientUser(String email) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME) + buildUserWhereEmailStatement( PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME, USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME, PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, true), new Object[] { email, User.ROLE_PATIENT }, new PatientUserRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not patient user with " + USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME + " {}", email); } return null; } public PatientUser getPatientUserWithUsername(String username) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject( buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME) + buildUserWhereEmailStatement( PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME, USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME, PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, true), new Object[] { username, User.ROLE_PATIENT }, new PatientUserRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not patient find user with " + USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME + " {}", username); } return null; } public PatientUser getPatientUserByRadarNo(Long radarNo) { try { List<PatientUser> patients = jdbcTemplate.query( buildSelectFromStatement(PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME) + " where radar_no = ?", new Object[] { radarNo }, new BasicPatientUserRowMapper()); if (patients != null && patients.size() > 1) { LOGGER.error("Duplicate patient users found for radarno {}, taking first", radarNo); } return patients != null && patients.size() > 0 ? patients.get(0) : null; } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not patient user with " + PATIENT_USER_RADAR_NO_FIELD_NAME + " {}", radarNo); } return null; } public User createUser(User user) { Map<String, Object> userMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); userMap.put(USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME, user.getUsername()); userMap.put(USER_PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME, user.getPassword()); userMap.put(USER_FIRST_NAME_FIELD_NAME, user.getFirstName()); userMap.put(USER_LAST_NAME_FIELD_NAME, user.getLastName()); userMap.put(USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME, user.getEmail()); userMap.put(USER_DUMMY_PATIENT_FIELD_NAME, false); userMap.put(USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_FIELD_NAME, false); userMap.put(USER_IS_CLINICIAN_FIELD_NAME, false); Number id = userInsert.executeAndReturnKey(userMap); user.setId(id.longValue()); return user; } public Long createLockedPVUser(String username, String password, String firstName, String lastName, String email) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> userMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); userMap.put(USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME, username); userMap.put(USER_PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME, password); userMap.put(USER_FIRST_NAME_FIELD_NAME, firstName); userMap.put(USER_LAST_NAME_FIELD_NAME, lastName); userMap.put(USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME, email); userMap.put(USER_DUMMY_PATIENT_FIELD_NAME, false); userMap.put(USER_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_FIELD_NAME, true); userMap.put(USER_IS_CLINICIAN_FIELD_NAME, false); Number id = userInsert.executeAndReturnKey(userMap); createRoleInPatientView(id.longValue(), "patient"); return id.longValue(); } // users are created in Patient View without our radar mappings public PatientUser getPatientViewUser(String nhsno) { try { String sql = "SELECT DISTINCT u.* FROM USER u, usermapping m WHERE u.username = m.username AND nhsno = ? " + "AND u.username NOT LIKE '%-GP%'"; List<PatientUser> patients = jdbcTemplate.query(sql, new Object[] { nhsno }, new ExternallyCreatedPatientUserRowMapper()); if (patients != null && patients.size() > 1) { LOGGER.error("Duplicate patient user found for nhsno {}, taking first", nhsno); } return patients != null && patients.size() > 0 ? patients.get(0) : null; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not patient user with nhsno {}", nhsno); } return null; } public List<PatientUser> getPatientUsers(PatientUserFilter filter, int page, int numberPerPage) { if (filter == null) { filter = new PatientUserFilter(); } List<String> sqlQueries = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); // normal sql query without any filter options String query = buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME) + " WHERE " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_ROLE_FIELD_NAME + " = '" + User.ROLE_PATIENT + "'" + " " + " AND " + PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_RADAR_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " AND " + USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + ID_FIELD_NAME + " = " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME; sqlQueries.add(query); // if there are search queries then build the where if (filter.hasSearchCriteria()) { sqlQueries.add(" AND " + buildWhereQuery(false, filter.getSearchFields(), true, params)); } // if the filter has a sort then order by it if (filter.hasSortFilter()) { sqlQueries.add(buildOrderQuery(filter.getSortField(), filter.isReverse())); } // if a range has been set limit the results sqlQueries.add(buildLimitQuery(page, numberPerPage, params)); // combine the statement and return result return jdbcTemplate.query(StringUtils.join(sqlQueries.toArray(), " "), params.toArray(), new PatientUserRowMapper()); } public void savePatientUser(final PatientUser patientUser) throws UserCreationException { // save details of the user into the radar tables try { Map<String, Object> patientUserMap = new HashMap<String, Object>() { { put(PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, patientUser.getId()); put(PATIENT_USER_RADAR_NO_FIELD_NAME, patientUser.getRadarNumber()); put(PATIENT_USER_DOB_FIELD_NAME, patientUser.getDateOfBirth()); put(PATIENT_USER_DATE_OF_REGISTRATION_FIELD_NAME, patientUser.getDateRegistered()); } }; if (patientUser.hasValidId()) { String updateSql = buildUpdateQuery(PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME, PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, patientUserMap); namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update(updateSql, patientUserMap); } else { Number id = patientUsersInsert.executeAndReturnKey(patientUserMap); patientUser.setId(id.longValue()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("There has been an exception creating the radar user"); throw new UserCreationException("Error creating the radar user", e); } } public void deletePatientUser(PatientUser patientUser) throws Exception { // delete the main user login object deleteUser(patientUser); // delete the radar specific user information for professional users Map<String, Object> professionalUserMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); professionalUserMap.put(PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, patientUser.getId()); namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update("DELETE FROM " + PATIENT_USER_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = :" + PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, professionalUserMap); } public boolean userExistsInPatientView(String nhsno) { if (nhsno == null || nhsno.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing required param: nhsno"); } String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usermapping WHERE nhsno = ?"; return jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql, nhsno) > 0; } public boolean usernameExistsInPatientView(String username) { if (username == null || username.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing required param: username"); } String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user WHERE username = ?"; return jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql, username) > 0; } public boolean userExistsInPatientView(String nhsno, String unitcode) { if (nhsno == null || nhsno.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing required param: nhsno"); } if (unitcode == null || unitcode.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing required param: unitcode"); } String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM usermapping WHERE nhsno = ? AND unitcode = ?"; return jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(sql, nhsno, unitcode) > 0; } /** * TODO UserMapping object already exists but for Radar. Change this to return a object! * * @param nhsNo * @return */ public List<String> getPatientRadarMappings(String nhsNo) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder(); query.append("SELECT un.unitcode "); query.append("FROM usermapping mp "); query.append(", unit un "); query.append("WHERE un.unitcode = mp.unitcode "); query.append("AND mp.nhsno = '"); query.append(nhsNo); query.append("' "); query.append("AND un.sourceType = 'radargroup' "); return jdbcTemplate.queryForList(query.toString(), String.class); } public void createUserMappingAndRoleInPatientView(Long userId, String username, String nhsno, String unitcode, String rpvRole) throws Exception { createUserMappingInPatientView(username, nhsno, unitcode); createRoleInPatientView(userId, rpvRole); } public void createUserMappingInPatientView(String username, String nhsno, String unitcode) throws Exception { // also need to create a usermapping so this user can also log into rpv to add users Map<String, Object> userMappingMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); userMappingMap.put(PV_USER_MAPPING_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME, username); userMappingMap.put(PV_USER_MAPPING_UNITCODE_FIELD_NAME, unitcode); userMappingMap.put(PV_USER_MAPPING_NHSNO_FIELD_NAME, nhsno); userMappingMap.put(PV_USER_MAPPING_SPECIALITY_ID_FIELD_NAME, 1); // add mapping pvUserMappingInsert.execute(userMappingMap); } public void deleteUserMappingInPatientView(String username) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> userMappingMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); userMappingMap.put(PV_USER_MAPPING_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME, username); userMappingMap.put(PV_USER_MAPPING_SPECIALITY_ID_FIELD_NAME, 1); namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update("DELETE FROM " + PV_USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + PV_USER_MAPPING_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME + " = :" + PV_USER_MAPPING_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME + " AND " + PV_USER_MAPPING_SPECIALITY_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = :" + PV_USER_MAPPING_SPECIALITY_ID_FIELD_NAME, userMappingMap); } public void createRoleInPatientView(Long userId, String rpvRole) throws UserRoleException { try { Map<String, Object> specialtyUserRoleMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); specialtyUserRoleMap.put(PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_ROLE_FIELD_NAME, rpvRole); specialtyUserRoleMap.put(PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_SPECIALTY_ID_FIELD_NAME, 1); specialtyUserRoleMap.put(PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, userId); pvSpecialtyUserRoleInsert.execute(specialtyUserRoleMap); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("The has been an error creating the user specialty role", e); new UserRoleException("Error creating the specialty user role", e); } } public void deleteRoleInPatientView(Long userId) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> specialtyUserRoleMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); specialtyUserRoleMap.put(PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, userId); specialtyUserRoleMap.put(PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_SPECIALTY_ID_FIELD_NAME, 1); namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update("DELETE FROM " + PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = :" + PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " AND " + PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_SPECIALTY_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = :" + PV_SPECIALTY_USER_ROLE_SPECIALTY_ID_FIELD_NAME, specialtyUserRoleMap); } /** * Will map the base user properties from the RPV user table to the user being pulled out for radar * @param resultSet ResultSet * @param user User object to map to * @return User * @throws SQLException */ private User mapUserObject(ResultSet resultSet, User user) throws SQLException { user.setUserId(resultSet.getLong(ID_FIELD_NAME)); user.setUsername(resultSet.getString(USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME)); user.setPassword(resultSet.getString(USER_PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME)); user.setEmail(resultSet.getString(USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME)); user.setFirstName(resultSet.getString(USER_FIRST_NAME_FIELD_NAME)); user.setLastName(resultSet.getString(USER_LAST_NAME_FIELD_NAME)); return user; } /** * Will save the base user properties to the shared table with RPV * @param user User */ private void saveUser(User user) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> userMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); userMap.put(ID_FIELD_NAME, user.getUserId()); userMap.put(USER_USERNAME_FIELD_NAME, user.getUsername()); userMap.put(USER_PASSWORD_FIELD_NAME, user.getPassword()); userMap.put(USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME, user.getEmail()); userMap.put(USER_DUMMY_PATIENT_FIELD_NAME, false); userMap.put(USER_IS_CLINICIAN_FIELD_NAME, user.isClinician()); if (user instanceof ProfessionalUser) { userMap.put(USER_FIRST_NAME_FIELD_NAME, ((ProfessionalUser) user).getForename()); userMap.put(USER_LAST_NAME_FIELD_NAME, ((ProfessionalUser) user).getSurname()); } else { userMap.put(USER_FIRST_NAME_FIELD_NAME, user.getFirstName()); userMap.put(USER_LAST_NAME_FIELD_NAME, user.getLastName()); } if (user.hasValidUserId()) { userMap.put(USER_UPDATED_FIELD_NAME, new Date()); namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update(buildUpdateQuery(USER_TABLE_NAME, ID_FIELD_NAME, userMap), userMap); } else { userMap.put(USER_CREATED_FIELD_NAME, new Date()); Number id = userInsert.executeAndReturnKey(userMap); user.setUserId(id.longValue()); } // have to also create a record in the radar mapping table so we know what role it is if (user.hasValidId()) { saveUserMapping(user); } } /** * Remove a user from radar - this will delete the record in the shared RPV table and the radar user mapping * @param user User */ public void deleteUser(User user) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> userMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); userMap.put(ID_FIELD_NAME, user.getUserId()); // delete the main user object namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update( "DELETE FROM " + USER_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + ID_FIELD_NAME + " = :" + ID_FIELD_NAME, userMap); // delete the user mapping for this user deleteUserMapping(user); } /** * Users are saved in a shared table with RPV * Radar has different roles to RPV and has its own user mapping table that has the role the user has been assigned * @param user User */ public void saveUserMapping(User user) throws UserMappingException { // we only ever want one user mapping per user so just delete any existing and re add Map<String, Object> userMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); userMap.put(USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, user.getUserId()); userMap.put(USER_MAPPING_ROLE_FIELD_NAME, user.getSecurityRole()); userMap.put(USER_MAPPING_RADAR_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, user.getId()); try { // delete any mappings already so we dont end up with two deleteUserMapping(user); // add mapping userMappingInsert.execute(userMap); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error creating a user mapping in radar", e); throw new UserMappingException("Could not create radar mapping", e); } } /** * Delete any user mappings roles for this user * @param user User */ public void deleteUserMapping(User user) throws Exception { Map<String, Object> userMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); userMap.put(USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, user.getUserId()); namedParameterJdbcTemplate.update("DELETE FROM " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + " WHERE " + USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = :" + USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, userMap); } public UserMapping getUserMapping(Long userId, Long radarUserId, String role) { try { String sql = buildSelectFromStatement(USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME) + " WHERE " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = ? " + " AND " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_RADAR_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = ? " + " AND " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_ROLE_FIELD_NAME + " = ? "; return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, new Object[] { userId, radarUserId, role }, new UserMappingRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not getUserMapping " + USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " {}", userId); } return null; } private UserMapping getUserMapping(String email) { try { return jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(buildSelectFromStatement(USER_TABLE_NAME, USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME) + " WHERE " + USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME + " = ? " + " AND " + USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + ID_FIELD_NAME + " = " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME, new Object[] { email }, new UserMappingRowMapper()); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { LOGGER.debug("Could not patient user with " + USER_EMAIL_FIELD_NAME + " {}", email); } return null; } /** * Will build the main select/from statement for the users table * @param userTable Radar user table to use in the select * @return String */ private String buildBaseUserSelectFromStatement(String userTable) { return buildSelectFromStatement(USER_TABLE_NAME, USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME, userTable); } /** * Will take a list of tables and build a select from statement in the form of * SELECT tableName1.*, tableName2 FROM tableName1, tableName2 * @param tableNames List of tables to include in the select * @return String */ private String buildSelectFromStatement(String... tableNames) { String sql = "SELECT "; int count = 0; // build the field selets, we are just assuming all rows from each table for (String table : tableNames) { sql += table + ".*"; if (count < tableNames.length - 1) { sql += ", "; } count++; } return sql += " FROM " + StringUtils.join(tableNames, ", "); } /** * Builds a general user select statement to pull back by the radar user id not the RPV user id * @param userTable User table we are selecting from * @param mapIdField ID field of that user table to match to * @return String */ private String buildUserWhereIdStatement(String userTable, String mapIdField) { return " WHERE " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_RADAR_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " = ? " + " AND " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_ROLE_FIELD_NAME + " = ? " + " AND " + userTable + "." + mapIdField + " = " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_RADAR_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " AND " + USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + ID_FIELD_NAME + " = " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME; } /** * Builds a general user select statement to pull back by the email address of the user * @param userTable User table we are selecting from * @param mapIdField ID field of that user table to match to * @return String */ private String buildUserWhereEmailStatement(String userTable, String whereField, String mapIdField, boolean includeRole) { String sql = " WHERE " + USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + whereField + " = ? "; if (includeRole) { sql += "AND " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_ROLE_FIELD_NAME + " = ? "; } sql += "AND " + USER_TABLE_NAME + "." + ID_FIELD_NAME + " = " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME + " " + "AND " + userTable + "." + mapIdField + " = " + USER_MAPPING_TABLE_NAME + "." + USER_MAPPING_RADAR_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME; return sql; } private class AdminUserRowMapper implements RowMapper<AdminUser> { public AdminUser mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { AdminUser adminUser = (AdminUser) mapUserObject(resultSet, new AdminUser()); adminUser.setId(resultSet.getLong(ADMIN_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME)); return adminUser; } } private class ProfessionalUserRowMapper implements RowMapper<ProfessionalUser> { public ProfessionalUser mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { // map the base user properties ProfessionalUser professionalUser = (ProfessionalUser) mapUserObject(resultSet, new ProfessionalUser()); // now map the specific props for this user in radar professionalUser.setId(resultSet.getLong(PROFESSIONAL_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME)); professionalUser.setSurname(resultSet.getString(PROFESSIONAL_USER_SURNAME_FIELD_NAME)); professionalUser.setForename(resultSet.getString(PROFESSIONAL_USER_FORENAME_FIELD_NAME)); professionalUser.setTitle(resultSet.getString(PROFESSIONAL_USER_TITLE_FIELD_NAME)); professionalUser.setGmc(resultSet.getString(PROFESSIONAL_USER_GMC_FIELD_NAME)); professionalUser.setRole(resultSet.getString(PROFESSIONAL_USER_CENTRE_ROLE_FIELD_NAME)); professionalUser.setPhone(resultSet.getString(PROFESSIONAL_USER_PHONE_FIELD_NAME)); professionalUser.setDateRegistered(resultSet.getDate(PROFESSIONAL_USER_DATE_JOINED_FIELD_NAME)); professionalUser.setSecurityRole(User.ROLE_PROFESSIONAL); // Set the centre Long centreId = resultSet.getLong(PROFESSIONAL_USER_CENTRE_ID_FIELD_NAME); if (centreId != null && centreId > 0) { professionalUser.setCentre(utilityDao.getCentre(centreId)); } return professionalUser; } } private class SuperUserRowMapper extends ProfessionalUserRowMapper { @Override public ProfessionalUser mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { ProfessionalUser professionalUser = super.mapRow(resultSet, i); professionalUser.setSecurityRole(User.ROLE_SUPER_USER); return professionalUser; } } private class PatientUserRowMapper implements RowMapper<PatientUser> { public PatientUser mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { // map the base user properties PatientUser patientUser = (PatientUser) mapUserObject(resultSet, new PatientUser()); // map radar specific ones patientUser.setId(resultSet.getLong(PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME)); patientUser.setDateOfBirth(resultSet.getDate(PATIENT_USER_DOB_FIELD_NAME)); patientUser.setDateRegistered(resultSet.getDate(PATIENT_USER_DATE_OF_REGISTRATION_FIELD_NAME)); patientUser.setRadarNumber(resultSet.getLong(PATIENT_USER_RADAR_NO_FIELD_NAME)); // legacy - patients never had emails but rpv table does so just patient username if (patientUser.getEmail() == null || patientUser.getEmail().length() == 0) { patientUser.setEmail(patientUser.getUsername()); } return patientUser; } } private class BasicPatientUserRowMapper implements RowMapper<PatientUser> { public PatientUser mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { // map the base user properties PatientUser patientUser = new PatientUser(); // map radar specific ones patientUser.setId(resultSet.getLong(PATIENT_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME)); patientUser.setDateOfBirth(resultSet.getDate(PATIENT_USER_DOB_FIELD_NAME)); patientUser.setDateRegistered(resultSet.getDate(PATIENT_USER_DATE_OF_REGISTRATION_FIELD_NAME)); patientUser.setRadarNumber(resultSet.getLong(PATIENT_USER_RADAR_NO_FIELD_NAME)); return patientUser; } } private class ExternallyCreatedPatientUserRowMapper implements RowMapper<PatientUser> { public PatientUser mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { // map the base user properties return (PatientUser) mapUserObject(resultSet, new PatientUser()); } } private class UserMappingRowMapper implements RowMapper<UserMapping> { public UserMapping mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException { UserMapping userMapping = new UserMapping(); userMapping.setUserId(resultSet.getLong(USER_MAPPING_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME)); userMapping.setRadarId(resultSet.getLong(USER_MAPPING_RADAR_USER_ID_FIELD_NAME)); userMapping.setRole(resultSet.getString(USER_MAPPING_ROLE_FIELD_NAME)); return userMapping; } } public void setUtilityDao(UtilityDao utilityDao) { this.utilityDao = utilityDao; } }