Java tutorial
/* * * Paros and its related class files. * * Paros is an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application security. * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Chinotec Technologies Company * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the Clarified Artistic License * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * Clarified Artistic License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the Clarified Artistic License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // ZAP: 2011/05/15 Support for exclusions // ZAP: 2012/02/11 Re-ordered icons, added spider icon and notify via SiteMap // ZAP: 2012/02/18 Rationalised session handling // ZAP: 2012/04/23 Added @Override annotation to all appropriate methods and // removed unnecessary casts. // ZAP: 2012/05/15 Changed the method parse() to get the session description. // ZAP: 2012/06/11 Changed the JavaDoc of the method isNewState(). // ZAP: 2012/07/29 Issue 43: Added support for Scope // ZAP: 2012/08/01 Issue 332: added support for Modes // ZAP: 2012/08/07 Added method for getting all Nodes in Scope // ZAP: 2012/08/29 Issue 250 Support for authentication management // ZAP: 2012/10/02 Issue 385: Added support for Contexts // ZAP: 2012/10/03 Issue 388: Added support for technologies // ZAP: 2012/10/08 Issue 391: Performance improvements // ZAP: 2012/12/14 Issue 438: Validate regexs as part of API enhancements // ZAP: 2013/04/16 Issue 638: Persist and snapshot sessions instead of saving them // ZAP: 2013/08/27 Issue 772: Restructuring of Saving/Loading Context Data // ZAP: 2013/09/26 Issue 747: Error opening session files on directories with special characters // ZAP: 2013/11/16 Issue 869: Differentiate proxied requests from (ZAP) user requests // ZAP: 2014/01/06 Issue 965: Support 'single page' apps and 'non standard' parameter separators // ZAP: 2014/01/31 Issue 979: Sites and Alerts trees can get corrupted - load session on EventDispatchThread // ZAP: 2014-02-04 Added GlobalExcludeURL functionality: Issue: TODO - insert bug/issue list here. // ZAP: 2014/03/23 Issue 997: complains about improper use of addPath // ZAP: 2014/03/23 Issue 999: History loaded in wrong order // ZAP: 2014/05/26 Added listeners for contexts changed events. // ZAP: 2014/06/10 Added helper method for removing data for context and type // ZAP: 2014/07/15 Issue 1265: Context import and export // ZAP: 2014/11/18 Issue 1408: Extend the structural parameter handling to forms param // ZAP: 2014/12/22 Issue 1476: Display contexts in the Sites tree // ZAP: 2015/01/30 Set default context name // ZAP: 2015/02/09 Issue 1525: Introduce a database interface layer to allow for alternative implementations // ZAP: 2015/04/02 Issue 321: Support multiple databases and Issue 1582: Low memory option // ZAP: 2015/08/19 Change to use ZapXmlConfiguration instead of extending FileXML // ZAP: 2015/08/19 Issue 1789: Forced Browse/AJAX Spider messages not restored to Sites tab // ZAP: 2015/10/21 Issue 1576: Support data driven content package org.parosproxy.paros.model; import java.awt.EventQueue; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URI; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.URIException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.parosproxy.paros.Constant; import org.parosproxy.paros.control.Control; import org.parosproxy.paros.db.Database; import org.parosproxy.paros.db.DatabaseException; import org.parosproxy.paros.db.RecordContext; import org.parosproxy.paros.db.RecordSessionUrl; import; import; import org.parosproxy.paros.view.View; import org.zaproxy.zap.control.ExtensionFactory; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.ascan.ExtensionActiveScan; import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.spider.ExtensionSpider; import org.zaproxy.zap.model.Context; import org.zaproxy.zap.model.ParameterParser; import org.zaproxy.zap.model.StandardParameterParser; import org.zaproxy.zap.model.StructuralNodeModifier; import org.zaproxy.zap.model.Tech; import org.zaproxy.zap.model.TechSet; import org.zaproxy.zap.utils.ZapXmlConfiguration; public class Session { // ZAP: Added logger private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Session.class); private static final String ROOT = "session"; private static final String SESSION_DESC = "sessionDesc"; private static final String SESSION_ID = "sessionId"; private static final String SESSION_NAME = "sessionName"; private ZapXmlConfiguration configuration; // other runtime members private Model model = null; private String fileName = ""; private String sessionDesc = ""; private List<String> excludeFromProxyRegexs = new ArrayList<>(); private List<String> excludeFromScanRegexs = new ArrayList<>(); private List<String> excludeFromSpiderRegexs = new ArrayList<>(); // ZAP: Added globalExcludeURLRegexs code. private List<String> globalExcludeURLRegexs = new ArrayList<>(); private List<Context> contexts = new ArrayList<>(); private int nextContextIndex = 1; // parameters in XML private long sessionId = 0; private String sessionName = ""; private SiteMap siteTree = null; private ParameterParser defaultParamParser = new StandardParameterParser(); /** * Constructor for the current session. The current system time will be used as the session ID. * @param model */ protected Session(Model model) { configuration = new ZapXmlConfiguration(); configuration.setRootElementName(ROOT); // add session variable here setSessionId(System.currentTimeMillis()); setSessionName(Constant.messages.getString("session.untitled")); setSessionDesc(""); if (!Constant.isLowMemoryOptionSet()) { // create default object this.siteTree = SiteMap.createTree(model); } this.model = model; discardContexts(); // Always start with one context getNewContext(Constant.messages.getString("")); } private void discardContexts() { if (View.isInitialised()) { View.getSingleton().discardContexts(); } this.contexts.clear(); for (OnContextsChangedListener l : contextsChangedListeners) l.contextsChanged(); nextContextIndex = 1; } protected void discard() { try { model.getDb().getTableHistory().deleteHistorySession(getSessionId()); } catch (DatabaseException e) { // ZAP: Log exceptions log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } discardContexts(); } protected void close() { discardContexts(); } /** * @return Returns the sessionDesc. */ public String getSessionDesc() { return sessionDesc; } /** * @return Returns the sessionId. */ public long getSessionId() { return sessionId; } /** * @return Returns the name. */ public String getSessionName() { return sessionName; } /** * @return Returns the siteTree. */ public SiteMap getSiteTree() { return siteTree; } /** * Tells whether this session is in a new state or not. A session is in a * new state if it was never saved or it was not loaded from an existing * session. * * @return {@code true} if this session is in a new state, {@code false} * otherwise. */ // ZAP: Changed the JavaDoc. public boolean isNewState() { return fileName.equals(""); } protected void open(final File file, final SessionListener callback) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Exception thrownException = null; try { open(file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (Exception e) { thrownException = e; } if (callback != null) { callback.sessionOpened(file, thrownException); } } }); t.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 2); t.start(); } protected void open(final String sessionFile, final SessionListener callback) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Exception thrownException = null; try { open(sessionFile); } catch (Exception e) { thrownException = e; } if (callback != null) { callback.sessionOpened(null, thrownException); } } }); t.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 2); t.start(); } protected void open(String fileName) throws DatabaseException, IOException, Exception { // TODO extract into db specific classes?? if (Database.DB_TYPE_HSQLDB.equals(model.getDb().getType())) { configuration = new ZapXmlConfiguration(new File(fileName)); sessionId = configuration.getLong(SESSION_ID); sessionName = configuration.getString(SESSION_NAME, ""); sessionDesc = configuration.getString(SESSION_DESC, ""); } else { this.setSessionId(Long.parseLong(fileName)); } model.getDb().close(false); model.getDb().open(fileName); this.fileName = fileName; //historyList.removeAllElements(); if (!Constant.isLowMemoryOptionSet()) { SiteNode newRoot = new SiteNode(siteTree, -1, Constant.messages.getString("tab.sites")); siteTree.setRoot(newRoot); } // update history reference List<Integer> list = model.getDb().getTableHistory().getHistoryIdsOfHistType(getSessionId(), HistoryReference.TYPE_PROXIED, HistoryReference.TYPE_ZAP_USER); HistoryReference historyRef = null; discardContexts(); // Load the session urls this.setExcludeFromProxyRegexs(sessionUrlListToStingList( model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().getUrlsForType(RecordSessionUrl.TYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_PROXY))); this.setExcludeFromScanRegexs(sessionUrlListToStingList( model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().getUrlsForType(RecordSessionUrl.TYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_SCAN))); this.setExcludeFromSpiderRegexs(sessionUrlListToStingList( model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().getUrlsForType(RecordSessionUrl.TYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_SPIDER))); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { // ZAP: Removed unnecessary cast. int historyId = list.get(i).intValue(); try { historyRef = new HistoryReference(historyId); if (View.isInitialised()) { final HistoryReference hRef = historyRef; final HttpMessage msg = historyRef.getHttpMessage(); EventQueue.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { SiteNode sn = getSiteTree().addPath(hRef, msg); if (sn != null) { sn.setIncludedInScope(isIncludedInScope(sn), false); sn.setExcludedFromScope(isExcludedFromScope(sn), false); } } }); } else { SiteNode sn = getSiteTree().addPath(historyRef); if (sn != null) { sn.setIncludedInScope(this.isIncludedInScope(sn), false); sn.setExcludedFromScope(this.isExcludedFromScope(sn), false); } } // ZAP: Load alerts from db historyRef.loadAlerts(); if (i % 100 == 99) Thread.yield(); } catch (Exception e) { // ZAP: Log exceptions log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } // update siteTree reference list = model.getDb().getTableHistory().getHistoryIdsOfHistType(getSessionId(), HistoryReference.TYPE_SPIDER, HistoryReference.TYPE_BRUTE_FORCE, HistoryReference.TYPE_SPIDER_AJAX); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { // ZAP: Removed unnecessary cast. int historyId = list.get(i).intValue(); try { historyRef = new HistoryReference(historyId); if (View.isInitialised()) { final HistoryReference hRef = historyRef; final HttpMessage msg = historyRef.getHttpMessage(); EventQueue.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getSiteTree().addPath(hRef, msg); } }); } else { getSiteTree().addPath(historyRef); } if (i % 100 == 99) Thread.yield(); } catch (Exception e) { // ZAP: Log exceptions log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } List<RecordContext> contextData = model.getDb().getTableContext().getAllData(); for (RecordContext data : contextData) { Context ctx = this.getContext(data.getContextId()); if (ctx == null) { ctx = new Context(this, data.getContextId()); this.addContext(ctx); if (nextContextIndex <= data.getContextId()) { nextContextIndex = data.getContextId() + 1; } } switch (data.getType()) { case RecordContext.TYPE_NAME: ctx.setName(data.getData()); if (View.isInitialised() && !ctx.getName().equals(String.valueOf(ctx.getIndex()))) { View.getSingleton().renameContext(ctx); } break; case RecordContext.TYPE_DESCRIPTION: ctx.setDescription(data.getData()); break; case RecordContext.TYPE_INCLUDE: ctx.addIncludeInContextRegex(data.getData()); break; case RecordContext.TYPE_EXCLUDE: ctx.addExcludeFromContextRegex(data.getData()); break; case RecordContext.TYPE_IN_SCOPE: ctx.setInScope(Boolean.parseBoolean(data.getData())); break; case RecordContext.TYPE_INCLUDE_TECH: ctx.getTechSet().include(new Tech(data.getData())); break; case RecordContext.TYPE_EXCLUDE_TECH: ctx.getTechSet().exclude(new Tech(data.getData())); break; } } for (Context ctx : contexts) { try { // Set up the URL parameter parser List<String> strs = this.getContextDataStrings(ctx.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_URL_PARSER_CLASSNAME); if (strs.size() == 1) { Class<?> c = ExtensionFactory.getAddOnLoader().loadClass(strs.get(0)); if (c == null) { log.error("Failed to load URL parser for context " + ctx.getIndex() + " : " + strs.get(0)); } else { ParameterParser parser = (ParameterParser) c.getConstructor().newInstance(); strs = this.getContextDataStrings(ctx.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_URL_PARSER_CONFIG); if (strs.size() == 1) { parser.init(strs.get(0)); } parser.setContext(ctx); ctx.setUrlParamParser(parser); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to load URL parser for context " + ctx.getIndex(), e); } try { // Set up the URL parameter parser List<String> strs = this.getContextDataStrings(ctx.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_POST_PARSER_CLASSNAME); if (strs.size() == 1) { Class<?> c = ExtensionFactory.getAddOnLoader().loadClass(strs.get(0)); if (c == null) { log.error("Failed to load POST parser for context " + ctx.getIndex() + " : " + strs.get(0)); } else { ParameterParser parser = (ParameterParser) c.getConstructor().newInstance(); strs = this.getContextDataStrings(ctx.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_POST_PARSER_CONFIG); if (strs.size() == 1) { parser.init(strs.get(0)); } parser.setContext(ctx); ctx.setPostParamParser(parser); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to load POST parser for context " + ctx.getIndex(), e); } try { // Set up the Data Driven Nodes List<String> strs = this.getContextDataStrings(ctx.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_DATA_DRIVEN_NODES); for (String str : strs) { ctx.addDataDrivenNodes(new StructuralNodeModifier(str)); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to load data driven nodes for context " + ctx.getIndex(), e); } ctx.restructureSiteTree(); } if (View.isInitialised()) { // ZAP: expand root View.getSingleton().getSiteTreePanel().expandRoot(); } this.refreshScope(); System.gc(); } private List<String> sessionUrlListToStingList(List<RecordSessionUrl> rsuList) { List<String> urlList = new ArrayList<>(rsuList.size()); for (RecordSessionUrl url : rsuList) { urlList.add(url.getUrl()); } return urlList; } /** * Asynchronous call to save a session. * @param fileName * @param callback */ protected void save(final String fileName, final SessionListener callback) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Exception thrownException = null; try { save(fileName); } catch (Exception e) { // ZAP: Log exceptions log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); thrownException = e; } if (callback != null) { callback.sessionSaved(thrownException); } } }); t.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 2); t.start(); } /** * Synchronous call to save a session. * @param fileName * @throws Exception */ protected void save(String fileName) throws Exception { File(fileName)); if (isNewState()) { model.moveSessionDb(fileName); } else { if (!this.fileName.equals(fileName)) { // copy file to new fileName model.copySessionDb(this.fileName, fileName); } } this.fileName = fileName; if (!Constant.isLowMemoryOptionSet()) { synchronized (siteTree) { saveSiteTree((SiteNode) siteTree.getRoot()); } } model.getDb().getTableSession().update(getSessionId(), getSessionName()); } /** * Asynchronous call to snapshot a session. * @param fileName * @param callback */ protected void snapshot(final String fileName, final SessionListener callback) { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Exception thrownException = null; try { snapshot(fileName); } catch (Exception e) { // ZAP: Log exceptions log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); thrownException = e; } if (callback != null) { callback.sessionSnapshot(thrownException); } } }); t.setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 2); t.start(); } /** * Synchronous call to snapshot a session. * @param fileName * @throws Exception */ protected void snapshot(String fileName) throws Exception { File(fileName)); model.snapshotSessionDb(this.fileName, fileName); } /** * @param sessionDesc The sessionDesc to set. */ public void setSessionDesc(String sessionDesc) { this.sessionDesc = sessionDesc; configuration.setProperty(SESSION_DESC, sessionDesc); } /** * @param sessionId The sessionId to set. */ public void setSessionId(long sessionId) { this.sessionId = sessionId; //setText(SESSION_ID, Long.toString(sessionId)); configuration.setProperty(SESSION_ID, Long.toString(sessionId)); } /** * @param name The name to set. */ public void setSessionName(String name) { this.sessionName = name; //setText(SESSION_NAME, name); configuration.setProperty(SESSION_NAME, name); } public String getFileName() { return fileName; } private void saveSiteTree(SiteNode node) { HttpMessage msg = null; if (!node.isRoot()) { if (node.getHistoryReference().getHistoryType() < 0) { // -ve means to be saved saveNodeMsg(msg); } } for (int i = 0; i < node.getChildCount(); i++) { try { saveSiteTree((SiteNode) node.getChildAt(i)); } catch (Exception e) { // ZAP: Log exceptions log.warn(e.getMessage(), e); } } } private void saveNodeMsg(HttpMessage msg) { // nothing need to be done } public String getSessionFolder() { String result = ""; if (fileName.equals("")) { // result = Constant.FOLDER_SESSION; result = Constant.getInstance().FOLDER_SESSION; } else { File file = new File(fileName); result = file.getParent(); } return result; } public List<String> getExcludeFromProxyRegexs() { return excludeFromProxyRegexs; } private List<String> stripEmptyLines(List<String> list) { List<String> slist = new ArrayList<>(); for (String str : list) { if (str.length() > 0) { slist.add(str); } } return slist; } private void refreshScope(SiteNode node) { if (node == null) { return; } if (node.isIncludedInScope() == !this.isIncludedInScope(node)) { // Its 'scope' state has changed, so switch it! node.setIncludedInScope(!node.isIncludedInScope(), false); } if (node.isExcludedFromScope() == !this.isExcludedFromScope(node)) { // Its 'scope' state has changed, so switch it! node.setExcludedFromScope(!node.isExcludedFromScope(), false); } // Recurse down if (node.getChildCount() > 0) { SiteNode c = (SiteNode) node.getFirstChild(); while (c != null) { refreshScope(c); c = (SiteNode) node.getChildAfter(c); } } } private void refreshScope() { // log.debug("refreshScope"); if (Constant.isLowMemoryOptionSet()) { // Nothing to do return; } if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) { refreshScope((SiteNode) siteTree.getRoot()); Control.getSingleton().sessionScopeChanged(); } else { try { EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { refreshScope((SiteNode) siteTree.getRoot()); Control.getSingleton().sessionScopeChanged(); } }); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } protected boolean isIncludedInScope(SiteNode sn) { if (sn == null) { return false; } return isIncludedInScope(sn.getHierarchicNodeName()); } private boolean isIncludedInScope(String url) { if (url == null) { return false; } if (url.indexOf("?") > 0) { // Strip off any parameters url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?")); } for (Context context : contexts) { if (context.isInScope() && context.isIncluded(url)) { return true; } } return false; } protected boolean isExcludedFromScope(SiteNode sn) { if (sn == null) { return false; } return isExcludedFromScope(sn.getHierarchicNodeName()); } private boolean isExcludedFromScope(String url) { if (url == null) { return false; } if (url.indexOf("?") > 0) { // Strip off any parameters url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?")); } for (Context context : contexts) { if (context.isInScope() && context.isExcluded(url)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isInScope(HistoryReference href) { if (href == null) { return false; } if (href.getSiteNode() != null) { return this.isInScope(href.getSiteNode()); } try { return this.isInScope(href.getURI().toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return false; } public boolean isInScope(SiteNode sn) { if (sn == null) { return false; } return isInScope(sn.getHierarchicNodeName()); } public boolean isInScope(String url) { if (url.indexOf("?") > 0) { // String off any parameters url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?")); } if (!this.isIncludedInScope(url)) { // Not explicitly included return false; } // Check to see if its explicitly excluded return !this.isExcludedFromScope(url); } /** * Gets the nodes from the site tree which are "In Scope". Searches recursively starting from * the root node. Should be used with care, as it is time-consuming, querying the database for * every node in the Site Tree. * * @return the nodes in scope from site tree */ public List<SiteNode> getNodesInScopeFromSiteTree() { List<SiteNode> nodes = new LinkedList<>(); SiteNode rootNode = (SiteNode) getSiteTree().getRoot(); fillNodesInScope(rootNode, nodes); return nodes; } /** * Gets the top nodes from the site tree which contain nodes that are "In Scope". * Searches recursively starting from the root node. * Should be used with care, as it is time-consuming, querying the database for * every node in the Site Tree. * * @return the nodes in scope from site tree */ public List<SiteNode> getTopNodesInScopeFromSiteTree() { List<SiteNode> nodes = new LinkedList<>(); SiteNode rootNode = (SiteNode) getSiteTree().getRoot(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<SiteNode> en = rootNode.children(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { SiteNode sn = en.nextElement(); if (isContainsNodesInScope(sn)) { nodes.add(sn); } } return nodes; } private boolean isContainsNodesInScope(SiteNode node) { if (node.isIncludedInScope()) { return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<SiteNode> en = node.children(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { SiteNode sn = en.nextElement(); if (isContainsNodesInScope(sn)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Fills a given list with nodes in scope, searching recursively. * * @param rootNode the root node * @param nodesList the nodes list */ private void fillNodesInScope(SiteNode rootNode, List<SiteNode> nodesList) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<SiteNode> en = rootNode.children(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { SiteNode sn = en.nextElement(); if (isInScope(sn)) nodesList.add(sn); fillNodesInScope(sn, nodesList); } } /** * Gets the nodes from the site tree which are "In Scope" in a given context. Searches recursively * starting from the root node. Should be used with care, as it is time-consuming, querying the database * for every node in the Site Tree. * * @param context the context * @return the nodes in scope from site tree */ public List<SiteNode> getNodesInContextFromSiteTree(Context context) { List<SiteNode> nodes = new LinkedList<>(); SiteNode rootNode = (SiteNode) getSiteTree().getRoot(); fillNodesInContext(rootNode, nodes, context); return nodes; } /** * Fills a given list with nodes in context, searching recursively. * * @param rootNode the root node * @param nodesList the nodes list * @param context the context */ private void fillNodesInContext(SiteNode rootNode, List<SiteNode> nodesList, Context context) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Enumeration<SiteNode> en = rootNode.children(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { SiteNode sn = en.nextElement(); if (context.isInContext(sn)) nodesList.add(sn); fillNodesInContext(sn, nodesList, context); } } public void setExcludeFromProxyRegexs(List<String> ignoredRegexs) throws DatabaseException { // Validate its a valid regex first for (String url : ignoredRegexs) { Pattern.compile(url, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } this.excludeFromProxyRegexs = stripEmptyLines(ignoredRegexs); // ZAP: Added fullList & globalExcludeURLRegexs code. List<String> fullList = new ArrayList<String>(); fullList.addAll(this.excludeFromProxyRegexs); fullList.addAll(this.globalExcludeURLRegexs); Control.getSingleton().setExcludeFromProxyUrls(fullList); // For debugging the GlobalExcludeURL functionality. /*log.warn("setExcludeFromProxyRegexs (ignored, session.proxy,, fullList"); log.warn(ignoredRegexs.toString()); log.warn(excludeFromProxyRegexs.toString()); log.warn(globalExcludeURLRegexs.toString()); log.warn(fullList); */ model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().setUrls(RecordSessionUrl.TYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_PROXY, this.excludeFromProxyRegexs); // Thought for GlobalExcludeURL; we can create addUrls() and call that too - but I don't think it is needed. } public void addExcludeFromProxyRegex(String ignoredRegex) throws DatabaseException { // Validate its a valid regex first Pattern.compile(ignoredRegex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); this.excludeFromProxyRegexs.add(ignoredRegex); Control.getSingleton().setExcludeFromProxyUrls(this.excludeFromProxyRegexs); model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().setUrls(RecordSessionUrl.TYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_PROXY, this.excludeFromProxyRegexs); } public List<String> getExcludeFromScanRegexs() { return excludeFromScanRegexs; } public void addExcludeFromScanRegexs(String ignoredRegex) throws DatabaseException { // Validate its a valid regex first Pattern.compile(ignoredRegex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); this.excludeFromScanRegexs.add(ignoredRegex); ExtensionActiveScan extAscan = (ExtensionActiveScan) Control.getSingleton().getExtensionLoader() .getExtension(ExtensionActiveScan.NAME); if (extAscan != null) { // ZAP: Added fullList & globalExcludeURLRegexs code. List<String> fullList = new ArrayList<String>(); fullList.addAll(this.excludeFromScanRegexs); fullList.addAll(this.globalExcludeURLRegexs); extAscan.setExcludeList(fullList); } model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().setUrls(RecordSessionUrl.TYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_SCAN, this.excludeFromScanRegexs); } public void setExcludeFromScanRegexs(List<String> ignoredRegexs) throws DatabaseException { // Validate its a valid regex first for (String url : ignoredRegexs) { Pattern.compile(url, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } this.excludeFromScanRegexs = stripEmptyLines(ignoredRegexs); ExtensionActiveScan extAscan = (ExtensionActiveScan) Control.getSingleton().getExtensionLoader() .getExtension(ExtensionActiveScan.NAME); if (extAscan != null) { // ZAP: Added fullList & globalExcludeURLRegexs code. List<String> fullList = new ArrayList<String>(); fullList.addAll(this.excludeFromScanRegexs); fullList.addAll(this.globalExcludeURLRegexs); extAscan.setExcludeList(fullList); } model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().setUrls(RecordSessionUrl.TYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_SCAN, this.excludeFromScanRegexs); } public List<String> getExcludeFromSpiderRegexs() { return excludeFromSpiderRegexs; } public void addExcludeFromSpiderRegex(String ignoredRegex) throws DatabaseException { // Validate its a valid regex first Pattern.compile(ignoredRegex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); this.excludeFromSpiderRegexs.add(ignoredRegex); ExtensionSpider extSpider = (ExtensionSpider) Control.getSingleton().getExtensionLoader() .getExtension(ExtensionSpider.NAME); if (extSpider != null) { // ZAP: Added fullList & globalExcludeURLRegexs code. List<String> fullList = new ArrayList<String>(); fullList.addAll(this.excludeFromSpiderRegexs); fullList.addAll(this.globalExcludeURLRegexs); extSpider.setExcludeList(fullList); } model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().setUrls(RecordSessionUrl.TYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_SPIDER, this.excludeFromSpiderRegexs); } public void setExcludeFromSpiderRegexs(List<String> ignoredRegexs) throws DatabaseException { // Validate its a valid regex first for (String url : ignoredRegexs) { Pattern.compile(url, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } this.excludeFromSpiderRegexs = stripEmptyLines(ignoredRegexs); ExtensionSpider extSpider = (ExtensionSpider) Control.getSingleton().getExtensionLoader() .getExtension(ExtensionSpider.NAME); if (extSpider != null) { // ZAP: Added fullList & globalExcludeURLRegexs code. List<String> fullList = new ArrayList<String>(); fullList.addAll(this.excludeFromSpiderRegexs); fullList.addAll(this.globalExcludeURLRegexs); extSpider.setExcludeList(fullList); } model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().setUrls(RecordSessionUrl.TYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_SPIDER, this.excludeFromSpiderRegexs); } /** TODO The GlobalExcludeURL functionality is currently alpha and subject to change. */ // ZAP: Added function. public void forceGlobalExcludeURLRefresh() throws DatabaseException { List<String> temp; temp = getExcludeFromProxyRegexs(); log.debug("forceGlobalExcludeURLRefresh proxy: " + temp.toString()); setExcludeFromProxyRegexs(temp); temp = getExcludeFromScanRegexs(); log.debug("forceGlobalExcludeURLRefresh ascan: " + temp.toString()); setExcludeFromScanRegexs(temp); temp = getExcludeFromSpiderRegexs(); log.debug("forceGlobalExcludeURLRefresh spider: " + temp.toString()); setExcludeFromSpiderRegexs(temp); } /** TODO The GlobalExcludeURL functionality is currently alpha and subject to change. */ // ZAP: Added function. public List<String> getGlobalExcludeURLRegexs() { return globalExcludeURLRegexs; } /** TODO The GlobalExcludeURL functionality is currently alpha and subject to change. */ // ZAP: Added function. public void addGlobalExcludeURLRegexs(String ignoredRegex) throws DatabaseException { // Validate its a valid regex first Pattern.compile(ignoredRegex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); this.globalExcludeURLRegexs.add(ignoredRegex); // XXX This probably isn't needed in the active session, need advice here. //model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().setUrls(RecordSessionUrl.TYPE_GLOBAL_EXCLUDE_URL, this.globalExcludeURLRegexs); } /** TODO The GlobalExcludeURL functionality is currently alpha and subject to change. */ // ZAP: Added function. public void setGlobalExcludeURLRegexs(List<String> ignoredRegexs) throws DatabaseException { // Validate its a valid regex first for (String url : ignoredRegexs) { Pattern.compile(url, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); } this.globalExcludeURLRegexs = stripEmptyLines(ignoredRegexs); // XXX This probably isn't needed in the active session, need advice here. //model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().setUrls(RecordSessionUrl.TYPE_GLOBAL_EXCLUDE_URL, this.globalExcludeURLRegexs); log.debug("setGlobalExcludeURLRegexs"); } public void setSessionUrls(int type, List<String> urls) throws DatabaseException { model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().setUrls(type, urls); } public void setSessionUrl(int type, String url) throws DatabaseException { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(1); list.add(url); this.setSessionUrls(type, list); } public List<String> getSessionUrls(int type) throws DatabaseException { List<RecordSessionUrl> urls = model.getDb().getTableSessionUrl().getUrlsForType(type); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(urls.size()); for (RecordSessionUrl url : urls) { list.add(url.getUrl()); } return list; } public List<String> getContextDataStrings(int contextId, int type) throws DatabaseException { List<RecordContext> dataList = model.getDb().getTableContext().getDataForContextAndType(contextId, type); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (RecordContext data : dataList) { list.add(data.getData()); } return list; } public void setContextData(int contextId, int type, String data) throws DatabaseException { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); list.add(data); this.setContextData(contextId, type, list); } public void setContextData(int contextId, int type, List<String> dataList) throws DatabaseException { model.getDb().getTableContext().setData(contextId, type, dataList); } public void clearContextDataForType(int contextId, int type) throws DatabaseException { model.getDb().getTableContext().deleteAllDataForContextAndType(contextId, type); } public void clearContextData(int contextId) throws DatabaseException { model.getDb().getTableContext().deleteAllDataForContext(contextId); } private List<String> techListToStringList(TreeSet<Tech> techList) { List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<Tech> iter = techList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { strList.add(; } return strList; } private List<String> snmListToStringList(List<StructuralNodeModifier> list) { List<String> strList = new ArrayList<>(); for (StructuralNodeModifier snm : list) { strList.add(snm.getConfig()); } return strList; } public void saveContext(Context c) { try { this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_NAME, c.getName()); this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_DESCRIPTION, c.getDescription()); this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_IN_SCOPE, Boolean.toString(c.isInScope())); this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_INCLUDE, c.getIncludeInContextRegexs()); this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_EXCLUDE, c.getExcludeFromContextRegexs()); this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_INCLUDE_TECH, techListToStringList(c.getTechSet().getIncludeTech())); this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_EXCLUDE_TECH, techListToStringList(c.getTechSet().getExcludeTech())); this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_URL_PARSER_CLASSNAME, c.getUrlParamParser().getClass().getCanonicalName()); this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_URL_PARSER_CONFIG, c.getUrlParamParser().getConfig()); this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_POST_PARSER_CLASSNAME, c.getPostParamParser().getClass().getCanonicalName()); this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_POST_PARSER_CONFIG, c.getPostParamParser().getConfig()); this.setContextData(c.getIndex(), RecordContext.TYPE_DATA_DRIVEN_NODES, snmListToStringList(c.getDataDrivenNodes())); model.saveContext(c); } catch (DatabaseException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } if (View.isInitialised()) { View.getSingleton().changeContext(c); refreshScope(); } } public void saveAllContexts() { for (Context c : contexts) { this.saveContext(c); } } public Context getNewContext(String name) { Context c = new Context(this, this.nextContextIndex++); c.setName(name); this.addContext(c); return c; } public void addContext(Context c) { this.contexts.add(c); this.model.loadContext(c); for (OnContextsChangedListener l : contextsChangedListeners) { l.contextAdded(c); } if (View.isInitialised()) { View.getSingleton().addContext(c); } } public void deleteContext(Context c) { this.contexts.remove(c); try { this.clearContextData(c.getIndex()); } catch (DatabaseException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } for (OnContextsChangedListener l : contextsChangedListeners) { l.contextDeleted(c); } if (View.isInitialised()) { View.getSingleton().deleteContext(c); refreshScope(); } } public Context getContext(int index) { for (Context context : contexts) { if (context.getIndex() == index) { return context; } } return null; } public Context getContext(String name) { for (Context context : contexts) { if (context.getName().equals(name)) { return context; } } return null; } public List<Context> getContexts() { return contexts; } public List<Context> getContextsForNode(SiteNode sn) { if (sn == null) { return new ArrayList<>(); } return getContextsForUrl(sn.getHierarchicNodeName()); } public List<Context> getContextsForUrl(String url) { List<Context> ctxList = new ArrayList<>(); if (url.indexOf("?") > 0) { // String off any parameters url = url.substring(0, url.indexOf("?")); } for (Context context : contexts) { if (context.isInContext(url)) { ctxList.add(context); } } return ctxList; } /** * Export the specified context to a file * @param contextIndex * @param file * @throws ConfigurationException */ public void exportContext(int contextIndex, File file) throws ConfigurationException { this.exportContext(this.getContext(contextIndex), file); } /** * Export the specified context to a file * @param c * @param file * @throws ConfigurationException */ public void exportContext(Context c, File file) throws ConfigurationException { ZapXmlConfiguration config = new ZapXmlConfiguration(); config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_NAME, c.getName()); config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_DESC, c.getDescription()); config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_INSCOPE, c.isInScope()); config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_INC_REGEXES, c.getIncludeInContextRegexs()); config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_EXC_REGEXES, c.getExcludeFromContextRegexs()); config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_TECH_INCLUDE, techListToStringList(c.getTechSet().getIncludeTech())); config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_TECH_EXCLUDE, techListToStringList(c.getTechSet().getExcludeTech())); config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_URLPARSER_CLASS, c.getUrlParamParser().getClass().getCanonicalName()); config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_URLPARSER_CONFIG, c.getUrlParamParser().getConfig()); config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_POSTPARSER_CLASS, c.getPostParamParser().getClass().getCanonicalName()); config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_POSTPARSER_CONFIG, c.getPostParamParser().getConfig()); for (StructuralNodeModifier snm : c.getDataDrivenNodes()) { config.setProperty(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_DATA_DRIVEN_NODES, snm.getConfig()); } model.exportContext(c, config);; } /** * Import a context from the specified file * @param file * @return * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws ClassNotFoundException * @throws InstantiationException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws InvocationTargetException * @throws NoSuchMethodException * @throws SecurityException */ public Context importContext(File file) throws ConfigurationException, ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, SecurityException { ZapXmlConfiguration config = new ZapXmlConfiguration(file); Context c = this.getNewContext(config.getString(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_NAME)); c.setDescription(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_DESC); c.setInScope(config.getBoolean(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_INSCOPE)); for (Object obj : config.getList(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_INC_REGEXES)) { c.addIncludeInContextRegex(obj.toString()); } for (Object obj : config.getList(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_EXC_REGEXES)) { c.addExcludeFromContextRegex(obj.toString()); } TechSet techSet = new TechSet(); for (Object obj : config.getList(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_TECH_INCLUDE)) { techSet.include(new Tech(obj.toString())); } for (Object obj : config.getList(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_TECH_EXCLUDE)) { techSet.exclude(new Tech(obj.toString())); } c.setTechSet(techSet); String urlParserClass = config.getString(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_URLPARSER_CLASS); if (urlParserClass == null) { // Can happen due to a bug in 2.4.0 where is was saved using the wrong name :( urlParserClass = config.getString(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_URLPARSER); } Class<?> cl = ExtensionFactory.getAddOnLoader().loadClass(urlParserClass); if (cl == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Failed to load URL parser for context " + urlParserClass); } else { ParameterParser parser = (ParameterParser) cl.getConstructor().newInstance(); parser.init(config.getString(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_URLPARSER_CONFIG)); parser.setContext(c); c.setUrlParamParser(parser); } String postParserClass = config.getString(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_POSTPARSER_CLASS); String postParserConfig = config.getString(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_POSTPARSER_CONFIG); if (postParserClass == null) { // Can happen due to a bug in 2.4.0 where is was saved using the wrong name :( postParserClass = config.getString(urlParserClass); postParserConfig = config.getString(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_URLPARSER_CONFIG); } cl = ExtensionFactory.getAddOnLoader().loadClass(postParserClass); if (cl == null) { throw new ConfigurationException("Failed to load POST parser for context " + postParserClass); } else { ParameterParser parser = (ParameterParser) cl.getConstructor().newInstance(); parser.init(postParserConfig); parser.setContext(c); c.setPostParamParser(parser); } for (Object obj : config.getList(Context.CONTEXT_CONFIG_DATA_DRIVEN_NODES)) { c.addDataDrivenNodes(new StructuralNodeModifier(obj.toString())); } model.importContext(c, config); c.restructureSiteTree(); Model.getSingleton().getSession().saveContext(c); return c; } /** * Returns the url parameter parser associated with the first context found that includes the URL, * or the default parser if it is not * in a context * @param url * @return */ public ParameterParser getUrlParamParser(String url) { List<Context> contexts = getContextsForUrl(url); if (contexts.size() > 0) { return contexts.get(0).getUrlParamParser(); } return this.defaultParamParser; } /** * Returns the form parameter parser associated with the first context found that includes the URL, * or the default parser if it is not * in a context * @param url * @return */ public ParameterParser getFormParamParser(String url) { List<Context> contexts = getContextsForUrl(url); if (contexts.size() > 0) { return contexts.get(0).getPostParamParser(); } return this.defaultParamParser; } /** * Returns the specified parameters for the given message based on the parser associated with the * first context found that includes the URL for the message, or the default parser if it is not * in a context * @param msg * @param type * @return */ public Map<String, String> getParams(HttpMessage msg, HtmlParameter.Type type) { switch (type) { case form: return this.getFormParamParser(msg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString()).getParams(msg, type); case url: return this.getUrlParamParser(msg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString()).getParams(msg, type); default: throw new InvalidParameterException("Type not supported: " + type); } } /** * Returns the URL parameters for the given URL based on the parser associated with the * first context found that includes the URL, or the default parser if it is not * in a context * @param uri * @return * @throws URIException */ public Map<String, String> getUrlParams(URI uri) throws URIException { return this.getUrlParamParser(uri.toString()).parse(uri.getQuery()); } /** * Returns the FORM parameters for the given URL based on the parser associated with the * first context found that includes the URL, or the default parser if it is not * in a context * @param uri * @param formData * @return * @throws URIException */ public Map<String, String> getFormParams(URI uri, String formData) throws URIException { return this.getFormParamParser(uri.toString()).parse(formData); } public List<String> getTreePath(URI uri) throws URIException { return this.getUrlParamParser(uri.toString()).getTreePath(uri); } public List<String> getTreePath(HttpMessage msg) throws URIException { URI uri = msg.getRequestHeader().getURI(); return this.getUrlParamParser(uri.toString()).getTreePath(msg); } // ZAP: Added listeners for contexts changed events. // TODO: Might be better structured elsewhere, so maybe just a temporary solution. private List<OnContextsChangedListener> contextsChangedListeners = new LinkedList<>(); public void addOnContextsChangedListener(OnContextsChangedListener l) { contextsChangedListeners.add(l); } public void removeOnContextsChangedListener(OnContextsChangedListener l) { contextsChangedListeners.remove(l); } /** * Listener notified whenever the registered list of contexts changes. */ public interface OnContextsChangedListener { /** * Called whenever a new context is created and added. */ public void contextAdded(Context context); /** * Called whenever a new context is deleted. */ public void contextDeleted(Context context); /** * Called whenever the whole contexts list was changed. */ public void contextsChanged(); } }