Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


* Paros and its related class files.
* Paros is an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application security.
* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Chinotec Technologies Company
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Clarified Artistic License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Clarified Artistic License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Clarified Artistic License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
// ZAP: 2011/05/27 Ensure all PreparedStatements and ResultSets closed to prevent leaks 
// ZAP: 2012/03/15 Changed to use byte[] in the request and response bodies
// instead of String.
// ZAP: 2012/04/23 Added @Override annotation to the appropriate method.
// ZAP: 2012/04/25 Changed to use the method Integer.valueOf.
// ZAP: 2012/06/11 Added method delete(List<Integer>).
// ZAP: 2012/08/08 Upgrade to HSQLDB 2.x (Added updateTable() and refactored names)
// ZAP: 2013/09/26 Issue 716: ZAP flags its own HTTP responses
// ZAP: 2014/03/23 Changed to use try-with-resource statements.
// ZAP: 2014/03/23 Issue 999: History loaded in wrong order
// ZAP: 2014/03/23 Issue 1075: Change TableHistory to delete records in batches
// ZAP: 2014/03/23 Issue 1091: CoreAPI - Do not get the IDs of temporary history records
// ZAP: 2014/03/27 Issue 1072: Allow the request and response body sizes to be user-specifiable as far as possible
// ZAP: 2014/08/14 Issue 1310: Allow to set history types as temporary

package org.parosproxy.paros.db;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.sql.Array;
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.hsqldb.types.Types;
import org.parosproxy.paros.Constant;
import org.parosproxy.paros.extension.option.DatabaseParam;
import org.parosproxy.paros.model.HistoryReference;

public class TableHistory extends AbstractTable {

    private static final String TABLE_NAME = "HISTORY";

    private static final String HISTORYID = "HISTORYID";
    private static final String SESSIONID = "SESSIONID";
    private static final String HISTTYPE = "HISTTYPE";
    private static final String METHOD = "METHOD";
    private static final String URI = "URI";
    private static final String STATUSCODE = "STATUSCODE";
    private static final String TIMESENTMILLIS = "TIMESENTMILLIS";
    private static final String TIMEELAPSEDMILLIS = "TIMEELAPSEDMILLIS";
    private static final String REQHEADER = "REQHEADER";
    private static final String REQBODY = "REQBODY";
    private static final String RESHEADER = "RESHEADER";
    private static final String RESBODY = "RESBODY";
    private static final String TAG = "TAG";
    // ZAP: Added NOTE field to history table
    private static final String NOTE = "NOTE";

     * The {@code Set} of history types marked as temporary.
     * <p>
     * By default the only temporary history type is {@code HistoryReference#TYPE_TEMPORARY}.
     * <p>
     * Iterations must be done in a {@code synchronized} block with {@code temporaryHistoryTypes}.
     * @since 2.4
     * @see #setHistoryTypeAsTemporary(int)
     * @see HistoryReference#TYPE_TEMPORARY
     * @see Collections#synchronizedSet(Set)
    private static Set<Integer> temporaryHistoryTypes = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<Integer>());

    private PreparedStatement psRead = null;
    private PreparedStatement psInsert = null;
    private CallableStatement psGetIdLastInsert = null;
    private PreparedStatement psDelete = null;
    private PreparedStatement psDeleteTemp = null;
    private PreparedStatement psContainsURI = null;
    //private PreparedStatement psAlterTable = null;
    //    private PreparedStatement psUpdateTag = null;
    private PreparedStatement psUpdateNote = null;

    private int lastInsertedIndex;

    private static boolean isExistStatusCode = false;

    // ZAP: Added logger
    private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TableHistory.class);

    private boolean bodiesAsBytes;

    static {

    public TableHistory() {

    //ZAP: Allow the request and response body sizes to be user-specifiable as far as possible
    int configuredrequestbodysize = -1;
    int configuredresponsebodysize = -1;

    protected void reconnect(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
        //ZAP: Allow the request and response body sizes to be user-specifiable as far as possible
        //re-load the configuration data from file, to get the configured length of the request and response bodies
        //this will later be compared to the actual lengths of these fields in the database (in updateTable(Connection c))
        DatabaseParam dbparams = new DatabaseParam();
        this.configuredrequestbodysize = dbparams.getRequestBodySize();
        this.configuredresponsebodysize = dbparams.getResponseBodySize();

        bodiesAsBytes = true;


        isExistStatusCode = DbUtils.hasColumn(conn, TABLE_NAME, STATUSCODE);

        psRead = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM HISTORY WHERE " + HISTORYID + " = ?");
        // updatable recordset does not work in hsqldb jdbc impelementation!
        //psWrite = mConn.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE);
        psDelete = conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM HISTORY WHERE " + HISTORYID + " = ?");
        psDeleteTemp = conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM HISTORY WHERE " + HISTTYPE + " IN ( UNNEST(?) )");
        psContainsURI = conn.prepareStatement(

        // ZAP: Added support for the tag when creating a history record
        if (isExistStatusCode) {
            psInsert = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO HISTORY (" + SESSIONID + "," + HISTTYPE + ","
                    + TIMESENTMILLIS + "," + TIMEELAPSEDMILLIS + "," + METHOD + "," + URI + "," + REQHEADER + ","
                    + REQBODY + "," + RESHEADER + "," + RESBODY + "," + TAG + ", " + STATUSCODE + "," + NOTE + ", "
                    + RESPONSE_FROM_TARGET_HOST + ") VALUES (?, ? ,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ,? , ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
        } else {
            psInsert = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO HISTORY (" + SESSIONID + "," + HISTTYPE + ","
                    + TIMESENTMILLIS + "," + TIMEELAPSEDMILLIS + "," + METHOD + "," + URI + "," + REQHEADER + ","
                    + REQBODY + "," + RESHEADER + "," + RESBODY + "," + TAG + "," + NOTE + ", "
                    + RESPONSE_FROM_TARGET_HOST + ") VALUES (?, ? ,?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? ,? , ? , ?, ?, ?)");

        psGetIdLastInsert = conn.prepareCall("CALL IDENTITY();");

        //        psUpdateTag = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE HISTORY SET TAG = ? WHERE HISTORYID = ?");

        psUpdateNote = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE HISTORY SET NOTE = ? WHERE HISTORYID = ?");

        int currentIndex = 0;
        PreparedStatement stmt = null;
        try {
            stmt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT TOP 1 HISTORYID FROM HISTORY ORDER BY HISTORYID DESC");
            try (ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery()) {
                if ( {
                    currentIndex = rs.getInt(1);
        } finally {
            if (stmt != null) {
                try {
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                        log.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
        lastInsertedIndex = currentIndex;

    // ZAP: Added the method.
    private void updateTable(Connection connection) throws SQLException {
        if (!DbUtils.hasColumn(connection, TABLE_NAME, TAG)) {
                    "ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " ADD COLUMN " + TAG + " VARCHAR(32768) DEFAULT ''"));

        // Add the NOTE column to the db if necessary
        if (!DbUtils.hasColumn(connection, TABLE_NAME, NOTE)) {
                    "ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " ADD COLUMN " + NOTE + " VARCHAR(1048576) DEFAULT ''"));

        if (DbUtils.getColumnType(connection, TABLE_NAME, REQBODY) != Types.SQL_VARBINARY) {
            bodiesAsBytes = false;
        } else {
            // Databases created with ZAP< used VARCHAR for the REQBODY/RESBODY
            // HSQLDB 1.8.x converted from VARCHAR to bytes without problems
            // (through the method ResultSet.getBytes)
            // but the new version doesn't, it throws the following exception:
            // incompatible data type in conversion: from SQL type VARCHAR

        if (!DbUtils.hasColumn(connection, TABLE_NAME, RESPONSE_FROM_TARGET_HOST)) {
            DbUtils.executeAndClose(connection.prepareStatement("ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " ADD COLUMN "
                    .prepareStatement("UPDATE " + TABLE_NAME + " SET " + RESPONSE_FROM_TARGET_HOST + " = TRUE "));

        int requestbodysizeindb = DbUtils.getColumnSize(connection, TABLE_NAME, REQBODY);
        int responsebodysizeindb = DbUtils.getColumnSize(connection, TABLE_NAME, RESBODY);
        try {
            if (requestbodysizeindb != this.configuredrequestbodysize && this.configuredrequestbodysize > 0) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Extending table " + TABLE_NAME + " request body length from " + requestbodysizeindb
                            + " to " + this.configuredrequestbodysize);
                DbUtils.executeAndClose(connection.prepareStatement("ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " ALTER COLUMN "
                        + REQBODY + " VARBINARY(" + this.configuredrequestbodysize + ")"));
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Completed extending table " + TABLE_NAME + " request body length from "
                            + requestbodysizeindb + " to " + this.configuredrequestbodysize);

            if (responsebodysizeindb != this.configuredresponsebodysize && this.configuredresponsebodysize > 0) {
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Extending table " + TABLE_NAME + " response body length from " + responsebodysizeindb
                            + " to " + this.configuredresponsebodysize);
                DbUtils.executeAndClose(connection.prepareStatement("ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_NAME + " ALTER COLUMN "
                        + RESBODY + " VARBINARY(" + this.configuredresponsebodysize + ")"));
                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("Completed extending table " + TABLE_NAME + " response body length from "
                            + responsebodysizeindb + " to " + this.configuredresponsebodysize);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("An error occurred while modifying a column length on " + TABLE_NAME);
            log.error("The 'Maximum Request Body Size' value in the Database Options needs to be set to at least "
                    + requestbodysizeindb + " to avoid this error");
            log.error("The 'Maximum Response Body Size' value in the Database Options needs to be set to at least "
                    + responsebodysizeindb + " to avoid this error");
            log.error("The SQL Exception was:", e);
            throw e;


    public synchronized RecordHistory read(int historyId) throws HttpMalformedHeaderException, SQLException {
        psRead.setInt(1, historyId);
        RecordHistory result = null;
        try (ResultSet rs = psRead.getResultSet()) {
            result = build(rs);

        return result;

    public synchronized RecordHistory write(long sessionId, int histType, HttpMessage msg)
            throws HttpMalformedHeaderException, SQLException {

        String reqHeader = "";
        byte[] reqBody = new byte[0];
        String resHeader = "";
        byte[] resBody = reqBody;
        String method = "";
        String uri = "";
        int statusCode = 0;
        String note = msg.getNote();

        if (!msg.getRequestHeader().isEmpty()) {
            reqHeader = msg.getRequestHeader().toString();
            reqBody = msg.getRequestBody().getBytes();
            method = msg.getRequestHeader().getMethod();
            uri = msg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString();

        if (!msg.getResponseHeader().isEmpty()) {
            resHeader = msg.getResponseHeader().toString();
            resBody = msg.getResponseBody().getBytes();
            statusCode = msg.getResponseHeader().getStatusCode();

        //return write(sessionId, histType, msg.getTimeSentMillis(), msg.getTimeElapsedMillis(), method, uri, statusCode, reqHeader, reqBody, resHeader, resBody, msg.getTag());
        return write(sessionId, histType, msg.getTimeSentMillis(), msg.getTimeElapsedMillis(), method, uri,
                statusCode, reqHeader, reqBody, resHeader, resBody, null, note, msg.isResponseFromTargetHost());


    private synchronized RecordHistory write(long sessionId, int histType, long timeSentMillis,
            int timeElapsedMillis, String method, String uri, int statusCode, String reqHeader, byte[] reqBody,
            String resHeader, byte[] resBody, String tag, String note, boolean responseFromTargetHost)
            throws HttpMalformedHeaderException, SQLException {

        //ZAP: Allow the request and response body sizes to be user-specifiable as far as possible
        if (reqBody.length > this.configuredrequestbodysize) {
            throw new SQLException("The actual Request Body length " + reqBody.length
                    + " is greater than the configured request body length " + this.configuredrequestbodysize);
        if (resBody.length > this.configuredresponsebodysize) {
            throw new SQLException("The actual Response Body length " + resBody.length
                    + " is greater than the configured response body length " + this.configuredresponsebodysize);

        psInsert.setLong(1, sessionId);
        psInsert.setInt(2, histType);
        psInsert.setLong(3, timeSentMillis);
        psInsert.setInt(4, timeElapsedMillis);
        psInsert.setString(5, method);
        psInsert.setString(6, uri);
        psInsert.setString(7, reqHeader);
        if (bodiesAsBytes) {
            psInsert.setBytes(8, reqBody);
        } else {
            psInsert.setString(8, new String(reqBody, Charset.forName("US-ASCII")));
        psInsert.setString(9, resHeader);
        if (bodiesAsBytes) {
            psInsert.setBytes(10, resBody);
        } else {
            psInsert.setString(10, new String(resBody, Charset.forName("US-ASCII")));
        psInsert.setString(11, tag);

        // ZAP: Added the statement.
        int currentIdx = 12;

        if (isExistStatusCode) {
            psInsert.setInt(currentIdx, statusCode);
            // ZAP: Added the statement.

        // ZAP: Added the statement.
        psInsert.setString(currentIdx, note);

        psInsert.setBoolean(currentIdx, responseFromTargetHost);


          String sql = "INSERT INTO HISTORY ("
          + REQHEADER + "," + REQBODY + "," + RESHEADER + "," + RESBODY +
        ") VALUES ('"+ reqHeader + "','" + reqBody + "','" + resHeader + "','" + resBody + "'); CALL IDENTITY();";
        Statement stmt = mConn.createStatement();
        ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();

        try (ResultSet rs = psGetIdLastInsert.executeQuery()) {
            int id = rs.getInt(1);
            lastInsertedIndex = id;
            return read(id);

    private RecordHistory build(ResultSet rs) throws HttpMalformedHeaderException, SQLException {
        RecordHistory history = null;
        try {
            if ( {
                byte[] reqBody;
                byte[] resBody;

                if (bodiesAsBytes) {
                    reqBody = rs.getBytes(REQBODY);
                    resBody = rs.getBytes(RESBODY);
                } else {
                    reqBody = rs.getString(REQBODY).getBytes();
                    resBody = rs.getString(RESBODY).getBytes();

                history = new RecordHistory(rs.getInt(HISTORYID), rs.getInt(HISTTYPE), rs.getLong(SESSIONID),
                        rs.getLong(TIMESENTMILLIS), rs.getInt(TIMEELAPSEDMILLIS), rs.getString(REQHEADER), reqBody,
                        rs.getString(RESHEADER), resBody, rs.getString(TAG), rs.getString(NOTE), // ZAP: Added note
        } finally {
        return history;


     * Gets all the history record IDs of the given session.
     * @param sessionId the ID of session of the history records to be returned
     * @return a {@code List} with all the history IDs of the given session, never {@code null}
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurred while getting the history IDs
     * @since 2.3.0
     * @see #getHistoryIdsOfHistType(long, int...)
    public List<Integer> getHistoryIds(long sessionId) throws SQLException {
        return getHistoryIdsOfHistType(sessionId, null);

     * Gets all the history record IDs of the given session and with the given history types.
     * @param sessionId the ID of session of the history records
     * @param histTypes the history types of the history records that should be returned
     * @return a {@code List} with all the history IDs of the given session and history types, never {@code null}
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurred while getting the history IDs
     * @since 2.3.0
     * @see #getHistoryIds(long)
     * @see #getHistoryIdsExceptOfHistType(long, int...)
    public List<Integer> getHistoryIdsOfHistType(long sessionId, int... histTypes) throws SQLException {
        boolean hasHistTypes = histTypes != null && histTypes.length > 0;
        int strLength = hasHistTypes ? 97 : 68;
        StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(strLength);
        strBuilder.append("SELECT ").append(HISTORYID);
        strBuilder.append(" FROM ").append(TABLE_NAME).append(" WHERE ").append(SESSIONID).append(" = ?");
        if (hasHistTypes) {
            strBuilder.append(" AND ").append(HISTTYPE).append(" IN ( UNNEST(?) )");
        strBuilder.append(" ORDER BY ").append(HISTORYID);

        try (PreparedStatement psReadSession = getConnection().prepareStatement(strBuilder.toString())) {

            psReadSession.setLong(1, sessionId);
            if (hasHistTypes) {
                Array arrayHistTypes = getConnection().createArrayOf("INTEGER", ArrayUtils.toObject(histTypes));
                psReadSession.setArray(2, arrayHistTypes);
            try (ResultSet rs = psReadSession.executeQuery()) {
                ArrayList<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>();
                while ( {

                return ids;

     * Returns all the history record IDs of the given session except the ones with the given history types.
     * @param sessionId the ID of session of the history records
     * @param histTypes the history types of the history records that should be excluded
     * @return a {@code List} with all the history IDs of the given session and history types, never {@code null}
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurred while getting the history IDs
     * @since 2.3.0
     * @see #getHistoryIdsOfHistType(long, int...)
    public List<Integer> getHistoryIdsExceptOfHistType(long sessionId, int... histTypes) throws SQLException {
        boolean hasHistTypes = histTypes != null && histTypes.length > 0;
        int strLength = hasHistTypes ? 102 : 68;
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(strLength);
        sb.append("SELECT ").append(HISTORYID);
        sb.append(" FROM ").append(TABLE_NAME).append(" WHERE ").append(SESSIONID).append(" = ?");
        if (hasHistTypes) {
            sb.append(" AND ").append(HISTTYPE).append(" NOT IN ( UNNEST(?) )");
        sb.append(" ORDER BY ").append(HISTORYID);

        try (PreparedStatement psReadSession = getConnection().prepareStatement(sb.toString())) {

            psReadSession.setLong(1, sessionId);
            if (hasHistTypes) {
                Array arrayHistTypes = getConnection().createArrayOf("INTEGER", ArrayUtils.toObject(histTypes));
                psReadSession.setArray(2, arrayHistTypes);
            try (ResultSet rs = psReadSession.executeQuery()) {
                ArrayList<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<>();
                while ( {

                return ids;

     * @deprecated (2.3.0) Use {@link #getHistoryIdsOfHistType(long, int...)} instead. If the thread-safety provided by the
     *             class {@code Vector} is really required "wrap" the returned List with
     *             {@link Collections#synchronizedList(List)} instead.
    public Vector<Integer> getHistoryList(long sessionId, int histType) throws SQLException {
        return new Vector<>(getHistoryIdsOfHistType(sessionId, histType));

     * @deprecated (2.3.0) Use {@link #getHistoryIds(long)} instead. If the thread-safety provided by the class {@code Vector}
     *             is really required "wrap" the returned List with {@link Collections#synchronizedList(List)} instead.
    public Vector<Integer> getHistoryList(long sessionId) throws SQLException {
        return new Vector<>(getHistoryIds(sessionId));

    public List<Integer> getHistoryList(long sessionId, int histType, String filter, boolean isRequest)
            throws SQLException {
        PreparedStatement psReadSearch = getConnection().prepareStatement(
                "SELECT * FROM HISTORY WHERE " + SESSIONID + " = ? AND " + HISTTYPE + " = ? ORDER BY " + HISTORYID);
        ResultSet rs = null;
        Vector<Integer> v = new Vector<>();
        try {

            Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(filter, Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
            Matcher matcher = null;

            psReadSearch.setLong(1, sessionId);
            psReadSearch.setInt(2, histType);
            rs = psReadSearch.executeQuery();
            while ( {
                if (isRequest) {
                    matcher = pattern.matcher(rs.getString(REQHEADER));
                    if (matcher.find()) {
                        // ZAP: Changed to use the method Integer.valueOf.
                    matcher = pattern.matcher(rs.getString(REQBODY));
                    if (matcher.find()) {
                        // ZAP: Changed to use the method Integer.valueOf.
                } else {
                    matcher = pattern.matcher(rs.getString(RESHEADER));
                    if (matcher.find()) {
                        // ZAP: Changed to use the method Integer.valueOf.
                    matcher = pattern.matcher(rs.getString(RESBODY));
                    if (matcher.find()) {
                        // ZAP: Changed to use the method Integer.valueOf.

        } finally {
            if (rs != null) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // Ignore

        return v;

    public void deleteHistorySession(long sessionId) throws SQLException {
        try (Statement stmt = getConnection().createStatement()) {
            stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM HISTORY WHERE " + SESSIONID + " = " + sessionId);

    public void deleteHistoryType(long sessionId, int historyType) throws SQLException {
        try (Statement stmt = getConnection().createStatement()) {
            stmt.executeUpdate("DELETE FROM HISTORY WHERE " + SESSIONID + " = " + sessionId + " AND " + HISTTYPE
                    + " = " + historyType);

    public void delete(int historyId) throws SQLException {
        psDelete.setInt(1, historyId);


     * Deletes from the database all the history records whose ID is
     * in the list {@code ids}, in batches of 1000 records.
     * @param ids
     *            a {@code List} containing all the IDs of the
     *            history records to be deleted
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code ids} is null
     * @throws SQLException
     *             if an error occurred while deleting the
     *             history records
     * @since 2.0.0
     * @see #delete(List, int)
    // ZAP: Added method.
    public void delete(List<Integer> ids) throws SQLException {
        delete(ids, 1000);

     * Deletes from the database all the history records whose ID is in the list {@code ids}, in batches of given
     * {@code batchSize}.
     * @param ids a {@code List} containing all the IDs of the history records to be deleted
     * @param batchSize the maximum size of records to delete in a single batch
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code ids} is null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code batchSize} is not greater than zero
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurred while deleting the history records
     * @since 2.3.0
    public void delete(List<Integer> ids, int batchSize) throws SQLException {
        if (ids == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter ids must not be null.");
        if (batchSize <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter batchSize must be greater than zero.");

        int count = 0;
        for (Integer id : ids) {
            psDelete.setInt(1, id.intValue());

            if (count % batchSize == 0) {
                count = 0;
        if (count % batchSize != 0) {

     * Sets the given {@code historyType} as temporary.
     * @since 2.4
     * @param historyType the history type that will be set as temporary
     * @see #unsetHistoryTypeAsTemporary(int)
     * @see #deleteTemporary()
    public static void setHistoryTypeAsTemporary(int historyType) {

     * Unsets the given {@code historyType} as temporary.
     * <p>
     * Attempting to remove the default temporary history type ({@code HistoryReference#TYPE_TEMPORARY}) has no effect.
     * @since 2.4
     * @param historyType the history type that will be marked as temporary
     * @see #setHistoryTypeAsTemporary(int)
     * @see #deleteTemporary()
    public static void unsetHistoryTypeAsTemporary(int historyType) {
        if (HistoryReference.TYPE_TEMPORARY == historyType) {

     * Deletes all records whose history type was marked as temporary (by calling {@code setHistoryTypeTemporary(int)}).
     * <p>
     * By default the only temporary history type is {@code HistoryReference#TYPE_TEMPORARY}.
     * @throws SQLException if an error occurred while deleting the temporary history records
     * @see #setHistoryTypeAsTemporary(int)
     * @see #unsetHistoryTypeAsTemporary(int)
     * @see HistoryReference#TYPE_TEMPORARY
    public void deleteTemporary() throws SQLException {
        Integer[] ids = new Integer[temporaryHistoryTypes.size()];
        ids = temporaryHistoryTypes.toArray(ids);
        Array arrayHistTypes = getConnection().createArrayOf("INTEGER",
        psDeleteTemp.setArray(1, arrayHistTypes);

    public boolean containsURI(long sessionId, int historyType, String method, String uri, byte[] body)
            throws SQLException {
        psContainsURI.setString(1, uri);
        psContainsURI.setString(2, method);

        if (bodiesAsBytes) {
            psContainsURI.setBytes(3, body);
        } else {
            psContainsURI.setString(3, new String(body));

        psContainsURI.setLong(4, sessionId);
        psContainsURI.setInt(5, historyType);
        try (ResultSet rs = psContainsURI.executeQuery()) {
            if ( {
                return true;
        return false;


    public RecordHistory getHistoryCache(HistoryReference ref, HttpMessage reqMsg)
            throws SQLException, HttpMalformedHeaderException {

        //  get the cache from provided reference.
        //  naturally, the obtained cache should be AFTER AND NEARBY to the given reference.
        //  - historyId up to historyId+200
        //  - match sessionId
        //  - history type can be MANUEL or hidden (hidden is used by images not explicitly stored in history)
        //  - match URI
        PreparedStatement psReadCache = null;

        if (isExistStatusCode) {
            //          psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM HISTORY WHERE URI = ? AND METHOD = ? AND REQBODY = ? AND " + HISTORYID + " >= ? AND " + HISTORYID + " <= ? AND SESSIONID = ? AND (HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_MANUAL + " OR HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_HIDDEN + ") AND STATUSCODE != 304");
            psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement(
                            + " >= ? AND " + HISTORYID + " <= ? AND SESSIONID = ? AND STATUSCODE != 304");

        } else {
            //          psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM HISTORY WHERE URI = ? AND METHOD = ? AND REQBODY = ? AND " + HISTORYID + " >= ? AND " + HISTORYID + " <= ? AND SESSIONID = ? AND (HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_MANUAL + " OR HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_HIDDEN + ")");
            psReadCache = getConnection()
                    .prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM HISTORY WHERE URI = ? AND METHOD = ? AND REQBODY = ? AND "
                            + HISTORYID + " >= ? AND " + HISTORYID + " <= ? AND SESSIONID = ?)");

        psReadCache.setString(1, reqMsg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString());
        psReadCache.setString(2, reqMsg.getRequestHeader().getMethod());

        if (bodiesAsBytes) {
            psReadCache.setBytes(3, reqMsg.getRequestBody().getBytes());
        } else {
            psReadCache.setString(3, new String(reqMsg.getRequestBody().getBytes()));

        psReadCache.setInt(4, ref.getHistoryId());
        psReadCache.setInt(5, ref.getHistoryId() + 200);
        psReadCache.setLong(6, ref.getSessionId());

        ResultSet rs = psReadCache.executeQuery();
        RecordHistory rec = null;

        try {
            do {
                rec = build(rs);
                // for retrieval from cache, the message requests nature must be the same.
                // and the result should NOT be NOT_MODIFIED for rendering by browser
                if (rec != null && rec.getHttpMessage().equals(reqMsg) && rec.getHttpMessage().getResponseHeader()
                        .getStatusCode() != HttpStatusCode.NOT_MODIFIED) {
                    return rec;

            } while (rec != null);

        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // ZAP: Log exceptions
                log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);

        // if cache not exist, probably due to NOT_MODIFIED,
        // lookup from cache BEFORE the given reference

        if (isExistStatusCode) {
            //            psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM HISTORY WHERE URI = ? AND METHOD = ? AND REQBODY = ? AND SESSIONID = ? AND STATUSCODE != 304 AND (HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_MANUAL + " OR HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_HIDDEN  + ")");
            psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement(

        } else {
            //            psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM HISTORY WHERE URI = ? AND METHOD = ? AND REQBODY = ? AND SESSIONID = ? AND (HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_MANUAL + " OR HISTTYPE = " + HistoryReference.TYPE_HIDDEN  + ")");
            psReadCache = getConnection().prepareStatement(

        psReadCache.setString(1, reqMsg.getRequestHeader().getURI().toString());
        psReadCache.setString(2, reqMsg.getRequestHeader().getMethod());

        if (bodiesAsBytes) {
            psReadCache.setBytes(3, reqMsg.getRequestBody().getBytes());
        } else {
            psReadCache.setString(3, new String(reqMsg.getRequestBody().getBytes()));

        psReadCache.setLong(4, ref.getSessionId());

        rs = psReadCache.executeQuery();
        rec = null;

        try {
            do {
                rec = build(rs);
                if (rec != null && rec.getHttpMessage().equals(reqMsg) && rec.getHttpMessage().getResponseHeader()
                        .getStatusCode() != HttpStatusCode.NOT_MODIFIED) {
                    return rec;

            } while (rec != null);

        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // ZAP: Log exceptions
                log.warn(e.getMessage(), e);


        return null;

    public void updateNote(int historyId, String note) throws SQLException {
        psUpdateNote.setString(1, note);
        psUpdateNote.setInt(2, historyId);

    public int lastIndex() {
        return lastInsertedIndex;
