Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Created on May 18, 2004
 * Paros and its related class files.
 * Paros is an HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application security.
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Chinotec Technologies Company
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the Clarified Artistic License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Clarified Artistic License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the Clarified Artistic License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
// ZAP: 2011/08/03 Revamped upgrade for 1.3.2
// ZAP: 2011/10/05 Write backup file to user dir
// ZAP: 2011/11/15 Changed to use ZapXmlConfiguration, to enforce the same 
// character encoding when reading/writing configurations. Changed to use the
// correct file when an error occurs during the load of the configuration file.
// Removed the calls XMLConfiguration.load() as they are not needed, the 
// XMLConfiguration constructor used already does that.
// ZAP: 2011/11/20 Support for extension factory
// ZAP: 2012/03/03 Added ZAP homepage
// ZAP: 2012/03/15 Removed a @SuppressWarnings annotation from the method 
// copyAllProperties.
// ZAP: 2012/03/17 Issue 282 ZAP and PAROS team constants
// ZAP: 2012/05/02 Added method createInstance and changed the method
// getInstance to use it.
// ZAP: 2012/05/03 Changed the Patterns used to detect the O.S. to be final.
// ZAP: 2012/06/15 Issue 312 Increase the maximum number of scanning threads allowed
// ZAP: 2012/07/13 Added variable for maximum number of threads used in scan (MAX_THREADS_PER_SCAN)
// ZAP: 2012/10/15 Issue 397: Support weekly builds
// ZAP: 2012/10/17 Issue 393: Added more online links from menu
// ZAP: 2012/11/15 Issue 416: Normalise how multiple related options are managed
// throughout ZAP and enhance the usability of some options.
// ZAP: 2012/11/20 Issue 419: Restructure jar loading code
// ZAP: 2012/12/08 Issue 428: Changed to use I18N for messages, to support the marketplace
// ZAP: 2013/03/03 Issue 546: Remove all template Javadoc comments
// ZAP: 2013/04/14 Issue 610: Replace the use of the String class for available/default "Forced Browse" files
// ZAP: 2013/04/15 Issue 632: Manual Request Editor dialogue (HTTP) configurations not saved correctly
// ZAP: 2013/12/03 Issue 933: Automatically determine install dir
// ZAP: 2013/12/13 Issue 919: Support for multiple language vulnerability files.
// ZAP: 2014/04/11 Issue 1148: ZAP 2.3.0 does not launch after upgrading in some situations
// ZAP: 2014/07/15 Issue 1265: Context import and export
// ZAP: 2014/08/14 Issue 1300: Add-ons show incorrect language when English is selected on non English locale
// ZAP: 2014/11/11 Issue 1406: Move online menu items to an add-on
// ZAP: 2015/01/04 Issue 1388: Not all translated files are updated when "zaplang" package is imported
// ZAP: 2014/01/04 Issue 1394: Import vulnerabilities.xml files when updating the translated resources
// ZAP: 2014/01/04 Issue 1458: Change home/installation dir paths to be always absolute
// ZAP: 2015/03/10 Issue 653: Handle updates on Kali better
// ZAP: 2015/03/30 Issue 1582: Enablers for low memory option
// ZAP: 2015/04/12 Remove "installation" fuzzers dir, no longer in use
// ZAP: 2015/08/01 Remove code duplication in catch of exceptions, use installation directory in default config file
// ZAP: 2015/11/11 Issue 2045: Dont copy old configs if -dir option used 
// ZAP: 2015/11/26 Issue 2084: Warn users if they are probably using out of date versions

package org.parosproxy.paros;

import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConversionException;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import org.parosproxy.paros.extension.option.OptionsParamView;
import org.parosproxy.paros.model.FileCopier;
import org.parosproxy.paros.model.Model;
import org.zaproxy.zap.ZAP;
import org.zaproxy.zap.control.AddOnLoader;
import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.autoupdate.OptionsParamCheckForUpdates;
import org.zaproxy.zap.utils.I18N;
import org.zaproxy.zap.utils.ZapXmlConfiguration;

public final class Constant {
    // ZAP: rebrand
    public static final String PROGRAM_NAME = "OWASP ZAP";
    public static final String PROGRAM_NAME_SHORT = "ZAP";
    public static final String ZAP_HOMEPAGE = "";
    public static final String ZAP_EXTENSIONS_PAGE = "";
    public static final String ZAP_TEAM = "ZAP Dev Team";
    public static final String PAROS_TEAM = "Chinotec Technologies";

    //  ************************************************************
    //  the config.xml MUST be set to be the same as the version_tag
    //  otherwise the config.xml will be overwritten everytime.
    //  ************************************************************
    private static final String DEV_VERSION = "Dev Build";
    public static final String ALPHA_VERSION = "alpha";
    public static final String BETA_VERSION = "beta";

    private static final long VERSION_TAG = 2004002;

    // Old version numbers - for upgrade
    private static final long V_2_3_1_TAG = 2003001;
    private static final long V_2_2_0_TAG = 2002000;
    private static final long V_2_1_0_TAG = 2001000;
    private static final long V_2_0_0_TAG = 2000000;
    private static final long V_1_4_1_TAG = 1004001;
    private static final long V_1_3_1_TAG = 1003001;
    private static final long V_1_3_0_TAG = 1003000;
    private static final long V_1_2_1_TAG = 1002001;
    private static final long V_1_2_0_TAG = 1002000;
    private static final long V_1_1_0_TAG = 1001000;
    private static final long V_1_0_0_TAG = 1000000;
    private static final long V_PAROS_TAG = 30020013;

    //  ************************************************************
    //  note the above
    //  ************************************************************

    // These are no longer final - version is now loaded from the manifest file
    public static String PROGRAM_VERSION = DEV_VERSION;
    public static String PROGRAM_TITLE = PROGRAM_NAME + " " + PROGRAM_VERSION;

    public static final String SYSTEM_PAROS_USER_LOG = "zap.user.log";

    //  public static final String FILE_CONFIG = "xml/config.xml";
    //  public static final String FOLDER_PLUGIN = "plugin";
    //  public static final String FOLDER_FILTER = "filter";
    //  public static final String FOLDER_SESSION = "session";
    //  public static final String DBNAME_TEMPLATE = "db/parosdb";
    //  public static final String DBNAME_UNTITLED = FOLDER_SESSION + "/untitled";

    public static final String FILE_SEPARATOR = System.getProperty("file.separator");

     * @deprecated (2.4.2) The path does not take into account the installation directory, use
     *             {@link #getPathDefaultConfigFile()} instead.
    public static final String FILE_CONFIG_DEFAULT = "xml/config.xml";
    public static final String FILE_CONFIG_NAME = "config.xml";
    public static final String FOLDER_PLUGIN = "plugin";
    public static final String FOLDER_FILTER = "filter";
    public static final String FOLDER_SESSION_DEFAULT = "session";
    public static final String DBNAME_TEMPLATE = "db" + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "zapdb";

     * Prefix (file name) of files.
    public static final String MESSAGES_PREFIX = "Messages";

     * Extension (with dot) of files.
     * @see #MESSAGES_PREFIX
     * @since 2.4.0
    public static final String MESSAGES_EXTENSION = ".properties";

            + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "untitled";

    public String FOLDER_SESSION = "session";
    public String DBNAME_UNTITLED = FOLDER_SESSION + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "untitled";
    public String ACCEPTED_LICENSE_DEFAULT = "AcceptedLicense";

    public static final String FILE_PROGRAM_SPLASH = "resource/zap128x128.png";

    // Accelerator keys - Default: Windows
    public static String ACCELERATOR_UNDO = "control Z";
    public static String ACCELERATOR_REDO = "control Y";
    public static String ACCELERATOR_TRIGGER_KEY = "Control";

    private static Constant instance = null;

    public static final int MAX_HOST_CONNECTION = 15;
    public static final int MAX_THREADS_PER_SCAN = 50;
    // ZAP: Dont announce ourselves
    //public static final String USER_AGENT = PROGRAM_NAME + "/" + PROGRAM_VERSION;
    public static final String USER_AGENT = "";

    private static String staticEyeCatcher = "0W45pz4p";
    private static boolean staticSP = false;

    private static final String USER_CONTEXTS_DIR = "contexts";
    private static final String USER_POLICIES_DIR = "policies";

    // Home dir for ZAP, ie where the config file is. Can be set on cmdline, otherwise will be set to default loc
    private static String zapHome = null;
    // Default home dir for 'full' releases - used for copying full conf file when dev/daily release run for the first time
    // and also for the JVM options config file
    private static String zapStd = null;
    // Install dir for ZAP, but default will be cwd
    private static String zapInstall = null;

    private static Boolean onKali = null;
    private static Boolean lowMemoryOption = null;

    // ZAP: Added i18n
    public static I18N messages = null;

     * The system's locale (as determined by the JVM at startup, {@code Locale#getDefault()}).
     * <p>
     * The locale is kept here because the default locale is later overridden with the user's chosen locale/language.
     * @see Locale#getDefault()
    private static final Locale SYSTEMS_LOCALE = Locale.getDefault();

     * Name of directory that contains the (source and translated) resource files.
     * @see #MESSAGES_PREFIX
    public static final String LANG_DIR = "lang";

     * Prefix (file name) of vulnerabilities.xml files.
     * @since 2.4.0
    public static final String VULNERABILITIES_PREFIX = "vulnerabilities";

     * @deprecated (2.4.0) Use {@link #VULNERABILITIES_PREFIX} instead. It will be removed in a following release.

     * Extension (with dot) of vulnerabilities.xml files.
     * @since 2.4.0
    public static final String VULNERABILITIES_EXTENSION = ".xml";

    // ZAP: Added dirbuster dir
    public String DIRBUSTER_DIR = "dirbuster";

    public String FUZZER_DIR = "fuzzers";

    public static String FOLDER_LOCAL_PLUGIN = FOLDER_PLUGIN;

    public static final URL OK_FLAG_IMAGE_URL = Constant.class.getResource("/resource/icon/10/072.png"); // Green
    public static final URL INFO_FLAG_IMAGE_URL = Constant.class.getResource("/resource/icon/10/073.png"); // Blue
    public static final URL LOW_FLAG_IMAGE_URL = Constant.class.getResource("/resource/icon/10/074.png"); // Yellow
    public static final URL MED_FLAG_IMAGE_URL = Constant.class.getResource("/resource/icon/10/076.png"); // Orange
    public static final URL HIGH_FLAG_IMAGE_URL = Constant.class.getResource("/resource/icon/10/071.png"); // Red
    public static final URL BLANK_IMAGE_URL = Constant.class.getResource("/resource/icon/10/blank.png");
    public static final URL SPIDER_IMAGE_URL = Constant.class.getResource("/resource/icon/10/spider.png");

    public static String getEyeCatcher() {
        return staticEyeCatcher;

    public static void setEyeCatcher(String eyeCatcher) {
        staticEyeCatcher = eyeCatcher;

    public static void setSP(boolean isSP) {
        staticSP = isSP;

    public static boolean isSP() {
        return staticSP;

    public Constant() {

    public static String getDefaultHomeDirectory(boolean incDevOption) {
        if (zapStd == null) {
            zapStd = System.getProperty("user.home");
            if (zapStd == null) {
                zapStd = ".";

            if (isLinux()) {
                // Linux: Hidden Zap directory in the user's home directory
                zapStd += FILE_SEPARATOR + "." + PROGRAM_NAME_SHORT;
            } else if (isMacOsX()) {
                // Mac Os X: Support for writing the configuration into the users Library 
                zapStd += FILE_SEPARATOR + "Library" + FILE_SEPARATOR + "Application Support" + FILE_SEPARATOR
                        + PROGRAM_NAME_SHORT;
            } else {
                // Windows: Zap directory in the user's home directory
                zapStd += FILE_SEPARATOR + PROGRAM_NAME;

        if (incDevOption) {
            if (isDevBuild() || isDailyBuild()) {
                // Default to a different home dir to prevent messing up full releases
                return zapStd + "_D";
        return zapStd;


    private void initializeFilesAndDirectories() {

        FileCopier copier = new FileCopier();
        File f = null;
        Logger log = null;

        // default to use application directory 'log'
        System.setProperty(SYSTEM_PAROS_USER_LOG, "log");

        // Set up the version from the manifest
        PROGRAM_VERSION = getVersionFromManifest();

        if (zapHome == null) {
            zapHome = getDefaultHomeDirectory(true);

        zapHome = getAbsolutePath(zapHome);
        f = new File(zapHome);

        FILE_CONFIG = zapHome + FILE_CONFIG;
        FUZZER_DIR = zapHome + FUZZER_DIR;

        try {
            System.setProperty(SYSTEM_PAROS_USER_LOG, zapHome);

            if (!f.isDirectory()) {
                if (!f.mkdir()) {
                    // ZAP: report failure to create directory
                    System.out.println("Failed to create directory " + f.getAbsolutePath());

            // Setup the logging
            File logFile = new File(zapHome + "/");
            if (!logFile.exists()) {
                copier.copy(new File(zapInstall, "xml/"), logFile);
            System.setProperty("log4j.configuration", logFile.getAbsolutePath());
            log = Logger.getLogger(Constant.class);

            f = new File(FILE_CONFIG);
            if (!f.isFile()) {
                File oldf;
                if (isDevBuild() || isDailyBuild()) {
                    // try standard location
                    oldf = new File(getDefaultHomeDirectory(false) + FILE_SEPARATOR + FILE_CONFIG_NAME);
                } else {
                    // try old location
                    oldf = new File(zapHome + FILE_SEPARATOR + "zap" + FILE_SEPARATOR + FILE_CONFIG_NAME);

                if (oldf.exists() && Paths.get(zapHome).equals(Paths.get(getDefaultHomeDirectory(true)))) {
                    // Dont copy old configs if they've specified a non std directory
          "Copying defaults from " + oldf.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + FILE_CONFIG);
                    copier.copy(oldf, f);

                } else {
          "Copying defaults from " + getPathDefaultConfigFile() + " to " + FILE_CONFIG);
                    copier.copy(getPathDefaultConfigFile().toFile(), f);

            f = new File(FOLDER_SESSION);
            if (!f.isDirectory()) {
      "Creating directory " + FOLDER_SESSION);
                if (!f.mkdir()) {
                    // ZAP: report failure to create directory
                    System.out.println("Failed to create directory " + f.getAbsolutePath());
            f = new File(DIRBUSTER_CUSTOM_DIR);
            if (!f.isDirectory()) {
      "Creating directory " + DIRBUSTER_CUSTOM_DIR);
                if (!f.mkdir()) {
                    // ZAP: report failure to create directory
                    System.out.println("Failed to create directory " + f.getAbsolutePath());
            f = new File(FUZZER_DIR);
            if (!f.isDirectory()) {
      "Creating directory " + FUZZER_DIR);
                if (!f.mkdir()) {
                    // ZAP: report failure to create directory
                    System.out.println("Failed to create directory " + f.getAbsolutePath());
            f = new File(FOLDER_LOCAL_PLUGIN);
            if (!f.isDirectory()) {
      "Creating directory " + FOLDER_LOCAL_PLUGIN);
                if (!f.mkdir()) {
                    // ZAP: report failure to create directory
                    System.out.println("Failed to create directory " + f.getAbsolutePath());

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Unable to initialize home directory! " + e.getMessage());

        // Upgrade actions
        try {
            try {

                // ZAP: Changed to use ZapXmlConfiguration, to enforce the same character encoding when reading/writing configurations.
                XMLConfiguration config = new ZapXmlConfiguration(FILE_CONFIG);

                long ver = config.getLong("version");

                if (ver == VERSION_TAG) {
                    // Nothing to do
                } else if (isDevBuild() || isDailyBuild()) {
                    // Nothing to do
                } else {
                    // Backup the old one
          "Backing up config file to " + FILE_CONFIG + ".bak");
                    f = new File(FILE_CONFIG);
                    try {
                        copier.copy(f, new File(FILE_CONFIG + ".bak"));
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        String msg = "Failed to backup config file " + FILE_CONFIG + " to " + FILE_CONFIG + ".bak "
                                + e.getMessage();
                        log.error(msg, e);

                    if (ver == V_PAROS_TAG) {
                    if (ver <= V_1_0_0_TAG) {
                        // Nothing to do
                    if (ver <= V_1_1_0_TAG) {
                    if (ver <= V_1_2_0_TAG) {
                    if (ver <= V_1_2_1_TAG) {
                        // Nothing to do
                    if (ver <= V_1_3_0_TAG) {
                        // Nothing to do
                    if (ver <= V_1_3_1_TAG) {
                        // Nothing to do
                    if (ver <= V_1_4_1_TAG) {
                    if (ver <= V_2_0_0_TAG) {
                    if (ver <= V_2_1_0_TAG) {
                        // Nothing to do
                    if (ver <= V_2_2_0_TAG) {
                    if (ver <= V_2_3_1_TAG) {
          "Upgraded from " + ver);

                    // Update the version
                    config.setProperty("version", VERSION_TAG);

            } catch (ConfigurationException | ConversionException | NoSuchElementException e) {
                //  if there is any error in config file (eg config file not exist, corrupted),
                //  overwrite previous configuration file 
                // ZAP: changed to use the correct file
                copier.copy(getPathDefaultConfigFile().toFile(), new File(FILE_CONFIG));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Unable to upgrade config file " + FILE_CONFIG + " " + e.getMessage());

        // ZAP: Init i18n
        String lang;
        Locale locale = Locale.ENGLISH;

        try {
            // Select the correct locale
            // ZAP: Changed to use ZapXmlConfiguration, to enforce the same character encoding when reading/writing configurations.
            XMLConfiguration config = new ZapXmlConfiguration(FILE_CONFIG);

            lang = config.getString(OptionsParamView.LOCALE, OptionsParamView.DEFAULT_LOCALE);
            if (lang.length() == 0) {
                lang = OptionsParamView.DEFAULT_LOCALE;

            String[] langArray = lang.split("_");
            locale = new Locale(langArray[0], langArray[1]);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Failed to initialise locale " + e);


        messages = new I18N(locale);

    private void copyProperty(XMLConfiguration fromConfig, XMLConfiguration toConfig, String key) {
        toConfig.setProperty(key, fromConfig.getProperty(key));

    private void copyAllProperties(XMLConfiguration fromConfig, XMLConfiguration toConfig, String prefix) {
        Iterator<String> iter = fromConfig.getKeys(prefix);
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            String key =;
            copyProperty(fromConfig, toConfig, key);

    private void upgradeFrom1_1_0(XMLConfiguration config) throws ConfigurationException {
        // Upgrade the regexs
        // ZAP: Changed to use ZapXmlConfiguration, to enforce the same character encoding when reading/writing configurations.
        XMLConfiguration newConfig = new ZapXmlConfiguration(getPathDefaultConfigFile().toFile());

        copyAllProperties(newConfig, config, "pscans");

    private void upgradeFrom1_2_0(XMLConfiguration config) throws ConfigurationException {
        // Upgrade the regexs
        // ZAP: Changed to use ZapXmlConfiguration, to enforce the same character encoding when reading/writing configurations.
        XMLConfiguration newConfig = new ZapXmlConfiguration(getPathDefaultConfigFile().toFile());

        copyProperty(newConfig, config, "view.editorView");
        copyProperty(newConfig, config, "view.brkPanelView");
        copyProperty(newConfig, config, "view.showMainToolbar");

    private void upgradeFrom1_4_1(XMLConfiguration config) {
        // As the POST_FORM option for the spider has been updated from int to boolean, keep
        // compatibility for old versions
        if (!config.getProperty("spider.postform").toString().equals("0")) {
            config.setProperty("spider.postform", "true");
            config.setProperty("spider.processform", "true");
        } else {
            config.setProperty("spider.postform", "false");
            config.setProperty("spider.processform", "false");

        // Move the old session tokens to the new "httpsessions" hierarchy and 
        // delete the old "session" hierarchy as it's no longer used/needed.
        String[] tokens = config.getStringArray("session.tokens");
        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {
            String elementBaseKey = "httpsessions.tokens.token(" + i + ").";

            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "name", tokens[i]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "enabled", Boolean.TRUE);

        // Update the anti CSRF tokens elements/hierarchy.
        tokens = config.getStringArray("anticsrf.tokens");
        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; ++i) {
            String elementBaseKey = "anticsrf.tokens.token(" + i + ").";

            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "name", tokens[i]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "enabled", Boolean.TRUE);

        // Update the invoke applications elements/hierarchy.
        List<Object[]> oldData = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0;; i++) {
            String baseKey = "invoke.A" + i + ".";
            String host = config.getString(baseKey + "name");
            if (host == null || "".equals(host)) {

            Object[] data = new Object[6];
            data[0] = host;
            data[1] = config.getString(baseKey + "directory", "");
            data[2] = config.getString(baseKey + "command");
            data[3] = config.getString(baseKey + "parameters");
            data[4] = Boolean.valueOf(config.getBoolean(baseKey + "output", true));
            data[5] = Boolean.valueOf(config.getBoolean(baseKey + "note", false));
        for (int i = 0, size = oldData.size(); i < size; ++i) {
            String elementBaseKey = "" + i + ").";
            Object[] data = oldData.get(i);

            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "name", data[0]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "directory", data[1]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "command", data[2]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "parameters", data[3]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "output", data[4]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "note", data[5]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "enabled", Boolean.TRUE);

        // Update the authentication elements/hierarchy.
        oldData = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0;; i++) {
            String baseKey = "connection.auth.A" + i + ".";
            String host = config.getString(baseKey + "hostName");
            if (host == null || "".equals(host)) {

            Object[] data = new Object[5];
            data[0] = host;
            data[1] = Integer.valueOf(config.getString(baseKey + "port", "80"));
            data[2] = config.getString(baseKey + "userName");
            data[3] = config.getString(baseKey + "password");
            data[4] = config.getString(baseKey + "realm");
        for (int i = 0, size = oldData.size(); i < size; ++i) {
            String elementBaseKey = "connection.auths.auth(" + i + ").";
            Object[] data = oldData.get(i);

            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "name", "Auth " + i);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "hostName", data[0]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "port", data[1]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "userName", data[2]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "password", data[3]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "realm", data[4]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "enabled", Boolean.TRUE);

        // Update the passive scan elements/hierarchy.
        String[] names = config.getStringArray("pscans.names");
        oldData = new ArrayList<>();
        for (String pscanName : names) {
            String baseKey = "pscans." + pscanName + ".";

            Object[] data = new Object[8];
            data[0] = pscanName;
            data[1] = config.getString(baseKey + "type");
            data[2] = config.getString(baseKey + "config");
            data[3] = config.getString(baseKey + "reqUrlRegex");
            data[4] = config.getString(baseKey + "reqHeadRegex");
            data[5] = config.getString(baseKey + "resHeadRegex");
            data[6] = config.getString(baseKey + "resBodyRegex");
            data[7] = Boolean.valueOf(config.getBoolean(baseKey + "enabled"));
        for (String pscanName : names) {
            config.clearTree("pscans." + pscanName);
        for (int i = 0, size = oldData.size(); i < size; ++i) {
            String elementBaseKey = "pscans.autoTagScanners.scanner(" + i + ").";
            Object[] data = oldData.get(i);

            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "name", data[0]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "type", data[1]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "config", data[2]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "reqUrlRegex", data[3]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "reqHeadRegex", data[4]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "resHeadRegex", data[5]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "resBodyRegex", data[6]);
            config.setProperty(elementBaseKey + "enabled", data[7]);

    private void upgradeFrom2_0_0(XMLConfiguration config) {
        String forcedBrowseFile = config.getString("bruteforce.defaultFile", "");
        if (!"".equals(forcedBrowseFile)) {
            String absolutePath = "";
            // Try the 'local' dir first
            File f = new File(DIRBUSTER_CUSTOM_DIR + File.separator + forcedBrowseFile);
            if (!f.exists()) {
                f = new File(DIRBUSTER_DIR + File.separator + forcedBrowseFile);
            if (f.exists()) {
                absolutePath = f.getAbsolutePath();
            config.setProperty("bruteforce.defaultFile", absolutePath);

        // Remove the manual request editor configurations that were incorrectly created.

    private void upgradeFrom2_2_0(XMLConfiguration config) {
        try {
            if (!config.getBoolean(OptionsParamCheckForUpdates.CHECK_ON_START, false)) {
                 * Check-for-updates on start set to false - force another prompt to ask the user,
                 * as this option can have been unset incorrectly before.
                 * And we want to encourage users to use this ;)
                config.setProperty(OptionsParamCheckForUpdates.DAY_LAST_CHECKED, "");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // At one stage this was an integer, which will cause an exception to be thrown
            config.setProperty(OptionsParamCheckForUpdates.DAY_LAST_CHECKED, "");
        // Clear the block list - addons were incorrectly added to this if an update failed
        config.setProperty(AddOnLoader.ADDONS_BLOCK_LIST, "");


    private void upgradeFrom2_3_1(XMLConfiguration config) {
        // Remove old authentication options no longer used

    public static void setLocale(String loc) {
        String[] langArray = loc.split("_");
        Locale locale = new Locale(langArray[0], langArray[1]);

        if (messages == null) {
            messages = new I18N(locale);
        } else {

    public static Locale getLocale() {
        return messages.getLocal();

     * Returns the system's {@code Locale} (as determined by the JVM at startup, {@code Locale#getDefault()}). Should be used to
     * show locale dependent information in the system's locale.
     * <p>
     * <strong>Note:</strong> The default locale is overridden with the ZAP's user defined locale/language.
     * @return the system's {@code Locale}
     * @see Locale#getDefault()
     * @see Locale#setDefault(Locale)
    public static Locale getSystemsLocale() {
        return SYSTEMS_LOCALE;

    public static Constant getInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            // ZAP: Changed to use the method createInstance().
        return instance;

    // ZAP: Added method.
    private static synchronized void createInstance() {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new Constant();

    private void setAcceleratorKeys() {

        // Undo/Redo
        if (Constant.isMacOsX()) {
            ACCELERATOR_UNDO = "meta Z";
            ACCELERATOR_REDO = "meta shift Z";
            ACCELERATOR_TRIGGER_KEY = "Meta";
        } else {
            ACCELERATOR_UNDO = "control Z";
            ACCELERATOR_REDO = "control Y";
            ACCELERATOR_TRIGGER_KEY = "Control";

    // Determine Windows Operating System
    // ZAP: Changed to final.
    private static final Pattern patternWindows = Pattern.compile("window", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

    public static boolean isWindows() {
        String os_name = System.getProperty("");

        Matcher matcher = patternWindows.matcher(os_name);
        return matcher.find();

    // Determine Linux Operating System
    // ZAP: Changed to final.
    private static final Pattern patternLinux = Pattern.compile("linux", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

    public static boolean isLinux() {
        String os_name = System.getProperty("");
        Matcher matcher = patternLinux.matcher(os_name);
        return matcher.find();

    // Determine Windows Operating System
    // ZAP: Changed to final.
    private static final Pattern patternMacOsX = Pattern.compile("mac", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);

    public static boolean isMacOsX() {
        String os_name = System.getProperty("");
        Matcher matcher = patternMacOsX.matcher(os_name);
        return matcher.find();

    public static void setZapHome(String dir) {
        zapHome = getAbsolutePath(dir);

     * Returns the absolute path for the given {@code directory}.
     * <p>
     * The path is terminated with a separator.
     * @param directory the directory whose path will be made absolute
     * @return the absolute path for the given {@code directory}, terminated with a separator
     * @since 2.4.0
    private static String getAbsolutePath(String directory) {
        String realPath = Paths.get(directory).toAbsolutePath().toString();
        String separator = FileSystems.getDefault().getSeparator();
        if (!realPath.endsWith(separator)) {
            realPath += separator;
        return realPath;

    public static String getZapHome() {
        return zapHome;

     * Returns the path to default configuration file, located in installation directory.
     * @return the {@code Path} to default configuration file.
     * @since 2.4.2
    public static Path getPathDefaultConfigFile() {
        return Paths.get(getZapInstall(), "xml", FILE_CONFIG_NAME);

    public static File getContextsDir() {
        File f = new File(Constant.getZapHome(), USER_CONTEXTS_DIR);
        if (!f.exists()) {
        if (f.isDirectory() && f.canWrite()) {
            return f;
        return Model.getSingleton().getOptionsParam().getUserDirectory();

    public static File getPoliciesDir() {
        File f = new File(Constant.getZapHome(), USER_POLICIES_DIR);
        if (!f.exists()) {
        if (f.isDirectory() && f.canWrite()) {
            return f;
        return Model.getSingleton().getOptionsParam().getUserDirectory();

    public static void setZapInstall(String dir) {
        zapInstall = getAbsolutePath(dir);

    public static String getZapInstall() {
        if (zapInstall == null) {
            String path = ".";
            Path localDir = Paths.get(path);
            if (!Files.isDirectory(localDir.resolve("db")) || !Files.isDirectory(localDir.resolve("lang"))) {
                path = ZAP.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath();
                // Loggers wont have been set up yet
                System.out.println("Defaulting ZAP install dir to " + path);
            if (path.startsWith("/") && path.indexOf(":") > 0) {
                // This is likely to be a Windows path, remove to initial slash or it will fail
                path = path.substring(1);

            zapInstall = getAbsolutePath(path);
        return zapInstall;

    private static Manifest getManifest() {
        String className = Constant.class.getSimpleName() + ".class";
        String classPath = Constant.class.getResource(className).toString();
        if (!classPath.startsWith("jar")) {
            // Class not from JAR
            return null;
        String manifestPath = classPath.substring(0, classPath.lastIndexOf("!") + 1) + "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF";
        try {
            return new Manifest(new URL(manifestPath).openStream());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Ignore
            return null;

    private static String getVersionFromManifest() {
        Manifest manifest = getManifest();
        if (manifest != null) {
            Attributes attr = manifest.getMainAttributes();
            return attr.getValue("Implementation-Version");
        } else {
            return DEV_VERSION;

    public static Date getReleaseCreateDate() {
        SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
        Manifest manifest = getManifest();
        if (manifest != null) {
            Attributes attr = manifest.getMainAttributes();
            try {
                return sdf.parse(attr.getValue("Create-Date"));
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                // Ignore - treat as undated
        return null;

    public static Date getInstallDate() {
        String className = Constant.class.getSimpleName() + ".class";
        String classPath = Constant.class.getResource(className).toString();
        if (!classPath.startsWith("jar:file:")) {
            // Class not from JAR
            return null;
        classPath = classPath.substring(9);
        int ind = classPath.indexOf("!");
        if (ind > 0) {
            classPath = classPath.substring(0, ind);
        File f = new File(classPath);
        if (f.exists()) {
            // Choose the parent directories date, in case the creation date was maintained
            return new Date(f.getParentFile().lastModified());
        return null;

    public static boolean isDevBuild() {
        return isDevBuild(PROGRAM_VERSION);

    public static boolean isDevBuild(String version) {
        // Dev releases with be called "Dev Build" date stamped builds will be of the format D-{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}
        return DEV_VERSION.equals(version);

    public static boolean isDailyBuild(String version) {
        // Date stamped builds will be of the format D-{yyyy}-{mm}-{dd}
        return version.startsWith("D-");

    public static boolean isDailyBuild() {
        return isDailyBuild(PROGRAM_VERSION);

    public static void setLowMemoryOption(boolean lowMem) {
        if (lowMemoryOption != null) {
            throw new InvalidParameterException("Low memory option already set to " + lowMemoryOption);
        lowMemoryOption = lowMem;

    public static boolean isLowMemoryOptionSet() {
        return lowMemoryOption != null && lowMemoryOption.booleanValue();

     * Returns true if running on Kali and not a daily build 
    public static boolean isKali() {
        if (onKali == null) {
            onKali = false;
            File osReleaseFile = new File("/etc/os-release");
            if (isLinux() && !isDailyBuild() && osReleaseFile.exists()) {
                // Ignore the fact we're on Kali if this is a daily build - they will only have been installed manually
                try {
                    InputStream in = null;
                    Properties osProps = new Properties();
                    in = new FileInputStream(osReleaseFile);
                    String osLikeValue = osProps.getProperty("ID");
                    if (osLikeValue != null) {
                        String[] oSLikes = osLikeValue.split(" ");
                        for (String osLike : oSLikes) {
                            if (osLike.toLowerCase().equals("kali")) {
                                onKali = true;
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // Ignore
        return onKali;
