Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Julias R. Shaw Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this * software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without * limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and * this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED * "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import static org.panopticode.util.SVGHelper.addGrouping; import static org.panopticode.util.SVGHelper.addText; import static org.panopticode.util.SVGHelper.cleanId; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.Namespace; import; import; import org.panopticode.IntegerMetric; import org.panopticode.Level; import org.panopticode.MetricDeclaration; import org.panopticode.PanopticodeClass; import org.panopticode.PanopticodeMethod; import org.panopticode.PanopticodePackage; import org.panopticode.PanopticodeProject; import org.panopticode.Report; import edu.umd.cs.treemap.Rect; public abstract class BaseTreemap implements Report { private final static double DETAIL_WIDTH = 300.0; private final static double FOOTER_HEIGHT = 25.0; private final static double HEADER_HEIGHT = 25.0; private final static double REGION_BORDER = 3.0; public void runReport(PanopticodeProject project, String[] arguments) { String outputFile = arguments[0]; PrintStream output; XMLWriter xmlWriter; boolean interactive = false; if (arguments.length == 2 && "-interactive".equals(arguments[1])) interactive = true; try { if (outputFile == null) output = System.out; else output = new PrintStream(outputFile); xmlWriter = new XMLWriter(output, OutputFormat.createPrettyPrint()); xmlWriter.write(generateXMLDocument(project, interactive)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } Document generateXMLDocument(PanopticodeProject project, boolean interactive) { Rect bounds = new Rect(0, 0, 1024, 768); Document document; Element root; document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); root = document.addElement("svg"); renderSVG(project, root, interactive, bounds); return document; } protected static List<MetricDeclaration> getMetricDeclarations(PanopticodeProject project, Level level) { List<MetricDeclaration> metrics = new LinkedList<MetricDeclaration>(); for (MetricDeclaration metricDeclaration : project.getMetricDeclarations()) if (metricDeclaration.isLevel(level)) metrics.add(metricDeclaration); return metrics; } Map<String, Rect> getInteractiveLayout(Rect bounds) { Map<String, Rect> layout = new HashMap<String, Rect>(); layout.put("title", new Rect(bounds.x + REGION_BORDER, bounds.y + REGION_BORDER, bounds.w - 2.0 * REGION_BORDER, HEADER_HEIGHT)); layout.put("legend", new Rect(bounds.x + REGION_BORDER, bounds.h + bounds.y - FOOTER_HEIGHT - REGION_BORDER, bounds.w - 2.0 * REGION_BORDER, FOOTER_HEIGHT)); layout.put("contents", new Rect(bounds.x + REGION_BORDER, bounds.y + HEADER_HEIGHT + 2.0 * REGION_BORDER, bounds.w - DETAIL_WIDTH - 3.0 * REGION_BORDER, bounds.h - HEADER_HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT - 4.0 * REGION_BORDER)); layout.put("details", new Rect(bounds.x + bounds.w - DETAIL_WIDTH - REGION_BORDER, bounds.y + HEADER_HEIGHT + 2.0 * REGION_BORDER, DETAIL_WIDTH, bounds.h - HEADER_HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT - 4.0 * REGION_BORDER)); return layout; } Map<String, Rect> getStaticLayout(Rect bounds) { Map<String, Rect> layout = new HashMap<String, Rect>(); layout.put("title", new Rect(bounds.x + REGION_BORDER, bounds.y + REGION_BORDER, bounds.w - 2.0 * REGION_BORDER, HEADER_HEIGHT)); layout.put("legend", new Rect(bounds.x + REGION_BORDER, bounds.h + bounds.y - FOOTER_HEIGHT - REGION_BORDER, bounds.w - 2.0 * REGION_BORDER, FOOTER_HEIGHT)); layout.put("contents", new Rect(bounds.x + REGION_BORDER, bounds.y + HEADER_HEIGHT + 2.0 * REGION_BORDER, bounds.w - 2.0 * REGION_BORDER, bounds.h - HEADER_HEIGHT - FOOTER_HEIGHT - 4.0 * REGION_BORDER)); return layout; } Map<String, Rect> getLayout(Rect bounds, boolean interactive) { if (interactive) return getInteractiveLayout(bounds); return getStaticLayout(bounds); } void renderSVG(PanopticodeProject project, Element svgElement, boolean interactive, Rect bounds) { Map<String, Rect> layout; StringBuffer viewBox = new StringBuffer(); viewBox.append(bounds.x); viewBox.append(" "); viewBox.append(bounds.y); viewBox.append(" "); viewBox.append(bounds.w); viewBox.append(" "); viewBox.append(bounds.h); svgElement.add(new Namespace("", "")); svgElement.add(new Namespace("xlink", "")); svgElement.addAttribute("viewBox", viewBox.toString()); layout = getLayout(bounds, interactive); renderTitle(svgElement, layout.get("title"), project); renderDetails(layout.get("details"), svgElement, project, interactive); getData(project, interactive).renderSVG(layout.get("contents"), svgElement, project); getCategorizer().renderHorizontalLegend(layout.get("legend"), svgElement); } void renderTitle(Element parent, Rect bounds, PanopticodeProject project) { Element titleElement; titleElement = addText(parent, bounds.w / 2.0 + bounds.x, 17.0 + bounds.y, getTitle(project)); titleElement.addAttribute("style", "text-anchor: middle;"); } protected Element addDetailLine(Element detailElement, String id, double x, double y, String fontSize, String text) { Element textElement; textElement = addText(detailElement, x, y, text); textElement.addAttribute("id", id); textElement.addAttribute("font-size", fontSize); return textElement; } protected double addMetricDetails(Element detailElement, String idSuffix, double x, double y, List<MetricDeclaration> metrics) { double yPosition = y; for (MetricDeclaration metricDeclaration : metrics) { yPosition += 20; addDetailLine(detailElement, getAsId(metricDeclaration) + idSuffix, x, yPosition, "0.8em", metricDeclaration.getName() + ": "); } return yPosition; } void renderDetails(Rect bounds, Element parentElement, PanopticodeProject project, boolean interactive) { if (!interactive) return; double textY; List<MetricDeclaration> projectMetrics = getMetricDeclarations(project, Level.PROJECT); List<MetricDeclaration> packageMetrics = getMetricDeclarations(project, Level.PACKAGE); List<MetricDeclaration> fileMetrics = getMetricDeclarations(project, Level.FILE); List<MetricDeclaration> classMetrics = getMetricDeclarations(project, Level.CLASS); List<MetricDeclaration> methodMetrics = getMetricDeclarations(project, Level.METHOD); renderJavascriptFunctions(parentElement, projectMetrics, packageMetrics, fileMetrics, classMetrics, methodMetrics); Element detailElement; Element textElement; double textX = bounds.x + 5; double indentedTextX = bounds.x + 15; detailElement = addGrouping(parentElement, "details", null, null); textY = bounds.y + 20; textElement = addDetailLine(detailElement, "detailsTitle", textX, textY, "1.0em", "Details"); textElement.addAttribute("style", "text-decoration: underline;"); textY += 20; textElement = addDetailLine(detailElement, "detailsHint", textX, textY, "0.8em", "( Click on a rectangle to view details )"); textElement.addAttribute("stroke", "gray"); textElement.addAttribute("fill", "gray"); textY += 35; addDetailLine(detailElement, "projectName", textX, textY, "0.8em", "Project: "); textY = addMetricDetails(detailElement, "ProjectMetric", indentedTextX, textY, projectMetrics); textY += 25; addDetailLine(detailElement, "packageName", textX, textY, "0.8em", "Package: "); textY = addMetricDetails(detailElement, "PackageMetric", indentedTextX, textY, packageMetrics); textY += 25; addDetailLine(detailElement, "fileName", textX, textY, "0.8em", "File: "); textY = addMetricDetails(detailElement, "FileMetric", indentedTextX, textY, fileMetrics); textY += 25; addDetailLine(detailElement, "className", textX, textY, "0.8em", "Class: "); textY = addMetricDetails(detailElement, "ClassMetric", indentedTextX, textY, classMetrics); textY += 25; addDetailLine(detailElement, "methodName", textX, textY, "0.8em", "Method: "); textY = addMetricDetails(detailElement, "MethodMetric", indentedTextX, textY, methodMetrics); } private String getAsId(MetricDeclaration metricDeclaration) { return cleanId(metricDeclaration.getName()); } protected String buildReplaceTextForMetrics(String idSuffix, String mapName, List<MetricDeclaration> metrics) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (MetricDeclaration metricDeclaration : metrics) { String id = getAsId(metricDeclaration) + idSuffix; String name = metricDeclaration.getName(); sb.append(" replaceText('"); sb.append(id); sb.append("', '"); sb.append(name); sb.append(": ' + getMetric("); sb.append(mapName); sb.append(", '"); sb.append(name); sb.append("'));\n"); } return sb.toString(); } protected void renderJavascriptFunctions(Element parentElement, List<MetricDeclaration> projectMetrics, List<MetricDeclaration> packageMetrics, List<MetricDeclaration> fileMetrics, List<MetricDeclaration> classMetrics, List<MetricDeclaration> methodMetrics) { StringBuffer javascript; javascript = new StringBuffer(); javascript.append("\n"); javascript.append( "function showDetails(projectName, projectMetrics, packageName, packageMetrics, fileName, fileMetrics, className, classMetrics, methodName, methodMetrics) {\n"); javascript.append(" replaceText('projectName', 'Project: ' + projectName);\n"); javascript.append(buildReplaceTextForMetrics("ProjectMetric", "projectMetrics", projectMetrics)); javascript.append(" replaceText('packageName', 'Package: ' + packageName);\n"); javascript.append(buildReplaceTextForMetrics("PackageMetric", "packageMetrics", packageMetrics)); javascript.append(" replaceText('fileName', 'File: ' + fileName);\n"); javascript.append(buildReplaceTextForMetrics("FileMetric", "fileMetrics", fileMetrics)); javascript.append(" replaceText('className', 'Class: ' + className);\n"); javascript.append(buildReplaceTextForMetrics("ClassMetric", "classMetrics", classMetrics)); javascript.append(" replaceText('methodName', 'Method: ' + methodName);\n"); javascript.append(buildReplaceTextForMetrics("MethodMetric", "methodMetrics", methodMetrics)); javascript.append("}\n"); javascript.append("\n"); javascript.append("function getMetric(metricsMap, key) {\n"); javascript.append(" var index;\n"); javascript.append(" for (index = 0; index < metricsMap.length; index++) {\n"); javascript.append(" if (metricsMap[index][0] == key) {\n"); javascript.append(" return metricsMap[index][1];\n"); javascript.append(" }\n"); javascript.append(" }\n"); javascript.append(" return 'Unknown';\n"); javascript.append("}\n"); javascript.append("\n"); javascript.append("function replaceText(id, newText) {\n"); javascript.append(" var parentElement;\n"); javascript.append(" var newTextNode;\n"); javascript.append("\n"); javascript.append(" newTextNode = document.createTextNode(newText);\n"); javascript.append("\n"); javascript.append(" parentElement = document.getElementById(id);\n"); javascript.append(" parentElement.replaceChild(newTextNode, parentElement.firstChild);\n"); javascript.append("}\n"); Element scriptElement = parentElement.addElement("script", ""); scriptElement.addAttribute("type", "text/ecmascript"); scriptElement.addCDATA(javascript.toString()); } ContainerMapItem getData(PanopticodeProject project, boolean interactive) { ContainerMapItem parent = new ContainerMapItem("Project - " + project.getName(), 0); for (PanopticodePackage panopticodePackage : project.getPackages()) { ContainerMapItem packageContainer = new ContainerMapItem("Package - " + panopticodePackage.getName(), 3); parent.addChild(packageContainer); for (PanopticodeClass panopticodeClass : panopticodePackage.getClasses()) { ContainerMapItem classContainer = new ContainerMapItem("Class - " + panopticodeClass.getName(), 1); packageContainer.addChild(classContainer); for (PanopticodeMethod panopticodeMethod : panopticodeClass.getMethods()) try { IntegerMetric ncss = (IntegerMetric) panopticodeMethod.getMetricByName("NCSS"); if (ncss != null) { double size = ncss.getValue(); String name = panopticodeMethod.getName(); Category cat = getCategorizer().getCategory(panopticodeMethod); String fill = cat.getFill(); String border = cat.getBorder(); classContainer.addChild( new LeafMapItem(size, fill, border, name, panopticodeMethod, interactive)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return parent; } public abstract Categorizer getCategorizer(); public abstract String getTitle(PanopticodeProject project); }