Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2015, Juan Manuel Barrios <> * All rights reserved. * * This file is part of P-VCD. * P-VCD is made available under the terms of the BSD 2-Clause License. */ package org.p_vcd.process; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import; import; import org.p_vcd.model.MyUtil; import org.p_vcd.model.Parameters; import org.p_vcd.model.VideoCopy; import org.p_vcd.model.VideoDatabase; public class ProcessVCD extends ProcessBase { private File queryFile; private URL queryUrl; private VideoDatabase queryDb; private Collection<VideoDatabase> referenceDbs; private List<VideoCopy> detections; private ProcessOptions options; private StatusListener status; private int currentStep, totalSteps; public ProcessVCD(Collection<VideoDatabase> referenceDbs, File queryFile, URL queryUrl, VideoDatabase queryDb, ProcessOptions options) { this.referenceDbs = referenceDbs; this.queryFile = queryFile; this.queryUrl = queryUrl; this.queryDb = queryDb; this.options = options; } @Override protected void runProcess(StatusListener status) throws Exception { this.totalSteps = 3 + 4 * referenceDbs.size(); this.status = status; this.totalSteps += referenceDbs.size(); long st = System.currentTimeMillis(); stepCompleted("Creating Query Database"); if (queryDb == null) { if (queryUrl != null) downloadQueryDB(); if (queryFile == null) throw new Exception("can't find a query video"); createQueryDB(); } computeDescriptorsDB("query", queryDb, options.descriptorQuery); for (VideoDatabase dbr : referenceDbs) { computeDescriptorsDB("reference", dbr, options.descriptorRef); } this.detections = new ArrayList<VideoCopy>(); for (VideoDatabase dbr : referenceDbs) { stepCompleted("Similarity Search " + dbr.getName()); File searchProfile = createSearchProfile(dbr); File filesNN = similaritySearch(searchProfile, dbr); stepCompleted("Copy Localization " + dbr.getName()); File fileDetections = copyLocalization(filesNN); List<VideoCopy> dets = parseDetectionsFile(fileDetections, dbr); this.detections.addAll(dets); } Collections.sort(this.detections, new Comparator<VideoCopy>() { @Override public int compare(VideoCopy vc1, VideoCopy vc2) { return, vc1.getScore()); } }); long en = System.currentTimeMillis(); stepCompleted("Finished OK. Total time: " + MyUtil.getSecondsToHHMMSS((en - st) / 1000.0)); } private void downloadQueryDB() throws Exception { FileUtils.forceMkdir(Parameters.get().getDownloadsPath()); File tmpDir = Files.createTempDirectory(Parameters.get().getDownloadsPath().toPath(), "download-").toFile(); downloadImageOrVideo(queryUrl, tmpDir); for (File file : tmpDir.listFiles()) { if (MyUtil.fileHasExtension(file, Parameters.get().getImageAndVideoExtensions())) { queryFile = file; break; } } } protected void downloadImageOrVideo(URL imageOrVideoUrl, File workingDir) throws Exception { ProcessArguments commandLine = new ProcessArguments(); commandLine.add("--server-response", "--spider", "--no-check-certificate", imageOrVideoUrl); StringBuffer stderr = new StringBuffer(); runWget(commandLine, workingDir, stderr); boolean isImage = false, isVideo = false; for (String line : stderr.toString().split("\n")) { String l = line.toLowerCase(); if (l.startsWith(" content-type: video/")) { isVideo = true; break; } else if (line.startsWith(" content-type: image/")) { isImage = true; break; } } commandLine.clear(); if (isImage || isVideo) { commandLine.add("--no-directories", "--no-check-certificate", imageOrVideoUrl); runWget(commandLine, workingDir, null); } else { commandLine.add("--restrict-filenames", imageOrVideoUrl); runYoutubeDl(commandLine, workingDir); } } private void createQueryDB() throws Exception { FileUtils.forceMkdir(Parameters.get().getQueriesPath()); String dbName = MyUtil.getMd5(queryFile) + queryFile.length(); VideoDatabase qdb = VideoDatabase.getQueryDatabase(dbName); if (qdb == null) { File newDb = new File(Parameters.get().getQueriesPath(), dbName); runPvcdDb(new ProcessArguments("-new", "-db", newDb, queryFile)); } qdb = VideoDatabase.getQueryDatabase(dbName); if (qdb == null) throw new Exception("error at creating query db"); this.queryDb = qdb; } private void computeDescriptorsDB(String name, VideoDatabase videoDb, ProcessOptions.OneDescriptorOptions optD) throws Exception { int num = videoDb.getFileList().size(); stepCompleted("Segmenting " + num + " " + name + " video" + (num == 1 ? "" : "s")); if (!new File(new File(videoDb.getDbDir(), "segmentations"), optD.segAlias).exists()) runPvcdDb(new ProcessArguments("-segment", "-db", videoDb, "-seg", optD.seg, "-alias", optD.segAlias)); stepCompleted("Computing descriptors for " + num + " " + name + " video" + (num == 1 ? "" : "s")); if (!new File(new File(videoDb.getDbDir(), "descriptors"), optD.desAlias).exists()) runPvcdDb(new ProcessArguments("-extract", "-db", videoDb, "-seg", optD.segAlias, "-desc", optD.des, "-alias", optD.desAlias)); } private File createSearchProfile(VideoDatabase dbr) throws Exception { FileUtils.forceMkdir(Parameters.get().getSearchesPath()); String searchName = dbr.getName() + "-" + queryDb.getName(); File searchProfile = new File(Parameters.get().getSearchesPath(), searchName); if (searchProfile.exists()) FileUtils.forceDelete(searchProfile); // if (!this.searchProfile.exists()) runPvcdSearch(new ProcessArguments("-new", "-profile", searchProfile, "-query", queryDb, "-descQ", options.descriptorQuery.desAlias, "-reference", dbr, "-descR", options.descriptorRef.desAlias, "-distance", options.searchOptions.distance)); return searchProfile; } private File similaritySearch(File searchProfile, VideoDatabase dbr) throws Exception { String searchId = "search"; File filesNN = new File(searchProfile, "ss," + searchId + ".txt"); ProcessArguments params = new ProcessArguments("-ss", "-profile", searchProfile, "-searchName", searchId); if (options.searchOptions.isSearchByLocal) params.add("-searchByLocalVectors"); params.add("-index", options.searchOptions.indexBuildOptions); if (options.searchOptions.indexFilename != null) { File desDir = new File(new File(dbr.getDbDir(), "descriptors"), options.descriptorRef.desAlias); File indexFile = new File(desDir, options.searchOptions.indexFilename); params.add("-load_index_path", indexFile, "-save_index_path", indexFile); } params.add("-knn", options.searchOptions.knnSearch); if (options.searchOptions.indexSearchOptions != null) params.add("-searchOptions", options.searchOptions.indexSearchOptions); runPvcdSearch(params); if (options.searchOptions.isSearchByLocal) { File filesNNLocal = new File(searchProfile, "ssVector," + searchId + ".txt"); runPvcdMerge(new ProcessArguments("-ss", filesNNLocal, "-out", filesNN, "-maxVectorsIn", options.searchOptions.knnSearch, "-maxNNOut", options.searchOptions.knnSearchAfterMerge)); } return filesNN; } private File copyLocalization(File filesNN) throws Exception { File fileDetections = new File(filesNN.getParent(), "detections_" + filesNN.getName()); runPvcdDetect(new ProcessArguments("-detect", "-ss", filesNN, "-out", fileDetections, options.localizationOptions.getOptions())); return fileDetections; } private List<VideoCopy> parseDetectionsFile(File fileDetections, VideoDatabase dbr) throws Exception { List<VideoCopy> detections = new ArrayList<VideoCopy>(); BufferedReader reader = null; try { reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileDetections)); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith("#")) continue; String[] parts = line.split("\t"); VideoCopy vc = new VideoCopy(); vc.setScore(Double.parseDouble(parts[0])); vc.setVideoQ(queryDb.getFileMap().get(parts[1])); vc.setFromQ(MyUtil.parseHHMMSSToSeconds(parts[2])); vc.setToQ(MyUtil.parseHHMMSSToSeconds(parts[3])); vc.setVideoR(dbr.getFileMap().get(parts[4])); vc.setFromR(MyUtil.parseHHMMSSToSeconds(parts[5])); vc.setToR(MyUtil.parseHHMMSSToSeconds(parts[6])); if (vc.getVideoQ() == null) throw new Exception("can't find " + parts[1]); if (vc.getVideoR() == null) throw new Exception("can't find " + parts[4]); detections.add(vc); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } return detections; } private void stepCompleted(String nextStepName) { status.setPctProgress(nextStepName, currentStep / ((double) totalSteps)); currentStep++; } public List<VideoCopy> getDetections() { return detections; } }