Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.oyrm.kobo.postproc; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.FileHandler; import java.util.logging.Formatter; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import; import; import; import; import org.oyrm.kobo.postproc.constants.Constants; import org.oyrm.kobo.postproc.utils.SourceSyncWalker; import org.oyrm.kobo.postproc.utils.DomUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * The KoboSurveyDeviceSynchronizer reads data from a specified directory and * copies it onto a specified storage directory in order to maintain copies of * the XML locally. * * The application of this class is intended to permit data to be harvested from * devices mounted to the local file system and stored in a local file storage * directory. * * @author Gary Hendrick * */ public class KoboSurveyDeviceSynchronizer extends SwingWorker<Void, Void> { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.oyrm.kobo.postproc"); private static FileHandler lh; private static Formatter lf; static { try { lh = new FileHandler(System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + Constants.CONFIG_STORAGEDIR + File.separator + "kobo.log", true); lf = new SimpleFormatter(); } catch (SecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } lh.setFormatter(lf); logger.addHandler(lh); try { logger.setLevel(Level.parse(System.getProperty(Constants.PROPKEY_LOGGING_LEVEL))); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { logger.setLevel(Level.OFF); System.out.println("Logging function failed due to exception"); System.out.println(ex.getMessage()); } // TODO: Investigate NullPointerException for launch without config // NullPointerException // when // launched // by itself } static final String[] typeName = { "none", "Element", "Attr", "Text", "CDATA", "EntityRef", "Entity", "ProcInstr", "Comment", "Document", "DocType", "DocFragment", "Notation", }; private Document documentSource; private Document documentExisting; private File readdir, storedir; private Integer nSynced; public KoboSurveyDeviceSynchronizer(File source, File storage) { super(); if (!source.exists() || !source.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Usage: SimpleSAXSurveyReader requires a valid argument representing a directory"); } readdir = source; storedir = storage; } @Override public Void doInBackground() throws Exception { logger.entering(getClass().getName(), "doInBackground()"); setProgress(1); try { processDirectory(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warning(ex.toString()); throw ex; } finally { setProgress(100); } logger.exiting(getClass().getName(), null); return null; } @Override public void done() { logger.entering(getClass().getName(), "done()"); logger.exiting(getClass().getName(), "done()"); } /** * Read the storage directory and source directory and sync new files * * @throws Exception */ private void processDirectory() throws Exception { logger.entering(getClass().getName(), "processDirectory"); try { if (!storedir.exists()) { throw new IOException("Storage Directory, " + storedir.getAbsolutePath() + ", Does Not Exist"); } if (!readdir.exists()) { throw new IOException("Source Directory, " + readdir.getAbsolutePath() + ", Does Not Exist"); } IOFileFilter xmlFileFilter = null; try { xmlFileFilter = FileFilterUtils.andFileFilter(FileFilterUtils.fileFileFilter(), FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(".xml")); } catch (Exception exp) { System.out.println(exp.getMessage()); } IOFileFilter anyDirFilter = FileFilterUtils.andFileFilter(FileFilterUtils.directoryFileFilter(), DirectoryFileFilter.INSTANCE); FileFilter myFilter = FileFilterUtils.orFileFilter(anyDirFilter, xmlFileFilter); SourceSyncWalker walker = new SourceSyncWalker(myFilter); List<File> sourceXmlList = walker.sync(readdir); logger.finer("sourceXmlList contains " + sourceXmlList.size() + " source files"); List<File> destXmlList = walker.sync(storedir); logger.finer("destXmlList: contains " + destXmlList.size() + " possible matches"); List<File> filesToSync = compareFileLists(sourceXmlList, destXmlList); logger.fine("Syncing " + filesToSync.size() + " files"); copyFiles(filesToSync); } catch (IOException ioex) { logger.warning(ioex.toString()); throw ioex; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning(e.toString()); throw e; } logger.exiting(getClass().getName(), "processDirectory"); } /** * @param filesToSync * a List<File> to move to the new storage directory * @throws Exception */ private void copyFiles(List<File> filesToSync) throws Exception { logger.entering(getClass().getName(), "copyFiles", filesToSync); if (filesToSync == null || filesToSync.isEmpty()) { logger.finer("No files to Sync"); setnSynced(0); logger.exiting(getClass().getName(), "copyFiles"); return; } String instanceName; String storageFilename; File instanceStorageDirectory; int totalFiles = filesToSync.size(); int fileCount = 0; int syncedFiles = 0; for (File sync : filesToSync) { fileCount++; if ((100 - getProgress()) * fileCount / totalFiles > 0) setProgress(getProgress() + (100 - getProgress()) * fileCount / totalFiles); try { documentSource = DomUtils.createDocument(sync); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning(sync.getName() + " could not be parsed"); throw e; } instanceName = documentSource.getDocumentElement().getNodeName().trim(); Node deviceIdNode = DomUtils.findSubNode(Constants.KEY_DEVICEID, documentSource.getDocumentElement()); if (deviceIdNode == null) { continue; } else { storageFilename = deviceIdNode.getTextContent() + Constants.FILENAME_ODK_DELIM + sync.getName(); } instanceStorageDirectory = new File(storedir, instanceName); if (!instanceStorageDirectory.exists()) { instanceStorageDirectory.mkdir(); } File storageFile = new File(instanceStorageDirectory, storageFilename); try { FileUtils.copyFile(sync, storageFile); syncedFiles++; } catch (IOException ioex) { logger.warning("Error copying file from " + sync.getName() + " to " + storageFile.getName()); throw ioex; } } setProgress(100); setnSynced(syncedFiles); logger.exiting(getClass().getName(), "copyFiles"); } /** * A List<File> of new files to be moved from the newly introduced source * directory to the destination directory. * * @param source * @param dest * @return */ private List<File> compareFileLists(List<File> source, List<File> dest) { logger.entering(getClass().getName(), "compareFileLists", new Object[] { source, dest }); if (dest.size() == 0 || source.size() == 0) return source; String time; Matcher timematch; boolean addFile = true; List<File> syncFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); Map<File, File> destToSourceMatch = new HashMap<File, File>(); int fileProg = 0; int totalFiles = source.size() * dest.size(); for (File newFile : source) { fileProg++; setProgress(40 * fileProg / totalFiles); addFile = true; timematch = Constants.REGEX_FILENAME_DATEFORMAT.matcher(newFile.getName()); if (!timematch.find()) { continue; } time = newFile.getName().substring(timematch.start(), timematch.end() + 1); for (File existingFile : dest) { fileProg++; setProgress(40 * fileProg / totalFiles); if (existingFile.getName().contains(time)) { addFile = false; destToSourceMatch.put(existingFile, newFile); } } if (addFile) syncFiles.add(newFile); } if (!destToSourceMatch.isEmpty()) { for (File existingFile : destToSourceMatch.keySet()) { try { if (!checkContentMatches(existingFile, destToSourceMatch.get(existingFile))) { syncFiles.add(destToSourceMatch.get(existingFile)); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warning("Attempt to check file match failes"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } logger.exiting(getClass().getName(), "compareFileLists"); return syncFiles; } /** * Does the content of the source match the content of a destination file ? * This method is only used to attempt to match XML files which are near * matches based upon naming conventions. Perhaps this could be better * generalized, but because this method is only invoked with near matches * the performance should be better than attempting to read and match * contents for every existing and source file. * * The contents are checked based on the device id and start time for the * survey data recorded in the specified files. * * @param dest * A file from within the XML storage directory which needs to be * checked against a newly introduced file * @param source * A newly introduced XML file whose content may be a match for * an existing stored file * @return True if the files contain the same survey, otherwise False * @throws Exception */ private boolean checkContentMatches(File dest, File source) throws Exception { logger.entering(getClass().getName(), "checkContentMatches", new Object[] { dest, source }); boolean match = false; try { documentExisting = DomUtils.createDocument(dest); documentSource = DomUtils.createDocument(source); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } Node existingDeviceIDNode = DomUtils.findSubNode(Constants.KEY_DEVICEID, documentExisting.getDocumentElement()); if (existingDeviceIDNode == null) return false; String existingDeviceID = existingDeviceIDNode.getTextContent(); Node existingStartNode = DomUtils.findSubNode(Constants.KEY_START, documentExisting.getDocumentElement()); if (existingStartNode == null) return false; String existingStart = existingStartNode.getTextContent(); Node sourceDeviceIDNode = DomUtils.findSubNode(Constants.KEY_DEVICEID, documentSource.getDocumentElement()); if (sourceDeviceIDNode == null) return false; String sourceDeviceID = sourceDeviceIDNode.getTextContent(); Node sourceStartNode = DomUtils.findSubNode(Constants.KEY_START, documentSource.getDocumentElement()); if (sourceStartNode == null) return false; String sourceStart = sourceStartNode.getTextContent(); if (existingDeviceID.equals(sourceDeviceID) && existingStart.equals(sourceStart)) match = true; documentExisting = null; documentSource = null; logger.exiting(getClass().getName(), "checkContentMatches", match); return match; } public int getLengthOfTask() { return 100; } /** * @return the nSynced */ public Integer getnSynced() { return nSynced; } /** * @param nSynced * the nSynced to set */ public void setnSynced(Integer nSynced) { Integer oldnSynced = this.nSynced; this.nSynced = nSynced; getPropertyChangeSupport().firePropertyChange(Constants.CHANGEPROP_NAME_NCOMPLETED, oldnSynced, nSynced); } /** * Have gone to GUI execution, this may need updating * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { if (args.length != 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Usage: " + KoboSurveyDeviceSynchronizer.class.getName() + " <Source Directory> <Destination Directory>" + "\n\tSimpleDOMSurveyReader requires a source directory" + " name argument along with a destination File directory"); } KoboSurveyDeviceSynchronizer handler = new KoboSurveyDeviceSynchronizer(new File(args[0]), new File(args[1])); handler.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }