Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2016 Linagora * * This program/library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program/library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program/library; If not, see * for the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1. */ package org.ow2.petals.bc.gateway.commons; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.jbi.messaging.MessagingException; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import org.ow2.petals.bc.gateway.JBISender; import org.ow2.petals.bc.gateway.commons.messages.ServiceKey; import org.ow2.petals.bc.gateway.commons.messages.TransportedException; import org.ow2.petals.bc.gateway.commons.messages.TransportedForExchange; import org.ow2.petals.bc.gateway.commons.messages.TransportedMessage; import org.ow2.petals.bc.gateway.utils.BcGatewayJbiHelper.Pair; import org.ow2.petals.commons.log.FlowAttributes; import org.ow2.petals.commons.log.Level; import org.ow2.petals.commons.log.PetalsExecutionContext; import org.ow2.petals.component.framework.api.message.Exchange; import; import; import; import; public abstract class AbstractDomain { // this is not really used as an exception for knowing where it happened // we can thus reuse it and avoid the overhead of creating the exception public static final MessagingException TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION = new MessagingException( "A timeout happened while the BC Gateway sent an exchange to a JBI service"); static { TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION.setStackTrace(new StackTraceElement[0]); } protected final Logger logger; protected final ServiceUnitDataHandler handler; private final JBISender sender; /** * Exchange is added */ private final ConcurrentMap<String, Pair<Exchange, FlowAttributes>> exchangesInProgress = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public AbstractDomain(final JBISender sender, final ServiceUnitDataHandler handler, final Logger logger) { this.sender = sender; this.handler = handler; this.logger = logger; } public ServiceUnitDataHandler getSUHandler() { return handler; } public abstract String getId(); protected abstract void logAfterReceivingFromChannel(TransportedMessage m); /** * TODO add tests about flow attributes */ public void receiveFromChannel(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final TransportedForExchange m) { // in all case where I receive something, I remove the exchange I stored before! // if it has to come back (e.g., for InOptOut fault after out) it will be put back final Pair<Exchange, FlowAttributes> stored = exchangesInProgress.remove(m.exchangeId); if (m instanceof TransportedException) { final TransportedException te = (TransportedException) m; // in case of exception, we get back the step we sent before PetalsExecutionContext.putFlowAttributes(te.senderExtStep); // we receive exception only if we sent a non-active exchange (which are not stored) assert stored == null; logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Received an exception from the other side, this is purely informative, we can't do anything about it", te.cause); } else if (m instanceof TransportedMessage) { final TransportedMessage tm = (TransportedMessage) m; assert tm.step == 1 ^ stored != null; // do logs for starting the consumeExtStep of CD or provideExtStepEnd of PD logAfterReceivingFromChannel(tm); // this corresponds for CD to consumeExtStep and for PD to provideStep if (stored != null) { assert tm.step > 1; PetalsExecutionContext.putFlowAttributes(stored.getB()); } try { // this gives us either the stored exchange updated or a new one (for step==1) final Exchange exchange = ExchangeHelper.updateStoredExchange(stored != null ? stored.getA() : null, tm, this.sender); this.sender.sendToNMR(getContext(this, ctx, tm), exchange); } catch (final MessagingException e) { // if we couldn't update the exchange: it must have been in a wrong state... TODO is this a bug then? // if there was a problem sending the exchange: this is not a bug!! // in all case, we will reuse the exchange from the transported message sendErrorToChannel(ctx, tm, e); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Impossible case"); } } private static DomainContext getContext(final AbstractDomain domain, final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final TransportedMessage m) { return new DomainContext() { @Override public void sendToChannel(final Exchange exchange) { assert !m.last; domain.sendFromNMRToChannel(ctx, m.service, m, exchange); } @Override public void sendTimeoutToChannel() { // in this case, note that we will reuse the exchange that was received from the channel // because the one we sent to the NMR (which timed out) can't be modified anymore domain.sendErrorToChannel(ctx, m, TIMEOUT_EXCEPTION); } }; } private void sendErrorToChannel(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final TransportedMessage m, final Exception e) { logger.log(Level.FINE, "Exception caught", e); if (m.last) { sendToChannel(ctx, new TransportedException(m, e)); } else {; // sendToChannel(ctx, TransportedMessage.lastMessage(m,; } } protected void sendFromNMRToChannel(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final ServiceKey service, final @Nullable TransportedMessage om, final Exchange exchange) { final TransportedMessage m = ExchangeHelper.updateTransportedExchange(om, service, exchange.getMessageExchange()); if (!m.last) { // the current flow is either the provide step or the consume ext step final FlowAttributes fa = PetalsExecutionContext.getFlowAttributes(); // it was set by the CDK (or us if it didn't have the time to go through the NMR) assert fa != null; final Pair<Exchange, FlowAttributes> prev = exchangesInProgress.putIfAbsent(m.exchangeId, Pair.of(exchange, fa)); assert prev == null; } sendToChannel(ctx, m); } protected abstract void logBeforeSendingToChannel(TransportedMessage m); private void sendToChannel(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final TransportedForExchange m) { if (m instanceof TransportedMessage) { final TransportedMessage tm = (TransportedMessage) m; logBeforeSendingToChannel(tm); m.senderExtStep = PetalsExecutionContext.getFlowAttributes(); } ctx.writeAndFlush(m).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener() { @Override public void operationComplete(final @Nullable ChannelFuture future) throws Exception { assert future != null; // TODO add tests for these use cases! if (!future.isSuccess()) { // TODO introduce some basic retrying before cancelling the send // Careful because if we reconnect, I guess the channel is not the same one?!?! final Throwable cause = future.cause(); // TODO is the channel notified of the error too? // see if (m instanceof TransportedMessage && !((TransportedMessage) m).last) { final TransportedMessage tm = (TransportedMessage) m; MessagingException(cause)); // TODO what about the other side waiting for this exchange?! it should be removed there... but // if there is a connection problem, then maybe it is simply that it was stopped? // we could take note of which exchangeId failed and send them on reconnect for cleaning? logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't send message over the channel, sending back the error over the NMR: " + m, cause); // TODO we have to wrap the modification in a transported message even though it hasn't been // so there may be extra useless operations... improve that! receiveFromChannel(ctx, TransportedMessage.lastMessage(tm,; } else { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Can't send message over the channel but nothing I can do now: " + m, cause); } } } }); } }