Source code

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 * Copyright (C) 2007  Bull S. A. S.
 * Bull, Rue Jean Jaures, B.P.68, 78340, Les Clayes-sous-Bois
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
 * of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation
 * version 2.1 of the License.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
 * program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
 * Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
 * Modified by Matthieu Chaffotte - BonitaSoft S.A.
package org.ow2.bonita.util;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.hibernate.Cache;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration;
import org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect;
import org.hibernate.engine.SessionFactoryImplementor;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Column;
import org.hibernate.mapping.PersistentClass;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Table;
import org.hibernate.mapping.Value;
import org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaExport;
import org.hibernate.type.TextType;
import org.ow2.bonita.env.EnvConstants;
import org.ow2.bonita.env.EnvironmentFactory;
import org.ow2.bonita.env.GlobalEnvironmentFactory;
import org.ow2.bonita.facade.IdentityAPI;
import org.ow2.bonita.facade.def.element.impl.MetaDataImpl;
import org.ow2.bonita.facade.identity.Group;
import org.ow2.bonita.facade.identity.Membership;
import org.ow2.bonita.facade.identity.impl.GroupImpl;
import org.ow2.bonita.facade.identity.impl.MembershipImpl;
import org.ow2.bonita.facade.identity.impl.RoleImpl;
import org.ow2.bonita.facade.identity.impl.UserImpl;
import org.ow2.bonita.runtime.event.EventExecutor;
import org.ow2.bonita.type.lob.Lob;

 * @author Guillaume Porcher
 * Helper class to initialize DB tables from the environment.
public final class DbTool {

    static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DbTool.class.getName());

    private DbTool() {

    protected static Configuration getConfiguration(final String domain, final String configurationName)
            throws Exception {
        final EnvironmentFactory envFactory = GlobalEnvironmentFactory.getEnvironmentFactory(domain);
        if (envFactory == null) {
            String message = ExceptionManager.getInstance().getFullMessage("bh_DBT_1");
            throw new BonitaRuntimeException(message);
        final Configuration config = (Configuration) envFactory.get(configurationName);
        if (config == null) {
            String message = ExceptionManager.getInstance().getFullMessage("bh_DBT_2", configurationName);
            throw new BonitaRuntimeException(message);
        return config;

    protected static SchemaExport getSchemaExport(final Configuration config) {
        return new SchemaExport(config, config.buildSettings());

     * Export DB schema to the database defined in the environment.
    public static void recreateDb(final String domain, final String configurationName) throws Exception {
        final Configuration config = getConfiguration(domain, configurationName);

        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory = getSessionFactory(domain,
                    configurationName.replaceAll("-configuration", "-session-factory"));
            if (sessionFactory != null) {
                final Dialect dialect = sessionFactory.getDialect();
                String[] script = config.generateSchemaCreationScript(dialect);
                for (String s : script) {

        final SchemaExport schemaExport = getSchemaExport(config);
        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            LOG.fine("Creating schema...");

        final String dbVendor = getDatabaseVendor(config);
        StringBuilder fileNamebuilder = new StringBuilder("/script/post-initdb-").append(dbVendor).append(".sql");
        schemaExport.create(true, true);
        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            LOG.fine("Schema created.");
            LOG.fine("Adding default users...");
        if (EnvConstants.HB_CONFIG_CORE.equals(configurationName)) {
            addDefaultUsers(domain, configurationName);
            if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                LOG.fine("Default users added.");

    protected static SessionFactoryImplementor getSessionFactory(final String domain,
            final String sessionFactoryName) throws Exception {
        final SessionFactory sessionFactory = (SessionFactory) GlobalEnvironmentFactory
        if (sessionFactory != null && sessionFactory instanceof SessionFactoryImplementor) {
            return (SessionFactoryImplementor) sessionFactory;
        return null;

    public static void addDefaultUsers(final String domain, final String configurationName) throws Exception {
        final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory = getSessionFactory(domain,
                configurationName.replaceAll("-configuration", "-session-factory"));
        if (sessionFactory != null) {
            Session session = null;
            try {
                session = sessionFactory.openSession();
                final Transaction tx = session.beginTransaction();

                final RoleImpl memberRole = createDefaultRole(session, IdentityAPI.USER_ROLE_NAME,
                        IdentityAPI.USER_ROLE_LABEL, IdentityAPI.USER_ROLE_DESCRIPTION);
                final RoleImpl adminRole = createDefaultRole(session, IdentityAPI.ADMIN_ROLE_NAME,
                        IdentityAPI.ADMIN_ROLE_LABEL, IdentityAPI.ADMIN_ROLE_DESCRIPTION);

                final GroupImpl defaultGroup = createDefaultGroup(session, IdentityAPI.DEFAULT_GROUP_NAME,
                        IdentityAPI.DEFAULT_GROUP_LABEL, IdentityAPI.DEFAULT_GROUP_DESCRIPTION, null);

                final MembershipImpl memberMembership = createDefaultMembership(session, defaultGroup, memberRole);
                final Set<Membership> memberMemberships = new HashSet<Membership>();
                final MembershipImpl adminMembership = createDefaultMembership(session, defaultGroup, adminRole);
                final Set<Membership> adminMemberships = new HashSet<Membership>();

                addDefaultUser(session, "admin", null, null, "bpm", null, null, adminMemberships);
                final UserImpl user1 = addDefaultUser(session, "john", "John", "Doe", "bpm", null, null,
                final UserImpl user2 = addDefaultUser(session, "jack", "Jack", "Doe", "bpm", user1.getUUID(),
                        user1.getUUID(), memberMemberships);
                addDefaultUser(session, "james", "James", "Doe", "bpm", user1.getUUID(), user2.getUUID(),

                final MetaDataImpl defaultUsersAddedMetadata = new MetaDataImpl("DEFAULT_USERS_CREATED", "true");

            } catch (HibernateException e) {
                LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Unable to add the default users in the DB", e);
            } finally {
                if (session != null) {

    public static MembershipImpl createDefaultMembership(final Session session, final GroupImpl group,
            final RoleImpl role) throws HibernateException {
        final MembershipImpl membership = new MembershipImpl();
        return membership;

    public static GroupImpl createDefaultGroup(final Session session, final String name, final String label,
            final String description, final Group parentGroup) throws HibernateException {
        final GroupImpl group = new GroupImpl(name);
        return group;

    public static RoleImpl createDefaultRole(final Session session, final String name, final String label,
            final String description) throws HibernateException {
        final RoleImpl role = new RoleImpl(name);
        return role;

    public static UserImpl addDefaultUser(final Session session, final String username, final String firstName,
            final String lastName, final String password, final String manager, final String delegee,
            final Set<Membership> memberships) throws HibernateException {
        final UserImpl user = new UserImpl(username, Misc.hash(password));
        return user;

    public static void dropDb(final String domain, final String configurationName) throws Exception {
        final EventExecutor eventExecutor = GlobalEnvironmentFactory
        final Configuration configuration = getConfiguration(domain, configurationName);
        final SchemaExport schemaExport = getSchemaExport(configuration);
        schemaExport.drop(false, true);
        final String indexesDirecoryPath = SearchUtil.getIndexesDirectoryPath(configuration);
        if (indexesDirecoryPath != null) {
            Misc.deleteDir(new File(indexesDirecoryPath));

    public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception {
        if (args == null || args.length < 2) {
            final String message = ExceptionManager.getInstance().getFullMessage("bh_DBT_3",
                    EnvConstants.HB_CONFIG_CORE, EnvConstants.HB_CONFIG_HISTORY);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);
        final String domain = args[0];
        String disableSearch = "";
        System.setProperty(disableSearch, "false");
        try {
            for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
                recreateDb(domain, args[i]);
        } finally {

    public static boolean isOnDb(final String dbName, final Configuration config) {
        final String lowerDbName = dbName.toLowerCase();
        return isOnDatabaseAccordingToDialect(lowerDbName, config)
                || isOnDatabaseAccordingToURL(lowerDbName, config);

    private static boolean isOnDatabaseAccordingToDialect(final String dbName, final Configuration config) {
        final String dialect = getDbDialect(config);
        if (dialect == null) {
            throw new BonitaRuntimeException("The 'hibernate.dialect' property must be set");
        final String lowerDialectName = dialect.toLowerCase();
        return lowerDialectName.contains(dbName);

    private static String getDatabaseVendor(final Configuration config) {
        if (isOnDb("oracle", config)) {
            return "oracle";
        } else if (isOnDb("mysql", config)) {
            return "mysql";
        } else if (isOnDb("h2", config)) {
            return "h2";
        } else if (isOnDb("postgres", config)) {
            return "postgres";
        } else if (isOnDb("sqlserver", config)) {
            return "sqlserver";
        } else {
            throw new BonitaRuntimeException("Database unknown.");

    private static boolean isOnDatabaseAccordingToURL(final String lowerDbName, final Configuration config) {
        String url = getDbUrl(config);
        if (url != null) {
            int index = url.indexOf(":/");
            if (index == -1) {
                url = url.split(":")[1];
            } else {
                url = url.substring(0, index);
            url = url.toLowerCase();
        return url != null && url.contains(lowerDbName);

    public static String getDbDialect(final Configuration config) {
        return config.getProperty("hibernate.dialect");

    public static String getDbUrl(final Configuration config) {
        return config.getProperty("hibernate.connection.url");

    public static String getDbUseQueryCache(final Configuration config) {
        return config.getProperty("hibernate.cache.use_query_cache");

    public static String getDbUseSecondLeveleCache(final Configuration config) {
        return config.getProperty("hibernate.cache.use_second_level_cache");

    public static String getDbDriverClass(final Configuration config) {
        return config.getProperty("hibernate.connection.driver_class");

    public static void cleanCache(final String domain, final String sessionFactoryName) throws Exception {
        // clean 2nd level cache:
        final SessionFactoryImplementor sessionFactory = getSessionFactory(domain, sessionFactoryName);
        if (sessionFactory != null) {
            Cache cache = sessionFactory.getCache();
            if (cache != null) {

    public static void updateDatabaseSchema(Configuration configuration) {
        if (isOnDb("mysql", configuration)) {
            LOG.severe("Running on MySQL database, updating schema...");
            final PersistentClass pc = configuration.getClassMapping(Lob.class.getName());
            final Table table = pc.getTable();
            final Iterator<Column> columns = (Iterator<Column>) table.getColumnIterator();
            while (columns.hasNext()) {
                final Column column =;
                final String columnName = "BLOB_VALUE_";
                if (column.getName().equals(columnName)) {
                    LOG.severe("Updating " + columnName + " column...");
        } else if (DbTool.isOnDb("oracle", configuration)) {
            LOG.severe("Running on Oracle database, updating schema...");
            final Iterator<Table> tables = (Iterator<Table>) configuration.getTableMappings();
            while (tables.hasNext()) {
                final Table table =;
                final Iterator<Column> columns = (Iterator<Column>) table.getColumnIterator();
                while (columns.hasNext()) {
                    final Column column =;
                    final Value value = column.getValue();
                    // Prevent ORA-01754: a table may contain only one column of type LONG
                    if (value.getType() instanceof TextType) {
        } /*else if (isOnDb("sybase", config)) {
          LOG.severe("Running on Sybase DB, updating schema...");
          //iterate over all tables and all columns to replace type=text
          final Iterator<Table> tables = (Iterator<Table>) config.getTableMappings();
          while (tables.hasNext()) {
            final Table table =;
            final Iterator<Column> columns = table.getColumnIterator();
            while (columns.hasNext()) {
              final Column column =;
              System.err.println("" + column.getName() + ", column=" + column.getDefaultValue());
              if (!column.getName().equals("BLOB_VALUE_") && column.getSqlType() != null && column.getSqlType().equals("CLOB")) {
          LOG.severe("Updating " + column.getName() + " column...");
          } */
