Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2007 ETH Zurich * * This file is part of Fosstrak ( * * Fosstrak is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * Fosstrak is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with Fosstrak; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.ow2.aspirerfid.beg.query; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.TimeZone; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JTextArea; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.VocabularyElementType; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.VocabularyType; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.AggregationEventType; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.ArrayOfString; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.BusinessTransactionType; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcglobal.commons.EPC; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.EPCISEventType; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.GetSubscriptionIDs; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.ObjectEventType; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.Poll; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.QuantityEventType; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.QueryParam; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.QueryParams; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.QueryResults; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.Subscribe; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.TransactionEventType; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.epcis.model.Unsubscribe; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.commons.utils.TimeParser; import org.ow2.aspirerfid.beg.query.QueryControlClient; /** * Implements a Class to interface with the EPCIS query client. Also offers some * helper methods to convert between different formats and for debug output. * * @author David Gubler * @author Nikos Kefalakis (nkef) e-mail: * */ public class MasterDataQueryClient { /** * The logger. */ private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MasterDataQueryClient.class); private QueryControlClient queryClient; /** * Holds the query parameters. */ private List<QueryParam> internalQueryParams = new ArrayList<QueryParam>(); /** * Constructor. Takes the service endpoint address as arguments. * @param queryUrl * The URL of the query web service. */ public MasterDataQueryClient(final String queryUrl) { queryClient = new QueryControlClient(queryUrl); } /** * @return The service endpoint address */ public String getEndpointAddress() { return queryClient.getEndpointAddress(); } /** * Converts the values in a calendar object into a nicely formatted string. * * @param cal * with the Calendar-Date * @return String */ private String prettyStringCalendar(final Calendar cal) { if (cal == null) { return null; } // set to current timezone cal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault()); return TimeParser.format(cal); } /** * Prints the results from a query invocation to the debug window and * returns a two-dimensional array in a format suitable for a JTable object. * * @param eventList * The result list containing the matching events. * @return A two-dimensional array containing the matching events in a * format suitable for displaying in a JTable object. */ private Object[][] processEvents(final List<Object> eventList) { int nofEvents = eventList.size(); Object[][] table = new Object[nofEvents][12]; int row = 0; log.debug("\n\n" + nofEvents + " events returned by the server:\n\n"); for (Object o : eventList) { if (o instanceof JAXBElement<?>) { o = ((JAXBElement<?>) o).getValue(); } EPCISEventType event = (EPCISEventType) o; log.debug("[ EPCISEvent ]\n"); String eventTime = prettyStringCalendar(event.getEventTime().toGregorianCalendar()); log.debug("eventTime:\t" + eventTime + "\n"); table[row][1] = eventTime; String recordTime = prettyStringCalendar(event.getRecordTime().toGregorianCalendar()); log.debug("recordTime:\t" + recordTime + "\n"); table[row][2] = recordTime; log.debug("timeZoneOffset:\t" + event.getEventTimeZoneOffset() + "\n"); if (event instanceof ObjectEventType) { log.debug("[ ObjectEvent ]\n"); ObjectEventType e = (ObjectEventType) event; table[row][0] = "Object"; log.debug("epcList:\t"); table[row][5] = ""; for (EPC epc : e.getEpcList().getEpc()) { log.debug(" '" + epc.getValue() + "'"); table[row][5] = table[row][5] + "'" + epc.getValue() + "' "; } log.debug("\n"); log.debug("action:\t\t" + e.getAction().toString() + "\n"); table[row][6] = e.getAction().toString(); log.debug("bizStep:\t" + e.getBizStep() + "\n"); table[row][7] = e.getBizStep(); log.debug("disposition:\t" + e.getDisposition() + "\n"); table[row][8] = e.getDisposition(); if (e.getReadPoint() != null) { log.debug("readPoint:\t" + e.getReadPoint().getId() + "\n"); table[row][9] = e.getReadPoint().getId(); } else { log.debug("readPoint:\tnull\n"); } if (e.getBizLocation() != null) { log.debug("bizLocation:\t" + e.getBizLocation().getId() + "\n"); table[row][10] = e.getBizLocation().getId(); } else { log.debug("bizLocation:\tnull\n"); } if (e.getBizTransactionList() != null) { log.debug("bizTrans:\tType, ID\n"); table[row][11] = ""; for (BusinessTransactionType bizTrans : e.getBizTransactionList().getBizTransaction()) { log.debug("\t'" + bizTrans.getType() + "', '" + bizTrans.getValue() + "'\n"); table[row][11] = table[row][11] + "'" + bizTrans.getType() + ", " + bizTrans.getValue() + "' ; "; } if (!"".equals(table[row][11])) { // remove last "; " table[row][11] = ((String) table[row][11]).substring(0, ((String) table[row][11]).length() - 2); } } else { log.debug("bizTrans:\tnull\n"); } log.debug("\n"); } else if (event instanceof TransactionEventType) { log.debug("[ TransactionEvent ]\n"); TransactionEventType e = (TransactionEventType) event; table[row][0] = "Transaction"; log.debug("parentID:\t" + e.getParentID() + "\n"); table[row][3] = e.getParentID(); log.debug("epcList:\t"); table[row][5] = ""; for (EPC epc : e.getEpcList().getEpc()) { log.debug(" '" + epc.getValue() + "'"); table[row][5] = table[row][5] + "'" + epc.getValue() + "' "; } log.debug("\n"); log.debug("action:\t\t" + e.getAction().toString() + "\n"); table[row][6] = e.getAction().toString(); log.debug("bizStep:\t" + e.getBizStep() + "\n"); table[row][7] = e.getBizStep(); log.debug("disposition:\t" + e.getDisposition() + "\n"); table[row][8] = e.getDisposition(); if (e.getReadPoint() != null) { log.debug("readPoint:\t" + e.getReadPoint().getId() + "\n"); table[row][9] = e.getReadPoint().getId(); } else { log.debug("readPoint:\tnull\n"); } if (e.getBizLocation() != null) { log.debug("bizLocation:\t" + e.getBizLocation().getId() + "\n"); table[row][10] = e.getBizLocation().getId(); } else { log.debug("bizLocation:\tnull\n"); } if (e.getBizTransactionList() != null) { log.debug("bizTrans:\tType, ID\n"); table[row][11] = ""; for (BusinessTransactionType bizTrans : e.getBizTransactionList().getBizTransaction()) { log.debug("\t'" + bizTrans.getType() + "', '" + bizTrans.getValue() + "'\n"); table[row][11] = table[row][11] + "'" + bizTrans.getType() + ", " + bizTrans.getValue() + "' ; "; } if (!"".equals(table[row][11])) { // remove last "; " table[row][11] = ((String) table[row][11]).substring(0, ((String) table[row][11]).length() - 2); } } else { log.debug("bizTrans:\tnull\n"); } log.debug("\n"); } else if (event instanceof AggregationEventType) { log.debug("[ AggregationEvent ]\n"); AggregationEventType e = (AggregationEventType) event; table[row][0] = "Aggregation"; log.debug("parentID:\t" + e.getParentID() + "\n"); table[row][3] = e.getParentID(); log.debug("childEPCs:\t"); table[row][5] = ""; for (EPC epc : e.getChildEPCs().getEpc()) { log.debug(" '" + epc.getValue() + "'"); table[row][5] = table[row][5] + "'" + epc.getValue() + "' "; } log.debug("\n"); log.debug("action:\t\t" + e.getAction().toString() + "\n"); table[row][6] = e.getAction().toString(); log.debug("bizStep:\t" + e.getBizStep() + "\n"); table[row][7] = e.getBizStep(); log.debug("disposition:\t" + e.getDisposition() + "\n"); table[row][8] = e.getDisposition(); if (e.getReadPoint() != null) { log.debug("readPoint:\t" + e.getReadPoint().getId() + "\n"); table[row][9] = e.getReadPoint().getId(); } else { log.debug("readPoint:\tnull\n"); } if (e.getBizLocation() != null) { log.debug("bizLocation:\t" + e.getBizLocation().getId() + "\n"); table[row][10] = e.getBizLocation().getId(); } else { log.debug("bizLocation:\tnull\n"); } if (e.getBizTransactionList() != null) { log.debug("bizTrans:\tType, ID\n"); table[row][11] = ""; for (BusinessTransactionType bizTrans : e.getBizTransactionList().getBizTransaction()) { log.debug("\t'" + bizTrans.getType() + "', '" + bizTrans.getValue() + "'\n"); table[row][11] = table[row][11] + "'" + bizTrans.getType() + ", " + bizTrans.getValue() + "' ; "; } if (!"".equals(table[row][11])) { // remove last "; " table[row][11] = ((String) table[row][11]).substring(0, ((String) table[row][11]).length() - 2); } } else { log.debug("bizTrans:\tnull\n"); } log.debug("\n"); } else if (event instanceof QuantityEventType) { log.debug("[ QuantityEvent ]\n"); QuantityEventType e = (QuantityEventType) event; table[row][0] = "Quantity"; log.debug("quantity:\t" + e.getQuantity() + "\n"); table[row][4] = Integer.valueOf(e.getQuantity()); log.debug("ecpClass:\t" + e.getEpcClass() + "\n"); table[row][5] = e.getEpcClass(); log.debug("bizStep:\t" + e.getBizStep() + "\n"); table[row][7] = e.getBizStep(); log.debug("disposition:\t" + e.getDisposition() + "\n"); table[row][8] = e.getDisposition(); if (e.getReadPoint() != null) { log.debug("readPoint:\t" + e.getReadPoint().getId() + "\n"); table[row][9] = e.getReadPoint().getId(); } else { log.debug("readPoint:\tnull\n"); } if (e.getBizLocation() != null) { log.debug("bizLocation:\t" + e.getBizLocation().getId() + "\n"); table[row][10] = e.getBizLocation().getId(); } else { log.debug("bizLocation:\tnull\n"); } if (e.getBizTransactionList() != null) { log.debug("bizTrans:\tType, ID\n"); table[row][11] = ""; for (BusinessTransactionType bizTrans : e.getBizTransactionList().getBizTransaction()) { log.debug("\t'" + bizTrans.getType() + "', '" + bizTrans.getValue() + "'\n"); table[row][11] = table[row][11] + "'" + bizTrans.getType() + ", " + bizTrans.getValue() + "' ; "; } if (!"".equals(table[row][11])) { // remove last "; " table[row][11] = ((String) table[row][11]).substring(0, ((String) table[row][11]).length() - 2); } } else { log.debug("bizTrans:\tnull\n"); } log.debug("\n"); } row++; } return table; } /** * (nkef) * Returns a two-dimensional array consisting of the Master Data * that was replied from the Epcis repository * * @param Alist of VocabularyTypes * The result list containing the matching vocabulary. * @return A two-dimensional array containing the matching vocabulary in a * format suitable for displaying in a Table object. */ private Object[][] processVocabulary(final List<VocabularyType> vocabularyList) { int nofVocabularys = vocabularyList.size(); Object[][] table = new Object[nofVocabularys][80]; int row = 0; System.out.print("\n\n" + nofVocabularys + " Vocabularys returned by the server:\n\n"); for (Object o : vocabularyList) { if (o instanceof JAXBElement<?>) { o = ((JAXBElement<?>) o).getValue(); } VocabularyType vocabulary = (VocabularyType) o; table[row][0] = vocabulary.getType(); //VocabularyElementListType vocabularyElementList = vocabulary.getVocabularyElementList(); List<VocabularyElementType> vocabularyElementList; vocabularyElementList = vocabulary.getVocabularyElementList().getVocabularyElement(); int i = 1; for (Object v : vocabularyElementList) { VocabularyElementType vocabularyElement = (VocabularyElementType) v; table[row][i] = vocabularyElement.getId(); i++; } // for (int i = 0; i < vocabulary.getVocabularyElementList(); i++) { // table[row][i] = vocabulary.getType().toString(); // } row++; } return table; } /** * Reset the query arguments. */ public void clearParameters() { internalQueryParams.clear(); } /** * Add a new query parameter. * * @param param * The query parameter to add. */ public void addParameter(final QueryParam param) { internalQueryParams.add(param); } /** * Run the query with the currently set query arguments Returns the results * in a format that is suitable for JTable. * * @return The pretty-printed query results. * @throws Exception * If any Exception occurred while invoking the query service. */ public Object[][] runQuery() throws Exception { QueryParams queryParams = new QueryParams(); queryParams.getParam().addAll(internalQueryParams); log.debug("Number of query parameters: " + queryParams.getParam().size() + "\n"); for (QueryParam queryParam : internalQueryParams) { log.debug(queryParam.getName() + " " + queryParam.getValue() + "\n"); } Poll poll = new Poll(); poll.setQueryName("SimpleEventQuery"); poll.setParams(queryParams); log.debug("running query...\n"); QueryResults results = queryClient.poll(poll); log.debug("done\n"); // print to debug window and return result if (results != null && results.getResultsBody() != null && results.getResultsBody().getEventList() != null) { return processEvents( results.getResultsBody().getEventList().getObjectEventOrAggregationEventOrQuantityEvent()); } else { return null; } } /** * (nkef) * Run the query with the currently set query arguments Returns the results * in a format that is suitable for A Table. * * @return The pretty-printed query results. * @throws Exception * If any Exception occurred while invoking the query service. */ public List<VocabularyType> runMasterDataQuery() throws Exception { QueryParams queryParams = new QueryParams(); queryParams.getParam().addAll(internalQueryParams); System.out.print("Number of MasterData query parameters: " + queryParams.getParam().size() + "\n"); for (QueryParam queryParam : internalQueryParams) { System.out.print(queryParam.getName() + ": " + queryParam.getValue() + "\n"); } Poll poll = new Poll(); poll.setQueryName("SimpleMasterDataQuery"); poll.setParams(queryParams); System.out.print("running query...\n"); QueryResults results = queryClient.poll(poll); System.out.print("done\n"); // print to debug window and return result if (results != null && results.getResultsBody() != null) { //return processVocabulary(results.getResultsBody().getVocabularyList().getVocabulary()); return results.getResultsBody().getVocabularyList().getVocabulary(); } else { return null; } } /** * Registers the Query by the server. * * @param subscribe * The Subscribe object containing the query. * @throws Exception * If any Exception occurred while invoking the query service. */ public void subscribeQuery(final Subscribe subscribe) throws Exception { QueryParams queryParams = new QueryParams(); queryParams.getParam().addAll(internalQueryParams); log.debug("Number of query parameters: " + queryParams.getParam().size() + "\n"); for (QueryParam queryParam : internalQueryParams) { log.debug(queryParam.getName() + " " + queryParam.getValue() + "\n"); } subscribe.setParams(queryParams); queryClient.subscribe(subscribe.getQueryName(), subscribe.getParams(), subscribe.getDest(), subscribe.getControls(), subscribe.getSubscriptionID()); } /** * Removes a registersQuery by the server. * * @param subscriptionID * The ID of the query to be unsubscribed. */ public void unsubscribeQuery(final String subscriptionID) { try { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); if (subscriptionID.equals("")) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Please specify a SubscriptionID", "Service is responding", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return; } Unsubscribe parms = new Unsubscribe(); parms.setSubscriptionID(subscriptionID); queryClient.unsubscribe(parms.getSubscriptionID()); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Successfully unsubscribed.", "Service is responding", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception e) { JFrame frame = new JFrame(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); String stacktrace = sw.toString(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, "Sorry, the Service returned an Error:\n" + stacktrace, "Service is not responding", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Query the service for the supported standard version. * * @return String * @throws Exception * If any Exception occurred while invoking the query service. */ public String queryStandardVersion() throws Exception { return queryClient.getStandardVersion(); } /** * Query the service for subscriptions. */ public void querySubscriptionIDs() { String title = "Service is responding"; StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); try { GetSubscriptionIDs parms = new GetSubscriptionIDs(); parms.setQueryName("SimpleEventQuery"); List<String> subscriptionIDs = queryClient.getSubscriptionIds(parms.getQueryName()); if (subscriptionIDs != null && !subscriptionIDs.isEmpty()) { msg.append("The following subscription IDs were found in the repository:\n"); for (String s : subscriptionIDs) { msg.append("- ").append(s).append("\n"); } } else { msg.append("There are no subscribed queries."); } } catch (Exception e) { title = "Service is not responding"; msg.append("Could not retrieve subscription IDs from repository."); e.printStackTrace(); } JFrame frame = new JFrame(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, msg.toString(), title, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } /** * Query the service for its version. * * @return String * @throws Exception * If any Exception occurred while invoking the query service. */ public String queryVendorVersion() throws Exception { return queryClient.getVendorVersion(); } /** * Query the service for its queries. * * @return String * @throws Exception * If any Exception occurred while invoking the query service. */ public List<String> queryNames() throws Exception { return queryClient.getQueryNames(); } /** * Converts a space-separated list of strings to an ArrayOfString. * * @param txt * A space-separated list of strings. * @return An ArrayOfString object containing single string tokens. */ public ArrayOfString stringListToArray(final String txt) { List<String> tokens = Arrays.asList(txt.split(" ")); ArrayOfString strings = new ArrayOfString(); strings.getString().addAll(tokens); return strings; } }