Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * 2012-3 Red Hat Inc. and/or its affiliates and other contributors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,  
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import javax.inject.Singleton;

import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.overlord.rtgov.activity.model.ActivityType;
import org.overlord.rtgov.activity.model.ActivityUnit;
import org.overlord.rtgov.activity.model.Context;
import org.overlord.rtgov.activity.server.ActivityStore;
import org.overlord.rtgov.activity.server.QuerySpec;
import org.overlord.rtgov.activity.util.ActivityUtil;
import org.overlord.rtgov.common.jpa.JpaStore;
import org.overlord.rtgov.common.jpa.JpaStore.JpaWork;

 * This class provides the JPA implementation of the Activity Store.
public class JPAActivityStore implements ActivityStore {

    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(JPAActivityStore.class.getName());

    private static final String JNDI_PROPERTY = "JPAActivityStore.jndi.datasource";

    private final JpaStore _jpaStore;

     * Constructor.
    public JPAActivityStore() {
        final URL configXml = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("activitystore.hibernate.cfg.xml");
        _jpaStore = new JpaStore(configXml, JNDI_PROPERTY);

     * Constructor.
     * @param jpaStore Explicit JpaStore to use
    public JPAActivityStore(JpaStore jpaStore) {
        _jpaStore = jpaStore;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public void store(final List<ActivityUnit> activities) throws Exception {
        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            LOG.finest("Store=" + new String(ActivityUtil.serializeActivityUnitList(activities)));

        _jpaStore.withJpa(new JpaWork<Void>() {
            public Void perform(Session s) {
                for (int i = 0; i < activities.size(); i++) {
                return null;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public ActivityUnit getActivityUnit(final String id) throws Exception {
        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            LOG.finest("Get Activity Unit=" + id);

        ActivityUnit ret = _jpaStore.withJpa(new JpaWork<ActivityUnit>() {
            public ActivityUnit perform(Session s) {
                return (ActivityUnit) s.createQuery("SELECT au FROM ActivityUnit au WHERE = '" + id + "'")

        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            LOG.finest("ActivityUnit id=" + id + " Result=" + new String(ActivityUtil.serializeActivityUnit(ret)));

        return (ret);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public java.util.List<ActivityType> getActivityTypes(final Context context, final long from, final long to)
            throws Exception {
        List<ActivityType> ret = null;

        if (from == 0 && to == 0) {

            if (context == null) {
                throw new Exception(java.util.PropertyResourceBundle.getBundle("activity-store-jpa.Messages")

            ret = _jpaStore.withJpa(new JpaWork<List<ActivityType>>() {
                public List<ActivityType> perform(Session s) {
                    return (List<ActivityType>) s.createQuery("SELECT at from ActivityType at "
                            + "JOIN at.context ctx " + "WHERE ctx.value = '" + context.getValue() + "' "
                            + "AND ctx.type = '" + context.getType().name() + "'").list();

        } else {
            final long actualTo = (to == 0 ? System.currentTimeMillis() : to);

            if (context == null) {
                ret = _jpaStore.withJpa(new JpaWork<List<ActivityType>>() {
                    public List<ActivityType> perform(Session s) {
                        return (List<ActivityType>) s.createQuery("SELECT at from ActivityType at "
                                + "WHERE at.timestamp >= " + from + " " + "AND at.timestamp <= " + actualTo).list();
            } else {
                ret = _jpaStore.withJpa(new JpaWork<List<ActivityType>>() {
                    public List<ActivityType> perform(Session s) {
                        return (List<ActivityType>) s.createQuery("SELECT at from ActivityType at "
                                + "JOIN at.context ctx " + "WHERE ctx.value = '" + context.getValue() + "' "
                                + "AND ctx.type = '" + context.getType().name() + "' " + "AND at.timestamp >= "
                                + from + " " + "AND at.timestamp <= " + actualTo).list();

        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            LOG.finest("ActivityTypes context '" + context + "' from=" + from + " to=" + to + " Result="
                    + new String(ActivityUtil.serializeActivityTypeList(ret)));

        return (ret);

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public List<ActivityType> getActivityTypes(Context context) throws Exception {
        return (getActivityTypes(context, 0, 0));

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public List<ActivityType> query(QuerySpec query) throws Exception {

        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            LOG.finest("Query=" + query);

        if (query.getFormat() == null || !query.getFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("jpql")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(java.util.PropertyResourceBundle
                    (query.getFormat() == null ? "" : query.getFormat())));

        if (query.getExpression() == null || !query.getExpression().toLowerCase().startsWith("select ")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(java.util.PropertyResourceBundle

        return (query(query.getExpression()));

     * This method performs the query associated with the supplied query
     * expression, returning the results as a list of activity types.
     * @param query
     *            The query expression
     * @return The list of activity types
     * @throws Exception
     *             Failed to perform query
    public List<ActivityType> query(final String query) throws Exception {

        List<ActivityType> ret = _jpaStore.withJpa(new JpaWork<List<ActivityType>>() {
            public List<ActivityType> perform(Session s) {
                return (List<ActivityType>) s.createQuery(query).list();

        if (LOG.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            LOG.finest("Query=" + query + " Result=" + new String(ActivityUtil.serializeActivityTypeList(ret)));

        return (ret);

     * This method removes the supplied activity unit.
     * @param au
     *            The activity unit
     * @throws Exception
     *             Failed to remove activity unit
    public void remove(final ActivityUnit au) throws Exception {
        _jpaStore.withJpa(new JpaWork<Void>() {
            public Void perform(Session s) {
                // Cascading delete is not working from activity unit to
                // activity types,
                // so resorting to native SQL for now to delete an activity unit
                // and its
                // associated components
                s.createSQLQuery("DELETE FROM RTGOV_ACTIVITY_CONTEXT WHERE unitId = '" + au.getId() + "'")

                s.createSQLQuery("DELETE FROM RTGOV_ACTIVITY_PROPERTIES WHERE unitId = '" + au.getId() + "'")

                s.createSQLQuery("DELETE FROM RTGOV_ACTIVITIES WHERE unitId = '" + au.getId() + "'")

                s.createSQLQuery("DELETE FROM RTGOV_ACTIVITY_UNITS WHERE id = '" + au.getId() + "'")
                return null;