Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 OurBeehive( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * Project Name: MyBatisPioneer * File Name: * Package Name: org.ourbeehive.mbp.util * * Date: Jan 20, 2016 * Author: Sericloud * */ package org.ourbeehive.mbp.util; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.exception.AppException; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.lang.JavaSrcElm; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.lang.MapperElm; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.model.ant.AllMapperProfile; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.model.ant.DsParam; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.model.ant.InsertConfig; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.model.ant.MapperArtifact; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.model.ant.MapperProfile; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.model.ant.RelConfig; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.model.ant.ResultMapConfig; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.model.ant.UpdateConfig; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.register.OneToOneIdx; import org.ourbeehive.mbp.register.OneToOneIdxFacade; public class MapperFormatter { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MapperFormatter.class); public static void checkWidth(StringBuffer line) { StringHelper.newLine(line, JavaSrcElm.UNIT_OF_INDENT, 3, MapperElm.MAPPER_MAX_WIDTH); } public static void checkWidth(StringBuffer line, String newLine, int countOfIndents) { if (line.length() + newLine.length() > MapperElm.MAPPER_MAX_WIDTH) { StringHelper.newLine(line, JavaSrcElm.UNIT_OF_INDENT, countOfIndents); } line.append(newLine); } public static void beginWithNewLine(StringBuffer line, String newLine) { StringHelper.newLine(line, JavaSrcElm.UNIT_OF_INDENT, 3); line.append(newLine); } public static void beginSetStatement(StringBuffer statement) { statement.append(MapperElm.SQL_SET); StringHelper.newLine(statement, JavaSrcElm.UNIT_OF_INDENT, 3); statement.append(MapperElm.WHITE_SPACE); statement.append(MapperElm.WHITE_SPACE); } public static void beginValuesStatement(StringBuffer statement) { StringHelper.newLine(statement, JavaSrcElm.UNIT_OF_INDENT, 3); statement.append(MapperElm.SQL_VALUES); StringHelper.newLine(statement, JavaSrcElm.UNIT_OF_INDENT, 3); statement.append(MapperElm.WHITE_SPACE + MapperElm.LEFT_PARENTHESIS); } public static void beginFromStatement(StringBuffer statement) { StringHelper.newLine(statement, JavaSrcElm.UNIT_OF_INDENT, 3); statement.append(MapperElm.SQl_FROM_WHITE_SPACE); } public static void beginWhereStatement(StringBuffer statement) { StringHelper.newLine(statement, JavaSrcElm.UNIT_OF_INDENT, 3); statement.append(MapperElm.SQL_WHERE_FULL); } public static void insertWhereStatement(StringBuffer statement) { StringBuffer prefix = new StringBuffer(); StringHelper.newLine(prefix, JavaSrcElm.UNIT_OF_INDENT, 3); prefix.append(MapperElm.SQL_WHERE_FULL); statement.insert(0, prefix.toString()); } public static void beginAndStatement(StringBuffer statement) { StringHelper.newLine(statement, JavaSrcElm.UNIT_OF_INDENT, 3); statement.append(MapperElm.SQL_AND_FULL); } public static void insertAndStatement(StringBuffer statement) { StringBuffer prefix = new StringBuffer(); StringHelper.newLine(prefix, JavaSrcElm.UNIT_OF_INDENT, 3); prefix.append(MapperElm.SQL_AND_FULL); statement.insert(0, prefix.toString()); } public static String getDefaultSchema(MapperProfile mapperProfile) { AllMapperProfile allMapperProfile = mapperProfile.getAllMapperProfile(); DsParam dsParam = allMapperProfile.getDsParam(); String allSchema = dsParam.getSchema(); if (allSchema.indexOf(MapperElm.COMMA) != -1) { String[] schemaArray = StringUtils.split(allSchema, MapperElm.COMMA); if (schemaArray.length > 0) { return schemaArray[0]; } else { return allSchema; } } else { return allSchema; } } /** * ?SchemaTable Alias * * @param mapperProfile * @param tableName * @return */ public static String getTableFullAlias(MapperProfile mapperProfile, String tableName) { String tableFullName = getTableFullName(mapperProfile, tableName); return StringHelper.replace(tableFullName, JavaSrcElm.DOT, JavaSrcElm.DOUBLE_UNDER_LINE); } /** * SchemaTable Name * * @param mapperProfile * @param tableName * @return */ public static String getTableFullName(MapperProfile mapperProfile, String tableName) { // If tableName contain schema name, then use it. String schema = null; int indexOfDot = tableName.indexOf(MapperElm.DOT); if (indexOfDot != -1) { return tableName; } else { schema = getDefaultSchema(mapperProfile); return schema + MapperElm.DOT + tableName; } } public static String getTableShortName(String tableName, String tableAlias) { // If tableAlias is not null and is not blank, then use it. if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableAlias) == true) { return tableAlias; } return getTableShortName(tableName); } /** * ??SchemaTable Name * * @param tableName * @return */ private static String getTableShortName(String tableName) { // If tableName contain schema name, then remove it. int indexOfDot = tableName.indexOf(MapperElm.DOT); if (indexOfDot == -1) { return tableName; } else { return tableName.substring(indexOfDot + 1, tableName.length()); } } /** * ???????? Table Alias?Table AliasTable Name * * @param mapperProfile * @param tableName * @param tableAlias * @return */ public static String getTableNamePair(MapperProfile mapperProfile, String tableName, String tableAlias) { String tableFullName = getTableFullName(mapperProfile, tableName); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableAlias) == true) { return tableFullName + MapperElm.WHITE_SPACE + tableAlias; } String tableFullAlias = getTableFullAlias(mapperProfile, tableName); return tableFullName + MapperElm.WHITE_SPACE + tableFullAlias; } public static String getTableNamePair(MapperProfile mapperProfile, OneToOneIdx oneToOneIndex, boolean reverse) { RelConfig oneToOne = oneToOneIndex.getOneToOne(); String joinType = oneToOne.getJoinType(); String leftTableName = OneToOneIdxFacade.getRelLeftTableName(oneToOneIndex); String leftTableAlias = OneToOneIdxFacade.getRelLeftTableAlias(oneToOneIndex); String leftAttrName = OneToOneIdxFacade.getRelLeftAttrName(oneToOneIndex); String leftColumnName = JavaFormatter.getDbStyle(leftAttrName); String rightTableName = oneToOneIndex.getSonTableName(); String rightTableAlias = oneToOneIndex.getSonTableAlias(); String rightAttrName = oneToOne.getSonAttr(); String rightColumnName = JavaFormatter.getDbStyle(rightAttrName); // Change the table name into full name containing schema. String leftTableFullName = getTableFullName(mapperProfile, leftTableName); String leftTableFullAlias = getTableFullAlias(mapperProfile, leftTableName); String rightTableFullName = getTableFullName(mapperProfile, rightTableName); String rightTableFullAlias = getTableFullAlias(mapperProfile, rightTableName); // Change the column name into full name containing alias. String leftColumnFullName = MapperFormatter.getColumnFullName(mapperProfile, leftTableName, leftTableAlias, leftColumnName); String rightColumnFullName = MapperFormatter.getColumnFullName(mapperProfile, rightTableName, rightTableAlias, rightColumnName); // Determine the join statement prefix according to the configured // 'joinType' in one to one association. String joinPrefix = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(joinType) == true) { if (joinType.equalsIgnoreCase(MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_LEFT) == true) { if (reverse == false) { joinPrefix = MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_LEFT; } else { joinPrefix = MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_RIGHT; } } else if (joinType.equalsIgnoreCase(MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_RIGHT) == true) { if (reverse == false) { joinPrefix = MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_RIGHT; } else { joinPrefix = MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_LEFT; } } else if (joinType.equalsIgnoreCase(MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_FULL) == true) { joinPrefix = MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_FULL; } else { joinPrefix = MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_INNER; } } else { joinPrefix = MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_INNER; } // Append join condition into where clause. StringBuffer joinStatement = new StringBuffer(); joinStatement.append(joinPrefix); joinStatement.append(MapperElm.SQL_JOIN); if (reverse == false) { joinStatement.append(rightTableFullName); joinStatement.append(MapperElm.WHITE_SPACE); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(rightTableAlias) == true) { joinStatement.append(rightTableAlias); } else { joinStatement.append(rightTableFullAlias); } joinStatement.append(MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_ON); joinStatement.append(leftColumnFullName); joinStatement.append(MapperElm.EQUAL); joinStatement.append(rightColumnFullName); } else { joinStatement.append(leftTableFullName); joinStatement.append(MapperElm.WHITE_SPACE); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(leftTableAlias) == true) { joinStatement.append(leftTableAlias); } else { joinStatement.append(leftTableFullAlias); } joinStatement.append(MapperElm.SQL_JOIN_ON); joinStatement.append(rightColumnFullName); joinStatement.append(MapperElm.EQUAL); joinStatement.append(leftColumnFullName); } return joinStatement.toString(); } public static String getColumnFullName(MapperProfile mapperProfile, String tableName, String tableAlias, String columnName) { String colFullName = null; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableAlias) == true) { colFullName = tableAlias + MapperElm.DOT + columnName; } else { // // If tableName contain schema name, then remove it. // int indexOfDot = tableName.indexOf(MapperElm.DOT); // if (indexOfDot != -1) { // tableName = tableName.substring(indexOfDot + 1, tableName.length()); // } String tableFullAlias = getTableFullAlias(mapperProfile, tableName); colFullName = tableFullAlias + MapperElm.DOT + columnName; } return colFullName; } public static String getColumnAlias(MapperProfile mapperProfile, String tableName, String tableAlias, String columnName) { // If tableName contain schema name, then use it. String schema = null; int indexOfDot = tableName.indexOf(MapperElm.DOT); if (indexOfDot != -1) { schema = tableName.substring(0, indexOfDot); } else { schema = getDefaultSchema(mapperProfile); } StringBuffer columnAlias = new StringBuffer(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableAlias) == true) { columnAlias.append(tableAlias); } else { String tableShortName = getTableShortName(tableName, tableAlias); columnAlias.append(schema); columnAlias.append(MapperElm.DOUBLE_UNDER_LINE); columnAlias.append(tableShortName); } columnAlias.append(MapperElm.DOUBLE_UNDER_LINE); columnAlias.append(columnName); return columnAlias.toString(); } public static String getColumnNamePair(MapperProfile mapperProfile, String tableName, String tableAlias, String columnName) throws AppException { // If tableName contain schema name, then use it. String tableFullAlias = getTableFullAlias(mapperProfile, tableName); KeyWordsTransformer keyWordsTransformer = KeyWordsTransformer .getInstance(mapperProfile.getAllMapperProfile()); // String schema = null; // String dot = MapperElm.DOT; // int indexOfDot = tableName.indexOf(dot); // if (indexOfDot != -1) { // schema = tableName.substring(0, indexOfDot); // tableName = tableName.substring(indexOfDot + 1, tableName.length()); // } else { // schema = getDefaultSchema(mapperProfile); // } StringBuffer colNamePair = new StringBuffer(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableAlias) == true) { colNamePair.append(tableAlias); } else { colNamePair.append(tableFullAlias); } colNamePair.append(MapperElm.DOT); colNamePair.append(keyWordsTransformer.getTransferredStr(columnName)); colNamePair.append(MapperElm.WHITE_SPACE); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableAlias) == true) { colNamePair.append(tableAlias); } else { colNamePair.append(tableFullAlias); } // fullName.append(schema); // fullName.append(MapperElm.DOUBLE_UNDER_LINE); // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableAlias) == true) { // fullName.append(tableAlias); // } else { // fullName.append(tableName); // } colNamePair.append(MapperElm.DOUBLE_UNDER_LINE); colNamePair.append(columnName); return colNamePair.toString(); } public static String getSelectStmtWithPrefix(ResultMapConfig resultMapConfig) { StringBuffer id = new StringBuffer(); id.append(MapperElm.SQL_SELECT); String prefix = resultMapConfig.getSelectPrefix(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(prefix)) { id.append(prefix); } id.append(MapperElm.WHITE_SPACE); logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSelectStmtWithPrefix' is: " + id); return id.toString(); } public static String getResultMapIdOfRootTab(ResultMapConfig resultMapConfig) { String selectId = getSelIdOfRootTab(resultMapConfig, false); String id = selectId + MapperElm.MAPPER_RESULT_MAP; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getResultMapId' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getResultMapIdOfMultiTab(ResultMapConfig resultMapConfig, List<OneToOneIdx> otoIndexList) { String selectId = getSelIdOfMultiTab(resultMapConfig, otoIndexList); String id = selectId + MapperElm.MAPPER_RESULT_MAP; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getResultMapIdOfMultiTabSelect' is: " + id); return id.toString(); } public static String getResultMapIdOfIntnlOtm(MapperProfile mapperProfile, MapperArtifact mapperArtifact, ResultMapConfig resultMapConfig, String attrName) { // Initiate the return value. String selectId = getSelIdOfIntnlOtm(mapperProfile, mapperArtifact, resultMapConfig, attrName, false); String id = selectId + MapperElm.MAPPER_RESULT_MAP; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getResultMapIdOfIntnlOTM' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSqlIdOfRootTabSel(ResultMapConfig resultMapConfig) { String selectId = getSelIdOfRootTab(resultMapConfig, false); String id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + selectId; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfSelectRootTable' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSqlIdOfMultiTabSel(ResultMapConfig ancesResultMapConfig, List<OneToOneIdx> otoIndexList, boolean needPrefix) { String selectId = getSelIdOfMultiTab(ancesResultMapConfig, otoIndexList); String id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + selectId; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfMultiTabSelect' is: " + id); return id.toString(); } public static String getSqlIdOfUpdByPK(UpdateConfig updateConfig, boolean isUpdAll, boolean hasTmLck) { String updId = getUpdId(updateConfig, isUpdAll, MapperElm.MAPPER_BYPK, hasTmLck); String id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + updId; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfUpdByPK' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSqlIdOfUpdBySql(UpdateConfig updateConfig, boolean isUpdAll, boolean hasTmLck) { String updId = getUpdId(updateConfig, isUpdAll, MapperElm.MAPPER_BYSQL, hasTmLck); String id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + updId; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfUpdBySql' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSqlIdOfDel(UpdateConfig updateConfig) { String updId = getDelId(updateConfig, null, false); String id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + updId; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfDel' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSqlIdOfDelByPK(UpdateConfig updateConfig, boolean hasTmLck) { String updId = getDelId(updateConfig, MapperElm.MAPPER_BYPK, hasTmLck); String id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + updId; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfDel' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSqlIdOfDelBySql(UpdateConfig updateConfig, boolean hasTmLck) { String updId = getDelId(updateConfig, MapperElm.MAPPER_BYSQL, hasTmLck); String id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + updId; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfDel' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSqlIdOfInsertSelCol(InsertConfig insertConfig) { String id = getSqlIdOfInsert(insertConfig, false, false) + MapperElm.MAPPER_COL; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfInsertSelCol' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSqlIdOfInsertSelVal(InsertConfig insertConfig) { String id = getSqlIdOfInsert(insertConfig, false, false) + MapperElm.MAPPER_VALUE; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfInsertSelVal' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSqlIdOfInsertAllBatchCol(InsertConfig insertConfig, boolean withoutPk) { String id = getSqlIdOfInsert(insertConfig, true, true); if (withoutPk) { id += MapperElm.MAPPER_WITHOUT_PK; } id += MapperElm.MAPPER_COL; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfInsertAllBatchCol' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSqlIdOfInsertAllBatchVal(InsertConfig insertConfig, boolean withoutPk) { String id = getSqlIdOfInsert(insertConfig, true, true); if (withoutPk) { id += MapperElm.MAPPER_WITHOUT_PK; } id += MapperElm.MAPPER_VALUE; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfInsertAllBatchVal' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSqlIdOfInsert(InsertConfig insertConfig, boolean isAll, boolean isBatch) { String insertId = getInsertId(insertConfig, isAll, isBatch); String id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + insertId; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfInsert' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSelIdOfCountBySql(ResultMapConfig resultMapConfig) { String tableName = resultMapConfig.getTableName(); String tableAlias = resultMapConfig.getTableAlias(); String tableShortName = getTableShortName(tableName, tableAlias); String javaName = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(tableShortName, true); String id = MapperElm.SQL_COUNT + javaName + MapperElm.MAPPER_BYSQL; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSelIdOfCountBySql' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSelIdOfRootTabByPK(ResultMapConfig resultMapConfig) { String selectId = getSelIdOfRootTab(resultMapConfig, false); String id = selectId + MapperElm.MAPPER_BYPK; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSelIdOfSelectRootTableByPK' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSelIdOfRootTabBySql(ResultMapConfig resultMapConfig) { String selectId = getSelIdOfRootTab(resultMapConfig, false); String id = selectId + MapperElm.MAPPER_BYSQL; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSelIdOfSelectRootTableBySql' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSelIdOfMultiTabByPK(ResultMapConfig ancesResultMapConfig, List<OneToOneIdx> otoIndexList) { String selectId = getSelIdOfMultiTab(ancesResultMapConfig, otoIndexList); String id = selectId + MapperElm.MAPPER_BYPK; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSelIdOfMultiTabSelectByPK' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getSelIdOfMultiTabBySql(ResultMapConfig ancesResultMapConfig, List<OneToOneIdx> otoIndexList) { String selectId = getSelIdOfMultiTab(ancesResultMapConfig, otoIndexList); String id = selectId + MapperElm.MAPPER_BYSQL; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSelIdOfPublicSelectBySql' is: " + id); return id; } // // String tableName = insertConfig.getTableName(); // String javaName = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(tableName, true); // javaName = StringHelper.toUpperCase(javaName, 0); // // id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + MapperElm.SQL_INSERT + javaName + MapperElm.MAPPER_ALL; // // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfInsertAll' is: " + id); // return id; // // } // public static String getSqlIdOfInsertSelCol(InsertConfig insertConfig) { // // // Define the return value. // String id = new String(); // // // If the given 'insertStatement' attribute is not null, then use it. // String insertStatement = insertConfig.getInsertStmt(); // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(insertStatement)) { // id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + insertStatement + MapperElm.MAPPER_COLUMN; // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfInsertSelCol' is: " + id); // return id; // } // // String tableName = insertConfig.getTableName(); // String javaName = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(tableName, true); // javaName = StringHelper.toUpperCase(javaName, 0); // // id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + MapperElm.SQL_INSERT + javaName + MapperElm.MAPPER_SEL + MapperElm.MAPPER_COLUMN; // // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfInsertSelCol' is: " + id); // return id; // // } // // public static String getInsertIdOfAll(InsertConfig insertConfig) { // // // Define the return value. // String id = new String(); // // // If the given 'insertStatement' attribute is not null, then use it. // String insertStmt = insertConfig.getInsertStmt(); // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(insertStmt)) { // id = insertStmt; // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getInsertIdOfAll' is: " + id); // return id; // } // // String tableName = insertConfig.getTableName(); // String javaName = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(tableName, true); // javaName = StringHelper.toUpperCase(javaName, 0); // // // The default value of id. // id = MapperElm.SQL_INSERT + javaName + MapperElm.MAPPER_ALL; // // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getInsertIdOfAll' is: " + id); // return id; // // } // // public static String getInsertIdOfSel(InsertConfig insertConfig) { // // // Define the return value. // String id = new String(); // // // If the given 'insertStatement' attribute is not null, then use it. // String insertStmt = insertConfig.getInsertStmt(); // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(insertStmt)) { // id = insertStmt; // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getInsertIdOfSel' is: " + id); // return id; // } // // String tableName = insertConfig.getTableName(); // String javaName = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(tableName, true); // javaName = StringHelper.toUpperCase(javaName, 0); // // // The defaut value of id. // id = MapperElm.SQL_INSERT + javaName + MapperElm.MAPPER_SEL; // // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getInsertIdOfSel' is: " + id); // return id; // // } // public static String getSqlIdOfUpdateAll(UpdateConfig updateConfig) { // // // Define the return value. // String id = new String(); // // // If the given 'updateStatement' attribute is not null, then use it. // String updateStatement = updateConfig.getUpdateStmt(); // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(updateStatement)) { // id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + updateStatement; // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfUpdateAll' is: " + id); // return id; // } // // id = MapperElm.MAPPER_SQL + MapperElm.MAPPER_UPDATE; // // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfUpdateAll' is: " + id); // return id; // // } // // public static String getSqlIdOfUpdateSel(UpdateConfig updateConfig) { // // String updateNamePrefix = getUpdateId(updateConfig, true, false); // String sqlId = updateNamePrefix + MapperElm.MAPPER_SEL; // // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSqlIdOfUpdateSel' is: " + sqlId); // return sqlId; // // } // public static String getUpdateIdOfAll(UpdateConfig updateConfig) { // // // Define the return value. // String id = new String(); // // // If the given 'updateStatement' attribute is not null, then use it. // String updateStatement = updateConfig.getUpdateStmt(); // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(updateStatement)) { // id = updateStatement; // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getUpdateIdOfAll' is: " + id); // return id; // } // // id = MapperElm.MAPPER_STMT_UPD_ALL_BYPK; // // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getUpdateIdOfAll' is: " + id); // return id; // // } // public static String getUpdateIdOfSel(UpdateConfig updateElm) { // // // Define the return value. // String id = new String(); // // // If the given 'updateStatement' attribute is not null, then use it. // String updateStatement = updateElm.getUpdateStmt(); // if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(updateStatement)) { // id = updateStatement; // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getUpdateIdOfSelective' is: " + id); // return id; // } // // id = MapperElm.MAPPER_STMT_UPD_SEL_BYPK; // // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getUpdateIdOfSelective' is: " + id); // return id; // // } public static String getSelIdOfIntnlOtm(MapperProfile mapperProfile, MapperArtifact mapperArtifact, ResultMapConfig resultMapConfig, String attrName, boolean useNameSpace) { // Initiate the return value. StringBuffer id = new StringBuffer(); // If the given 'selectStmt' attribute is not null, then use it. String selectStmt = resultMapConfig.getSelectStmt(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(selectStmt)) { if (selectStmt.startsWith(MapperElm.UNDER_LINE) == false) { id.append(MapperElm.UNDER_LINE); } id.append(selectStmt); } else { id.append(MapperElm.UNDER_LINE); id.append(attrName); } if (useNameSpace == false) { logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSelIdOfIntnlOTM' is: " + id); return id.toString(); } else { // Get the global setting. // AllMapperProfile allMapperProfile = mapperProfile.getAllMapperProfile(); // ComnArtifact comnArtifact = allMapperProfile.getComnArtifact(); // Get the local setting. String nameSpace = mapperArtifact.getMapperNs() + MapperElm.DOT; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSelIdOfIntnlOTM' is: " + id); return nameSpace + id; } } public static String getUpdIdByPK(UpdateConfig updateConfig, boolean isUpdAll, boolean hasTmLck) { String id = getUpdId(updateConfig, isUpdAll, MapperElm.MAPPER_BYPK, hasTmLck); logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getUpdIdByPK' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getUpdIdBySql(UpdateConfig updateConfig, boolean isUpdAll) { String id = getUpdId(updateConfig, isUpdAll, MapperElm.MAPPER_BYSQL, false); logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getUpdIdBySql' is: " + id); return id; } // // TODO // public static String getDelId(UpdateConfig updateConfig, boolean hasTmLck) { // // String id = getDelId(updateConfig, null , hasTmLck); // logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getDelIdByPK' is: " + id); // return id; // // } public static String getDelIdByPK(UpdateConfig updateConfig, boolean hasTmLck) { String id = getDelId(updateConfig, MapperElm.MAPPER_BYPK, hasTmLck); logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getDelIdByPK' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getDelIdBySql(UpdateConfig updateConfig) { String id = getDelId(updateConfig, MapperElm.MAPPER_BYSQL, false); logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getDelIdBySql' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getInsertId(InsertConfig insertConfig, boolean isAll, boolean isBatch) { // Define the return value. String id = new String(); // If the given 'insertStmt' attribute is not null, then use it. String insertStmt = insertConfig.getInsertStmt(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(insertStmt)) { id = insertStmt; } else { String tableName = insertConfig.getTableName(); String javaName = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(tableName, true); javaName = StringHelper.toUpperCase(javaName, 0); id = MapperElm.SQL_INSERT + javaName; } if (isAll == true) { id = id + MapperElm.MAPPER_ALL; } else { id = id + MapperElm.MAPPER_SELECTIVE; } if (isBatch == true) { id = id + MapperElm.MAPPER_BATCH; } logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getInsertId' is: " + id); return id; } public static String getAddDtoMethodName(InsertConfig insertConfig) throws AppException { // Define the return value. String methodName = new String(); try { // If the given 'insertStmt' attribute is not null, then use it. String insertStmt = insertConfig.getInsertStmt(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(insertStmt)) { methodName = insertStmt; } else { String dtoClassName = insertConfig.getClassName(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(dtoClassName) == true) { throw new AppException("The given class name should not be blank."); } String dtoClassSimpleName = JavaFormatter.getClassSimpleName(dtoClassName); methodName = JavaSrcElm.ADD + dtoClassSimpleName; } } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtil.handleException(t, logger); } logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getAddDtoMethodName' is: " + methodName); return methodName; } public static String getChgByPKMethodName(UpdateConfig updStatConfig) throws AppException { // Define the return value. String methodName = new String(); try { // If the given 'insertStmt' attribute is not null, then use it. String updateStmt = updStatConfig.getUpdateStmt(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(updateStmt)) { methodName = updateStmt; } else { String dtoClassName = updStatConfig.getClassName(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(dtoClassName) == true) { throw new AppException("The given class name should not be blank."); } String dtoClassSimpleName = JavaFormatter.getClassSimpleName(dtoClassName); methodName = JavaSrcElm.CHG + dtoClassSimpleName + MapperElm.MAPPER_BYPK; } } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtil.handleException(t, logger); } logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getChgStatMethodName' is: " + methodName); return methodName; } public static String getDelByPKMethodName(UpdateConfig delByPKConfig) throws AppException { // Define the return value. String methodName = new String(); try { // If the given 'insertStmt' attribute is not null, then use it. String updateStmt = delByPKConfig.getUpdateStmt(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(updateStmt)) { methodName = updateStmt; } else { String dtoClassName = delByPKConfig.getClassName(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(dtoClassName) == true) { throw new AppException("The given class name should not be blank."); } String dtoClassSimpleName = JavaFormatter.getClassSimpleName(dtoClassName); methodName = JavaSrcElm.DEL + dtoClassSimpleName + MapperElm.MAPPER_BYPK; } } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtil.handleException(t, logger); } logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getDelByPKMethodName' is: " + methodName); return methodName; } public static String getDelBySqlMethodName(UpdateConfig delBySqlConfig) throws AppException { // Define the return value. String methodName = new String(); try { // If the given 'insertStmt' attribute is not null, then use it. String updateStmt = delBySqlConfig.getUpdateStmt(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(updateStmt)) { methodName = updateStmt; } else { String dtoClassName = delBySqlConfig.getClassName(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(dtoClassName) == true) { throw new AppException("The given class name should not be blank."); } String dtoClassSimpleName = JavaFormatter.getClassSimpleName(dtoClassName); methodName = JavaSrcElm.DEL + dtoClassSimpleName + MapperElm.MAPPER_BYSQL; } } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtil.handleException(t, logger); } logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getDelBySqlMethodName' is: " + methodName); return methodName; } private static String getSelIdOfMultiTab(ResultMapConfig ancesResultMapConfig, List<OneToOneIdx> otoIndexList) { String selectStmt = ancesResultMapConfig.getSelectStmt(); String ancesTableName = ancesResultMapConfig.getTableName(); String ancesJavaName = null; StringBuffer id = new StringBuffer(); // If the given 'selectStmt' attribute is not null, then use it. if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(selectStmt)) { id.append(selectStmt); logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSelIdOfMultiTabSelect' is: " + id); return id.toString(); } // TODO 2016.1.25 idselectStmt??? OneToOneIdx descOtoIdx = null; RelConfig descOneToOne = null; ResultMapConfig descResultMapElm = null; String descTableName = null; String descTableAlias = null; // Change to Java style. ancesJavaName = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(ancesTableName, true); ancesJavaName = StringHelper.toUpperCase(ancesJavaName, 0); id.append(MapperElm.SQL_SELECT); id.append(ancesJavaName); if (otoIndexList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < otoIndexList.size(); i++) { descOtoIdx = otoIndexList.get(i); descOneToOne = descOtoIdx.getOneToOne(); descResultMapElm = descOneToOne.getResultMapConfig(); descTableName = descResultMapElm.getTableName(); descTableAlias = descResultMapElm.getTableAlias(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(descTableAlias) == true) { // Change to Java style. descTableAlias = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(descTableAlias, true); descTableAlias = StringHelper.toUpperCase(descTableAlias, 0); id.append(descTableAlias); } else { // Change to Java style. descTableName = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(descTableName, true); descTableName = StringHelper.toUpperCase(descTableName, 0); id.append(descTableName); } } // Determine the id of select according to the number of sub OTO or OTM if (otoIndexList.size() > 0) { id.append(MapperElm.RESULT_MAP_ONE_TO_ONE); } else if (ancesResultMapConfig.getOneToMany().size() > 0) { id.append(MapperElm.RESULT_MAP_ONE_TO_MANY); } } logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSelIdOfMultiTabSelect' is: " + id); return id.toString(); } private static String getSelIdOfRootTab(ResultMapConfig resultMapConfig, boolean isCount) { // Get attributes from resultMapConfig. String tableName = resultMapConfig.getTableName(); String tableAlias = resultMapConfig.getTableAlias(); // Change to Java style. String tableShortName = getTableShortName(tableName, tableAlias); String javaName = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(tableShortName, true); // Define the return value. String id = MapperElm.SQL_SELECT + javaName; logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getSelIdOfRootTab' is: " + id); return id; } private static String getUpdId(UpdateConfig updateConfig, boolean isUpdAll, String whereClause, boolean hasTmLck) { // Define the return value. String id = new String(); // If the given 'updateStmt' attribute is not null, then use it. String updateStmt = updateConfig.getUpdateStmt(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(updateStmt)) { id = updateStmt; } else { String tableName = updateConfig.getTableName(); String javaName = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(tableName, true); javaName = StringHelper.toUpperCase(javaName, 0); id = MapperElm.SQL_UPDATE + javaName; } // Update all columns or not. if (isUpdAll == true) { id = id + MapperElm.MAPPER_ALL; } else { id = id + MapperElm.MAPPER_SELECTIVE; } // By primiary key or sql clause. id = id + whereClause; // With time lock or not. if (hasTmLck == true) { id = id + MapperElm.MAPPER_TM_LCK; } logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getUpdId' is: " + id); return id; } private static String getDelId(UpdateConfig updateConfig, String whereClause, boolean hasTmLck) { // Define the return value. String id = new String(); // If the given 'updateStmt' attribute is not null, then use it. String updateStmt = updateConfig.getUpdateStmt(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(updateStmt)) { id = updateStmt; } else { String tableName = updateConfig.getTableName(); String javaName = JavaFormatter.getJavaStyle(tableName, true); javaName = StringHelper.toUpperCase(javaName, 0); id = MapperElm.SQL_DELETE + javaName; } // By primiary key or sql clause. if (null != whereClause) { id = id + whereClause; } // With time lock or not. if (hasTmLck == true) { id = id + MapperElm.MAPPER_TM_LCK; } logger.debug("ID: The return value of 'getDelId' is: " + id); return id; } }