Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2009 Regents of the University of California, Stanford University, and others * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A wrapper class for Surveys to be able to act on their widget * representation in the interface. * * @author dsc * */ public class SurveyWidget implements ClickHandler, JSONRequester { private Survey survey; private Images images; private Tree tree; private TreeItem root; private HTML rootHTML, detailsHTML, cancelHTML; private Composite parent; private HashMap<HTML, Prompt> promptMap = new HashMap<HTML, Prompt>(); private HashMap<HTML, TreeItem> leaves = new HashMap<HTML, TreeItem>(); private AreYouSureDialog confirm; private JSOModel detailsModel = null; public SurveyWidget(Survey s, Images images, Composite parent) { this.survey = s; this.images = images; this.parent = parent; tree = new Tree(images); String title = s.getName() + " "; SurveyStatus status = survey.getStatus(); switch (status) { case ACTIVE: title += "<span style='color:green'>(Active)</span>"; break; case CANCELLED: title += "<span style='color:red'>(Cancelled)</span>"; break; case EXPIRED: title += "(Expired)"; } rootHTML = imageItemHTML(images.inbox(), title); root = new TreeItem(rootHTML); tree.addItem(root); tree.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<TreeItem>() { public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<TreeItem> event) { TreeItem item = event.getSelectedItem(); if (promptMap.containsKey(item)) { Prompt p = promptMap.get(item); Messages.get().displaySurveyInput(p, 0); } } }); detailsHTML = imageItemHTML(images.drafts(), "Details"); detailsHTML.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (detailsModel == null) { JSONRequest request = new JSONRequest(); request.doFetchURL(AoAPI.SURVEY_DETAILS + survey.getId() + "/", new SurveyDetailsRequester()); } else { DetailsDialog details = new DetailsDialog(detailsModel);;; } } }); TreeItem details = new TreeItem(detailsHTML); root.addItem(details); if (status == SurveyStatus.ACTIVE) { cancelHTML = imageItemHTML(images.reject_sm(), "Cancel"); cancelHTML.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { confirm = new AreYouSureDialog( "Are you sure you want to cancel all future calls for this broadcast?");;; confirm.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandler<PopupPanel>() { public void onClose(CloseEvent<PopupPanel> event) { if (confirm.isConfirmed()) { JSONRequest request = new JSONRequest(); request.doFetchURL(AoAPI.CANCEL_SURVEY + survey.getId() + "/", new CancelSurveyRequester()); } } }); } }); TreeItem cancel = new TreeItem(cancelHTML); root.addItem(cancel); } } public void dataReceived(List<JSOModel> models) { HTML promptHTML; TreeItem prompt; String pName; Prompt p; // don't re-populate if (promptMap.size() == 0) { for (JSOModel model : models) { p = new Prompt(model); pName = p.getName() != null ? p.getName() : "Prompt " + p.getOrder(); promptHTML = imageItemHTML(images.responses(), pName); prompt = new TreeItem(promptHTML); promptMap.put(promptHTML, p); leaves.put(promptHTML, prompt); //root.addItem(prompt); root.insertItem(0, prompt); } } selectFirst(); } private class SurveyDetailsRequester implements JSONRequester { public void dataReceived(List<JSOModel> models) { detailsModel = models.get(0); DetailsDialog details = new DetailsDialog(detailsModel);;; } } private class CancelSurveyRequester implements JSONRequester { public void dataReceived(List<JSOModel> models) { ConfirmDialog saved = new ConfirmDialog("Survey Cancelled!");;; // assume that the cancellation is // done to a bcast in the first page Messages.get().loadBroadcasts(0); } } /** * Generates HTML for a tree item with an attached icon. * * @param imageProto the image prototype to use * @param title the title of the item * @return the resultant HTML */ private HTML imageItemHTML(ImageResource res, String title) { AbstractImagePrototype imageProto = AbstractImagePrototype.create(res); HTML label = new HTML(imageProto.getHTML() + " " + title); label.addClickHandler(this); label.addClickHandler((ClickHandler) parent); return label; } public Widget getWidget() { return tree; } public void close() { tree.setSelectedItem(null); root.setState(false); } public boolean contains(Object w) { return w == rootHTML || promptMap.containsKey(w) || w == cancelHTML || w == detailsHTML; } public void selectFirst() { root.setState(true); TreeItem firstPrompt = root.getChild(0); tree.setSelectedItem(firstPrompt); root.setState(true); HTML leaf = null; for (Entry<HTML, TreeItem> entry : leaves.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals(firstPrompt)) { leaf = entry.getKey(); break; } } if (leaf != null) { Prompt p = promptMap.get(leaf); Messages.get().displaySurveyInput(p, 0); } } public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { Object sender = event.getSource(); if (sender == rootHTML) { JSONRequest request = new JSONRequest(); request.doFetchURL(AoAPI.SURVEY_INPUT + survey.getId() + "/", this); } else if (promptMap.containsKey(sender)) { tree.setSelectedItem(null); TreeItem leaf = leaves.get(sender); leaf.getTree().setSelectedItem(leaf); Prompt p = promptMap.get(sender); Messages.get().displaySurveyInput(p, 0); } } private class DetailsDialog extends DialogBox { public DetailsDialog(JSOModel details) { //setWidth("500px"); // Use this opportunity to set the dialog's caption. setText("Awaaz.De Administration"); // Create a VerticalPanel to contain the 'about' label and the 'OK' button. VerticalPanel outer = new VerticalPanel(); outer.setWidth("100%"); outer.setSpacing(10); // Create the 'about' text and set a style name so we can style it with CSS. String startdate = details.get("startdate"); String completed = details.get("completed"); String pending = details.get("pending"); String attempted = details.get("attempts"); String surveyDetails = "<b>Start: </b> " + startdate + "<br><br>"; int numrecipients = completed.split(", ").length + pending.split(", ").length + attempted.split(", ").length; // For some reason, the above line creates an array of length one if // one of the strings is empty // Assumes that completed and pending cannot both be empty if (completed.equals("") || pending.equals("") || attempted.equals("")) { if (completed.equals("") && pending.equals("") && attempted.equals("")) numrecipients -= 3; else if ((completed.equals("") && pending.equals("")) || (pending.equals("") && attempted.equals("")) || (completed.equals("") && attempted.equals(""))) numrecipients -= 2; else numrecipients -= 1; } surveyDetails += "<b>Num Recipients: </b>" + String.valueOf(numrecipients); surveyDetails += "<br><br><b>Not Attempted:</b>"; HTML pendingHTML = new HTML(surveyDetails); pendingHTML.setStyleName("mail-AboutText"); outer.add(pendingHTML); Label pendingLbl = new Label(pending, true); pendingLbl.setWordWrap(true); pendingLbl.setStyleName("dialog-NumsText"); outer.add(pendingLbl); HTML attempttsHTML = new HTML("<br><b>Attempted But Not Completed:</b>"); attempttsHTML.setStyleName("mail-AboutText"); outer.add(attempttsHTML); Label attempttsLbl = new Label(attempted, true); attempttsLbl.setWordWrap(true); attempttsLbl.setStyleName("dialog-NumsText"); outer.add(attempttsLbl); HTML compHTML = new HTML("<br><b>Completed:</b>"); compHTML.setStyleName("mail-AboutText"); outer.add(compHTML); Label completedLbl = new Label(completed, true); completedLbl.setWordWrap(true); completedLbl.setStyleName("dialog-NumsText"); outer.add(completedLbl); // Create the 'OK' button, along with a handler that hides the dialog // when the button is clicked. outer.add(new Button("Close", new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { hide(); } })); setWidget(outer); } @Override public boolean onKeyDownPreview(char key, int modifiers) { // Use the popup's key preview hooks to close the dialog when either // enter or escape is pressed. switch (key) { case KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER: case KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE: hide(); break; } return true; } } }