Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Smart Society Services B.V. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * */ package org.osgp.adapter.protocol.dlms.domain.commands; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.alliander.osgp.dto.valueobjects.smartmetering.ConfigurationFlag; import com.alliander.osgp.dto.valueobjects.smartmetering.ConfigurationFlagType; @Service("configurationObjectHelperService") public class ConfigurationObjectHelperService { /** * Gives the position of the flag as indicated by the FlagType in the bit * string representation of the Flags register. */ private static final Map<ConfigurationFlagType, Integer> BIT_INDEX_PER_CONFIGURATION_FLAG_TYPE; private static final Map<Integer, ConfigurationFlagType> CONFIGURATION_FLAG_TYPE_PER_BIT_INDEX; private static final int NUMBER_OF_FLAG_BITS = 16; static { final Map<ConfigurationFlagType, Integer> map = new EnumMap<>(ConfigurationFlagType.class); map.put(ConfigurationFlagType.DISCOVER_ON_OPEN_COVER, 15); map.put(ConfigurationFlagType.DISCOVER_ON_POWER_ON, 14); map.put(ConfigurationFlagType.DYNAMIC_MBUS_ADDRESS, 13); map.put(ConfigurationFlagType.PO_ENABLE, 12); map.put(ConfigurationFlagType.HLS_3_ON_P_3_ENABLE, 11); map.put(ConfigurationFlagType.HLS_4_ON_P_3_ENABLE, 10); map.put(ConfigurationFlagType.HLS_5_ON_P_3_ENABLE, 9); map.put(ConfigurationFlagType.HLS_3_ON_PO_ENABLE, 8); map.put(ConfigurationFlagType.HLS_4_ON_PO_ENABLE, 7); map.put(ConfigurationFlagType.HLS_5_ON_PO_ENABLE, 6); // bits 0 to 5 are not used BIT_INDEX_PER_CONFIGURATION_FLAG_TYPE = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); // Create a flipped version of the map. final Map<Integer, ConfigurationFlagType> tempReversed = new HashMap<>(); for (final Entry<ConfigurationFlagType, Integer> val : BIT_INDEX_PER_CONFIGURATION_FLAG_TYPE.entrySet()) { tempReversed.put(val.getValue(), val.getKey()); } CONFIGURATION_FLAG_TYPE_PER_BIT_INDEX = Collections.unmodifiableMap(tempReversed); } /** * Returns the position of the bit value for the given * ConfigurationFlagType, in the 2-byte register space. * * @param configurationFlagType * ConfigurationFlagType * @return position of the bit holding the configuration flag type value. */ public Integer toBitPosition(final ConfigurationFlagType configurationFlagType) { return BIT_INDEX_PER_CONFIGURATION_FLAG_TYPE.get(configurationFlagType); } /** * Create a list of unique configuration flag type objects representing the * active bits in the register value. * * @param flagByteArray * The byte array holding the flag bits. * @return List of active configuration flag type objects. */ public List<ConfigurationFlag> toConfigurationFlags(final byte[] flagByteArray) { final List<ConfigurationFlag> configurationFlags = new ArrayList<>(); final BitSet bitSet = BitSet .valueOf(new long[] { ((flagByteArray[0] & 0xFF) << 8) + (flagByteArray[1] & 0xFF) }); for (int i = bitSet.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bitSet.nextSetBit(i + 1)) { final ConfigurationFlagType configurationFlagType = CONFIGURATION_FLAG_TYPE_PER_BIT_INDEX.get(i); configurationFlags.add(new ConfigurationFlag(configurationFlagType, true)); } return configurationFlags; } /** * Calculate the byte array for the given list of ConfigurationFlagType * objects * * @param configurationFlags * List of ConfigurationFlag objects * @return byte array with MSB in first element */ public byte[] toByteArray(final List<ConfigurationFlag> configurationFlags) { final BitSet bitSet = new BitSet(NUMBER_OF_FLAG_BITS); for (final ConfigurationFlag configurationFlag : configurationFlags) { if (configurationFlag.isEnabled()) { bitSet.set(this.toBitPosition(configurationFlag.getConfigurationFlagType()), true); } } final byte[] byteArray = bitSet.toByteArray(); // swap 0 and 1 final byte tmp = byteArray[1]; byteArray[1] = byteArray[0]; byteArray[0] = tmp; return byteArray; } }