Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007 Open Source Applications Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.osaf.cosmo.atom.provider; import; import java.text.ParseException; import org.apache.abdera.model.Content; import org.apache.abdera.model.Entry; import org.apache.abdera.model.Feed; import org.apache.abdera.protocol.server.ProviderHelper; import org.apache.abdera.protocol.server.RequestContext; import org.apache.abdera.protocol.server.ResponseContext; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.osaf.cosmo.atom.AtomConstants; import org.osaf.cosmo.atom.generator.GeneratorException; import org.osaf.cosmo.atom.generator.PreferencesFeedGenerator; import org.osaf.cosmo.atom.processor.ValidationException; import org.osaf.cosmo.model.Preference; import org.osaf.cosmo.model.User; import org.osaf.cosmo.model.text.XhtmlPreferenceFormat; import org.osaf.cosmo.server.ServiceLocator; import org.osaf.cosmo.service.UserService; public class PreferencesCollectionAdapter extends BaseCollectionAdapter implements AtomConstants { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PreferencesCollectionAdapter.class); private static final String[] ALLOWED_COLL_METHODS = new String[] { "GET", "HEAD", "POST", "OPTIONS" }; private static final String[] ALLOWED_ENTRY_METHODS = new String[] { "GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "OPTIONS" }; private UserService userService; // Provider methods public ResponseContext postEntry(RequestContext request) { PreferencesTarget target = (PreferencesTarget) request.getTarget(); User user = target.getUser(); ResponseContext frc = checkEntryWritePreconditions(request); if (frc != null) return frc; try { Preference pref = readPreference(request); if (user.getPreference(pref.getKey()) != null) return ProviderHelper.conflict(request, "Preference exists"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("creating preference " + pref.getKey() + " for user " + user.getUsername()); user.addPreference(pref); user = userService.updateUser(user); ServiceLocator locator = createServiceLocator(request); PreferencesFeedGenerator generator = createPreferencesFeedGenerator(locator); Entry entry = generator.generateEntry(pref); return created(request, entry, pref, locator); } catch (IOException e) { String reason = "Unable to read request content: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(reason, e); return ProviderHelper.servererror(request, reason, e); } catch (ValidationException e) { String msg = "Invalid entry: " + e.getMessage(); if (e.getCause() != null) msg += e.getCause().getMessage(); return ProviderHelper.badrequest(request, msg); } catch (GeneratorException e) { String reason = "Unknown entry generation error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(reason, e); return ProviderHelper.servererror(request, reason, e); } } public ResponseContext deleteEntry(RequestContext request) { PreferenceTarget target = (PreferenceTarget) request.getTarget(); User user = target.getUser(); Preference pref = target.getPreference(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("deleting entry for preference " + pref.getKey() + " for user " + user.getUsername()); user.removePreference(pref); userService.updateUser(user); return deleted(); } public ResponseContext putEntry(RequestContext request) { PreferenceTarget target = (PreferenceTarget) request.getTarget(); User user = target.getUser(); Preference pref = target.getPreference(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("upudating preference " + pref.getKey() + " for user " + user.getUsername()); ResponseContext frc = checkEntryWritePreconditions(request); if (frc != null) return frc; try { Preference newpref = readPreference(request); if (user.getPreference(newpref.getKey()) != null && !user.getPreference(newpref.getKey()).equals(pref)) return ProviderHelper.conflict(request, "Preference exists"); String oldKey = pref.getKey(); pref.setKey(newpref.getKey()); pref.setValue(newpref.getValue()); user = userService.updateUser(user); ServiceLocator locator = createServiceLocator(request); PreferencesFeedGenerator generator = createPreferencesFeedGenerator(locator); Entry entry = generator.generateEntry(pref); boolean locationChanged = !oldKey.equals(pref.getKey()); return updated(request, entry, pref, locator, locationChanged); } catch (IOException e) { String reason = "Unable to read request content: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(reason, e); return ProviderHelper.servererror(request, reason, e); } catch (ValidationException e) { String msg = "Invalid entry: " + e.getMessage(); if (e.getCause() != null) msg += e.getCause().getMessage(); return ProviderHelper.badrequest(request, msg); } catch (GeneratorException e) { String reason = "Unknown entry generation error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(reason, e); return ProviderHelper.servererror(request, reason, e); } } public ResponseContext putMedia(RequestContext request) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public ResponseContext getService(RequestContext request) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public ResponseContext getFeed(RequestContext request) { PreferencesTarget target = (PreferencesTarget) request.getTarget(); User user = target.getUser(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("getting preferences feed for user " + user.getUsername()); try { ServiceLocator locator = createServiceLocator(request); PreferencesFeedGenerator generator = createPreferencesFeedGenerator(locator); Feed feed = generator.generateFeed(user); return ok(request, feed); } catch (GeneratorException e) { String reason = "Unknown feed generation error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(reason, e); return ProviderHelper.servererror(request, reason, e); } } public ResponseContext getEntry(RequestContext request) { PreferenceTarget target = (PreferenceTarget) request.getTarget(); User user = target.getUser(); Preference pref = target.getPreference(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("getting entry for preference " + pref.getKey() + " for user " + user.getUsername()); try { ServiceLocator locator = createServiceLocator(request); PreferencesFeedGenerator generator = createPreferencesFeedGenerator(locator); Entry entry = generator.generateEntry(pref); return ok(request, entry, pref); } catch (GeneratorException e) { String reason = "Unknown entry generation error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(reason, e); return ProviderHelper.servererror(request, reason, e); } } public ResponseContext getMedia(RequestContext request) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public ResponseContext getCategories(RequestContext request) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public ResponseContext postMedia(RequestContext request) { return ProviderHelper.notallowed(request, ALLOWED_ENTRY_METHODS); } // ExtendedCollectionAdapter methods public ResponseContext putCollection(RequestContext request) { return ProviderHelper.notallowed(request, ALLOWED_COLL_METHODS); } public ResponseContext postCollection(RequestContext request) { return ProviderHelper.notallowed(request, ALLOWED_COLL_METHODS); } public ResponseContext deleteCollection(RequestContext request) { return ProviderHelper.notallowed(request, ALLOWED_COLL_METHODS); } // our methods public UserService getUserService() { return userService; } public void setUserService(UserService userService) { this.userService = userService; } public void init() { super.init(); if (userService == null) throw new IllegalStateException("userService is required"); } protected PreferencesFeedGenerator createPreferencesFeedGenerator(ServiceLocator locator) { return getGeneratorFactory().createPreferencesFeedGenerator(locator); } private Preference readPreference(RequestContext request) throws IOException, ValidationException { Entry entry = (Entry) request.getDocument().getRoot(); if (entry.getContentType() == null || !entry.getContentType().equals(Content.Type.XHTML)) throw new ValidationException("Content must be XHTML"); try { XhtmlPreferenceFormat formatter = new XhtmlPreferenceFormat(); Preference pref = formatter.parse(entry.getContent(), getEntityFactory()); if (pref.getKey() == null) throw new ValidationException("Preference requires a key"); if (pref.getValue() == null) pref.setValue(""); return pref; } catch (ParseException e) { throw new ValidationException("Error parsing XHTML content", e); } } }