Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2002-2014 CS Systmes d'Information * Licensed to CS Systmes d'Information (CS) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * CS licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.orekit.frames; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.orekit.Utils; import org.orekit.errors.OrekitException; import org.orekit.time.AbsoluteDate; import org.orekit.time.DateComponents; import org.orekit.time.TimeFunction; import org.orekit.time.TimeScalesFactory; import org.orekit.utils.Constants; import org.orekit.utils.IERSConventions; import org.orekit.utils.TimeStampedCache; @Deprecated public class TidalCorrectionTest { // Computation date private AbsoluteDate date; @Test public void testPoleCorrection() { // compute the pole motion component for tidal correction final PoleCorrection tidalCorr = new TidalCorrection().getPoleCorrection(date); Assert.assertEquals(FastMath.toRadians(-204.09237446540885e-6 / 3600), tidalCorr.getXp(), 2.0e-14); Assert.assertEquals(FastMath.toRadians(-161.48436351246889e-6 / 3600), tidalCorr.getYp(), 0.7e-14); } @Test public void testDUT1() { // compute the dut1 component for tidal correction final double tidalCorr = new TidalCorrection().getDUT1(date); Assert.assertEquals(13.611556854809763e-6, tidalCorr, 1.5e-10); } @Test public void testIERSImplementation() throws OrekitException { Utils.setDataRoot("regular-data"); final AbsoluteDate t0 = new AbsoluteDate(new DateComponents(DateComponents.MODIFIED_JULIAN_EPOCH, 52654), TimeScalesFactory.getUTC()); final TimeFunction<double[]> newTidalCorrection = IERSConventions.IERS_2010.getEOPTidalCorrection(); final TidalCorrection oldTidalCorrection = new TidalCorrection(); for (double dt = 0; dt < 5 * Constants.JULIAN_DAY; dt += 3600) { AbsoluteDate date = t0.shiftedBy(dt); double[] newCorrections = newTidalCorrection.value(date); Assert.assertEquals(oldTidalCorrection.getPoleCorrection(date).getXp(), newCorrections[0], 1.1e-11); Assert.assertEquals(oldTidalCorrection.getPoleCorrection(date).getYp(), newCorrections[1], 1.1e-11); Assert.assertEquals(oldTidalCorrection.getDUT1(date), newCorrections[2], 1.3e-7); } } @Test public void testCachePole() { final TidalCorrection tc = new TidalCorrection(); // compute the pole motion component for tidal correction, testing cache mechanism final PoleCorrection poleCorr = tc.getPoleCorrection(date); final AbsoluteDate date2 = new AbsoluteDate(2008, 10, 21, TimeScalesFactory.getTAI()); // compute the pole motion component for tidal correction, testing cache mechanism final PoleCorrection poleCorr2 = tc.getPoleCorrection(date2); Assert.assertFalse(poleCorr.getXp() == poleCorr2.getXp()); Assert.assertFalse(poleCorr.getYp() == poleCorr2.getYp()); // compute the pole motion component for tidal correction, testing cache mechanism final PoleCorrection poleCorr3 = tc.getPoleCorrection(date2); Assert.assertTrue(poleCorr2.getXp() == poleCorr3.getXp()); Assert.assertTrue(poleCorr2.getYp() == poleCorr3.getYp()); } @Test public void testCacheDUT1() { final TidalCorrection tc = new TidalCorrection(); // compute the dut1 component for tidal correction final double dut1Corr = tc.getDUT1(date); final AbsoluteDate date2 = new AbsoluteDate(2008, 10, 21, TimeScalesFactory.getTAI()); // compute the dut1 component for tidal correction, testing cache mechanism final double dut1Corr2 = tc.getDUT1(date2); Assert.assertFalse(dut1Corr == dut1Corr2); // compute the dut1 component for tidal correction, testing cache mechanism final double dut1Corr3 = tc.getDUT1(date2); Assert.assertTrue(dut1Corr2 == dut1Corr3); } @Test public void testCacheValidation() { // validates that results calculated using an internal cache are the same // as without such a cache (the cache is effectively disabled). final TidalCorrection tcCache = new TidalCorrection(); final TidalCorrection tcDirect = new TidalCorrection(); disableTimeStampedCache(tcDirect); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // compute the dut1 component for tidal correction double dut1Cache = tcCache.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(i * Constants.JULIAN_DAY)); double dut1Direct = tcDirect.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(i * Constants.JULIAN_DAY)); Assert.assertEquals(dut1Direct, dut1Cache, 1e-12); // compute the dut1 component for tidal correction dut1Cache = tcCache.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(i * Constants.JULIAN_DAY + Constants.JULIAN_DAY / 2)); dut1Direct = tcDirect.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(i * Constants.JULIAN_DAY + Constants.JULIAN_DAY / 2)); Assert.assertEquals(dut1Direct, dut1Cache, 1e-12); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // compute the dut1 component for tidal correction double dut1Cache = tcCache.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(-i * Constants.JULIAN_DAY)); double dut1Direct = tcDirect.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(-i * Constants.JULIAN_DAY)); Assert.assertEquals(dut1Direct, dut1Cache, 1e-12); // compute the dut1 component for tidal correction dut1Cache = tcCache.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(-i * Constants.JULIAN_DAY + Constants.JULIAN_DAY / 2)); dut1Direct = tcDirect.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(-i * Constants.JULIAN_DAY + Constants.JULIAN_DAY / 2)); Assert.assertEquals(dut1Direct, dut1Cache, 1e-12); } } /** * Disables the internal TimeStampedCache for validation purposes. * For this purpose the newSlotInterval is set to a very low value (1 min), so that * every time new tidal correction data has to be created, a new slot is used. * @param tc the {@link TidalCorrection} object for which the cache shall be disabled */ private void disableTimeStampedCache(final TidalCorrection tc) { try { Class<?> clazz = tc.getClass(); Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField("cache"); field.setAccessible(true); @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") TimeStampedCache<?> cache = (TimeStampedCache) field.get(tc); clazz = cache.getClass(); field = clazz.getDeclaredField("newSlotQuantumGap"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(cache, FastMath.round(60 / 1e-6)); } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {; } catch (NoSuchFieldException nfe) {; } } /** * Check that {@link TidalCorrection#getDUT1(AbsoluteDate)} is thread safe. */ @Test public void testConcurrentTidalCorrections() throws Exception { // set up final TidalCorrection tide = new TidalCorrection(); final int threads = 10; final int timesPerThread = 100; // each thread uses a separate date, shifted 60 seconds apart final double[] expected = new double[threads]; for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { expected[i] = tide.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(i * 60)); } // build jobs for concurrent execution final List<Callable<Boolean>> jobs = new ArrayList<Callable<Boolean>>(); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { final int job = i; jobs.add(new Callable<Boolean>() { public Boolean call() throws Exception { for (int j = 0; j < timesPerThread; j++) { final double actual = tide.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(job * 60)); assertEquals(expected[job], actual, 0); } return true; } }); } // action final List<Future<Boolean>> futures = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads).invokeAll(jobs); // verify - necessary to throw AssertionErrors from the Callable for (Future<Boolean> future : futures) { assertEquals(true, future.get()); } } /** * Performance test, kept as a reference. */ @Test @Ignore public void testSingleThreadPerformance() { final TidalCorrection tide = new TidalCorrection(); // runtime stats final int n = 100000; long time = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { tide.getDUT1(date); } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.format("same date took %f s%n", time * 1e-9); time = System.nanoTime(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // date out side of cache range tide.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(i * Constants.JULIAN_DAY)); //Constants.JULIAN_DAY)); } time = System.nanoTime() - time; System.out.format("different date took %f s%n", time * 1e-9); } /** * Performance test, kept as a reference. */ @Test @Ignore public void testConcurrentPerformance() throws Exception { // set up final TidalCorrection tide = new TidalCorrection(); final int threads = 10; final int timesPerThread = 100000; // build jobs for concurrent execution final List<Callable<Long>> jobs = new ArrayList<Callable<Long>>(); for (int i = 0; i < threads; i++) { final int shift = i * timesPerThread; jobs.add(new Callable<Long>() { public Long call() throws Exception { final long time = System.nanoTime(); for (int j = 0; j < timesPerThread; j++) { tide.getDUT1(date.shiftedBy(shift + j * Constants.JULIAN_DAY)); } return System.nanoTime() - time; } }); } // action final List<Future<Long>> futures = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads).invokeAll(jobs); // verify - necessary to throw AssertionErrors from the Callable long worst = 0; for (Future<Long> future : futures) { final long time = future.get(); if (time > worst) worst = time; } System.out.format("tsc interp: worst time: %f s%n", worst * 1e-9); } @Before public void setUp() { date = new AbsoluteDate(2000, 1, 1, TimeScalesFactory.getTAI()); } @After public void tearDown() { date = null; } }