Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (C) 2010 Orbeon, Inc.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
 * GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
 * 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
 * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
 * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * The full text of the license is available at
package org.orbeon.oxf.xforms;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.HTMLSchema;
import org.dom4j.*;
import org.orbeon.oxf.common.OXFException;
import org.orbeon.oxf.common.ValidationException;
import org.orbeon.oxf.pipeline.api.TransformerXMLReceiver;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xml.XMLReceiver;
import org.orbeon.oxf.processor.DebugProcessor;
import org.orbeon.oxf.resources.URLFactory;
import org.orbeon.oxf.util.*;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.analysis.controls.LHHAAnalysis;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.control.controls.XFormsOutputControl;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.control.controls.XXFormsAttributeControl;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.event.Dispatch;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.model.DataModel;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.xbl.Scope;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.xbl.XBLContainer;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xml.*;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xml.XMLUtils;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xml.dom4j.Dom4jUtils;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xml.dom4j.LocationData;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xml.dom4j.LocationDocumentResult;
import org.orbeon.oxf.xml.dom4j.LocationDocumentSource;
import org.orbeon.saxon.value.*;
import org.orbeon.saxon.value.StringValue;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;

import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler;
import java.util.*;

public class XFormsUtils {

    public static final IndentedLogger indentedLogger = Loggers.getIndentedLogger("utils");

    private static final int SRC_CONTENT_BUFFER_SIZE = NetUtils.COPY_BUFFER_SIZE / 2;

    public static String encodeXMLAsDOM(org.w3c.dom.Node node) {
        try {
            return encodeXML(TransformerUtils.domToDom4jDocument(node), XFormsProperties.isGZIPState(), true,
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            throw new OXFException(e);

    public static String encodeXML(Document documentToEncode, boolean encodeLocationData) {
        return encodeXML(documentToEncode, XFormsProperties.isGZIPState(), true, encodeLocationData);

    public static String encodeXML(Document document, boolean compress, boolean encrypt, boolean location) {
        //        XFormsServer.logger.debug("XForms - encoding XML.");

        // Get SAXStore
        // TODO: This is not optimal since we create a second in-memory representation. Should stream instead.
        final SAXStore saxStore = new SAXStore();
        // NOTE: We don't encode XML comments and use only the ContentHandler interface
        final Source source = location ? new LocationDocumentSource(document) : new DocumentSource(document);
        TransformerUtils.sourceToSAX(source, saxStore);

        // Serialize SAXStore to bytes
        // TODO: This is not optimal since we create a third in-memory representation. Should stream instead.
        final byte[] bytes;
        try {
            final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            saxStore.writeExternal(new ObjectOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream));
            bytes = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new OXFException(e);

        // Encode bytes
        return encodeBytes(bytes, compress, encrypt);

    public static String encodeBytes(byte[] bytesToEncode, boolean compress, boolean encrypt) {
        // Compress if needed
        final byte[] gzipByteArray = compress ? XFormsCompressor.compressBytes(bytesToEncode) : null;

        // Encrypt if needed
        if (encrypt) {
            // Perform encryption
            if (gzipByteArray == null) {
                // The data was not compressed above
                return "X1" + SecureUtils.encrypt(bytesToEncode);
            } else {
                // The data was compressed above
                return "X2" + SecureUtils.encrypt(gzipByteArray);
        } else {
            // No encryption
            if (gzipByteArray == null) {
                // The data was not compressed above
                return "X3" + Base64.encode(bytesToEncode, false);
            } else {
                // The data was compressed above
                return "X4" + Base64.encode(gzipByteArray, false);

    private static final HTMLSchema TAGSOUP_HTML_SCHEMA = new HTMLSchema();

    private static void htmlStringToResult(String value, LocationData locationData, Result result) {
        try {
            final XMLReader xmlReader = new org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser();
            xmlReader.setProperty(org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser.schemaProperty, TAGSOUP_HTML_SCHEMA);
            xmlReader.setFeature(org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser.ignoreBogonsFeature, true);
            final TransformerHandler identity = TransformerUtils.getIdentityTransformerHandler();
            final InputSource inputSource = new InputSource();
            inputSource.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(value));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ValidationException("Cannot parse value as text/html for value: '" + value + "'",
        //         r.setFeature(Parser.CDATAElementsFeature, false);
        //         r.setFeature(Parser.namespacesFeature, false);
        //         r.setFeature(Parser.ignoreBogonsFeature, true);
        //         r.setFeature(Parser.bogonsEmptyFeature, false);
        //         r.setFeature(Parser.defaultAttributesFeature, false);
        //         r.setFeature(Parser.translateColonsFeature, true);
        //         r.setFeature(Parser.restartElementsFeature, false);
        //         r.setFeature(Parser.ignorableWhitespaceFeature, true);
        //         r.setProperty(Parser.scannerProperty, new PYXScanner());
        //          r.setProperty(Parser.lexicalHandlerProperty, h);

    public static org.w3c.dom.Document htmlStringToDocumentTagSoup(String value, LocationData locationData) {
        final org.w3c.dom.Document document = XMLUtils.createDocument();
        final DOMResult domResult = new DOMResult(document);
        htmlStringToResult(value, locationData, domResult);
        return document;

    public static Document htmlStringToDom4jTagSoup(String value, LocationData locationData) {
        final LocationDocumentResult documentResult = new LocationDocumentResult();
        htmlStringToResult(value, locationData, documentResult);
        return documentResult.getDocument();

    // TODO: implement server-side plain text output with <br> insertion
    //    public static void streamPlainText(final ContentHandler contentHandler, String value, LocationData locationData, final String xhtmlPrefix) {
    //        // 1: Split string along 0x0a and remove 0x0d (?)
    //        // 2: Output string parts, and between them, output <xhtml:br> element
    //        try {
    //            contentHandler.characters(filteredValue.toCharArray(), 0, filteredValue.length());
    //        } catch (SAXException e) {
    //            throw new OXFException(e);
    //        }
    //    }

    public static void streamHTMLFragment(XMLReceiver xmlReceiver, String value, LocationData locationData,
            String xhtmlPrefix) {
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { // don't parse blank values
            final org.w3c.dom.Document htmlDocument = htmlStringToDocumentTagSoup(value, locationData);

            // Stream fragment to the output
            if (htmlDocument != null) {
                TransformerUtils.sourceToSAX(new DOMSource(htmlDocument),
                        new HTMLBodyXMLReceiver(xmlReceiver, xhtmlPrefix));

     * Get the value of a child element known to have only static content.
     * @param childElement          element to evaluate (xf:label, etc.)
     * @param acceptHTML            whether the result may contain HTML
     * @param containsHTML          whether the result actually contains HTML (null allowed)
     * @return                      string containing the result of the evaluation, null if evaluation failed
    public static String getStaticChildElementValue(final String prefix, final Element childElement,
            final boolean acceptHTML, final boolean[] containsHTML) {
        // Check that there is a current child element
        if (childElement == null)
            return null;

        // No HTML found by default
        if (containsHTML != null)
            containsHTML[0] = false;

        // Try to get inline value
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(20);

            // Visit the subtree and serialize

            // NOTE: It is a little funny to do our own serialization here, but the alternative is to build a DOM and
            // serialize it, which is not trivial because of the possible interleaved xf:output's. Furthermore, we
            // perform a very simple serialization of elements and text to simple (X)HTML, not full-fledged HTML or XML
            // serialization.

                    new LHHAElementVisitorListener(prefix, acceptHTML, containsHTML, sb, childElement));
            if (acceptHTML && containsHTML != null && !containsHTML[0]) {
                // We went through the subtree and did not find any HTML
                // If the caller supports the information, return a non-escaped string so we can optimize output later
                return XMLUtils.unescapeXMLMinimal(sb.toString());
            } else {
                // We found some HTML, just return it
                return sb.toString();

     * Get the value of a child element by pushing the context of the child element on the binding stack first, then
     * calling getElementValue() and finally popping the binding context.
     * @param container             current XFormsContainingDocument
     * @param sourceEffectiveId     source effective id for id resolution
     * @param scope                 XBL scope
     * @param childElement          element to evaluate (xf:label, etc.)
     * @param acceptHTML            whether the result may contain HTML
     * @param containsHTML          whether the result actually contains HTML (null allowed)
     * @return                      string containing the result of the evaluation, null if evaluation failed
    public static String getChildElementValue(final XBLContainer container, final String sourceEffectiveId,
            final Scope scope, final Element childElement, final boolean acceptHTML, final boolean defaultHTML,
            boolean[] containsHTML) {

        // Check that there is a current child element
        if (childElement == null)
            return null;

        // Child element becomes the new binding
        final XFormsContextStack contextStack = container.getContextStack();
        contextStack.pushBinding(childElement, sourceEffectiveId, scope);
        final String result = getElementValue(container, contextStack, sourceEffectiveId, childElement, acceptHTML,
                defaultHTML, containsHTML);
        return result;

     * Get the value of an element by trying single-node binding, value attribute, linking attribute, and inline value
     * (including nested XHTML and xf:output elements).
     * This may return an HTML string if HTML is accepted and found, or a plain string otherwise.
     * @param container             current XBLContainer
     * @param contextStack          context stack for XPath evaluation
     * @param sourceEffectiveId     source effective id for id resolution
     * @param childElement          element to evaluate (xf:label, etc.)
     * @param acceptHTML            whether the result may contain HTML
     * @param containsHTML          whether the result actually contains HTML (null allowed)
     * @return                      string containing the result of the evaluation, null if evaluation failed (see comments)
    public static String getElementValue(final XBLContainer container, final XFormsContextStack contextStack,
            final String sourceEffectiveId, final Element childElement, final boolean acceptHTML,
            final boolean defaultHTML, final boolean[] containsHTML) {

        // No HTML found by default
        if (containsHTML != null)
            containsHTML[0] = defaultHTML;

        final BindingContext currentBindingContext = contextStack.getCurrentBindingContext();

        // "the order of precedence is: single node binding attributes, linking attributes, inline text."

        // Try to get single node binding
            final boolean hasSingleNodeBinding = currentBindingContext.isNewBind();
            if (hasSingleNodeBinding) {
                final Item boundItem = currentBindingContext.getSingleItem();
                final String tempResult = DataModel.getValue(boundItem);
                if (tempResult != null) {
                    return (acceptHTML && containsHTML == null) ? XMLUtils.escapeXMLMinimal(tempResult)
                            : tempResult;
                } else {
                    // There is a single-node binding but it doesn't point to an acceptable item
                    return null;

        // Try to get value attribute
        // NOTE: This is an extension attribute not standard in XForms 1.0 or 1.1
            final String valueAttribute = childElement.attributeValue(XFormsConstants.VALUE_QNAME);
            final boolean hasValueAttribute = valueAttribute != null;
            if (hasValueAttribute) {
                final List<Item> currentNodeset = currentBindingContext.getNodeset();
                if (currentNodeset != null && currentNodeset.size() > 0) {
                    String tempResult;
                    try {
                        tempResult = XPathCache.evaluateAsString(currentNodeset,
                                currentBindingContext.getPosition(), valueAttribute,
                                container.getNamespaceMappings(childElement), contextStack.getCurrentVariables(),
                                contextStack.getFunctionContext(sourceEffectiveId), null,
                                (LocationData) childElement.getData(),
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        XFormsError.handleNonFatalXPathError(container, e);
                        tempResult = "";
                    } finally {

                    return (acceptHTML && containsHTML == null) ? XMLUtils.escapeXMLMinimal(tempResult)
                            : tempResult;
                } else {
                    // There is a value attribute but the evaluation context is empty
                    return null;

        // Try to get linking attribute
        // NOTE: This is deprecated in XForms 1.1
            final String srcAttributeValue = childElement.attributeValue(XFormsConstants.SRC_QNAME);
            final boolean hasSrcAttribute = srcAttributeValue != null;
            if (hasSrcAttribute) {
                try {
                    // NOTE: This should probably be cached, but on the other hand almost nobody uses @src
                    final String tempResult = retrieveSrcValue(srcAttributeValue);
                    if (containsHTML != null)
                        containsHTML[0] = false; // NOTE: we could support HTML if the media type returned is text/html
                    return (acceptHTML && containsHTML == null) ? XMLUtils.escapeXMLMinimal(tempResult)
                            : tempResult;
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // Dispatch xforms-link-error to model
                    final XFormsModel currentModel = currentBindingContext.model();
                    // NOTE: xforms-link-error is no longer in XForms 1.1 starting 2009-03-10
                    Dispatch.dispatchEvent(new XFormsLinkErrorEvent(currentModel, srcAttributeValue, e));
                    // Exception when dereferencing the linking attribute
                    return null;

        // Try to get inline value
            final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(20);

            // Visit the subtree and serialize

            // NOTE: It is a little funny to do our own serialization here, but the alternative is to build a DOM and
            // serialize it, which is not trivial because of the possible interleaved xf:output's. Furthermore, we
            // perform a very simple serialization of elements and text to simple (X)HTML, not full-fledged HTML or XML
            // serialization.
            Dom4jUtils.visitSubtree(childElement, new LHHAElementVisitorListener(container, contextStack,
                    sourceEffectiveId, acceptHTML, defaultHTML, containsHTML, sb, childElement));
            if (acceptHTML && containsHTML != null && !containsHTML[0]) {
                // We went through the subtree and did not find any HTML
                // If the caller supports the information, return a non-escaped string so we can optimize output later
                return XMLUtils.unescapeXMLMinimal(sb.toString());
            } else {
                // We found some HTML, just return it
                return sb.toString();

    public static ValueRepresentation convertJavaObjectToSaxonObject(Object object) {
        final ValueRepresentation valueRepresentation;
        if (object instanceof ValueRepresentation) {
            // Native Saxon variable value
            valueRepresentation = (ValueRepresentation) object;
        } else if (object instanceof String) {
            valueRepresentation = new StringValue((String) object);
        } else if (object instanceof Boolean) {
            valueRepresentation = BooleanValue.get((Boolean) object);
        } else if (object instanceof Integer) {
            valueRepresentation = new Int64Value((Integer) object);
        } else if (object instanceof Float) {
            valueRepresentation = new FloatValue((Float) object);
        } else if (object instanceof Double) {
            valueRepresentation = new DoubleValue((Double) object);
        } else if (object instanceof URI) {
            valueRepresentation = new AnyURIValue(object.toString());
        } else {
            throw new OXFException("Invalid variable type: " + object.getClass());
        return valueRepresentation;

    public static org.w3c.dom.Document decodeXMLAsDOM(String encodedXML) {
        try {
            return TransformerUtils.dom4jToDomDocument(XFormsUtils.decodeXML(encodedXML));
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            throw new OXFException(e);

    public static Document decodeXML(String encodedXML) {

        final byte[] bytes = decodeBytes(encodedXML);

        // Deserialize bytes to SAXStore
        // TODO: This is not optimal
        final ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
        final SAXStore saxStore;
        try {
            saxStore = new SAXStore(new ObjectInputStream(byteArrayInputStream));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new OXFException(e);

        // Deserialize SAXStore to dom4j document
        // TODO: This is not optimal
        final TransformerXMLReceiver identity = TransformerUtils.getIdentityTransformerHandler();
        final LocationDocumentResult result = new LocationDocumentResult();
        try {
        } catch (SAXException e) {
            throw new OXFException(e);
        return result.getDocument();

    public static byte[] decodeBytes(String encoded) {
        // Get raw text
        byte[] resultBytes;
            final String prefix = encoded.substring(0, 2);
            final String encodedString = encoded.substring(2);

            final byte[] resultBytes1;
            final byte[] gzipByteArray;
            if (prefix.equals("X1")) {
                // Encryption + uncompressed
                resultBytes1 = SecureUtils.decrypt(encodedString);
                gzipByteArray = null;
            } else if (prefix.equals("X2")) {
                // Encryption + compressed
                resultBytes1 = null;
                gzipByteArray = SecureUtils.decrypt(encodedString);
            } else if (prefix.equals("X3")) {
                // No encryption + uncompressed
                resultBytes1 = Base64.decode(encodedString);
                gzipByteArray = null;
            } else if (prefix.equals("X4")) {
                // No encryption + compressed
                resultBytes1 = null;
                gzipByteArray = Base64.decode(encodedString);
            } else {
                throw new OXFException("Invalid prefix for encoded string: " + prefix);

            // Decompress if needed
            if (gzipByteArray != null) {
                resultBytes = XFormsCompressor.uncompressBytes(gzipByteArray);
            } else {
                resultBytes = resultBytes1;
        return resultBytes;

    public static String retrieveSrcValue(String src) throws IOException {

        // Handle HHRI
        src = NetUtils.encodeHRRI(src, true);

        final URL url = URLFactory.createURL(src);

        // Load file into buffer
        // TODO: this is wrong, must use regular URL resolution methods
        final InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream());
        try {
            final StringBuilder value = new StringBuilder();
            final char[] buff = new char[SRC_CONTENT_BUFFER_SIZE];
            int c;
            while ((c =, 0, SRC_CONTENT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1)) != -1)
                value.append(buff, 0, c);
            return value.toString();
        } finally {

     * Resolve a render URL including xml:base resolution.
     * @param containingDocument    current document
     * @param currentElement        element used for xml:base resolution
     * @param url                   URL to resolve
     * @param skipRewrite           whether to skip the actual URL rewriting step
     * @return                      resolved URL
    public static String resolveRenderURL(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument, Element currentElement,
            String url, boolean skipRewrite) {
        final URI resolvedURI = resolveXMLBase(containingDocument, currentElement, url);

        final String resolvedURIStringNoPortletFragment = uriToStringNoFragment(containingDocument, resolvedURI);

        return skipRewrite ? resolvedURIStringNoPortletFragment
                : NetUtils.getExternalContext().getResponse().rewriteRenderURL(resolvedURIStringNoPortletFragment,
                        null, null);

    public static String resolveActionURL(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument, Element currentElement,
            String url, boolean skipRewrite) {
        final URI resolvedURI = resolveXMLBase(containingDocument, currentElement, url);

        final String resolvedURIStringNoPortletFragment = uriToStringNoFragment(containingDocument, resolvedURI);

        return skipRewrite ? resolvedURIStringNoPortletFragment
                : NetUtils.getExternalContext().getResponse().rewriteActionURL(resolvedURIStringNoPortletFragment,
                        null, null);

    private static String uriToStringNoFragment(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument, URI resolvedURI) {
        if (containingDocument.isPortletContainer() && resolvedURI.getFragment() != null) {
            // XForms page was loaded from a portlet and there is a fragment, remove it
            try {
                return new URI(resolvedURI.getScheme(), resolvedURI.getAuthority(), resolvedURI.getPath(),
                        resolvedURI.getQuery(), null).toString();
            } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                throw new OXFException(e);
        } else {
            return resolvedURI.toString();

     * Resolve a resource URL including xml:base resolution.
     * @param containingDocument    current document
     * @param element               element used to start resolution (if null, no resolution takes place)
     * @param url                   URL to resolve
     * @param rewriteMode           rewrite mode (see ExternalContext.Response)
     * @return                      resolved URL
    public static String resolveResourceURL(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument, Element element,
            String url, int rewriteMode) {

        final URI resolvedURI = resolveXMLBase(containingDocument, element, url);

        return NetUtils.getExternalContext().getResponse().rewriteResourceURL(resolvedURI.toString(), rewriteMode);

     * Resolve a resource URL including xml:base resolution.
     * @param containingDocument    current document
     * @param element               element used to start resolution (if null, no resolution takes place)
     * @param url                   URL to resolve
     * @param rewriteMode           rewrite mode (see ExternalContext.Response)
     * @return                      resolved URL
    public static String resolveServiceURL(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument, Element element, String url,
            int rewriteMode) {

        final URI resolvedURI = resolveXMLBase(containingDocument, element, url);

        return URLRewriterUtils.rewriteServiceURL(NetUtils.getExternalContext().getRequest(),
                resolvedURI.toString(), rewriteMode);

     * Resolve attribute value templates (AVTs).
     * @param xpathContext      current XPath context
     * @param contextNode       context node for evaluation
     * @param attributeValue    attribute value
     * @return                  resolved attribute value
    public static String resolveAttributeValueTemplates(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument,
            XPathCache.XPathContext xpathContext, NodeInfo contextNode, String attributeValue) {

        if (attributeValue == null)
            return null;

        return XPathCache.evaluateAsAvt(xpathContext, contextNode, attributeValue,

     * Resolve a URI string against an element, taking into account ancestor xml:base attributes for
     * the resolution, and using the document's request URL as a base.
     * @param containingDocument    current document
     * @param element   element used to start resolution (if null, no resolution takes place)
     * @param uri       URI to resolve
     * @return          resolved URI
    public static URI resolveXMLBase(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument, Element element, String uri) {
        return resolveXMLBase(element, containingDocument.getRequestPath(), uri);

     * Resolve a URI string against an element, taking into account ancestor xml:base attributes for
     * the resolution.
     * @param element   element used to start resolution (if null, no resolution takes place)
     * @param baseURI   optional base URI
     * @param uri       URI to resolve
     * @return          resolved URI
    public static URI resolveXMLBase(Element element, String baseURI, String uri) {
        try {
            // Allow for null Element
            if (element == null)
                return new URI(uri);

            final List<String> xmlBaseValues = new ArrayList<String>();

            // Collect xml:base values
            Element currentElement = element;
            do {
                final String xmlBaseAttribute = currentElement.attributeValue(XMLConstants.XML_BASE_QNAME);
                if (xmlBaseAttribute != null)
                currentElement = currentElement.getParent();
            } while (currentElement != null);

            // Append base if needed
            if (baseURI != null)

            // Go from root to leaf

            // Resolve paths from root to leaf
            URI result = null;
            for (final String currentXMLBase : xmlBaseValues) {
                final URI currentXMLBaseURI = new URI(currentXMLBase);
                result = (result == null) ? currentXMLBaseURI : result.resolve(currentXMLBaseURI);
            return result;
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new ValidationException("Error while resolving URI: " + uri, e,
                    (element != null) ? (LocationData) element.getData() : null);

     * Resolve f:url-norewrite attributes on this element, taking into account ancestor f:url-norewrite attributes for
     * the resolution.
     * @param element   element used to start resolution
     * @return          true if rewriting is turned off, false otherwise
    public static boolean resolveUrlNorewrite(Element element) {
        Element currentElement = element;
        do {
            final String urlNorewriteAttribute = currentElement
            // Return the first ancestor value found
            if (urlNorewriteAttribute != null)
                return "true".equals(urlNorewriteAttribute);
            currentElement = currentElement.getParent();
        } while (currentElement != null);

        // Default is to rewrite
        return false;

     * Log a message and Document.
     * @param debugMessage  the message to display
     * @param document      the Document to display
    public static void logDebugDocument(String debugMessage, Document document) { + ":\n" + Dom4jUtils.domToString(document));

     * Prefix an id with the container namespace if needed. If the id is null, return null.
     * @param containingDocument    current ContainingDocument
     * @param id                    id to prefix
     * @return                      prefixed id or null
    public static String namespaceId(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument, CharSequence id) {
        if (id == null)
            return null;
            return containingDocument.getContainerNamespace() + id;

     * Remove the container namespace prefix if possible. If the id is null, return null.
     * @param containingDocument    current ContainingDocument
     * @param id                    id to de-prefix
     * @return                      de-prefixed id if possible or null
    public static String deNamespaceId(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument, String id) {
        if (id == null)
            return null;

        final String containerNamespace = containingDocument.getContainerNamespace();
        if (containerNamespace.length() > 0 && id.startsWith(containerNamespace))
            return id.substring(containerNamespace.length());
            return id;

     * Return LocationData for a given node, null if not found.
     * @param node  node containing the LocationData
     * @return      LocationData or null
    public static LocationData getNodeLocationData(Node node) {
        final Object data;
            if (node instanceof Element)
                data = ((Element) node).getData();
            else if (node instanceof Attribute)
                data = ((Attribute) node).getData();
                data = null;
            // TODO: other node types
        if (data == null)
            return null;
        else if (data instanceof LocationData)
            return (LocationData) data;
        else if (data instanceof InstanceData)
            return ((InstanceData) data).getLocationData();

        return null;

     * Return the underlying Node from the given NodeInfo, possibly converting it to a Dom4j Node. Changes to the returned Node may or may not
     * reflect on the original, depending on its type.
     * @param nodeInfo      NodeInfo to process
     * @return              Node
    public static Node getNodeFromNodeInfoConvert(NodeInfo nodeInfo) {
        if (nodeInfo instanceof VirtualNode)
            return (Node) ((VirtualNode) nodeInfo).getUnderlyingNode();
        else if (nodeInfo.getNodeKind() == org.w3c.dom.Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE) {
            return Dom4jUtils.createAttribute(
                    new QName(nodeInfo.getLocalPart(), new Namespace(nodeInfo.getPrefix(), nodeInfo.getURI())),
        } else
            return TransformerUtils.tinyTreeToDom4j(
                    (nodeInfo.getParent() instanceof DocumentInfo) ? nodeInfo.getParent() : nodeInfo);

     * Return the underlying Node from the given NodeInfo if possible. If not, throw an exception with the given error
     * message.
     * @param nodeInfo      NodeInfo to process
     * @param errorMessage  error message to throw
     * @return              Node if found
    public static Node getNodeFromNodeInfo(NodeInfo nodeInfo, String errorMessage) {
        if (!(nodeInfo instanceof VirtualNode))
            throw new OXFException(errorMessage);

        return (Node) ((VirtualNode) nodeInfo).getUnderlyingNode();

    private static String[] voidElementsNames = {
            // HTML 5:
            "area", "base", "br", "col", "command", "embed", "hr", "img", "input", "keygen", "link", "meta",
            "param", "source", "track", "wbr",
            // Legacy
            "basefont", "frame", "isindex" };
    private static final Set<String> voidElements = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(voidElementsNames));

    public static boolean isVoidElement(String elementName) {
        return voidElements.contains(elementName);

    private static class LHHAElementVisitorListener implements Dom4jUtils.VisitorListener {
        private final String prefix;
        private final XBLContainer container;
        private final XFormsContextStack contextStack;
        private final String sourceEffectiveId;
        private final boolean acceptHTML;
        private final boolean defaultHTML;
        private final boolean[] containsHTML;
        private final StringBuilder sb;
        private final Element childElement;
        private final boolean hostLanguageAVTs;

        // Constructor for "static" case, i.e. when we know the child element cannot have dynamic content
        public LHHAElementVisitorListener(String prefix, boolean acceptHTML, boolean[] containsHTML,
                StringBuilder sb, Element childElement) {
            this.prefix = prefix;
            this.container = null;
            this.contextStack = null;
            this.sourceEffectiveId = null;
            this.acceptHTML = acceptHTML;
            this.defaultHTML = false;
            this.containsHTML = containsHTML;
   = sb;
            this.childElement = childElement;
            this.hostLanguageAVTs = false;

        // Constructor for "dynamic" case, i.e. when we know the child element can have dynamic content
        public LHHAElementVisitorListener(XBLContainer container, XFormsContextStack contextStack,
                String sourceEffectiveId, boolean acceptHTML, boolean defaultHTML, boolean[] containsHTML,
                StringBuilder sb, Element childElement) {
            this.prefix = container.getFullPrefix();
            this.container = container;
            this.contextStack = contextStack;
            this.sourceEffectiveId = sourceEffectiveId;
            this.acceptHTML = acceptHTML;
            this.defaultHTML = defaultHTML;
            this.containsHTML = containsHTML;
   = sb;
            this.childElement = childElement;
            this.hostLanguageAVTs = XFormsProperties.isHostLanguageAVTs();

        private boolean lastIsStart = false;

        public void startElement(Element element) {
            if (element.getQName().equals(XFormsConstants.XFORMS_OUTPUT_QNAME)) {
                // This is an xf:output nested among other markup

                final XFormsOutputControl outputControl = new XFormsOutputControl(container, null, element, null) {
                    // Override this as super.getContextStack() gets the containingDocument's stack, and here we need whatever is the current stack
                    // Probably need to modify super.getContextStack() at some point to NOT use the containingDocument's stack
                    public XFormsContextStack getContextStack() {
                        return LHHAElementVisitorListener.this.contextStack;

                    public String getEffectiveId() {
                        // Return given source effective id, so we have a source effective id for resolution of index(), etc.
                        return sourceEffectiveId;

                    public boolean isAllowedBoundItem(Item item) {
                        return DataModel.isAllowedBoundItem(item);

                final boolean isHTMLMediatype = !defaultHTML && LHHAAnalysis.isHTML(element)
                        || defaultHTML && !LHHAAnalysis.isPlainText(element);

                contextStack.pushBinding(element, sourceEffectiveId, outputControl.getChildElementScope(element));
                    outputControl.setBindingContext(contextStack.getCurrentBindingContext(), true, false);

                if (outputControl.isRelevant()) {
                    if (acceptHTML) {
                        if (isHTMLMediatype) {
                            if (containsHTML != null)
                                containsHTML[0] = true; // this indicates for sure that there is some nested HTML
                        } else {
                            // Mediatype is not HTML so we don't escape
                    } else {
                        if (isHTMLMediatype) {
                            // HTML is not allowed here, better tell the user
                            throw new OXFException("HTML not allowed within element: " + childElement.getName());
                        } else {
                            // Mediatype is not HTML so we don't escape
            } else {
                // This is a regular element, just serialize the start tag to no namespace

                // If HTML is not allowed here, better tell the user
                if (!acceptHTML)
                    throw new OXFException(
                            "Nested XHTML or XForms not allowed within element: " + childElement.getName());

                if (containsHTML != null)
                    containsHTML[0] = true;// this indicates for sure that there is some nested HTML

                final List attributes = element.attributes();
                if (attributes.size() > 0) {
                    for (Object attribute : attributes) {
                        final Attribute currentAttribute = (Attribute) attribute;

                        final String currentAttributeName = currentAttribute.getName();
                        final String currentAttributeValue = currentAttribute.getValue();

                        final String resolvedValue;
                        if (hostLanguageAVTs && maybeAVT(currentAttributeValue)) {
                            // This is an AVT, use attribute control to produce the output
                            final XXFormsAttributeControl attributeControl = new XXFormsAttributeControl(container,
                                    element, currentAttributeName, currentAttributeValue, element.getName());

                            contextStack.pushBinding(element, sourceEffectiveId,
                                attributeControl.setBindingContext(contextStack.getCurrentBindingContext(), true,

                            resolvedValue = attributeControl.getExternalValue();
                        } else if (currentAttributeName.equals("id")) {
                            // This is an id, prefix if needed
                            resolvedValue = prefix + currentAttributeValue;
                        } else {
                            // Simply use control value
                            resolvedValue = currentAttributeValue;

                        // Only consider attributes in no namespace
                        if ("".equals(currentAttribute.getNamespaceURI())) {
                            sb.append(' ');
                            if (resolvedValue != null)
                lastIsStart = true;

        public void endElement(Element element) {
            final String elementName = element.getName();
            if ((!lastIsStart || !isVoidElement(elementName))
                    && !element.getQName().equals(XFormsConstants.XFORMS_OUTPUT_QNAME)) {
                // This is a regular element, just serialize the end tag to no namespace
                // UNLESS the element was just opened. This means we output <br>, not <br></br>, etc.
            lastIsStart = false;

        public void text(Text text) {
            sb.append(acceptHTML ? XMLUtils.escapeXMLMinimal(text.getStringValue()) : text.getStringValue());
            lastIsStart = false;

    public static String escapeJavaScript(String value) {
        return StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(StringUtils.replace(value, "\\", "\\\\"), "\"", "\\\""),
                "\n", "\\n");

    public static boolean maybeAVT(String attributeValue) {
        return attributeValue.indexOf('{') != -1;

     * Return the prefix of an effective id, e.g. "" or "foo$bar$". The prefix returned does end with a separator.
     * @param effectiveId   effective id to check
     * @return              prefix if any, "" if none, null if effectiveId was null
    public static String getEffectiveIdPrefix(String effectiveId) {
        if (effectiveId == null)
            return null;

        final int prefixIndex = effectiveId.lastIndexOf(XFormsConstants.COMPONENT_SEPARATOR);
        if (prefixIndex != -1) {
            return effectiveId.substring(0, prefixIndex + 1);
        } else {
            return "";

     * Return whether the effective id has a suffix.
     * @param effectiveId   effective id to check
     * @return              true iif the effective id has a suffix
    public static boolean hasEffectiveIdSuffix(String effectiveId) {
        return (effectiveId != null) && effectiveId.indexOf(XFormsConstants.REPEAT_SEPARATOR) != -1;

     * Return the suffix of an effective id, e.g. "" or "2-5-1". The suffix returned does not start with a separator.
     * @param effectiveId   effective id to check
     * @return              suffix if any, "" if none, null if effectiveId was null
    public static String getEffectiveIdSuffix(String effectiveId) {
        if (effectiveId == null)
            return null;

        final int suffixIndex = effectiveId.indexOf(XFormsConstants.REPEAT_SEPARATOR);
        if (suffixIndex != -1) {
            return effectiveId.substring(suffixIndex + 1);
        } else {
            return "";

     * Return the suffix of an effective id, e.g. "" or ".2-5-1". The suffix returned starts with a separator.
     * @param effectiveId   effective id to check
     * @return              suffix if any, "" if none, null if effectiveId was null
    public static String getEffectiveIdSuffixWithSeparator(String effectiveId) {
        if (effectiveId == null)
            return null;

        final int suffixIndex = effectiveId.indexOf(XFormsConstants.REPEAT_SEPARATOR);
        if (suffixIndex != -1) {
            return effectiveId.substring(suffixIndex);
        } else {
            return "";

     * Return an effective id's prefixed id, i.e. the effective id without its suffix, e.g.:
     * o foo$bar$my-input.1-2 => foo$bar$my-input
     * @param effectiveId   effective id to check
     * @return              effective id without its suffix, null if effectiveId was null
    public static String getPrefixedId(String effectiveId) {
        if (effectiveId == null)
            return null;

        final int suffixIndex = effectiveId.indexOf(XFormsConstants.REPEAT_SEPARATOR);
        if (suffixIndex != -1) {
            return effectiveId.substring(0, suffixIndex);
        } else {
            return effectiveId;

     * Return an effective id without its prefix, e.g.:
     * o foo$bar$my-input => my-input
     * o foo$bar$my-input.1-2 => my-input.1-2
     * @param effectiveId   effective id to check
     * @return              effective id without its prefix, null if effectiveId was null
    public static String getEffectiveIdNoPrefix(String effectiveId) {
        if (effectiveId == null)
            return null;

        final int prefixIndex = effectiveId.lastIndexOf(XFormsConstants.COMPONENT_SEPARATOR);
        if (prefixIndex != -1) {
            return effectiveId.substring(prefixIndex + 1);
        } else {
            return effectiveId;

     * Return the parts of an effective id prefix, e.g. for foo$bar$my-input return new String[] { "foo", "bar" }
     * @param effectiveId   effective id to check
     * @return              array of parts, empty array if no parts, null if effectiveId was null
    public static String[] getEffectiveIdPrefixParts(String effectiveId) {
        if (effectiveId == null)
            return null;

        final int prefixIndex = effectiveId.lastIndexOf(XFormsConstants.COMPONENT_SEPARATOR);
        if (prefixIndex != -1) {
            return StringUtils.split(effectiveId.substring(0, prefixIndex), XFormsConstants.COMPONENT_SEPARATOR);
        } else {
            return new String[0];

     * Given a repeat control's effective id, compute the effective id of an iteration.
     * @param repeatEffectiveId     repeat control effective id
     * @param iterationIndex        repeat iteration
     * @return                      repeat iteration effective id
    public static String getIterationEffectiveId(String repeatEffectiveId, int iterationIndex) {
        final String parentSuffix = XFormsUtils.getEffectiveIdSuffixWithSeparator(repeatEffectiveId);
        final String iterationPrefixedId = getPrefixedId(repeatEffectiveId) + "~iteration";
        if (parentSuffix.equals("")) {
            // E.g. foobar => foobar~iteration.3
            return iterationPrefixedId + XFormsConstants.REPEAT_SEPARATOR + iterationIndex;
        } else {
            // E.g. foobar.3-7 => foobar~iteration.3-7-2
            return iterationPrefixedId + parentSuffix + XFormsConstants.REPEAT_INDEX_SEPARATOR + iterationIndex;

     * Return the parts of an effective id suffix, e.g. for $foo$bar.3-1-5 return new Integer[] { 3, 1, 5 }
     * @param effectiveId   effective id to check
     * @return              array of parts, empty array if no parts, null if effectiveId was null
    public static int[] getEffectiveIdSuffixParts(String effectiveId) {
        if (effectiveId == null)
            return null;

        final int suffixIndex = effectiveId.indexOf(XFormsConstants.REPEAT_SEPARATOR);
        if (suffixIndex != -1) {
            final String[] stringResult = StringUtils.split(effectiveId.substring(suffixIndex + 1),
            final int[] result = new int[stringResult.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < stringResult.length; i++) {
                final String currentString = stringResult[i];
                result[i] = Integer.parseInt(currentString);
            return result;
        } else {
            return new int[0];

    public static String buildEffectiveId(String prefixedId, Object[] iterations) {
        if (iterations.length == 0)
            return prefixedId;
            return prefixedId + XFormsConstants.REPEAT_SEPARATOR
                    + StringUtils.join(iterations, XFormsConstants.REPEAT_INDEX_SEPARATOR);

     * Compute an effective id based on an existing effective id and a static id. E.g.:
     *  foo$bar.1-2 and myStaticId => foo$myStaticId.1-2
     * @param baseEffectiveId   base effective id
     * @param staticId          static id
     * @return                  effective id
    public static String getRelatedEffectiveId(String baseEffectiveId, String staticId) {
        final String prefix = getEffectiveIdPrefix(baseEffectiveId);
        final String suffix;
            final int suffixIndex = baseEffectiveId.indexOf(XFormsConstants.REPEAT_SEPARATOR);
            suffix = (suffixIndex == -1) ? "" : baseEffectiveId.substring(suffixIndex);
        return prefix + staticId + suffix;

     * Return the static id associated with the given id, removing suffix and prefix if present.
     *  foo$bar.1-2 => bar
     * @param anyId id to check
     * @return      static id, or null if anyId was null
    public static String getStaticIdFromId(String anyId) {
        return getPrefixedId(getEffectiveIdNoPrefix(anyId));

     * Append a new string to an effective id.
     *   foo$bar.1-2 and -my-ending => foo$bar-my-ending.1-2
     * @param effectiveId   base effective id
     * @param ending        new ending
     * @return              effective id
    public static String appendToEffectiveId(String effectiveId, String ending) {
        final String prefixedId = getPrefixedId(effectiveId);
        return prefixedId + ending + getEffectiveIdSuffixWithSeparator(effectiveId);

     * Check if an id is a static id, i.e. if it does not contain component/hierarchy separators.
     * @param id  static id to check
     * @return          true if the id is a static id
    public static boolean isStaticId(String id) {
        return id != null && id.indexOf(XFormsConstants.COMPONENT_SEPARATOR) == -1 && !hasEffectiveIdSuffix(id);

    public static boolean isEffectiveId(String id) {
        return id != null && id.indexOf(XFormsConstants.COMPONENT_SEPARATOR) != -1 || hasEffectiveIdSuffix(id);

     * Whether the id is an absolute id.
    public static boolean isAbsoluteId(String id) {
        final int l = id.length();
        return l >= 3 && id.charAt(0) == XFormsConstants.ABSOLUTE_ID_SEPARATOR
                && id.charAt(l - 1) == XFormsConstants.ABSOLUTE_ID_SEPARATOR;

     * Convert an absolute id to an effective id.
    public static String absoluteIdToEffectiveId(String absoluteId) {
        assert isAbsoluteId(absoluteId);
        return absoluteId.substring(1, absoluteId.length() - 1);

     * Convert an effective id to an absolute id.
    public static String effectiveIdToAbsoluteId(String effectiveId) {
        return XFormsConstants.ABSOLUTE_ID_SEPARATOR + effectiveId + XFormsConstants.ABSOLUTE_ID_SEPARATOR;

    public static boolean isTopLevelId(String id) {
        // NOTE: Top-level id if static id == prefixed id
        return id.equals(XFormsUtils.getStaticIdFromId(id));

     * Return the id of the enclosing HTML <form> element.
     * @param containingDocument    containing document
     * @return                      id, possibly namespaced
    public static String getFormId(XFormsContainingDocument containingDocument) {
        return namespaceId(containingDocument, "xforms-form");

    public static boolean compareItems(Item item1, Item item2) {
        if (item1 == null && item2 == null) {
            return true;
        if (item1 == null || item2 == null) {
            return false;

        if (item1 instanceof StringValue) {
            // Saxon doesn't allow equals() on StringValue because it requires a collation and equals() might throw
            if (item2 instanceof StringValue) {
                final StringValue currentStringValue = (StringValue) item1;
                if (currentStringValue.codepointEquals((StringValue) item2)) {
                    return true;
        } else if (item1 instanceof NumericValue) {
            // Saxon doesn't allow equals() between numeric and non-numeric values
            if (item2 instanceof NumericValue) {
                final NumericValue currentNumericValue = (NumericValue) item1;
                if (currentNumericValue.equals((NumericValue) item2)) {
                    return true;
        } else if (item1 instanceof AtomicValue) {
            if (item2 instanceof AtomicValue) {
                final AtomicValue currentAtomicValue = (AtomicValue) item1;
                if (currentAtomicValue.equals((AtomicValue) item2)) {
                    return true;
        } else {
            if (item1.equals(item2)) {// equals() is the same as isSameNodeInfo() for NodeInfo, and compares the values for values
                return true;
        return false;

     * Get an element's id.
     * @param element   element to check
     * @return          id or null
    public static String getElementId(Element element) {
        return element.attributeValue(XFormsConstants.ID_QNAME);