Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010 Orbeon, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version * 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * The full text of the license is available at */ package org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.control; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.QName; import org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.*; import org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.analysis.controls.SingleNodeTrait; import org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.control.controls.XFormsUploadControl; import org.orbeon.oxf.xforms.xbl.XBLContainer; import org.orbeon.oxf.xml.ContentHandlerHelper; import org.orbeon.oxf.xml.XMLConstants; import org.orbeon.oxf.xml.dom4j.Dom4jUtils; import; import; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.helpers.AttributesImpl; import scala.collection.immutable.Seq; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /** * Control with a single-node binding (possibly optional). Such controls can have MIPs. * * @noinspection SimplifiableIfStatement */ public abstract class XFormsSingleNodeControl extends XFormsControl { // Bound item private Item boundItem; // Standard MIPs private boolean readonly; private boolean required; private boolean valid = true; // Previous values for refresh private boolean wasReadonly; private boolean wasRequired; private boolean wasValid = true; // Type private QName type; // Custom MIPs private Map<String, String> customMIPs; private String customMIPsAsString; public XFormsSingleNodeControl(XBLContainer container, XFormsControl parent, Element element, String effectiveId) { super(container, parent, element, effectiveId); } @Override public void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); // Set default MIPs so that diff picks up the right values setDefaultMIPs(); } @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); readBinding(); wasReadonly = false; wasRequired = false; wasValid = true; } @Override public void onBindingUpdate(BindingContext oldBinding, BindingContext newBinding) { super.onBindingUpdate(oldBinding, newBinding); readBinding(); } private void readBinding() { // Set bound item, only considering actual bindings (with @bind, @ref or @nodeset) if (bindingContext().isNewBind()) this.boundItem = bindingContext().getSingleItem(); // Get MIPs final Item currentItem = getBoundItem(); if (currentItem != null) { if (currentItem instanceof NodeInfo) { // Control is bound to a node - get model item properties final NodeInfo currentNodeInfo = (NodeInfo) currentItem; this.readonly = InstanceData.getInheritedReadonly(currentNodeInfo); this.required = InstanceData.getRequired(currentNodeInfo); this.valid = InstanceData.getValid(currentNodeInfo); this.type = InstanceData.getType(currentNodeInfo); // Custom MIPs final Map<String, String> tempCustomMIPs = InstanceData.getAllCustom(currentNodeInfo); if (tempCustomMIPs != null) this.customMIPs = new HashMap<String, String>(tempCustomMIPs); // Handle global read-only setting if (XFormsProperties.isReadonly(containingDocument())) this.readonly = true; } else { // Control is not bound to a node (i.e. bound to an atomic value) setAtomicValueMIPs(); } } else { // Control is not bound to a node because it doesn't have a binding (group, trigger, dialog, etc. without @ref) setDefaultMIPs(); } } private void setAtomicValueMIPs() { setDefaultMIPs(); this.readonly = true; } private void setDefaultMIPs() { this.readonly = false; this.required = false; this.valid = true;// by default, a control is not invalid this.type = null; this.customMIPs = null; this.customMIPsAsString = null; } @Override public void commitCurrentUIState() { super.commitCurrentUIState(); isValueChanged(); wasRequired(); wasReadonly(); wasValid(); } @Override public Seq<Item> binding() { return scala.Option.apply(boundItem).toList(); } /** * Return the item (usually a node) to which the control is bound, if any. If the control is not bound to any item, * return null. * * @return bound item or null */ public final Item getBoundItem() { return boundItem; } public final boolean isReadonly() { return readonly; } /** * Convenience method to figure out when a control is relevant, assuming a "null" control is non-relevant. * * @param control control to test or not * @return true if the control is not null and it is relevant */ public static boolean isRelevant(XFormsSingleNodeControl control) { return control != null && control.isRelevant(); } @Override public boolean supportsRefreshEvents() { // Single-node controls support refresh events return true; } public final boolean isRequired() { return required; } public final boolean wasReadonly() { final boolean result = wasReadonly; wasReadonly = readonly; return result; } public final boolean wasRequired() { final boolean result = wasRequired; wasRequired = required; return result; } public final boolean wasValid() { final boolean result = wasValid; wasValid = valid; return result; } public boolean isValueChanged() { return false; } public QName getType() { return type; } public String getTypeExplodedQName() { return Dom4jUtils.qNameToExplodedQName(type); } public Map<String, String> getCustomMIPs() { return customMIPs; } /** * Return this control's custom MIPs as a String containing space-separated classes. * * @return classes, or null if no custom MIPs */ public String getCustomMIPsClasses() { final Map<String, String> customMIPs = getCustomMIPs(); if (customMIPs != null) { // There are custom MIPs if (customMIPsAsString == null) { // Must compute now final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(20); for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : customMIPs.entrySet()) { final String name = entry.getKey(); final String value = entry.getValue(); if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(' '); // TODO: encode so that there are no spaces sb.append(name); sb.append('-'); sb.append(value); } customMIPsAsString = sb.toString(); } } else { // No custom MIPs so string value is null } return customMIPsAsString; } /** * Convenience method to return the local name of a built-in XML Schema or XForms type. * * @return the local name of the built-in type, or null if not found */ public String getBuiltinTypeName() { final QName type = getType(); if (type != null) { final boolean isBuiltInSchemaType = type.getNamespaceURI().equals(XMLConstants.XSD_URI); final boolean isBuiltInXFormsType = type.getNamespaceURI().equals(XFormsConstants.XFORMS_NAMESPACE_URI); if (isBuiltInSchemaType || isBuiltInXFormsType) { return type.getName(); } else { return null; } } else { return null; } } /** * Convenience method to return the local name of the XML Schema type. * * @return the local name of the type, or null if not found */ public String getTypeLocalName() { final QName type = getType(); if (type != null) { return type.getName(); } else { return null; } } public boolean isValid() { return valid; } @Override public boolean computeRelevant() { // If parent is not relevant then we are not relevant either if (!super.computeRelevant()) return false; final Item currentItem = bindingContext().getSingleItem(); if (bindingContext().isNewBind()) { // There is a binding if (isAllowedBoundItem(currentItem)) { if (currentItem instanceof NodeInfo) { final NodeInfo currentNodeInfo = (NodeInfo) currentItem; // Control is bound to an acceptable node, get node relevance return InstanceData.getInheritedRelevant(currentNodeInfo); } else { // Control bound to a value is considered relevant return true; } } else { // Q: Should warn? return false; } } else { // Control is not bound because it doesn't have a binding (group, trigger, dialog, etc. without @ref) return true; } } // Allow override only for dangling XFormsOutputControl protected boolean isAllowedBoundItem(Item item) { return ((SingleNodeTrait) staticControl()).isAllowedBoundItem(item); } @Override public boolean equalsExternal(XFormsControl other) { if (other == null || !(other instanceof XFormsSingleNodeControl)) return false; if (this == other) return true; final XFormsSingleNodeControl otherSingleNodeControl = (XFormsSingleNodeControl) other; // Standard MIPs if (readonly != otherSingleNodeControl.readonly) return false; if (required != otherSingleNodeControl.required) return false; if (valid != otherSingleNodeControl.valid) return false; // Custom MIPs if (!compareCustomMIPs(customMIPs, otherSingleNodeControl.customMIPs)) return false; // Type if (!XFormsUtils.compareStrings(type, otherSingleNodeControl.type)) return false; return super.equalsExternal(other); } public static boolean compareCustomMIPs(Map mips1, Map mips2) { // equal if the mappings are equal, so Map equality should work fine return mips1 == null && mips2 == null || mips1 != null && mips1.equals(mips2); } @Override public boolean isStaticReadonly() { // Static read-only if we are read-only and static (global or local setting) return isReadonly() && hasStaticReadonlyAppearance(); } public boolean hasStaticReadonlyAppearance() { return XFormsProperties.isStaticReadonlyAppearance(containingDocument()) || XFormsProperties.READONLY_APPEARANCE_STATIC_VALUE.equals( element().attributeValue(XFormsConstants.XXFORMS_READONLY_APPEARANCE_ATTRIBUTE_QNAME)); } @Override public boolean setFocus() { return Focus.focusWithEvents(this); } @Override public void outputAjaxDiff(ContentHandlerHelper ch, XFormsControl other, AttributesImpl attributesImpl, boolean isNewlyVisibleSubtree) { assert attributesImpl.getLength() == 0; final XFormsSingleNodeControl control1 = (XFormsSingleNodeControl) other; final XFormsSingleNodeControl control2 = this; // Add attributes final boolean doOutputElement = addAjaxAttributes(attributesImpl, isNewlyVisibleSubtree, other); // Get current value if possible for this control // NOTE: We issue the new value in all cases because we don't have yet a mechanism to tell the // client not to update the value, unlike with attributes which can be omitted if (control2 instanceof XFormsValueControl && !(control2 instanceof XFormsUploadControl)) { // TODO: Output value only when changed // Output element final XFormsValueControl xformsValueControl = (XFormsValueControl) control2; outputValueElement(ch, xformsValueControl, doOutputElement, isNewlyVisibleSubtree, attributesImpl, "control"); } else { // No value, just output element with no content (but there may be attributes) if (doOutputElement) ch.element("xxf", XFormsConstants.XXFORMS_NAMESPACE_URI, "control", attributesImpl); } // Output extension attributes in no namespace // TODO: If only some attributes changed, then we also output xxf:control above, which is unnecessary control2.addAjaxStandardAttributes(control1, ch, isNewlyVisibleSubtree); } @Override public boolean addAjaxAttributes(AttributesImpl attributesImpl, boolean isNewlyVisibleSubtree, XFormsControl other) { final XFormsSingleNodeControl control1 = (XFormsSingleNodeControl) other; final XFormsSingleNodeControl control2 = this; // Call base class for the standard stuff boolean added = super.addAjaxAttributes(attributesImpl, isNewlyVisibleSubtree, other); // MIPs added |= addAjaxMIPs(attributesImpl, isNewlyVisibleSubtree, control1, control2); return added; } private boolean addAjaxMIPs(AttributesImpl attributesImpl, boolean isNewlyVisibleSubtree, XFormsSingleNodeControl control1, XFormsSingleNodeControl control2) { boolean added = false; if (isNewlyVisibleSubtree && control2.isReadonly() || control1 != null && control1.isReadonly() != control2.isReadonly()) { attributesImpl.addAttribute("", XFormsConstants.READONLY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, XFormsConstants.READONLY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, ContentHandlerHelper.CDATA, Boolean.toString(control2.isReadonly())); added = true; } if (isNewlyVisibleSubtree && control2.isRequired() || control1 != null && control1.isRequired() != control2.isRequired()) { attributesImpl.addAttribute("", XFormsConstants.REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, XFormsConstants.REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, ContentHandlerHelper.CDATA, Boolean.toString(control2.isRequired())); added = true; } // NOTE: We used to have a configurable default for the relevance. Not sure why this was needed. Here consider the default is true. if (isNewlyVisibleSubtree && !control2.isRelevant() //|| XFormsSingleNodeControl.isRelevant(xformsSingleNodeControl1) != XFormsSingleNodeControl.isRelevant(xformsSingleNodeControl2)) { || control1 != null && control1.isRelevant() != control2.isRelevant()) {//TODO: not sure why the above alternative fails tests. Which is more correct? attributesImpl.addAttribute("", XFormsConstants.RELEVANT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, XFormsConstants.RELEVANT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, ContentHandlerHelper.CDATA, Boolean.toString(control2.isRelevant())); added = true; } if (isNewlyVisibleSubtree && !control2.isValid() || control1 != null && control1.isValid() != control2.isValid()) { attributesImpl.addAttribute("", XFormsConstants.VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, XFormsConstants.VALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, ContentHandlerHelper.CDATA, Boolean.toString(control2.isValid())); added = true; } // Type attribute { final String typeValue1 = isNewlyVisibleSubtree ? null : control1.getTypeExplodedQName(); final String typeValue2 = control2.getTypeExplodedQName(); if (isNewlyVisibleSubtree || !XFormsUtils.compareStrings(typeValue1, typeValue2)) { final String attributeValue = typeValue2 != null ? typeValue2 : ""; // NOTE: No type is considered equivalent to xs:string or xforms:string // TODO: should have more generic code in XForms engine to equate "no type" and "xs:string" added |= AjaxSupport.addOrAppendToAttributeIfNeeded(attributesImpl, "type", attributeValue, isNewlyVisibleSubtree, attributeValue.equals("") || XMLConstants.XS_STRING_EXPLODED_QNAME.equals(attributeValue) || XFormsConstants.XFORMS_STRING_EXPLODED_QNAME.equals(attributeValue)); } } // Custom MIPs added |= addAjaxCustomMIPs(attributesImpl, isNewlyVisibleSubtree, control1, control2); return added; } protected void outputValueElement(ContentHandlerHelper ch, XFormsValueControl xformsValueControl, boolean doOutputElement, boolean isNewlyVisibleSubtree, Attributes attributesImpl, String elementName) { // Create element with text value final String value; if (xformsValueControl.isRelevant()) { // NOTE: Not sure if it is still possible to have a null value when the control is relevant final String tempValue = xformsValueControl.getEscapedExternalValue(); value = (tempValue == null) ? "" : tempValue; } else { // Some controls don't have "" as non-relevant value value = xformsValueControl.getNonRelevantEscapedExternalValue(); } if (doOutputElement || !isNewlyVisibleSubtree || !value.equals("")) { ch.startElement("xxf", XFormsConstants.XXFORMS_NAMESPACE_URI, elementName, attributesImpl); if (value.length() > 0) ch.text(value); ch.endElement(); } } // public for unit tests public static boolean addAjaxCustomMIPs(AttributesImpl attributesImpl, boolean newlyVisibleSubtree, XFormsSingleNodeControl control1, XFormsSingleNodeControl control2) { boolean added = false; final Map<String, String> customMIPs1 = (control1 == null) ? null : control1.getCustomMIPs(); final Map<String, String> customMIPs2 = control2.getCustomMIPs(); if (newlyVisibleSubtree || !XFormsSingleNodeControl.compareCustomMIPs(customMIPs1, customMIPs2)) { // Custom MIPs changed final String attributeValue; if (customMIPs1 == null) { attributeValue = control2.getCustomMIPsClasses(); } else { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); // Classes to remove for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : customMIPs1.entrySet()) { final String name = entry.getKey(); final String value = entry.getValue(); // customMIPs2 may be null if the control becomes no longer bound final String newValue = (customMIPs2 == null) ? null : customMIPs2.get(name); if (newValue == null || !value.equals(newValue)) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(' '); sb.append('-'); // TODO: encode so that there are no spaces sb.append(name); sb.append('-'); sb.append(value); } } // Classes to add // customMIPs2 may be null if the control becomes no longer bound if (customMIPs2 != null) { for (final Map.Entry<String, String> entry : customMIPs2.entrySet()) { final String name = entry.getKey(); final String value = entry.getValue(); final String oldValue = customMIPs1.get(name); if (oldValue == null || !value.equals(oldValue)) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(' '); sb.append('+'); // TODO: encode so that there are no spaces sb.append(name); sb.append('-'); sb.append(value); } } } attributeValue = sb.toString(); } // This attribute is a space-separate list of class names prefixed with either '-' or '+' if (attributeValue != null) added |= AjaxSupport.addOrAppendToAttributeIfNeeded(attributesImpl, "class", attributeValue, newlyVisibleSubtree, attributeValue.equals("")); } return added; } }