Java tutorial
package org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.widget; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.controller.OpenFileDialogEventListener; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.controller.QuestionChangeListener; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.locale.FormsConstants; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.FormDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.OptionDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.QuestionDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.RepeatQtnsDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.ValidationRule; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.util.FormUtil; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.view.FormRunnerView; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.view.FormRunnerView.Images; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.view.OpenFileDialog; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.xforms.XformConstants; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.xforms.XmlUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.QuestionType; /** * * - Licensed as written in license.txt and original sources of this file and its authors are found in sources.txt. * */ public class RuntimeGroupWidget extends Composite implements OpenFileDialogEventListener, QuestionChangeListener { private FormsConstants constants = GWT.create(FormsConstants.class); private final Images images; private RepeatQtnsDef repeatQtnsDef; private HashMap<String, RuntimeWidgetWrapper> widgetMap = new HashMap<String, RuntimeWidgetWrapper>(); private EditListener editListener; private FlexTable table; private List<RuntimeWidgetWrapper> buttons = new ArrayList<RuntimeWidgetWrapper>(); private List<RuntimeWidgetWrapper> widgets = new ArrayList<RuntimeWidgetWrapper>(); private VerticalPanel verticalPanel = new VerticalPanel(); private List<Element> dataNodes = new ArrayList<Element>(); private AbsolutePanel selectedPanel = new AbsolutePanel(); private boolean isRepeated = false; private Image image; private HTML html; private FormDef formDef; private Button btnAdd; private RuntimeWidgetWrapper firstInvalidWidget; protected HashMap<QuestionDef, List<Label>> labelMap = new HashMap<QuestionDef, List<Label>>();; protected HashMap<Label, String> labelText = new HashMap<Label, String>(); protected HashMap<Label, String> labelReplaceText = new HashMap<Label, String>(); protected HashMap<QuestionDef, List<CheckBox>> checkBoxGroupMap = new HashMap<QuestionDef, List<CheckBox>>(); protected HashMap<QuestionDef, List<RuntimeWidgetWrapper>> calcWidgetMap = new HashMap<QuestionDef, List<RuntimeWidgetWrapper>>(); /** * A map of filtered single select dynamic questions and their corresponding * non label widgets. Only questions of single select dynamic which have the * widget filter property set are put in this list */ protected HashMap<QuestionDef, RuntimeWidgetWrapper> filtDynOptWidgetMap = new HashMap<QuestionDef, RuntimeWidgetWrapper>(); public RuntimeGroupWidget(Images images, FormDef formDef, RepeatQtnsDef repeatQtnsDef, EditListener editListener, boolean isRepeated) { this.images = images; this.formDef = formDef; this.repeatQtnsDef = repeatQtnsDef; this.editListener = editListener; this.isRepeated = isRepeated; if (isRepeated) { table = new FlexTable(); FormUtil.maximizeWidget(table); verticalPanel.add(table); initWidget(verticalPanel); } else { //FormUtil.maximizeWidget(selectedPanel); initWidget(selectedPanel); } //setupEventListeners(); //table.setStyleName("cw-FlexTable"); this.addStyleName("formtools-repeat-border"); } //TODO The code below needs great refactoring together with PreviewView private RuntimeWidgetWrapper getParentWrapper(Widget widget, Element node, String parentBinding) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper parentWrapper = widgetMap.get(parentBinding); if (parentWrapper == null) { QuestionDef qtn = null; if (repeatQtnsDef != null) qtn = repeatQtnsDef.getQuestion(parentBinding); else qtn = formDef.getQuestion(parentBinding); if (qtn != null) { parentWrapper = new RuntimeWidgetWrapper(widget, images.error(), editListener); parentWrapper.setQuestionDef(qtn, true); widgetMap.put(parentBinding, parentWrapper); qtn.addChangeListener(this); List<CheckBox> list = new ArrayList<CheckBox>(); list.add((CheckBox) widget); checkBoxGroupMap.put(qtn, list); } } else checkBoxGroupMap.get(parentWrapper.getQuestionDef()).add((CheckBox) widget); return parentWrapper; } public void loadWidgets(FormDef formDef, NodeList nodes, List<RuntimeWidgetWrapper> externalSourceWidgets, HashMap<QuestionDef, List<QuestionDef>> calcQtnMappings, HashMap<QuestionDef, List<RuntimeWidgetWrapper>> calcWidgetMap, HashMap<QuestionDef, RuntimeWidgetWrapper> filtDynOptWidgetMap) { HashMap<Integer, RuntimeWidgetWrapper> widgetMap = new HashMap<Integer, RuntimeWidgetWrapper>(); int maxTabIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); i++) { if (nodes.item(i).getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; try { Element node = (Element) nodes.item(i); int index = loadWidget(formDef, node, widgetMap, externalSourceWidgets, calcQtnMappings, calcWidgetMap, filtDynOptWidgetMap); if (index > maxTabIndex) maxTabIndex = index; } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } //We are adding widgets to the panel according to the tab index. for (int index = 0; index <= maxTabIndex; index++) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper widget = widgetMap.get(new Integer(index)); if (widget != null) addWidget(widget); } if (isRepeated) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { RuntimeWidgetWrapper widget = widgets.get(0); if (!(widget.getQuestionDef() == null || widget.getQuestionDef().getDataNode() == null)) { Element repeatDataNode = getParentNode(widget.getQuestionDef().getDataNode(), (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof CheckBox) ? widget.getParentBinding() : widget.getBinding()); Element parent = (Element) repeatDataNode.getParentNode(); NodeList nodeList = parent.getElementsByTagName(repeatDataNode.getNodeName()); RuntimeWidgetWrapper wrapper = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) getParent().getParent(); int y = getHeightInt(); for (int index = 1; index < nodeList.getLength(); index++) addNewRow((Element) nodeList.item(index)); editListener.onRowAdded(wrapper, getHeightInt() - y); } } }); } //Now add the button widgets, if any. if (isRepeated) { HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); panel.setSpacing(5); for (int index = 0; index < buttons.size(); index++) panel.add(buttons.get(index)); verticalPanel.add(panel); addDeleteButton(0); FormUtil.maximizeWidget(panel); } else { for (int index = 0; index < buttons.size(); index++) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper widget = buttons.get(index); selectedPanel.add(widget); FormUtil.setWidgetPosition(widget, widget.getLeft(), widget.getTop()); //FormUtil.setWidgetPosition(selectedPanel,widget,widget.getLeft(),widget.getTop()); } } } private void addDeleteButton(int row) { PushButton btn = new PushButton(constants.deleteItem()); btn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { removeRow((Widget) event.getSource()); } }); table.setWidget(row, widgets.size(), btn); } private void removeRow(Widget sender) { if (table.getRowCount() == 1) {//There should be atleast one row{ clearValue(); return; } for (int row = 1; row < table.getRowCount(); row++) { if (sender == table.getWidget(row, widgets.size())) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper wrapper = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) getParent().getParent(); int y = getHeightInt(); table.removeRow(row); Element node = dataNodes.get(row - 1); node.getParentNode().removeChild(node); dataNodes.remove(node); if (btnAdd != null) btnAdd.setEnabled(true); editListener.onRowRemoved(wrapper, y - getHeightInt()); RuntimeWidgetWrapper parent = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) getParent().getParent(); ValidationRule validationRule = parent.getValidationRule(); if (validationRule != null) parent.getQuestionDef().setAnswer(table.getRowCount() + ""); } } } private int loadWidget(FormDef formDef, Element node, HashMap<Integer, RuntimeWidgetWrapper> widgets, List<RuntimeWidgetWrapper> externalSourceWidgets, HashMap<QuestionDef, List<QuestionDef>> calcQtnMappings, HashMap<QuestionDef, List<RuntimeWidgetWrapper>> calcWidgetMap, HashMap<QuestionDef, RuntimeWidgetWrapper> filtDynOptWidgetMap) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper parentWrapper = null; String s = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_WIDGETTYPE); int tabIndex = (node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_TABINDEX) != null ? Integer.parseInt(node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_TABINDEX)) : 0); QuestionDef questionDef = null; String binding = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_BINDING); String parentBinding = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_PARENTBINDING); if (isRepeated) { if (binding != null && binding.trim().length() > 0 && repeatQtnsDef != null) { questionDef = repeatQtnsDef.getQuestion(binding); if (questionDef != null) questionDef.setAnswer(questionDef.getDefaultValue()); //Just incase we are refreshing and had already set the answer } } else { if (binding != null && binding.trim().length() > 0) { questionDef = formDef.getQuestion(binding); if (questionDef != null) questionDef.setAnswer(questionDef.getDefaultValue()); //Just incase we are refreshing and had already set the answer } } RuntimeWidgetWrapper wrapper = null; boolean wrapperSet = false; Widget widget = null; if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_RADIOBUTTON)) { /*widget = new RadioButton(parentBinding,node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_TEXT)); parentWrapper = getParentWrapper(widget,node); ((RadioButton)widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex);*/ widget = new RadioButtonWidget(parentBinding, node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_TEXT)); if (widgetMap.get(parentBinding) == null) wrapperSet = true; parentWrapper = getParentWrapper(widget, node, parentBinding); ((RadioButton) widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex); if (wrapperSet) { wrapper = parentWrapper; questionDef = formDef.getQuestion(parentBinding); } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_CHECKBOX)) { /*widget = new CheckBox(node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_TEXT)); parentWrapper = getParentWrapper(widget,node); ((CheckBox)widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex);*/ widget = new CheckBoxWidget(node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_TEXT)); if (widgetMap.get(parentBinding) == null) wrapperSet = true; parentWrapper = getParentWrapper(widget, node, parentBinding); ((CheckBox) widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex); String defaultValue = parentWrapper.getQuestionDef().getDefaultValue(); if (defaultValue != null && defaultValue.contains(binding)) ((CheckBox) widget).setValue(true); if (wrapperSet) { wrapper = parentWrapper; questionDef = formDef.getQuestion(parentBinding); } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_BUTTON)) { widget = new Button(node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_TEXT)); ((Button) widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_LISTBOX)) { widget = new ListBoxWidget(false); ((ListBox) widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTAREA)) { widget = new TextArea(); ((TextArea) widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_DATEPICKER)) { widget = new DatePickerWidget(); ((DatePickerEx) widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_DATETIME)) { widget = new DateTimeWidget(); ((DateTimeWidget) widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_TIME)) { widget = new TimeWidget(); ((TimeWidget) widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_TEXTBOX)) { widget = new TextBox(); if (questionDef != null && (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.NUMERIC || questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.DECIMAL)) FormUtil.allowNumericOnly((TextBox) widget, questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.DECIMAL); ((TextBox) widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_LABEL)) { String text = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_TEXT); if (text == null) text = "No Label Text"; widget = new Label(text); int pos1 = text.indexOf("${"); int pos2 = text.indexOf("}$"); if (pos1 > -1 && pos2 > -1 && (pos2 > pos1)) { String varname = text.substring(pos1 + 2, pos2); labelText.put((Label) widget, text); labelReplaceText.put((Label) widget, "${" + varname + "}$"); ((Label) widget).setText(text.replace("${" + varname + "}$", "")); if (varname.startsWith("/" + formDef.getBinding() + "/")) varname = varname.substring(("/" + formDef.getBinding() + "/").length(), varname.length()); QuestionDef qtnDef = formDef.getQuestion(varname); List<Label> labels = labelMap.get(qtnDef); if (labels == null) { labels = new ArrayList<Label>(); labelMap.put(qtnDef, labels); } labels.add((Label) widget); } } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_IMAGE)) { widget = new Image(); String xpath = binding; if (!xpath.startsWith(formDef.getBinding())) xpath = "/" + formDef.getBinding() + "/" + binding; ((Image) widget).setUrl(URL.encode(FormUtil.getMultimediaUrl() + "?formId=" + formDef.getId() + "&xpath=" + xpath + "&time=" + new java.util.Date().getTime())); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_VIDEO_AUDIO) && questionDef != null) { widget = new HTML(); String xpath = binding; if (!xpath.startsWith(formDef.getBinding())) xpath = "/" + formDef.getBinding() + "/" + binding; String extension = "";//.3gp ".mpeg"; String contentType = "&contentType=video/3gpp"; if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.AUDIO) contentType = "&contentType=audio/3gpp"; //"&contentType=audio/x-wav"; //extension = ".wav"; contentType += "&name=" + questionDef.getBinding() + ".3gp"; ((HTML) widget).setHTML("<a href=" + URL.encode(FormUtil.getMultimediaUrl() + extension + "?formId=" + formDef.getId() + "&xpath=" + xpath + contentType + "&time=" + new java.util.Date().getTime()) + ">" + node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_TEXT) + "</a>"); String answer = questionDef.getAnswer(); if (answer == null || answer.trim().length() == 0) ((HTML) widget).setVisible(false); } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_GROUPBOX) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_REPEATSECTION)) { RepeatQtnsDef repeatQtnsDef = null; if (questionDef != null) repeatQtnsDef = questionDef.getRepeatQtnsDef(); boolean repeated = false; String value = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_REPEATED); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) repeated = (value.equals(WidgetEx.REPEATED_TRUE_VALUE)); widget = new RuntimeGroupWidget(images, formDef, repeatQtnsDef, editListener, repeated); ((RuntimeGroupWidget) widget).loadWidgets(formDef, node.getChildNodes(), externalSourceWidgets, calcQtnMappings, calcWidgetMap, filtDynOptWidgetMap); /*getLabelMap(((RuntimeGroupWidget)widget).getLabelMap()); getLabelText(((RuntimeGroupWidget)widget).getLabelText()); getLabelReplaceText(((RuntimeGroupWidget)widget).getLabelReplaceText()); getCheckBoxGroupMap(((RuntimeGroupWidget)widget).getCheckBoxGroupMap());*/ } /*else if(s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_REPEATSECTION)){ //Not dealing with nested repeats //widget = new RunTimeGroupWidget(); //((RunTimeGroupWidget)widget).setTabIndex(tabIndex); }*/ else return tabIndex; if (!wrapperSet) { wrapper = new RuntimeWidgetWrapper(widget, images.error(), editListener); if (parentWrapper != null) { //Check box or radio button if (!parentWrapper.getQuestionDef().isVisible()) wrapper.setVisible(false); if (!parentWrapper.getQuestionDef().isEnabled()) wrapper.setEnabled(false); if (parentWrapper.getQuestionDef().isLocked()) wrapper.setLocked(true); } } //RuntimeWidgetWrapper wrapper = new RuntimeWidgetWrapper(widget,images.error(),editListener); boolean loadWidget = true; String value = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_HELPTEXT); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) wrapper.setTitle(value); value = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_WIDTH); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) wrapper.setWidth(value); value = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_HEIGHT); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) wrapper.setHeight(value); value = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_EXTERNALSOURCE); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) wrapper.setExternalSource(value); value = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_DISPLAYFIELD); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) wrapper.setDisplayField(value); value = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_FILTERFIELD); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) wrapper.setFilterField(value); value = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_ID); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) wrapper.setId(value); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_VIDEO_AUDIO) || s.equalsIgnoreCase(WidgetEx.WIDGET_TYPE_IMAGE)) { if (binding != null && binding.trim().length() > 0) { questionDef = formDef.getQuestion(binding); if (questionDef != null) questionDef.setAnswer(questionDef.getDefaultValue()); //Just incase we are refreshing and had already set the answer } } if (questionDef != null) { if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE_DYNAMIC) { questionDef.setOptions(null); //may have been set by the preview //if(wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof ListBox || wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof TextBox) if (wrapper.getFilterField() != null && wrapper.getFilterField().trim().length() > 0) filtDynOptWidgetMap.put(questionDef, wrapper); } wrapper.setQuestionDef(questionDef, false); ValidationRule validationRule = formDef.getValidationRule(questionDef); wrapper.setValidationRule(validationRule); } if (parentBinding != null) wrapper.setParentBinding(parentBinding); if (binding != null) wrapper.setBinding(binding); if (parentWrapper != null) parentWrapper.addChildWidget(wrapper); value = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_VALUEFIELD); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) { wrapper.setValueField(value); if (externalSourceWidgets != null && wrapper.getExternalSource() != null && wrapper.getDisplayField() != null && (wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof TextBox || wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof ListBox) && questionDef != null && (wrapper.getQuestionDef().getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || wrapper.getQuestionDef().getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE)) { externalSourceWidgets.add(wrapper); loadWidget = false; } } if (loadWidget) wrapper.loadQuestion(); wrapper.setExternalSourceDisplayValue(); value = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_HEIGHT); if (value != null && value.trim().length() > 0) wrapper.setHeight(value); String left = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_LEFT); if (left != null && left.trim().length() > 0) wrapper.setLeft(left); String top = node.getAttribute(WidgetEx.WIDGET_PROPERTY_TOP); if (top != null && top.trim().length() > 0) wrapper.setTop(top); //if(wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof Label) WidgetEx.loadLabelProperties(node, wrapper); wrapper.setTabIndex(tabIndex); //wrapper.setParentBinding(parentBinding); if (tabIndex > 0 && !(wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof Button)) widgets.put(new Integer(tabIndex), wrapper); else addWidget(wrapper); if (wrapperSet) ;//FormUtil.setWidgetPosition(wrapper,left,top); if (widget instanceof Button && binding != null) { //wrapper.setParentBinding(parentBinding); if (binding.equals("addnew") || binding.equals("remove") || binding.equals("submit") || binding.equals("browse") || binding.equals("clear") || binding.equals("cancel") || binding.equals("search")) { ((Button) widget).addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { execute((Widget) event.getSource()); } }); } } if (wrapper.isEditable() && questionDef != null) FormRunnerView.updateCalcWidgetMapping(wrapper, calcQtnMappings, calcWidgetMap); return tabIndex; } /** * Just adds the first row. Other runtime rows are added using addNewRow * @param wrapper */ private void addWidget(RuntimeWidgetWrapper wrapper) { String binding = wrapper.getBinding(); if (wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof Button && !("browse".equals(binding) || "clear".equals(binding))) { //Ensure that the Add New and Remove buttons are displayed according to tab index if (buttons.size() == 0 || (buttons.get(0).getTabIndex() <= wrapper.getTabIndex())) buttons.add(wrapper); else { RuntimeWidgetWrapper w = buttons.remove(0); buttons.add(wrapper); buttons.add(w); } return; } if (isRepeated) { //widgets.add(new RuntimeWidgetWrapper(wrapper)); widgets.add(wrapper); int row = 0, col = 0; if (table.getRowCount() > 0) col = table.getCellCount(row); table.setWidget(row, col, wrapper); } else { selectedPanel.add(wrapper); FormUtil.setWidgetPosition(wrapper, wrapper.getLeft(), wrapper.getTop()); //FormUtil.setWidgetPosition(selectedPanel,wrapper,wrapper.getLeft(),wrapper.getTop()); } } private void execute(Widget sender) { String binding = ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) sender.getParent().getParent()).getBinding(); if (binding.equalsIgnoreCase("search")) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper wrapper = getCurrentMultimediWrapper(sender); if (wrapper != null && wrapper.getExternalSource() != null) ;//FormUtil.searchExternal(wrapper.getExternalSource(),sender.getElement(),wrapper.getWrappedWidget().getElement(),null); } else if (binding.equalsIgnoreCase("submit")) ((FormRunnerView) getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent()) .onSubmit(); else if (binding.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel")) ((FormRunnerView) getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent().getParent()) .onCancel(); else if (repeatQtnsDef != null) { if (binding.equalsIgnoreCase("addnew")) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper wrapper = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) getParent().getParent(); int y = getHeightInt(); addNewRow(sender); editListener.onRowAdded(wrapper, getHeightInt() - y); } else if (binding.equalsIgnoreCase("remove")) { if (table.getRowCount() > 1) {//There should be atleast one row{ RuntimeWidgetWrapper wrapper = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) getParent().getParent(); int y = getHeightInt(); table.removeRow(table.getRowCount() - 1); Element node = dataNodes.get(dataNodes.size() - 1); node.getParentNode().removeChild(node); dataNodes.remove(node); if (btnAdd != null) btnAdd.setEnabled(true); editListener.onRowRemoved(wrapper, y - getHeightInt()); } RuntimeWidgetWrapper parent = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) getParent().getParent(); ValidationRule validationRule = parent.getValidationRule(); if (validationRule != null) parent.getQuestionDef().setAnswer(table.getRowCount() + ""); } } else { if (binding.equalsIgnoreCase("clear")) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper wrapper = getCurrentMultimediWrapper(sender); if (wrapper == null) return; if (wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof Image && (((Image) wrapper.getWrappedWidget()).getUrl() == null || ((Image) wrapper.getWrappedWidget()).getUrl().trim().length() == 0)) return; if (wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof HTML && !wrapper.getWrappedWidget().isVisible()) return; if (!Window.confirm(constants.deleteItemPrompt())) return; QuestionDef questionDef = wrapper.getQuestionDef(); if (questionDef != null) questionDef.setAnswer(null); if (wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof Image) { image = (Image) wrapper.getWrappedWidget(); image.setUrl(null); html = null; } else if (wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof Label) ((Label) wrapper.getWrappedWidget()).setText(constants.noSelection()); else { html = (HTML) wrapper.getWrappedWidget(); html.setHTML(constants.clickToPlay()); html.setVisible(false); image = null; } return; } else if (binding.equalsIgnoreCase("browse")) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper wrapper = getCurrentMultimediWrapper(sender); if (wrapper == null) return; if (wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof Image) image = (Image) wrapper.getWrappedWidget(); else html = (HTML) wrapper.getWrappedWidget(); String xpath = wrapper.getBinding(); if (!xpath.startsWith(formDef.getBinding())) xpath = "/" + formDef.getBinding() + "/" + wrapper.getBinding(); String contentType = "&contentType=video/3gpp"; contentType += "&name=" + wrapper.getQuestionDef().getBinding() + ".3gp"; //TODO What if the multimedia url suffix already has a ? String url = FormUtil.getMultimediaUrl() + "?formId=" + formDef.getId() + "&xpath=" + xpath + contentType + "&time=" + new java.util.Date().getTime(); OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(this, url);; } } } /*private Image getCurrentImage(Widget sender){ RuntimeWidgetWrapper wrapper = getCurrentMultimediWrapper(sender); if(wrapper != null) return (Image)wrapper.getWrappedWidget(); return null; }*/ private RuntimeWidgetWrapper getCurrentMultimediWrapper(Widget sender) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper button = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) sender.getParent().getParent(); for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper widget = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); Widget wrappedWidget = widget.getWrappedWidget(); if (wrappedWidget instanceof Image || wrappedWidget instanceof HTML /*|| wrappedWidget instanceof Label*/) { String binding = widget.getBinding(); if (binding != null && binding.equalsIgnoreCase(button.getParentBinding())) return widget; } } return null; } private void addNewRow(Widget sender) { HashMap<String, RuntimeWidgetWrapper> widgetMap = new HashMap<String, RuntimeWidgetWrapper>(); RuntimeWidgetWrapper firstWidget = null; Element newRepeatDataNode = null; int row = table.getRowCount(); for (int index = 0; index < widgets.size(); index++) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper mainWidget = widgets.get(index); RuntimeWidgetWrapper copyWidget = getPreparedWidget(mainWidget, false); //table.setWidget(row, index, copyWidget); if (index == 0) { Element dataNode = mainWidget.getQuestionDef().getDataNode(); if (dataNode == null) { Window.alert("Please first save the form"); //constants.?????"); return; //possibly form not yet saved } Element repeatDataNode = getParentNode(dataNode, (mainWidget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof CheckBox) ? mainWidget.getParentBinding() : mainWidget.getBinding()); newRepeatDataNode = (Element) repeatDataNode.cloneNode(true); repeatDataNode.getParentNode().appendChild(newRepeatDataNode); //workonDefaults(newRepeatDataNode); dataNodes.add(newRepeatDataNode); firstWidget = copyWidget; } table.setWidget(row, index, copyWidget); setDataNode(copyWidget, newRepeatDataNode, copyWidget.getBinding(), false); //For now we do not allow default values for repeat kids to simplify implementation. copyWidget.getQuestionDef().setDefaultValue(null); //Loading widget from here instead of in getPreparedWidget because setDataNode may clear default values copyWidget.loadQuestion(); if (copyWidget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof RadioButton) ((RadioButton) copyWidget.getWrappedWidget()) .setName(((RadioButton) copyWidget.getWrappedWidget()).getName() + row); if (copyWidget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof CheckBox) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper widget = widgetMap.get(copyWidget.getParentBinding()); if (widget == null) { widget = copyWidget; widgetMap.put(copyWidget.getParentBinding(), widget); } widget.addChildWidget(copyWidget); } } addDeleteButton(row); btnAdd = (Button) sender; RuntimeWidgetWrapper parent = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) getParent().getParent(); ValidationRule validationRule = parent.getValidationRule(); if (validationRule != null) { row++; parent.getQuestionDef().setAnswer(row + ""); if (validationRule.getMaxValue(formDef) == row) ((Button) sender).setEnabled(false); } if (firstWidget != null) firstWidget.setFocus(); //byte maxRows = repeatQtnsDef.getMaxRows(); //if(maxRows > 0 && row == maxRows) // ((Button)sender).setEnabled(false); } private void addNewRow(Element dataNode) { dataNodes.add(dataNode); int row = table.getRowCount(); for (int index = 0; index < widgets.size(); index++) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper mainWidget = widgets.get(index); RuntimeWidgetWrapper copyWidget = getPreparedWidget(mainWidget, false); table.setWidget(row, index, copyWidget); setDataNode(copyWidget, dataNode, copyWidget.getBinding(), true); } addDeleteButton(row); } private Element getParentNode(Node node, String binding) { String name = binding; int pos = binding.indexOf('/'); if (pos > 0) { name = binding.substring(0, pos); int pos2 = binding.lastIndexOf('/'); if (pos != pos2) return (Element) node.getParentNode(); //name = binding.substring(pos+1, pos2); } return getParentNodeWithName(node, name); } private Element getParentNodeWithName(Node node, String name) { Element parentNode = (Element) node.getParentNode(); if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) return parentNode; else if (name.contains("/")) return parentNode; return getParentNodeWithName(parentNode, name); } private void setDataNode(RuntimeWidgetWrapper widget, Element parentNode, String binding, boolean loadQtn) { if (widget.getQuestionDef() == null) return; //for checkboxes, only the first may have reference to the parent questiondef String name = (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof CheckBox) ? widget.getParentBinding() : binding; int pos = name.indexOf('/'); if (pos > 0) { int pos2 = name.lastIndexOf('/'); if (pos != pos2) { name = name.substring(pos2 + 1); pos = -1; } else name = name.substring(0, pos); } NodeList nodes = parentNode.getChildNodes(); for (int index = 0; index < nodes.getLength(); index++) { Node child = nodes.item(index); if (child.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if (name.contains("/")) name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); if (child.getNodeName().equals( name) /*|| (child.getParentNode().getNodeName() + "/"+ child.getNodeName()).equals(widget.getBinding())*/) { if (pos > 0) setDataNode(widget, (Element) child, binding.substring(pos + 1), loadQtn); else { widget.getQuestionDef().setDataNode((Element) child); if (loadQtn) { widget.getQuestionDef().setDefaultValue(XmlUtil.getTextValue((Element) child)); widget.loadQuestion(); } else { ((Element) child).setAttribute("new", XformConstants.XPATH_VALUE_TRUE); if (XformConstants.XPATH_VALUE_FALSE.equals(((Element) child).getAttribute("default"))) widget.getQuestionDef().setDefaultValue(null); } widget.setExternalSourceDisplayValue(); } return; } } } private RuntimeWidgetWrapper getPreparedWidget(RuntimeWidgetWrapper w, boolean loadQtn) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper widget = new RuntimeWidgetWrapper(w); if (loadQtn) widget.loadQuestion(); QuestionDef questionDef = widget.getQuestionDef(); if (questionDef != null && (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.NUMERIC || questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.DECIMAL)) FormUtil.allowNumericOnly((TextBox) widget.getWrappedWidget(), questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.DECIMAL); widget.refreshSize(); return widget; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { if (isRepeated) { HorizontalPanel panel = (HorizontalPanel) verticalPanel.getWidget(1); for (int index = 0; index < panel.getWidgetCount(); index++) ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) panel.getWidget(index)).setEnabled(enabled); for (int row = 0; row < table.getRowCount(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < table.getCellCount(row) - 1; col++) ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) table.getWidget(row, col)).setEnabled(enabled); } } else { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index)).setEnabled(enabled); } } } public void setLocked(boolean locked) { if (isRepeated) { HorizontalPanel panel = (HorizontalPanel) verticalPanel.getWidget(1); for (int index = 0; index < panel.getWidgetCount(); index++) ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) panel.getWidget(index)).setLocked(locked); for (int row = 0; row < table.getRowCount(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < table.getCellCount(row) - 1; col++) ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) table.getWidget(row, col)).setLocked(locked); } } else { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index)).setLocked(locked); } } } public void saveValue(FormDef formDef) { if (isRepeated) { for (int row = 0; row < table.getRowCount(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < table.getCellCount(row) - 1; col++) ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) table.getWidget(row, col)).saveValue(formDef); } } else { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index)).saveValue(formDef); } } if (repeatQtnsDef != null) repeatQtnsDef.getQtnDef().setAnswer(getRowCount() + ""); } public int getRowCount() { int rows = 0; for (int row = 0; row < table.getRowCount(); row++) { boolean answerFound = false; for (int col = 0; col < table.getCellCount(row) - 1; col++) { if (((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) table.getWidget(row, col)).isAnswered()) { answerFound = true; break; } } if (answerFound) rows++; } return rows; } public void onSetFileContents(String contents) { if (contents != null && contents.trim().length() > 0) { contents = contents.replace("<pre>", ""); contents = contents.replace("</pre>", ""); RuntimeWidgetWrapper widgetWrapper = null; if (image != null) widgetWrapper = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) image.getParent().getParent(); else widgetWrapper = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) html.getParent().getParent(); String xpath = widgetWrapper.getBinding(); if (!xpath.startsWith(formDef.getBinding())) xpath = "/" + formDef.getBinding() + "/" + widgetWrapper.getBinding(); if (image != null) image.setUrl(FormUtil.getMultimediaUrl() + "?action=recentbinary&time=" + new java.util.Date().getTime() + "&formId=" + formDef.getId() + "&xpath=" + xpath); else { String extension = "";//.3gp ".mpeg"; String contentType = "&contentType=video/3gpp"; if (widgetWrapper.getQuestionDef().getDataType() == QuestionType.AUDIO) contentType = "&contentType=audio/3gpp"; //"&contentType=audio/x-wav"; //extension = ".wav"; contentType += "&name=" + widgetWrapper.getQuestionDef().getBinding() + ".3gp"; html.setVisible(true); html.setHTML("<a href=" + URL.encode(FormUtil.getMultimediaUrl() + extension + "?formId=" + formDef.getId() + "&xpath=" + xpath + contentType + "&time=" + new java.util.Date().getTime()) + ">" + html.getText() + "</a>"); } widgetWrapper.getQuestionDef().setAnswer(contents); } } public void clearValue() { if (isRepeated) { while (table.getRowCount() > 1) table.removeRow(1); for (int col = 0; col < table.getCellCount(0) - 1; col++) ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) table.getWidget(0, col)).clearValue(); } else { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index)).clearValue(); } } public boolean isValid() { firstInvalidWidget = null; if (isRepeated) { for (int row = 0; row < table.getRowCount(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < table.getCellCount(row) - 1; col++) { boolean valid = ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) table.getWidget(row, col)).isValid(); if (!valid) { firstInvalidWidget = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) table.getWidget(row, col); return false; } } } return true; } else { boolean valid = true; for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper widget = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (!widget.isValid()) { valid = false; if (firstInvalidWidget == null && widget.isFocusable()) firstInvalidWidget = widget.getInvalidWidget(); } } return valid; } } public RuntimeWidgetWrapper getInvalidWidget() { if (firstInvalidWidget == null) return (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) getParent().getParent(); return firstInvalidWidget; } public boolean setFocus() { if (isRepeated) { for (int row = 0; row < table.getRowCount(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < table.getCellCount(row) - 1; col++) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper widget = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) table.getWidget(row, col); if (widget.isFocusable()) { widget.setFocus(); return true; } } } } else { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { RuntimeWidgetWrapper widget = (RuntimeWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (widget.isFocusable()) { widget.setFocus(); return true; } } } return false; } public boolean onMoveToNextWidget(Widget widget) { int index = selectedPanel.getWidgetIndex(widget); if (index == -1) { //Handle tabbing for repeats within the flex table if (isRepeated) { boolean found = false; for (int row = 0; row < table.getRowCount(); row++) { for (int col = 0; col < table.getCellCount(row); col++) { if (found) { Widget curWidget = table.getWidget(row, col); if (curWidget instanceof RuntimeWidgetWrapper && ((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) curWidget).setFocus()) return true; } if (table.getWidget(row, col) == widget) found = true; } } } return false; } return moveToNextWidget(index); } public boolean onMoveToPrevWidget(Widget widget) { int index = selectedPanel.getWidgetIndex(widget); while (--index > 0) { if (((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index)).setFocus()) return true; } return false; } protected boolean moveToNextWidget(int index) { while (++index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount()) if (((RuntimeWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index)).setFocus()) { return true; } return false; } public HashMap<QuestionDef, List<Label>> getLabelMap() { return labelMap; } public HashMap<QuestionDef, List<RuntimeWidgetWrapper>> getCalcWidgetMap() { return calcWidgetMap; } public HashMap<QuestionDef, RuntimeWidgetWrapper> getFiltDynOptWidgetMap() { return filtDynOptWidgetMap; } public HashMap<Label, String> getLabelText() { return labelText; } public HashMap<Label, String> getLabelReplaceText() { return labelReplaceText; } public HashMap<QuestionDef, List<CheckBox>> getCheckBoxGroupMap() { return checkBoxGroupMap; } public void onEnabledChanged(QuestionDef sender, boolean enabled) { List<CheckBox> list = checkBoxGroupMap.get(sender); if (list == null) return; for (CheckBox checkBox : list) { checkBox.setEnabled(enabled); if (!enabled) checkBox.setValue(false); } } public void onVisibleChanged(QuestionDef sender, boolean visible) { List<CheckBox> list = checkBoxGroupMap.get(sender); if (list == null) return; for (CheckBox checkBox : list) { checkBox.setVisible(visible); if (!visible) checkBox.setValue(false); } } public void onRequiredChanged(QuestionDef sender, boolean required) { } public void onLockedChanged(QuestionDef sender, boolean locked) { } public void onBindingChanged(QuestionDef sender, String newValue) { } public void onDataTypeChanged(QuestionDef sender, QuestionType dataType) { } public void onOptionsChanged(QuestionDef sender, List<OptionDef> optionList) { } public int getHeightInt() { return getElement().getOffsetHeight(); } /*private void workonDefaults(Node repeatDataNode){ NodeList nodes = repeatDataNode.getChildNodes(); for(int index = 0; index < nodes.getLength(); index++){ Node child = nodes.item(index); if(child.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue; if(XformConstants.XPATH_VALUE_FALSE.equals(((Element)child).getAttribute("default"))) XmlUtil.setTextValue((Element)child, ""); workonDefaults(child); } }*/ }