Java tutorial
package org.openxdata.querybuilder.client.widget; import; import java.util.List; import org.openxdata.querybuilder.client.controller.ItemSelectionListener; import org.openxdata.querybuilder.client.util.QueryBuilderUtil; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.OpenXdataConstants; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.DynamicOptionDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.FormDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.ModelConstants; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.OptionDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.QuestionDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.util.FormUtil; import org.zenika.widget.client.datePicker.DatePicker; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.locale.FormsConstants; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.Operator; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.QuestionType; /** * * - Licensed as written in license.txt and original sources of this file and its authors are found in sources.txt. * */ public class ValueWidget extends Composite implements ItemSelectionListener, CloseHandler<PopupPanel> { final static FormsConstants i18n = GWT.create(FormsConstants.class); private static final String EMPTY_VALUE = "_____"; private static final String BETWEEN_WIDGET_SEPARATOR = " " + i18n.and() + " "; private static final String BETWEEN_VALUE_SEPARATOR = " " + i18n.and() + " "; private static final String LIST_SEPARATOR = " , "; private QuestionDef questionDef; private Operator operator = Operator.NONE; private HorizontalPanel horizontalPanel; private TextBox txtValue1 = new TextBox(); private TextBox txtValue2 = new TextBox(); private Label lblAnd = new Label(BETWEEN_WIDGET_SEPARATOR); private Anchor valueHyperlink; private PopupPanel popup; private KeyPressHandler keyboardListener1; private KeyPressHandler keyboardListener2; private HandlerRegistration handlerReg1; private HandlerRegistration handlerReg2; private FormDef formDef; private SuggestBox sgstField = new SuggestBox(); private QuestionDef valueQtnDef; public ValueWidget() { setupWidgets(); } public void setQuestionDef(QuestionDef questionDef) { this.questionDef = questionDef; } public void setOperator(Operator operator) { if (this.operator != operator) { if (this.operator == Operator.IS_NULL || this.operator == Operator.IS_NOT_NULL) valueHyperlink.setText(EMPTY_VALUE); } this.operator = operator; if (operator == Operator.IS_NULL || operator == Operator.IS_NOT_NULL) valueHyperlink.setText(""); else if (operator == Operator.BETWEEN || operator == Operator.NOT_BETWEEN) valueHyperlink.setText(EMPTY_VALUE + BETWEEN_VALUE_SEPARATOR + EMPTY_VALUE); } private void setupWidgets() { horizontalPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); ; valueHyperlink = new Anchor(EMPTY_VALUE, "#"); horizontalPanel.add(valueHyperlink); valueHyperlink.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { startEdit(); } }); setupTextListeners(); initWidget(horizontalPanel); } private void setupTextListeners() { txtValue1.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() { public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { if (event.getCharCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) stopEdit(true); } }); txtValue2.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() { public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { if (event.getCharCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) stopEdit(true); } }); if (!(operator == Operator.BETWEEN || operator == Operator.NOT_BETWEEN)) { txtValue2.addBlurHandler(new BlurHandler() { public void onBlur(BlurEvent event) { stopEdit(true); } }); txtValue1.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { stopEdit(true); } }); txtValue2.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { stopEdit(true); } }); } } private void startEdit() { if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.BOOLEAN) { MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(true); menuBar.addItem(i18n.displayValueTrue(), true, new SelectItemCommand(i18n.displayValueTrue(), this)); menuBar.addItem(i18n.displayValueFalse(), true, new SelectItemCommand(i18n.displayValueFalse(), this)); popup = new PopupPanel(true, false); popup.setWidget(menuBar); popup.setPopupPosition(valueHyperlink.getAbsoluteLeft(), valueHyperlink.getAbsoluteTop());; } else if ((questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE || questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE_DYNAMIC) && (operator == Operator.EQUAL || operator == Operator.NOT_EQUAL)) { MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(true); int size = 0, maxSize = 0; String text; List<OptionDef> options = questionDef.getOptions(); if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE_DYNAMIC) { DynamicOptionDef dynamicOptionDef = formDef.getChildDynamicOptions(questionDef.getId()); if (dynamicOptionDef == null) return; options = dynamicOptionDef.getOptions(); } if (options == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { OptionDef optionDef = (OptionDef) options.get(i); text = optionDef.getText(); size = text.length(); if (maxSize < size) maxSize = size; menuBar.addItem(text, true, new SelectItemCommand(optionDef, this)); } int height = options.size() * 38; if (height > 200) height = 200; ScrollPanel scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); scrollPanel.setWidget(menuBar); scrollPanel.setHeight(height + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); scrollPanel.setWidth((maxSize * 12) + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); popup = new PopupPanel(true, false); popup.setWidget(scrollPanel); popup.setPopupPosition(valueHyperlink.getAbsoluteLeft(), valueHyperlink.getAbsoluteTop());; } else if ((questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE || questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE_DYNAMIC) && (operator == Operator.IN_LIST || operator == Operator.NOT_IN_LIST)) { String values = valueHyperlink.getText(); String[] vals = null; if (!values.equals(EMPTY_VALUE)) vals = values.split(LIST_SEPARATOR); int size = 0, maxSize = 0; String text; VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel(); List<OptionDef> options = questionDef.getOptions(); if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE_DYNAMIC) { DynamicOptionDef dynamicOptionDef = formDef.getChildDynamicOptions(questionDef.getId()); if (dynamicOptionDef == null) return; options = dynamicOptionDef.getOptions(); } if (options == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { OptionDef optionDef = (OptionDef) options.get(i); text = optionDef.getText(); size = text.length(); if (maxSize < size) maxSize = size; CheckBox checkbox = new CheckBox(text); if (InArray(vals, text)) checkbox.setValue(true); panel.add(checkbox); } int height = options.size() * 38; if (height > 200) height = 200; ScrollPanel scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(); scrollPanel.setWidget(panel); scrollPanel.setHeight(height + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); scrollPanel.setWidth((maxSize * 12) + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); popup = new PopupPanel(true, false); popup.addCloseHandler(this); popup.setWidget(scrollPanel); popup.setPopupPosition(valueHyperlink.getAbsoluteLeft(), valueHyperlink.getAbsoluteTop());; } else { if (handlerReg1 != null) { handlerReg1.removeHandler(); handlerReg2.removeHandler(); } if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.DATE) { txtValue1 = new DatePicker(); txtValue2 = new DatePicker(); } else { txtValue1 = new TextBox(); txtValue2 = new TextBox(); } setupTextListeners(); horizontalPanel.remove(valueHyperlink); horizontalPanel.add(txtValue1); if (!valueHyperlink.getText().equals(EMPTY_VALUE)) txtValue1.setText(valueHyperlink.getText()); addNumericKeyboardListener(); txtValue1.setFocus(true); txtValue1.setFocus(true); txtValue1.selectAll(); if (operator == Operator.BETWEEN || operator == Operator.NOT_BETWEEN) { horizontalPanel.add(lblAnd); horizontalPanel.add(txtValue2); String val = txtValue1.getText(); if (val.contains(BETWEEN_VALUE_SEPARATOR)) { int pos = val.indexOf(BETWEEN_VALUE_SEPARATOR); String s = val.substring(0, pos); if (s.equals(EMPTY_VALUE)) s = ""; txtValue1.setText(s); if (pos + BETWEEN_VALUE_SEPARATOR.length() != val.length()) { pos = pos + BETWEEN_VALUE_SEPARATOR.length(); s = val.substring(pos, val.length()); if (s.equals(EMPTY_VALUE)) { s = ""; if (txtValue1.getText().trim().length() > 0) txtValue2.setFocus(true); } txtValue2.setText(s); } else txtValue2.setText(""); } } } } private void addNumericKeyboardListener() { if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.NUMERIC || questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.DECIMAL) { keyboardListener1 = FormUtil.getAllowNumericOnlyKeyboardListener(txtValue1, questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.NUMERIC ? false : true); keyboardListener2 = FormUtil.getAllowNumericOnlyKeyboardListener(txtValue2, questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.NUMERIC ? false : true); handlerReg1 = txtValue1.addKeyPressHandler(keyboardListener1); handlerReg2 = txtValue2.addKeyPressHandler(keyboardListener2); } } private boolean InArray(String[] array, String item) { if (array == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i].equals(item)) return true; } return false; } public void stopEdit(boolean updateValue) { String val1 = txtValue1.getText(); if (val1.trim().length() == 0) { val1 = EMPTY_VALUE; } String val2 = txtValue2.getText(); if (val2.trim().length() == 0) { val2 = EMPTY_VALUE; } String val = val1 + ((operator == Operator.BETWEEN || operator == Operator.NOT_BETWEEN) ? (BETWEEN_VALUE_SEPARATOR + val2) : ""); if (updateValue) valueHyperlink.setText(val); horizontalPanel.remove(txtValue1); horizontalPanel.remove(txtValue2); horizontalPanel.remove(lblAnd); horizontalPanel.remove(sgstField); horizontalPanel.add(valueHyperlink); } public void onItemSelected(Object sender, Object item) { if (sender instanceof SelectItemCommand) { popup.hide(); if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE || questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE_DYNAMIC) valueHyperlink.setText(((OptionDef) item).getText()); else if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.BOOLEAN) valueHyperlink.setText((String) item); } } public void onStartItemSelection(Object sender) { } public void onClose(CloseEvent<PopupPanel> event) { String value = ""; VerticalPanel panel = (VerticalPanel) popup.getWidget(); int count = panel.getWidgetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox) panel.getWidget(i); if (checkbox.getValue() == true) { if (value.length() > 0) value += LIST_SEPARATOR; value += checkbox.getText(); } } if (value.length() == 0) value = EMPTY_VALUE; valueHyperlink.setText(value); } public String getValue() { valueQtnDef = null; String val = valueHyperlink.getText(); if (val.equals(EMPTY_VALUE)) return null; if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE) { OptionDef optionDef = questionDef.getOptionWithText(val); if (optionDef != null) val = optionDef.getVariableName(); else val = null; } else if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE_DYNAMIC) { DynamicOptionDef dynamicOptionDef = formDef.getChildDynamicOptions(questionDef.getId()); if (dynamicOptionDef != null) { OptionDef optionDef = dynamicOptionDef.getOptionWithText(val); if (optionDef != null) val = optionDef.getVariableName(); } } else if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE) { String[] options = val.split(LIST_SEPARATOR); if (options == null || options.length == 0) val = null; else { val = ""; for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { OptionDef optionDef = questionDef.getOptionWithText(options[i]); if (optionDef != null) { if (val.length() > 0) val += LIST_SEPARATOR; val += optionDef.getVariableName(); } } } } else if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.BOOLEAN) { if (val.equals(i18n.displayValueTrue())) val = QuestionDef.TRUE_VALUE; else if (val.equals(i18n.displayValueFalse())) val = QuestionDef.FALSE_VALUE; } return val; } public void setValue(String value) { String sValue = value; if (sValue != null && formDef != null) { if (sValue.startsWith(formDef.getBinding() + "/")) { sValue = sValue.substring(sValue.indexOf('/') + 1); QuestionDef qtn = formDef.getQuestion(sValue); if (qtn != null) sValue = qtn.getText(); else { //possibly varname changed. if (valueQtnDef != null) { qtn = formDef.getQuestion(valueQtnDef.getBinding()); if (qtn != null) sValue = qtn.getText(); else sValue = EMPTY_VALUE; } else sValue = EMPTY_VALUE; } } if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE) { OptionDef optionDef = ((OptionDef) questionDef.getOptionWithValue(value)); if (optionDef != null) sValue = optionDef.getText(); } else if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE_DYNAMIC) { DynamicOptionDef dynamicOptionDef = formDef.getChildDynamicOptions(questionDef.getId()); if (dynamicOptionDef != null) { OptionDef optionDef = dynamicOptionDef.getOptionWithValue(value); if (optionDef != null) sValue = optionDef.getText(); } } else if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE) { String[] options = sValue.split(LIST_SEPARATOR); if (options == null || options.length == 0) sValue = null; else { sValue = ""; for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { OptionDef optionDef = questionDef.getOptionWithValue(options[i]); if (optionDef != null) { if (sValue.length() > 0) sValue += LIST_SEPARATOR; sValue += optionDef.getText(); } } } } else if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.BOOLEAN) { if (sValue.equals(QuestionDef.TRUE_VALUE)) sValue = i18n.displayValueTrue(); else if (sValue.equals(QuestionDef.FALSE_VALUE)) sValue = i18n.displayValueFalse(); } } else if (formDef != null) sValue = EMPTY_VALUE; valueHyperlink.setText(sValue); } public void setFormDef(FormDef formDef) { this.formDef = formDef; } private void setupPopup() { if (handlerReg1 != null) handlerReg1.removeHandler(); txtValue1 = new TextBox(); txtValue1.addKeyPressHandler(new KeyPressHandler() { public void onKeyPress(KeyPressEvent event) { if (event.getCharCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER) stopEdit(true); } }); MultiWordSuggestOracle oracle = new MultiWordSuggestOracle(); for (int i = 0; i < formDef.getPageCount(); i++) QueryBuilderUtil.loadQuestions(formDef.getPageAt(i).getQuestions(), questionDef, oracle, false, questionDef.getDataType() != QuestionType.REPEAT); sgstField = new SuggestBox(oracle, txtValue1); sgstField.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<SuggestOracle.Suggestion>() { public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<SuggestOracle.Suggestion> event) { stopEdit(true); } }); } public QuestionDef getValueQtnDef() { return valueQtnDef; } public void setValueQtnDef(QuestionDef valueQtnDef) { this.valueQtnDef = valueQtnDef; } }