Java tutorial
package org.openxdata.designer.client.widget; import; import; import; /** * Custom widget to wrap around tree items and enable proper selection. * * - Licensed as written in license.txt and original sources of this file and its authors are found in sources.txt. * */ public class CompositeTreeItem extends TreeItem { /** * Creates an empty tree item. */ public CompositeTreeItem() { super(); } /** * Constructs a tree item with the given text. * * @param text the item's text */ public CompositeTreeItem(String text) { super(new Label(text)); } /** * Constructs a tree item with the given <code>Widget</code>. * * @param widget the item's widget */ public CompositeTreeItem(Widget widget) { super(widget); } @Override public void setWidget(Widget newWidget) { super.setWidget(newWidget); getWidget().setStyleName("gwt-CompositeTreeItem"); } @Override public TreeItem addItem(String itemText) { return super.addItem(new Label(itemText)); } @Override public void setSelected(boolean selected) { if (isSelected() == selected) return; super.setSelected(selected); if (selected) getWidget().addStyleName("gwt-CompositeTreeItem-selected"); else getWidget().removeStyleName("gwt-CompositeTreeItem-selected"); } }