Java tutorial
package org.openxdata.designer.client.view; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.openxdata.designer.client.Context; import org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormActionListener; import org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormChangeListener; import org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormDesignerListener; import org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormSelectionListener; import org.openxdata.designer.client.event.FormDesignerEventBus; import org.openxdata.designer.client.event.XformItemSelectEvent; import org.openxdata.designer.client.event.XformItemSelectEvent.XformItemType; import org.openxdata.designer.client.event.XformListEmptyEvent; import org.openxdata.designer.client.util.FormDesignerUtil; import org.openxdata.designer.client.vew.widget.images.FormDesignerImages; import org.openxdata.designer.client.widget.CompositeTreeItem; import org.openxdata.designer.client.widget.TreeItemWidget; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.locale.FormsConstants; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.FormDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.ModelConstants; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.OptionDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.PageDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.QuestionDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.util.FormUtil; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.QuestionType; /** * Displays questions in a tree view. * * - Licensed as written in license.txt and original sources of this file and its authors are found in sources.txt. * */ public class FormsTreeView extends Composite implements SelectionHandler<TreeItem>, IFormChangeListener, IFormActionListener { final FormsConstants i18n = GWT.create(FormsConstants.class); /** The main or root widget for displaying the list of forms and their contents * in a tree view. */ private Tree tree; /** The tree images. */ private final FormDesignerImages images; /** Pop up for displaying tree item context menu. */ private PopupPanel popup; /** The item that has been copied to the clipboard. */ private Object clipboardItem; private boolean inCutMode = false; /** The currently selected tree item. */ private TreeItem item; /** Flag determining whether to set the form node as the root tree node. */ private boolean showFormAsRoot; /** The currently selected form. */ private FormDef formDef; /** List of form item selection listeners. */ private List<IFormSelectionListener> formSelectionListeners = new ArrayList<IFormSelectionListener>(); /** The next available form id. */ private int nextFormId = 0; /** The next available page id. */ private int nextPageId = 0; /** The next available question id. */ private int nextQuestionId = 0; /** The next available question option id. */ private int nextOptionId = 0; /** The listener to form designer global events. */ private IFormDesignerListener formDesignerListener; private final EventBus eventBus = FormDesignerEventBus.getBus(); /** * Creates a new instance of the forms tree view widget. * * @param images the tree images. * @param formSelectionListener the form item selection events listener. */ public FormsTreeView(FormDesignerImages images, IFormSelectionListener formSelectionListener) { this.images = images; this.formSelectionListeners.add(formSelectionListener); tree = new Tree(images); initWidget(tree); FormUtil.maximizeWidget(tree); tree.addSelectionHandler(this); tree.ensureSelectedItemVisible(); //This is just for solving a wiered behaviour when one changes a node text //and the click another node which gets the same text as the previously //selected text. Just comment it out and you will see what happens. tree.addMouseDownHandler(new MouseDownHandler() { public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { tree.setSelectedItem(tree.getSelectedItem()); scrollToLeft(); } }); tree.addMouseUpHandler(new MouseUpHandler() { public void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent event) { scrollToLeft(); } }); initContextMenu(); } private void scrollToLeft() { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new ScheduledCommand() { public void execute() { Element element = (Element) getParent().getParent().getParent().getElement().getChildNodes() .getItem(0).getChildNodes().getItem(0); DOM.setElementPropertyInt(element, "scrollLeft", 0); } }); } /** * Sets the listener for form designer global events. * * @param formDesignerListener the listener. */ public void setFormDesignerListener(IFormDesignerListener formDesignerListener) { this.formDesignerListener = formDesignerListener; } /** * Adds a listener to form item selection events. * * @param formSelectionListener the listener to add. */ public void addFormSelectionListener(IFormSelectionListener formSelectionListener) { this.formSelectionListeners.add(formSelectionListener); } public void showFormAsRoot(boolean showFormAsRoot) { this.showFormAsRoot = showFormAsRoot; } /** * Prepares the tree item context menu. */ private void initContextMenu() { popup = new PopupPanel(true, true); MenuBar menuBar = new MenuBar(true); menuBar.addItem(FormDesignerUtil.createHeaderHTML(images.add(), i18n.addNew()), true, new Command() { public void execute() { popup.hide(); addNewItem(); } }); menuBar.addSeparator(); menuBar.addItem(FormDesignerUtil.createHeaderHTML(images.addchild(), i18n.addNewChild()), true, new Command() { public void execute() { popup.hide(); addNewChildItem(); } }); menuBar.addSeparator(); menuBar.addItem(FormDesignerUtil.createHeaderHTML(images.delete(), i18n.deleteItem()), true, new Command() { public void execute() { popup.hide(); deleteSelectedItem(); } }); menuBar.addSeparator(); menuBar.addItem(FormDesignerUtil.createHeaderHTML(images.moveup(), i18n.moveUp()), true, new Command() { public void execute() { popup.hide(); moveItemUp(); } }); menuBar.addItem(FormDesignerUtil.createHeaderHTML(images.movedown(), i18n.moveDown()), true, new Command() { public void execute() { popup.hide(); moveItemDown(); } }); menuBar.addSeparator(); menuBar.addItem(FormDesignerUtil.createHeaderHTML(images.cut(), i18n.cut()), true, new Command() { public void execute() { popup.hide(); cutItem(); } }); menuBar.addItem(FormDesignerUtil.createHeaderHTML(images.copy(), i18n.copy()), true, new Command() { public void execute() { popup.hide(); copyItem(); } }); menuBar.addItem(FormDesignerUtil.createHeaderHTML(images.paste(), i18n.paste()), true, new Command() { public void execute() { popup.hide(); pasteItem(); } }); menuBar.addSeparator(); menuBar.addItem(FormDesignerUtil.createHeaderHTML(,, true, new Command() { public void execute() { popup.hide(); saveItem(); } }); menuBar.addSeparator(); menuBar.addItem(FormDesignerUtil.createHeaderHTML(images.refresh(), i18n.refresh()), true, new Command() { public void execute() { popup.hide(); refreshItem(); } }); popup.setWidget(menuBar); } /** * A helper method to simplify adding tree items that have attached images. * {@link #addImageItem(TreeItem, String) code} * * @param root the tree item to which the new item will be added. * @param title the text associated with this item. */ private TreeItem addImageItem(TreeItem root, String title, ImageResource imageProto, Object userObj, String helpText) { TreeItem item = new CompositeTreeItem(new TreeItemWidget(imageProto, title, popup, this)); item.setUserObject(userObj); item.setTitle(helpText); if (root != null) root.addItem(item); else tree.addItem(item); return item; } /** * @see */ public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<TreeItem> event) { scrollToLeft(); TreeItem item = event.getSelectedItem(); //Should not call this more than once for the same selected item. if (item != this.item) { Context.setFormDef(FormDef.getFormDef(item.getUserObject())); formDef = Context.getFormDef(); fireFormItemSelected(item.getUserObject()); this.item = item; //Expand if has kids such that users do not have to click the plus //sign to expand. Besides, some are not even aware of that. //if(item.getChildCount() > 0) // item.setState(true); } } /** * Notifies all form item selection listeners about the currently * selected form item. * * @param formItem the selected form item. */ private void fireFormItemSelected(Object formItem) { for (int i = 0; i < formSelectionListeners.size(); i++) formSelectionListeners.get(i).onFormItemSelected(formItem); // some ugly hacks here... XformItemSelectEvent event = null; if (formItem instanceof FormDef) { event = new XformItemSelectEvent(XformItemType.FORM); } else if (formItem instanceof PageDef) { event = new XformItemSelectEvent(XformItemType.QUESTION); } else if (formItem instanceof QuestionDef) { event = new XformItemSelectEvent(XformItemType.QUESTION); } if (event != null) { eventBus.fireEvent(event); } else if (formItem == null) { eventBus.fireEvent(new XformListEmptyEvent()); } } public void loadForm(FormDef formDef, boolean select, boolean langRefresh) { if (formDef.getId() == ModelConstants.NULL_ID) formDef.setId(++nextFormId); if (!langRefresh) { int count = formDef.getQuestionCount(); if (nextQuestionId < count) nextQuestionId = count; count = formDef.getPageCount(); if (nextPageId < count) nextPageId = count; this.formDef = formDef; if (formExists(formDef.getId())) return; //A temporary hack to ensure top level object is accessed. fireFormItemSelected(formDef); } TreeItem formRoot = null; if (showFormAsRoot) { formRoot = new CompositeTreeItem(new TreeItemWidget(images.note(), formDef.getName(), popup, this)); formRoot.setUserObject(formDef); tree.addItem(formRoot); } if (formDef.getPages() != null) { for (int currentPageNo = 0; currentPageNo < formDef.getPages().size(); currentPageNo++) { TreeItem pageRoot = loadPage((PageDef) formDef.getPages().elementAt(currentPageNo), formRoot); //We expand only the first page. if (currentPageNo == 0) pageRoot.setState(true); } } if (select && formRoot != null) { tree.setSelectedItem(formRoot); formRoot.setState(true); } } /** * Check if a form with a given id is loaded. * * @param formId the form id. * @return true if it exists, else false. */ public boolean formExists(int formId) { int count = tree.getItemCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { TreeItem item = tree.getItem(index); if (((FormDef) item.getUserObject()).getId() == formId) { tree.setSelectedItem(item); return true; } } return false; } public void refreshForm(FormDef formDef) { //tree.clear(); TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item != null) { TreeItem root = getSelectedItemRoot(item); formDef.setId(((FormDef) root.getUserObject()).getId()); tree.removeItem(root); } loadForm(formDef, true, false); } /** * Gets the list of forms that have been loaded. * * @return the form list. */ public List<FormDef> getForms() { List<FormDef> forms = new ArrayList<FormDef>(); int count = tree.getItemCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) forms.add((FormDef) tree.getItem(index).getUserObject()); return forms; } /** * Loads a list of forms and selects one of them. * * @param forms the form list to load. * @param selFormId the id of the form to select. */ public void loadForms(List<FormDef> forms, int selFormId) { if (forms == null || forms.size() == 0) return; tree.clear(); this.formDef = null; for (FormDef formDef : forms) { loadForm(formDef, formDef.getId() == selFormId, true); if (formDef.getId() == selFormId) { this.formDef = formDef; //A temporary hack to ensure top level object is accessed. fireFormItemSelected(this.formDef); } } } private TreeItem loadPage(PageDef pageDef, TreeItem formRoot) { TreeItem pageRoot = addImageItem(formRoot, pageDef.getName(), images.drafts(), pageDef, null); loadQuestions(pageDef.getQuestions(), pageRoot); return pageRoot; } private void loadQuestions(Vector<QuestionDef> questions, TreeItem root) { if (questions != null) { for (int currentQtnNo = 0; currentQtnNo < questions.size(); currentQtnNo++) loadQuestion((QuestionDef) questions.elementAt(currentQtnNo), root); } } private TreeItem loadQuestion(QuestionDef questionDef, TreeItem root) { TreeItem questionRoot = addImageItem(root, questionDef.getDisplayText(), images.lookup(), questionDef, questionDef.getHelpText()); if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE) { List<?> options = questionDef.getOptions(); for (int currentOptionNo = 0; currentOptionNo < options.size(); currentOptionNo++) { OptionDef optionDef = (OptionDef) options.get(currentOptionNo); addImageItem(questionRoot, optionDef.getText(), images.markRead(), optionDef, null); } } else if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.BOOLEAN) { addImageItem(questionRoot, i18n.displayValueTrue(), images.markRead(), null, null); addImageItem(questionRoot, i18n.displayValueFalse(), images.markRead(), null, null); } else if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.REPEAT) loadQuestions(questionDef.getRepeatQtnsDef().getQuestions(), questionRoot); return questionRoot; } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormActionListener#deleteSelectedItem() */ public void deleteSelectedItem() { TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item == null) { Window.alert(i18n.selectDeleteItem()); return; } if (inReadOnlyMode() && !(item.getUserObject() instanceof FormDef)) return; if (!inCutMode && !Window.confirm(i18n.deleteTreeItemPrompt())) return; deleteItem(item); } /** * Removes a given tree item from the tree widget. * * @param item the tree item to delete. */ private void deleteItem(TreeItem item) { TreeItem parent = item.getParentItem(); int index; if (parent != null) { index = parent.getChildIndex(item); //If last item is the one selected, the select the previous, else the next. if (index == parent.getChildCount() - 1) index -= 1; removeFormDefItem(item, parent); //Remove the selected item. item.remove(); //If no more kids, then select the parent. if (parent.getChildCount() == 0) tree.setSelectedItem(parent); else tree.setSelectedItem(parent.getChild(index)); } else { //Must be the form root index = getRootItemIndex(item); item.remove(); int count = tree.getItemCount(); //If we have any items left, select the one which was after //the one we have just removed. if (count > 0) { //If we have deleted the last item, select the item which was before it. if (index == count) index--; tree.setSelectedItem(tree.getItem(index)); } } if (tree.getSelectedItem() == null) { Context.setFormDef(null); formDef = null; fireFormItemSelected(null); if (tree.getItemCount() == 0) { nextFormId = 0; nextOptionId = 0; nextPageId = 0; nextQuestionId = 0; } } } /** * Gets the index of the tree item which is at the root level. * * @param item the tree root item whose index we are to get. * @return the index of the tree item. */ private int getRootItemIndex(TreeItem item) { int count = tree.getItemCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (item == tree.getItem(index)) return index; } return 0; } private void removeFormDefItem(TreeItem item, TreeItem parent) { Object userObj = item.getUserObject(); Object parentUserObj = parent.getUserObject(); if (userObj instanceof QuestionDef) { if (parentUserObj instanceof QuestionDef) ((QuestionDef) parentUserObj).getRepeatQtnsDef().removeQuestion((QuestionDef) userObj, formDef); else ((PageDef) parentUserObj).removeQuestion((QuestionDef) userObj, formDef); } else if (userObj instanceof OptionDef) { ((QuestionDef) parentUserObj).removeOption((OptionDef) userObj); } else if (userObj instanceof PageDef) ((FormDef) parentUserObj).removePage((PageDef) userObj); } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormActionListener#addNewItem() */ public void addNewItem() { if (inReadOnlyMode()) return; TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); //Check if there is any selection. if (item != null) { Object userObj = item.getUserObject(); if (userObj instanceof QuestionDef) { int id = ++nextQuestionId; QuestionDef questionDef = new QuestionDef(id, i18n.question() + id, QuestionType.TEXT, "question" + id, item.getParentItem().getUserObject()); item = addImageItem(item.getParentItem(), questionDef.getText(), images.lookup(), questionDef, questionDef.getHelpText()); addFormDefItem(questionDef, item.getParentItem()); tree.setSelectedItem(item); } else if (userObj instanceof OptionDef) { int id = ++nextOptionId; OptionDef optionDef = new OptionDef(id, i18n.option() + id, "option" + id, (QuestionDef) item.getParentItem().getUserObject()); item = addImageItem(item.getParentItem(), optionDef.getText(), images.markRead(), optionDef, null); addFormDefItem(optionDef, item.getParentItem()); tree.setSelectedItem(item); } else if (userObj instanceof PageDef) { int id = ++nextPageId; PageDef pageDef = new PageDef( + id, id, null, (FormDef) item.getParentItem().getUserObject()); item = addImageItem(item.getParentItem(), pageDef.getName(), images.drafts(), pageDef, null); addFormDefItem(pageDef, item.getParentItem()); tree.setSelectedItem(item); } else if (userObj instanceof FormDef) addNewForm(); } else addNewForm(); } /** * This is a hack. This method will add a new page to the current form definition * in context. Ideally, this entire class needs to be refactored. There are traces * of controller, view and model responsibilities in this class. * Also, instead of trying to pick out elements from the tree widget itself, a selection model * of some sort should be used. That would make this entire process less hideous */ public void addNewPage() { if (inReadOnlyMode()) { return; } TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); TreeItem parentItem = null; FormDef formDef = null; Object userObj = item.getUserObject(); // figure out which item is selected in the form definition list tree if (userObj instanceof PageDef) { parentItem = item.getParentItem(); formDef = ((PageDef) userObj).getParent(); } else if (userObj instanceof OptionDef) { parentItem = item.getParentItem().getParentItem().getParentItem(); // yikes! formDef = ((OptionDef) userObj).getParent().getParentFormDef(); } else if (userObj instanceof QuestionDef) { parentItem = item.getParentItem().getParentItem(); formDef = ((QuestionDef) userObj).getParentFormDef(); } else if (userObj instanceof FormDef) { parentItem = item; formDef = (FormDef) userObj; } // first add the page int pageId = ++nextPageId; PageDef pageDef = new PageDef( + pageId, pageId, null, formDef); TreeItem pageDefItem = addImageItem(parentItem, pageDef.getName(), images.drafts(), pageDef, null); addFormDefItem(pageDef, parentItem); // now the question int quesId = ++nextQuestionId; QuestionDef questionDef = new QuestionDef(quesId, i18n.question() + quesId, QuestionType.TEXT, "question" + quesId, pageDef); TreeItem quesDefItem = addImageItem(pageDefItem, questionDef.getText(), images.lookup(), questionDef, questionDef.getHelpText()); addFormDefItem(questionDef, pageDefItem); tree.setSelectedItem(quesDefItem); // make sure to open up the PageDef tree item pageDefItem.setState(true, true); } public void addNewQuestion(QuestionType dataType) { if (inReadOnlyMode()) return; TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); //Check if there is any selection. if (item != null) { Object userObj = item.getUserObject(); if (userObj instanceof QuestionDef) { int id = ++nextQuestionId; QuestionDef questionDef = new QuestionDef(id, i18n.question() + id, QuestionType.TEXT, "question" + id, item.getParentItem().getUserObject()); questionDef.setDataType(dataType); item = addImageItem(item.getParentItem(), questionDef.getText(), images.lookup(), questionDef, questionDef.getHelpText()); addFormDefItem(questionDef, item.getParentItem()); if (dataType == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || dataType == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE) addNewOptionDef(questionDef, item); tree.setSelectedItem(item); } else if (userObj instanceof OptionDef) { int id = ++nextQuestionId; QuestionDef questionDef = new QuestionDef(id, i18n.question() + id, QuestionType.TEXT, "question" + id, item.getParentItem().getParentItem().getUserObject()); questionDef.setDataType(dataType); item = addImageItem(item.getParentItem().getParentItem(), questionDef.getText(), images.lookup(), questionDef, questionDef.getHelpText()); addFormDefItem(questionDef, item.getParentItem()); if (dataType == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || dataType == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE) addNewOptionDef(questionDef, item); tree.setSelectedItem(item); } else if (userObj instanceof PageDef) { int id = ++nextQuestionId; QuestionDef questionDef = new QuestionDef(id, i18n.question() + id, QuestionType.TEXT, "question" + id, item.getUserObject()); questionDef.setDataType(dataType); item = addImageItem(item, questionDef.getText(), images.lookup(), questionDef, questionDef.getHelpText()); addFormDefItem(questionDef, item.getParentItem()); if (dataType == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || dataType == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE) addNewOptionDef(questionDef, item); tree.setSelectedItem(item); } else if (userObj instanceof FormDef) { //addNewForm(); //If not yet got pages, just quit. if (item.getChildCount() == 0) return; TreeItem parentItem = item.getChild(0); int id = ++nextQuestionId; QuestionDef questionDef = new QuestionDef(id, i18n.question() + id, QuestionType.TEXT, "question" + id, parentItem.getUserObject()); questionDef.setDataType(dataType); item = addImageItem(parentItem, questionDef.getText(), images.lookup(), questionDef, questionDef.getHelpText()); addFormDefItem(questionDef, item.getParentItem()); if (dataType == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || dataType == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE) addNewOptionDef(questionDef, item); tree.setSelectedItem(item); } } else { addNewForm(); item = tree.getSelectedItem(); QuestionDef questionDef = (QuestionDef) item.getUserObject(); questionDef.setDataType(dataType); if (dataType == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || dataType == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE) addNewOptionDef(questionDef, item); tree.setSelectedItem(item.getParentItem()); tree.setSelectedItem(item); } } private void addNewOptionDef(QuestionDef questionDef, TreeItem parentItem) { int id = ++nextOptionId; OptionDef optionDef = new OptionDef(id, i18n.option() + id, "option" + id, questionDef); addImageItem(parentItem, optionDef.getText(), images.markRead(), optionDef, null); addFormDefItem(optionDef, parentItem); parentItem.setState(true); } private void addFormDefItem(Object obj, TreeItem parentItem) { Object parentUserObj = parentItem.getUserObject(); if (parentUserObj instanceof QuestionDef) { if (obj instanceof OptionDef) ((QuestionDef) parentUserObj).addOption((OptionDef) obj); else ((QuestionDef) parentUserObj).getRepeatQtnsDef().addQuestion((QuestionDef) obj); } else if (parentUserObj instanceof PageDef) ((PageDef) parentUserObj).addQuestion((QuestionDef) obj); else if (parentUserObj instanceof FormDef) ((FormDef) parentUserObj).addPage((PageDef) obj); } public void addNewForm() { int id = ++nextFormId; addNewForm(i18n.newForm() + id, "new_form" + id, id); //Automatically add a new page addNewChildItem(false); //Automatically add a new question addNewChildItem(false); } public void addNewForm(String name, String varName, int formId) { if (inReadOnlyMode()) return; if (formExists(formId)) return; FormDef formDef = new FormDef(formId, name, varName, varName, null, null, null, null, null, null); TreeItem item = new CompositeTreeItem(new TreeItemWidget(images.note(), formDef.getName(), popup, this)); item.setUserObject(formDef); tree.addItem(item); tree.setSelectedItem(item); } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormActionListener#addNewChildItem() */ public void addNewChildItem() { addNewChildItem(true); } /** * Adds a new child item. */ public void addNewChildItem(boolean addNewIfNoKids) { if (inReadOnlyMode()) return; TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); //Check if there is any selection. if (item == null) { if (addNewIfNoKids) addNewItem(); return; } Object userObj = item.getUserObject(); if (userObj instanceof PageDef || (userObj instanceof QuestionDef && ((QuestionDef) userObj).getDataType() == QuestionType.REPEAT)) { int id = ++nextQuestionId; QuestionDef questionDef = new QuestionDef(id, i18n.question() + id, QuestionType.TEXT, "question" + id, userObj); item = addImageItem(item, questionDef.getText(), images.lookup(), questionDef, questionDef.getHelpText()); addFormDefItem(questionDef, item.getParentItem()); tree.setSelectedItem(item); item.getParentItem().setState(true); } else if (userObj instanceof QuestionDef && (((QuestionDef) userObj).getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || ((QuestionDef) userObj).getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE)) { int id = ++nextOptionId; OptionDef optionDef = new OptionDef(id, i18n.option() + id, "option" + id, (QuestionDef) userObj); item = addImageItem(item, optionDef.getText(), images.markRead(), optionDef, null); addFormDefItem(optionDef, item.getParentItem()); tree.setSelectedItem(item); item.getParentItem().setState(true); } else if (userObj instanceof FormDef) { int id = ++nextPageId; PageDef pageDef = new PageDef( + id, id, null, (FormDef) userObj); item = addImageItem(item, pageDef.getName(), images.drafts(), pageDef, null); addFormDefItem(pageDef, item.getParentItem()); tree.setSelectedItem(item); item.getParentItem().setState(true); //Automatically add a new question addNewChildItem(false); } else if (addNewIfNoKids) addNewItem(); } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormActionListener#moveItemUp() */ public void moveItemUp() { if (inReadOnlyMode()) return; TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); //Check if there is any selection. if (item == null) return; TreeItem parent = item.getParentItem(); //We don't move root node (which has no parent, that is the form itself, since we design one form at a time) if (parent == null) return; //One item can't move against itself. int count = parent.getChildCount(); if (count == 1) return; int index = parent.getChildIndex(item); if (index == 0) return; //Can't move any further upwards. //move the item in the form object model. moveFormItemUp(item, parent); TreeItem currentItem; // = parent.getChild(index - 1); List<TreeItem> list = new ArrayList<TreeItem>(); item.remove(); while (parent.getChildCount() >= index) { currentItem = parent.getChild(index - 1); list.add(currentItem); currentItem.remove(); } parent.addItem(item); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) parent.addItem((TreeItem) list.get(i)); tree.setSelectedItem(item); } private void moveFormItemUp(TreeItem item, TreeItem parent) { Object userObj = item.getUserObject(); Object parentObj = parent.getUserObject(); //Normal question if (userObj instanceof QuestionDef && parentObj instanceof PageDef) ((PageDef) parentObj).moveQuestionUp((QuestionDef) userObj); else if (userObj instanceof QuestionDef && parentObj instanceof QuestionDef) ((QuestionDef) parentObj).getRepeatQtnsDef().moveQuestionUp((QuestionDef) userObj); else if (userObj instanceof PageDef) ((FormDef) parentObj).movePageUp((PageDef) userObj); else if (userObj instanceof OptionDef) ((QuestionDef) parentObj).moveOptionUp((OptionDef) userObj); } private void moveFormItemDown(TreeItem item, TreeItem parent) { Object userObj = item.getUserObject(); Object parentObj = parent.getUserObject(); //Normal question if (userObj instanceof QuestionDef && parentObj instanceof PageDef) ((PageDef) parentObj).moveQuestionDown((QuestionDef) userObj); else if (userObj instanceof QuestionDef && parentObj instanceof QuestionDef) ((QuestionDef) parentObj).getRepeatQtnsDef().moveQuestionDown((QuestionDef) userObj); else if (userObj instanceof PageDef) ((FormDef) parentObj).movePageDown((PageDef) userObj); else if (userObj instanceof OptionDef) ((QuestionDef) parentObj).moveOptionDown((OptionDef) userObj); } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormActionListener#moveItemDown() */ public void moveItemDown() { if (inReadOnlyMode()) return; TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); //Check if there is any selection. if (item == null) return; TreeItem parent = item.getParentItem(); //We don't move root node (which has no parent, that is the form itself, since we design one form at a time) if (parent == null) return; //One item can't move against itself. int count = parent.getChildCount(); if (count == 1) return; int index = parent.getChildIndex(item); if (index == count - 1) return; //Can't move any further downwards. //move the item in the form object model. moveFormItemDown(item, parent); TreeItem currentItem; // = parent.getChild(index - 1); List<TreeItem> list = new ArrayList<TreeItem>(); item.remove(); while (parent.getChildCount() > 0 && parent.getChildCount() > index) { currentItem = parent.getChild(index); list.add(currentItem); currentItem.remove(); } for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (i == 1) parent.addItem(item); //Add after the first item. parent.addItem((TreeItem) list.get(i)); } if (list.size() == 1) parent.addItem(item); tree.setSelectedItem(item); } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormChangeListener#onFormItemChanged(java.lang.Object) */ public Object onFormItemChanged(Object formItem) { TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item == null) return formItem; //How can this happen? if (item.getUserObject() != formItem) return formItem; if (formItem instanceof QuestionDef) { QuestionDef questionDef = (QuestionDef) formItem; item.setWidget(new TreeItemWidget(images.lookup(), questionDef.getDisplayText(), popup, this)); item.setTitle(questionDef.getHelpText()); } else if (formItem instanceof OptionDef) { OptionDef optionDef = (OptionDef) formItem; item.setWidget(new TreeItemWidget(images.markRead(), optionDef.getText(), popup, this)); } else if (formItem instanceof PageDef) { PageDef pageDef = (PageDef) formItem; item.setWidget(new TreeItemWidget(images.drafts(), pageDef.getName(), popup, this)); } else if (formItem instanceof FormDef) { FormDef formDef = (FormDef) formItem; item.setWidget(new TreeItemWidget(images.note(), formDef.getName(), popup, this)); } return formItem; } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormChangeListener#onDeleteChildren(Object) */ public void onDeleteChildren(Object formItem) { TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item == null) return; //How can this happen? if (formItem instanceof QuestionDef) { while (item.getChildCount() > 0) deleteItem(item.getChild(0)); } } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormActionListener#cutItem() */ public void cutItem() { if (inReadOnlyMode()) return; TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item == null) return; clipboardItem = item.getUserObject(); inCutMode = true; deleteSelectedItem(); inCutMode = false; } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormActionListener#copyItem() */ public void copyItem() { TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item == null) return; clipboardItem = item.getUserObject(); } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormActionListener#pasteItem() */ public void pasteItem() { if (inReadOnlyMode()) return; //Check if we have anything in the clipboard. if (clipboardItem == null) return; TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item == null) return; Object userObj = item.getUserObject(); if (clipboardItem instanceof QuestionDef) { //Questions can be pasted only as kids of pages or repeat questions. if (!((userObj instanceof PageDef) || (userObj instanceof QuestionDef && ((QuestionDef) userObj).getDataType() == QuestionType.REPEAT))) { return; } //create a copy of the clipboard question. QuestionDef questionDef = new QuestionDef((QuestionDef) clipboardItem, userObj); //Repeat question can only be child of a page but not another question. if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.REPEAT && userObj instanceof QuestionDef) return; questionDef.setId(item.getChildCount() + 1); if (userObj instanceof PageDef) ((PageDef) userObj).addQuestion(questionDef); else ((QuestionDef) userObj).getRepeatQtnsDef().addQuestion(questionDef); item = loadQuestion(questionDef, item); tree.setSelectedItem(item); item.getParentItem().setState(true); item.setState(true); } else if (clipboardItem instanceof PageDef) { //Pages can be pasted only as kids of forms. if (!(userObj instanceof FormDef)) return; //create a copy of the clipboard page. PageDef pageDef = new PageDef((PageDef) clipboardItem, (FormDef) userObj); pageDef.setPageNo(item.getChildCount() + 1); ((FormDef) userObj).addPage(pageDef); item = loadPage(pageDef, item); tree.setSelectedItem(item); item.getParentItem().setState(true); item.setState(true); } else if (clipboardItem instanceof OptionDef) { //Question options can be pasted only as kids of single and multi select questions. if (!(userObj instanceof QuestionDef && (((QuestionDef) userObj).getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE) || ((QuestionDef) userObj).getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE)) return; // create a copy of the clipboard page. OptionDef optionDef = new OptionDef((OptionDef) clipboardItem, (QuestionDef) userObj); optionDef.setId(item.getChildCount() + 1); ((QuestionDef) userObj).addOption(optionDef); item = addImageItem(item, optionDef.getText(), images.markRead(), optionDef, null); tree.setSelectedItem(item); item.getParentItem().setState(true); item.setState(true); } } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormDesignerListener#refresh(Object) */ public void refreshItem() { if (inReadOnlyMode()) return; formDesignerListener.refresh(this); } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormDesignerListener#saveForm() */ public void saveItem() { formDesignerListener.saveForm(); } /** * Gets the selected form. * * @return the selected form. */ public FormDef getSelectedForm() { TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item != null) return getSelectedForm(item); return null; } /** * Gets the form to which the selected tree item belongs. * * @param item the tree item. * @return the form definition object. */ private FormDef getSelectedForm(TreeItem item) { Object obj = item.getUserObject(); if (obj instanceof FormDef) return (FormDef) obj; return getSelectedForm(item.getParentItem()); } private TreeItem getSelectedItemRoot(TreeItem item) { if (item == null) return null; if (item.getParentItem() == null) return item; return getSelectedItemRoot(item.getParentItem()); } /** * Removes all forms. */ public void clear() { tree.clear(); } /** * Checks if the selected form is valid for saving. * * @return true if valid, else false. */ public boolean isValidForm() { TreeItem parent = getSelectedItemRoot(tree.getSelectedItem()); if (parent == null) return true; Map<String, String> pageNos = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, QuestionDef> bindings = new HashMap<String, QuestionDef>(); int count = parent.getChildCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { TreeItem child = parent.getChild(index); PageDef pageDef = (PageDef) child.getUserObject(); String pageNo = String.valueOf(pageDef.getPageNo()); if (pageNos.containsKey(pageNo)) { tree.setSelectedItem(child); tree.ensureSelectedItemVisible(); Window.alert(i18n.selectedPage() + pageDef.getName() + i18n.shouldNotSharePageBinding() + pageNos.get(pageNo) + "]"); return false; } else pageNos.put(pageNo, pageDef.getName()); if (!isValidQuestionList(child, bindings)) return false; } return true; } private boolean isValidQuestionList(TreeItem parent, Map<String, QuestionDef> bindings) { int count = parent.getChildCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { TreeItem child = parent.getChild(index); QuestionDef questionDef = (QuestionDef) child.getUserObject(); String variableName = questionDef.getBinding(); if (bindings.containsKey( variableName) /*&& questionDef.getParent() == bindings.get(variableName).getParent()*/) { tree.setSelectedItem(child); tree.ensureSelectedItemVisible(); Window.alert(i18n.selectedQuestion() + questionDef.getText() + i18n.shouldNotShareQuestionBinding() + bindings.get(variableName).getDisplayText() + "]"); return false; } else bindings.put(variableName, questionDef); if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.REPEAT) { if (!isValidQuestionList(child, bindings)) return false; } else if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_EXCLUSIVE || questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.LIST_MULTIPLE) { if (!isValidOptionList(child)) return false; } } return true; } private boolean isValidOptionList(TreeItem parent) { Map<String, String> bindings = new HashMap<String, String>(); int count = parent.getChildCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { TreeItem child = parent.getChild(index); OptionDef optionDef = (OptionDef) child.getUserObject(); String variableName = optionDef.getVariableName(); if (bindings.containsKey(variableName)) { tree.setSelectedItem(child); tree.ensureSelectedItemVisible(); Window.alert(i18n.selectedOption() + optionDef.getText() + i18n.shouldNotShareOptionBinding() + bindings.get(variableName) + "]"); return false; } else bindings.put(variableName, optionDef.getText()); } return true; } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormActionListener#moveUp() */ public void moveUp() { TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item == null) return; int index; TreeItem parent = item.getParentItem(); if (parent == null) { index = getRootItemIndex(parent); if (index == 0) return; tree.setSelectedItem(tree.getItem(index - 1)); } else { index = parent.getChildIndex(item); if (index == 0) return; tree.setSelectedItem(parent.getChild(index - 1)); } } /** * @see org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IFormActionListener#moveDown() */ public void moveDown() { TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item == null) return; int index; TreeItem parent = item.getParentItem(); if (parent == null) { index = getRootItemIndex(parent); if (index == tree.getItemCount() - 1) return; tree.setSelectedItem(tree.getItem(index + 1)); } else { index = parent.getChildIndex(item); if (index == parent.getChildCount() - 1) return; tree.setSelectedItem(parent.getChild(index + 1)); } } /** * Selected the parent of the selected item. */ public void moveToParent() { TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item == null) return; TreeItem parent = item.getParentItem(); if (parent == null) return; tree.setSelectedItem(parent); tree.ensureSelectedItemVisible(); } /** * Selects the child of the selected item. */ public void moveToChild() { TreeItem item = tree.getSelectedItem(); if (item == null) return; if (item.getChildCount() == 0) { addNewChildItem(false); return; } TreeItem child = item.getChild(0); tree.setSelectedItem(child); tree.ensureSelectedItemVisible(); } /** * Checks if the selected form is in read only mode. In read only mode * we can only change the text and help text of items. * * @return true if in read only mode, else false. */ private boolean inReadOnlyMode() { return Context.isStructureReadOnly(); } }