Java tutorial
package org.openxdata.designer.client.view; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.openxdata.designer.client.Context; import org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.DragDropListener; import org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.FormDesignerDragController; import org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.FormDesignerDropController; import org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.IWidgetPopupMenuListener; import org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.WidgetPropertyChangeListener; import org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.WidgetPropertySetter; import org.openxdata.designer.client.controller.WidgetSelectionListener; import org.openxdata.designer.client.util.FormDesignerUtil; import org.openxdata.designer.client.util.StyleUtil; import org.openxdata.designer.client.vew.widget.images.FormDesignerImages; import org.openxdata.designer.client.widget.DesignGroupWidget; import org.openxdata.designer.client.widget.DesignWidgetWrapper; import org.openxdata.designer.client.widget.PaletteWidget; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.OpenXdataConstants; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.OptionDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.QuestionDef; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.util.FormUtil; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.widget.DatePickerEx; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.widget.DatePickerWidget; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.widget.DateTimeWidget; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.widget.RadioButtonWidget; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.widget.TextBoxWidget; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.widget.TimeWidget; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.dnd.client.drop.DropController; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openxdata.designer.client.DesignerMessages; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.locale.FormsConstants; import org.openxdata.sharedlib.client.model.QuestionType; /** * * - Licensed as written in license.txt and original sources of this file and its authors are found in sources.txt. * */ public class DesignGroupView extends Composite implements WidgetSelectionListener, IWidgetPopupMenuListener, DragDropListener, WidgetPropertyChangeListener { private final FormsConstants i18n = GWT.create(FormsConstants.class); private final DesignerMessages messages = GWT.create(DesignerMessages.class); protected static final int MOVE_LEFT = 1; protected static final int MOVE_RIGHT = 2; protected static final int MOVE_UP = 3; protected static final int MOVE_DOWN = 4; /** The popup panel for the design surface context menu. */ protected PopupPanel popup; /** The popup panel for the widget context menu. */ protected PopupPanel widgetPopup; /** The cursor position x cordinate. */ protected int x; /** The cursor position y cordinate. */ protected int y; protected int clipboardLeftMostPos; protected int clipboardTopMostPos; /** The copy menu item for the design surface context menu. */ protected MenuItem copyMenu; /** The cut menu item. */ protected MenuItem cutMenu; protected MenuItem pasteMenu; protected MenuItem deleteWidgetsMenu; protected MenuItem groupWidgetsMenu; protected MenuItem lockWidgetsMenu; protected MenuItemSeparator cutCopySeparator; protected MenuItemSeparator pasteSeparator; protected MenuItemSeparator deleteWidgetsSeparator; protected MenuItemSeparator groupWidgetsSeparator; protected int selectionXPos; protected int selectionYPos; protected boolean mouseMoved = false; protected AbsolutePanel selectedPanel = new AbsolutePanel(); protected FormDesignerDragController selectedDragController; protected WidgetSelectionListener widgetSelectionListener; /** The rubber band widget for multiple widget selection. */ protected Label rubberBand = new Label(""); protected final FormDesignerImages images; /** Tabs for displaying pages. */ protected DecoratedTabPanel tabs = new DecoratedTabPanel(); protected HashMap<Integer, DesignWidgetWrapper> pageWidgets = new HashMap<Integer, DesignWidgetWrapper>(); /** The index of the selected page tab. */ protected int selectedTabIndex = 0; protected WidgetSelectionListener currentWidgetSelectionListener; /** The text box widget for inline label editing. */ protected TextBox txtEdit = new TextBox(); protected DesignWidgetWrapper editWidget; /** The selection rubber band height in pixels. */ protected String rubberBandHeight; /** The selection rubber band width in pixels. */ protected String rubberBandWidth; /** * Creates a new instance of the design surface. * * @param images */ public DesignGroupView(FormDesignerImages images) { this.images = images; } public void onDragEnd(Widget widget) { onWidgetSelected(getSelectedWidget((DesignWidgetWrapper) widget), true); ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widget).refreshSize(); if (((DesignWidgetWrapper) widget).getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) DOM.setStyleAttribute(((DesignWidgetWrapper) widget).getWrappedWidget().getElement(), "cursor", "default"); } public void onDragStart(Widget widget) { onWidgetSelected(getSelectedWidget((DesignWidgetWrapper) widget), true); } private DesignWidgetWrapper getSelectedWidget(DesignWidgetWrapper widget) { if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget && !widget.isRepeated()) { String cursor = DOM.getStyleAttribute(widget.getWrappedWidget().getElement(), "cursor"); if ("move".equals(cursor) || "default".equals(cursor)) return ((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).getHeaderLabel(); } return widget; } public void onWidgetSelected(Widget widget, boolean multipleSel) { //Some widgets like check boxes and buttons may not have sizes set yet //and so when in edit mode, they fire onmousedown events. if (widget != null && widget == editWidget) return; if (widget == null) selectedDragController.clearSelection(); else if (widget instanceof DesignWidgetWrapper && !(((DesignWidgetWrapper) widget).getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget)) { String s = ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widget).getWidth(); if (!"100%".equals(s)) { if (widgetSelectionListener instanceof DesignSurfaceView) { ((DesignSurfaceView) widgetSelectionListener).clearSelection(); if (selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount() == 1) ((DesignSurfaceView) widgetSelectionListener).clearGroupBoxSelection(); } if (!multipleSel && !selectedDragController.isWidgetSelected(widget)) selectedDragController.clearSelection(); //Deselect and stop editing of any widget in group boxes //TODO Doesnt this slow us a bit? if (widget instanceof DesignWidgetWrapper && ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widget).getWidgetSelectionListener() instanceof DesignSurfaceView) clearGroupBoxSelection(); //Deselect any previously selected widgets in groupbox selectedDragController.selectWidget(widget); } stopLabelEdit(false); } widgetSelectionListener.onWidgetSelected(widget, multipleSel); } protected void cutWidgets() { copyWidgets(true); } /** * Adds the selected widgets to a group box. */ protected void groupWidgets() { cutWidgets(); x = clipboardLeftMostPos + selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); y = clipboardTopMostPos + selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); DesignWidgetWrapper widget = addNewGroupBox(false); DesignGroupView designGroupView = (DesignGroupView) widget.getWrappedWidget(); designGroupView.updateCursorPos(x + 20, y + 45); designGroupView.pasteWidgets(true); selectedDragController.clearSelection(); designGroupView.clearSelection(); widget.setHeightInt(FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(rubberBandHeight) + 35); widget.setWidth(rubberBandWidth); selectedDragController.selectWidget(widget); widgetSelectionListener.onWidgetSelected(((DesignGroupWidget) designGroupView).getHeaderLabel(), false); } protected void copyWidgets(boolean remove) { Context.clipBoardWidgets.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount(); i++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetAt(i); widget.storePosition(); if (i == 0) { clipboardLeftMostPos = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getLeft()); clipboardTopMostPos = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getTop()); } else { int dimension = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getLeft()); if (clipboardLeftMostPos > dimension) clipboardLeftMostPos = dimension; dimension = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getTop()); if (clipboardTopMostPos > dimension) clipboardTopMostPos = dimension; } if (remove) { //cut{ tryUnregisterDropController(widget); selectedPanel.remove(widget); } else { //copy widget = new DesignWidgetWrapper(widget, images); tryUnregisterDropController(widget); } Context.clipBoardWidgets.add(widget); } } private void tryUnregisterDropController(DesignWidgetWrapper widget) { if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) PaletteView.unRegisterDropController(((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).getDragController() .getFormDesignerDropController()); } private void updateClipboardLeftMostPos() { for (int i = 0; i < Context.clipBoardWidgets.size(); i++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = Context.clipBoardWidgets.get(i); widget.storePosition(); if (i == 0) { clipboardLeftMostPos = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getLeft()); clipboardTopMostPos = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getTop()); } else { int dimension = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getLeft()); if (clipboardLeftMostPos > dimension) clipboardLeftMostPos = dimension; dimension = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getTop()); if (clipboardTopMostPos > dimension) clipboardTopMostPos = dimension; } } } protected void updateCursorPos(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } protected void pasteWidgets(boolean afterContextMenu) { int xOffset = x - clipboardLeftMostPos; int yOffset = y - clipboardTopMostPos; selectedDragController.clearSelection(); for (int i = 0; i < Context.clipBoardWidgets.size(); i++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = new DesignWidgetWrapper(Context.clipBoardWidgets.get(i), images); widget.setWidgetSelectionListener(this); if (i == 0) { if (widget.getPopupPanel() != widgetPopup) updateClipboardLeftMostPos(); } selectedDragController.makeDraggable(widget); selectedPanel.add(widget); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget && !widget.isRepeated()) selectedDragController.makeDraggable(widget, ((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).getHeaderLabel()); if (widget.getPopupPanel() != widgetPopup) { if (afterContextMenu) selectedPanel.setWidgetPosition(widget, (x - getAbsoluteLeft()) + (widget.getLeftInt() - clipboardLeftMostPos - 10), (y - getAbsoluteTop()) + (widget.getTopInt() - clipboardTopMostPos - 10)); else selectedPanel.setWidgetPosition(widget, x - 10, y - 10); } else { String s = widget.getLeft(); int xPos = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, s.length() - 2)) + xOffset; s = widget.getTop(); int yPos = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(0, s.length() - 2)) + yOffset; if (yPos - widget.getAbsoluteTop() >= 0 && xPos - widget.getAbsoluteLeft() >= 0) { xPos = xPos - widget.getAbsoluteLeft(); yPos = yPos - widget.getAbsoluteTop(); } selectedPanel.setWidgetPosition(widget, xPos, yPos); } widget.setWidth(widget.getWidth()); widget.setHeight(widget.getHeight()); widget.setPopupPanel(widgetPopup); selectedDragController.toggleSelection(widget); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) ((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).setWidgetPosition(); if (i == 0 && Context.clipBoardWidgets.size() == 1) widgetSelectionListener.onWidgetSelected(widget, true); } if (Context.clipBoardWidgets.size() > 1) widgetSelectionListener.onWidgetSelected(null, true); } protected boolean deleteWidgets() { if (!Window.confirm(i18n.deleteWidgetPrompt())) return true; for (int i = 0; i < selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount(); i++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetAt(i); if (widget.getLayoutNode() != null) widget.getLayoutNode().getParentNode().removeChild(widget.getLayoutNode()); tryUnregisterDropController(widget); selectedPanel.remove(widget); } selectedDragController.clearSelection(); return false; } public void copyItem() { if (selectedDragController.isAnyWidgetSelected()) copyWidgets(false); else copyChildWidgets(false); } public void cutItem() { if (selectedDragController.isAnyWidgetSelected()) cutWidgets(); else copyChildWidgets(true); } private void copyChildWidgets(boolean remove) { if (selectedPanel.getWidgetIndex(rubberBand) > -1) selectedPanel.remove(rubberBand); for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { DesignGroupWidget designGroupWidget = (DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget(); if (designGroupWidget.isAnyWidgetSelected()) { designGroupWidget.copyWidgets(remove); return; } } } } public void pasteItem() { pasteItem(false); } public void pasteItem(boolean increment) { if (Context.clipBoardWidgets.size() > 0) { if (!selectedDragController.isAnyWidgetSelected()) { if (this instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { } else if (increment) { x += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); y += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); } else { x += 10; y += 10; } pasteWidgets(false); } else if (selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount() == 1) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetAt(0); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) ((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).pasteItem(); } } } /** * Deletes the selected widgets. */ public void deleteSelectedItem() { if (selectedDragController.isAnyWidgetSelected()) deleteWidgets(); } /** * Aligns all labels to the right and all non labels to their left. * This is excecuted after pressing Ctrl + F * * @param panel the panel holding the widgets. */ private void rightAlignLabels(AbsolutePanel panel) { List<DesignWidgetWrapper> labels = new ArrayList<DesignWidgetWrapper>(); List<DesignWidgetWrapper> inputs = new ArrayList<DesignWidgetWrapper>(); int longestLabelWidth = 0, longestLabelLeft = 20; boolean usingSelection = false; int count = selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount(); if (count < 2) count = panel.getWidgetCount(); else usingSelection = true; List<String> tops = getInputWidgetTops(panel, usingSelection, count); DesignWidgetWrapper widget = null; for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (usingSelection) widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetAt(index); else widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) panel.getWidget(index); //We do not format buttons and group boxes if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof Button || widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) continue; if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof Label) { //We do not align labels which are not on the same y pos as at least one input widget. if (!tops.contains(widget.getTop())) continue; if (widget.getElement().getScrollWidth() > longestLabelWidth) { longestLabelWidth = widget.getElement().getScrollWidth(); longestLabelLeft = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getLeft()); } labels.add(widget); } else inputs.add(widget); } int relativeWidth = longestLabelWidth + longestLabelLeft; String left = (relativeWidth + 5) + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS; for (int index = 0; index < inputs.size(); index++) inputs.get(index).setLeft(left); for (int index = 0; index < labels.size(); index++) { widget = labels.get(index); widget.setLeft((relativeWidth - widget.getElement().getScrollWidth() + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS)); } } /** * Gets a list of widget top values, in the selected page, which capture user data. * These are neither labels, buttons, nor group boxes. * * @param panel the absolute panel for the current page. * @param usingSelection set to true if you want only selected widgets. * @param count the number of widgets to traverse. * @return the widget top value list. */ private List<String> getInputWidgetTops(AbsolutePanel panel, boolean usingSelection, int count) { List<String> inputWidgetTops = new ArrayList<String>(); DesignWidgetWrapper widget = null; for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { if (usingSelection) widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetAt(index); else widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) panel.getWidget(index); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof Button || widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget || widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof Label) continue; inputWidgetTops.add(widget.getTop()); } return inputWidgetTops; } /** * @see org.openxdata.formtools.client.controller.IFormDesignerController#alignLeft() */ public boolean alignLeft() { List<Widget> widgets = selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgets(); if (widgets == null || widgets.size() < 2) { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { if (((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).alignLeft()) return true; } } return false; } //align according to the last selected item. String left = ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(widgets.size() - 1)).getLeft(); for (int index = 0; index < widgets.size(); index++) ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(index)).setLeft(left); return true; } /** * @see org.openxdata.formtools.client.controller.IFormDesignerController#alignRight() */ public boolean alignRight() { List<Widget> widgets = selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgets(); if (widgets == null || widgets.size() < 2) { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { if (((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).alignRight()) return true; } } return false; } //align according to the last selected item. DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(widgets.size() - 1); int total = widget.getElement().getScrollWidth() + FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getLeft()); for (int index = 0; index < widgets.size(); index++) { widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(index); widget.setLeft((total - widget.getElement().getScrollWidth() + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS)); } return true; } /** * @see org.openxdata.formtools.client.controller.IFormDesignerController#alignLeft() */ public boolean alignTop() { List<Widget> widgets = selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgets(); if (widgets == null || widgets.size() < 2) { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { if (((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).alignTop()) return true; } } return false; } //align according to the last selected item. String top = ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(widgets.size() - 1)).getTop(); for (int index = 0; index < widgets.size(); index++) ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(index)).setTop(top); return true; } /** * @see org.openxdata.formtools.client.controller.IFormDesignerController#alignRight() */ public boolean alignBottom() { List<Widget> widgets = selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgets(); if (widgets == null || widgets.size() < 2) { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { if (((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).alignBottom()) return true; } } return false; } //align according to the last selected item. DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(widgets.size() - 1); int total = widget.getElement().getScrollHeight() + FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getTop()); for (int index = 0; index < widgets.size(); index++) { widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(index); widget.setTop((total - widget.getElement().getScrollHeight() + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS)); } return true; } /** * @see org.openxdata.formtools.client.controller.IFormDesignerController#makeSameHeight() */ public boolean makeSameHeight() { List<Widget> widgets = selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgets(); if (widgets == null || widgets.size() < 2) { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { if (((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).makeSameHeight()) return true; } } return false; } //align according to the last selected item. String height = ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(widgets.size() - 1)).getHeight(); for (int index = 0; index < widgets.size(); index++) ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(index)).setHeight(height); return true; } /** * @see org.openxdata.formtools.client.controller.IFormDesignerController#makeSameWidth() */ public boolean makeSameWidth() { List<Widget> widgets = selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgets(); if (widgets == null || widgets.size() < 2) { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { if (((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).makeSameWidth()) return true; } } return false; } //align according to the last selected item. String width = ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(widgets.size() - 1)).getWidth(); for (int index = 0; index < widgets.size(); index++) ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(index)).setWidth(width); return true; } /** * @see org.openxdata.formtools.client.controller.IFormDesignerController#makeSameSize() */ public boolean makeSameSize() { List<Widget> widgets = selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgets(); if (widgets == null || widgets.size() < 2) { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { if (((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).makeSameSize()) return true; } } return false; } //align according to the last selected item. String width = ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(widgets.size() - 1)).getWidth(); String height = ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(widgets.size() - 1)).getHeight(); for (int index = 0; index < widgets.size(); index++) { ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(index)).setWidth(width); ((DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(index)).setHeight(height); } return true; } /** * @see org.openxdata.formtools.client.controller.IFormDesignerController#format() */ public boolean format() { if (selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount() < 2) { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { if (((DesignGroupWidget) widget.getWrappedWidget()).format()) return true; } } return false; } rightAlignLabels(selectedPanel); return true; } /** * Selects all widgets on the selected page. */ protected void selectAll() { if (editWidget != null) { txtEdit.selectAll(); return; //let label editor do select all } selectedDragController.clearSelection(); for (int i = 0; i < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); i++) { if (selectedPanel.getWidget(i) instanceof DesignWidgetWrapper) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(i); if ("100%".equalsIgnoreCase(widget.getWidth())) continue; //This could be a group header label and hence we are not selecting it via all selectedDragController.selectWidget(widget); } } } public FormDesignerDragController getDragController() { return this.selectedDragController; } public AbsolutePanel getPanel() { return this.selectedPanel; } public PopupPanel getWidgetPopup() { return widgetPopup; } protected boolean handleStartLabelEditing(Event event) { String s = event.getTarget().getClassName(); s.toString(); if (!event.getCtrlKey() && !isTextBoxFocus(event)) { if (selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount() == 1) { stopLabelEdit(false); if (selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount() == 0 && this instanceof DesignGroupWidget) editWidget = ((DesignGroupWidget) this).getHeaderLabel(); else editWidget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetAt(0); if (editWidget != null) { if (editWidget.getWidgetSelectionListener() instanceof DesignGroupWidget & !(this instanceof DesignGroupWidget)) { boolean ret = ((DesignGroupWidget) editWidget.getWidgetSelectionListener()) .handleStartLabelEditing(event); editWidget = null; return ret; } else if (editWidget.hasLabelEdidting()) { selectedDragController.makeNotDraggable(editWidget); if (this instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { ((DesignGroupWidget) this).clearSelection(); } selectedDragController.clearSelection(); editWidget.startEditMode(txtEdit); return true; } else if (editWidget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { //Handle label editing DesignWidgetWrapper headerLabel = ((DesignGroupWidget) editWidget.getWrappedWidget()) .getHeaderLabel(); if (headerLabel == null) return false; //Without these two lines, the edit text is not selected, not even with Ctrl + A selectedDragController.makeNotDraggable(editWidget); editWidget.removeStyleName("dragdrop-handle"); ((DesignGroupWidget) editWidget.getWrappedWidget()).clearSelection(); selectedDragController.clearSelection(); headerLabel.startEditMode(txtEdit); return true; } else editWidget = null; } } } return false; } protected void handleStopLabelEditing(boolean select) { if (editWidget == null && selectedDragController.isAnyWidgetSelected()) { editWidget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetAt(0); if (editWidget.getWidgetSelectionListener() instanceof DesignGroupWidget & !(this instanceof DesignGroupWidget)) { ((DesignGroupWidget) editWidget.getWidgetSelectionListener()).handleStopLabelEditing(select); editWidget = null; return; } else if (editWidget.hasLabelEdidting()) stopLabelEdit(select); } else stopLabelEdit(select); } protected boolean isTextBoxFocus(Event event) { return event.getTarget().getClassName().equalsIgnoreCase("gwt-TextBox") || event.getTarget().getClassName().equalsIgnoreCase("gwt-SuggestBox"); } protected boolean isTextAreaFocus(Event event) { return event.getTarget().getClassName().equalsIgnoreCase("gwt-TextArea"); } public int getRubberLeft() { return FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(DOM.getStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "left")); } public int getRubberTop() { return FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(DOM.getStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "top")); } public void startRubberBand(Event event) { //Prevent the browser from selecting text. DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); selectedPanel.add(rubberBand); x = event.getClientX() - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); y = event.getClientY() - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "width", 0 + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "height", 0 + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "left", x + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "top", y + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "visibility", "visible"); DOM.setCapture(getElement()); } public void stopRubberBand(Event event) { selectedPanel.remove(rubberBand); } public void moveRubberBand(Event event) { try { int width = (event.getClientX() - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft()) - x; int height = (event.getClientY() - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop()) - y; if (width < 0) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "left", event.getClientX() - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft() + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "width", width * -1 + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); } else DOM.setStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "width", (event.getClientX() - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft()) - getRubberLeft() + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); if (height < 0) { DOM.setStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "top", event.getClientY() - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop() + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "height", height * -1 + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); } else DOM.setStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "height", (event.getClientY() - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop()) - getRubberTop() + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); } catch (Exception ex) { //This exception is intentionally ignored as a rubber band is no big deal } } /** * Moves widgets in a given direction due to movement of the keyboard arrow keys. * * @param dirrection the move dirrection. * @return true if any widget was moved, else false. */ protected boolean moveWidgets(int dirrection) { List<Widget> widgets = selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgets(); if (widgets == null) return false; int pos; for (int index = 0; index < widgets.size(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(index); if (dirrection == MOVE_LEFT) { pos = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getLeft()); widget.setLeft(pos - 1 + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); } else if (dirrection == MOVE_RIGHT) { pos = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getLeft()); widget.setLeft(pos + 1 + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); } else if (dirrection == MOVE_UP) { pos = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getTop()); widget.setTop(pos - 1 + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); } else if (dirrection == MOVE_DOWN) { pos = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(widget.getTop()); widget.setTop(pos + 1 + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); } } return widgets.size() > 0; } /** * Resizes widgets in a given direction due to movement of the keyboard arrow keys. * * @param Event the current event object. * @return true if any widget was resized, else false. */ protected boolean resizeWidgets(Event event) { List<Widget> widgets = selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgets(); if (widgets == null) return false; int resizedCount = 0; int keycode = event.getKeyCode(); for (int index = 0; index < widgets.size(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) widgets.get(index); if (!widget.isResizable()) continue; resizedCount++; if (keycode == KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT) widget.setWidthInt(widget.getWidthInt() - 1); else if (keycode == KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT) widget.setWidthInt(widget.getWidthInt() + 1); else if (keycode == KeyCodes.KEY_UP) widget.setHeightInt(widget.getHeightInt() - 1); else if (keycode == KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN) widget.setHeightInt(widget.getHeightInt() + 1); else return false; //Shift press when not in combination with arrow keys is ignored. } return resizedCount > 0; } /** * Selects widgets wrapped by the rubber band. * * @param event the event object. */ protected void selectWidgets(Event event) { int endX = event.getClientX() - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); int endY = event.getClientY() - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); //Store this for Group Widgets rubberBandHeight = DOM.getStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "height"); rubberBandWidth = DOM.getStyleAttribute(rubberBand.getElement(), "width"); for (int i = 0; i < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); i++) { if (selectedPanel.getWidget(i) instanceof DesignWidgetWrapper) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedPanel.getWidget(i); if (widget.isWidgetInRect(selectionXPos, selectionYPos, endX, endY)) selectedDragController.selectWidget(widget); } } if ((event.getCtrlKey() || event.getShiftKey() || event.getAltKey()) && selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount() == 1) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetAt(0); widget.setWidthInt(endX - widget.getLeftInt()); widget.setHeightInt(endY - widget.getTopInt()); } if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_UP || event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN) { for (int index = 0; index < selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedDragController .getSelectedWidgetAt(index); widget.setHeightInt(endY - widget.getTopInt()); } } if (event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT || event.getKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT) { for (int index = 0; index < selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount(); index++) { DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedDragController .getSelectedWidgetAt(index); widget.setWidthInt(endX - widget.getLeftInt()); } } if (selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount() > 0) widgetSelectionListener.onWidgetSelected(null, false); } /** * Updates the design surface context menu basing on the selected widgets. */ protected void updatePopup() { boolean visible = false; if (selectedDragController.isAnyWidgetSelected()) visible = true; deleteWidgetsSeparator.setVisible(visible); deleteWidgetsMenu.setVisible(visible); //For now this is only used by the DesignSurfaceView if (groupWidgetsSeparator != null) { groupWidgetsSeparator.setVisible(visible); groupWidgetsMenu.setVisible(visible); } cutCopySeparator.setVisible(visible); cutMenu.setVisible(visible); copyMenu.setVisible(visible); visible = false; if (Context.clipBoardWidgets.size() > 0) visible = true; pasteSeparator.setVisible(visible); pasteMenu.setVisible(visible); lockWidgetsMenu.setHTML(FormDesignerUtil.createHeaderHTML(images.add(), Context.getLockWidgets() ? messages.unLockWidgets() : messages.lockWidgets())); } /** * Gets the design widget wrapper representing the selected page. * * @return the design widget wrapper for the selected page. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper getSelPageDesignWidget() { return pageWidgets.get(selectedTabIndex); } /** * Adds a new widget with a widget selection listener to the selected page. * * @param widget the widget. * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @param widgetSelectionListener the widget selection listener. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewWidget(Widget widget, boolean select, WidgetSelectionListener widgetSelectionListener) { currentWidgetSelectionListener = widgetSelectionListener; return addNewWidget(widget, select); } /** * Adds a new widget to the currently selected page. * * @param widget the widget to add. * @param select set to true to automatically select the widget. * @return the new widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewWidget(Widget widget, boolean select) { stopLabelEdit(false); DesignWidgetWrapper wrapper = new DesignWidgetWrapper(widget, widgetPopup, currentWidgetSelectionListener); if (widget instanceof Label || widget instanceof TextBox || widget instanceof ListBox || widget instanceof TextArea || widget instanceof Hyperlink || widget instanceof CheckBox || widget instanceof RadioButton || widget instanceof DateTimeWidget || widget instanceof Button) { wrapper.setFontFamily(FormUtil.getDefaultFontFamily()); wrapper.setFontSize(FormUtil.getDefaultFontSize()); if (widget instanceof DateTimeWidget) { ((DateTimeWidget) widget).setFontFamily(FormUtil.getDefaultFontFamily()); ((DateTimeWidget) widget).setFontSize(FormUtil.getDefaultFontSize()); } } selectedDragController.makeDraggable(wrapper); selectedPanel.add(wrapper); selectedPanel.setWidgetPosition(wrapper, x - wrapper.getParent().getAbsoluteLeft(), y - wrapper.getParent().getAbsoluteTop()); if (select) { selectedDragController.clearSelection(); selectedDragController.toggleSelection(wrapper); onWidgetSelected(wrapper, false); } return wrapper; } /** * Adds a new label widget to the selected page. * * @param text the label text. * @param select set to true if you want to automatically select the widget. * @return the new label widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewLabel(String text, boolean select) { if (text == null) text = i18n.label(); Label label = new Label(text); DesignWidgetWrapper wrapper = addNewWidget(label, select); wrapper.setFontFamily(FormUtil.getDefaultFontFamily()); wrapper.setFontSize(FormUtil.getDefaultFontSize()); return wrapper; } /** * Adds a new audio or video widget. * * @param text the display text for the widget. * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewVideoAudio(String text, boolean select) { if (text == null) text = i18n.clickToPlay(); Hyperlink link = new Hyperlink(text, ""); DesignWidgetWrapper wrapper = addNewWidget(link, select); wrapper.setFontFamily(FormUtil.getDefaultFontFamily()); wrapper.setFontSize(FormUtil.getDefaultFontSize()); return wrapper; } /** * Adds a new server search widget to the selected page. * * @param text the display text for the widget. * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewServerSearch(String text, boolean select) { if (text == null) text = i18n.noSelection(); Label label = new Label(text); DesignWidgetWrapper wrapper = addNewWidget(label, select); wrapper.setFontFamily(FormUtil.getDefaultFontFamily()); wrapper.setFontSize(FormUtil.getDefaultFontSize()); return wrapper; } /** * Adds a new picture widget to the selected page. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget.s * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewPicture(boolean select) { Image image = FormUtil.createImage(images.picture()); DOM.setStyleAttribute(image.getElement(), "height", "155" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(image.getElement(), "width", "185" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); return addNewWidget(image, select); } /** * Adds a new TextBox to the selected page. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget.s */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewTextBox(boolean select) { TextBoxWidget tb = new TextBoxWidget(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(tb.getElement(), "height", "25" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(tb.getElement(), "width", "200" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); return addNewWidget(tb, select); } /** * Adds a new date picker to the selected page. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewDatePicker(boolean select) { DatePickerEx tb = new DatePickerWidget(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(tb.getElement(), "height", "25" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(tb.getElement(), "width", "200" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); return addNewWidget(tb, select); } /** * Adds a new date time widget to the selected page. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewDateTimeWidget(boolean select) { DateTimeWidget tb = new DateTimeWidget(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(tb.getElement(), "height", "25" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(tb.getElement(), "width", "200" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); return addNewWidget(tb, select); } /** * Adds a new time widget to the selected page. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewTimeWidget(boolean select) { TimeWidget tb = new TimeWidget(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(tb.getElement(), "height", "25" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(tb.getElement(), "width", "200" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); return addNewWidget(tb, select); } /** * Adds a new CheckBox to the selected page. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewCheckBox(boolean select) { DesignWidgetWrapper wrapper = addNewWidget(new CheckBox(i18n.checkBox()), select); wrapper.setFontFamily(FormUtil.getDefaultFontFamily()); wrapper.setFontSize(FormUtil.getDefaultFontSize()); return wrapper; } /** * Adds a new radio button to the selected page. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewRadioButton(boolean select) { DesignWidgetWrapper wrapper = addNewWidget(new RadioButtonWidget("RadioButton", i18n.radioButton()), select); wrapper.setFontFamily(FormUtil.getDefaultFontFamily()); wrapper.setFontSize(FormUtil.getDefaultFontSize()); return wrapper; } /** * Adds a new drop downlist box to the selected page. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewDropdownList(boolean select) { ListBox lb = new ListBox(false); DOM.setStyleAttribute(lb.getElement(), "height", "25" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(lb.getElement(), "width", "200" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DesignWidgetWrapper wrapper = addNewWidget(lb, select); return wrapper; } /** * Adds a new text area to the selected page. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewTextArea(boolean select) { TextArea ta = new TextArea(); DOM.setStyleAttribute(ta.getElement(), "height", "60" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(ta.getElement(), "width", "200" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); return addNewWidget(ta, select); } /** * Adds a new button. * * @param label the button label or text. * @param binding the widget binding. * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewButton(String label, String binding, boolean select) { DesignWidgetWrapper wrapper = addNewWidget(new Button(label), select); wrapper.setFontFamily(FormUtil.getDefaultFontFamily()); wrapper.setFontSize(FormUtil.getDefaultFontSize()); wrapper.setWidthInt(70); wrapper.setHeightInt(30); wrapper.setBinding(binding); wrapper.setTitle(binding); return wrapper; } /** * Adds a new submit button. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the new button.s * @return the new button widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addSubmitButton(boolean select) { return addNewButton(i18n.submit(), "submit", select); } /** * Adds a new cancel button. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the new widget. * @return the new button. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addCancelButton(boolean select) { return addNewButton(i18n.cancel(), "cancel", select); } public void onCopy(Widget sender) { selectedDragController.clearSelection(); selectedDragController.selectWidget(sender.getParent().getParent()); copyWidgets(false); } public void onCut(Widget sender) { selectedDragController.clearSelection(); selectedDragController.selectWidget(sender.getParent().getParent()); cutWidgets(); } public void onDelete(Widget sender) { selectedDragController.clearSelection(); selectedDragController.selectWidget(sender.getParent().getParent()); deleteWidgets(); } public DesignWidgetWrapper onDrop(Widget widget, int x, int y) { if (!(widget instanceof PaletteWidget)) return null; this.x = x; this.y = y; String text = ((PaletteWidget) widget).getName(); DesignWidgetWrapper retWidget = null; if (text.equals(i18n.label())) retWidget = addNewLabel(i18n.label(), true); else if (text.equals(i18n.textBox())) retWidget = addNewTextBox(true); else if (text.equals(i18n.checkBox())) retWidget = addNewCheckBox(true); else if (text.equals(i18n.radioButton())) retWidget = addNewRadioButton(true); else if (text.equals(i18n.listBox())) retWidget = addNewDropdownList(true); else if (text.equals(i18n.textArea())) retWidget = addNewTextArea(true); else if (text.equals(i18n.button())) retWidget = addNewButton(i18n.button(), null, true); else if (text.equals(i18n.datePicker())) retWidget = addNewDatePicker(true); else if (text.equals(messages.dateTimeWidget())) retWidget = addNewDateTimeWidget(true); else if (text.equals(messages.timeWidget())) retWidget = addNewTimeWidget(true); else if (text.equals(i18n.groupBox())) retWidget = addNewGroupBox(true); else if (text.equals(i18n.repeatSection())) retWidget = addNewRepeatSection(true); else if (text.equals(i18n.picture())) retWidget = addNewPictureSection(null, null, true); else if (text.equals(i18n.videoAudio())) retWidget = addNewVideoAudioSection(null, null, true); if (retWidget != null) { int height = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(getHeight()); int h = retWidget.getTopInt() + retWidget.getHeightInt(); if (height < h) setHeight(height + (h - height) + 10 + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); int width = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(getWidth()); int w = retWidget.getLeftInt() + retWidget.getWidthInt(); if (width < w) setWidth(width + (w - width) + 10 + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); } return retWidget; } /** * Sets up the current page. */ protected void initPanel() { //Create a DragController for each logical area where a set of draggable // widgets and drop targets will be allowed to interact with one another. selectedDragController = new FormDesignerDragController(selectedPanel, false, this); // Allow multiple widgets to be selected at once using CTRL-click selectedDragController.setBehaviorMultipleSelection(true); // create a DropController for each drop target on which draggable widgets // can be dropped DropController dropController = new FormDesignerDropController(selectedPanel, this); // Don't forget to register each DropController with a DragController selectedDragController.registerDropController(dropController); PaletteView.registerDropController(dropController); initEditWidget(); } /** * Sets up the inline label editing widget. */ private void initEditWidget() { DOM.setStyleAttribute(txtEdit.getElement(), "borderStyle", "none"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(txtEdit.getElement(), "fontFamily", FormUtil.getDefaultFontFamily()); DOM.setStyleAttribute(txtEdit.getElement(), "fontSize", FormUtil.getDefaultFontSize()); txtEdit.setWidth("400" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); } /** * Stops inplace editing of widget text. * * @param select a flag to determine whether to select the stoped edit widget. */ protected void stopLabelEdit(boolean select) { if (editWidget != null) { if (selectedPanel.getWidgetIndex(editWidget) < 0) { editWidget = null; return; } DesignWidgetWrapper designGroupWidgetWrapper = null; if (editWidget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget) { //Stop header label editing DesignWidgetWrapper headerLabel = ((DesignGroupWidget) editWidget.getWrappedWidget()) .getHeaderLabel(); if (headerLabel != null) { designGroupWidgetWrapper = editWidget; editWidget = headerLabel; } } editWidget.stopEditMode(); String text = txtEdit.getText(); if (text.trim().length() > 0) editWidget.setText(text); if (designGroupWidgetWrapper == null) { selectedPanel.setWidgetPosition(editWidget, editWidget.getLeftInt(), editWidget.getTopInt()); selectedDragController.makeDraggable(editWidget); } else selectedDragController.makeDraggable(designGroupWidgetWrapper, editWidget); if (designGroupWidgetWrapper != null) editWidget = designGroupWidgetWrapper; if (select) { selectedDragController.selectWidget(editWidget); widgetSelectionListener.onWidgetSelected(editWidget, false); } editWidget = null; } } @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { switch (DOM.eventGetType(event)) { case Event.ONMOUSEDOWN: FormDesignerUtil.enableContextMenu(getElement()); mouseMoved = false; x = event.getClientX(); y = event.getClientY(); if (editWidget != null) { if (editWidget.getWrappedWidgetEx().getElement() == event.getTarget()) return; handleStopLabelEditing(false); } if ((event.getButton() & Event.BUTTON_RIGHT) != 0) { updatePopup(); int ypos = event.getClientY(); if (Window.getClientHeight() - ypos < 220) ypos = event.getClientY() - 220; int xpos = event.getClientX(); if (Window.getClientWidth() - xpos < 170) xpos = event.getClientX() - 170; FormDesignerUtil.disableContextMenu(popup.getElement()); FormDesignerUtil.disableContextMenu(getElement()); popup.setPopupPosition(xpos, ypos);; } else { selectionXPos = selectionYPos = -1; selectionXPos = x - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); selectionYPos = y - selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); if (!(event.getShiftKey() || event.getCtrlKey())) { selectedDragController.clearSelection(); if (event.getTarget() != this.selectedPanel.getElement()) { try { if (event.getTarget().getInnerText().equals(DesignWidgetWrapper.getTabDisplayText( tabs.getTabBar().getTabHTML(tabs.getTabBar().getSelectedTab())))) { widgetSelectionListener.onWidgetSelected(getSelPageDesignWidget(), event.getCtrlKey()); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } if (widgetSelectionListener != null) { if (this instanceof DesignGroupWidget) widgetSelectionListener.onWidgetSelected((DesignWidgetWrapper) this.getParent().getParent(), event.getCtrlKey()); widgetSelectionListener.onWidgetSelected(this, event.getCtrlKey()); } clearGroupBoxSelection(); if (!(this instanceof DesignGroupWidget && !"default".equals(DOM.getStyleAttribute(getElement(), "cursor")))) startRubberBand(event); } break; case Event.ONMOUSEMOVE: mouseMoved = true; if (event.getButton() == Event.BUTTON_LEFT) moveRubberBand(event); break; case Event.ONMOUSEUP: stopRubberBand(event); if (selectionXPos > 0 && mouseMoved) selectWidgets(event); mouseMoved = false; DOM.releaseCapture(getElement()); //Mouse could have been captured in startRubberBand and so release it. break; } } /** * Un selects all selected widgets, if any, in all group boxes on the current page. */ protected void clearGroupBoxSelection() { for (int index = 0; index < selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); index++) { Widget wid = selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (!(wid instanceof DesignWidgetWrapper)) continue; if (!(((DesignWidgetWrapper) wid).getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget)) continue; ((DesignGroupWidget) ((DesignWidgetWrapper) wid).getWrappedWidget()).clearGroupBoxSelection(); if (selectedDragController.isWidgetSelected(wid)) selectedDragController.toggleSelection(wid); } } /** * Un selects all selected widgets, if any, on the current page. */ protected void clearSelection() { selectedDragController.clearSelection(); } /** * Processes key down events for the selected page. * * @param event the event object. * @return true if the event has been handled, else false. */ protected boolean handleKeyDownEvent(Event event) { boolean ret = false; if (isTextBoxFocus(event) && editWidget == null) return false; //could be on widget properties pane. if (this.isVisible()) { int keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); if (event.getShiftKey() || event.getCtrlKey()) ret = resizeWidgets(event); else if (keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_LEFT) ret = moveWidgets(MOVE_LEFT); else if (keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_RIGHT) ret = moveWidgets(MOVE_RIGHT); else if (keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_UP) ret = moveWidgets(MOVE_UP); else if (keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_DOWN) ret = moveWidgets(MOVE_DOWN); if (event.getCtrlKey() && (keyCode == 'A' || keyCode == 'a')) { if (!isTextAreaFocus(event)) { //This works only when the textarea is clicked to get focus. Need to make it work even before clicking the text area (as long as it is visible) //As for now, Ctrl+A selects all widgets on the design surface's current tab //If one wants to select all widgets within a DesignGroupWidget, they should //right click and select all if (isTextBoxFocus(event)) { if (this instanceof DesignGroupWidget && ((DesignGroupWidget) this).editWidget != null) ((DesignGroupWidget) this).txtEdit.selectAll(); DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); } else { if (this instanceof DesignSurfaceView) ((DesignSurfaceView) this).selectAll(); else if (widgetSelectionListener instanceof DesignSurfaceView) ((DesignSurfaceView) widgetSelectionListener).selectAll(); DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); } } ret = true; } else if (event.getCtrlKey() && (keyCode == 'C' || keyCode == 'c')) { if (selectedDragController.isAnyWidgetSelected()) { copyWidgets(false); ret = true; } } else if (event.getCtrlKey() && (keyCode == 'X' || keyCode == 'x')) { if (selectedDragController.isAnyWidgetSelected()) { cutWidgets(); ret = true; } } else if (event.getCtrlKey() && (keyCode == 'V' || keyCode == 'v')) { if (Context.clipBoardWidgets.size() > 0 && x >= 0) { if (event.getTarget() == selectedPanel.getElement()) { pasteItem(false); x = -1; //TODO prevent pasting twice as this is fired twice. Needs smarter solution } ret = true; } } else if (keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_DELETE && !isTextBoxFocus(event)) { if (selectedDragController.isAnyWidgetSelected()) { deleteWidgets(); ret = true; } } else if (event.getCtrlKey() && (keyCode == 'F' || keyCode == 'f')) { format(); DOM.eventPreventDefault(event); ret = false; //For now this is reserved for only designsurfaceview } if (!ret) { if (!isTextBoxFocus(event) || (editWidget != null)) { boolean ret1 = false; if (keyCode != KeyCodes.KEY_DELETE && editWidget == null) ret1 = handleStartLabelEditing(event); else if (keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER && editWidget != null) handleStopLabelEditing(true); else if (keyCode == KeyCodes.KEY_ESCAPE && editWidget != null) { txtEdit.setText(editWidget.getText()); handleStopLabelEditing(true); } if (ret1) //If handle start label edit is handled, need to signal such that others are not called for the same. ret = true; } } } return ret; } /** * Gets the background color for the selected page. * * @return the html color value. */ public String getBackgroundColor() { return DOM.getStyleAttribute(selectedPanel.getElement(), "backgroundColor"); } /** * Gets the widgth for the selected page. * * @return the widget in pixels. */ public String getWidth() { return DOM.getStyleAttribute(selectedPanel.getElement(), "width"); } /** * Gets the height for the selected page. * * @return the height in pixels. */ public String getHeight() { return DOM.getStyleAttribute(selectedPanel.getElement(), "height"); } /** * Sets the background color of the selected page. * * @param backgroundColor the background color. This can be any valid html color value. */ public void setBackgroundColor(String backgroundColor) { try { DOM.setStyleAttribute(selectedPanel.getElement(), "backgroundColor", backgroundColor); } catch (Exception ex) { } } /** * Sets the width in pixels of the selected page. */ public void setWidth(String width) { try { DOM.setStyleAttribute(selectedPanel.getElement(), "width", width); } catch (Exception ex) { } } /** * Sets the height in pixels of the selected page. */ public void setHeight(String height) { try { DOM.setStyleAttribute(selectedPanel.getElement(), "height", height); } catch (Exception ex) { } } /** * Adds a new set of radio buttons. * * @param questionDef the question that we are to add the radio buttons for. * @param vertically set to true to add the radio buttons slopping vertically downwards instead of horizontally. * @return this will always be null. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewRadioButtonSet(QuestionDef questionDef, boolean vertically) { List<OptionDef> options = questionDef.getOptions(); if (questionDef.getDataType() == QuestionType.BOOLEAN) { options = new ArrayList<OptionDef>(); options.add(new OptionDef(1, i18n.displayValueTrue(), QuestionDef.TRUE_VALUE, questionDef)); options.add(new OptionDef(1, i18n.displayValueFalse(), QuestionDef.FALSE_VALUE, questionDef)); } for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { OptionDef optionDef = (OptionDef) options.get(i); DesignWidgetWrapper wrapper = addNewWidget(new RadioButtonWidget(optionDef.getText()), false); wrapper.setFontFamily(FormUtil.getDefaultFontFamily()); wrapper.setFontSize(FormUtil.getDefaultFontSize()); wrapper.setBinding(optionDef.getVariableName()); wrapper.setParentBinding(questionDef.getBinding()); wrapper.setText(optionDef.getText()); wrapper.setTitle(optionDef.getText()); if (vertically) y += 40; else x += (optionDef.getText().length() * 14); } return null; } /** * Changes a widget to a different type. For instance single select question types * can have their drop down widget changed to radio buttons. * * @param vertically set to true to have the widgets vertically, else false to have them horizontally. */ protected void changeWidget(boolean vertically) { if (selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetCount() != 1) return; DesignWidgetWrapper widget = (DesignWidgetWrapper) selectedDragController.getSelectedWidgetAt(0); if (!(widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof ListBox)) return; QuestionDef questionDef = widget.getQuestionDef(); if (questionDef == null) return; x = widget.getLeftInt() + selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); y = widget.getTopInt() + selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); if (widget.getLayoutNode() != null) widget.getLayoutNode().getParentNode().removeChild(widget.getLayoutNode()); selectedPanel.remove(widget); selectedDragController.clearSelection(); if (widget.getWrappedWidget() instanceof ListBox) addNewRadioButtonSet(questionDef, vertically); //increase height if the last widget is beyond our current y coordinate. int height = FormUtil.convertDimensionToInt(getHeight()); if ((height + getAbsoluteTop()) < y) setHeight(y + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); } /** * Adds a new group box widget. * * @param select set to true to automatically selecte the newly added widget. * @return the new widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewGroupBox(boolean select) { DesignGroupWidget group = new DesignGroupWidget(images, this); group.addStyleName("getting-started-label2"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(group.getElement(), "height", "200" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(group.getElement(), "width", "500" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); group.setWidgetSelectionListener(currentWidgetSelectionListener); DesignWidgetWrapper widget = addNewWidget(group, select); //Header label stuff widget.setBorderStyle("dashed"); AbsolutePanel panel = selectedPanel; FormDesignerDragController dragController = selectedDragController; selectedDragController = widget.getDragController(); selectedPanel = widget.getPanel(); DesignWidgetWrapper headerLabel = addNewLabel("Header Label", false); headerLabel.setBackgroundColor(StyleUtil.COLOR_GROUP_HEADER); DOM.setStyleAttribute(headerLabel.getElement(), "width", "100%"); headerLabel.setTextAlign("center"); selectedDragController.makeNotDraggable(headerLabel); headerLabel.setWidth("100%"); headerLabel.setHeightInt(20); headerLabel.setForeColor("white"); headerLabel.setFontWeight("bold"); selectedPanel = panel; selectedDragController = dragController; selectedDragController.makeDraggable(widget, headerLabel); group.setHeaderLabel(headerLabel); //End header label stuff //Without this, widgets in this box cant use Ctrl + A in edit mode and also //edited text is not automatically selected. widget.removeStyleName("dragdrop-handle"); return widget; } /** * Adds a new repeat section widget. * * @param select set to true to automatically select the newly added widget. * @return the new widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewRepeatSection(boolean select) { DesignGroupWidget repeat = new DesignGroupWidget(images, this); repeat.addStyleName("getting-started-label2"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(repeat.getElement(), "height", "100" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(repeat.getElement(), "width", "500" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); repeat.setWidgetSelectionListener(currentWidgetSelectionListener); DesignWidgetWrapper widget = addNewWidget(repeat, select); widget.setRepeated(true); FormDesignerDragController selDragController = selectedDragController; AbsolutePanel absPanel = selectedPanel; PopupPanel wdpopup = widgetPopup; WidgetSelectionListener wgSelectionListener = currentWidgetSelectionListener; selectedDragController = widget.getDragController(); selectedPanel = widget.getPanel(); widgetPopup = repeat.getWidgetPopup(); currentWidgetSelectionListener = repeat; int oldY = y; y = 55; x = 10; if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft() > 0) x += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop() > 0) y += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); addNewButton(i18n.addNew(), "addnew", false); selectedDragController.clearSelection(); selectedDragController = selDragController; selectedPanel = absPanel; widgetPopup = wdpopup; currentWidgetSelectionListener = wgSelectionListener; y = oldY; widget.removeStyleName("dragdrop-handle"); return widget; } /** * Adds a new picture section widget. * * @param parentBinding the binding of the question for this widget. * @param text the display text for the widget. * @param select set to true if you want to automatically select the new widget. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewPictureSection(String parentBinding, String text, boolean select) { DesignGroupWidget repeat = new DesignGroupWidget(images, this); repeat.addStyleName("getting-started-label2"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(repeat.getElement(), "height", "245" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(repeat.getElement(), "width", "200" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); repeat.setWidgetSelectionListener(currentWidgetSelectionListener); DesignWidgetWrapper widget = addNewWidget(repeat, select); widget.setRepeated(false); FormDesignerDragController selDragController = selectedDragController; AbsolutePanel absPanel = selectedPanel; PopupPanel wdpopup = widgetPopup; WidgetSelectionListener wgSelectionListener = currentWidgetSelectionListener; selectedDragController = widget.getDragController(); selectedPanel = widget.getPanel(); widgetPopup = repeat.getWidgetPopup(); currentWidgetSelectionListener = repeat; int oldY = y; y = 35; x = 10; if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft() > 0) x += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop() > 0) y += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); addNewPicture(false).setBinding(parentBinding); y = 55 + 120 + 25; x = 10; if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft() > 0) x += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop() > 0) y += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); addNewButton(i18n.browse(), "browse", false).setParentBinding(parentBinding); x = 120; if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft() > 0) x += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); addNewButton(i18n.clear(), "clear", false).setParentBinding(parentBinding); selectedDragController.clearSelection(); selectedDragController = selDragController; selectedPanel = absPanel; widgetPopup = wdpopup; currentWidgetSelectionListener = wgSelectionListener; y = oldY; //Header label stuff widget.setBorderStyle("dashed"); AbsolutePanel panel = selectedPanel; FormDesignerDragController dragController = selectedDragController; selectedDragController = widget.getDragController(); selectedPanel = widget.getPanel(); y = selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); x = selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); DesignWidgetWrapper headerLabel = addNewLabel(text != null ? text : "Picture", false); headerLabel.setBackgroundColor(StyleUtil.COLOR_GROUP_HEADER); DOM.setStyleAttribute(headerLabel.getElement(), "width", "100%"); headerLabel.setTextAlign("center"); selectedDragController.makeNotDraggable(headerLabel); headerLabel.setWidth("100%"); headerLabel.setHeightInt(20); headerLabel.setForeColor("white"); headerLabel.setFontWeight("bold"); selectedPanel = panel; selectedDragController = dragController; selectedDragController.makeDraggable(widget, headerLabel); repeat.setHeaderLabel(headerLabel); //End header label stuff y = oldY; //Without this, widgets in this box cant use Ctrl + A in edit mode and also //edited text is not automatically selected. widget.removeStyleName("dragdrop-handle"); return widget; } /** * Adds a new Audio or Video section widget. * * @param parentBinding the binding of the question for this widget. * @param text the widget text. * @param select set to true if you want the widget to be automatically selected. * @return the newly added widget. */ protected DesignWidgetWrapper addNewVideoAudioSection(String parentBinding, String text, boolean select) { DesignGroupWidget repeat = new DesignGroupWidget(images, this); repeat.addStyleName("getting-started-label2"); DOM.setStyleAttribute(repeat.getElement(), "height", "125" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); DOM.setStyleAttribute(repeat.getElement(), "width", "200" + OpenXdataConstants.UNITS); repeat.setWidgetSelectionListener(currentWidgetSelectionListener); DesignWidgetWrapper widget = addNewWidget(repeat, select); widget.setRepeated(false); FormDesignerDragController selDragController = selectedDragController; AbsolutePanel absPanel = selectedPanel; PopupPanel wdpopup = widgetPopup; WidgetSelectionListener wgSelectionListener = currentWidgetSelectionListener; selectedDragController = widget.getDragController(); selectedPanel = widget.getPanel(); widgetPopup = repeat.getWidgetPopup(); currentWidgetSelectionListener = repeat; int oldY = y; y = 20 + 25; x = 45; if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft() > 0) x += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop() > 0) y += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); addNewVideoAudio(null, false).setBinding(parentBinding); y = 60 + 25; x = 10; if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft() > 0) x += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop() > 0) y += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); addNewButton(i18n.browse(), "browse", false).setParentBinding(parentBinding); x = 120; if (selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft() > 0) x += selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); addNewButton(i18n.clear(), "clear", false).setParentBinding(parentBinding); selectedDragController.clearSelection(); selectedDragController = selDragController; selectedPanel = absPanel; widgetPopup = wdpopup; currentWidgetSelectionListener = wgSelectionListener; y = oldY; //Header label stuff widget.setBorderStyle("dashed"); AbsolutePanel panel = selectedPanel; FormDesignerDragController dragController = selectedDragController; selectedDragController = widget.getDragController(); selectedPanel = widget.getPanel(); y = selectedPanel.getAbsoluteTop(); x = selectedPanel.getAbsoluteLeft(); DesignWidgetWrapper headerLabel = addNewLabel(text != null ? text : i18n.recording(), false); headerLabel.setBackgroundColor(StyleUtil.COLOR_GROUP_HEADER); DOM.setStyleAttribute(headerLabel.getElement(), "width", "100%"); headerLabel.setTextAlign("center"); selectedDragController.makeNotDraggable(headerLabel); headerLabel.setWidth("100%"); headerLabel.setHeightInt(20); headerLabel.setForeColor("white"); headerLabel.setFontWeight("bold"); selectedPanel = panel; selectedDragController = dragController; selectedDragController.makeDraggable(widget, headerLabel); repeat.setHeaderLabel(headerLabel); //End header label stuff y = oldY; //Without this, widgets in this box cant use Ctrl + A in edit mode and also //edited text is not automatically selected. widget.removeStyleName("dragdrop-handle"); return widget; } protected void lockWidgets() { Context.setLockWidgets(!Context.getLockWidgets()); } public boolean onWidgetPropertyChanged(byte property, String value) { if (WidgetPropertySetter.setProperty(property, selectedDragController, value)) return true; int count = selectedPanel.getWidgetCount(); for (int index = 0; index < count; index++) { Widget widget = selectedPanel.getWidget(index); if (!(widget instanceof DesignWidgetWrapper)) continue; DesignWidgetWrapper wrapper = (DesignWidgetWrapper) widget; if (!(wrapper.getWrappedWidget() instanceof DesignGroupWidget)) continue; if (((DesignGroupWidget) wrapper.getWrappedWidget()).onWidgetPropertyChanged(property, value)) return true; } return false; } }