Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Version: 1.0
 * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenVPMS License Version
 * 1.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * Copyright 2014 (C) OpenVPMS Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


import org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder;
import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle;

 * Represents an HL7 inbound or outbound connection.
 * @author Tim Anderson
public abstract class Connector {

     * The sending application.
    private final String sendingApplication;

     * The sending facility.
    private final String sendingFacility;

     * The receiving application.
    private final String receivingApplication;

     * The receiving facility.
    private final String receivingFacility;

     * Determines if milliseconds should be included in date/times.
    private final boolean includeMillis;

     * Determines if time/zones should be included in date/times.
    private final boolean includeTimeZone;

     * The connector reference.
    private final IMObjectReference reference;

     * Constructs a {@link Connector}.
     * @param sendingApplication   the sending application
     * @param sendingFacility      the sending facility
     * @param receivingApplication the receiving application
     * @param receivingFacility    the receiving facility
     * @param reference            the connector reference
    public Connector(String sendingApplication, String sendingFacility, String receivingApplication,
            String receivingFacility, IMObjectReference reference) {
        this(sendingApplication, sendingFacility, receivingApplication, receivingFacility, true, true, reference);

     * Constructs a {@link Connector}.
     * @param sendingApplication   the sending application
     * @param sendingFacility      the sending facility
     * @param receivingApplication the receiving application
     * @param receivingFacility    the receiving facility
     * @param includeMillis        if {@code true} include milliseconds in time fields
     * @param includeTimeZone      if {@code true} include the timezone in date/time fields
     * @param reference            the connector reference
    public Connector(String sendingApplication, String sendingFacility, String receivingApplication,
            String receivingFacility, boolean includeMillis, boolean includeTimeZone, IMObjectReference reference) {
        this.sendingApplication = sendingApplication;
        this.sendingFacility = sendingFacility;
        this.receivingApplication = receivingApplication;
        this.receivingFacility = receivingFacility;
        this.includeMillis = includeMillis;
        this.includeTimeZone = includeTimeZone;
        this.reference = reference;

     * Returns the sending application.
     * @return the sending application
    public String getSendingApplication() {
        return sendingApplication;

     * Returns the sending facility.
     * @return the sending facility
    public String getSendingFacility() {
        return sendingFacility;

     * Returns the receiving application.
     * @return the receiving application
    public String getReceivingApplication() {
        return receivingApplication;

     * Returns the receiving facility.
     * @return the receiving facility
    public String getReceivingFacility() {
        return receivingFacility;

     * Determines if milliseconds should be included in times.
     * @return {@code true} if milliseconds should be included in times
    public boolean isIncludeMillis() {
        return includeMillis;

     * Determines if timezones should be included in date/times.
     * @return {@code true} if timezones should be included in date/times
    public boolean isIncludeTimeZone() {
        return includeTimeZone;

     * Returns the connector reference.
     * @return the connector reference
    public IMObjectReference getReference() {
        return reference;

     * Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
     * @param obj the reference object with which to compare.
     * @return {@code true} if this object is the same as the obj argument; {@code false} otherwise.
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        boolean result = super.equals(obj);
        if (!result && obj instanceof Connector) {
            Connector other = (Connector) obj;
            result = ObjectUtils.equals(sendingApplication, other.sendingApplication)
                    && ObjectUtils.equals(sendingFacility, other.sendingFacility)
                    && ObjectUtils.equals(receivingApplication, other.receivingApplication)
                    && ObjectUtils.equals(receivingFacility, other.receivingFacility);
        return result;

     * Returns a hash code value for the object.
     * @return a hash code value for this object
    public int hashCode() {
        HashCodeBuilder builder = new HashCodeBuilder();
        return hashCode(builder).toHashCode();

     * Returns a string representation of the object.
     * @return a string representation of the object.
    public String toString() {
        return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE).append("reference", reference)

     * Builds the hash code.
     * @param builder the hash code builder
     * @return the builder
    protected HashCodeBuilder hashCode(HashCodeBuilder builder) {
        return builder.append(sendingApplication).append(sendingFacility).append(receivingApplication)
