Java tutorial
/* * Version: 1.0 * * The contents of this file are subject to the OpenVPMS License Version * 1.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * Copyright 2019 (C) OpenVPMS Ltd. All Rights Reserved. */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hibernate.FlushMode; import org.hibernate.ScrollMode; import org.hibernate.ScrollableResults; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.query.Query; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.openvpms.component.model.lookup.Lookup; import org.openvpms.component.model.object.Reference; import org.openvpms.component.query.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import org.openvpms.component.system.common.query.ArchetypeQuery; import org.openvpms.component.system.common.query.IArchetypeQuery; import org.openvpms.component.system.common.query.IPage; import org.openvpms.component.system.common.query.NamedQuery; import org.openvpms.component.system.common.query.NodeSet; import org.openvpms.component.system.common.query.ObjectSet; import org.openvpms.component.system.common.query.TupleImpl; import org.openvpms.component.system.common.query.criteria.CriteriaQueryImpl; import org.openvpms.component.system.common.query.criteria.MappedCriteriaQuery; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import javax.persistence.Tuple; import javax.persistence.TupleElement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; /** * This is an implementation of the IMObject DAO for hibernate. * * @author Jim Alateras * @author Tim Anderson */ public class IMObjectDAOHibernate implements IMObjectDAO, ContextHandler { /** * The hibernate session factory. */ private final SessionFactory factory; /** * The handler factory. */ private DeleteHandlerFactory handlerFactory; /** * The assembler. */ private CompoundAssembler assembler; /** * The archetype descriptor cache. * This is used to resolve {@link IMObjectReference}s. */ private IArchetypeDescriptorCache cache; /** * The query factory. */ private MappedCriteriaQueryFactory queryFactory; /** * The logger. */ private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IMObjectDAOHibernate.class); /** * Constructs an {@link IMObjectDAOHibernate}. * * @param factory the session factory */ public IMObjectDAOHibernate(SessionFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; } /** * Sets the archetype descriptor cache. * * @param cache the archetype descriptor cache */ public void setArchetypeDescriptorCache(IArchetypeDescriptorCache cache) { this.cache = cache; assembler = new AssemblerImpl(cache); queryFactory = new MappedCriteriaQueryFactory(factory.getCriteriaBuilder(), assembler); handlerFactory = new DeleteHandlerFactory(assembler, cache); } /** * Saves an object. * * @param object the object to save * @throws IMObjectDAOException if the request cannot complete */ @Transactional public void save(final IMObject object) { try { save(Collections.singletonList(object), getSession()); } catch (Throwable exception) { throw new IMObjectDAOException(FailedToSaveIMObject, exception, object.getId()); } } /** * Saves a collection of objects in a single transaction. * * @param objects the objects to save * @throws IMObjectDAOException if the request cannot complete */ @Transactional public void save(final Collection<? extends IMObject> objects) { try { save(objects, getSession()); } catch (Throwable exception) { throw new IMObjectDAOException(FailedToSaveCollectionOfObjects, exception); } } /** * Deletes an {@link IMObject}. * * @param object the object to delete * @throws IMObjectDAOException if the request cannot complete */ @Transactional public void delete(final IMObject object) { try { Session session = getSession(); Context context = getContext(session); DeleteHandler handler = handlerFactory.getHandler(object); handler.delete(object, session, context); updateIds(context); } catch (IMObjectDAOException exception) { throw exception; } catch (Throwable exception) { throw new IMObjectDAOException(FailedToDeleteIMObject, exception, object.getObjectReference()); } } /** * Retrieves the objects matching the query. * * @param query the archetype query * @return a page of objects that match the query criteria * @throws IMObjectDAOException for any error */ @Transactional public IPage<IMObject> get(IArchetypeQuery query) { return getQueryDelegator(query).get(query); } /** * Retrieves partially populated objects that match the query. * This may be used to selectively load parts of object graphs to improve * performance. * <p> * All simple properties of the returned objects are populated - the * {@code nodes} argument is used to specify which collection nodes to * populate. If empty, no collections will be loaded, and the behaviour of * accessing them is undefined. * * @param query the archetype query * @param nodes the collection node names * @return a page of objects that match the query criteria * @throws IMObjectDAOException for any error */ @Transactional public IPage<IMObject> get(IArchetypeQuery query, Collection<String> nodes) { return getQueryDelegator(query).get(query, nodes); } /** * Retrieves the objects matching the query. * * @param query the archetype query * @return a page of objects that match the query criteria * @throws IMObjectDAOException for any error */ @Transactional public IPage<ObjectSet> getObjects(IArchetypeQuery query) { return getQueryDelegator(query).getObjects(query); } /** * Retrieves the nodes from the objects that match the query criteria. * * @param query the archetype query * @param nodes the node names * @return the nodes for each object that matches the query criteria * @throws IMObjectDAOException for any error */ @Transactional public IPage<NodeSet> getNodes(IArchetypeQuery query, Collection<String> nodes) { return getQueryDelegator(query).getNodes(query, nodes); } /** * Creates a JPA {@code CriteriaQuery} from an {@link CriteriaQuery}. * * @param query the query * @return the corresponding JPA query */ @Override public <X, Y> MappedCriteriaQuery<Y> createQuery(CriteriaQuery<X> query) { CriteriaQueryImpl<X> impl = (CriteriaQueryImpl<X>) query; return queryFactory.createCriteriaQuery(impl); } /** * Executes a {@code CriteriaQuery}, return the results. * * @param criteriaQuery the query to execute * @param type the result type * @param firstResult the position of the first result to retrieve * @param maxResults the maximum number of results, or {@code Integer.MAX_VALUE} for all results * @return the results */ @Transactional @Override public <X, Y> List<Y> getResults(MappedCriteriaQuery<X> criteriaQuery, Class<Y> type, int firstResult, int maxResults) { List<Y> result = new ArrayList<>(); Session session = getSession(); javax.persistence.TypedQuery<X> typedQuery = session.createQuery(criteriaQuery.getQuery()); typedQuery.setHint("org.hibernate.cacheable", true); typedQuery.setFirstResult(firstResult); if (maxResults != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { typedQuery.setMaxResults(maxResults); } Context context = Context.getContext(session, assembler); for (X source : typedQuery.getResultList()) { Y target = adapt(source, type, criteriaQuery, context); result.add(target); } context.resolveDeferredReferences(); return result; } /** * Executes a JPA {@code CriteriaQuery}, returning a single result. * * @param criteriaQuery the query to execute * @param type the result type * @return the result */ @Override @Transactional public <X, Y> Y getSingleResult(MappedCriteriaQuery<X> criteriaQuery, Class<Y> type) { Session session = getSession(); javax.persistence.TypedQuery<X> typedQuery = session.createQuery(criteriaQuery.getQuery()); Context context = Context.getContext(session, assembler); X source = typedQuery.getSingleResult(); Y result = adapt(source, type, criteriaQuery, context); context.resolveDeferredReferences(); return result; } /** * Retrieve the objects that matches the specified search criteria. * This is a very generic method that provides a mechanism to return * objects based on, one or more criteria. * <p> * All parameters are optional and can either denote an exact or partial * match semantics. If a parameter has a '*' at the start or end of the * value then it will perform a wildcard match. If not '*' is specified in * the value then it will only return objects with the exact value. * <p> * If two or more parameters are specified then it will return entities * that matching all criteria. * <p> * The results will be returned in a {@link Page} object, which may contain * a subset of the total result set. The caller can then use the context * information in the {@link Page} object to make subsequent calls. * * @param shortName the archetype short name * @param instanceName the instance name * @param clazz the fully qualified name of the class to search for * @param activeOnly indicates whether to return active objects. * @param firstResult the first result to retrieve * @param maxResults the maximum number of results to return * @return a page of the results * @throws IMObjectDAOException a runtime exception if the request cannot complete */ @Transactional public IPage<IMObject> get(String shortName, String instanceName, String clazz, boolean activeOnly, int firstResult, int maxResults) { clazz = assembler.getDOClassName(clazz); if (clazz == null) { throw new IMObjectDAOException(ClassNameMustBeSpecified); } StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder(); List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>(); boolean andRequired = false; queryString.append("from "); queryString.append(clazz); queryString.append(" as entity"); // check to see if one or more of the values have been specified if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(shortName) || !StringUtils.isEmpty(instanceName)) { queryString.append(" where "); } // process the shortName if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(shortName)) { names.add("shortName"); andRequired = true; if (shortName.endsWith("*") || shortName.startsWith("*")) { queryString.append(" entity.archetypeId.shortName like :shortName"); params.add(shortName.replace("*", "%")); } else { queryString.append(" entity.archetypeId.shortName = :shortName"); params.add(shortName); } } // process the instance name if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(instanceName)) { if (andRequired) { queryString.append(" and "); } names.add("instanceName"); andRequired = true; if (instanceName.endsWith("*") || instanceName.startsWith("*")) { queryString.append(" like :instanceName"); params.add(instanceName.replace("*", "%")); } else { queryString.append(" = :instanceName"); params.add(instanceName); } } // determine if we are only interested in active objects if (activeOnly) { if (andRequired) { queryString.append(" and "); } queryString.append(" = 1"); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Executing " + queryString + " with names " + names.toString() + " and params " + params.toString()); } try { HibernateResultCollector<IMObject> collector = new IMObjectResultCollector(); executeQuery(queryString.toString(), null, new Params(names, params), collector, firstResult, maxResults); return collector.getPage(); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new IMObjectDAOException(FailedToFindIMObjects, exception, shortName, instanceName, clazz); } } /** * Returns an object with the specified reference. * * @param reference the object reference * @return the corresponding object, or <tt>null</tt> if none exists. The object may be active or inactive * @throws IMObjectDAOException for any error */ @Override @Transactional public IMObject get(Reference reference) { return getObject(reference, null); } /** * Returns an object with the specified reference. * * @param reference the object reference * @param active if {@code true}, only return the object if it is active * @return the corresponding object, or <tt>null</tt> if none exists * @throws IMObjectDAOException for any error */ @Transactional public IMObject get(final Reference reference, boolean active) { return getObject(reference, active); } /** * Execute a get using the specified named query, the query * parameters and the result collector. The first result and the number of * results is used to control the paging of the result set. * * @param query the query name * @param parameters the query parameters * @param collector the result collector * @param firstResult the first result to retrieve * @param maxResults the maximum number of results to return * @param count if {@code true} counts the total no. of results, * returning it in {@link IPage#getTotalResults()} * @throws IMObjectDAOException for any error */ @Transactional public void getByNamedQuery(String query, Map<String, Object> parameters, ResultCollector collector, int firstResult, int maxResults, boolean count) { try { executeNamedQuery(query, parameters, firstResult, maxResults, (HibernateResultCollector) collector, count); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new IMObjectDAOException(FailedToExecuteNamedQuery, exception); } } /** * Invoked just prior to commit. * </p> * Attempts to save any deferred objects. * * @param context the assembly context */ public void preCommit(Context context) { if (!context.getSaveDeferred().isEmpty()) { saveDeferred(context, true); } } /** * Invoked after successful commit. * <p> * This propagates identifier and version changes from the committed * {@code IMObjectDO}s to their corresponding {@code IMObject}s. * * @param context the assembly context */ public void commit(Context context) { context.commit(); } /** * Invoked on transaction rollback. * <p> * This reverts identifier and version changes. * * @param context the assembly context */ public void rollback(Context context) { context.rollback(); } /** * Replaces the uses of one lookup with another. * * @param source the lookup to replace * @param target the lookup to replace {@code source} it with */ @Transactional public void replace(final Lookup source, final Lookup target) { try { LookupReplacer replacer = new LookupReplacer(cache); replacer.replace(source, target, getSession()); } catch (Throwable exception) { throw new IMObjectDAOException(FailedToSaveIMObject, exception, source.getId()); } } /** * Returns the current hibernate session. * <p> * This ensures that the session flush mode is {@link FlushMode#COMMIT} to ensure that ids and versions get reverted * correctly if the transaction rolls back. * * @return the current hibernate session */ private Session getSession() { Session session = factory.getCurrentSession(); session.setHibernateFlushMode(FlushMode.COMMIT); return session; } /** * Returns an object given its reference. * * @param reference the reference * @param active if {@code true}, only return the object if it is active. If {@code false}, only return the object * if it is inactive. If {@code null}, return active or inactive objects. * @return the object, or {@code null} */ private IMObject getObject(Reference reference, Boolean active) { IMObject result = null; // first determine if the object is cached in the transaction context Session session = getSession(); Context context = getContext(session); DOState state = context.getCached(reference); IMObject cached = (state != null) ? state.getSource() : null; if (cached != null) { result = (active != null && active != cached.isActive()) ? null : cached; } else if (!reference.isNew()) { // no cached object. If the reference indicates the object is // committed, try and query it ArchetypeDescriptor desc = cache.getArchetypeDescriptor(reference.getArchetype()); if (desc != null) { result = getObject(desc.getClassName(), reference, active); } } return result; } /** * This method will execute a query and paginate the result set. * * @param queryString the hql query * @param countQuery the query to count results, or {@code null} if results are not being counted * @param params the query parameters * @param collector the collector * @param firstResult the first row to return * @param maxResults the number of rows to return * @throws Exception for any error */ private void executeQuery(String queryString, String countQuery, Params params, HibernateResultCollector collector, int firstResult, int maxResults) throws Exception { Session session = getSession(); collector.setFirstResult(firstResult); collector.setPageSize(maxResults); collector.setSession(session); Context context = getContext(session); collector.setContext(context); if (maxResults == 0 && countQuery != null) { // only want a count of the results matching the criteria int rowCount = count(countQuery, params, session); collector.setTotalResults(rowCount); } else { Query query = session.createQuery(queryString); params.setParameters(query); // set the first result if (firstResult != 0) { query.setFirstResult(firstResult); } // set the maximum number of rows if (maxResults != ArchetypeQuery.ALL_RESULTS) { query.setMaxResults(maxResults); log.debug("The maximum number of rows is " + maxResults); } query.setCacheable(true); List rows = query.list(); if (maxResults == ArchetypeQuery.ALL_RESULTS) { collector.setTotalResults(rows.size()); } else if (countQuery != null) { int rowCount = count(countQuery, params, session); if (rowCount < rows.size()) { // rows deleted since initial query rowCount = rows.size(); } collector.setTotalResults(rowCount); } else { collector.setTotalResults(-1); } for (Object object : rows) { collector.collect(object); } context.resolveDeferredReferences(); } } /** * This method will execute a query and paginate the result set * * @param name the name of query * @param params the name and value of the parameters * @param firstRow the first row to return * @param numOfRows the number of rows to return * @param collector the collector * @param count if {@code true} counts the total no. of rows, returning it in {@link IPage#getTotalResults()} * @throws Exception for any error */ private void executeNamedQuery(String name, Map<String, Object> params, int firstRow, final int numOfRows, HibernateResultCollector collector, boolean count) throws Exception { Session session = getSession(); Query query = session.getNamedQuery(name); Params p = new Params(params); p.setParameters(query); // set first row if (firstRow != 0) { query.setFirstResult(firstRow); } // set maximum rows if (numOfRows != ArchetypeQuery.ALL_RESULTS) { query.setMaxResults(numOfRows); log.debug("The maximum number of rows is " + numOfRows); } List<Object> rows = query.list(); collector.setFirstResult(firstRow); collector.setPageSize(numOfRows); collector.setSession(session); Context context = getContext(session); collector.setContext(context); if (numOfRows == ArchetypeQuery.ALL_RESULTS) { collector.setTotalResults(rows.size()); } else if (count) { int rowCount = countNamedQuery(name, p, session); if (rowCount < rows.size()) { // rows deleted since initial query rowCount = rows.size(); } collector.setTotalResults(rowCount); } else { collector.setTotalResults(-1); } for (Object object : rows) { collector.collect(object); } context.resolveDeferredReferences(); } /** * Counts the total no. of rows that would be returned by a query. * * @param queryString the query string * @param params the query parameters * @param session the hibernate session * @return the total no. of rows that would be returned by the query * @throws IMObjectDAOException a runtime exception, raised if the request * cannot complete. */ private int count(String queryString, Params params, Session session) { Query query = session.createQuery(queryString); params.setParameters(query); return ((Number) query.list().get(0)).intValue(); } /** * Counts the total no. of rows that would be returned by a named query. * * @param name the query name * @param params the query parameters * @param session the session * @return the total no. of rows that would be returned by the query * @throws IMObjectDAOException a runtime exception, raised if the request * cannot complete. */ private int countNamedQuery(String name, Params params, Session session) { Query query = session.getNamedQuery(name); params.setParameters(query); int result = 0; ScrollableResults results = null; try { results = query.scroll(ScrollMode.FORWARD_ONLY); if (results.last()) { result = results.getRowNumber() + 1; } } finally { if (results != null) { results.close(); } } return result; } /** * Retrieves an object given its class and reference. * * @param clazz the object's class * @param reference the object reference * @param active if {@code true}, only return the object if it is active. If {@code false}, only return the * object if it is inactive. If {@code null}, return active or inactive objects. * @return the corresponding object, or {@code null} if none is found */ private IMObject getObject(String clazz, Reference reference, Boolean active) { clazz = assembler.getDOClassName(clazz); if (clazz == null) { throw new IMObjectDAOException(ClassNameMustBeSpecified); } StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder(); queryString.append("select entity from "); queryString.append(clazz); queryString.append(" as entity where = :id and entity.archetypeId.shortName = :shortName"); if (active != null) { queryString.append(" and = :active"); } Session session = getSession(); Query query = session.createQuery(queryString.toString()); query.setParameter("id", reference.getId()); query.setParameter("shortName", reference.getArchetype()); if (active != null) { query.setParameter("active", active); } List results = query.list(); if (results.size() == 0) { return null; } else { Context context = getContext(session); IMObjectDO object = (IMObjectDO) results.get(0); IMObject result = assembler.assemble(object, context); context.resolveDeferredReferences(); return result; } } /** * Adapts an object to the target type. * <p/> * NOTE: this does not do type conversion, so there is a potential that the returned object is not of the requested * type. * * @param object the object to adapt * @param type the target type * @param query the source query * @param context the context * @return the adapted object */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <X, Y> Y adapt(X object, Class<Y> type, MappedCriteriaQuery<?> query, Context context) { Y target; if (object instanceof IMObjectDO) { target = type.cast(assembler.assemble((IMObjectDO) object, context)); } else if (object instanceof Tuple) { target = type.cast(adapt((Tuple) object, query, context)); } else { target = (Y) object; } return target; } private Tuple adapt(javax.persistence.Tuple tuple, MappedCriteriaQuery<?> query, Context context) { List<TupleElement<?>> sources = tuple.getElements(); List<TupleElement<?>> targets = new ArrayList<>(sources.size()); Object[] values = new Object[sources.size()]; int index = 0; for (TupleElement<?> source : sources) { TupleElement<?> target = query.getElement(source); if (target == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No TupleElement found for: " + source); } Object object = tuple.get(source); if (object != null) { object = adapt(object, source.getJavaType(), query, context); } targets.add(target); values[index++] = object; } return new TupleImpl(targets, values); } /** * Save a collection of objects. * * @param objects the objects to save * @param session the session to use */ private void save(Collection<? extends IMObject> objects, Session session) { Context context = getContext(session); boolean deferred = !context.getSaveDeferred().isEmpty(); List<DOState> toSave = new ArrayList<>(); for (IMObject object : objects) { DOState state = assembler.assemble(object, context); if (state.isComplete()) { toSave.add(state); } else { context.addSaveDeferred(state); } } if (!toSave.isEmpty()) { save(toSave, context); } if (deferred || context.getSaveDeferred().size() > 1) { saveDeferred(context, false); } if (!context.isSynchronizationActive()) { preCommit(context); } } /** * Propagates identifier and version changes from the committed * {@code IMObjectDO}s to their corresponding {@code IMObject}s. * * @param context the assembly context */ private void updateIds(Context context) { for (DOState state : context.getSaved()) { state.updateIds(context); } } /** * Attempts to assemble and save deferred objects. * * @param context the assembly context * @param failOnIncomplete if {@code true} and an object cannot be saved, * raises an exception * @throws IMObjectDAOException if an object cannot be saved */ private void saveDeferred(Context context, boolean failOnIncomplete) { List<DOState> states = assembleDeferred(context); save(states, context); Set<DOState> saveDeferred = context.getSaveDeferred(); if (!saveDeferred.isEmpty() && failOnIncomplete) { DOState state = saveDeferred.iterator().next(); Set<DeferredAssembler> deferred = state.getDeferred(); Reference ref = null; if (!deferred.isEmpty()) { // should never be empty DeferredAssembler assembler = deferred.iterator().next(); ref = assembler.getReference(); } throw new IMObjectDAOException(IMObjectDAOException.ErrorCode.ObjectNotFound, ref); } } /** * Attempts to assemble deferred objects. * * @param context the assembly context * @return the assembled objects */ private List<DOState> assembleDeferred(Context context) { List<DOState> result = new ArrayList<>(); boolean processed; do { processed = false; Set<DeferredAssembler> assemblers = new HashSet<>(); Map<DOState, Set<DeferredAssembler>> deferred = DOState.getDeferred(context.getSaveDeferred()); for (Map.Entry<DOState, Set<DeferredAssembler>> entry : deferred.entrySet()) { DOState state = entry.getKey(); Set<DeferredAssembler> set = entry.getValue(); if (!set.isEmpty()) { assemblers.addAll(set); } else { // state requires no more assembly context.removeSaveDeferred(state); result.add(state); } } if (!assemblers.isEmpty()) { for (DeferredAssembler assembler : assemblers) { if (context.getCached(assembler.getReference()) != null) { assembler.assemble(context); processed = true; } } } } while (processed); return result; } /** * Saves data objects. * * @param states the data object states * @param context the assembly context */ private void save(List<DOState> states, Context context) { Session session = context.getSession(); Collection<IMObjectDO> objects = DOState.getObjects(states); for (IMObjectDO object : objects) { session.saveOrUpdate(object); } DOState.updateIds(states, context); for (DOState state : states) { context.addSaved(state); } } /** * Returns the assembly context for the specified session, * creating one if it doesn't exist. * * @param session the session * @return the corresponding assembly context */ private Context getContext(Session session) { Context context = Context.getContext(session, assembler); context.setContextHandler(this); return context; } /** * Returns a new query delegator for the specified query. * * @param query the query * @return a new query delegator for the query */ private QueryDelegator getQueryDelegator(IArchetypeQuery query) { if (query instanceof ArchetypeQuery) { return new DefaultQueryDelegator(); } else if (query instanceof NamedQuery) { return new NamedQueryDelegator(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported query: " + query.getClass().getName()); } abstract class QueryDelegator { public IPage<IMObject> get(IArchetypeQuery query) { HibernateResultCollector<IMObject> collector = new IMObjectResultCollector(); collector.setLoader(new DefaultObjectLoader()); get(query, collector); return collector.getPage(); } public IPage<IMObject> get(IArchetypeQuery query, Collection<String> nodes) { HibernateResultCollector<IMObject> collector = new IMObjectNodeResultCollector(cache, nodes); collector.setLoader(new DefaultObjectLoader()); get(query, collector); return collector.getPage(); } public IPage<NodeSet> getNodes(IArchetypeQuery query, Collection<String> nodes) { HibernateResultCollector<NodeSet> collector = new NodeSetResultCollector(cache, nodes); collector.setLoader(new DefaultObjectLoader()); get(query, collector); return collector.getPage(); } public abstract IPage<ObjectSet> getObjects(IArchetypeQuery query); protected abstract void get(IArchetypeQuery query, ResultCollector collector); } class DefaultQueryDelegator extends QueryDelegator { public IPage<ObjectSet> getObjects(IArchetypeQuery query) { QueryBuilder builder = new QueryBuilder(cache, assembler); QueryContext context = query); HibernateResultCollector<ObjectSet> collector = new ObjectSetResultCollector(context.getSelectNames(), context.getRefSelectNames(), context.getSelectTypes()); collector.setLoader(new DefaultObjectLoader()); get(context, query, collector); return collector.getPage(); } protected void get(IArchetypeQuery query, ResultCollector collector) { QueryBuilder builder = new QueryBuilder(cache, assembler); QueryContext context = query); get(context, query, collector); } private void get(QueryContext context, IArchetypeQuery query, ResultCollector collector) { String queryString = context.getQueryString(); String countQuery = null; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("ArchetypeService.get: query " + queryString); } try { if (query.countResults()) { countQuery = context.getQueryString(true); } executeQuery(queryString, countQuery, new Params(context.getParameters()), (HibernateResultCollector) collector, query.getFirstResult(), query.getMaxResults()); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new IMObjectDAOException(FailedToExecuteQuery, exception, queryString); } } } class NamedQueryDelegator extends QueryDelegator { public IPage<ObjectSet> getObjects(IArchetypeQuery query) { NamedQuery q = (NamedQuery) query; List<String> names = (q.getNames() != null) ? new ArrayList<>(q.getNames()) : null; List<String> refNames = Collections.emptyList(); HibernateResultCollector<ObjectSet> collector = new ObjectSetResultCollector(names, refNames, null); collector.setLoader(new DefaultObjectLoader()); get(query, collector); return collector.getPage(); } protected void get(IArchetypeQuery query, ResultCollector collector) { NamedQuery q = (NamedQuery) query; getByNamedQuery(q.getQuery(), q.getParameters(), collector, q.getFirstResult(), q.getMaxResults(), q.countResults()); } } /** * Helper to map query parameters into a form used by hibernate. */ private static class Params { private String[] names; private Object[] values; public Params(List<String> names, List<Object> values) { this.names = names.toArray(new String[names.size()]); this.values = values.toArray(); } public Params(Map<String, Object> params) { names = params.keySet().toArray(new String[params.keySet().size()]); values = new Object[names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { values[i] = params.get(names[i]); } } public void setParameters(Query query) { for (int i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { if (values[i] instanceof Collection) { query.setParameterList(names[i], (Collection) values[i]); } else if (values[i] instanceof Object[]) { query.setParameterList(names[i], (Object[]) values[i]); } else { query.setParameter(names[i], values[i]); } } } public String[] getNames() { return names; } public Object[] getValues() { return values; } } }